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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
The main results of this book combine pseudo differential analysis with modular form theory. The methods rely for the most part on explicit spectral theory and the extended use of special functions. The starting point is a notion of modular distribution in the plane, which will be new to most readers and relates under the Radon transformation to the classical one of modular form of the non-holomorphic type. Modular forms of the holomorphic type are addressed too in a more concise way, within a general scheme dealing with quantization theory and elementary, but novel, representation-theoretic concepts.
This book offers an original contribution to the foundations of logic and mathematics and focuses on the internal logic of mathematical theories, from arithmetic or number theory to algebraic geometry. Arithmetical logic is the term used to refer to the internal logic of classical arithmetic, here called Fermat-Kronecker arithmetic and combines Fermat's method of infinite descent with Kronecker's general arithmetic of homogeneous polynomials. The book also includes a treatment of theories in physics and mathematical physics to underscore the role of arithmetic from a constructivist viewpoint. The scope of the work intertwines historical, mathematical, logical and philosophical dimensions in a unified critical perspective; as such, it will appeal to a broad readership from mathematicians to logicians, to philosophers interested in foundational questions. Researchers and graduate students in the fields of philosophy and mathematics will benefit from the author's critical approach to the foundations of logic and mathematics.
"Number Theory and Related Fields" collects contributions based on the proceedings of the "International Number Theory Conference in Memory of Alf van der Poorten," hosted by CARMA and held March 12-16th 2012 at the University of Newcastle, Australia. The purpose of the conference was to promote number theory research in Australia while commemorating the legacy of Alf van der Poorten, who had written over 170 papers on the topic of number theory and collaborated with dozens of researchers. The research articles and surveys presented in this book were written by some of the most distinguished mathematicians in the field of number theory, and articles will include related topics that focus on the various research interests of Dr. van der Poorten.
In recent years, research in K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau varieties has seen spectacular progress from both arithmetic and geometric points of view, which in turn continues to have a huge influence and impact in theoretical physics-in particular, in string theory. The workshop on Arithmetic and Geometry of K3 surfaces and Calabi-Yau threefolds, held at the Fields Institute (August 16-25, 2011), aimed to give a state-of-the-art survey of these new developments. This proceedings volume includes a representative sampling of the broad range of topics covered by the workshop. While the subjects range from arithmetic geometry through algebraic geometry and differential geometry to mathematical physics, the papers are naturally related by the common theme of Calabi-Yau varieties. With the big variety of branches of mathematics and mathematical physics touched upon, this area reveals many deep connections between subjects previously considered unrelated. Unlike most other conferences, the 2011 Calabi-Yau workshop started with 3 days of introductory lectures. A selection of 4 of these lectures is included in this volume. These lectures can be used as a starting point for the graduate students and other junior researchers, or as a guide to the subject.
This text aims to provide graduate students with a self-contained introduction to topics that are at the forefront of modern algebra, namely, coalgebras, bialgebras and Hopf algebras. The last chapter (Chapter 4) discusses several applications of Hopf algebras, some of which are further developed in the author's 2011 publication, An Introduction to Hopf Algebras. The book may be used as the main text or as a supplementary text for a graduate algebra course. Prerequisites for this text include standard material on groups, rings, modules, algebraic extension fields, finite fields and linearly recursive sequences. The book consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 introduces algebras and coalgebras over a field K; Chapter 2 treats bialgebras; Chapter 3 discusses Hopf algebras and Chapter 4 consists of three applications of Hopf algebras. Each chapter begins with a short overview and ends with a collection of exercises which are designed to review and reinforce the material. Exercises range from straightforward applications of the theory to problems that are devised to challenge the reader. Questions for further study are provided after selected exercises. Most proofs are given in detail, though a few proofs are omitted since they are beyond the scope of this book.
