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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory

An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography (Hardcover): James S. Kraft, Lawrence C. Washington An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography (Hardcover)
James S. Kraft, Lawrence C. Washington
R3,222 Discovery Miles 32 220 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

Number theory has a rich history. For many years it was one of the purest areas of pure mathematics, studied because of the intellectual fascination with properties of integers. More recently, it has been an area that also has important applications to subjects such as cryptography. An Introduction to Number Theory with Cryptography presents number theory along with many interesting applications. Designed for an undergraduate-level course, it covers standard number theory topics and gives instructors the option of integrating several other topics into their coverage. The "Check Your Understanding" problems aid in learning the basics, and there are numerous exercises, projects, and computer explorations of varying levels of difficulty.

Mixed Motives and Algebraic K-Theory (Paperback, 1990 ed.): Uwe Jannsen Mixed Motives and Algebraic K-Theory (Paperback, 1990 ed.)
Uwe Jannsen
R1,615 Discovery Miles 16 150 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The relations that could or should exist between algebraic cycles, algebraic K-theory, and the cohomology of - possibly singular - varieties, are the topic of investigation of this book. The author proceeds in an axiomatic way, combining the concepts of twisted PoincarA(c) duality theories, weights, and tensor categories. One thus arrives at generalizations to arbitrary varieties of the Hodge and Tate conjectures to explicit conjectures on l-adic Chern characters for global fields and to certain counterexamples for more general fields. It is to be hoped that these relations ions will in due course be explained by a suitable tensor category of mixed motives. An approximation to this is constructed in the setting of absolute Hodge cycles, by extending this theory to arbitrary varieties. The book can serve both as a guide for the researcher, and as an introduction to these ideas for the non-expert, provided (s)he knows or is willing to learn about K-theory and the standard cohomology theories of algebraic varieties.

Cinquante Ans De Polynomes - Fifty Years of Polynomials (English, French, Paperback, 1990 ed.): Michael Langevin, Michel... Cinquante Ans De Polynomes - Fifty Years of Polynomials (English, French, Paperback, 1990 ed.)
Michael Langevin, Michel Waldschmidt
R1,607 Discovery Miles 16 070 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Before his untimely death in 1986, Alain Durand had undertaken a systematic and in-depth study of the arithmetic perspectives of polynomials. Four unpublished articles of his, formed the centerpiece of attention at a colloquium in Paris in 1988 and are reproduced in this volume together with 11 other papers on closely related topics. A detailed introduction by M. Langevin sets the scene and places these articles in a unified perspective.

Arithmetic of Complex Manifolds - Proceedings of a Conference held in Erlangen, FRG, May 27-31, 1988 (Paperback, 1989 ed.):... Arithmetic of Complex Manifolds - Proceedings of a Conference held in Erlangen, FRG, May 27-31, 1988 (Paperback, 1989 ed.)
Wolf P Barth, Herbert Lange
R1,184 Discovery Miles 11 840 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

It was the aim of the Erlangen meeting in May 1988 to bring together number theoretists and algebraic geometers to discuss problems of common interest, such as moduli problems, complex tori, integral points, rationality questions, automorphic forms. In recent years such problems, which are simultaneously of arithmetic and geometric interest, have become increasingly important. This proceedings volume contains 12 original research papers. Its main topics are theta functions, modular forms, abelian varieties and algebraic three-folds.

Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions III - Proceedings of a Seminar-Workshop, held in Redstone, USA, June 26 - July 5, 1988... Analytic Theory of Continued Fractions III - Proceedings of a Seminar-Workshop, held in Redstone, USA, June 26 - July 5, 1988 (Paperback, 1989 ed.)
Lisa Jacobsen
R1,172 Discovery Miles 11 720 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Groups - Korea 1988 - Proceedings of a Conference on Group Theory, held in Pusan, Korea, August 15-21, 1988 (Paperback, 1989... Groups - Korea 1988 - Proceedings of a Conference on Group Theory, held in Pusan, Korea, August 15-21, 1988 (Paperback, 1989 ed.)
Ann C. Kim, Bernhard H. Neumann
R1,196 Discovery Miles 11 960 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

These proceedings include selected and refereed original papers; most are research papers, a few are comprehensive survey articles.

