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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
In the 1970s Hirzebruch and Zagier produced elliptic modular forms with coefficients in the homology of a Hilbert modular surface. They then computed the Fourier coefficients of these forms in terms of period integrals and L-functions. In this book the authors take an alternate approach to these theorems and generalize them to the setting of Hilbert modular varieties of arbitrary dimension. The approach is conceptual and uses tools that were not available to Hirzebruch and Zagier, including intersection homology theory, properties of modular cycles, and base change. Automorphic vector bundles, Hecke operators and Fourier coefficients of modular forms are presented both in the classical and adelic settings. The book should provide a foundation for approaching similar questions for other locally symmetric spaces.
The book introduces new techniques which imply rigorous lower bounds on the complexity of some number theoretic and cryptographic problems. These methods and techniques are based on bounds of character sums and numbers of solutions of some polynomial equations over finite fields and residue rings. It also contains a number of open problems and proposals for further research. We obtain several lower bounds, exponential in terms of logp, on the de grees and orders of * polynomials; * algebraic functions; * Boolean functions; * linear recurring sequences; coinciding with values of the discrete logarithm modulo a prime p at suf ficiently many points (the number of points can be as small as pI/He). These functions are considered over the residue ring modulo p and over the residue ring modulo an arbitrary divisor d of p - 1. The case of d = 2 is of special interest since it corresponds to the representation of the right most bit of the discrete logarithm and defines whether the argument is a quadratic residue. We also obtain non-trivial upper bounds on the de gree, sensitivity and Fourier coefficients of Boolean functions on bits of x deciding whether x is a quadratic residue. These results are used to obtain lower bounds on the parallel arithmetic and Boolean complexity of computing the discrete logarithm. For example, we prove that any unbounded fan-in Boolean circuit. of sublogarithmic depth computing the discrete logarithm modulo p must be of superpolynomial size.
The subject of the book is Diophantine approximation and Nevanlinna theory. Not only does the text provide new results and directions, it also challenges open problems and collects latest research activities on these subjects made by the authors over the past eight years. Some of the significant findings are the proof of the Green-Griffiths conjecture by using meromorphic connections and Jacobian sections, and a generalized abc-conjecture. The book also presents the state of the art in the studies of the analogues between Diophantine approximation (in number theory) and value distribution theory (in complex analysis), with a method based on Vojta's dictionary for the terms of these two fields. The approaches are relatively natural and more effective than existing methods. The book is self-contained and appended with a comprehensive and up-to-date list of references. It is of interest to a broad audience of graduate students and researchers specialized in pure mathematics.
This book gives a comprehensive treatment of random phenomena and distribution results in diophantine approximation, with a particular emphasis on quadratic irrationals. It covers classical material on the subject as well as many new results developed by the author over the past decade. A range of ideas from other areas of mathematics are brought to bear with surprising connections to topics such as formulae for class numbers, special values of L-functions, and Dedekind sums. Care is taken to elaborate difficult proofs by motivating major steps and accompanying them with background explanations, enabling the reader to learn the theory and relevant techniques. Written by one of the acknowledged experts in the field, Probabilistic Diophantine Approximation is presented in a clear and informal style with sufficient detail to appeal to both advanced students and researchers in number theory.
This book focuses on complex geometry and covers highly active topics centered around geometric problems in several complex variables and complex dynamics, written by some of the world's leading experts in their respective fields. This book features research and expository contributions from the 2013 Abel Symposium, held at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim on July 2-5, 2013. The purpose of the symposium was to present the state of the art on the topics, and to discuss future research directions.
This book is the first monograph wholly devoted to the investigation of differential and difference dimension theory. The differential dimension polynomial describes in exact terms the degree of freedom of a dynamic system as well as the number of arbitrary constants in the general solution of a system of algebraic differential equations. Difference algebra arises from the study of algebraic difference equations and therefore bears a considerable resemblance to its differential counterpart. Difference algebra was developed in the same period as differential algebra and it has the same founder, J. Ritt. It grew to a mathematical area with its own ideas and methods mainly due to the work of R. Cohn, who raised difference algebra to the same level as differential algebra. The relatively new science of computer algebra has given strong impulses to the theory of dimension polynomials, now that packages such as MAPLE enable the solution of many problems which cannot be solved otherwise. Applications of differential and difference dimension theory can be found in many fields of mathematics, as well as in theoretical physics, system theory and other areas of science. Audience: This book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students whose work involves differential and difference equations, algebra and number theory, partial differential equations, combinatorics and mathematical physics.
