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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
Theta functions were studied extensively by Ramanujan. This book provides a systematic development of Ramanujan's results and extends them to a general theory. The author's treatment of the subject is comprehensive, providing a detailed study of theta functions and modular forms for levels up to 12. Aimed at advanced undergraduates, graduate students, and researchers, the organization, user-friendly presentation, and rich source of examples, lends this book to serve as a useful reference, a pedagogical tool, and a stimulus for further research. Topics, especially those discussed in the second half of the book, have been the subject of much recent research; many of which are appearing in book form for the first time. Further results are summarized in the numerous exercises at the end of each chapter.
This book presents state-of-the-art research and survey articles that highlight work done within the Priority Program SPP 1489 "Algorithmic and Experimental Methods in Algebra, Geometry and Number Theory", which was established and generously supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) from 2010 to 2016. The goal of the program was to substantially advance algorithmic and experimental methods in the aforementioned disciplines, to combine the different methods where necessary, and to apply them to central questions in theory and practice. Of particular concern was the further development of freely available open source computer algebra systems and their interaction in order to create powerful new computational tools that transcend the boundaries of the individual disciplines involved. The book covers a broad range of topics addressing the design and theoretical foundations, implementation and the successful application of algebraic algorithms in order to solve mathematical research problems. It offers a valuable resource for all researchers, from graduate students through established experts, who are interested in the computational aspects of algebra, geometry, and/or number theory.
The book is primarily intended as a textbook on modern algebra for undergraduate mathematics students. It is also useful for those who are interested in supplementary reading at a higher level. The text is designed in such a way that it encourages independent thinking and motivates students towards further study. The book covers all major topics in group, ring, vector space and module theory that are usually contained in a standard modern algebra text. In addition, it studies semigroup, group action, Hopf's group, topological groups and Lie groups with their actions, applications of ring theory to algebraic geometry, and defines Zariski topology, as well as applications of module theory to structure theory of rings and homological algebra. Algebraic aspects of classical number theory and algebraic number theory are also discussed with an eye to developing modern cryptography. Topics on applications to algebraic topology, category theory, algebraic geometry, algebraic number theory, cryptography and theoretical computer science interlink the subject with different areas. Each chapter discusses individual topics, starting from the basics, with the help of illustrative examples. This comprehensive text with a broad variety of concepts, applications, examples, exercises and historical notes represents a valuable and unique resource.
Exploring the Riemann Zeta Function: 190 years from Riemann's Birth presents a collection of chapters contributed by eminent experts devoted to the Riemann Zeta Function, its generalizations, and their various applications to several scientific disciplines, including Analytic Number Theory, Harmonic Analysis, Complex Analysis, Probability Theory, and related subjects. The book focuses on both old and new results towards the solution of long-standing problems as well as it features some key historical remarks. The purpose of this volume is to present in a unified way broad and deep areas of research in a self-contained manner. It will be particularly useful for graduate courses and seminars as well as it will make an excellent reference tool for graduate students and researchers in Mathematics, Mathematical Physics, Engineering and Cryptography.
Nolan Wallach's mathematical research is remarkable in both its breadth and depth. His contributions to many fields include representation theory, harmonic analysis, algebraic geometry, combinatorics, number theory, differential equations, Riemannian geometry, ring theory, and quantum information theory. The touchstone and unifying thread running through all his work is the idea of symmetry. This volume is a collection of invited articles that pay tribute to Wallach's ideas, and show symmetry at work in a large variety of areas. The articles, predominantly expository, are written by distinguished mathematicians and contain sufficient preliminary material to reach the widest possible audiences. Graduate students, mathematicians, and physicists interested in representation theory and its applications will find many gems in this volume that have not appeared in print elsewhere. Contributors: D. Barbasch, K. Baur, O. Bucicovschi, B. Casselman, D. Ciubotaru, M. Colarusso, P. Delorme, T. Enright, W.T. Gan, A Garsia, G. Gour, B. Gross, J. Haglund, G. Han, P. Harris, J. Hong, R. Howe, M. Hunziker, B. Kostant, H. Kraft, D. Meyer, R. Miatello, L. Ni, G. Schwarz, L. Small, D. Vogan, N. Wallach, J. Wolf, G. Xin, O. Yacobi.
