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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
The method of exponential sums is a general method enabling the solution of a wide range of problems in the theory of numbers and its applications. This volume presents an exposition of the fundamentals of the theory with the help of examples which show how exponential sums arise and how they are applied in problems of number theory and its applications. The material is divided into three chapters which embrace the classical results of Gauss, and the methods of Weyl, Mordell and Vinogradov; the traditional applications of exponential sums to the distribution of fractional parts, the estimation of the Riemann zeta function; and the theory of congruences and Diophantine equations. Some new applications of exponential sums are also included. It is assumed that the reader has a knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematical analysis and of elementary number theory.
Exploring the connections between arithmetic and geometric properties of algebraic varieties has been the object of much fruitful study for a long time, especially in the case of curves. The aim of the Summer School and Conference on "Higher Dimensional Varieties and Rational Points" held in Budapest, Hungary during September 2001 was to bring together students and experts from the arithmetic and geometric sides of algebraic geometry in order to get a better understanding of the current problems, interactions and advances in higher dimension. The lecture series and conference lectures assembled in this volume give a comprehensive introduction to students and researchers in algebraic geometry and in related fields to the main ideas of this rapidly developing area.
This introduction to algebraic number theory discusses the classical concepts from the viewpoint of Arakelov theory. The treatment of class theory is particularly rich in illustrating complements, offering hints for further study, and providing concrete examples. It is the most up-to-date, systematic, and theoretically comprehensive textbook on algebraic number field theory available.
The problem of representing an integer as a sum of squares of integers is one of the oldest and most significant in mathematics. It goes back at least 2000 years to Diophantus, and continues more recently with the works of Fermat, Euler, Lagrange, Jacobi, Glaisher, Ramanujan, Hardy, Mordell, Andrews, and others. Jacobi's elliptic function approach dates from his epic Fundamenta Nova of 1829. Here, the author employs his combinatorial/elliptic function methods to derive many infinite families of explicit exact formulas involving either squares or triangular numbers, two of which generalize Jacobi's (1829) 4 and 8 squares identities to 4n2 or 4n(n+1) squares, respectively, without using cusp forms such as those of Glaisher or Ramanujan for 16 and 24 squares. These results depend upon new expansions for powers of various products of classical theta functions. This is the first time that infinite families of non-trivial exact explicit formulas for sums of squares have been found. The author derives his formulas by utilizing combinatorics to combine a variety of methods and observations from the theory of Jacobi elliptic functions, continued fractions, Hankel or Turanian determinants, Lie algebras, Schur functions, and multiple basic hypergeometric series related to the classical groups. His results (in Theorem 5.19) generalize to separate infinite families each of the 21 of Jacobi's explicitly stated degree 2, 4, 6, 8 Lambert series expansions of classical theta functions in sections 40-42 of the Fundamental Nova. The author also uses a special case of his methods to give a derivation proof of the two Kac and Wakimoto (1994) conjectured identities concerning representations of a positive integer by sums of 4n2 or 4n(n+1) triangular numbers, respectively. These conjectures arose in the study of Lie algebras and have also recently been proved by Zagier using modular forms. George Andrews says in a preface of this book, `This impressive work will undoubtedly spur others both in elliptic functions and in modular forms to build on these wonderful discoveries.' Audience: This research monograph on sums of squares is distinguished by its diversity of methods and extensive bibliography. It contains both detailed proofs and numerous explicit examples of the theory. This readable work will appeal to both students and researchers in number theory, combinatorics, special functions, classical analysis, approximation theory, and mathematical physics.
This volume contains the proceedings of the very successful second China-Japan Seminar held in lizuka, Fukuoka, Japan, during March 12-16, 2001 under the support of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) and the National Science Foundation of China (NSFC), and some invited papers of eminent number-theorists who visited Japan during 1999-2001 at the occasion of the Conference at the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences (RIMS), Kyoto University. The proceedings of the 1st China-Japan Seminar held in September 1999 in Beijing has been published recently {2002) by Kluwer as DEVM 6 which also contains some invited papers. The topics of that volume are, however, restricted to analytic number theory and many papers in this field are assembled. In this volume, we return to the lines of the previous one "Number Theory and its Applications," published as DEVM 2 by Kluwer in 1999 and uphold the spirit of presenting various topics in number theory and related areas with possible applica tions, in a unified manner, and this time in nearly a book form with a well-prepared index. We accomplish this task by collecting highly informative and readable survey papers (including half-survey type papers), giving overlooking surveys of the hith erto obtained results in up-to-the-hour form with insight into the new developments, which are then analytically continued to a collection of high standard research papers which are concerned with rather diversed areas and will give good insight into new researches in the new century."
