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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
This is an elementary introduction to the representation theory of
real and complex matrix groups. The text is written for students in
mathematics and physics who have a good knowledge of
differential/integral calculus and linear algebra and are familiar
with basic facts from algebra, number theory and complex analysis.
The goal is to present the fundamental concepts of representation
theory, to describe the connection between them, and to explain
some of their background. The focus is on groups which are of
particular interest for applications in physics and number theory
(e.g. Gell-Mann's eightfold way and theta functions, automorphic
forms). The reader finds a large variety of examples which are
presented in detail and from different points of view.
This set of lectures provides a structured introduction to the concept of equidistribution in number theory. This concept is of growing importance in many areas, including cryptography, zeros of L-functions, Heegner points, prime number theory, the theory of quadratic forms, and the arithmetic aspects of quantum chaos. The volume brings together leading researchers from a range of fields who reveal fascinating links between seemingly disparate areas.
This book presents a historical overview of number theory. It examines texts that span some thirty-six centuries of arithmetical work, from an Old Babylonian tablet to Legendre's Essai sur la Theorie des Nombres, written in 1798. Coverage employs a historical approach in the analysis of problems and evolving methods of number theory and their significance within mathematics. The book also takes the reader into the workshops of four major authors of modern number theory: Fermat, Euler, Lagrange and Legendre and presents a detailed and critical examination of their work.
This graduate text, based on years of teaching experience, is intended for first or second year graduate students in pure mathematics. The main goal of the text is to show how the computer can be used as a tool for research in number theory through numerical experimentation. The book contains many examples of experiments in binary quadratic forms, zeta functions of varieties over finite fields, elementary class field theory, elliptic units, modular forms, along with exercises and selected solutions. Sample programs are written in GP, the scripting language for the computational package PARI, and are available for download from the author's website.
An update of the most accessible introductory number theory text available, Fundamental Number Theory with Applications, Second Edition presents a mathematically rigorous yet easy-to-follow treatment of the fundamentals and applications of the subject. The substantial amount of reorganizing makes this edition clearer and more elementary in its coverage. New to the Second Edition * Removal of all advanced material to be even more accessible in scope * New fundamental material, including partition theory, generating functions, and combinatorial number theory * Expanded coverage of random number generation, Diophantine analysis, and additive number theory * More applications to cryptography, primality testing, and factoring * An appendix on the recently discovered unconditional deterministic polynomial-time algorithm for primality testing Taking a truly elementary approach to number theory, this text supplies the essential material for a first course on the subject. Placed in highlighted boxes to reduce distraction from the main text, nearly 70 biographies focus on major contributors to the field. The presentation of over 1,300 entries in the index maximizes cross-referencing so students can find data with ease.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Ant Colony Optimization and Swarm Intelligence, ANTS 2006, held in Brussels, Belgium, in September 2006. The 27 revised full papers, 23 revised short papers, and 12 extended abstracts presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 115 submissions. The papers are devoted to theoretical and foundational aspects of ant algorithms, evolutionary optimization, ant colony optimization, and swarm intelligence and deal with a broad variety of optimization applications in networking, operations research, multiagent systems, robot systems, networking, etc.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium, ANTS 2006, held in Berlin, July 2006. The book presents 37 revised full papers together with 4 invited papers selected for inclusion. The papers are organized in topical sections on algebraic number theory, analytic and elementary number theory, lattices, curves and varieties over fields of characteristic zero, curves over finite fields and applications, and discrete logarithms.
Explore the main algebraic structures and number systems that play a central role across the field of mathematics Algebra and number theory are two powerful branches of modern mathematics at the forefront of current mathematical research, and each plays an increasingly significant role in different branches of mathematics, from geometry and topology to computing and communications. Based on the authors' extensive experience within the field, "Algebra and Number Theory" has an innovative approach that integrates three disciplines--linear algebra, abstract algebra, and number theory--into one comprehensive and fluid presentation, facilitating a deeper understanding of the topic and improving readers' retention of the main concepts. The book begins with an introduction to the elements of set theory. Next, the authors discuss matrices, determinants, and elements of field theory, including preliminary information related to integers and complex numbers. Subsequent chapters explore key ideas relating to linear algebra such as vector spaces, linear mapping, and bilinear forms. The book explores the development of the main ideas of algebraic structures and concludes with applications of algebraic ideas to number theory. Interesting applications are provided throughout to demonstrate the relevance of the discussed concepts. In addition, chapter exercises allow readers to test their comprehension of the presented material. "Algebra and Number Theory" is an excellent book for courses on linear algebra, abstract algebra, and number theory at the upper-undergraduate level. It is also a valuable reference for researchers working in different fields of mathematics, computer science, and engineering as well as for individuals preparing for a career in mathematics education.
