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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
Celebrating one of the leading figures in contemporary number theory - John H. Coates - on the occasion of his 70th birthday, this collection of contributions covers a range of topics in number theory, concentrating on the arithmetic of elliptic curves, modular forms, and Galois representations. Several of the contributions in this volume were presented at the conference Elliptic Curves, Modular Forms and Iwasawa Theory, held in honour of the 70th birthday of John Coates in Cambridge, March 25-27, 2015. The main unifying theme is Iwasawa theory, a field that John Coates himself has done much to create. This collection is indispensable reading for researchers in Iwasawa theory, and is interesting and valuable for those in many related fields.
This book consists of both expository and research articles solicited from speakers at the conference entitled "Arithmetic and Ideal Theory of Rings and Semigroups," held September 22-26, 2014 at the University of Graz, Graz, Austria. It reflects recent trends in multiplicative ideal theory and factorization theory, and brings together for the first time in one volume both commutative and non-commutative perspectives on these areas, which have their roots in number theory, commutative algebra, and algebraic geometry. Topics discussed include topological aspects in ring theory, Prufer domains of integer-valued polynomials and their monadic submonoids, and semigroup algebras. It will be of interest to practitioners of mathematics and computer science, and researchers in multiplicative ideal theory, factorization theory, number theory, and algebraic geometry.
Featuring the clearly presented and expertly-refereed contributions of leading researchers in the field of approximation theory, this volume is a collection of the best contributions at the Third International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Approximation Theory, an international conference held at TOBB University of Economics and Technology in Ankara, Turkey, on May 28-31, 2015. The goal of the conference, and this volume, is to bring together key work from researchers in all areas of approximation theory, covering topics such as ODEs, PDEs, difference equations, applied analysis, computational analysis, signal theory, positive operators, statistical approximation, fuzzy approximation, fractional analysis, semigroups, inequalities, special functions and summability. These topics are presented both within their traditional context of approximation theory, while also focusing on their connections to applied mathematics. As a result, this collection will be an invaluable resource for researchers in applied mathematics, engineering and statistics.
Now in its second edition, this textbook provides an introduction and overview of number theory based on the density and properties of the prime numbers. This unique approach offers both a firm background in the standard material of number theory, as well as an overview of the entire discipline. All of the essential topics are covered, such as the fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theory of congruences, quadratic reciprocity, arithmetic functions, and the distribution of primes. New in this edition are coverage of p-adic numbers, Hensel's lemma, multiple zeta-values, and elliptic curve methods in primality testing. Key topics and features include: A solid introduction to analytic number theory, including full proofs of Dirichlet's Theorem and the Prime Number Theorem Concise treatment of algebraic number theory, including a complete presentation of primes, prime factorizations in algebraic number fields, and unique factorization of ideals Discussion of the AKS algorithm, which shows that primality testing is one of polynomial time, a topic not usually included in such texts Many interesting ancillary topics, such as primality testing and cryptography, Fermat and Mersenne numbers, and Carmichael numbers The user-friendly style, historical context, and wide range of exercises that range from simple to quite difficult (with solutions and hints provided for select exercises) make Number Theory: An Introduction via the Density of Primes ideal for both self-study and classroom use. Intended for upper level undergraduates and beginning graduates, the only prerequisites are a basic knowledge of calculus, multivariable calculus, and some linear algebra. All necessary concepts from abstract algebra and complex analysis are introduced where needed.
This is a new annotated edition of Thomas J. Stieltjes' Collected Papers, first published in 1914 (Vol. I) and 1918 (Vol. II) by Noordhoff, Groningen, in French, and now published by Springer-Verlag, originally to mark the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Stieltjes' death (1894). These two volumes will be of great interest to all mathematicians who are anxious to understand the impact of Stieltjes' work on modern mathematics, and in particular on the theory of orthogonal polynomials and continued fractions. In addition to the reproduction of Stieltjes' papers (I-XLVII), Volume I includes about 75 pages of commentaries by contemporary mathematicians on Stieltjes' work. Volume II contains Stieltjes' papers XLVIII-LXXXIV together with English translations of his main paper "Recherches sur les fractions continues" and his short note regarding the Riemann hypothesis. A Bibliography of Stieltjes' papers is included in both volumes for the convenience of the reader.
