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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
This book examines some aspects of homogeneous Banach algebras and related topics to illustrate various methods used in several classes of group algebras. It guides the reader toward some of the problems in harmonic analysis such as the problems of factorizations and closed subalgebras.
This book, together with the companion volume, Fermat's Last Theorem: The Proof, presents in full detail the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem given by Wiles and Taylor. With these two books, the reader will be able to see the whole picture of the proof to appreciate one of the deepest achievements in the history of mathematics. Crucial arguments, including the so-called $3$-$5$ trick, $R=T$ theorem, etc., are explained in depth. The proof relies on basic background materials in number theory and arithmetic geometry, such as elliptic curves, modular forms, Galois representations, deformation rings, modular curves over the integer rings, Galois cohomology, etc. The first four topics are crucial for the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem; they are also very important as tools in studying various other problems in modern algebraic number theory. The remaining topics will be treated in the second book to be published in the same series in 2014. In order to facilitate understanding the intricate proof, an outline of the whole argument is described in the first preliminary chapter, and more details are summarised in later chapters.
The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or workshop. These events cover various topics within pure and applied mathematics and provide up-to-date coverage of new developments, methods and applications.
This monograph gives a state-of-the-art and accessible treatment of a new general higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensions, valid for arbitrary bounded subsets of Euclidean spaces, as well as for their natural generalization, relative fractal drums. It provides a significant extension of the existing theory of zeta functions for fractal strings to fractal sets and arbitrary bounded sets in Euclidean spaces of any dimension. Two new classes of fractal zeta functions are introduced, namely, the distance and tube zeta functions of bounded sets, and their key properties are investigated. The theory is developed step-by-step at a slow pace, and every step is well motivated by numerous examples, historical remarks and comments, relating the objects under investigation to other concepts. Special emphasis is placed on the study of complex dimensions of bounded sets and their connections with the notions of Minkowski content and Minkowski measurability, as well as on fractal tube formulas. It is shown for the first time that essential singularities of fractal zeta functions can naturally emerge for various classes of fractal sets and have a significant geometric effect. The theory developed in this book leads naturally to a new definition of fractality, expressed in terms of the existence of underlying geometric oscillations or, equivalently, in terms of the existence of nonreal complex dimensions. The connections to previous extensive work of the first author and his collaborators on geometric zeta functions of fractal strings are clearly explained. Many concepts are discussed for the first time, making the book a rich source of new thoughts and ideas to be developed further. The book contains a large number of open problems and describes many possible directions for further research. The beginning chapters may be used as a part of a course on fractal geometry. The primary readership is aimed at graduate students and researchers working in Fractal Geometry and other related fields, such as Complex Analysis, Dynamical Systems, Geometric Measure Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Mathematical Physics, Analytic Number Theory and the Spectral Theory of Elliptic Differential Operators. The book should be accessible to nonexperts and newcomers to the field.
This volume presents a set of models for the exceptional Lie algebras over algebraically closed fieldsof characteristic O and over the field of real numbers. The models given are based on the algebras ofCayley numbers (octonions) and on exceptional Jordan algebras. They are also valid forcharacteristics p * 2. The book also provides an introduction to the problem of forms of exceptionalsimple Lie algebras, especially the exceptional D4 's, 6 's, and 7 's. These are studied by means ofconcrete realizations of the automorphism groups.Exceptional Lie Algebras is a useful tool for the mathematical public in general-especially thoseinterested in the classification of Lie algebras or groups-and for theoretical physicists.
This book establishes the moduli theory of stable varieties, giving the optimal approach to understanding families of varieties of general type. Starting from the Deligne-Mumford theory of the moduli of curves and using Mori's program as a main tool, the book develops the techniques necessary for a theory in all dimensions. The main results give all the expected general properties, including a projective coarse moduli space. A wealth of previously unpublished material is also featured, including Chapter 5 on numerical flatness criteria, Chapter 7 on K-flatness, and Chapter 9 on hulls and husks.
This text is a self-contained study of expander graphs, specifically, their explicit construction. Expander graphs are highly connected but sparse, and while being of interest within combinatorics and graph theory, they can also be applied to computer science and engineering. Only a knowledge of elementary algebra, analysis and combinatorics is required because the authors provide the necessary background from graph theory, number theory, group theory and representation theory. Thus the text can be used as a brief introduction to these subjects and their synthesis in modern mathematics.
