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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
The book provides an introduction to modern abstract algebra and its applications. It covers all major topics of classical theory of numbers, groups, rings, fields and finite dimensional algebras. The book also provides interesting and important modern applications in such subjects as Cryptography, Coding Theory, Computer Science and Physics. In particular, it considers algorithm RSA, secret sharing algorithms, Diffie-Hellman Scheme and ElGamal cryptosystem based on discrete logarithm problem. It also presents Buchberger's algorithm which is one of the important algorithms for constructing Groebner basis. Key Features: Covers all major topics of classical theory of modern abstract algebra such as groups, rings and fields and their applications. In addition it provides the introduction to the number theory, theory of finite fields, finite dimensional algebras and their applications. Provides interesting and important modern applications in such subjects as Cryptography, Coding Theory, Computer Science and Physics. Presents numerous examples illustrating the theory and applications. It is also filled with a number of exercises of various difficulty. Describes in detail the construction of the Cayley-Dickson construction for finite dimensional algebras, in particular, algebras of quaternions and octonions and gives their applications in the number theory and computer graphics.
This book presents the development of Prime Number Theory from its beginnings until the end of the first decade of the XXth century. Special emphasis is given to the work of Cebysev, Dirichlet, Riemann, Vallée-Poussin, Hadamard and Landau. The book presents the principal results with proofs and also gives, mostly in short comments, an overview of the development in the last 80 years. It is, however, not a historical book since it does not give biographical details of the people who have played a role in the development of Prime Number Theory. The book contains a large list of references with more than 1800 items. It can be read by any person with a knowledge of fundamental notions of number theory and complex analysis.
This proceedings volume contains articles related to the research presented at the 2017 Simons Symposium on p-adic Hodge theory. This symposium was focused on recent developments in p-adic Hodge theory, especially those concerning integral questions and their connections to notions in algebraic topology. This volume features original research articles as well as articles that contain new research and survey some of these recent developments. It is the first of three volumes dedicated to p-adic Hodge theory.
This book contains a compendium of 25 papers published since the 1970s dealing with pi and associated topics of mathematics and computer science. The collection begins with a Foreword by Bruce Berndt. Each contribution is preceded by a brief summary of its content as well as a short key word list indicating how the content relates to others in the collection. The volume includes articles on actual computations of pi, articles on mathematical questions related to pi (e.g., "Is pi normal?"), articles presenting new and often amazing techniques for computing digits of pi (e.g., the "BBP" algorithm for pi, which permits one to compute an arbitrary binary digit of pi without needing to compute any of the digits that came before), papers presenting important fundamental mathematical results relating to pi, and papers presenting new, high-tech techniques for analyzing pi (i.e., new graphical techniques that permit one to visually see if pi and other numbers are "normal"). This volume is a companion to Pi: A Source Book whose third edition released in 2004. The present collection begins with 2 papers from 1976, published by Eugene Salamin and Richard Brent, which describe "quadratically convergent" algorithms for pi and other basic mathematical functions, derived from some mathematical work of Gauss. Bailey and Borwein hold that these two papers constitute the beginning of the modern era of computational mathematics. This time period (1970s) also corresponds with the introduction of high-performance computer systems (supercomputers), which since that time have increased relentlessly in power, by approximately a factor of 100,000,000, advancing roughly at the same rate as Moore's Law of semiconductor technology. This book may be of interest to a wide range of mathematical readers; some articles cover more advanced research questions suitable for active researchers in the field, but several are highly accessible to undergraduate mathematics students.
Srinivasa Ramanujan is, arguably, the greatest mathematician that India has produced. His story is quite unusual: although he had no formal education inmathematics, he taught himself, and managed to produce many important new results. With the support of the English number theorist G. H. Hardy, Ramanujan received a scholarship to go to England and study mathematics. He died very young, at the age of 32, leaving behind three notebooks containing almost 3000 theorems, virtually all without proof. G. H. Hardy and others strongly urged that notebooks be edited and published, and the result is this series of books. This volume dealswith Chapters 1-9 of Book II; each theorem is either proved, or a reference to a proof is given.
