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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
Combinatorics and Number Theory of Counting Sequences is an introduction to the theory of finite set partitions and to the enumeration of cycle decompositions of permutations. The presentation prioritizes elementary enumerative proofs. Therefore, parts of the book are designed so that even those high school students and teachers who are interested in combinatorics can have the benefit of them. Still, the book collects vast, up-to-date information for many counting sequences (especially, related to set partitions and permutations), so it is a must-have piece for those mathematicians who do research on enumerative combinatorics. In addition, the book contains number theoretical results on counting sequences of set partitions and permutations, so number theorists who would like to see nice applications of their area of interest in combinatorics will enjoy the book, too. Features The Outlook sections at the end of each chapter guide the reader towards topics not covered in the book, and many of the Outlook items point towards new research problems. An extensive bibliography and tables at the end make the book usable as a standard reference. Citations to results which were scattered in the literature now become easy, because huge parts of the book (especially in parts II and III) appear in book form for the first time.
The binomial transform is a discrete transformation of one sequence into another with many interesting applications in combinatorics and analysis. This volume is helpful to researchers interested in enumerative combinatorics, special numbers, and classical analysis. A valuable reference, it can also be used as lecture notes for a course in binomial identities, binomial transforms and Euler series transformations. The binomial transform leads to various combinatorial and analytical identities involving binomial coefficients. In particular, we present here new binomial identities for Bernoulli, Fibonacci, and harmonic numbers. Many interesting identities can be written as binomial transforms and vice versa.The volume consists of two parts. In the first part, we present the theory of the binomial transform for sequences with a sufficient prerequisite of classical numbers and polynomials. The first part provides theorems and tools which help to compute binomial transforms of different sequences and also to generate new binomial identities from the old. These theoretical tools (formulas and theorems) can also be used for summation of series and various numerical computations.In the second part, we have compiled a list of binomial transform formulas for easy reference. In the Appendix, we present the definition of the Stirling sequence transform and a short table of transformation formulas.
This is the second of a two-volume series on sampling theory. The mathematical foundations were laid in the first volume, and this book surveys the many applications of sampling theory both within mathematics and in other areas of science. Many of the topics covered here are not found in other books, and all are given an up to date treatment bringing the reader's knowledge up to research level. This book consists of ten chapters, written by ten different teams of authors, and the contents range over a wide variety of topics including combinatorial analysis, number theory, neural networks, derivative sampling, wavelets, stochastic signals, random fields, and abstract harmonic analysis. There is a comprehensive, up to date bibliography.
'Probably its most significant distinguishing feature is that this book is more algebraically oriented than most undergraduate number theory texts.'MAA ReviewsIntroduction to Number Theory is dedicated to concrete questions about integers, to place an emphasis on problem solving by students. When undertaking a first course in number theory, students enjoy actively engaging with the properties and relationships of numbers.The book begins with introductory material, including uniqueness of factorization of integers and polynomials. Subsequent topics explore quadratic reciprocity, Hensel's Lemma, p-adic powers series such as exp(px) and log(1+px), the Euclidean property of some quadratic rings, representation of integers as norms from quadratic rings, and Pell's equation via continued fractions.Throughout the five chapters and more than 100 exercises and solutions, readers gain the advantage of a number theory book that focuses on doing calculations. This textbook is a valuable resource for undergraduates or those with a background in university level mathematics.
The aim of the book is to give a smooth analytic continuation from basic subjects including linear algebra, group theory, Hilbert space theory, etc. to number theory. With plenty of practical examples and worked-out exercises, and the scope ranging from these basic subjects made applicable to number-theoretic settings to advanced number theory, this book can then be read without tears. It will be of immense help to the reader to acquire basic sound skills in number theory and its applications.Number theory used to be described as the queen of mathematics, that is, there is no practical use. However, with the development of computers and the security of internet communications, the importance of number theory has been exponentially increasing daily. The raison d'etre of the present book in this situation is that it is extremely reader-friendly while keeping the rigor of serious mathematics and in-depth analysis of practical applications to various subjects including control theory and pseudo-random number generation. The use of operators is prevailing rather abundantly in anticipation of applications to electrical engineering, allowing the reader to master these skills without much difficulty. It also delivers a very smooth bridging between elementary subjects including linear algebra and group theory (and algebraic number theory) for the reader to be well-versed in an efficient and effortless way. One of the main features of the book is that it gives several different approaches to the same topic, helping the reader to gain deeper insight and comprehension. Even just browsing through the materials would be beneficial to the reader.
