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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
On May 16 -20, 1995, approximately 150 mathematicians gathered at the Conference Center of the University of Illinois at Allerton Park for an Inter national Conference on Analytic Number Theory. The meeting marked the approaching official retirement of Heini Halberstam from the mathematics fac ulty of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Professor Halberstam has been at the University since 1980, for 8 years as head of the Department of Mathematics, and has been a leading researcher and teacher in number theory for over forty years. The program included invited one hour lectures by G. Andrews, J. Bour gain, J. M. Deshouillers, H. Halberstam, D. R. Heath-Brown, H. Iwaniec, H. L. Montgomery, R. Murty, C. Pomerance, and R. C. Vaughan, and almost one hundred other talks of varying lengths. These volumes comprise contributions from most of the principal speakers and from many of the other participants, as well as some papers from mathematicians who were unable to attend. The contents span a broad range of themes from contemporary number theory, with the majority having an analytic flavor."
This is a corrected printing of the second edition of Lang's well-known textbook. It covers all of the basic material of classical algebraic number theory, giving the student the background necessary for the study of further topics in algebraic number theory, such as cyclotomic fields, or modular forms. Part I introduces some of the basic ideas of the theory: number fields, ideal classes, ideles and adeles, and zeta functions. It also contains a version of a Riemann-Roch theorem in number fields, proved by Lang in the very first version of the book in the sixties. This version can now be seen as a precursor of Arakelov theory. Part II covers class field theory, and Part III is devoted to analytic methods, including an exposition of Tate's thesis, the Brauer-Siegel theorem, and Weil's explicit formulas. The second edition contains corrections, as well as several additions to the previous edition, and the last chapter on explicit formulas has been rewritten.
The text presents the birational classification of holomorphic foliations of surfaces. It discusses at length the theory developed by L.G. Mendes, M. McQuillan and the author to study foliations of surfaces in the spirit of the classification of complex algebraic surfaces.
In the introduction to the first volume of The Arithmetic of Elliptic Curves (Springer-Verlag, 1986), I observed that "the theory of elliptic curves is rich, varied, and amazingly vast," and as a consequence, "many important topics had to be omitted." I included a brief introduction to ten additional topics as an appendix to the first volume, with the tacit understanding that eventually there might be a second volume containing the details. You are now holding that second volume. it turned out that even those ten topics would not fit Unfortunately, into a single book, so I was forced to make some choices. The following material is covered in this book: I. Elliptic and modular functions for the full modular group. II. Elliptic curves with complex multiplication. III. Elliptic surfaces and specialization theorems. IV. Neron models, Kodaira-Neron classification of special fibers, Tate's algorithm, and Ogg's conductor-discriminant formula. V. Tate's theory of q-curves over p-adic fields. VI. Neron's theory of canonical local height functions.
The subject of this book is probabilistic number theory. In a wide sense probabilistic number theory is part of the analytic number theory, where the methods and ideas of probability theory are used to study the distribution of values of arithmetic objects. This is usually complicated, as it is difficult to say anything about their concrete values. This is why the following problem is usually investigated: given some set, how often do values of an arithmetic object get into this set? It turns out that this frequency follows strict mathematical laws. Here we discover an analogy with quantum mechanics where it is impossible to describe the chaotic behaviour of one particle, but that large numbers of particles obey statistical laws. The objects of investigation of this book are Dirichlet series, and, as the title shows, the main attention is devoted to the Riemann zeta-function. In studying the distribution of values of Dirichlet series the weak convergence of probability measures on different spaces (one of the principle asymptotic probability theory methods) is used. The application of this method was launched by H. Bohr in the third decade of this century and it was implemented in his works together with B. Jessen. Further development of this idea was made in the papers of B. Jessen and A. Wintner, V. Borchsenius and B.