The book is aimed at people working in number theory or at least interested in this part of mathematics. It presents the development of the theory of algebraic numbers up to the year 1950 and contains a rather complete bibliography of that period. The reader will get information about results obtained before 1950. It is hoped that this may be helpful in preventing rediscoveries of old results, and might also inspire the reader to look at the work done earlier, which may hide some ideas which could be applied in contemporary research.
In his Master Plan Cai Chen (1167-1230) created an original divination manual based on the Yijing and keyed it to an intricate series of 81 matrixes with the properties of "magic squares." Previously unrecognized, Cai's work is a milestone in the history of mathematics, and, in introducing it, this book dramatically expands our understanding of the Chinese number theory practiced by the "Image and Number" school within Confucian philosophy. Thinkers of that leaning devised graphic arrays of the binary figures called "trigrams" and "hexagrams" in the Yijing as a way of exploring the relationship between the random draws of divination and the classic's readings. Cai adapted this perspective to his 81 matrix series, which he saw as tracing the recurring temporal cycles of the natural world. The architecture of the matrix series is echoed in the language of his divination texts, which he called "number names"-hence, the book's title. This book will appeal to those interested in philosophy, the history of science and mathematics, and Chinese intellectual history. The divination text has significant literary as well as philosophical dimensions, and its audience lies both among specialists in these fields and with a general readership interested in recreational mathematics and topics like divination, Taiji, and Fengshui.
Features Uses techniques from widely diverse areas of mathematics, including number theory, calculus, set theory, complex analysis, linear algebra, and the theory of computation. Suitable as a primary textbook for advanced undergraduate courses in number theory, or as supplementary reading for interested postgraduates. Each chapter concludes with an appendix setting out the basic facts needed from each topic, so that the book is accessible to readers without any specific specialist background.
Number Theory and its Applications is a textbook for students pursuing mathematics as major in undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Please note: Taylor & Francis does not sell or distribute the print book in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Asymptotics in one form or another are part of the landscape for every mathematician. The objective of this book is to present the ideas of how to approach asymptotic problems that arise in discrete mathematics, analysis of algorithms, and number theory. A broad range of topics is covered, including distribution of prime integers, Erdos Magic, random graphs, Ramsey numbers, and asymptotic geometry. The author is a disciple of Paul Erdos, who taught him about Asymptopia. Primes less than n , graphs with v vertices, random walks of t steps - Erdos was fascinated by the limiting behavior as the variables approached, but never reached, infinity. Asymptotics is very much an art. The various functions nlnn , n 2 , lnn n , lnn ? ? ? ? , 1 nlnn all have distinct personalities. Erdos knew these functions as personal friends. It is the author's hope that these insights may be passed on, that the reader may similarly feel which function has the right temperament for a given task. This book is aimed at strong undergraduates, though it is also suitable for particularly good high school students or for graduates wanting to learn some basic techniques. Asymptopia is a beautiful world. Enjoy!
Paul Erdos was one of the most influential mathematicians of the twentieth century, whose work in number theory, combinatorics, set theory, analysis, and other branches of mathematics has determined the development of large areas of these fields. In 1999, a conference was organized to survey his work, his contributions to mathematics, and the far-reaching impact of his work on many branches of mathematics. On the 100th anniversary of his birth, this volume undertakes the almost impossible task to describe the ways in which problems raised by him and topics initiated by him (indeed, whole branches of mathematics) continue to flourish. Written by outstanding researchers in these areas, these papers include extensive surveys of classical results as well as of new developments."
In recent years, extensive research has been conducted by eminent mathematicians and engineers whose results and proposed problems are presented in this new volume. It is addressed to graduate students, research mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. Individual contributions are devoted to topics of approximation theory, functional equations and inequalities, fixed point theory, numerical analysis, theory of wavelets, convex analysis, topology, operator theory, differential operators, fractional integral operators, integro-differential equations, ternary algebras, super and hyper relators, variational analysis, discrete mathematics, cryptography, and a variety of applications in interdisciplinary topics. Several of these domains have a strong connection with both theories and problems of linear and nonlinear optimization. The combination of results from various domains provides the reader with a solid, state-of-the-art interdisciplinary reference to theory and problems. Some of the works provide guidelines for further research and proposals for new directions and open problems with relevant discussions.