This volume contains the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Numerical Integration that took place in Bergen, Norway, in June 1991. It includes papers for all invited talks and a selection of contributed talks. The papers are organized into four parts: numerical integration rules, numerical integration error analysis, numerical integration applications and numerical integration algorithms and software; many papers are relevant to more than one category. The workshop studied the state of the art in numerical integration, both single and multidimensional. The book contains a number of survey papers by experts on themes such as numerical solution of integral equations, cubature formulae construction, handling singularities in finite elements, statistical applications, lattice rules, error estimates, error bounds and software.
This book is the English translation of Baumgart's thesis on the early proofs of the quadratic reciprocity law ("UEber das quadratische Reciprocitatsgesetz. Eine vergleichende Darstellung der Beweise"), first published in 1885. It is divided into two parts. The first part presents a very brief history of the development of number theory up to Legendre, as well as detailed descriptions of several early proofs of the quadratic reciprocity law. The second part highlights Baumgart's comparisons of the principles behind these proofs. A current list of all known proofs of the quadratic reciprocity law, with complete references, is provided in the appendix. This book will appeal to all readers interested in elementary number theory and the history of number theory.
This book is summarizing the results of the workshop "Uniform Distribution and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods" of the RICAM Special Semester on "Applications of Algebra and Number Theory" in October 2013. The survey articles in this book focus on number theoretic point constructions, uniform distribution theory, and quasi-Monte Carlo methods. As deterministic versions of the Monte Carlo method, quasi-Monte Carlo rules enjoy increasing popularity, with many fruitful applications in mathematical practice, as for example in finance, computer graphics, and biology. The goal of this book is to give an overview of recent developments in uniform distribution theory, quasi-Monte Carlo methods, and their applications, presented by leading experts in these vivid fields of research.
This is the first book on the theory of multiple zeta values since its birth around 1994. Readers will find that the shuffle products of multiple zeta values are applied to complicated counting problems in combinatorics, and numerous interesting identities are produced that are ready to be used. This will provide a powerful tool to deal with problems in multiple zeta values, both in evaluations and shuffle relations. The volume will benefit graduate students doing research in number theory.
This book presents the mathematical background underlying security modeling in the context of next-generation cryptography. By introducing new mathematical results in order to strengthen information security, while simultaneously presenting fresh insights and developing the respective areas of mathematics, it is the first-ever book to focus on areas that have not yet been fully exploited for cryptographic applications such as representation theory and mathematical physics, among others. Recent advances in cryptanalysis, brought about in particular by quantum computation and physical attacks on cryptographic devices, such as side-channel analysis or power analysis, have revealed the growing security risks for state-of-the-art cryptographic schemes. To address these risks, high-performance, next-generation cryptosystems must be studied, which requires the further development of the mathematical background of modern cryptography. More specifically, in order to avoid the security risks posed by adversaries with advanced attack capabilities, cryptosystems must be upgraded, which in turn relies on a wide range of mathematical theories. This book is suitable for use in an advanced graduate course in mathematical cryptography, while also offering a valuable reference guide for experts.