From the Preface by K. Chandrasekharan: "The publication of this collection of papers is intended as a service to the mathematical community, as well as a tribute to the genius of CARL LUDWIG SIEGEL, who is rising seventy. In the wide range of his interests, in his capacity to uncover, to attack, and to subdue problems of great significance and difficulty, in his invention of new concepts and ideas, in his technical prowess, and in the consummate artistry of his presentation, SIEGEL resembles the classical figures of mathematics. In his combination of arithmetical, analytical, algebraical, and geometrical methods of investigation, and in his unerring instinct for the conceptual and structural, as distinct from the merely technical, aspects of any concrete problem, he represents the best type of modern mathematical thought. At once classical and modern, his work has profoundly influenced the mathematical culture of our time...this publication...will no doubt stimulate generations of scholars to come." Volume II includes Siegel's papers written between 1937 and 1944.
An outrageous graphic novel that investigates key concepts in mathematics Integers and permutations-two of the most basic mathematical objects-are born of different fields and analyzed with separate techniques. Yet when the Mathematical Sciences Investigation team of crack forensic mathematicians, led by Professor Gauss, begins its autopsies of the victims of two seemingly unrelated homicides, Arnie Integer and Daisy Permutation, they discover the most extraordinary similarities between the structures of each body. Prime Suspects is a graphic novel that takes you on a voyage of forensic discovery, exploring some of the most fundamental ideas in mathematics. Travel with Detective von Neumann as he leaves no clue unturned, from shepherds' huts in the Pyrenees to secret societies in the cafes of Paris, from the hidden codes in the music of the stones to the grisly discoveries in Finite Fields. Tremble at the ferocity of the believers in deep and rigid abstraction. Feel the frustration-and the excitement-of our young heroine, Emmy Germain, as she blazes a trail for women in mathematical research and learns from Professor Gauss, the greatest forensic detective of them all. Beautifully drawn and exquisitely detailed, Prime Suspects is unique, astonishing, and witty-a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience mathematics like never before.
Total Domination in Graphs gives a clear understanding of this topic to any interested reader who has a modest background in graph theory. This book provides and explores the fundamentals of total domination in graphs. Some of the topics featured include the interplay between total domination in graphs and transversals in hypergraphs, and the association with total domination in graphs and diameter-2-critical graphs. Several proofs are included in this text which enables readers to acquaint themselves with a toolbox of proof techniques and ideas with which to attack open problems in the field. This work is an excellent resource for students interested in beginning their research in this field. Additionally, established researchers will find the book valuable to have as it contains the latest developments and open problems.
This innovative textbook introduces a new pattern-based approach to learning proof methods in the mathematical sciences. Readers will discover techniques that will enable them to learn new proofs across different areas of pure mathematics with ease. The patterns in proofs from diverse fields such as algebra, analysis, topology and number theory are explored. Specific topics examined include game theory, combinatorics and Euclidean geometry, enabling a broad familiarity. The author, an experienced lecturer and researcher renowned for his innovative view and intuitive style, illuminates a wide range of techniques and examples from duplicating the cube to triangulating polygons to the infinitude of primes to the fundamental theorem of algebra. Intended as a companion for undergraduate students, this text is an essential addition to every aspiring mathematician's toolkit.
Volume II is the second part of the 3-volume book Mathematics of Harmony as a New Interdisciplinary Direction and 'Golden' Paradigm of Modern Science. 'Mathematics of Harmony' rises in its origin to the 'harmonic ideas' of Pythagoras, Plato and Euclid, this 3-volume book aims to promote more deep understanding of ancient conception of the 'Universe Harmony,' the main conception of ancient Greek science, and implementation of this conception to modern science and education.This 3-volume book is a result of the authors' research in the field of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section and their applications. It provides a broad introduction to the fascinating and beautiful subject of the 'Mathematics of Harmony,' a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. This direction has many unexpected applications in contemporary mathematics (a new approach to a history of mathematics, the generalized Fibonacci numbers and the generalized golden proportions, the generalized Binet's formulas), theoretical physics (new hyperbolic models of Nature) and computer science (algorithmic measurement theory, number systems with irrational bases, Fibonacci computers, ternary mirror-symmetrical arithmetic).The books are intended for a wide audience including mathematics teachers of high schools, students of colleges and universities and scientists in the field of mathematics, theoretical physics and computer science. The book may be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students and even ambitious undergraduates in mathematics and computer science.