Covering important aspects of the theory of unitary representations of nuclear Lie groups, this self-contained reference presents the general theory of energy representations and addresses various extensions of path groups and algebras.;Requiring only a general knowledge of the theory of unitary representations, topological groups and elementary stochastic analysis, Noncommutative Distributions: examines a theory of noncommutative distributions as irreducible unitary representations of groups of mappings from a manifold into a Lie group, with applications to gauge-field theories; describes the energy representation when the target Lie group G is compact; discusses representations of G-valued jet bundles when G is not necessarily compact; and supplies a synthesis of deep results on quasi-simple Lie algebras.;Providing over 200 bibliographic citations, drawings, tables, and equations, Noncommutative Distributions is intended for research mathematicians and theoretical and mathematical physicists studying current algebras, the representation theory of Lie groups, and quantum field theory, and graduate students in these disciplines.
The most recent methods in various branches of lattice path and enumerative combinatorics along with relevant applications are nicely grouped together and represented in this research contributed volume. Contributions to this edited volume will be mainly research articles however it will also include several captivating, expository articles (along with pictures) on the life and mathematical work of leading researchers in lattice path combinatorics and beyond. There will be four or five expository articles in memory of Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar and Philippe Flajolet and honoring George Andrews and Lajos Takacs. There may be another brief article in memory of Professors Jagdish Narayan Srivastava and Joti Lal Jain. New research results include the kernel method developed by Flajolet and others for counting different classes of lattice paths continues to produce new results in counting lattice paths. The recent investigation of Fishburn numbers has led to interesting counting interpretations and a family of fascinating congruences. Formulas for new methods to obtain the number of Fq-rational points of Schubert varieties in Grassmannians continues to have research interest and will be presented here. Topics to be included are far reaching and will include lattice path enumeration, tilings, bijections between paths and other combinatoric structures, non-intersecting lattice paths, varieties, Young tableaux, partitions, enumerative combinatorics, discrete distributions, applications to queueing theory and other continuous time models, graph theory and applications. Many leading mathematicians who spoke at the conference from which this volume derives, are expected to send contributions including. This volume also presents the stimulating ideas of some exciting newcomers to the Lattice Path Combinatorics Conference series; "The 8th Conference on Lattice Path Combinatorics and Applications" provided opportunities for new collaborations; some of the products of these collaborations will also appear in this book. This book will have interest for researchers in lattice path combinatorics and enumerative combinatorics. This will include subsets of researchers in mathematics, statistics, operations research and computer science. The applications of the material covered in this edited volume extends beyond the primary audience to scholars interested queuing theory, graph theory, tiling, partitions, distributions, etc. An attractive bonus within our book is the collection of special articles describing the top recent researchers in this area of study and documenting the interesting history of who, when and how these beautiful combinatorial results were originally discovered.
This is the fourth in a series of proceedings of the Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT) conferences, based on talks from the 2019 and 2020 workshops at the City University of New York. The latter was held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and featured speakers from North and South America, Europe, and Asia. The 2020 Zoom conference was the largest CANT conference in terms of the number of both lectures and participants. These proceedings contain 25 peer-reviewed and edited papers on current topics in number theory. Held every year since 2003 at the CUNY Graduate Center, the workshop surveys state-of-the-art open problems in combinatorial and additive number theory and related parts of mathematics. Topics featured in this volume include sumsets, zero-sum sequences, minimal complements, analytic and prime number theory, Hausdorff dimension, combinatorial and discrete geometry, and Ramsey theory. This selection of articles will be of relevance to both researchers and graduate students interested in current progress in number theory.
This book covers most of the known results on reducibility of polynomials over arbitrary fields, algebraically closed fields and finitely generated fields. Results valid only over finite fields, local fields or the rational field are not covered here, but several theorems on reducibility of polynomials over number fields that are either totally real or complex multiplication fields are included. Some of these results are based on recent work of E. Bombieri and U. Zannier (presented here by Zannier in an appendix). The book also treats other subjects like Ritt's theory of composition of polynomials, and properties of the Mahler measure, and it concludes with a bibliography of over 300 items. This unique work will be a necessary resource for all number theorists and researchers in related fields.
This book presents material suitable for an undergraduate course in elementary number theory from a computational perspective. It seeks to not only introduce students to the standard topics in elementary number theory, such as prime factorization and modular arithmetic, but also to develop their ability to formulate and test precise conjectures from experimental data. Each topic is motivated by a question to be answered, followed by some experimental data, and, finally, the statement and proof of a theorem. There are numerous opportunities throughout the chapters and exercises for the students to engage in (guided) open-ended exploration. At the end of a course using this book, the students will understand how mathematics is developed from asking questions to gathering data to formulating and proving theorems. The mathematical prerequisites for this book are few. Early chapters contain topics such as integer divisibility, modular arithmetic, and applications to cryptography, while later chapters contain more specialized topics, such as Diophantine approximation, number theory of dynamical systems, and number theory with polynomials. Students of all levels will be drawn in by the patterns and relationships of number theory uncovered through data driven exploration.