Computers have stretched the limits of what is possible in mathematics. More: they have given rise to new fields of mathematical study; the analysis of new and traditional algorithms, the creation of new paradigms for implementing computational methods, the viewing of old techniques from a concrete algorithmic vantage point, to name but a few. Computational Algebra and Number Theory lies at the lively intersection of computer science and mathematics. It highlights the surprising width and depth of the field through examples drawn from current activity, ranging from category theory, graph theory and combinatorics, to more classical computational areas, such as group theory and number theory. Many of the papers in the book provide a survey of their topic, as well as a description of present research. Throughout the variety of mathematical and computational fields represented, the emphasis is placed on the common principles and the methods employed. Audience: Students, experts, and those performing current research in any of the topics mentioned above.
This book is, on the one hand, a pedagogical introduction to the formalism of slopes, of semi-stability and of related concepts in the simplest possible context. It is therefore accessible to any graduate student with a basic knowledge in algebraic geometry and algebraic groups. On the other hand, the book also provides a thorough introduction to the basics of period domains, as they appear in the geometric approach to local Langlands correspondences and in the recent conjectural p-adic local Langlands program. The authors provide numerous worked examples and establish many connections to topics in the general area of algebraic groups over finite and local fields. In addition, the end of each section includes remarks on open questions, historical context and references to the literature.
This volume is the result of the author's many-years of research in this field. These results were presented in the author's two books, Introduction to the Algorithmic Measurement Theory (Moscow, Soviet Radio, 1977), and Codes of the Golden Proportion (Moscow, Radio and Communications, 1984), which had not been translated into English and are therefore not known to English-speaking audience. This volume sets forth new informational and arithmetical fundamentals of computer and measurement systems based on Fibonacci p-codes and codes of the golden p-proportions, and also on Bergman's system and 'golden' ternary mirror-symmetrical arithmetic. The book presents some new historical hypotheses concerning the origin of the Egyptian calendar and the Babylonian numeral system with base 60 (dodecahedral hypothesis), as well as about the origin of the Mayan's calendar and their numeral system with base 20 (icosahedral hypothesis). The book is intended for the college and university level. The book will also be of interest to all researchers, who use the golden ratio and Fibonacci numbers in their subject areas, and to all readers who are interested to the history of mathematics.
While its roots reach back to the third century, diophantine analysis continues to be an extremely active and powerful area of number theory. Many diophantine problems have simple formulations, they can be extremely difficult to attack, and many open problems and conjectures remain. Diophantine Analysis examines the theory of diophantine approximations and the theory of diophantine equations, with emphasis on interactions between these subjects. Beginning with the basic principles, the author develops his treatment around the theory of continued fractions and examines the classic theory, including some of its applications. He also explores modern topics rarely addressed in other texts, including the abc conjecture, the polynomial Pell equation, and the irrationality of the zeta function and touches on topics and applications related to discrete mathematics, such as factoring methods for large integers. Setting the stage for tackling the field's many open problems and conjectures, Diophantine Analysis is an ideal introduction to the fundamentals of this venerable but still dynamic field. A detailed appendix supplies the necessary background material, more than 200 exercises reinforce the concepts, and engaging historical notes bring the subject to life.
This is a 2001 account of Algebraic Number Theory, a field which has grown to touch many other areas of pure mathematics. It is written primarily for beginning graduate students in pure mathematics, and encompasses everything that most such students are likely to need; others who need the material will also find it accessible. It assumes no prior knowledge of the subject, but a firm basis in the theory of field extensions at an undergraduate level is required, and an appendix covers other prerequisites. The book covers the two basic methods of approaching Algebraic Number Theory, using ideals and valuations, and includes material on the most usual kinds of algebraic number field, the functional equation of the zeta function and a substantial digression on the classical approach to Fermat's Last Theorem, as well as a comprehensive account of class field theory. Many exercises and an annotated reading list are also included.