This book contains 50 papers from among the 95 papers presented at the Seventh International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications which was held at the Institut Fiir Mathematik, Technische Universitiit Graz, Steyrergasse 30, A-SOlO Graz, Austria, from July 15 to July 19, 1996. These papers have been selected after a careful review by well known referees in the field, and they range from elementary number theory to probability and statistics. The Fibonacci numbers and recurrence relations are their unifying bond. It is anticipated that this book, like its six predecessors, will be useful to research workers and graduate students interested in the Fibonacci numbers and their applications. September 1, 1997 The Editors Gerald E. Bergum South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota, U. S. A. Alwyn F. Horadam University of New England Armidale, N. S. W. , Australia Andreas N. Philippou House of Representatives Nicosia, Cyprus xxvii THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEES LOCAL COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Tichy, Robert, Chairman Horadam, A. F. (Australia), Co-Chair Prodinger, Helmut, Co-Chairman Philippou, A. N. (Cyprus), Co-Chair Grabner, Peter Bergurt:t, G. E. (U. S. A. ) Kirschenhofer, Peter Filipponi, P. (Italy) Harborth, H. (Germany) Horibe, Y. (Japan) Johnson, M. (U. S. A. ) Kiss, P. (Hungary) Phillips, G. M. (Scotland) Turner, J. (New Zealand) Waddill, M. E. (U. S. A. ) xxix LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE CONFERENCE *ADELBERG, ARNOLD, "Higher Order Bernoulli Polynomials and Newton Polygons. " AMMANN, ANDRE, "Associated Fibonacci Sequences. " *ANDERSON, PETER G. , "The Fibonacci Shuffle Tree.
This textbook thoroughly outlines combinatorial algorithms for generation, enumeration, and search. Topics include backtracking and heuristic search methods applied to various combinatorial structures, such as: Combinations Permutations Graphs Designs Many classical areas are covered as well as new research topics not included in most existing texts, such as: Group algorithms Graph isomorphism Hill-climbing Heuristic search algorithms This work serves as an exceptional textbook for a modern course in combinatorial algorithms, providing a unified and focused collection of recent topics of interest in the area. The authors, synthesizing material that can only be found scattered through many different sources, introduce the most important combinatorial algorithmic techniques - thus creating an accessible, comprehensive text that students of mathematics, electrical engineering, and computer science can understand without needing a prior course on combinatorics.
"Still waters run deep." This proverb expresses exactly how a mathematician Akihito Uchiyama and his works were. He was not celebrated except in the field of harmonic analysis, and indeed he never wanted that. He suddenly passed away in summer of 1997 at the age of 48. However, nowadays his contributions to the fields of harmonic analysis and real analysis are permeating through various fields of analysis deep and wide. One could write several papers explaining his contributions and how they have been absorbed into these fields, developed, and used in further breakthroughs. Peter W. Jones (Professor of Yale University) says in his special contribution to this book that Uchiyama's decomposition of BMO functions is considered to be the Mount Everest of Hardy space theory. This book is based on the draft, which the author Akihito Uchiyama had completed by 1990. It deals with the theory of real Hardy spaces on the n-dimensional Euclidean space. Here the author explains scrupulously some of important results on Hardy spaces by real-variable methods, in particular, the atomic decomposition of elements in Hardy spaces and his constructive proof of the Fefferman-Stein decomposition of BMO functions into the sum of a bounded?function and Riesz transforms of bounded functions.
This volume explores the rich interplay between number theory and wireless communications, reviewing the surprisingly deep connections between these fields and presenting new research directions to inspire future research. The contributions of this volume stem from the Workshop on Interactions between Number Theory and Wireless Communication held at the University of York in 2016. The chapters, written by leading experts in their respective fields, provide direct overviews of highly exciting current research developments. The topics discussed include metric Diophantine approximation, geometry of numbers, homogeneous dynamics, algebraic lattices and codes, network and channel coding, and interference alignment. The book is edited by experts working in number theory and communication theory. It thus provides unique insight into key concepts, cutting-edge results, and modern techniques that play an essential role in contemporary research. Great effort has been made to present the material in a manner that is accessible to new researchers, including PhD students. The book will also be essential reading for established researchers working in number theory or wireless communications looking to broaden their outlook and contribute to this emerging interdisciplinary area.
This handbook covers a wealth of topics from number theory, special attention being given to estimates and inequalities. As a rule, the most important results are presented, together with their refinements, extensions or generalisations. These may be applied to other aspects of number theory, or to a wide range of mathematical disciplines. Cross-references provide new insight into fundamental research. Audience: This is an indispensable reference work for specialists in number theory and other mathematicians who need access to some of these results in their own fields of research.
