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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
This impressive volume is dedicated to Mel Nathanson, a leading authoritative expert for several decades in the area of combinatorial and additive number theory. For several decades, Mel Nathanson's seminal ideas and results in combinatorial and additive number theory have influenced graduate students and researchers alike. The invited survey articles in this volume reflect the work of distinguished mathematicians in number theory, and represent a wide range of important topics in current research.
The book gives a comprehensive account of the basic algebraic properties of the classical groups over rings. Much of the theory appears in book form for the first time, and most proofs are given in detail. The book also includes a revised and expanded version of DieudonnA(c)'s classical theory over division rings. The authors analyse congruence subgroups, normal subgroups and quotient groups, they describe their isomorphisms and investigate connections with linear and hermitian K-theory. A first insight is offered through the simplest case of the general linear group. All the other classical groups, notably the symplectic, unitary and orthogonal groups, are dealt with uniformly as isometry groups of generalized quadratic modules. New results on the unitary Steinberg groups, the associated K2-groups and the unitary symbols in these groups lead to simplified presentation theorems for the classical groups. Related material such as the K-theory exact sequences of Bass and Sharpe and the Merkurjev-Suslin theorem is outlined. "From" "the foreword by J. DieudonnA(c): " "All mathematicians interested in classical groups should be grateful to these two outstanding investigators for having brought together old and new results (many of them their own) into a superbly organized whole. I am confident that their book will remain for a long time the standard reference in the theory."
This book contains 28 research articles from among the 49 papers and abstracts presented at the Tenth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications. These articles have been selected after a careful review by expert referees, and they range over many areas of mathematics. The Fibonacci numbers and recurrence relations are their unifying bond. We note that the article "Fibonacci, Vern and Dan" , which follows the Introduction to this volume, is not a research paper. It is a personal reminiscence by Marjorie Bicknell-Johnson, a longtime member of the Fibonacci Association. The editor believes it will be of interest to all readers. It is anticipated that this book, like the eight predecessors, will be useful to research workers and students at all levels who are interested in the Fibonacci numbers and their applications. March 16, 2003 The Editor Fredric T. Howard Mathematics Department Wake Forest University Box 7388 Reynolda Station Winston-Salem, NC 27109 xxi THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEES LOCAL COMMITTEE INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Calvin Long, Chairman A. F. Horadam (Australia), Co-Chair Terry Crites A. N. Philippou (Cyprus), Co-Chair Steven Wilson A. Adelberg (U. S. A. ) C. Cooper (U. S. A. ) Jeff Rushal H. Harborth (Germany) Y. Horibe (Japan) M. Bicknell-Johnson (U. S. A. ) P. Kiss (Hungary) J. Lahr (Luxembourg) G. M. Phillips (Scotland) J. 'Thrner (New Zealand) xxiii xxiv LIST OF CONTRlBUTORS TO THE CONFERENCE * ADELBERG, ARNOLD, "Universal Bernoulli Polynomials and p-adic Congruences. " *AGRATINI, OCTAVIAN, "A Generalization of Durrmeyer-Type Polynomials. " BENJAMIN, ART, "Mathemagics.
Computations with Markov Chains presents the edited and reviewed proceedings of the Second International Workshop on the Numerical Solution of Markov Chains, held January 16--18, 1995, in Raleigh, North Carolina. New developments of particular interest include recent work on stability and conditioning, Krylov subspace-based methods for transient solutions, quadratic convergent procedures for matrix geometric problems, further analysis of the GTH algorithm, the arrival of stochastic automata networks at the forefront of modelling stratagems, and more. An authoritative overview of the field for applied probabilists, numerical analysts and systems modelers, including computer scientists and engineers.
This is a self-contained introduction to algebraic curves over finite fields and geometric Goppa codes. There are four main divisions in the book. The first is a brief exposition of basic concepts and facts of the theory of error-correcting codes (Part I). The second is a complete presentation of the theory of algebraic curves, especially the curves defined over finite fields (Part II). The third is a detailed description of the theory of classical modular curves and their reduction modulo a prime number (Part III). The fourth (and basic) is the construction of geometric Goppa codes and the production of asymptotically good linear codes coming from algebraic curves over finite fields (Part IV). The theory of geometric Goppa codes is a fascinating topic where two extremes meet: the highly abstract and deep theory of algebraic (specifically modular) curves over finite fields and the very concrete problems in the engineering of information transmission. At the present time there are two essentially different ways to produce asymptotically good codes coming from algebraic curves over a finite field with an extremely large number of rational points. The first way, developed by M. A. Tsfasman, S. G. Vladut and Th. Zink [210], is rather difficult and assumes a serious acquaintance with the theory of modular curves and their reduction modulo a prime number. The second way, proposed recently by A.