Limit theorems and asymptotic results form a central topic in probability theory and mathematical statistics. New and non-classical limit theorems have been discovered for processes in random environments, especially in connection with random matrix theory and free probability. These questions and the techniques for answering them combine asymptotic enumerative combinatorics, particle systems and approximation theory, and are important for new approaches in geometric and metric number theory as well. Thus, the contributions in this book include a wide range of applications with surprising connections ranging from longest common subsequences for words, permutation groups, random matrices and free probability to entropy problems and metric number theory. The book is the product of a conference that took place in August 2011 in Bielefeld, Germany to celebrate the 60th birthday of Friedrich Goetze, a noted expert in this field.
Volume III is the third part of the 3-volume book Mathematics of Harmony as a New Interdisciplinary Direction and 'Golden' Paradigm of Modern Science. 'Mathematics of Harmony' rises in its origin to the 'harmonic ideas' of Pythagoras, Plato and Euclid, this 3-volume book aims to promote more deep understanding of ancient conception of the 'Universe Harmony,' the main conception of ancient Greek science, and implementation of this conception to modern science and education.This 3-volume book is a result of the authors' research in the field of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section and their applications. It provides a broad introduction to the fascinating and beautiful subject of the 'Mathematics of Harmony,' a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. This direction has many unexpected applications in contemporary mathematics (a new approach to a history of mathematics, the generalized Fibonacci numbers and the generalized golden proportions, the generalized Binet's formulas), theoretical physics (new hyperbolic models of Nature) and computer science (algorithmic measurement theory, number systems with irrational bases, Fibonacci computers, ternary mirror-symmetrical arithmetic).The books are intended for a wide audience including mathematics teachers of high schools, students of colleges and universities and scientists in the field of mathematics, theoretical physics and computer science. The book may be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students and even ambitious undergraduates in mathematics and computer science.
This book contains a detailed account of the result of the author's recent Annals paper and JAMS paper on arithmetic invariant, including -invariant, L-invariant, and similar topics. This book can be regarded as an introductory text to the author's previous book p-Adic Automorphic Forms on Shimura Varieties. Written as a down-to-earth introduction to Shimura varieties, this text includes many examples and applications of the theory that provide motivation for the reader. Since it is limited to modular curves and the corresponding Shimura varieties, this book is not only a great resource for experts in the field, but it is also accessible to advanced graduate students studying number theory. Key topics include non-triviality of arithmetic invariants and special values of L-functions; elliptic curves over complex and p-adic fields; Hecke algebras; scheme theory; elliptic and modular curves over rings; and Shimura curves.
