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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
This textbook provides a readable account of the examples and fundamental results of groups from a theoretical and geometrical point of view. Topics on important examples of groups (like cyclic groups, permutation groups, group of arithmetical functions, matrix groups and linear groups), Lagrange's theorem, normal subgroups, factor groups, derived subgroup, homomorphism, isomorphism and automorphism of groups have been discussed in depth. Covering all major topics, this book is targeted to undergraduate students of mathematics with no prerequisite knowledge of the discussed topics. Each section ends with a set of worked-out problems and supplementary exercises to challenge the knowledge and ability of the reader.
This is a book about Mathematics but not a book of Mathematics. It is an attempt, between the serious and facetious, of conveying the idea that a mathematical thought is the result of different experiences, geographical and social factors. Even though it is not clear when Mathematics had started, it is evident that it had been used at an early stage of human history and by ancient Babylonians and Egyptians who have already developed a sophisticated corpus of mathematical items, which were the workhorse tools in engineering, navigation, trades and astronomy. The book sweeps across the mathematical minds of the Greek and Arab traditions, concepts by Assyro-Babylonians, and ancient Indian Vedic culture. The mathematical mind has modeled the evolution of societies and has been modeled by it. It is now in the midst of a great revolution and it is not clear where it will bring us. The current new epoch needs new mathematical tools and, above this, a new way of looking at Mathematics. This book tells the tale of what went on and what might go on.
This authoritative volume in honor of Alain Connes, the foremost architect of Noncommutative Geometry, presents the state-of-the art in the subject. The book features an amalgam of invited survey and research papers that will no doubt be accessed, read, and referred to, for several decades to come. The pertinence and potency of new concepts and methods are concretely illustrated in each contribution. Much of the content is a direct outgrowth of the Noncommutative Geometry conference, held March 23-April 7, 2017, in Shanghai, China. The conference covered the latest research and future areas of potential exploration surrounding topology and physics, number theory, as well as index theory and its ramifications in geometry.
Growing specialization and diversification have brought a host of monographs and textbooks on increasingly specialized topics. However, the "tree" of knowledge of mathematics and related fields does not' grow only by putting forth new branches. It also happens, quite often in fact, that branches which were thought to be completely disparate are suddenly seen to be related. Further, the kind and level of sophistication of mathematics applied in various sciences has changed drastically in recent years: measure theory is used (non-trivially) in regional and theoretical economics; algebraic geometry interacts with physics; the Minkowsky lemma, coding theory arid the struc ture of water meet one another in packing and covering theory; quantum fields, crystal defects and mathematical programming profit from homotopy theory; lie algebras are relevant to filtering; and prediction and electrical engineering can use Stein spaces. And in addition to this there are such new emerging subdisciplines as "completely integrable systems," "chaos, synergetics and large-5cale order," which are almost impossible to fit into the existing classification schemes. They draw upon widely different sections of mathematics. This program, Mathematics and Its Applications, is devoted to such (new) interrelations as exampla gratia: - a central concept which plays an important role in several different mathe matical and/or scientific specialized areas; - new applications of the results and ideas from one area of scientific en deavor into another; - influences which the results, problems and concepts of one field of enquiry have and have had on the development of another."
The Lerch zeta-function is the first monograph on this topic, which is a generalization of the classic Riemann, and Hurwitz zeta-functions. Although analytic results have been presented previously in various monographs on zeta-functions, this is the first book containing both analytic and probability theory of Lerch zeta-functions. The book starts with classical analytical theory (Euler gamma-functions, functional equation, mean square). The majority of the presented results are new: on approximate functional equations and its applications and on zero distribution (zero-free regions, number of nontrivial zeros etc). Special attention is given to limit theorems in the sense of the weak convergence of probability measures for the Lerch zeta-function. From limit theorems in the space of analytic functions the universitality and functional independence is derived. In this respect the book continues the research of the first author presented in the monograph Limit Theorems for the Riemann zeta-function. This book will be useful to researchers and graduate students working in analytic and probabilistic number theory, and can also be used as a textbook for postgraduate students.