A complete, self-contained introduction to a powerful and resurging mathematical discipline … Combinatorial Geometry presents and explains with complete proofs some of the most important results and methods of this relatively young mathematical discipline, started by Minkowski, Fejes Tóth, Rogers, and Erd???s. Nearly half the results presented in this book were discovered over the past twenty years, and most have never before appeared in any monograph. Combinatorial Geometry will be of particular interest to mathematicians, computer scientists, physicists, and materials scientists interested in computational geometry, robotics, scene analysis, and computer-aided design. It is also a superb textbook, complete with end-of-chapter problems and hints to their solutions that help students clarify their understanding and test their mastery of the material. Topics covered include:
This problem-solving book is an introduction to the study of Diophantine equations, a class of equations in which only integer solutions are allowed. The presentation features some classical Diophantine equations, including linear, Pythagorean, and some higher degree equations, as well as exponential Diophantine equations. Many of the selected exercises and problems are original or are presented with original solutions. An Introduction to Diophantine Equations: A Problem-Based Approach is intended for undergraduates, advanced high school students and teachers, mathematical contest participants - including Olympiad and Putnam competitors - as well as readers interested in essential mathematics. The work uniquely presents unconventional and non-routine examples, ideas, and techniques.
Key problems and conjectures have played an important role in promoting the development of Ramsey theory, a field where great progress has been made during the past two decades, with some old problems solved and many new problems proposed. The present book will be helpful to readers who wish to learn about interesting problems in Ramsey theory, to see how they are interconnected, and then to study them in depth. This book is the first problem book of such scope in Ramsey theory. Many unsolved problems, conjectures and related partial results in Ramsey theory are presented, in areas such as extremal graph theory, additive number theory, discrete geometry, functional analysis, algorithm design, and in other areas. Most presented problems are easy to understand, but they may be difficult to solve. They can be appreciated on many levels and by a wide readership, ranging from undergraduate students majoring in mathematics to research mathematicians. This collection is an essential reference for mathematicians working in combinatorics and number theory, as well as for computer scientists studying algorithms. Contents Some definitions and notations Ramsey theory Bi-color diagonal classical Ramsey numbers Paley graphs and lower bounds for R(k, k) Bi-color off-diagonal classical Ramsey numbers Multicolor classical Ramsey numbers Generalized Ramsey numbers Folkman numbers The Erdos-Hajnal conjecture Other Ramsey-type problems in graph theory On van der Waerden numbers and Szemeredi's theorem More problems of Ramsey type in additive number theory Sidon-Ramsey numbers Games in Ramsey theory Local Ramsey theory Set-coloring Ramsey theory Other problems and conjectures
Introduces a new web-based optimizer for Geometric algebra algorithms; Supports many programming languages as well as hardware; Covers the advantages of High-dimensional algebras; Includes geometrically intuitive support of quantum computing
This proceedings volume is based on papers presented at the Workshops on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT), which were held at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 2011 and 2012. The goal of the workshops is to survey recent progress in combinatorial number theory and related parts of mathematics. The workshop attracts researchers and students who discuss the state-of-the-art, open problems and future challenges in number theory.
Elementary Number Theory, Gove Effinger, Gary L. Mullen This text is intended to be used as an undergraduate introduction to the theory of numbers. The authors have been immersed in this area of mathematics for many years and hope that this text will inspire students (and instructors) to study, understand, and come to love this truly beautiful subject. Each chapter, after an introduction, develops a new topic clearly broken out in sections which include theoretical material together with numerous examples, each worked out in considerable detail. At the end of each chapter, after a summary of the topic, there are a number of solved problems, also worked out in detail, followed by a set of supplementary problems. These latter problems give students a chance to test their own understanding of the material; solutions to some but not all of them complete the chapter. The first eight chapters discuss some standard material in elementary number theory. The remaining chapters discuss topics which might be considered a bit more advanced. The text closes with a chapter on Open Problems in Number Theory. Students (and of course instructors) are strongly encouraged to study this chapter carefully and fully realize that not all mathematical issues and problems have been resolved! There is still much to be learned and many questions to be answered in mathematics in general and in number theory in particular.
