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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
Presents a systematic study of the common zeros of polynomials in several variables which are related to higher dimensional quadrature. The author uses a new approach which is based on the recent development of orthogonal polynomials in several variables and differs significantly from the previous ones based on algebraic ideal theory. Featuring a great deal of new work, new theorems and, in many cases, new proofs, this self-contained work will be of great interest to researchers in numerical analysis, the theory of orthogonal polynomials and related subjects.
This is an examination of number theory as it emerged in the 17th through to the 19th century, leading to an understanding of today's research problems on the basis of their historical evolution. The book introduces the reader to the mathematicians Fermat, Euler, Lagrange, Legendre and Gauss. It goes on to tackle advanced themes in this field, often dubbed the queen of mathematics.
This text aims to bridge the gap between non-mathematical popular treatments and the distinctly mathematical publications that non- mathematicians find so difficult to penetrate. The author provides understandable derivations or explanations of many key concepts, such as Kolmogrov-Sinai entropy, dimensions, Fourier analysis, and Lyapunov exponents. Only basic algebra, trigonometry, geometry and statistics are assumed as background. The author focuses on the most important topics, very much with the general scientist in mind.
Giving an easily accessible elementary introduction to the
algebraic theory of quadratic forms, this book covers both Witt's
theory and Pfister's theory of quadratic forms.
This text provides a detailed introduction to number theory, demonstrating how other areas of mathematics enter into the study of the properties of natural numbers. It contains problem sets within each section and at the end of each chapter to reinforce essential concepts, and includes up-to-date information on divisibility problems, polynomial congruence, the sums of squares and trigonometric sums.;Five or more copies may be ordered by college or university bookstores at a special price, available on application.
The first thing you will find out about this book is that it is fun to read. It is meant for the browser, as well as for the student and for the specialist wanting to know about the area. The footnotes give an historical background to the text, in addition to providing deeper applications of the concept that is being cited. This allows the browser to look more deeply into the history or to pursue a given sideline. Those who are only marginally interested in the area will be able to read the text, pick up information easily, and be entertained at the same time by the historical and philosophical digressions. It is rich in structure and motivation in its concentration upon quadratic orders.
This book is a collection of research papers and surveys on algebra that were presented at the Conference on Groups, Rings, and Group Rings held in Ubatuba, Brazil. This text familiarizes researchers with the latest topics, techniques, and methodologies in several branches of contemporary algebra. With extensive coverage, it examines broad themes from group theory and ring theory, exploring their relationship with other branches of algebra including actions of Hopf algebras, groups of units of group rings, combinatorics of Young diagrams, polynomial identities, growth of algebras, and more. Featuring international contributions, this book is ideal for mathematicians specializing in these areas.
Bridging the gap between elementary number theory and the systematic study of advanced topics, A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory is a well-developed and accessible text that requires only a familiarity with basic abstract algebra. Historical development is stressed throughout, along with wide-ranging coverage of significant results with comparatively elementary proofs, some of them new. An extensive bibliography and many challenging exercises are also included. This second edition has been corrected and contains two new chapters which provide a complete proof of the Mordell-Weil theorem for elliptic curves over the rational numbers, and an overview of recent progress on the arithmetic of elliptic curves.
This book is an introduction to the theory of algebraic numbers and algebraic functions of one variable. The basic development is the same for both using E Artin's legant approach, via valuations. Number Theory is pursued as far as the unit theorem and the finiteness of the class number. In function theory the aim is the Abel-Jacobi theorem describing the devisor class group, with occasional geometrical asides to help understanding. Assuming only an undergraduate course in algebra, plus a little acquaintance with topology and complex function theory, the book serves as an introduction to more technical works in algebraic number theory, function theory or algebraic geometry by an exposition of the central themes in the subject.
Calculus in Vector Spaces addresses linear algebra from the basics to the spectral theorem and examines a range of topics in multivariable calculus. This second edition introduces, among other topics, the derivative as a linear transformation, presents linear algebra in a concrete context based on complementary ideas in calculus, and explains differential forms on Euclidean space, allowing for Green's theorem, Gauss's theorem, and Stokes's theorem to be understood in a natural setting. Mathematical analysts, algebraists, engineers, physicists, and students taking advanced calculus and linear algebra courses should find this book useful.