This book is an outgrowth of the Workshop on "Regulators in Analysis, Geom etry and Number Theory" held at the Edmund Landau Center for Research in Mathematical Analysis of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1996. During the preparation and the holding of the workshop we were greatly helped by the director of the Landau Center: Lior Tsafriri during the time of the planning of the conference, and Hershel Farkas during the meeting itself. Organizing and running this workshop was a true pleasure, thanks to the expert technical help provided by the Landau Center in general, and by its secretary Simcha Kojman in particular. We would like to express our hearty thanks to all of them. However, the articles assembled in the present volume do not represent the proceedings of this workshop; neither could all contributors to the book make it to the meeting, nor do the contributions herein necessarily reflect talks given in Jerusalem. In the introduction, we outline our view of the theory to which this volume intends to contribute. The crucial objective of the present volume is to bring together concepts, methods, and results from analysis, differential as well as algebraic geometry, and number theory in order to work towards a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of regulators and secondary invariants. Our thanks go to all the participants of the workshop and authors of this volume. May the readers of this book enjoy and profit from the combination of mathematical ideas here documented.
The objective of this book is to provide tools for solving problems which involve cubic number fields. Many such problems can be considered geometrically; both in terms of the geometry of numbers and geometry of the associated cubic Diophantine equations that are similar in many ways to the Pell equation. With over 50 geometric diagrams, this book includes illustrations of many of these topics. The book may be thought of as a companion reference for those students of algebraic number theory who wish to find more examples, a collection of recent research results on cubic fields, an easy-to-understand source for learning about Voronoi's unit algorithm and several classical results which are still relevant to the field, and a book which helps bridge a gap in understanding connections between algebraic geometry and number theory. The exposition includes numerous discussions on calculating with cubic fields including simple continued fractions of cubic irrational numbers, arithmetic using integer matrices, ideal class group computations, lattices over cubic fields, construction of cubic fields with a given discriminant, the search for elements of norm 1 of a cubic field with rational parametrization, and Voronoi's algorithm for finding a system of fundamental units. Throughout, the discussions are framed in terms of a binary cubic form that may be used to describe a given cubic field. This unifies the chapters of this book despite the diversity of their number theoretic topics.
This self-contained text presents state-of-the-art results on recurrent sequences and their applications in algebra, number theory, geometry of the complex plane and discrete mathematics. It is designed to appeal to a wide readership, ranging from scholars and academics, to undergraduate students, or advanced high school and college students training for competitions. The content of the book is very recent, and focuses on areas where significant research is currently taking place. Among the new approaches promoted in this book, the authors highlight the visualization of some recurrences in the complex plane, the concurrent use of algebraic, arithmetic, and trigonometric perspectives on classical number sequences, and links to many applications. It contains techniques which are fundamental in other areas of math and encourages further research on the topic. The introductory chapters only require good understanding of college algebra, complex numbers, analysis and basic combinatorics. For Chapters 3, 4 and 6 the prerequisites include number theory, linear algebra and complex analysis. The first part of the book presents key theoretical elements required for a good understanding of the topic. The exposition moves on to to fundamental results and key examples of recurrences and their properties. The geometry of linear recurrences in the complex plane is presented in detail through numerous diagrams, which lead to often unexpected connections to combinatorics, number theory, integer sequences, and random number generation. The second part of the book presents a collection of 123 problems with full solutions, illustrating the wide range of topics where recurrent sequences can be found. This material is ideal for consolidating the theoretical knowledge and for preparing students for Olympiads.
This book discusses the p-adic modular forms, the eigencurve that parameterize them, and the p-adic L-functions one can associate to them. These theories and their generalizations to automorphic forms for group of higher ranks are of fundamental importance in number theory. For graduate students and newcomers to this field, the book provides a solid introduction to this highly active area of research. For experts, it will offer the convenience of collecting into one place foundational definitions and theorems with complete and self-contained proofs. Written in an engaging and educational style, the book also includes exercises and provides their solution.