From July 31 through August 3,1997, the Pennsylvania State University hosted the Topics in Number Theory Conference. The conference was organized by Ken Ono and myself. By writing the preface, I am afforded the opportunity to express my gratitude to Ken for beng the inspiring and driving force behind the whole conference. Without his energy, enthusiasm and skill the entire event would never have occurred. We are extremely grateful to the sponsors of the conference: The National Sci ence Foundation, The Penn State Conference Center and the Penn State Depart ment of Mathematics. The object in this conference was to provide a variety of presentations giving a current picture of recent, significant work in number theory. There were eight plenary lectures: H. Darmon (McGill University), "Non-vanishing of L-functions and their derivatives modulo p. " A. Granville (University of Georgia), "Mean values of multiplicative functions. " C. Pomerance (University of Georgia), "Recent results in primality testing. " C. Skinner (Princeton University), "Deformations of Galois representations. " R. Stanley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), "Some interesting hyperplane arrangements. " F. Rodriguez Villegas (Princeton University), "Modular Mahler measures. " T. Wooley (University of Michigan), "Diophantine problems in many variables: The role of additive number theory. " D. Zeilberger (Temple University), "Reverse engineering in combinatorics and number theory. " The papers in this volume provide an accurate picture of many of the topics presented at the conference including contributions from four of the plenary lectures."
This book provides an introduction to four central problems in analytic number theory. These are (1) the problem of estimating the number of integerpoints in planar domains (2) the problem of the distribution of prime numbers in the sequence of all natural numbers and in arithmetic progressions (3) Goldbach's problem on sums of primes, and (4) Waring's problem on sums of k-th powers. To solve these problems, one uses the fundamental methods of analytic number theory: complex integration, I.M.Vinogradov's method of trigonometric sums, and the circle method of G.H.Hardy, J.E.Littlewood, and S.Ramanujan. There are numerous exercises at the end of each chapter. These exercises either refine the theorems proved in the text, or lead to new ideas in number theory. The author also includes a section of hints for the solution of the exercises. The mathematical prerequisites for this volume are undergraduate courses in number theroy, mathematical analysis, and complex variables. The book would be an excellent text for a one or two semester course in analytic number theory for advanced undergraduates or graduate students.
In [Hardy and Williams, 1986] the authors exploited a very simple idea to obtain a linear congruence involving class numbers of imaginary quadratic fields modulo a certain power of 2. Their congruence provided a unified setting for many congruences proved previously by other authors using various means. The Hardy-Williams idea was as follows. Let d be the discriminant of a quadratic field. Suppose that d is odd and let d = PIP2* . . Pn be its unique decomposition into prime discriminants. Then, for any positive integer k coprime with d, the congruence holds trivially as each Legendre-Jacobi-Kronecker symbol (~) has the value + 1 or -1. Expanding this product gives ~ eld e:=l (mod4) where e runs through the positive and negative divisors of d and v (e) denotes the number of distinct prime factors of e. Summing this congruence for o < k < Idl/8, gcd(k, d) = 1, gives ~ (-It(e) ~ (~) =:O(mod2n). eld o
The solution of eigenvalue problems is an integral part of many scientific computations. For example, the numerical solution of problems in structural dynamics, electrical networks, macro-economics, quantum chemistry, and c- trol theory often requires solving eigenvalue problems. The coefficient matrix of the eigenvalue problem may be small to medium sized and dense, or large and sparse (containing many zeroelements). In the past tremendous advances have been achieved in the solution methods for symmetric eigenvalue pr- lems. The state of the art for nonsymmetric problems is not so advanced; nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems can be hopelessly difficult to solve in some situations due, for example, to poor conditioning. Good numerical algorithms for nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems also tend to be far more complex than their symmetric counterparts. This book deals with methods for solving a special nonsymmetric eig- value problem; the symplectic eigenvalue problem. The symplectic eigenvalue problem is helpful, e.g., in analyzing a number of different questions that arise in linear control theory for discrete-time systems. Certain quadratic eigenvalue problems arising, e.g., in finite element discretization in structural analysis, in acoustic simulation of poro-elastic materials, or in the elastic deformation of anisotropic materials can also lead to symplectic eigenvalue problems. The problem appears in other applications as well.