An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers by G. H. Hardy and E. M.
Wright is found on the reading list of virtually all elementary
number theory courses and is widely regarded as the primary and
classic text in elementary number theory. Developed under the
guidance of D. R. Heath-Brown, this Sixth Edition of An
Introduction to the Theory of Numbers has been extensively revised
and updated to guide today's students through the key milestones
and developments in number theory.
Ce travail en deux volumes donne la preuve de la stabilisation de la formule des trace tordue. Stabiliser la formule des traces tordue est la methode la plus puissante connue actuellement pour comprendre l'action naturelle du groupe des points adeliques d'un groupe reductif, tordue par un automorphisme, sur les formes automorphes de carre integrable de ce groupe. Cette comprehension se fait en reduisant le probleme, suivant les idees de Langlands, a des groupes plus petits munis d'un certain nombre de donnees auxiliaires; c'est ce que l'on appelle les donnees endoscopiques. L'analogue non tordu a ete resolu par J. Arthur et dans ce livre on suit la strategie de celui-ci. Publier ce travail sous forme de livre permet de le rendre le plus complet possible. Les auteurs ont repris la theorie de l'endoscopie tordue developpee par R. Kottwitz et D. Shelstad et par J.-P. Labesse. Ils donnent tous les arguments des demonstrations meme si nombre d'entre eux se trouvent deja dans les travaux d'Arthur concernant le cas de la formule des traces non tordue. Ce travail permet de rendre inconditionnelle la classification que J. Arthur a donnee des formes automorphes de carre integrable pour les groupes classiques quasi-deployes, c'etait pour les auteurs une des principales motivations pour l'ecrire. Cette premiere partie comprend les chapitres preparatoires (I-V).
Leibniz Algebras: Structure and Classification is designed to introduce the reader to the theory of Leibniz algebras. Leibniz algebra is the generalization of Lie algebras. These algebras preserve a unique property of Lie algebras that the right multiplication operators are derivations. They first appeared in papers of A.M Blokh in the 1960s, under the name D-algebras, emphasizing their close relationship with derivations. The theory of D-algebras did not get as thorough an examination as it deserved immediately after its introduction. Later, the same algebras were introduced in 1993 by Jean-Louis Loday , who called them Leibniz algebras due to the identity they satisfy. The main motivation for the introduction of Leibniz algebras was to study the periodicity phenomena in algebraic K-theory. Nowadays, the theory of Leibniz algebras is one of the more actively developing areas of modern algebra. Along with (co)homological, structural and classification results on Leibniz algebras, some papers with various applications of the Leibniz algebras also appear now. However, the focus of this book is mainly on the classification problems of Leibniz algebras. Particularly, the authors propose a method of classification of a subclass of Leibniz algebras based on algebraic invariants. The method is applicable in the Lie algebras case as well. Features: Provides a systematic exposition of the theory of Leibniz algebras and recent results on Leibniz algebras Suitable for final year bachelor's students, master's students and PhD students going into research in the structural theory of finite-dimensional algebras, particularly, Lie and Leibniz algebras Covers important and more general parts of the structural theory of Leibniz algebras that are not addressed in other texts
The legacy of Helmut Hasse, consisting of letters, manuscripts and other - pers, is kept at theHandschriftenabteilung of the University Library at Gottin- ] gen.Hassehadanextensivecorrespondence;helikedtoexchangemathematical ideas, results and methods freely with his colleagues. There are more than 8000 documents preserved. Although not all of them are of equal mathematical - terest, searching through this treasure can help us to assess the development of Number Theory through the 1920's and 1930's. Unfortunately, most of the correspondence is preserved on one side only, i.e., the letterssenttoHasse are availablewhereasmanyoftheletterswhichhadbeensentfromhim, oftenha- written, seem to be lost. So we have to interpolate, as far as possible, from the repliestoHasseandfromothercontexts, inorderto?ndoutwhathehadwritten 1 in his outgoing letters. The present article is largely based on the letters and other documents which I have found concerning the Brauer-Hasse-NoetherTheorem in the theory of algebras; this covers the years around 1931. Besides the do- ments from the Hasse and the Brauer legacy in Gottingen, ] I shall also use some letters from Emmy Noether to Richard Brauer which are preserved at the Bryn Mawr College Library (Pennsylvania, USA)."
