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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
This book is an exploration of philosophical questions about infinity. Graham Oppy examines how the infinite lurks everywhere, both in science and in our ordinary thoughts about the world. He also analyses the many puzzles and paradoxes that follow in the train of the infinite. Even simple notions, such as counting, adding and maximising present serious difficulties. Other topics examined include the nature of space and time, infinities in physical science, infinities in theories of probability and decision, the nature of part/whole relations, mathematical theories of the infinite, and infinite regression and principles of sufficient reason.
This book is an authoritative description of the various approaches to and methods in the theory of irregularities of distribution. The subject is primarily concerned with number theory, but also borders on combinatorics and probability theory. The work is in three parts. The first is concerned with the classical problem, complemented where appropriate with more recent results. In the second part, the authors study generalizations of the classical problem, pioneered by Schmidt. Here, they include chapters on the integral equation method of Schmidt and the more recent Fourier transform technique. The final part is devoted to Roth's '1/4-theorem'.
The lectures concentrate on highlights in Combinatorial (ChaptersII and III) and Number Theoretical (ChapterIV) Extremal Theory, in particular on the solution of famous problems which were open for many decades. However, the organization of the lectures in six chapters does neither follow the historic developments nor the connections between ideas in several cases. With the speci?ed auxiliary results in ChapterI on Probability Theory, Graph Theory, etc., all chapters can be read and taught independently of one another. In addition to the 16 lectures organized in 6 chapters of the main part of the book, there is supplementary material for most of them in the Appendix. In parti- lar, there are applications and further exercises, research problems, conjectures, and even research programs. The following books and reports [B97], [ACDKPSWZ00], [A01], and [ABCABDM06], mostly of the authors, are frequently cited in this book, especially in the Appendix, and we therefore mark them by short labels as [B], [N], [E], and [G]. We emphasize that there are also "Exercises" in [B], a "Problem Section" with contributions by several authors on pages 1063-1105 of [G], which are often of a combinatorial nature, and "Problems and Conjectures" on pages 172-173 of [E].
This is a systematic account of the multiplicative structure of integers, from the probabilistic point of view. The authors are especially concerned with the distribution of the divisors, which is as fundamental and important as the additive structure of the integers, and yet until now has hardly been discussed outside of the research literature. Hardy and Ramanujan initiated this area of research and it was developed by Erdos in the thirties. His work led to some deep and basic conjectures of wide application which have now essentially been settled. This book contains detailed proofs, some of which have never appeared in print before, of those conjectures that are concerned with the propinquity of divisors. Consequently it will be essential reading for all researchers in analytic number theory.
This is a integrated presentation of the theory of exponential diophantine equations. The authors present, in a clear and unified fashion, applications to exponential diophantine equations and linear recurrence sequences of the Gelfond-Baker theory of linear forms in logarithms of algebraic numbers. Topics covered include the Thue equations, the generalised hyperelliptic equation, and the Fermat and Catalan equations. The necessary preliminaries are given in the first three chapters. Each chapter ends with a section giving details of related results.
Number theory and algebra play an increasingly significant role in computing and communications, as evidenced by the striking applications of these subjects to such fields as cryptography and coding theory. This introductory book emphasizes algorithms and applications, such as cryptography and error correcting codes, and is accessible to a broad audience. The presentation alternates between theory and applications in order to motivate and illustrate the mathematics. The mathematical coverage includes the basics of number theory, abstract algebra and discrete probability theory. This edition now includes over 150 new exercises, ranging from the routine to the challenging, that flesh out the material presented in the body of the text, and which further develop the theory and present new applications. The material has also been reorganized to improve clarity of exposition and presentation. Ideal as a textbook for introductory courses in number theory and algebra, especially those geared towards computer science students.
Modular forms are functions with an enormous amount of symmetry that play a central role in number theory, connecting it with analysis and geometry. They have played a prominent role in mathematics since the 19th century and their study continues to flourish today. Modular forms formed the inspiration for Langlands' conjectures and play an important role in the description of the cohomology of varieties defined over number fields. This collection of up-to-date articles originated from the conference 'Modular Forms' held on the Island of Schiermonnikoog in the Netherlands. A broad range of topics is covered including Hilbert and Siegel modular forms, Weil representations, Tannakian categories and Torelli's theorem. This book is a good source for all researchers and graduate students working on modular forms or related areas of number theory and algebraic geometry.
This is an account of the proceedings of a very successful symposium of Transcendental Number Theory held in Durham in 1986. Most of the leading international specialists were present and the lectures reflected the great advances that have taken place in this area. Indeed, the evolution of transcendence into a fertile theory with numerous and widespread applications has been one of the most exciting developments of modern mathematics. The papers cover all the main branches of the subject, and include not only definitive research but valuable survey articles. The work as a whole is an important contribution to mathematics and will be of considerable influence in the further direction of transcendence theory as well as an authoritative account of its current state.