'Et moi, ... si j'avait su comment en revenir, One service mathematics has rendered the je n 'y serais point aile.' human race. It has put common sense back where it belongs, on the topmost shelf next Jules Verne to the dusty canister labelled 'discarded non- The series is divergent; therefore we may be sense'. able to do something with it. Eric T. Bell 0. Heaviside Mathematics is a tool for thought. A highly necessary tool in a world where both feedback and non linearities abound. Similarly, all kinds of parts of mathematics serve as tools for other parts and for other sciences. Applying a simple rewriting rule to the quote on the right above one finds such statements as: 'One service topology has rendered mathematical physics .. .'; 'One service logic has rendered com puter science .. .'; 'One service category theory has rendered mathematics .. .'. All arguably true. And all statements obtainable this way form part of the raison d'elre of this series."
The series is aimed specifically at publishing peer reviewed reviews and contributions presented at workshops and conferences. Each volume is associated with a particular conference, symposium or workshop. These events cover various topics within pure and applied mathematics and provide up-to-date coverage of new developments, methods and applications.
In September 2000 a Summer School on "Factorization and
Integrable Systems" was held at the University of Algarve in
Portugal. The main aim of the school was to review the modern
factorization theory and its application to classical and quantum
integrable systems. The program consisted of a number of short
courses given by leading experts in the field. The lecture notes of
the courses have been specially prepared for publication in this
This book is concerned with discontinuous groups of motions of the unique connected and simply connected Riemannian 3-manifold of constant curva ture -1, which is traditionally called hyperbolic 3-space. This space is the 3-dimensional instance of an analogous Riemannian manifold which exists uniquely in every dimension n:::: 2. The hyperbolic spaces appeared first in the work of Lobachevski in the first half of the 19th century. Very early in the last century the group of isometries of these spaces was studied by Steiner, when he looked at the group generated by the inversions in spheres. The ge ometries underlying the hyperbolic spaces were of fundamental importance since Lobachevski, Bolyai and Gauss had observed that they do not satisfy the axiom of parallels. Already in the classical works several concrete coordinate models of hy perbolic 3-space have appeared. They make explicit computations possible and also give identifications of the full group of motions or isometries with well-known matrix groups. One such model, due to H. Poincare, is the upper 3 half-space IH in JR . The group of isometries is then identified with an exten sion of index 2 of the group PSL(2,"
A look at solving problems in three areas of classical elementary mathematics: equations and systems of equations of various kinds, algebraic inequalities, and elementary number theory, in particular divisibility and diophantine equations. In each topic, brief theoretical discussions are followed by carefully worked out examples of increasing difficulty, and by exercises which range from routine to rather more challenging problems. While it emphasizes some methods that are not usually covered in beginning university courses, the book nevertheless teaches techniques and skills which are useful beyond the specific topics covered here. With approximately 330 examples and 760 exercises.
This collection of course notes from a number theory summer school focus on aspects of Diophantine Analysis, addressed to Master and doctoral students as well as everyone who wants to learn the subject. The topics range from Baker's method of bounding linear forms in logarithms (authored by Sanda Bujacic and Alan Filipin), metric diophantine approximation discussing in particular the yet unsolved Littlewood conjecture (by Simon Kristensen), Minkowski's geometry of numbers and modern variations by Bombieri and Schmidt (Tapani Matala-aho), and a historical account of related number theory(ists) at the turn of the 19th Century (Nicola M.R. Oswald). Each of these notes serves as an essentially self-contained introduction to the topic. The reader gets a thorough impression of Diophantine Analysis by its central results, relevant applications and open problems. The notes are complemented with many references and an extensive register which makes it easy to navigate through the book.