This unique book explores the world of q, known technically as basic hypergeometric series, and represents the author's personal and life-long study-inspired by Ramanujan-of aspects of this broad topic. While the level of mathematical sophistication is graduated, the book is designed to appeal to advanced undergraduates as well as researchers in the field. The principal aims are to demonstrate the power of the methods and the beauty of the results. The book contains novel proofs of many results in the theory of partitions and the theory of representations, as well as associated identities. Though not specifically designed as a textbook, parts of it may be presented in course work; it has many suitable exercises. After an introductory chapter, the power of q-series is demonstrated with proofs of Lagrange's four-squares theorem and Gauss's two-squares theorem. Attention then turns to partitions and Ramanujan's partition congruences. Several proofs of these are given throughout the book. Many chapters are devoted to related and other associated topics. One highlight is a simple proof of an identity of Jacobi with application to string theory. On the way, we come across the Rogers-Ramanujan identities and the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction, the famous "forty identities" of Ramanujan, and the representation results of Jacobi, Dirichlet and Lorenz, not to mention many other interesting and beautiful results. We also meet a challenge of D.H. Lehmer to give a formula for the number of partitions of a number into four squares, prove a "mysterious" partition theorem of H. Farkas and prove a conjecture of R.Wm. Gosper "which even Erdos couldn't do." The book concludes with a look at Ramanujan's remarkable tau function.
Congruences are ubiquitous in computer science, engineering, mathematics, and related areas. Developing techniques for finding (the number of) solutions of congruences is an important problem. But there are many scenarios in which we are interested in only a subset of the solutions; in other words, there are some restrictions. What do we know about these restricted congruences, their solutions, and applications? This book introduces the tools that are needed when working on restricted congruences and then systematically studies a variety of restricted congruences. Restricted Congruences in Computing defines several types of restricted congruence, obtains explicit formulae for the number of their solutions using a wide range of tools and techniques, and discusses their applications in cryptography, information security, information theory, coding theory, string theory, quantum field theory, parallel computing, artificial intelligence, computational biology, discrete mathematics, number theory, and more. This is the first book devoted to restricted congruences and their applications. It will be of interest to graduate students and researchers across computer science, electrical engineering, and mathematics.
Number theory has a wealth of long-standing problems, the study of which over the years has led to major developments in many areas of mathematics. This volume consists of seven significant chapters on number theory and related topics. Written by distinguished mathematicians, key topics focus on multipartitions, congruences and identities (G. Andrews), the formulas of Koshliakov and Guinand in Ramanujan's Lost Notebook (B.C. Berndt, Y. Lee, and J. Sohn), alternating sign matrices and the Weyl character formulas (D.M. Bressoud), theta functions in complex analysis (H.M. Farkas), representation functions in additive number theory (M.B. Nathanson), and mock theta functions, ranks, and Maass forms (K. Ono), and elliptic functions (M. Waldschmidt). All of the surveys were outgrowths of featured talks given during the Special Year in Number Theory and Combinatorics at the University of Florida, Gainesville, 2004-2005, and describe major progress on a broad range of topics. This volume is intended for mathematicians and graduate students interested in number theory and related areas.
Model theory is the meta-mathematical study of the concept of mathematical truth. After Afred Tarski coined the term Theory of Models in the early 1950's, it rapidly became one of the central most active branches of mathematical logic. In the last few decades, ideas that originated within model theory have provided powerful tools to solve problems in a variety of areas of classical mathematics, including algebra, combinatorics, geometry, number theory, and Banach space theory and operator theory. The two volumes of Beyond First Order Model Theory present the reader with a fairly comprehensive vista, rich in width and depth, of some of the most active areas of contemporary research in model theory beyond the realm of the classical first-order viewpoint. Each chapter is intended to serve both as an introduction to a current direction in model theory and as a presentation of results that are not available elsewhere. All the articles are written so that they can be studied independently of one another. This second volume contains introductions to real-valued logic and applications, abstract elementary classes and applications, interconnections between model theory and function spaces, nonstucture theory, and model theory of second-order logic. Features A coherent introduction to current trends in model theory. Contains articles by some of the most influential logicians of the last hundred years. No other publication brings these distinguished authors together. Suitable as a reference for advanced undergraduate, postgraduates, and researchers. Material presented in the book (e.g, abstract elementary classes, first-order logics with dependent sorts, and applications of infinitary logics in set theory) is not easily accessible in the current literature. The various chapters in the book can be studied independently.