Nearly a hundred years have passed since Viggo Brun invented his famous sieve, and the use of sieve methods is constantly evolving. As probability and combinatorics have penetrated the fabric of mathematical activity, sieve methods have become more versatile and sophisticated and in recent years have played a part in some of the most spectacular mathematical discoveries. Many arithmetical investigations encounter a combinatorial problem that requires a sieving argument, and this tract offers a modern and reliable guide in such situations. The theory of higher dimensional sieves is thoroughly explored, and examples are provided throughout. A Mathematica (R) software package for sieve-theoretical calculations is provided on the authors' website. To further benefit readers, the Appendix describes methods for computing sieve functions. These methods are generally applicable to the computation of other functions used in analytic number theory. The appendix also illustrates features of Mathematica (R) which aid in the computation of such functions.
The theory of numbers is generally considered to be the 'purest' branch of pure mathematics and demands exactness of thought and exposition from its devotees. It is also one of the most highly active and engaging areas of mathematics. Now into its eighth edition The Higher Arithmetic introduces the concepts and theorems of number theory in a way that does not require the reader to have an in-depth knowledge of the theory of numbers but also touches upon matters of deep mathematical significance. Since earlier editions, additional material written by J. H. Davenport has been added, on topics such as Wiles' proof of Fermat's Last Theorem, computers and number theory, and primality testing. Written to be accessible to the general reader, with only high school mathematics as prerequisite, this classic book is also ideal for undergraduate courses on number theory, and covers all the necessary material clearly and succinctly.
This book provides a comprehensive account of a key (and perhaps the most important) theory upon which the Taylor-Wiles proof of Fermat's last theorem is based. The book begins with an overview of the theory of automorphic forms on linear algebraic groups and then covers the basic theory and results on elliptic modular forms, including a substantial simplification of the Taylor-Wiles proof by Fujiwara and Diamond. It contains a detailed exposition of the representation theory of profinite groups (including deformation theory), as well as the Euler characteristic formulas of Galois cohomology groups. The final chapter presents a proof of a non-abelian class number formula and includes several new results from the author. The book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in number theory (including algebraic and analytic number theorists) and arithmetic algebraic geometry.
The decomposition of the space L2(G(Q)\G(A)), where G is a reductive group defined over Q and A is the ring of adeles of Q, is a deep problem at the intersection of number and group theory. Langlands reduced this decomposition to that of the (smaller) spaces of cuspidal automorphic forms for certain subgroups of G. This book describes this proof in detail. The starting point is the theory of automorphic forms, which can also serve as a first step towards understanding the Arthur-Selberg trace formula. To make the book reasonably self-contained, the authors also provide essential background in subjects such as: automorphic forms; Eisenstein series; Eisenstein pseudo-series, and their properties. It is thus also an introduction, suitable for graduate students, to the theory of automorphic forms, the first written using contemporary terminology. It will be welcomed by number theorists, representation theorists and all whose work involves the Langlands program.
The arithmetic properties of modular forms and elliptic curves lie at the heart of modern number theory. This book develops a generalisation of the method of Euler systems to a two-variable deformation ring. The resulting theory is then used to study the arithmetic of elliptic curves, in particular the Birch and Swinnerton-Dyer (BSD) formula. Three main steps are outlined: the first is to parametrise 'big' cohomology groups using (deformations of) modular symbols. Finiteness results for big Selmer groups are then established. Finally, at weight two, the arithmetic invariants of these Selmer groups allow the control of data from the BSD conjecture. As the first book on the subject, the material is introduced from scratch; both graduate students and professional number theorists will find this an ideal introduction. Material at the very forefront of current research is included, and numerical examples encourage the reader to interpret abstract theorems in concrete cases.
This volume aims to present a straightforward and easily accessible survey of the analytic theory of quadratic forms. Written at an elementary level, the book provides a sound basis from which the reader can study advanced works and undertake original research. Roughly half a century ago C.L. Siegel discovered a new type of automorphic forms in several variables in connection with his famous work on the analytic theory of quadratic forms. Since then Siegel modular forms have been studied extensively because of their significance in both automorphic functions in several complex variables and number theory. The comprehensive theory of automorphic forms to subgroups of algebraic groups and the recent arithmetical theory of modular forms illustrate these two aspects in an illuminating manner. The text is based on the author's lectures given over a number of years and is intended for a one semester graduate course, although it can serve equally well for self study . The only prerequisites are a knowledge of algebra, number theory and complex analysis.
Many areas of active research within the broad field of number theory relate to properties of polynomials, and this volume displays the most recent and most interesting work on this theme. The 2006 Number Theory and Polynomials workshop in Bristol drew together international researchers with a variety of number-theoretic interests, and the book's contents reflect the quality of the meeting. Topics covered include recent work on the Schur-Siegel-Smyth trace problem, Mahler measure and its generalisations, the merit factor problem, Barker sequences, K3-surfaces, self-inversive polynomials, Newman's inequality, algorithms for sparse polynomials, the integer transfinite diameter, divisors of polynomials, non-linear recurrence sequences, polynomial ergodic averages, and the Hansen-Mullen primitivity conjecture. With surveys and expository articles presenting the latest research, this volume is essential for graduates and researchers looking for a snapshot of current progress in polynomials and number theory.