Approach your problem from the right It isn't that they can't see end and begin with the answers. the solution. Then one day, perhaps you will find It is that they can't see the the final question. problem. G.K. Chesterton. The Scandal The Hermit Clad in Crane Feathers in of Father Brown The Point of R. van Gulik's The Chinese Maze Murders. a Pin. Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the "tree" of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not grow only by putting forth new brancheq. It also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication of mathematics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent years: measure theory is used (non-trivially) in regional and theoretical economics, algebraic geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory and the structure of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal defects and mathematical programming profit from homotopy theory; Lie algebras are relevant to filtering; and prediction and electrical engineering can use Stein spaces. And in addition to this there are such new emerging subdisci fI plines as "experimental mathematics," "CFD, "completely integrable systems," "chaos, synergetics and large-scale order," which are almost impossible to fit into the existing classification schemes."
This proceedings volume, the fifth in a series from the Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT) conferences, is based on talks from the 19th annual workshop, held online due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Organized every year since 2003 by the New York Number Theory Seminar at the CUNY Graduate Center, the workshops survey state-of-the-art open problems in combinatorial and additive number theory and related parts of mathematics. The CANT 2021 meeting featured over a hundred speakers from North and South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand, and was the largest CANT conference in terms of the number of both lectures and participants. These proceedings contain peer-reviewed and edited papers on current topics in number theory. Topics featured in this volume include sumsets, minimal bases, Sidon sets, analytic and prime number theory, combinatorial and discrete geometry, numerical semigroups, and a survey of expansion, divisibility, and parity. This selection of articles will be of relevance to both researchers and graduate students interested in current progress in number theory.
A description of 148 algorithms fundamental to number-theoretic computations, in particular for computations related to algebraic number theory, elliptic curves, primality testing and factoring. The first seven chapters guide readers to the heart of current research in computational algebraic number theory, including recent algorithms for computing class groups and units, as well as elliptic curve computations, while the last three chapters survey factoring and primality testing methods, including a detailed description of the number field sieve algorithm. The whole is rounded off with a description of available computer packages and some useful tables, backed by numerous exercises. Written by an authority in the field, and one with great practical and teaching experience, this is certain to become the standard and indispensable reference on the subject.
Global class field theory is a major achievement of algebraic number theory, based on the functorial properties of the reciprocity map and the existence theorem. The author works out the consequences and the practical use of these results by giving detailed studies and illustrations of classical subjects (classes, idèles, ray class fields, symbols, reciprocity laws, Hasse's principles, the Grunwald-Wang theorem, Hilbert's towers,...). He also proves some new or less-known results (reflection theorem, structure of the abelian closure of a number field) and lays emphasis on the invariant (/cal T) p, of abelian p-ramification, which is related to important Galois cohomology properties and p-adic conjectures. This book, intermediary between the classical literature published in the sixties and the recent computational literature, gives much material in an elementary way, and is suitable for students, researchers, and all who are fascinated by this theory.
How do you remember more and forget less? How can you earn more and become more creative just by moving house? And how do you pack a car boot most efficiently? This is your shortcut to the art of the shortcut. Mathematics is full of better ways of thinking, and with over 2,000 years of knowledge to draw on, Oxford mathematician Marcus du Sautoy interrogates his passion for shortcuts in this fresh and fascinating guide. After all, shortcuts have enabled so much of human progress, whether in constructing the first cities around the Euphrates 5,000 years ago, using calculus to determine the scale of the universe or in writing today's algorithms that help us find a new life partner. As well as looking at the most useful shortcuts in history - such as measuring the circumference of the earth in 240 BC to diagrams that illustrate how modern GPS works - Marcus also looks at how you can use shortcuts in investing or how to learn a musical instrument to memory techniques. He talks to, among many, the writer Robert MacFarlane, cellist Natalie Clein and the psychologist Suzie Orbach, asking whether shortcuts are always the best idea and, if so, when they use them. With engaging puzzles and conundrums throughout to illustrate the shortcut's ability to find solutions with speed, Thinking Better offers many clever strategies for daily complex problems.