This is a self-contained 2010 account of the state of the art in classical complex multiplication that includes recent results on rings of integers and applications to cryptography using elliptic curves. The author is exhaustive in his treatment, giving a thorough development of the theory of elliptic functions, modular functions and quadratic number fields and providing a concise summary of the results from class field theory. The main results are accompanied by numerical examples, equipping any reader with all the tools and formulas they need. Topics covered include: the construction of class fields over quadratic imaginary number fields by singular values of the modular invariant j and Weber's tau-function; explicit construction of rings of integers in ray class fields and Galois module structure; the construction of cryptographically relevant elliptic curves over finite fields; proof of Berwick's congruences using division values of the Weierstrass p-function; relations between elliptic units and class numbers.
From the reviews: "This is a very interesting book containing material for a comprehensive study of the cyclid homological theory of algebras, cyclic sets and S1-spaces. Lie algebras and algebraic K-theory and an introduction to Connes'work and recent results on the Novikov conjecture. The book requires a knowledge of homological algebra and Lie algebra theory as well as basic technics coming from algebraic topology. The bibliographic comments at the end of each chapter offer good suggestions for further reading and research. The book can be strongly recommended to anybody interested in noncommutative geometry, contemporary algebraic topology and related topics." European Mathematical Society Newsletter In this second edition the authors have added a chapter 13 on MacLane (co)homology.
'The book is mainly addressed to the non-expert reader, in that it assumes only a little background in complex analysis and algebraic geometry, but no previous knowledge in transcendental number theory is required. The technical language is introduced smoothly, and illustrative examples are provided where appropriate ... The book is carefully written, and the relevant literature is provided in the list of references. 'Mathematical Reviews ClippingsThis book gives an introduction to some central results in transcendental number theory with application to periods and special values of modular and hypergeometric functions. It also includes related results on Calabi-Yau manifolds. Most of the material is based on the author's own research and appears for the first time in book form. It is presented with minimal of technical language and no background in number theory is needed. In addition, except the last chapter, all chapters include exercises suitable for graduate students. It is a nice book for graduate students and researchers interested in transcendence.
Exploring one of the most dynamic areas of mathematics, Advanced Number Theory with Applications covers a wide range of algebraic, analytic, combinatorial, cryptographic, and geometric aspects of number theory. Written by a recognized leader in algebra and number theory, the book includes a page reference for every citing in the bibliography and more than 1,500 entries in the index so that students can easily cross-reference and find the appropriate data. With numerous examples throughout, the text begins with coverage of algebraic number theory, binary quadratic forms, Diophantine approximation, arithmetic functions, p-adic analysis, Dirichlet characters, density, and primes in arithmetic progression. It then applies these tools to Diophantine equations, before developing elliptic curves and modular forms. The text also presents an overview of Fermat's Last Theorem (FLT) and numerous consequences of the ABC conjecture, including Thue-Siegel-Roth theorem, Hall's conjecture, the Erdoes-Mollin--Walsh conjecture, and the Granville-Langevin Conjecture. In the appendix, the author reviews sieve methods, such as Eratothesenes', Selberg's, Linnik's, and Bombieri's sieves. He also discusses recent results on gaps between primes and the use of sieves in factoring. By focusing on salient techniques in number theory, this textbook provides the most up-to-date and comprehensive material for a second course in this field. It prepares students for future study at the graduate level.
Multidimensional continued fractions form an area of research within number theory. Recently the topic has been linked to research in dynamical systems, and mathematical physics, which means that some of the results discovered in this area have applications in describing physical systems. This book gives a comprehensive and up to date overview of recent research in the area.
Prime Numbers, Friends Who Give Problems is written as a trialogue, with two persons who are interested in prime numbers asking the author, Papa Paulo, intelligent questions. Starting at a very elementary level, the book advances steadily, covering all important topics of the theory of prime numbers, up to the most famous problems. The humorous conversations and the inclusion of a back-story add to the uniqueness of the book. Concepts and results are also explained with great care, making the book accessible to a wide audience.
Prime Numbers, Friends Who Give Problems is written as a trialogue, with two persons who are interested in prime numbers asking the author, Papa Paulo, intelligent questions. Starting at a very elementary level, the book advances steadily, covering all important topics of the theory of prime numbers, up to the most famous problems. The humorous conversations and the inclusion of a back-story add to the uniqueness of the book. Concepts and results are also explained with great care, making the book accessible to a wide audience.