This book is a survey of the most important directions of research in transcendental number theory. For readers with no specific background in transcendental number theory, the book provides both an overview of the basic concepts and techniques and also a guide to the most important results and references.
This book details the classical part of the theory of algebraic number theory, excluding class-field theory and its consequences. Coverage includes: ideal theory in rings of algebraic integers, p-adic fields and their finite extensions, ideles and adeles, zeta-functions, distribution of prime ideals, Abelian fields, the class-number of quadratic fields, and factorization problems. The book also features exercises and a list of open problems.
Tauberian theory compares summability methods for series and integrals, helps to decide when there is convergence, and provides asymptotic and remainder estimates. The author shows the development of the theory from the beginning and his expert commentary evokes the excitement surrounding the early results. He shows the fascination of the difficult Hardy-Littlewood theorems and of an unexpected simple proof, and extolls Wiener's breakthrough based on Fourier theory. There are the spectacular "high-indices" theorems and Karamata's "regular variation," which permeates probability theory. The author presents Gelfand's elegant algebraic treatment of Wiener theory and his own distributional approach. There is also a new unified theory for Borel and "circle" methods. The text describes many Tauberian ways to the prime number theorem. A large bibliography and a substantial index round out the book.
The exposition of the classical theory of algebraic numbers is clear and thorough, and there is a large number of exercises as well as worked out numerical examples. A careful study of this book will provide a solid background to the learning of more recent topics.
. . . if one wants to make progress in mathematics one should study the masters not the pupils. N. H. Abel Heeke was certainly one of the masters, and in fact, the study of Heeke L series and Heeke operators has permanently embedded his name in the fabric of number theory. It is a rare occurrence when a master writes a basic book, and Heeke's Lectures on the Theory of Algebraic Numbers has become a classic. To quote another master, Andre Weil: "To improve upon Heeke, in a treatment along classical lines of the theory of algebraic numbers, would be a futile and impossible task. " We have tried to remain as close as possible to the original text in pre serving Heeke's rich, informal style of exposition. In a very few instances we have substituted modern terminology for Heeke's, e. g., "torsion free group" for "pure group. " One problem for a student is the lack of exercises in the book. However, given the large number of texts available in algebraic number theory, this is not a serious drawback. In particular we recommend Number Fields by D. A. Marcus (Springer-Verlag) as a particularly rich source. We would like to thank James M. Vaughn Jr. and the Vaughn Foundation Fund for their encouragement and generous support of Jay R. Goldman without which this translation would never have appeared. Minneapolis George U. Brauer July 1981 Jay R."
The subject of this book is probabilistic number theory. In a wide sense probabilistic number theory is part of the analytic number theory, where the methods and ideas of probability theory are used to study the distribution of values of arithmetic objects. This is usually complicated, as it is difficult to say anything about their concrete values. This is why the following problem is usually investigated: given some set, how often do values of an arithmetic object get into this set? It turns out that this frequency follows strict mathematical laws. Here we discover an analogy with quantum mechanics where it is impossible to describe the chaotic behaviour of one particle, but that large numbers of particles obey statistical laws. The objects of investigation of this book are Dirichlet series, and, as the title shows, the main attention is devoted to the Riemann zeta-function. In studying the distribution of values of Dirichlet series the weak convergence of probability measures on different spaces (one of the principle asymptotic probability theory methods) is used. The application of this method was launched by H. Bohr in the third decade of this century and it was implemented in his works together with B. Jessen. Further development of this idea was made in the papers of B. Jessen and A. Wintner, V. Borchsenius and B.
Important results on the Hilbert modular group and Hilbert modular forms are introduced and described in this book. In recent times, this branch of number theory has been given more and more attention and thus the need for a comprehensive presentation of these results, previously scattered in research journal papers, has become obvious. The main aim of this book is to give a description of the singular cohomology and its Hodge decomposition including explicit formulae. The author has succeeded in giving proofs which are both elementary and complete. The book contains an introduction to Hilbert modular forms, reduction theory, the trace formula and Shimizu's formulae, the work of Matsushima and Shimura, analytic continuation of Eisenstein series, the cohomology and its Hodge decomposition. Basic facts about algebraic numbers, integration, alternating differential forms and Hodge theory are included in convenient appendices so that the book can be used by students with a knowledge of complex analysis (one variable) and algebra.