Number Theory - A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1985-88... Number Theory - A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1985-88 (Paperback, 1989 ed.)
David V. Chudnovsky, Gregory V. Chudnovsky, Harvey Cohn, Melvyn B Nathanson
R1,996 Discovery Miles 19 960 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The New York Number Theory Seminar was organized in 1982 to provide a forum for the presentation and discussion of recent advances in higher arithmetic and its applications. Papers included in this volume are based on the lectures presented by their authors at the Seminar at the Graduate Center of C.U.N.Y. in 1985-88. Papers in the volume cover a wide spectrum of number theoretic topics ranging from additive number theory and diophantine approximations to algebraic number theory and relations with algebraic geometry and topology.

Number Theory, Madras 1987 - Proceedings of the International Ramanujan Centenary Conference, held at Anna University, Madras,... Number Theory, Madras 1987 - Proceedings of the International Ramanujan Centenary Conference, held at Anna University, Madras, India, December 21, 1987 (Paperback, 1989 ed.)
Krishnaswami Alladi
R1,981 Discovery Miles 19 810 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves (Paperback, 1989 ed.): Robert S Rumely Capacity Theory on Algebraic Curves (Paperback, 1989 ed.)
Robert S Rumely
R1,724 Discovery Miles 17 240 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Capacity is a measure of size for sets, with diverse applications in potential theory, probability and number theory. This book lays foundations for a theory of capacity for adelic sets on algebraic curves. Its main result is an arithmetic one, a generalization of a theorem of Fekete and SzegA which gives a sharp existence/finiteness criterion for algebraic points whose conjugates lie near a specified set on a curve. The book brings out a deep connection between the classical Green's functions of analysis and NA(c)ron's local height pairings; it also points to an interpretation of capacity as a kind of intersection index in the framework of Arakelov Theory. It is a research monograph and will primarily be of interest to number theorists and algebraic geometers; because of applications of the theory, it may also be of interest to logicians. The theory presented generalizes one due to David Cantor for the projective line. As with most adelic theories, it has a local and a global part. Let /K be a smooth, complete curve over a global field; let Kv denote the algebraic closure of any completion of K. The book first develops capacity theory over local fields, defining analogues of the classical logarithmic capacity and Green's functions for sets in (Kv). It then develops a global theory, defining the capacity of a galois-stable set in (Kv) relative to an effictive global algebraic divisor. The main technical result is the construction of global algebraic functions whose logarithms closely approximate Green's functions at all places of K. These functions are used in proving the generalized Fekete-SzegA theorem; because of their mapping properties, they may be expected to have otherapplications as well.

Number Theory - Proceedings of the Journees Arithmetiques Held in Ulm, Frg, September 14-18, 1987 (English, French, Paperback,... Number Theory - Proceedings of the Journees Arithmetiques Held in Ulm, Frg, September 14-18, 1987 (English, French, Paperback, 1989 ed.)
Hans Peter Schlickewei, Eduard Wirsing
R1,399 Discovery Miles 13 990 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The 15 papers of this selection of contributions to the Journ es Arithm tiques 1987 include both survey articles and original research papers and represent a cross-section of topics such as Abelian varieties, algebraic integers, arithmetic algebraic geometry, additive number theory, computational number theory, exponential sums, modular forms, transcendence and Diophantine approximation, uniform distribution.