Interest in the study of geometry is currently enjoying a resurgence-understandably so, as the study of curves was once the playground of some very great mathematicians. However, many of the subject's more exciting aspects require a somewhat advanced mathematics background. For the "fun stuff" to be accessible, we need to offer students an introduction with modest prerequisites, one that stimulates their interest and focuses on problem solving. Integrating parametric, algebraic, and projective curves into a single text, Geometry of Curves offers students a unique approach that provides a mathematical structure for solving problems, not just a catalog of theorems. The author begins with the basics, then takes students on a fascinating journey from conics, higher algebraic and transcendental curves, through the properties of parametric curves, the classification of limacons, envelopes, and finally to projective curves, their relationship to algebraic curves, and their application to asymptotes and boundedness. The uniqueness of this treatment lies in its integration of the different types of curves, its use of analytic methods, and its generous number of examples, exercises, and illustrations. The result is a practical text, almost entirely self-contained, that not only imparts a deeper understanding of the theory, but inspires a heightened appreciation of geometry and interest in more advanced studies.
Complex Lie groups have often been used as auxiliaries in the study of real Lie groups in areas such as differential geometry and representation theory. To date, however, no book has fully explored and developed their structural aspects. The Structure of Complex Lie Groups addresses this need. Self-contained, it begins with general concepts introduced via an almost complex structure on a real Lie group. It then moves to the theory of representative functions of Lie groups- used as a primary tool in subsequent chapters-and discusses the extension problem of representations that is essential for studying the structure of complex Lie groups. This is followed by a discourse on complex analytic groups that carry the structure of affine algebraic groups compatible with their analytic group structure. The author then uses the results of his earlier discussions to determine the observability of subgroups of complex Lie groups. The differences between complex algebraic groups and complex Lie groups are sometimes subtle and it can be difficult to know which aspects of algebraic group theory apply and which must be modified. The Structure of Complex Lie Groups helps clarify those distinctions. Clearly written and well organized, this unique work presents material not found in other books on Lie groups and serves as an outstanding complement to them.
The subject of this book is arithmetic algebraic geometry, an area between number theory and algebraic geometry. It is about applying geometric methods to the study of polynomial equations in rational numbers (Diophantine equations). This book represents the first complete and coherent exposition in a single volume, of both the theory and applications of torsors to rational points. Some very recent material is included. It is demonstrated that torsors provide a unified approach to several branches of the theory which were hitherto developing in parallel.
This book comprises five parts. The first three contain ten historical essays on important topics: number theory, calculus/analysis, and proof, respectively. Part four deals with several historically oriented courses, and Part five provides biographies of five mathematicians who played major roles in the historical events described in the first four parts of the work. "Excursions in the History of Mathematics" was written with several goals in mind: to arouse mathematics teachers' interest in the history of their subject; to encourage mathematics teachers with at least some knowledge of the history of mathematics to offer courses with a strong historical component; and to provide an historical perspective on a number of basic topics taught in mathematics courses."
Part I (eleven chapters) of this text for graduate students provides a Survey of topological fields, while Part II (five chapters) provides a relatively more idiosyncratic account of valuation theory. No exercises but a good number of examples; appendices support the author in his intent, which ha
The theory of algebras, rings, and modules is one of the fundamental domains of modern mathematics. General algebra, more specifically non-commutative algebra, is poised for major advances in the twenty-first century (together with and in interaction with combinatorics), just as topology, analysis, and probability experienced in the twentieth century. This volume is a continuation and an in-depth study, stressing the non-commutative nature of the first two volumes of Algebras, Rings and Modules by M. Hazewinkel, N. Gubareni, and V. V. Kirichenko. It is largely independent of the other volumes. The relevant constructions and results from earlier volumes have been presented in this volume.
This proceedings volume gathers selected, peer-reviewed papers presented at the 2nd International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering - ICMASE 2021, which was virtually held on July 1-2, 2021 by the University of Salamanca, Spain. Works included in this book cover applications of mathematics both in engineering research and in real-world problems, touching topics such as difference equations, number theory, optimization, and more. The list of applications includes the modeling of mechanical structures, the shape of machines, and the growth of a population, expanding to fields like information security and cryptography. Advances in teaching and learning mathematics in the context of engineering courses are also covered.This volume can be of special interest to researchers in applied mathematics and engineering fields, as well as practitioners seeking studies that address real-life problems in engineering.
Combining concepts of mathematics and computer science, this book is about the sequences of symbols that can be generated by simple models of computation called "finite automata". Suitable for graduate students or advanced undergraduates, it starts from elementary principles and develops the basic theory. The study then progresses to show how these ideas can be applied to solve problems in number theory and physics.