The Fifth Edition of one of the standard works on number theory, written by internationally-recognized mathematicians. Chapters are relatively self-contained for greater flexibility. New features include expanded treatment of the binomial theorem, techniques of numerical calculation and a section on public key cryptography. Contains an outstanding set of problems.
This volume consists of a collection of invited papers on the theory of rings and modules, most of which were presented at the biennial Ohio State - Denison Conference, May 1992, in memory of Hans Zassenhaus. The topics of these papers represent many modern trends in Ring Theory. The wide variety of methodologies and techniques demonstrated will be valuable in particular to young researchers in the area. Covering a broad range, this book should appeal to a wide spectrum of researchers in algebra and number theory.
Celebrating one of the leading figures in contemporary number theory - John H. Coates - on the occasion of his 70th birthday, this collection of contributions covers a range of topics in number theory, concentrating on the arithmetic of elliptic curves, modular forms, and Galois representations. Several of the contributions in this volume were presented at the conference Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory, held in honour of the 70th birthday of John Coates in Cambridge, March 25-27, 2015. The main unifying theme is Iwasawa theory, a field that John Coates himself has done much to create. This collection is indispensable reading for researchers in Iwasawa theory, and is interesting and valuable for those in many related fields.
In the modern age of almost universal computer usage, practically every individual in a technologically developed society has routine access to the most up-to-date cryptographic technology that exists, the so-called RSA public-key cryptosystem. A major component of this system is the factorization of large numbers into their primes. Thus an ancient number-theory concept now plays a crucial role in communication among millions of people who may have little or no knowledge of even elementary mathematics. The independent structure of each chapter of the book makes it highly readable for a wide variety of mathematicians, students of applied number theory, and others interested in both study and research in number theory and cryptography.
A Classical Introduction to Cryptography: Applications for Communications Security introduces fundamentals of information and communication security by providing appropriate mathematical concepts to prove or break the security of cryptographic schemes. This advanced-level textbook covers conventional cryptographic primitives and cryptanalysis of these primitives; basic algebra and number theory for cryptologists; public key cryptography and cryptanalysis of these schemes; and other cryptographic protocols, e.g. secret sharing, zero-knowledge proofs and undeniable signature schemes. A Classical Introduction to Cryptography: Applications for Communications Security is designed for upper-level undergraduate and graduate-level students in computer science. This book is also suitable for researchers and practitioners in industry. A separate exercise/solution booklet is available as well, please go to www.springeronline.com under author: Vaudenay for additional details on how to purchase this booklet.
There are many surprising connections between the theory of numbers, which is one of the oldest branches of mathematics, and computing and information theory. Number theory has important applications in computer organization and security, coding and cryptography, random number generation, hash functions, and graphics. Conversely, number theorists use computers in factoring large integers, determining primes, testing conjectures, and solving other problems. This book takes the reader from elementary number theory, via algorithmic number theory, to applied number theory in computer science. It introduces basic concepts, results, and methods, and discusses their applications in the design of hardware and software, cryptography, and security. It is aimed at undergraduates in computing and information technology, but will also be valuable to mathematics students interested in applications. In this 2nd edition full proofs of many theorems are added and some corrections are made.
This book contains 58 papers from among the 68 papers presented at the Fifth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications which was held at the University of St. Andrews, St. Andrews, Fife, Scotland from July 20 to July 24, 1992. These papers have been selected after a careful review by well known referees in the field, and they range from elementary number theory to probability and statistics. The Fibonacci numbers and recurrence relations are their unifying bond. It is anticipated that this book, like its four predecessors, will be useful to research workers and graduate students interested in the Fibonacci numbers and their applications. June 5, 1993 The Editors Gerald E. Bergum South Dakota State University Brookings, South Dakota, U.S.A. Alwyn F. Horadam University of New England Armidale, N.S.W., Australia Andreas N. Philippou Government House Z50 Nicosia, Cyprus xxv THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEES LOCAL COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Campbell, Colin M., Co-Chair Horadam, A.F. (Australia), Co-Chair Phillips, George M., Co-Chair Philippou, A.N. (Cyprus), Co-Chair Foster, Dorothy M.E. Ando, S. (Japan) McCabe, John H. Bergum, G.E. (U.S.A.) Filipponi, P. (Italy) O'Connor, John J.