Irregularities of Partitions (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989): G abor Hal asz, Vera T. Sos Irregularities of Partitions (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1989)
G abor Hal asz, Vera T. Sos
R1,514 Discovery Miles 15 140 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The problem of uniform distribution of sequences initiated by Hardy, Little wood and Weyl in the 1910's has now become an important part of number theory. This is also true, in relation to combinatorics, of what is called Ramsey theory, a theory of about the same age going back to Schur. Both concern the distribution of sequences of elements in certain collection of subsets. But it was not known until quite recently that the two are closely interweaving bear ing fruits for both. At the same time other fields of mathematics, such as ergodic theory, geometry, information theory, algorithm theory etc. have also joined in. (See the survey articles: V. T. S6s: Irregularities of partitions, Lec ture Notes Series 82, London Math. Soc. , Surveys in Combinatorics, 1983, or J. Beck: Irregularities of distributions and combinatorics, Lecture Notes Series 103, London Math. Soc. , Surveys in Combinatorics, 1985. ) The meeting held at Fertod, Hungary from the 7th to 11th of July, 1986 was to emphasize this development by bringing together a few people working on different aspects of this circle of problems. Although combinatorics formed the biggest contingent (see papers 2, 3, 6, 7, 13) some number theoretic and analytic aspects (see papers 4, 10, 11, 14) generalization of both (5, 8, 9, 12) as well as irregularities of distribution in the geometric theory of numbers (1), the most important instrument in bringing about the above combination of ideas are also represented.

A Classical Invitation to Algebraic Numbers and Class Fields (Paperback, 1st ed. 1978. 2nd printing 1988): O. Taussky A Classical Invitation to Algebraic Numbers and Class Fields (Paperback, 1st ed. 1978. 2nd printing 1988)
O. Taussky; Harvey Cohn
R2,692 Discovery Miles 26 920 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

From the reviews/Aus den Besprechungen: ., .FA1/4r den an der Geschichte der Zahlentheorie interessierten Mathematikhistoriker ist das Buch mindestens in zweierlei Hinsicht lesenswert. Zum einen enthAlt der Text eine ganze Reihe von historischen Hinweisen, zum anderen legt der Autor sehr groAen Wert auf eine mAglichst allseitige Motivierung seiner Darlegungen und versucht dazu, insbesondere den wichtigen historischen Schritten auf dem Weg zur KlassenkArpertheorie Rechnung zu tragen. Die AnhAnge von O. Taussky bilden eine wertvolle ErgAnzung des Buches. ARTINs Vorlesungen von 1932, deren Aoebersetzung auf einem Manuskript basiert, das die Autorin 1932 selbst aus ihrer Vorlesungsnachschrift erarbeitete und von H. HASSE durchgesehen sowie mit Hinweisen versehen wurde, dA1/4rfte fA1/4r Mathematiker und Mathematikhistoriker gleichermaAen von Interesse sein... NTM- Schriftenreihe fA1/4r Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin"

Arithmetic of p-adic Modular Forms (Paperback, 1988 ed.): Fernando Q. Gouvea Arithmetic of p-adic Modular Forms (Paperback, 1988 ed.)
Fernando Q. Gouvea
R984 Discovery Miles 9 840 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The central topic of this research monograph is the relation between p-adic modular forms and p-adic Galois representations, and in particular the theory of deformations of Galois representations recently introduced by Mazur. The classical theory of modular forms is assumed known to the reader, but the p-adic theory is reviewed in detail, with ample intuitive and heuristic discussion, so that the book will serve as a convenient point of entry to research in that area. The results on the U operator and on Galois representations are new, and will be of interest even to the experts. A list of further problems in the field is included to guide the beginner in his research. The book will thus be of interest to number theorists who wish to learn about p-adic modular forms, leading them rapidly to interesting research, and also to the specialists in the subject.

Periods of Hecke Characters (Paperback, 1988 ed.): Norbert Schappacher Periods of Hecke Characters (Paperback, 1988 ed.)
Norbert Schappacher
R1,125 Discovery Miles 11 250 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The starting point of this Lecture Notes volume is Deligne's theorem about absolute Hodge cycles on abelian varieties. Its applications to the theory of motives with complex multiplication are systematically reviewed. In particular, algebraic relations between values of the gamma function, the so-called formula of Chowla and Selberg and its generalization and Shimura's monomial relations among periods of CM abelian varieties are all presented in a unified way, namely as the analytic reflections of arithmetic identities beetween Hecke characters, with gamma values corresponding to Jacobi sums. The last chapter contains a special case in which Deligne's theorem does not apply.