This introduction to cryptography employs a programming-oriented approach to study the most important cryptographic schemes in current use and the main cryptanalytic attacks against them. Discussion of the theoretical aspects, emphasizing precise security definitions based on methodological tools such as complexity and randomness, and of the mathematical aspects, with emphasis on number-theoretic algorithms and their applications to cryptography and cryptanalysis, is integrated with the programming approach, thus providing implementations of the algorithms and schemes as well as examples of realistic size. A distinctive feature of the author's approach is the use of Maple as a programming environment in which not just the cryptographic primitives but also the most important cryptographic schemes are implemented following the recommendations of standards bodies such as NIST, with many of the known cryptanalytic attacks implemented as well. The purpose of the Maple implementations is to let the reader experiment and learn, and for this reason the author includes numerous examples. The book discusses important recent subjects such as homomorphic encryption, identity-based cryptography and elliptic curve cryptography. The algorithms and schemes which are treated in detail and implemented in Maple include AES and modes of operation, CMAC, GCM/GMAC, SHA-256, HMAC, RSA, Rabin, Elgamal, Paillier, Cocks IBE, DSA and ECDSA. In addition, some recently introduced schemes enjoying strong security properties, such as RSA-OAEP, Rabin-SAEP, Cramer--Shoup, and PSS, are also discussed and implemented. On the cryptanalysis side, Maple implementations and examples are used to discuss many important algorithms, including birthday and man-in-the-middle attacks, integer factorization algorithms such as Pollard's rho and the quadratic sieve, and discrete log algorithms such as baby-step giant-step, Pollard's rho, Pohlig--Hellman and the index calculus method. This textbook is suitable for advanced undergraduate and graduate students of computer science, engineering and mathematics, satisfying the requirements of various types of courses: a basic introductory course; a theoretically oriented course whose focus is on the precise definition of security concepts and on cryptographic schemes with reductionist security proofs; a practice-oriented course requiring little mathematical background and with an emphasis on applications; or a mathematically advanced course addressed to students with a stronger mathematical background. The main prerequisite is a basic knowledge of linear algebra and elementary calculus, and while some knowledge of probability and abstract algebra would be helpful, it is not essential because the book includes the necessary background from these subjects and, furthermore, explores the number-theoretic material in detail. The book is also a comprehensive reference and is suitable for self-study by practitioners and programmers.
Profinite groups are of interest to mathematicians working in a variety of areas, including number theory, abstract groups, and analysis. The underlying theory reflects these diverse influences, with methods drawn from both algebra and topology and with fascinating connections to field theory. This is the first book to be dedicated solely to the study of general profinite groups. It provides a thorough introduction to the subject, designed not only to convey the basic facts but also to enable readers to enhance their skills in manipulating profinite groups. The first few chapters lay the foundations and explain the role of profinite groups in number theory. Later chapters explore various aspects of profinite groups in more detail; these contain accessible and lucid accounts of many major theorems. Prerequisites are kept to a minimum with the basic topological theory summarized in an introductory chapter.
The algebraic techniques developed by Kakde will almost certainly lead eventually to major progress in the study of congruences between automorphic forms and the main conjectures of non-commutative Iwasawa theory for many motives. Non-commutative Iwasawa theory has emerged dramatically over the last decade, culminating in the recent proof of the non-commutative main conjecture for the Tate motive over a totally real p-adic Lie extension of a number field, independently by Ritter and Weiss on the one hand, and Kakde on the other. The initial ideas for giving a precise formulation of the non-commutative main conjecture were discovered by Venjakob, and were then systematically developed in the subsequent papers by Coates-Fukaya-Kato-Sujatha-Venjakob and Fukaya-Kato. There was also parallel related work in this direction by Burns and Flach on the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture. Subsequently, Kato discovered an important idea for studying the K_1 groups of non-abelian Iwasawa algebras in terms of the K_1 groups of the abelian quotients of these Iwasawa algebras. Kakde's proof is a beautiful development of these ideas of Kato, combined with an idea of Burns, and essentially reduces the study of the non-abelian main conjectures to abelian ones. The approach of Ritter and Weiss is more classical, and partly inspired by techniques of Frohlich and Taylor. Since many of the ideas in this book should eventually be applicable to other motives, one of its major aims is to provide a self-contained exposition of some of the main general themes underlying these developments. The present volume will be a valuable resource for researchers working in both Iwasawa theory and the theory of automorphic forms.
Contents and treatment are fresh and very different from the standard treatments Presents a fully constructive version of what it means to do algebra The exposition is not only clear, it is friendly, philosophical, and considerate even to the most naive or inexperienced reader
In 1996 the AMS awarded Goro Shimura the Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement :" To Goro Shimura for his important and extensive work on arithmetical geometry and automorphic forms; concepts introduced by him were often seminal, and fertile ground for new developments, as witnessed by the many notations in number theory that carry his name and that have long been familiar to workers in the field.." 103 of Shimuras most important papers are collected in four volumes. Volume I contains his mathematical papers from 1954 to 1966 and some notes to the articles.