This is a new annotated edition of Thomas J. Stieltjes' Collected Papers, first published in 1914 (Vol. I) and 1918 (Vol. II) by Noordhoff, Groningen, in French, and now published by Springer-Verlag, originally to mark the occasion of the 100th anniversary of Stieltjes' death (1894). These two volumes will be of great interest to all mathematicians who are anxious to understand the impact of Stieltjes' work on modern mathematics, and in particular on the theory of orthogonal polynomials and continued fractions. In addition to the reproduction of Stieltjes' papers (I-XLVII), Volume I includes about 75 pages of commentaries by contemporary mathematicians on Stieltjes' work. Volume II contains Stieltjes' papers XLVIII-LXXXIV together with English translations of his main paper "Recherches sur les fractions continues" and his short note regarding the Riemann hypothesis. A Bibliography of Stieltjes' papers is included in both volumes for the convenience of the reader.
Presents easy to understand proofs of some of the most difficult results about polynomials demonstrated by means of applications.
Computational algebraic number theory has been attracting broad interest in the last few years due to its potential applications in coding theory and cryptography. For this reason, the Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung initiated an introductory graduate seminar on this topic in Dusseldorf. The lectures given there by the author served as the basis for this book which allows fast access to the state of the art in this area. Special emphasis has been placed on practical algorithms - all developed in the last five years - for the computation of integral bases, the unit group and the class group of arbitrary algebraic number fields. Contents: Introduction * Topics from finite fields * Arithmetic and polynomials * Factorization of polynomials * Topics from the geometry of numbers * Hermite normal form * Lattices * Reduction * Enumeration of lattice points * Algebraic number fields * Introduction * Basic Arithmetic * Computation of an integral basis * Integral closure * Round-Two-Method * Round-Four-Method * Computation of the unit group * Dirichlet's unit theorem and a regulator bound * Two methods for computing r independent units * Fundamental unit computation * Computation of the class group * Ideals and class number * A method for computing the class group * Appendix * The number field sieve * KANT * References * Index
This book is a comprehensive and systematic account of the theory of p-adic and classical modular forms and the theory of the special values of arithmetic L-functions and p-adic L-functions. The approach is basically algebraic, and the treatment is elementary. No deep knowledge from algebraic geometry and representation theory is required. The author's main tool in dealing with these problems is taken from cohomology theory over Riemann surfaces, which is also explained in detail in the book. He also gives a concise but thorough treatment of analytic continuation and functional equation. Graduate students wishing to know more about L-functions will find this a unique introduction to this fascinating branch of mathematics.
This book presents a method for evaluating Selberg zeta functions via transfer operators for the full modular group and its congruence subgroups with characters. Studying zeros of Selberg zeta functions for character deformations allows us to access the discrete spectra and resonances of hyperbolic Laplacians under both singular and non-singular perturbations. Areas in which the theory has not yet been sufficiently developed, such as the spectral theory of transfer operators or the singular perturbation theory of hyperbolic Laplacians, will profit from the numerical experiments discussed in this book. Detailed descriptions of numerical approaches to the spectra and eigenfunctions of transfer operators and to computations of Selberg zeta functions will be of value to researchers active in analysis, while those researchers focusing more on numerical aspects will benefit from discussions of the analytic theory, in particular those concerning the transfer operator method and the spectral theory of hyperbolic spaces.
Hex: The Full Story is for anyone - hobbyist, professional, student, teacher - who enjoys board games, game theory, discrete math, computing, or history. hex was discovered twice, in 1942 by Piet Hein and again in 1949 by John F. nash. How did this happen? Who created the puzzle for Hein's Danish newspaper column? How are Martin Gardner, David Gale, Claude Shannon, and Claude Berge involved? What is the secret to playing Hex well? The answers are inside... Features New documents on Hein's creation of Hex, the complete set of Danish puzzles, and the identity of their composer Chapters on Gale's game Bridg-it, the game Rex, computer Hex, open Hex problems, and more Dozens of new puzzles and solutions Study guide for Hex players Supplemenetary text for a course in game theory, discrete math, computer science, or science history
Focusing on p-adic and adelic analogues of pseudodifferential equations, this monograph presents a very general theory of parabolic-type equations and their Markov processes motivated by their connection with models of complex hierarchic systems. The Gelfand-Shilov method for constructing fundamental solutions using local zeta functions is developed in a p-adic setting and several particular equations are studied, such as the p-adic analogues of the Klein-Gordon equation. Pseudodifferential equations for complex-valued functions on non-Archimedean local fields are central to contemporary harmonic analysis and mathematical physics and their theory reveals a deep connection with probability and number theory. The results of this book extend and complement the material presented by Vladimirov, Volovich and Zelenov (1994) and Kochubei (2001), which emphasize spectral theory and evolution equations in a single variable, and Albeverio, Khrennikov and Shelkovich (2010), which deals mainly with the theory and applications of p-adic wavelets.