The Monodromy Groups of Isolated Singularities of Complete Intersections (Paperback, 1987 ed.): Wolfgang Ebeling The Monodromy Groups of Isolated Singularities of Complete Intersections (Paperback, 1987 ed.)
Wolfgang Ebeling
R1,177 Discovery Miles 11 770 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Diophantine Approximation and Transcendence Theory - Seminar, Bonn (Frg) May - June 1985 (English, French, Paperback, 1987... Diophantine Approximation and Transcendence Theory - Seminar, Bonn (Frg) May - June 1985 (English, French, Paperback, 1987 ed.)
Gisbert Wustholz
R1,992 Discovery Miles 19 920 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Finite-Dimensional Spaces - Algebra, Geometry and Analysis Volume I (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed.... Finite-Dimensional Spaces - Algebra, Geometry and Analysis Volume I (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1987)
Walter Noll
R8,533 Discovery Miles 85 330 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

A. Audience. This treatise (consisting of the present VoU and of VoUI, to be published) is primarily intended to be a textbook for a core course in mathematics at the advanced undergraduate or the beginning graduate level. The treatise should also be useful as a textbook for selected stu dents in honors programs at the sophomore and junior level. Finally, it should be of use to theoretically inclined scientists and engineers who wish to gain a better understanding of those parts of mathemat ics that are most likely to help them gain insight into the conceptual foundations of the scientific discipline of their interest. B. Prerequisites. Before studying this treatise, a student should be familiar with the material summarized in Chapters 0 and 1 of Vol.1. Three one-semester courses in serious mathematics should be sufficient to gain such fa miliarity. The first should be an introduction to contemporary math ematics and should cover sets, families, mappings, relations, number systems, and basic algebraic structures. The second should be an in troduction to rigorous real analysis, dealing with real numbers and real sequences, and with limits, continuity, differentiation, and integration of real functions of one real variable. The third should be an intro duction to linear algebra, with emphasis on concepts rather than on computational procedures. C. Organization."

L-Functions and the Oscillator Representation (Paperback, 1987 ed.): Stephen Rallis L-Functions and the Oscillator Representation (Paperback, 1987 ed.)
Stephen Rallis
R1,609 Discovery Miles 16 090 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

These notes are concerned with showing the relation between L-functions of classical groups (*F1 in particular) and *F2 functions arising from the oscillator representation of the dual reductive pair *F1 *F3 O(Q). The problem of measuring the nonvanishing of a *F2 correspondence by computing the Petersson inner product of a *F2 lift from *F1 to O(Q) is considered. This product can be expressed as the special value of an L-function (associated to the standard representation of the L-group of *F1) times a finite number of local Euler factors (measuring whether a given local representation occurs in a given oscillator representation). The key ideas used in proving this are (i) new Rankin integral representations of standard L-functions, (ii) see-saw dual reductive pairs and (iii) Siegel-Weil formula. The book addresses readers who specialize in the theory of automorphic forms and L-functions and the representation theory of Lie groups. N

Explicit Constructions of Automorphic L-Functions (Paperback, 1987 ed.): Stephen Gelbart, Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, Stephen Rallis Explicit Constructions of Automorphic L-Functions (Paperback, 1987 ed.)
Stephen Gelbart, Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro, Stephen Rallis
R1,175 Discovery Miles 11 750 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The goal of this research monograph is to derive the analytic continuation and functional equation of the "L"-functions attached by R.P. Langlands to automorphic representations of reductive algebraic groups. The first part of the book (by Piatetski-Shapiro and Rallis) deals with "L"-functions for the simple classical groups; the second part (by Gelbart and Piatetski-Shapiro) deals with non-simple groups of the form "G GL(n)," with "G" a quasi-split reductive group of split rank "n." The method of proof is to construct certain explicit zeta-integrals of Rankin-Selberg type which interpolate the relevant Langlands "L"-functions and can be analyzed via the theory of Eisenstein series and intertwining operators. This is the first time such an approach has been applied to such general classes of groups. The flavor of the local theory is decidedly representation theoretic, and the work should be of interest to researchers in group representation theory as well as number theory.