In 1996 the AMS awarded Goro Shimura the Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement: "To Goro Shimura for his important and extensive work on arithmetical geometry and automorphic forms; concepts introduced by him were often seminal, and fertile ground for new developments, as witnessed by the many notations in number theory that carry his name and that have long been familiar to workers in the field." 103 of Shimuras most important papers are collected in four volumes. Volume III contains his mathematical papers from 1978 to 1988 and some notes to the articles.
In 1996 the AMS awarded Goro Shimura the Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement: "To Goro Shimura for his important and extensive work on arithmetical geometry and automorphic forms; concepts introduced by him were often seminal, and fertile ground for new developments, as witnessed by the many notations in number theory that carry his name and that have long been familiar to workers in the field." 103 of Shimuras most important papers are collected in four volumes. Volume IV contains his mathematical papers from 1989 to 2001 and some notes to the articles.
To date, the theoretical development of q-calculus has rested on a non-uniform basis. Generally, the bulky Gasper-Rahman notation was used, but the published works on q-calculus looked different depending on where and by whom they were written. This confusion of tongues not only complicated the theoretical development but also contributed to q-calculus remaining a neglected mathematical field. This book overcomes these problems by introducing a new and interesting notation for q-calculus based on logarithms.For instance, q-hypergeometric functions are now visually clear and easy to trace back to their hypergeometric parents. With this new notation it is also easy to see the connection between q-hypergeometric functions and the q-gamma function, something that until now has been overlooked. The book covers many topics on q-calculus, including special functions, combinatorics, and q-difference equations. Apart from a thorough review of the historical development of q-calculus, this book also presents the domains of modern physics for which q-calculus is applicable, such as particle physics and supersymmetry, to name just a few.
Srinivasa Ramanujan was a mathematician brilliant beyond comparison who inspired many great mathematicians. There is extensive literature available on the work of Ramanujan. But what is missing in the literature is an analysis that would place his mathematics in context and interpret it in terms of modern developments. The 12 lectures by Hardy, delivered in 1936, served this purpose at the time they were given. This book presents Ramanujan's essential mathematical contributions and gives an informal account of some of the major developments that emanated from his work in the 20th and 21st centuries. It contends that his work still has an impact on many different fields of mathematical research. This book examines some of these themes in the landscape of 21st-century mathematics. These essays, based on the lectures given by the authors focus on a subset of Ramanujan's significant papers and show how these papers shaped the course of modern mathematics.
This textbook introduces readers to the basic concepts of quasi-Monte Carlo methods for numerical integration and to the theory behind them. The comprehensive treatment of the subject with detailed explanations comprises, for example, lattice rules, digital nets and sequences and discrepancy theory. It also presents methods currently used in research and discusses practical applications with an emphasis on finance-related problems. Each chapter closes with suggestions for further reading and with exercises which help students to arrive at a deeper understanding of the material presented. The book is based on a one-semester, two-hour undergraduate course and is well-suited for readers with a basic grasp of algebra, calculus, linear algebra and basic probability theory. It provides an accessible introduction for undergraduate students in mathematics or computer science.
In 1996 the AMS awarded Goro Shimura the Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement :" To Goro Shimura for his important and extensive work on arithmetical geometry and automorphic forms; concepts introduced by him were often seminal, and fertile ground for new developments, as witnessed by the many notations in number theory that carry his name and that have long been familiar to workers in the field." 103 of Shimuras most important papers are collected in four volumes. Volume II contains his mathematical papers from 1967 to 1977 and some notes to the articles.
This impressive volume is dedicated to Mel Nathanson, a leading authoritative expert for several decades in the area of combinatorial and additive number theory. For several decades, Mel Nathanson's seminal ideas and results in combinatorial and additive number theory have influenced graduate students and researchers alike. The invited survey articles in this volume reflect the work of distinguished mathematicians in number theory, and represent a wide range of important topics in current research. |
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