This book provides a lucid exposition of the connections between non-commutative geometry and the famous Riemann Hypothesis, focusing on the theory of one-dimensional varieties over a finite field. The reader will encounter many important aspects of the theory, such as Bombieri's proof of the Riemann Hypothesis for function fields, along with an explanation of the connections with Nevanlinna theory and non-commutative geometry. The connection with non-commutative geometry is given special attention, with a complete determination of the Weil terms in the explicit formula for the point counting function as a trace of a shift operator on the additive space, and a discussion of how to obtain the explicit formula from the action of the idele class group on the space of adele classes. The exposition is accessible at the graduate level and above, and provides a wealth of motivation for further research in this area.
This introductory textbook takes a problem-solving approach to number theory, situating each concept within the framework of an example or a problem for solving. Starting with the essentials, the text covers divisibility, unique factorization, modular arithmetic and the Chinese Remainder Theorem, Diophantine equations, binomial coefficients, Fermat and Mersenne primes and other special numbers, and special sequences. Included are sections on mathematical induction and the pigeonhole principle, as well as a discussion of other number systems. By emphasizing examples and applications the authors motivate and engage readers.
Volume I is the first part of the 3-volume book Mathematics of Harmony as a New Interdisciplinary Direction and 'Golden' Paradigm of Modern Science. 'Mathematics of Harmony' rises in its origin to the 'harmonic ideas' of Pythagoras, Plato and Euclid, this 3-volume book aims to promote more deep understanding of ancient conception of the 'Universe Harmony,' the main conception of ancient Greek science, and implementation of this conception to modern science and education.This 3-volume book is a result of the authors' research in the field of Fibonacci numbers and the Golden Section and their applications. It provides a broad introduction to the fascinating and beautiful subject of the 'Mathematics of Harmony,' a new interdisciplinary direction of modern science. This direction has many unexpected applications in contemporary mathematics (a new approach to a history of mathematics, the generalized Fibonacci numbers and the generalized golden proportions, the generalized Binet's formulas), theoretical physics (new hyperbolic models of Nature) and computer science (algorithmic measurement theory, number systems with irrational bases, Fibonacci computers, ternary mirror-symmetrical arithmetic).The books are intended for a wide audience including mathematics teachers of high schools, students of colleges and universities and scientists in the field of mathematics, theoretical physics and computer science. The book may be used as an advanced textbook by graduate students and even ambitious undergraduates in mathematics and computer science.
The Primality Testing Problem (PTP) has now proved to be solvable in deterministic polynomial-time (P) by the AKS (Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena) algorithm, whereas the Integer Factorization Problem (IFP) still remains unsolvable in (P). There is still no polynomial-time algorithm for IFP. Many practical public-key cryptosystems and protocols such as RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman) rely their security on computational intractability of IFP. Primality Testing and Integer Factorization in Public Key Cryptography, Second Edition, provides a survey of recent progress in primality testing and integer factorization, with implications to factoring based public key cryptography. Notable new features are the comparison of Rabin-Miller probabilistic test in RP, Atkin-Morain elliptic curve test in ZPP and AKS deterministic test. This volume is designed for advanced level students in computer science and mathematics, and as a secondary text or reference book; suitable for practitioners and researchers in industry. First edition was very positively reviewed by Prof Samuel Wagstaff at Purdue University in AMS Mathematical Reviews (See MR2028480 2004j: 11148), and by Professor J.T. Ayuso of University of Simon Bolivar in the European Mathematical Societya (TM)s review journal Zentralblatt fA1/4r Mathematik (see Zbl 1048.11103).
This volume includes articles spanning several research areas in number theory, such as arithmetic geometry, algebraic number theory, analytic number theory, and applications in cryptography and coding theory. Most of the articles are the results of collaborations started at the 3rd edition of the Women in Numbers Europe (WINE) conference between senior and mid-level faculty, junior faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. The contents of this book should be of interest to graduate students and researchers in number theory.
This book provides an account of part of the theory of Lie algebras most relevant to Lie groups. It discusses the basic theory of Lie algebras, including the classification of complex semisimple Lie algebras, and the Levi, Cartan and Iwasawa decompositions.
This graduate-level textbook provides an elementary exposition of the theory of automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group in an adelic setting. Definitions are kept to a minimum and repeated when reintroduced so that the book is accessible from any entry point, and with no prior knowledge of representation theory. The book includes concrete examples of global and local representations of GL(n), and presents their associated L-functions. In Volume 1, the theory is developed from first principles for GL(1), then carefully extended to GL(2) with complete detailed proofs of key theorems. Several proofs are presented for the first time, including Jacquet's simple and elegant proof of the tensor product theorem. In Volume 2, the higher rank situation of GL(n) is given a detailed treatment. Containing numerous exercises by Xander Faber, this book will motivate students and researchers to begin working in this fertile field of research. |
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