Starting with a simple formulation accessible to all mathematicians, this second edition is designed to provide a thorough introduction to nonstandard analysis. Nonstandard analysis is now a well-developed, powerful instrument for solving open problems in almost all disciplines of mathematics; it is often used as a 'secret weapon' by those who know the technique. This book illuminates the subject with some of the most striking applications in analysis, topology, functional analysis, probability and stochastic analysis, as well as applications in economics and combinatorial number theory. The first chapter is designed to facilitate the beginner in learning this technique by starting with calculus and basic real analysis. The second chapter provides the reader with the most important tools of nonstandard analysis: the transfer principle, Keisler's internal definition principle, the spill-over principle, and saturation. The remaining chapters of the book study different fields for applications; each begins with a gentle introduction before then exploring solutions to open problems. All chapters within this second edition have been reworked and updated, with several completely new chapters on compactifications and number theory. Nonstandard Analysis for the Working Mathematician will be accessible to both experts and non-experts, and will ultimately provide many new and helpful insights into the enterprise of mathematics.
This volume develops the depth and breadth of the mathematics underlying the construction and analysis of Hadamard matrices, and their use in the construction of combinatorial designs. At the same time, it pursues current research in their numerous applications in security and cryptography, quantum information, and communications. Bridges among diverse mathematical threads and extensive applications make this an invaluable source for understanding both the current state of the art and future directions. The existence of Hadamard matrices remains one of the most challenging open questions in combinatorics. Substantial progress on their existence has resulted from advances in algebraic design theory using deep connections with linear algebra, abstract algebra, finite geometry, number theory, and combinatorics. Hadamard matrices arise in a very diverse set of applications. Starting with applications in experimental design theory and the theory of error-correcting codes, they have found unexpected and important applications in cryptography, quantum information theory, communications, and networking.
This text treats the classical theory of quadratic diophantine equations and guides the reader through the last two decades of computational techniques and progress in the area. The presentation features two basic methods to investigate and motivate the study of quadratic diophantine equations: the theories of continued fractions and quadratic fields. It also discusses Pell's equation and its generalizations, and presents some important quadratic diophantine equations and applications. The inclusion of examples makes this book useful for both research and classroom settings.
Szemeredi's influence on today's mathematics, especially in combinatorics, additive number theory, and theoretical computer science, is enormous. This volume is a celebration of Szemeredi's achievements and personality, on the occasion of his seventieth birthday. It exemplifies his extraordinary vision and unique way of thinking. A number of colleagues and friends, all top authorities in their fields, have contributed their latest research papers to this volume. The topics include extension and applications of the regularity lemma, the existence of k-term arithmetic progressions in various subsets of the integers, extremal problems in hypergraphs theory, and random graphs, all of them beautiful, Szemeredi type mathematics. It also contains published accounts of the first two, very original and highly successful Polymath projects, one led by Tim Gowers and the other by Terry Tao.
This book offers an account of the classical theory of quadratic residues and non-residues with the goal of using that theory as a lens through which to view the development of some of the fundamental methods employed in modern elementary, algebraic, and analytic number theory. The first three chapters present some basic facts and the history of quadratic residues and non-residues and discuss various proofs of the Law of Quadratic Reciprosity in depth, with an emphasis on the six proofs that Gauss published. The remaining seven chapters explore some interesting applications of the Law of Quadratic Reciprocity, prove some results concerning the distribution and arithmetic structure of quadratic residues and non-residues, provide a detailed proof of Dirichlet's Class-Number Formula, and discuss the question of whether quadratic residues are randomly distributed. The text is a valuable resource for graduate and advanced undergraduate students as well as for mathematicians interested in number theory.