The book presents the theory of multiple trigonometric sums constructed by the authors. Following a unified approach, the authors obtain estimates for these sums similar to the classical I. M. VinogradovAs estimates and use them to solve several problems in analytic number theory. They investigate trigonometric integrals, which are often encountered in physics, mathematical statistics, and analysis, and in addition they present purely arithmetic results concerning the solvability of equations in integers.
This book is an introduction to convolution operators with
matrix-valued almost periodic or semi-almost periodic symbols.The
basic tools for the treatment of the operators are Wiener-Hopf
factorization and almost periodic factorization. These
factorizations are systematically investigated and explicitly
constructed for interesting concrete classes of matrix functions.
The material covered by the book ranges from classical results
through a first comprehensive presentation of the core of the
theory of almost periodic factorization up to the latest
achievements, such as the construction of factorizations by means
of the Portuguese transformation and the solution of corona
Since their appearance in the late 19th century, the Cantor--Dedekind theory of real numbers and philosophy of the continuum have emerged as pillars of standard mathematical philosophy. On the other hand, this period also witnessed the emergence of a variety of alternative theories of real numbers and corresponding theories of continua, as well as non-Archimedean geometry, non-standard analysis, and a number of important generalizations of the system of real numbers, some of which have been described as arithmetic continua of one type or another. With the exception of E.W. Hobson's essay, which is concerned with the ideas of Cantor and Dedekind and their reception at the turn of the century, the papers in the present collection are either concerned with or are contributions to, the latter groups of studies. All the contributors are outstanding authorities in their respective fields, and the essays, which are directed to historians and philosophers of mathematics as well as to mathematicians who are concerned with the foundations of their subject, are preceded by a lengthy historical introduction.
Like other introductions to number theory, this one includes the usual curtsy to divisibility theory, the bow to congruence, and the little chat with quadratic reciprocity. It also includes proofs of results such as Lagrange's Four Square Theorem, the theorem behind Lucas's test for perfect numbers, the theorem that a regular n-gon is constructible just in case phi(n) is a power of 2, the fact that the circle cannot be squared, Dirichlet's theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions, the Prime Number Theorem, and Rademacher's partition theorem. We have made the proofs of these theorems as elementary as possible. Unique to The Queen of Mathematics are its presentations of the topic of palindromic simple continued fractions, an elementary solution of Lucas's square pyramid problem, Baker's solution for simultaneous Fermat equations, an elementary proof of Fermat's polygonal number conjecture, and the Lambek-Moser-Wild theorem.
"Number Theory and Related Fields" collects contributions based on the proceedings of the "International Number Theory Conference in Memory of Alf van der Poorten," hosted by CARMA and held March 12-16th 2012 at the University of Newcastle, Australia. The purpose of the conference was to promote number theory research in Australia while commemorating the legacy of Alf van der Poorten, who had written over 170 papers on the topic of number theory and collaborated with dozens of researchers. The research articles and surveys presented in this book were written by some of the most distinguished mathematicians in the field of number theory, and articles will include related topics that focus on the various research interests of Dr. van der Poorten.
A translation of Hilberts "Theorie der algebraischen Zahlk rper" best known as the "Zahlbericht," first published in 1897, in which he provides an elegantly integrated overview of the development of algebraic number theory up to the end of the nineteenth century. The Zahlbericht also provided a firm foundation for further research in the theory, and can be seen as the starting point for all twentieth century investigations into the subject, as well as reciprocity laws and class field theory. This English edition further contains an introduction by F. Lemmermeyer and N. Schappacher.
The volume is devoted to the interaction of modern scientific computation and classical number theory. The contributions, ranging from effective finiteness results to efficient algorithms in elementary, analytical and algebraic number theory, provide a broad view of the methods and results encountered in the new and rapidly developing area of computational number theory. Topics covered include finite fields, quadratic forms, number fields, modular forms, elliptic curves and diophantine equations. In addition, two new number theoretical software packages, KANT and SIMATH, are described in detail with emphasis on algorithms in algebraic number theory. |
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