The main purpose of these lectures is first to briefly survey the fundamental con nection between the representation theory of the symmetric group Sn and the theory of symmetric functions and second to show how combinatorial methods that arise naturally in the theory of symmetric functions lead to efficient algorithms to express various prod ucts of representations of Sn in terms of sums of irreducible representations. That is, there is a basic isometry which maps the center of the group algebra of Sn, Z(Sn), to the space of homogeneous symmetric functions of degree n, An. This basic isometry is known as the Frobenius map, F. The Frobenius map allows us to reduce calculations involving characters of the symmetric group to calculations involving Schur functions. Now there is a very rich and beautiful theory of the combinatorics of symmetric functions that has been developed in recent years. The combinatorics of symmetric functions, then leads to a number of very efficient algorithms for expanding various products of Schur functions into a sum of Schur functions. Such expansions of products of Schur functions correspond via the Frobenius map to decomposing various products of irreducible representations of Sn into their irreducible components. In addition, the Schur functions are also the characters of the irreducible polynomial representations of the general linear group over the complex numbers GLn(C)."
This book is devoted to the study of rational and integral points on higher- dimensional algebraic varieties. It contains research papers addressing the arithmetic geometry of varieties which are not of general type, with an em- phasis on how rational points are distributed with respect to the classical, Zariski and adelic topologies. The book gives a glimpse of the state of the art of this rapidly expanding domain in arithmetic geometry. The techniques involve explicit geometric con- structions, ideas from the minimal model program in algebraic geometry as well as analytic number theory and harmonic analysis on adelic groups. In recent years there has been substantial progress in our understanding of the arithmetic of algebraic surfaces. Five papers are devoted to cubic surfaces: Basile and Fisher study the existence of rational points on certain diagonal cubics, Swinnerton-Dyer considers weak approximation and Broberg proves upper bounds on the number of rational points on the complement to lines on cubic surfaces. Peyre and Tschinkel compare numerical data with conjectures concerning asymptotics of rational points of bounded height on diagonal cubics of rank ~ 2. Kanevsky and Manin investigate the composition of points on cubic surfaces. Satge constructs rational curves on certain Kummer surfaces. Colliot-Thelene studies the Hasse principle for pencils of curves of genus 1. In an appendix to this paper Skorobogatov produces explicit examples of Enriques surfaces with a Zariski dense set of rational points.
This book covers the following three topics in a manner accessible to graduate students who have an understanding of algebraic number theory and scheme theoretic algebraic geometry: 1. An elementary construction of Shimura varieties as moduli of abelian schemes 2. p-adic deformation theory of automorphic forms on Shimura varieties 3. A simple proof of irreducibility of the generalized Igusa tower over the Shimura variety The book starts with a detailed study of elliptic and Hilbert modular forms and reaches to the forefront of research of Shimura varieties associated with general classical groups. The method of constructing p-adic analytic families and the proof of irreducibility was recently discovered by the author. The area covered in this book is now a focal point of research worldwide with many far-reaching applications that have led to solutions of longstanding problems and conjectures. Specifically, the use of p-adic elliptic and Hilbert modular forms have proven essential in recent breakthroughs in number theory (for example, the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem and the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture by A. Wiles and others). Haruzo Hida is Professor of Mathematics at University of California, Los Angeles. His previous books include Modular Forms and Galois Cohomology (Cambridge University Press 2000) and Geometric Modular Forms and Elliptic Curves (World Scientific Publishing Company 2000).