This edited volume presents a collection of carefully refereed articles covering the latest advances in Automorphic Forms and Number Theory, that were primarily developed from presentations given at the 2012 "International Conference on Automorphic Forms and Number Theory," held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. The present volume includes original research as well as some surveys and outlines of research altogether providing a contemporary snapshot on the latest activities in the field and covering the topics of: Borcherds products Congruences and Codes Jacobi forms Siegel and Hermitian modular forms Special values of L-series Recently, the Sultanate of Oman became a member of the International Mathematical Society. In view of this development, the conference provided the platform for scientific exchange and collaboration between scientists of different countries from all over the world. In particular, an opportunity was established for a close exchange between scientists and students of Germany, Oman, and Japan. The conference was hosted by the Sultan Qaboos University and the German University of Technology in Oman.
This textbook effectively builds a bridge from basic number theory to recent advances in applied number theory. It presents the first unified account of the four major areas of application where number theory plays a fundamental role, namely cryptography, coding theory, quasi-Monte Carlo methods, and pseudorandom number generation, allowing the authors to delineate the manifold links and interrelations between these areas. Number theory, which Carl-Friedrich Gauss famously dubbed the queen of mathematics, has always been considered a very beautiful field of mathematics, producing lovely results and elegant proofs. While only very few real-life applications were known in the past, today number theory can be found in everyday life: in supermarket bar code scanners, in our cars' GPS systems, in online banking, etc. Starting with a brief introductory course on number theory in Chapter 1, which makes the book more accessible for undergraduates, the authors describe the four main application areas in Chapters 2-5 and offer a glimpse of advanced results that are presented without proofs and require more advanced mathematical skills. In the last chapter they review several further applications of number theory, ranging from check-digit systems to quantum computation and the organization of raster-graphics memory. Upper-level undergraduates, graduates and researchers in the field of number theory will find this book to be a valuable resource.
This book is a history of complex function theory from its origins to 1914, when the essential features of the modern theory were in place. It is the first history of mathematics devoted to complex function theory, and it draws on a wide range of published and unpublished sources. In addition to an extensive and detailed coverage of the three founders of the subject - Cauchy, Riemann, and Weierstrass - it looks at the contributions of authors from d'Alembert to Hilbert, and Laplace to Weyl. Particular chapters examine the rise and importance of elliptic function theory, differential equations in the complex domain, geometric function theory, and the early years of complex function theory in several variables. Unique emphasis has been devoted to the creation of a textbook tradition in complex analysis by considering some seventy textbooks in nine different languages. The book is not a mere sequence of disembodied results and theories, but offers a comprehensive picture of the broad cultural and social context in which the main actors lived and worked by paying attention to the rise of mathematical schools and of contrasting national traditions. The book is unrivaled for its breadth and depth, both in the core theory and its implications for other fields of mathematics. It documents the motivations for the early ideas and their gradual refinement into a rigorous theory.
This proceedings volume is based on papers presented at the Workshops on Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory (CANT), which were held at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 2011 and 2012. The goal of the workshops is to survey recent progress in combinatorial number theory and related parts of mathematics. The workshop attracts researchers and students who discuss the state-of-the-art, open problems and future challenges in number theory.
The theory of numbers continues to occupy a central place in modern mathematics because of both its long history over many centuries as well as its many diverse applications to other fields such as discrete mathematics, cryptography, and coding theory. The proof by Andrew Wiles (with Richard Taylor) of Fermat's last theorem published in 1995 illustrates the high level of difficulty of problems encountered in number-theoretic research as well as the usefulness of the new ideas arising from its proof. The thirteenth conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association was held at Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada from June 16 to 20, 2014. Ninety-nine talks were presented at the conference on the theme of advances in the theory of numbers. Topics of the talks reflected the diversity of current trends and activities in modern number theory. These topics included modular forms, hypergeometric functions, elliptic curves, distribution of prime numbers, diophantine equations, L-functions, Diophantine approximation, and many more. This volume contains some of the papers presented at the conference. All papers were refereed. The high quality of the articles and their contribution to current research directions make this volume a must for any mathematics library and is particularly relevant to researchers and graduate students with an interest in number theory. The editors hope that this volume will serve as both a resource and an inspiration to future generations of researchers in the theory of numbers.