The algebraic techniques developed by Kakde will almost certainly lead eventually to major progress in the study of congruences between automorphic forms and the main conjectures of non-commutative Iwasawa theory for many motives. Non-commutative Iwasawa theory has emerged dramatically over the last decade, culminating in the recent proof of the non-commutative main conjecture for the Tate motive over a totally real p-adic Lie extension of a number field, independently by Ritter and Weiss on the one hand, and Kakde on the other. The initial ideas for giving a precise formulation of the non-commutative main conjecture were discovered by Venjakob, and were then systematically developed in the subsequent papers by Coates-Fukaya-Kato-Sujatha-Venjakob and Fukaya-Kato. There was also parallel related work in this direction by Burns and Flach on the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture. Subsequently, Kato discovered an important idea for studying the K_1 groups of non-abelian Iwasawa algebras in terms of the K_1 groups of the abelian quotients of these Iwasawa algebras. Kakde's proof is a beautiful development of these ideas of Kato, combined with an idea of Burns, and essentially reduces the study of the non-abelian main conjectures to abelian ones. The approach of Ritter and Weiss is more classical, and partly inspired by techniques of Frohlich and Taylor. Since many of the ideas in this book should eventually be applicable to other motives, one of its major aims is to provide a self-contained exposition of some of the main general themes underlying these developments. The present volume will be a valuable resource for researchers working in both Iwasawa theory and the theory of automorphic forms.
Number theory is one of the oldest and most appealing areas of mathematics. Computation has always played a role in number theory, a role which has increased dramatically in the last 20 or 30 years, both because of the advent of modern computers, and because of the discovery of surprising and powerful algorithms. As a consequence, algorithmic number theory has gradually emerged as an important and distinct field with connections to computer science and cryptography as well as other areas of mathematics. This text provides a comprehensive introduction to algorithmic number theory for beginning graduate students, written by the leading experts in the field. It includes several articles that cover the essential topics in this area, and in addition, there are contributions pointing in broader directions, including cryptography, computational class field theory, zeta functions and L-series, discrete logarithm algorithms, and quantum computing.
Three major branches of number theory are included in the volume: namely analytic number theory, algebraic number theory, and transcendental number theory. Original research is presented that discusses modern techniques and survey papers from selected academic scholars.
As a first comprehensive overview on Farey sequences and subsequences, this monograph is intended as a reference for anyone looking for specific material or formulas related to the subject. Duality of subsequences and maps between them are discussed and explicit proofs are shown in detail. From the Content Basic structural and enumerative properties of Farey sequences, Collective decision making, Committee methods in pattern recognition, Farey duality, Farey sequence, Fundamental Farey subsequences, Monotone bijections between Farey subsequences
This monograph describes and implements partially homomorphic encryption functions using a unified notation. After introducing the appropriate mathematical background, the authors offer a systematic examination of the following known algorithms: Rivest-Shamir-Adleman; Goldwasser-Micali; ElGamal; Benaloh; Naccache-Stern; Okamoto-Uchiyama; Paillier; Damgaard-Jurik; Boneh-Goh-Nissim; and Sander-Young-Yung. Over recent years partially and fully homomorphic encryption algorithms have been proposed and researchers have addressed issues related to their formulation, arithmetic, efficiency and security. Formidable efficiency barriers remain, but we now have a variety of algorithms that can be applied to various private computation problems in healthcare, finance and national security, and studying these functions may help us to understand the difficulties ahead. The book is valuable for researchers and graduate students in Computer Science, Engineering, and Mathematics who are engaged with Cryptology.
This book gathers nineteen papers presented at the first NLAGA-BIRS Symposium, which was held at the Cheikh Anta Diop University in Dakar, Senegal, on June 24-28, 2019. The four-day symposium brought together African experts on nonlinear analysis and geometry and their applications, as well as their international partners, to present and discuss mathematical results in various areas. The main goal of the NLAGA project is to advance and consolidate the development of these mathematical fields in West and Central Africa with a focus on solving real-world problems such as coastal erosion, pollution, and urban network and population dynamics problems. The book addresses a range of topics related to partial differential equations, geometrical analysis of optimal shapes, geometric structures, optimization and optimal transportation, control theory, and mathematical modeling.