A fascinating journey into the mind-bending world of prime
Combinatorics and Number Theory of Counting Sequences is an introduction to the theory of finite set partitions and to the enumeration of cycle decompositions of permutations. The presentation prioritizes elementary enumerative proofs. Therefore, parts of the book are designed so that even those high school students and teachers who are interested in combinatorics can have the benefit of them. Still, the book collects vast, up-to-date information for many counting sequences (especially, related to set partitions and permutations), so it is a must-have piece for those mathematicians who do research on enumerative combinatorics. In addition, the book contains number theoretical results on counting sequences of set partitions and permutations, so number theorists who would like to see nice applications of their area of interest in combinatorics will enjoy the book, too. Features The Outlook sections at the end of each chapter guide the reader towards topics not covered in the book, and many of the Outlook items point towards new research problems. An extensive bibliography and tables at the end make the book usable as a standard reference. Citations to results which were scattered in the literature now become easy, because huge parts of the book (especially in parts II and III) appear in book form for the first time.
This volume contains the proceedings of the 7th International Seminar on - lational Methods in Computer Science (RelMiCS 7) and the 2nd International Workshop onApplications ofKleeneAlgebra.Thecommonmeetingtookplacein Bad Malente (near Kiel), Germany, from May May 12-17,2003.Its purpose was to bring together researchers from various subdisciplines of Computer Science, Mathematics and related ?elds who use the calculi of relations and/or Kleene algebra as methodological and conceptual tools in their work. This meeting is the joint continuation of two di?erent series of meetings. Previous RelMiCS seminars were held in Schloss Dagstuhl (Germany) in J- uary 1994, Parati (Brazil) in July 1995, Hammamet (Tunisia) in January 1997, Warsaw (Poland) in September 1998, Quebec (Canada) in January 2000, and Oisterwijk (The Netherlands) in October 2001. The ?rst workshop on appli- tions of Kleene algebra was also held in Schloss Dagstuhl in February 2001. To join these two events in a common meeting was mainly motivated by the s- stantialcommoninterestsandoverlapofthetwocommunities.Wehopethatthis leads to fruitful interactions and opens new and interesting research directions
These lecture notes treat polynomial identity rings from both the combinatorial and structural points of view. The greater part of recent research in polynomial identity rings is about combinatorial questions, and the combinatorial part of the lecture notes gives an up-to-date account of recent research. On the other hand, the main structural results have been known for some time, and the emphasis there is on a presentation accessible to newcomers to the subject.
The sixth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium was held at the University of Vermont, in Burlington, from 13-18 June 2004. The organization was a joint e?ort of number theorists from around the world. There were four invited talks at ANTS VI, by Dan Bernstein of the Univ- sity of Illinois at Chicago, Kiran Kedlaya of MIT, Alice Silverberg of Ohio State University, and Mark Watkins of Pennsylvania State University. Thirty cont- buted talks were presented, and a poster session was held. This volume contains the written versions of the contributed talks and three of the four invited talks. (Not included is the talk by Dan Bernstein.) ANTS in Burlington is the sixth in a series that began with ANTS I in 1994 at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA and continued at UniversiteB- deaux I, Bordeaux, France (1996), Reed College, Portland, Oregon, USA (1998), the University of Leiden, Leiden, The Netherlands (2000), and the University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia (2002). The proceedings have been published as volumes 877, 1122, 1423, 1838, and 2369 of Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. The organizers of the 2004 ANTS conference express their special gratitude and thanks to John Cannon and Joe Buhler for invaluable behind-the-scenes advice."