The first edition of this book provided the first systematic exposition of the arithmetic theory of algebraic groups. This revised second edition, now published in two volumes, retains the same goals, while incorporating corrections and improvements, as well as new material covering more recent developments. Volume I begins with chapters covering background material on number theory, algebraic groups, and cohomology (both abelian and non-abelian), and then turns to algebraic groups over locally compact fields. The remaining two chapters provide a detailed treatment of arithmetic subgroups and reduction theory in both the real and adelic settings. Volume I includes new material on groups with bounded generation and abstract arithmetic groups. With minimal prerequisites and complete proofs given whenever possible, this book is suitable for self-study for graduate students wishing to learn the subject as well as a reference for researchers in number theory, algebraic geometry, and related areas.
This monograph provides a brief exposition of automorphic forms of weight 1 and their applications to arithmetic, especially to Galois representations. One of the outstanding problems in arithmetic is a generalization of class field theory to non-abelian Galois extension of number fields. In this volume, we discuss some relations between this problem and cusp forms of weight 1.
With a foreword by Freeman Dyson, the handbook brings together
leading mathematicians and physicists to offer a comprehensive
overview of random matrix theory, including a guide to new
developments and the diverse range of applications of this
Natural numbers are the oldest human inventions. This volume describes their nature, laws, history and current status. The first five chapters contain not only the basics of elementary number theory for the convenience of teaching and continuity of reading, but also many latest research results. For the first time in history, the Chinese Remainder Theorem is renamed the Qin Jiushao Theorem to give him the full credit for his establishment of this famous theorem in number theory. Chapter 6 is about the fascinating congruence modulo an integer power, and Chapter 7 introduces a new problem extracted by the author from the classical problems of number theory, which is out of the combination of additive number theory and multiplicative number theory.In this volume, there is supplementary material after each section to broaden the reader's knowledge and imagination. It either discusses the rudiments of some aspects or introduces new topics, such as the perfect number problem, Goldbach's conjecture, the twin prime conjecture, the 3x + 1 problem, Waring's problem, Catalan's conjecture, Euler's conjecture, Fermat's Last Theorem, etc.Originally published in Chinese as in 2014, The Book of Numbers is written for anyone who loves natural numbers. The author is not only a mathematician, but also a literary and science writer, with more than 20 books published, many of which were translated into 20 languages.
The aim of this book is to give a systematic exposition of results in some important cases where p-adic families and p-adic L-functions are studied. We first look at p-adic families in the following cases: general linear groups, symplectic groups and definite unitary groups. We also look at applications of this theory to modularity lifting problems. We finally consider p-adic L-functions for GL(2), the p-adic adjoint L-functions and some cases of higher GL(n).
The aim of this book is to serve both as an introduction to profinite groups and as a reference for specialists in some areas of the theory. The book is reasonably self-contained. Profinite groups are Galois groups. As such they are of interest in algebraic number theory. Much of recent research on abstract infinite groups is related to profinite groups because residually finite groups are naturally embedded in a profinite group. In addition to basic facts about general profinite groups, the book emphasizes free constructions (particularly free profinite groups and the structure of their subgroups). Homology and cohomology is described with a minimum of prerequisites. This second edition contains three new appendices dealing with a new characterization of free profinite groups, presentations of pro-p groups and a new conceptually simpler approach to the proof of some classical subgroup theorems. Throughout the text there are additions in the form of new results, improved proofs, typographical corrections, and an enlarged bibliography. The list of open questions has been updated; comments and references have been added about those previously open problems that have been solved after the first edition appeared.
This is the first introductory book on multiple zeta functions and multiple polylogarithms which are the generalizations of the Riemann zeta function and the classical polylogarithms, respectively, to the multiple variable setting. It contains all the basic concepts and the important properties of these functions and their special values. This book is aimed at graduate students, mathematicians and physicists who are interested in this current active area of research.The book will provide a detailed and comprehensive introduction to these objects, their fascinating properties and interesting relations to other mathematical subjects, and various generalizations such as their q-analogs and their finite versions (by taking partial sums modulo suitable prime powers). Historical notes and exercises are provided at the end of each chapter.
This volume consists of a selection of research-type articles on dynamical systems, evolution equations, analytic number theory and closely related topics. A strong emphasis is on a fair balance between theoretical and more applied work, thus spanning the chasm between abstract insight and actual application. Several of the articles are expected to be in the intersection of dynamical systems theory and number theory. One article will likely relate the topics presented to the academic achievements and interests of Prof. Leutbecher and shed light on common threads among all the contributions. |
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