With this translation, the classic monograph UEber die Klassenzahl abelscher Zahlkoerper by Helmut Hasse is now available in English for the first time. The book addresses three main topics: class number formulas for abelian number fields; expressions of the class number of real abelian number fields by the index of the subgroup generated by cyclotomic units; and the Hasse unit index of imaginary abelian number fields, the integrality of the relative class number formula, and the class number parity. Additionally, the book includes reprints of works by Ken-ichi Yoshino and Mikihito Hirabayashi, which extend the tables of Hasse unit indices and the relative class numbers to imaginary abelian number fields with conductor up to 100. The text provides systematic and practical methods for deriving class number formulas, determining the unit index and calculating the class number of abelian number fields. A wealth of illustrative examples, together with corrections and remarks on the original work, make this translation a valuable resource for today's students of and researchers in number theory.
Elements of Continuum Mechanics and Conservation Laws presents a
systematization of different models in mathematical physics, a
study of the structure of conservation laws, thermodynamical
identities, and connection with criteria for well-posedness of the
corresponding mathematical problems.
The method of exponential sums is a general method enabling the solution of a wide range of problems in the theory of numbers and its applications. This volume presents an exposition of the fundamentals of the theory with the help of examples which show how exponential sums arise and how they are applied in problems of number theory and its applications. The material is divided into three chapters which embrace the classical results of Gauss, and the methods of Weyl, Mordell and Vinogradov; the traditional applications of exponential sums to the distribution of fractional parts, the estimation of the Riemann zeta function; and the theory of congruences and Diophantine equations. Some new applications of exponential sums are also included. It is assumed that the reader has a knowledge of the fundamentals of mathematical analysis and of elementary number theory.
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute, Banff Centre, Canada, April 27-May 5, 1988
The present book contains fourteen expository contributions on various topics connected to Number Theory, or Arithmetics, and its relationships to Theoreti cal Physics. The first part is mathematically oriented; it deals mostly with ellip tic curves, modular forms, zeta functions, Galois theory, Riemann surfaces, and p-adic analysis. The second part reports on matters with more direct physical interest, such as periodic and quasiperiodic lattices, or classical and quantum dynamical systems. The contribution of each author represents a short self-contained course on a specific subject. With very few prerequisites, the reader is offered a didactic exposition, which follows the author's original viewpoints, and often incorpo rates the most recent developments. As we shall explain below, there are strong relationships between the different chapters, even though every single contri bution can be read independently of the others. This volume originates in a meeting entitled Number Theory and Physics, which took place at the Centre de Physique, Les Houches (Haute-Savoie, France), on March 7 - 16, 1989. The aim of this interdisciplinary meeting was to gather physicists and mathematicians, and to give to members of both com munities the opportunity of exchanging ideas, and to benefit from each other's specific knowledge, in the area of Number Theory, and of its applications to the physical sciences. Physicists have been given, mostly through the program of lectures, an exposition of some of the basic methods and results of Num ber Theory which are the most actively used in their branch."
This carefully edited volume contains selected refereed papers based on lectures presented by many distinguished speakers at the "Integers Conference 2005," an international conference in combinatorial number theory. The conference was held in celebration of the 70th birthday of Ronald Graham, a leader in several fields of mathematics.
Elementary number theory is concerned with arithmetic properties of the ring of integers. Early in the development of number theory, it was noticed that the ring of integers has many properties in common with the ring of polynomials over a finite field. The first part of this book illustrates this relationship by presenting, for example, analogues of the theorems of Fermat and Euler, Wilson¿s theorem, quadratic (and higher) reciprocity, the prime number theorem, and Dirichlet¿s theorem on primes in an arithmetic progression. After presenting the required foundational material on function fields, the later chapters explore the analogy between global function fields and algebraic number fields. A variety of topics are presented, including: the ABC-conjecture, Artin¿s conjecture on primitive roots, the Brumer-Stark conjecture, Drinfeld modules, class number formulae, and average value theorems.
The chapters in this contributed volume explore new results and existing problems in algebra, analysis, and related topics. This broad coverage will help generate new ideas to solve various challenges that face researchers in pure mathematics. Specific topics covered include maximal rotational hypersurfaces, k-Horadam sequences, quantum dynamical semigroups, and more. Additionally, several applications of algebraic number theory and analysis are presented. Algebra, Analysis, and Associated Topics will appeal to researchers, graduate students, and engineers interested in learning more about the impact pure mathematics has on various fields. |
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