Caribbean Tsunamis - A 500-Year History from 1498-1998 broadly
characterizes the nature of tsunamis in the Caribbean Sea, while
bearing in mind both scientific aspects as well as potential
interest by the many governments and populations likely to be
affected by the hazard. Comprehension of the nature of tsunamis and
past effects is crucial for the awareness and education of
populations at risk.
The book discusses major topics in complex analysis with applications to number theory. This book is intended as a text for graduate students of mathematics and undergraduate students of engineering, as well as to researchers in complex analysis and number theory. This theory is a prerequisite for the study of many areas of mathematics, including the theory of several finitely and infinitely many complex variables, hyperbolic geometry, two and three manifolds and number theory. In additional to solved examples and problems, the book covers most of the topics of current interest, such as Cauchy theorems, Picard's theorems, Riemann-Zeta function, Dirichlet theorem, gamma function and harmonic functions.
This book presents a guide to the extensive literature on the topic of semirings and includes a complete bibliography. It serves as a complement to the existing monographs and a point of reference to researchers and students on this topic. The literature on semirings has evolved over many years, in a variety of languages, by authors representing different schools of mathematics and working in various related fields. Recently, semiring theory has experienced rapid development, although publications are widely scattered. This survey also covers those newly emerged areas of semiring applications that have not received sufficient treatment in widely accessible monographs, as well as many lesser-known or forgotten' works. The author has been collecting the bibliographic data for this book since 1985. Over the years, it has proved very useful for specialists. For example, J.S. Golan wrote he owed ... a special debt to Kazimierz Glazek, whose bibliography proved to be an invaluable guide to the bewildering maze of literature on semirings'. U. Hebisch and H.J. Weinert also mentioned his collection of literature had been of great assistance to them. Now updated to include publications up to the beginning of 2002, this work is available to a wide readership. Audience: This volume is the first single reference that can guide the interested scholar or student to the relevant publications in semirings, semifields, algebraic theory of languages and automata, positive matrices and other generalisations, and ordered semigroups and groups.
This book deals with two important branches of mathematics, namely, logic and set theory. Logic and set theory are closely related and play very crucial roles in the foundation of mathematics, and together produce several results in all of mathematics. The topics of logic and set theory are required in many areas of physical sciences, engineering, and technology. The book offers solved examples and exercises, and provides reasonable details to each topic discussed, for easy understanding. The book is designed for readers from various disciplines where mathematical logic and set theory play a crucial role. The book will be of interested to students and instructors in engineering, mathematics, computer science, and technology.
This volume began as the last part of a one-term graduate course given at the Fields Institute for Research in the Mathematical Sciences in the Autumn of 1993. The course was one of four associated with the 1993-94 Fields Institute programme, which I helped to organise, entitled "Artin L-functions". Published as [132]' the final chapter of the course introduced a manner in which to construct class-group valued invariants from Galois actions on the algebraic K-groups, in dimensions two and three, of number rings. These invariants were inspired by the analogous Chin burg invariants of [34], which correspond to dimensions zero and one. The classical Chinburg invariants measure the Galois structure of classical objects such as units in rings of algebraic integers. However, at the "Galois Module Structure" workshop in February 1994, discussions about my invariant (0,1 (L/ K, 3) in the notation of Chapter 5) after my lecture revealed that a number of other higher-dimensional co homological and motivic invariants of a similar nature were beginning to surface in the work of several authors. Encouraged by this trend and convinced that K-theory is the archetypical motivic cohomology theory, I gratefully took the opportunity of collaboration on computing and generalizing these K-theoretic invariants. These generalizations took several forms - local and global, for example - as I followed part of number theory and the prevalent trends in the "Galois Module Structure" arithmetic geometry.