The first part of this book covers the key concepts of cryptography on an undergraduate level, from encryption and digital signatures to cryptographic protocols. Essential techniques are demonstrated in protocols for key exchange, user identification, electronic elections and digital cash. In the second part, more advanced topics are addressed, such as the bit security of one-way functions and computationally perfect pseudorandom bit generators. The security of cryptographic schemes is a central topic. Typical examples of provably secure encryption and signature schemes and their security proofs are given. Though particular attention is given to the mathematical foundations, no special background in mathematics is presumed. The necessary algebra, number theory and probability theory are included in the appendix. Each chapter closes with a collection of exercises. In the second edition the authors added a complete description of the AES, an extended section on cryptographic hash functions, and new sections on random oracle proofs and public-key encryption schemes that are provably secure against adaptively-chosen-ciphertext attacks. The third edition is a further substantive extension, with new topics added, including: elliptic curve cryptography; Paillier encryption; quantum cryptography; the new SHA-3 standard for cryptographic hash functions; a considerably extended section on electronic elections and Internet voting; mix nets; and zero-knowledge proofs of shuffles. The book is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students in computer science, mathematics, and engineering.
This book provides a comprehensive account of the theory of moduli spaces of elliptic curves (over integer rings) and its application to modular forms. The construction of Galois representations, which play a fundamental role in Wiles' proof of the Shimura-Taniyama conjecture, is given. In addition, the book presents an outline of the proof of diverse modularity results of two-dimensional Galois representations (including that of Wiles), as well as some of the author's new results in that direction.In this new second edition, a detailed description of Barsotti-Tate groups (including formal Lie groups) is added to Chapter 1. As an application, a down-to-earth description of formal deformation theory of elliptic curves is incorporated at the end of Chapter 2 (in order to make the proof of regularity of the moduli of elliptic curve more conceptual), and in Chapter 4, though limited to ordinary cases, newly incorporated are Ribet's theorem of full image of modular p-adic Galois representation and its generalization to 'big' -adic Galois representations under mild assumptions (a new result of the author). Though some of the striking developments described above is out of the scope of this introductory book, the author gives a taste of present day research in the area of Number Theory at the very end of the book (giving a good account of modularity theory of abelian -varieties and -curves).
This richly illustrated textbook explores the amazing interaction between combinatorics, geometry, number theory, and analysis which arises in the interplay between polyhedra and lattices. Highly accessible to advanced undergraduates, as well as beginning graduate students, this second edition is perfect for a capstone course, and adds two new chapters, many new exercises, and updated open problems. For scientists, this text can be utilized as a self-contained tooling device. The topics include a friendly invitation to Ehrhart's theory of counting lattice points in polytopes, finite Fourier analysis, the Frobenius coin-exchange problem, Dedekind sums, solid angles, Euler-Maclaurin summation for polytopes, computational geometry, magic squares, zonotopes, and more. With more than 300 exercises and open research problems, the reader is an active participant, carried through diverse but tightly woven mathematical fields that are inspired by an innocently elementary question: What are the relationships between the continuous volume of a polytope and its discrete volume? Reviews of the first edition: "You owe it to yourself to pick up a copy of Computing the Continuous Discretely to read about a number of interesting problems in geometry, number theory, and combinatorics." - MAA Reviews "The book is written as an accessible and engaging textbook, with many examples, historical notes, pithy quotes, commentary integrating the mate rial, exercises, open problems and an extensive bibliography." - Zentralblatt MATH "This beautiful book presents, at a level suitable for advanced undergraduates, a fairly complete introduction to the problem of counting lattice points inside a convex polyhedron." - Mathematical Reviews "Many departments recognize the need for capstone courses in which graduating students can see the tools they have acquired come together in some satisfying way. Beck and Robins have written the perfect text for such a course." - CHOICE
This volume presents the collection of mathematical articles by Martin Kneser, reprinted in the original language - mostly German -, including one yet unpublished. Moreover, also included is an article by Raman Parimala, discussing Kneser's work concerning algebraic groups and the Hasse principle, which has been written especially for this volume, as well as an article by Rudolf Scharlau about Kneser's work on quadratic forms, published elsewhere before. Another commentary article, written by Gunter M. Ziegler especially for this volume, describes the astounding influence on the field of combinatorics of what was published as "Aufgabe 360" and its subsequent solution in 1955 resp. 1957 in the "Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung". However, as the titles of the articles show, Kneser's mathematical interests were much broader, which is beautifully discussed in an obituary by Ulrich Stuhler, included as well in this volume.