The research of Jonathan Borwein has had a profound impact on optimization, functional analysis, operations research, mathematical programming, number theory, and experimental mathematics. Having authored more than a dozen books and more than 300 publications, Jonathan Borwein is one of the most productive Canadian mathematicians ever. His research spans pure, applied, and computational mathematics as well as high performance computing, and continues to have an enormous impact: MathSciNet lists more than 2500 citations by more than 1250 authors, and Borwein is one of the 250 most cited mathematicians of the period 1980-1999. He has served the Canadian Mathematics Community through his presidency (2000-02) as well as his 15 years of editing the CMS book series. Jonathan Borwein's vision and initiative have been crucial in initiating and developing several institutions that provide support for researchers with a wide range of scientific interests. A few notable examples include the Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics and the IRMACS Centre at Simon Fraser University, the Dalhousie Distributed Research Institute at Dalhousie University, the Western Canada Research Grid, and the Centre for Computer Assisted Research Mathematics and its Applications, University of Newcastle. The workshops that were held over the years in Dr. Borwein's honor attracted high-caliber scientists from a wide range of mathematical fields. This present volume is an outgrowth of the workshop on 'Computational and Analytical Mathematics' held in May 2011 in celebration of Dr. Borwein's 60th Birthday. The collection contains various state-of-the-art research manuscripts and surveys presenting contributions that have risen from the conference, and is an excellent opportunity to survey state-of-the-art research and discuss promising research directions and approaches.
Nestled between number theory, combinatorics, algebra and analysis lies a rapidly developing subject in mathematics variously known as additive combinatorics, additive number theory, additive group theory, and combinatorial number theory. Its main objects of study are not abelian groups themselves, but rather the additive structure of subsets and subsequences of an abelian group, i.e., sumsets and subsequence sums. This text is a hybrid of a research monograph and an introductory graduate textbook. With few exceptions, all results presented are self-contained, written in great detail, and only reliant upon material covered in an advanced undergraduate curriculum supplemented with some additional Algebra, rendering this book usable as an entry-level text. However, it will perhaps be of even more interest to researchers already in the field. The majority of material is not found in book form and includes many new results as well. Even classical results, when included, are given in greater generality or using new proof variations. The text has a particular focus on results of a more exact and precise nature, results with strong hypotheses and yet stronger conclusions, and on fundamental aspects of the theory. Also included are intricate results often neglected in other texts owing to their complexity. Highlights include an extensive treatment of Freiman Homomorphisms and the Universal Ambient Group of sumsets A+B, an entire chapter devoted to Hamidoune's Isoperimetric Method, a novel generalization allowing infinite summands in finite sumset questions, weighted zero-sum problems treated in the general context of viewing homomorphisms as weights, and simplified proofs of the Kemperman Structure Theorem and the Partition Theorem for setpartitions.
This volume contains a collection of research and survey papers written by some of the most eminent mathematicians in the international community and is dedicated to Helmut Maier, whose own research has been groundbreaking and deeply influential to the field. Specific emphasis is given to topics regarding exponential and trigonometric sums and their behavior in short intervals, anatomy of integers and cyclotomic polynomials, small gaps in sequences of sifted prime numbers, oscillation theorems for primes in arithmetic progressions, inequalities related to the distribution of primes in short intervals, the Moebius function, Euler's totient function, the Riemann zeta function and the Riemann Hypothesis. Graduate students, research mathematicians, as well as computer scientists and engineers who are interested in pure and interdisciplinary research, will find this volume a useful resource. Contributors to this volume: Bill Allombert, Levent Alpoge, Nadine Amersi, Yuri Bilu, Regis de la Breteche, Christian Elsholtz, John B. Friedlander, Kevin Ford, Daniel A. Goldston, Steven M. Gonek, Andrew Granville, Adam J. Harper, Glyn Harman, D. R. Heath-Brown, Aleksandar Ivic, Geoffrey Iyer, Jerzy Kaczorowski, Daniel M. Kane, Sergei Konyagin, Dimitris Koukoulopoulos, Michel L. Lapidus, Oleg Lazarev, Andrew H. Ledoan, Robert J. Lemke Oliver, Florian Luca, James Maynard, Steven J. Miller, Hugh L. Montgomery, Melvyn B. Nathanson, Ashkan Nikeghbali, Alberto Perelli, Amalia Pizarro-Madariaga, Janos Pintz, Paul Pollack, Carl Pomerance, Michael Th. Rassias, Maksym Radziwill, Joel Rivat, Andras Sarkoezy, Jeffrey Shallit, Terence Tao, Gerald Tenenbaum, Laszlo Toth, Tamar Ziegler, Liyang Zhang. |
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