This text is an introduction to harmonic analysis on symmetric spaces, focusing on advanced topics such as higher rank spaces, positive definite matrix space and generalizations. It is intended for beginning graduate students in mathematics or researchers in physics or engineering. As with the introductory book entitled "Harmonic Analysis on Symmetric Spaces - Euclidean Space, the Sphere, and the Poincare Upper Half Plane, the style is informal with an emphasis on motivation, concrete examples, history, and applications. The symmetric spaces considered here are quotients X=G/K, where G is a non-compact real Lie group, such as the general linear group GL(n,P) of all n x n non-singular real matrices, and K=O(n), the maximal compact subgroup of orthogonal matrices. Other examples are Siegel's upper half "plane" and the quaternionic upper half "plane". In the case of the general linear group, one can identify X with the space Pn of n x n positive definite symmetric matrices. Many corrections and updates have been incorporated in this new edition. Updates include discussions of random matrix theory and quantum chaos, as well as recent research on modular forms and their corresponding L-functions in higher rank. Many applications have been added, such as the solution of the heat equation on Pn, the central limit theorem of Donald St. P. Richards for Pn, results on densest lattice packing of spheres in Euclidean space, and GL(n)-analogs of the Weyl law for eigenvalues of the Laplacian in plane domains. Topics featured throughout the text include inversion formulas for Fourier transforms, central limit theorems, fundamental domains in X for discrete groups (such as the modular group GL(n,Z) of n x n matrices with integer entries and determinant +/-1), connections with the problem of finding densest lattice packings of spheres in Euclidean space, automorphic forms, Hecke operators, L-functions, and the Selberg trace formula and its applications in spectral theory as well as number theory.
The common solutions of a finite number of polynomial equations in a finite number of variables constitute an algebraic variety. The degrees of freedom of a moving point on the variety is the dimension of the variety. A one-dimensional variety is a curve and a two-dimensional variety is a surface. A three-dimensional variety may be called asolid. Most points of a variety are simple points. Singularities are special points, or points of multiplicity greater than one. Points of multiplicity two are double points, points of multiplicity three are tripie points, and so on. A nodal point of a curve is a double point where the curve crosses itself, such as the alpha curve. A cusp is a double point where the curve has a beak. The vertex of a cone provides an example of a surface singularity. A reversible change of variables gives abirational transformation of a variety. Singularities of a variety may be resolved by birational transformations.
In the spring of 1976, George Andrews of Pennsylvania State University visited the library at Trinity College, Cambridge to examine the papers of the late G.N. Watson. Among these papers, Andrews discovered a sheaf of 138 pages in the handwriting of Srinivasa Ramanujan. This manuscript was soon designated, "Ramanujan's lost notebook." Its discovery has frequently been deemed the mathematical equivalent of finding Beethoven's tenth symphony. This volume is the third of five volumes that the authors plan to write on Ramanujan's lost notebook and other manuscripts and fragments found in The Lost Notebook and Other Unpublished Papers, published by Narosa in 1988. The ordinary partition function p(n) is the focus of this third volume. In particular, ranks, cranks, and congruences for p(n) are in the spotlight. Other topics include the Ramanujan tau-function, the Rogers-Ramanujan functions, highly composite numbers, and sums of powers of theta functions. Review from the second volume: "Fans of Ramanujan's mathematics are sure to be delighted by
this book. While some of the content is taken directly from
published papers, most chapters contain new material and some
previously published proofs have been improved. Many entries are
just begging for further study and will undoubtedly be inspiring
research for decades to come. The next installment in this series
is eagerly awaited." Review from the first volume: "Andrews and Berndt are to be congratulated on the job they are
doing. This is the first step...on the way to an understanding of
the work of the genius Ramanujan. It should act as an inspiration
to future generations of mathematicians to tackle a job that will
never be complete."
Number Theory: Tradition and Modernization is a collection of survey and research papers on various topics in number theory. Though the topics and descriptive details appear varied, they are unified by two underlying principles: first, making everything readable as a book, and second, making a smooth transition from traditional approaches to modern ones by providing a rich array of examples. The chapters are presented in quite different in depth and cover a variety of descriptive details, but the underlying editorial principle enables the reader to have a unified glimpse of the developments of number theory. Thus, on the one hand, the traditional approach is presented in great detail, and on the other, the modernization of the methods in number theory is elaborated. The book emphasizes a few common features such as functional equations for various zeta-functions, modular forms, congruence conditions, exponential sums, and algorithmic aspects.