Finslerian Laplacians have arisen from the demands of modelling the modern world. However, the roots of the Laplacian concept can be traced back to the sixteenth century. Its phylogeny and history are presented in the Prologue of this volume. The text proper begins with a brief introduction to stochastically derived Finslerian Laplacians, facilitated by applications in ecology, epidemiology and evolutionary biology. The mathematical ideas are then fully presented in section II, with generalizations to Lagrange geometry following in section III. With section IV, the focus abruptly shifts to the local mean-value approach to Finslerian Laplacians and a Hodge-de Rham theory is developed for the representation on real cohomology classes by harmonic forms on the base manifold. Similar results are proved in sections II and IV, each from different perspectives. Modern topics treated include nonlinear Laplacians, Bochner and Lichnerowicz vanishing theorems, WeitzenbAck formulas, and Finslerian spinors and Dirac operators. The tools developed in this book will find uses in several areas of physics and engineering, but especially in the mechanics of inhomogeneous media, e.g. Cofferat continua. Audience: This text will be of use to workers in stochastic processes, differential geometry, nonlinear analysis, epidemiology, ecology and evolution, as well as physics of the solid state and continua.
This volume contains the proceedings of the Arizona Winter School 2016, which was held from March 12-16, 2016, at The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ. In the last decade or so, analytic methods have had great success in answering questions in arithmetic geometry and number theory. The School provided a unique opportunity to introduce graduate students to analytic methods in arithmetic geometry. The book contains four articles. Alina C. Cojocaru's article introduces sieving techniques to study the group structure of points of the reduction of an elliptic curve modulo a rational prime via its division fields. Harald A. Helfgott's article provides an introduction to the study of growth in groups of Lie type, with $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{F}_q)$ and some of its subgroups as the key examples. The article by Etienne Fouvry, Emmanuel Kowalski, Philippe Michel, and Will Sawin describes how a systematic use of the deep methods from $\ell$-adic cohomology pioneered by Grothendieck and Deligne and further developed by Katz and Laumon help make progress on various classical questions from analytic number theory. The last article, by Andrew V. Sutherland, introduces Sato-Tate groups and explores their relationship with Galois representations, motivic $L$-functions, and Mumford-Tate groups.
The book describes developments on some well-known problems regarding the relationship between orders of finite groups and that of their automorphism groups. It is broadly divided into three parts: the first part offers an exposition of the fundamental exact sequence of Wells that relates automorphisms, derivations and cohomology of groups, along with some interesting applications of the sequence. The second part offers an account of important developments on a conjecture that a finite group has at least a prescribed number of automorphisms if the order of the group is sufficiently large. A non-abelian group of prime-power order is said to have divisibility property if its order divides that of its automorphism group. The final part of the book discusses the literature on divisibility property of groups culminating in the existence of groups without this property. Unifying various ideas developed over the years, this largely self-contained book includes results that are either proved or with complete references provided. It is aimed at researchers working in group theory, in particular, graduate students in algebra.
This book includes a self-contained approach of the general theory of quadratic forms and integral Euclidean lattices, as well as a presentation of the theory of automorphic forms and Langlands' conjectures, ranging from the first definitions to the recent and deep classification results due to James Arthur. Its connecting thread is a question about lattices of rank 24: the problem of p-neighborhoods between Niemeier lattices. This question, whose expression is quite elementary, is in fact very natural from the automorphic point of view, and turns out to be surprisingly intriguing. We explain how the new advances in the Langlands program mentioned above pave the way for a solution. This study proves to be very rich, leading us to classical themes such as theta series, Siegel modular forms, the triality principle, L-functions and congruences between Galois representations. This monograph is intended for any mathematician with an interest in Euclidean lattices, automorphic forms or number theory. A large part of it is meant to be accessible to non-specialists.
This contributed volume provides readers with an overview of the most recent developments in the mathematical fields related to fractals, including both original research contributions, as well as surveys from many of the leading experts on modern fractal theory and applications. It is an outgrowth of the Conference of Fractals and Related Fields III, that was held on September 19-25, 2015 in ile de Porquerolles, France. Chapters cover fields related to fractals such as harmonic analysis, multifractal analysis, geometric measure theory, ergodic theory and dynamical systems, probability theory, number theory, wavelets, potential theory, partial differential equations, fractal tilings, combinatorics, and signal and image processing. The book is aimed at pure and applied mathematicians in these areas, as well as other researchers interested in discovering the fractal domain.