This book grew out of a course which I gave during the winter term 1997/98 at the Universitat Munster. The course covered the material which here is presented in the first three chapters. The fourth more advanced chapter was added to give the reader a rather complete tour through all the important aspects of the theory of locally convex vector spaces over nonarchimedean fields. There is one serious restriction, though, which seemed inevitable to me in the interest of a clear presentation. In its deeper aspects the theory depends very much on the field being spherically complete or not. To give a drastic example, if the field is not spherically complete then there exist nonzero locally convex vector spaces which do not have a single nonzero continuous linear form. Although much progress has been made to overcome this problem a really nice and complete theory which to a large extent is analogous to classical functional analysis can only exist over spherically complete field8. I therefore allowed myself to restrict to this case whenever a conceptual clarity resulted. Although I hope that thi8 text will also be useful to the experts as a reference my own motivation for giving that course and writing this book was different. I had the reader in mind who wants to use locally convex vector spaces in the applications and needs a text to quickly gra8p this theory.
This volume contains papers by invited speakers of the symposium "Zeta Functions, Topology and Quantum Physics" held at Kinki U- versity in Osaka, Japan, during the period of March 3-6, 2003. The aims of this symposium were to establish mutual understanding and to exchange ideas among researchers working in various fields which have relation to zeta functions and zeta values. We are very happy to add this volume to the series Developments in Mathematics from Springer. In this respect, Professor Krishnaswami Alladi helped us a lot by showing his keen and enthusiastic interest in publishing this volume and by contributing his paper with Alexander Berkovich. We gratefully acknowledge financial support from Kinki University. We would like to thank Professor Megumu Munakata, Vice-Rector of Kinki University, and Professor Nobuki Kawashima, Director of School of Interdisciplinary Studies of Science and Engineering, Kinki Univ- sity, for their interest and support. We also thank John Martindale of Springer for his excellent editorial work.
On the one hand, this monograph serves as a self-contained introduction to Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution because the authors only assume the reader is familiar with the basics of complex analysis. On the other hand, the monograph also serves as a valuable reference for the research specialist because the authors present, for the first time in book form, the most modern and refined versions of the Second Main Theorem with precise error terms, in both the geometric and logarithmic derivative based approaches. A unique feature of the monograph is its "number-theoretic digressions." These special sections assume no background in number theory and explore the exciting interconnections between Nevanlinna theory and the theory of Diophantine approximation.
This book is designed for a computationally intensive graduate course based around a collection of classical unsolved extremal problems for polynomials. These problems, all of which lend themselves to extensivecomputational exploration, live at the interface of analysis, combinatorics and number theory so the techniques involved are diverse.A main computational tool used is the LLL algorithm for finding small vectors in a lattice.Many exercises and open research problems are included. Indeed one aim of the book is to tempt the able reader into the rich possibilities for research in this area.Peter Borwein is Professor of Mathematics at Simon Fraser University and the Associate Director of the Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics. He is also the recipient of the Mathematical Association of America's Chauvenet Prize and the Merten M. Hasse Prize for expositorywriting in mathematics.
This book presents methods of solving problems in three areas of elementary combinatorial mathematics: classical combinatorics, combinatorial arithmetic, and combinatorial geometry. In each topic, brief theoretical discussions are immediately followed by carefully worked-out examples of increasing degrees of difficulty, and by exercises that range from routine to rather challenging. While this book emphasizes some methods that are not usually covered in beginning university courses, it nevertheless teaches techniques and skills that are useful not only in the specific topics covered here. There are approximately 310 examples and 650 exercises. Jiri Herman is the headmaster of a prestigious secondary school (Gymnazium) in Brno, Radan Kucera is Associate Professor of Mathematics at Masaryk University in Brno, and Jaromir Simsa is a researcher at the Mathematical Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The translator, Karl Dilcher, is Professor of Mathematics at Dalhousie University in Canada. This book can be seen as a continuation of the previous book by the same authors and also translated by Karl Dilcher, Equations and Inequalities: Elementary Problems and Theorems in Algebra and Number Theory (Springer-Verlag 2000).