This book contains thirty-six papers from among the forty-five papers presented at the Third International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications which was held in Pisa, Italy from July 25 to July 29, 1988 in honor of Leonardo de Pisa. These papers have been selected after a careful review by well known referees in the field, and they range from elementary number theory to probability and statistics. The Fibonacci numbers are their unifying bond. It is anticipated that this book, like its two predecessors, will be useful to research workers and graduate students interested in the Fibonacci numbers and their applications. August 1989 The Editors Gerald E. Bergum South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota, U. S. A. Andreas N. Philippou Ministry of Education Nicosia, Cyprus Alwyn F. Horadam University of New England Armidale N. S. W. , Australia xv THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEES LOCAL COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Dvornicich, Roberto, Chairman Horadam, A. F. (Australia), Co-chairman Filipponi, Piero Philippou, A. N. (Cyprus), Co-chairman Perelli, Alberto Ando, S. (Japan) Viola, Carlo Bergum, G. E. (U. S. A. ) Zannier, Umberto Johnson, M. B. (U. S. A. ) Kiss, P. (Hungary) Tijdeman, Robert (The Netherlands) Tognetti, K. (Australia) XVII LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS TO THE CONFERENCE' ADLER, I. , RR 1, Box 532, North Bennington, VT 05257-9748. "Separating the Biological from the Mathematical Aspects of Phyllotaxis. " *AKRITAS, A. G. , (coauthor P. G. Bradford). "The Role of the Fibonacci Sequence in the Isolation of the Real Roots of Polynomial Equations.
Abelian varieties and their moduli are a central topic of
increasing importance in todays mathematics. Applications range
from algebraic geometry and number theory to mathematical
The appearance of weakly wandering (ww) sets and sequences for ergodic transformations over half a century ago was an unexpected and surprising event. In time it was shown that ww and related sequences reflected significant and deep properties of ergodic transformations that preserve an infinite measure. This monograph studies in a systematic way the role of ww and related sequences in the classification of ergodic transformations preserving an infinite measure. Connections of these sequences to additive number theory and tilings of the integers are also discussed. The material presented is self-contained and accessible to graduate students. A basic knowledge of measure theory is adequate for the reader.
We dedicate this volume to Professor Parimala on the occasion of her 60th birthday. It contains a variety of papers related to the themes of her research. Parimala's rst striking result was a counterexample to a quadratic analogue of Serre's conjecture (Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 1976). Her in uence has cont- ued through her tenure at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai (1976-2006),and now her time at Emory University in Atlanta (2005-present). A conference was held from 30 December 2008 to 4 January 2009, at the U- versity of Hyderabad, India, to celebrate Parimala's 60th birthday (see the conf- ence's Web site at http://mathstat.uohyd.ernet.in/conf/quadforms2008). The or- nizing committee consisted of J.-L. Colliot-Thel ' en ' e, Skip Garibaldi, R. Sujatha, and V. Suresh. The present volume is an outcome of this event. We would like to thank all the participants of the conference, the authors who have contributed to this volume, and the referees who carefully examined the s- mitted papers. We would also like to thank Springer-Verlag for readily accepting to publish the volume. In addition, the other three editors of the volume would like to place on record their deep appreciation of Skip Garibaldi's untiring efforts toward the nal publication.
Robert A. Rankin, one of the world's foremost authorities on
modular forms and a founding editor of The Ramanujan Journal, died
on January 27, 2001, at the age of 85. Rankin had broad interests
and contributed fundamental papers in a wide variety of areas
within number theory, geometry, analysis, and algebra. To
commemorate Rankin's life and work, the editors have collected
together 25 papers by several eminent mathematicians reflecting
Rankin's extensive range of interests within number theory. Many of
these papers reflect Rankin's primary focus in modular forms. It is
the editors' fervent hope that mathematicians will be stimulated by
these papers and gain a greater appreciation for Rankin's
contributions to mathematics.
On the one hand, this monograph serves as a self-contained introduction to Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution because the authors only assume the reader is familiar with the basics of complex analysis. On the other hand, the monograph also serves as a valuable reference for the research specialist because the authors present, for the first time in book form, the most modern and refined versions of the Second Main Theorem with precise error terms, in both the geometric and logarithmic derivative based approaches. A unique feature of the monograph is its "number-theoretic digressions". These special sections assume no background in number theory and explore the exciting interconnections between Nevanlinna theory and the theory of Diophantine approximation. |
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