Natural numbers are the oldest human invention. This book describes their nature, laws, history and current status. It has seven chapters. The first five chapters contain not only the basics of elementary number theory for the convenience of teaching and continuity of reading, but also many latest research results. The first time in history, the traditional name of the Chinese Remainder Theorem is replaced with the Qin Jiushao Theorem in the book to give him a full credit for his establishment of this famous theorem in number theory. Chapter 6 is about the fascinating congruence modulo an integer power, and Chapter 7 introduces a new problem extracted by the author from the classical problems of number theory, which is out of the combination of additive number theory and multiplicative number theory.One feature of the book is the supplementary material after each section, there by broadening the reader's knowledge and imagination. These contents either discuss the rudiments of some aspects or introduce new problems or conjectures and their extensions, such as perfect number problem, Egyptian fraction problem, Goldbach's conjecture, the twin prime conjecture, the 3x + 1 problem, Hilbert Waring problem, Euler's conjecture, Fermat's Last Theorem, Laudau's problem and etc.This book is written for anyone who loves natural numbers, and it can also be read by mathematics majors, graduate students, and researchers. The book contains many illustrations and tables. Readers can appreciate the author's sensitivity of history, broad range of knowledge, and elegant writing style, while benefiting from the classical works and great achievements of masters in number theory.
This book offers a unique account on the life and works of Srinivasa Ramanujan-often hailed as the greatest "natural" mathematical genius. Sharing valuable insights into the many stages of Ramanujan's life, this book provides glimpses into his prolific research on highly composite numbers, partitions, continued fractions, mock theta functions, arithmetic, and hypergeometric functions which led the author to discover a new summation theorem. It also includes the list of Ramanujan's collected papers, letters and other material present at the Wren Library, Trinity College in Cambridge, UK. This book is a valuable resource for all readers interested in Ramanujan's life, work and indelible contributions to mathematics.
A series of three symposia took place on the topic of trace formulas, each with an accompanying proceedings volume. The present volume is the third and final in this series and focuses on relative trace formulas in relation to special values of L-functions, integral representations, arithmetic cycles, theta correspondence and branching laws. The first volume focused on Arthur's trace formula, and the second volume focused on methods from algebraic geometry and representation theory. The three proceedings volumes have provided a snapshot of some of the current research, in the hope of stimulating further research on these topics. The collegial format of the symposia allowed a homogeneous set of experts to isolate key difficulties going forward and to collectively assess the feasibility of diverse approaches.
This book is an outgrowth of the conference "Regulators IV: An International Conference on Arithmetic L-functions and Differential Geometric Methods" that was held in Paris in May 2016. Gathering contributions by leading experts in the field ranging from original surveys to pure research articles, this volume provides comprehensive coverage of the front most developments in the field of regulator maps. Key topics covered are: * Additive polylogarithms * Analytic torsions * Chabauty-Kim theory * Local Grothendieck-Riemann-Roch theorems * Periods * Syntomic regulator The book contains contributions by M. Asakura, J. Balakrishnan, A. Besser, A. Best, F. Bianchi, O. Gregory, A. Langer, B. Lawrence, X. Ma, S. Muller, N. Otsubo, J. Raimbault, W. Raskin, D. Roessler, S. Shen, N. Triantafi llou, S. UEnver and J. Vonk.
During the early part of the last century, Ferdinand Georg
Frobenius (1849-1917) raised the following problem, known as the
Frobenius Problem (FP): given relatively prime positive integers
a1,, an, find the largest natural number (called the Frobenius
number and denoted by g(a1,, an) that is not representable as a
nonnegative integer combination of a1,, an.
Drawing primarily from historical examples, this book explains the tremendous role that numbers and, in particular, mathematics play in all aspects of our civilization and culture. The lively style and illustrative examples will engage the reader who wants to understand the many ways in which mathematics enables science, technology, art, music, politics, and rational foundations of human thought. Each chapter focuses on the influence of mathematics in a specific field and on a specific historical figure, such as "Pythagoras: Numbers and Symbol"; "Bach: Numbers and Music"; "Descartes: Numbers and Space."
This edited volume presents state-of-the-art developments in various areas in which Harmonic Analysis is applied. Contributions cover a variety of different topics and problems treated such as structure and optimization in computational harmonic analysis, sampling and approximation in shift invariant subspaces of L2( ), optimal rank one matrix decomposition, the Riemann Hypothesis, large sets avoiding rough patterns, Hardy Littlewood series, Navier-Stokes equations, sleep dynamics exploration and automatic annotation by combining modern harmonic analysis tools, harmonic functions in slabs and half-spaces, Andoni -Krauthgamer -Razenshteyn characterization of sketchable norms fails for sketchable metrics, random matrix theory, multiplicative completion of redundant systems in Hilbert and Banach function spaces. Efforts have been made to ensure that the content of the book constitutes a valuable resource for graduate students as well as senior researchers working on Harmonic Analysis and its various interconnections with related areas.