Tame Representations of Local Weil Groups and of Chain Groups of Local Principal Orders (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the... Tame Representations of Local Weil Groups and of Chain Groups of Local Principal Orders (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1986)
Albrecht Froehlich
R2,878 Discovery Miles 28 780 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

We begin by making clear the meaning of the term "tame." The higher ramifi cation groups, on the one hand, and the one-units of chain groups, on the other, are to lie in the kernels of the respective representations considered. We shall establish a very natural and very well behaved relationship between representa tions of the two groups mentioned in the title, with all the right properties, and in particular functorial under base change and essentially preserving root numbers. All this will be done in full generality for all principal orders. The formal setup for this also throws new light on the nature of Gauss sums and in particular leads to a canonical closed formula for tame Galois Gauss sums. In many ways the "tame" and the "wild" theory have distinct features and distinct points of interest. The "wild" theory is much harder and - as far as it goes at present - technically rather complicated. On the "tame" side, once we have developed a number of new ideas, we get a complete comprehensive theory, from which technical difficulties have disappeared, and which has a naturality, and perhaps elegance, which seems rather rare in this gen, eral area. Among the principal new concepts we are introducing are those of "similarity" of represen tations in both contexts and that of the Galois algebra of a principalorder., One might expect that this Galois algebra will, also be of importance in the wild situation."

An Approach to the Selberg Trace Formula via the Selberg Zeta-Function (Paperback, 1987 ed.): Jurgen Fischer An Approach to the Selberg Trace Formula via the Selberg Zeta-Function (Paperback, 1987 ed.)
Jurgen Fischer
R1,191 Discovery Miles 11 910 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The Notes give a direct approach to the Selberg zeta-function for cofinite discrete subgroups of SL (2, #3) acting on the upper half-plane. The basic idea is to compute the trace of the iterated resolvent kernel of the hyperbolic Laplacian in order to arrive at the logarithmic derivative of the Selberg zeta-function. Previous knowledge of the Selberg trace formula is not assumed. The theory is developed for arbitrary real weights and for arbitrary multiplier systems permitting an approach to known results on classical automorphic forms without the Riemann-Roch theorem. The author's discussion of the Selberg trace formula stresses the analogy with the Riemann zeta-function. For example, the canonical factorization theorem involves an analogue of the Euler constant. Finally the general Selberg trace formula is deduced easily from the properties of the Selberg zeta-function: this is similar to the procedure in analytic number theory where the explicit formulae are deduced from the properties of the Riemann zeta-function. Apart from the basic spectral theory of the Laplacian for cofinite groups the book is self-contained and will be useful as a quick approach to the Selberg zeta-function and the Selberg trace formula.

Diophantine Approximations and Value Distribution Theory (Paperback, 1987 ed.): Paul Alan Vojta Diophantine Approximations and Value Distribution Theory (Paperback, 1987 ed.)
Paul Alan Vojta
R912 Discovery Miles 9 120 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Number Theory - A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1984-85... Number Theory - A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1984-85 (Paperback, 1987 ed.)
David V. Chudnovsky, Gregory V. Chudnovsky, Harvey Cohn, Melvyn B Nathanson
R1,429 Discovery Miles 14 290 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This is the third Lecture Notes volume to be produced in the framework of the New York Number Theory Seminar. The papers contained here are mainly research papers. N

Drinfeld Modular Curves (Paperback, 1986 ed.): Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler Drinfeld Modular Curves (Paperback, 1986 ed.)
Ernst-Ulrich Gekeler
R1,151 Discovery Miles 11 510 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Analytic Arithmetic in Algebraic Number Fields (Paperback, 1986 ed.): Baruch Z. Moroz Analytic Arithmetic in Algebraic Number Fields (Paperback, 1986 ed.)
Baruch Z. Moroz
R1,191 Discovery Miles 11 910 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
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