This book contains selected chapters on perfectoid spaces, their introduction and applications, as invented by Peter Scholze in his Fields Medal winning work. These contributions are presented at the conference on "Perfectoid Spaces" held at the International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Bengaluru, India, from 9-20 September 2019. The objective of the book is to give an advanced introduction to Scholze's theory and understand the relation between perfectoid spaces and some aspects of arithmetic of modular (or, more generally, automorphic) forms such as representations mod p, lifting of modular forms, completed cohomology, local Langlands program, and special values of L-functions. All chapters are contributed by experts in the area of arithmetic geometry that will facilitate future research in the direction.
This book contains a complete detailed description of two classes of special numbers closely related to classical problems of the Theory of Primes. There is also extensive discussions of applied issues related to Cryptography.In Mathematics, a Mersenne number (named after Marin Mersenne, who studied them in the early 17-th century) is a number of the form Mn = 2n - 1 for positive integer n.In Mathematics, a Fermat number (named after Pierre de Fermat who first studied them) is a positive integer of the form Fn = 2k+ 1, k=2n, where n is a non-negative integer.Mersenne and Fermat numbers have many other interesting properties. Long and rich history, many arithmetic connections (with perfect numbers, with construction of regular polygons etc.), numerous modern applications, long list of open problems allow us to provide a broad perspective of the Theory of these two classes of special numbers, that can be useful and interesting for both professionals and the general audience.
The theory of numbers continues to occupy a central place in modern mathematics because of both its long history over many centuries as well as its many diverse applications to other fields such as discrete mathematics, cryptography, and coding theory. The proof by Andrew Wiles (with Richard Taylor) of Fermat's last theorem published in 1995 illustrates the high level of difficulty of problems encountered in number-theoretic research as well as the usefulness of the new ideas arising from its proof. The thirteenth conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association was held at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from June 16 to 20, 2014. Ninety-nine talks were presented at the conference on the theme of advances in the theory of numbers. Topics of the talks reflected the diversity of current trends and activities in modern number theory. These topics included modular forms, hypergeometric functions, elliptic curves, distribution of prime numbers, diophantine equations, L-functions, Diophantine approximation, and many more. This volume contains some of the papers presented at the conference. All papers were refereed. The high quality of the articles and their contribution to current research directions make this volume a must for any mathematics library and is particularly relevant to researchers and graduate students with an interest in number theory. The editors hope that this volume will serve as both a resource and an inspiration to future generations of researchers in the theory of numbers.
Elementary Number Theory, Gove Effinger, Gary L. Mullen This text is intended to be used as an undergraduate introduction to the theory of numbers. The authors have been immersed in this area of mathematics for many years and hope that this text will inspire students (and instructors) to study, understand, and come to love this truly beautiful subject. Each chapter, after an introduction, develops a new topic clearly broken out in sections which include theoretical material together with numerous examples, each worked out in considerable detail. At the end of each chapter, after a summary of the topic, there are a number of solved problems, also worked out in detail, followed by a set of supplementary problems. These latter problems give students a chance to test their own understanding of the material; solutions to some but not all of them complete the chapter. The first eight chapters discuss some standard material in elementary number theory. The remaining chapters discuss topics which might be considered a bit more advanced. The text closes with a chapter on Open Problems in Number Theory. Students (and of course instructors) are strongly encouraged to study this chapter carefully and fully realize that not all mathematical issues and problems have been resolved! There is still much to be learned and many questions to be answered in mathematics in general and in number theory in particular.
This is the second in a series of three volumes dealing with important topics in algebra. Volume 2 is an introduction to linear algebra (including linear algebra over rings), Galois theory, representation theory, and the theory of group extensions. The section on linear algebra (chapters 1-5) does not require any background material from Algebra 1, except an understanding of set theory. Linear algebra is the most applicable branch of mathematics, and it is essential for students of science and engineering As such, the text can be used for one-semester courses for these students. The remaining part of the volume discusses Jordan and rational forms, general linear algebra (linear algebra over rings), Galois theory, representation theory (linear algebra over group algebras), and the theory of extension of groups follow linear algebra, and is suitable as a text for the second and third year students specializing in mathematics. |
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