While the valuation of standard American option contracts has now achieved a fair degree of maturity, much work remains to be done regarding the new contractual forms that are constantly emerging in response to evolving economic conditions and regulations. Focusing on recent developments in the field, American-Style Derivatives provides an extensive treatment of option pricing with an emphasis on the valuation of American options on dividend-paying assets. The book begins with a review of valuation principles for European contingent claims in a financial market in which the underlying asset price follows an Ito process and the interest rate is stochastic and then extends the analysis to American contingent claims. In this context the author lays out the basic valuation principles for American claims and describes instructive representation formulas for their prices. The results are applied to standard American options in the Black-Scholes market setting as well as to a variety of exotic contracts such as barrier, capped, and multi-asset options. He also reviews numerical methods for option pricing and compares their relative performance. The author explains all the concepts using standard financial terms and intuitions and relegates proofs to appendices that can be found at the end of each chapter. The book is written so that the material is easily accessible not only to those with a background in stochastic processes and/or derivative securities, but also to those with a more limited exposure to those areas.
From its origins in algebraic number theory, the theory of non-unique factorizations has emerged as an independent branch of algebra and number theory. Focused efforts over the past few decades have wrought a great number and variety of results. However, these remain dispersed throughout the vast literature. For the first time, Non-Unique Factorizations: Algebraic, Combinatorial, and Analytic Theory offers a look at the present state of the theory in a single, unified resource. Taking a broad look at the algebraic, combinatorial, and analytic fundamentals, this book derives factorization results and applies them in concrete arithmetical situations using appropriate transfer principles. It begins with a basic introduction that can be understood with knowledge of standard basic algebra. The authors then move to the algebraic theory of monoids, arithmetic theory of monoids, the structure of sets of lengths, additive group theory, arithmetical invariants, and the arithmetic of Krull monoids. They also provide a self-contained introduction to abstract analytic number theory as well as a modern treatment of W. Narkiewicz's analytic theory of non-unique factorizations. Non-Unique Factorizations: Algebraic, Combinatorial, and Analytic Theory builds the discussion from first principles to applied problem solving, making it ideally suited to those not familiar with the theory as well as those who wish to deepen their understanding.
Automatic sequences are sequences over a finite alphabet generated by a finite-state machine. This book presents a novel viewpoint on automatic sequences, and more generally on combinatorics on words, by introducing a decision method through which many new results in combinatorics and number theory can be automatically proved or disproved with little or no human intervention. This approach to proving theorems is extremely powerful, allowing long and error-prone case-based arguments to be replaced by simple computations. Readers will learn how to phrase their desired results in first-order logic, using free software to automate the computation process. Results that normally require multipage proofs can emerge in milliseconds, allowing users to engage with mathematical questions that would otherwise be difficult to solve. With more than 150 exercises included, this text is an ideal resource for researchers, graduate students, and advanced undergraduates studying combinatorics, sequences, and number theory.
This book presents a printed testimony for the fact that George Andrews, one of the world's leading experts in partitions and q-series for the last several decades, has passed the milestone age of 80. To honor George Andrews on this occasion, the conference "Combinatory Analysis 2018" was organized at the Pennsylvania State University from June 21 to 24, 2018. This volume comprises the original articles from the Special Issue "Combinatory Analysis 2018 - In Honor of George Andrews' 80th Birthday" resulting from the conference and published in Annals of Combinatorics. In addition to the 37 articles of the Andrews 80 Special Issue, the book includes two new papers. These research contributions explore new grounds and present new achievements, research trends, and problems in the area. The volume is complemented by three special personal contributions: "The Worlds of George Andrews, a daughter's take" by Amy Alznauer, "My association and collaboration with George Andrews" by Krishna Alladi, and "Ramanujan, his Lost Notebook, its importance" by Bruce Berndt. Another aspect which gives this Andrews volume a truly unique character is the "Photos" collection. In addition to pictures taken at "Combinatory Analysis 2018", the editors selected a variety of photos, many of them not available elsewhere: "Andrews in Austria", "Andrews in China", "Andrews in Florida", "Andrews in Illinois", and "Andrews in India". This volume will be of interest to researchers, PhD students, and interested practitioners working in the area of Combinatory Analysis, q-Series, and related fields. |
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