This interdisciplinary book covers a wide range of subjects, from pure mathematics (knots, braids, homotopy theory, number theory) to more applied mathematics (cryptography, algebraic specification of algorithms, dynamical systems) and concrete applications (modeling of polymers and ionic liquids, video, music and medical imaging). The main mathematical focus throughout the book is on algebraic modeling with particular emphasis on braid groups. The research methods include algebraic modeling using topological structures, such as knots, 3-manifolds, classical homotopy groups, and braid groups. The applications address the simulation of polymer chains and ionic liquids, as well as the modeling of natural phenomena via topological surgery. The treatment of computational structures, including finite fields and cryptography, focuses on the development of novel techniques. These techniques can be applied to the design of algebraic specifications for systems modeling and verification. This book is the outcome of a workshop in connection with the research project Thales on Algebraic Modeling of Topological and Computational Structures and Applications, held at the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in July 2015. The reader will benefit from the innovative approaches to tackling difficult questions in topology, applications and interrelated research areas, which largely employ algebraic tools.
This textbook introduces exciting new developments and cutting-edge results on the theme of hyperbolicity. Written by leading experts in their respective fields, the chapters stem from mini-courses given alongside three workshops that took place in Montreal between 2018 and 2019. Each chapter is self-contained, including an overview of preliminaries for each respective topic. This approach captures the spirit of the original lectures, which prepared graduate students and those new to the field for the technical talks in the program. The four chapters turn the spotlight on the following pivotal themes: The basic notions of o-minimal geometry, which build to the proof of the Ax-Schanuel conjecture for variations of Hodge structures; A broad introduction to the theory of orbifold pairs and Campana's conjectures, with a special emphasis on the arithmetic perspective; A systematic presentation and comparison between different notions of hyperbolicity, as an introduction to the Lang-Vojta conjectures in the projective case; An exploration of hyperbolicity and the Lang-Vojta conjectures in the general case of quasi-projective varieties. Arithmetic Geometry of Logarithmic Pairs and Hyperbolicity of Moduli Spaces is an ideal resource for graduate students and researchers in number theory, complex algebraic geometry, and arithmetic geometry. A basic course in algebraic geometry is assumed, along with some familiarity with the vocabulary of algebraic number theory.
A new and complete treatment of semi-abelian degenerations of abelian varieties, and their application to the construction of arithmetic compactifications of Siegel moduli space, with most of the results being published for the first time. Highlights of the book include a classification of semi-abelian schemes, construction of the toroidal and the minimal compactification over the integers, heights for abelian varieties over number fields, and Eichler integrals in several variables, together with a new approach to Siegel modular forms. A valuable source of reference for researchers and graduate students interested in algebraic geometry, Shimura varieties or diophantine geometry.
A conference on Harmonic Analysis on Reductive Groups was held at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine from July 31 to August 11, 1989. The stated goal of the conference was to explore recent advances in harmonic analysis on both real and p-adic groups. It was the first conference since the AMS Summer Sym posium on Harmonic Analysis on Homogeneous Spaces, held at Williamstown, Massachusetts in 1972, to cover local harmonic analysis on reductive groups in such detail and to such an extent. While the Williamstown conference was longer (three weeks) and somewhat broader (nilpotent groups, solvable groups, as well as semisimple and reductive groups), the structure and timeliness of the two meetings was remarkably similar. The program of the Bowdoin Conference consisted of two parts. First, there were six major lecture series, each consisting of several talks addressing those topics in harmonic analysis on real and p-adic groups which were the focus of intensive research during the previous decade. These lectures began at an introductory level and advanced to the current state of research. Sec ond, there was a series of single lectures in which the speakers presented an overview of their latest research." |
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