This book discusses the mathematical interests of Joachim Schwermer, who throughout his career has focused on the cohomology of arithmetic groups, automorphic forms and the geometry of arithmetic manifolds. To mark his 66th birthday, the editors brought together mathematical experts to offer an overview of the current state of research in these and related areas. The result is this book, with contributions ranging from topology to arithmetic. It probes the relation between cohomology of arithmetic groups and automorphic forms and their L-functions, and spans the range from classical Bianchi groups to the theory of Shimura varieties. It is a valuable reference for both experts in the fields and for graduate students and postdocs wanting to discover where the current frontiers lie.
This volume is dedicated to Robert F. Tichy on the occasion of his 60th birthday. Presenting 22 research and survey papers written by leading experts in their respective fields, it focuses on areas that align with Tichy's research interests and which he significantly shaped, including Diophantine problems, asymptotic counting, uniform distribution and discrepancy of sequences (in theory and application), dynamical systems, prime numbers, and actuarial mathematics. Offering valuable insights into recent developments in these areas, the book will be of interest to researchers and graduate students engaged in number theory and its applications.
This collaborative book presents recent trends on the study of sequences, including combinatorics on words and symbolic dynamics, and new interdisciplinary links to group theory and number theory. Other chapters branch out from those areas into subfields of theoretical computer science, such as complexity theory and theory of automata. The book is built around four general themes: number theory and sequences, word combinatorics, normal numbers, and group theory. Those topics are rounded out by investigations into automatic and regular sequences, tilings and theory of computation, discrete dynamical systems, ergodic theory, numeration systems, automaton semigroups, and amenable groups. This volume is intended for use by graduate students or research mathematicians, as well as computer scientists who are working in automata theory and formal language theory. With its organization around unified themes, it would also be appropriate as a supplemental text for graduate level courses.
The main topics of this volume, dedicated to Lance Littlejohn, are operator and spectral theory, orthogonal polynomials, combinatorics, number theory, and the various interplays of these subjects. Although the event, originally scheduled as the Baylor Analysis Fest, had to be postponed due to the pandemic, scholars from around the globe have contributed research in a broad range of mathematical fields. The collection will be of interest to both graduate students and professional mathematicians. Contributors are: G.E. Andrews, B.M. Brown, D. Damanik, M.L. Dawsey, W.D. Evans, J. Fillman, D. Frymark, A.G. Garcia, L.G. Garza, F. Gesztesy, D. Gomez-Ullate, Y. Grandati, F.A. Grunbaum, S. Guo, M. Hunziker, A. Iserles, T.F. Jones, K. Kirsten, Y. Lee, C. Liaw, F. Marcellan, C. Markett, A. Martinez-Finkelshtein, D. McCarthy, R. Milson, D. Mitrea, I. Mitrea, M. Mitrea, G. Novello, D. Ong, K. Ono, J.L. Padgett, M.M.M. Pang, T. Poe, A. Sri Ranga, K. Schiefermayr, Q. Sheng, B. Simanek, J. Stanfill, L. Velazquez, M. Webb, J. Wilkening, I.G. Wood, M. Zinchenko.
The book provides a self-contained introduction to classical Number Theory. All the proofs of the individual theorems and the solutions of the exercises are being presented step by step. Some historical remarks are also presented. The book will be directed to advanced undergraduate, beginning graduate students as well as to students who prepare for mathematical competitions (ex. Mathematical Olympiads and Putnam Mathematical competition). |
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