This book, now in its 2nd edition, is devoted to the arithmetical theory of Siegel modular forms and their L-functions. The central object are L-functions of classical Siegel modular forms whose special values are studied using the Rankin-Selberg method and the action of certain differential operators on modular forms which have nice arithmetical properties. A new method of p-adic interpolation of these critical values is presented. An important class of p-adic L-functions treated in the present book are p-adic L-functions of Siegel modular forms having logarithmic growth. The given construction of these p-adic L-functions uses precise algebraic properties of the arithmetical Shimura differential operator. The book will be very useful for postgraduate students and for non-experts looking for a quick approach to a rapidly developing domain of algebraic number theory. This new edition is substantially revised to account for the new explanations that have emerged in the past 10 years of the main formulas for special L-values in terms of arithmetical theory of nearly holomorphic modular forms.
In his first book, Philosophy of Arithmetic, Edmund Husserl
provides a carefully worked out account of number as a categorial
or formal feature of the objective world, and of arithmetic as a
symbolic technique for mastering the infinite field of numbers for
knowledge. It is a realist account of numbers and number relations
that interweaves them into the basic structure of the universe and
into our knowledge of reality. It provides an answer to the
question of how arithmetic applies to reality, and gives an account
of how, in general, formalized systems of symbols work in providing
access to the world. The "appendices" to this book provide some of
Husserl's subsequent discussions of how formalisms work, involving
David Hilbert's program of completeness for arithmetic.
"Completeness" is integrated into Husserl's own problematic of the
"imaginary," and allows him to move beyond the analysis of
"representations" in his understanding of the logic of mathematics.
This book systematically develops the theory of continuous representations on p-adic Banach spaces. Its purpose is to lay the foundations of the representation theory of reductive p-adic groups on p-adic Banach spaces, explain the duality theory of Schneider and Teitelbaum, and demonstrate its applications to continuous principal series. Written to be accessible to graduate students, the book gives a comprehensive introduction to the necessary tools, including Iwasawa algebras, p-adic measures and distributions, p-adic functional analysis, reductive groups, and smooth and algebraic representations. Part 1 culminates with the duality between Banach space representations and Iwasawa modules. This duality is applied in Part 2 for studying the intertwining operators and reducibility of the continuous principal series on p-adic Banach spaces. This monograph is intended to serve both as a reference book and as an introductory text for graduate students and researchers entering the area.
The C.I.M.E. session in Diophantine Approximation, held in Cetraro (Italy) June 28 - July 6, 2000 focused on height theory, linear independence and transcendence in group varieties, Baker's method, approximations to algebraic numbers and applications to polynomial-exponential diophantine equations and to diophantine theory of linear recurrences. Very fine lectures by D. Masser, Y. Nesterenko, H.-P. Schlickewei, W.M. Schmidt and M. Walsschmidt have resulted giving a good overview of these topics, and describing central results, both classical and recent, emphasizing the new methods and ideas of the proofs rather than the details. They are addressed to a wide audience and do not require any prior specific knowledge.
This book presents a broad, user-friendly introduction to the Langlands program, that is, the theory of automorphic forms and its connection with the theory of L-functions and other fields of mathematics. Each of the twelve chapters focuses on a particular topic devoted to special cases of the program. The book is suitable for graduate students and researchers.
Algebraic number theory is a subject which came into being through the attempts of mathematicians to try to prove Fermat's last theorem and which now has a wealth of applications to diophantine equations, cryptography, factoring, primality testing and public-key cryptosystems. This book provides an introduction to the subject suitable for senior undergraduates and beginning graduate students in mathematics. The material is presented in a straightforward, clear and elementary fashion, and the approach is hands on, with an explicit computational flavour. Prerequisites are kept to a minimum, and numerous examples illustrating the material occur throughout the text. References to suggested reading and to the biographies of mathematicians who have contributed to the development of algebraic number theory are given at the end of each chapter. There are over 320 exercises, an extensive index, and helpful location guides to theorems and lemmas in the text.
The 13 chapters of this book centre around the proof of Theorem 1 of Faltings' paper "Diophantine approximation on abelian varieties," Ann. Math.133 (1991) and together give an approach to the proof that is accessible to Ph.D-level students in number theory and algebraic geometry. Each chapter is based on an instructional lecture given by its author ata special conference for graduate students, on the topic of Faltings' paper.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Reasoning with Analytic Tableaux and Related Methods, TABLEAUX 2003, held in Rome, Italy in September 2003. The 20 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected for inclusion in the book. All current issues surrounding the mechanization of logical reasoning with tableaux and similar methods are addressed in the context of a broad variety of logic calculi. |
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