The main theme of this book is the theory of heights as they appear in various guises. This includes a large body of results on Mahlers measure of the height of a polynomial. The authors'approach is very down to earth as they cover the rationals, assuming no prior knowledge of elliptic curves. The chapters include examples and particular computations, with all special calculation included so as to be self-contained. The authors devote space to discussing Mahlers measure and to giving some convincing and original examples to explain this phenomenon. XXXXXXX NEUER TEXT The main theme of this book is the theory of heights as it appears in various guises. To this End.txt.Int.:, it examines the results of Mahlers measure of the height of a polynomial, which have never before appeared in book form. The authors take a down-to-earth approach that includes convincing and original examples. The book uncovers new and interesting connections between number theory and dynamics and will be interesting to researchers in both number theory and nonlinear dynamics."
From the reviews "This book gives a thorough introduction to
several theories that are fundamental to research on modular forms.
Most of the material, despite its importance, had previously been
unavailable in textbook form. Complete and readable proofs are
given... In conclusion, this book is a welcome addition to the
literature for the growing number of students and mathematicians in
other fields who want to understand the recent developments in the
theory of modular forms."
Includes up-to-date material on recent developments and topics of significant interest, such as elliptic functions and the new primality test Selects material from both the algebraic and analytic disciplines, presenting several different proofs of a single result to illustrate the differing viewpoints and give good insight
The theory of algebraic function fields over finite fields has its origins in number theory. However, after Goppas discovery of algebraic geometry codes around 1980, many applications of function fields were found in different areas of mathematics and information theory. This book presents survey articles on some of these new developments. The topics focus on material which has not yet been presented in other books or survey articles.
Fermat's problem, also ealled Fermat's last theorem, has attraeted the attention of mathematieians far more than three eenturies. Many clever methods have been devised to attaek the problem, and many beautiful theories have been ereated with the aim of proving the theorem. Yet, despite all the attempts, the question remains unanswered. The topie is presented in the form of leetures, where I survey the main lines of work on the problem. In the first two leetures, there is a very brief deseription of the early history , as well as a seleetion of a few of the more representative reeent results. In the leetures whieh follow, I examine in sue- eession the main theories eonneeted with the problem. The last two lee tu res are about analogues to Fermat's theorem. Some of these leetures were aetually given, in a shorter version, at the Institut Henri Poineare, in Paris, as well as at Queen's University, in 1977. I endeavoured to produee a text, readable by mathematieians in general, and not only by speeialists in number theory. However, due to a limitation in size, I am aware that eertain points will appear sketehy. Another book on Fermat's theorem, now in preparation, will eontain a eonsiderable amount of the teehnieal developments omitted here. It will serve those who wish to learn these matters in depth and, I hope, it will clarify and eomplement the present volume.
This well-developed, accessible text details the historical development of the subject throughout. It also provides wide-ranging coverage of significant results with comparatively elementary proofs, some of them new. This second edition contains two new chapters that provide a complete proof of the Mordel-Weil theorem for elliptic curves over the rational numbers and an overview of recent progress on the arithmetic of elliptic curves.
Lattices are discrete subgroups of maximal rank in a Euclidean space. To each such geometrical object, we can attach a canonical sphere packing which, assuming some regularity, has a density. The question of estimating the highest possible density of a sphere packing in a given dimension is a fascinating and difficult problem: the answer is known only up to dimension 3. This book thus discusses a beautiful and central problem in mathematics, which involves geometry, number theory, coding theory and group theory, centering on the study of extreme lattices, i.e. those on which the density attains a local maximum, and on the so-called perfection property. Written by a leader in the field, it is closely related to, though disjoint in content from, the classic book by J.H. Conway and N.J.A. Sloane, Sphere Packings, Lattices and Groups, published in the same series as vol. 290. Every chapter except the first and the last contains numerous exercises. For simplicity those chapters involving heavy computational methods contain only few exercises. It includes appendices on Semi-Simple Algebras and Quaternions and Strongly Perfect Lattices.
This book explores the theory of abelian varieties over the field of complex numbers, explaining both classic and recent results in modern language. The second edition adds five chapters on recent results including automorphisms and vector bundles on abelian varieties, algebraic cycles and the Hodge conjecture. ." . . far more readable than most . . . it is also much more complete." Olivier Debarre in Mathematical Reviews, 1994. |
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