This text is a rigorous introduction to ergodic theory, developing the machinery of conditional measures and expectations, mixing, and recurrence. Beginning by developing the basics of ergodic theory and progressing to describe some recent applications to number theory, this book goes beyond the standard texts in this topic. Applications include Weyl's polynomial equidistribution theorem, the ergodic proof of Szemeredi's theorem, the connection between the continued fraction map and the modular surface, and a proof of the equidistribution of horocycle orbits. "Ergodic Theory with a view towards Number Theory" will appeal to mathematicians with some standard background in measure theory and functional analysis. No background in ergodic theory or Lie theory is assumed, and a number of exercises and hints to problems are included, making this the perfect companion for graduate students and researchers in ergodic theory, homogenous dynamics or number theory.
The Riemann zeta function is one of the most studied objects in mathematics, and is of fundamental importance. In this book, based on his own research, Professor Motohashi shows that the function is closely bound with automorphic forms and that many results from there can be woven with techniques and ideas from analytic number theory to yield new insights into, and views of, the zeta function itself. The story starts with an elementary but unabridged treatment of the spectral resolution of the non-Euclidean Laplacian and the trace formulas. This is achieved by the use of standard tools from analysis rather than any heavy machinery, forging a substantial aid for beginners in spectral theory as well. These ideas are then utilized to unveil an image of the zeta-function, first perceived by the author, revealing it to be the main gem of a necklace composed of all automorphic L-functions. In this book, readers will find a detailed account of one of the most fascinating stories in the development of number theory, namely the fusion of two main fields in mathematics that were previously studied separately.
In this stimulating book, aimed at researchers both established and budding, Peter Elliott demonstrates a method and a motivating philosophy that combine to cohere a large part of analytic number theory, including the hitherto nebulous study of arithmetic functions. Besides its application, the book also illustrates a way of thinking mathematically: historical background is woven into the narrative, variant proofs illustrate obstructions, false steps and the development of insight, in a manner reminiscent of Euler. It is shown how to formulate theorems as well as how to construct their proofs. Elementary notions from functional analysis, Fourier analysis, functional equations and stability in mechanics are controlled by a geometric view and synthesized to provide an arithmetical analogue of classical harmonic analysis that is powerful enough to establish arithmetic propositions until now beyond reach. Connections with other branches of analysis are illustrated by over 250 exercises, structured in chains about individual topics.
This collection of survey and research articles brings together topics at the forefront of the theory of L-functions and Galois representations. Highlighting important progress in areas such as the local Langlands programme, automorphic forms and Selmer groups, this timely volume treats some of the most exciting recent developments in the field. Included are survey articles from Khare on Serre's conjecture, Yafaev on the Andre-Oort conjecture, Emerton on his theory of Jacquet functors, Venjakob on non-commutative Iwasawa theory and Vigneras on mod p representations of GL(2) over p-adic fields. There are also research articles by: Boeckle, Buzzard, Cornut and Vatsal, Diamond, Hida, Kurihara and R. Pollack, Kisin, Nekovar, and Bertolini, Darmon and Dasgupta. Presenting the very latest research on L-functions and Galois representations, this volume is indispensable for researchers in algebraic number theory.
Algebraic numbers can approximate and classify any real number. Here, the author gathers together results about such approximations and classifications. Written for a broad audience, the book is accessible and self-contained, with complete and detailed proofs. Starting from continued fractions and Khintchine's theorem, Bugeaud introduces a variety of techniques, ranging from explicit constructions to metric number theory, including the theory of Hausdorff dimension. So armed, the reader is led to such celebrated advanced results as the proof of Mahler's conjecture on S-numbers, the Jarnik-Besicovitch theorem, and the existence of T-numbers. Brief consideration is given both to the p-adic and the formal power series cases. Thus the book can be used for graduate courses on Diophantine approximation (some 40 exercises are supplied), or as an introduction for non-experts. Specialists will appreciate the collection of over 50 open problems and the rich and comprehensive list of more than 600 references.
This book discusses regular powers and symbolic powers of ideals from three perspectives- algebra, combinatorics and geometry - and examines the interactions between them. It invites readers to explore the evolution of the set of associated primes of higher and higher powers of an ideal and explains the evolution of ideals associated with combinatorial objects like graphs or hypergraphs in terms of the original combinatorial objects. It also addresses similar questions concerning our understanding of the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of powers of combinatorially defined ideals in terms of the associated combinatorial data. From a more geometric point of view, the book considers how the relations between symbolic and regular powers can be interpreted in geometrical terms. Other topics covered include aspects of Waring type problems, symbolic powers of an ideal and their invariants (e.g., the Waldschmidt constant, the resurgence), and the persistence of associated primes.
This graduate textbook offers an introduction to modern methods in number theory. It gives a complete account of the main results of class field theory as well as the Poitou-Tate duality theorems, considered crowning achievements of modern number theory.Assuming a first graduate course in algebra and number theory, the book begins with an introduction to group and Galois cohomology. Local fields and local class field theory, including Lubin-Tate formal group laws, are covered next, followed by global class field theory and the description of abelian extensions of global fields. The final part of the book gives an accessible yet complete exposition of the Poitou-Tate duality theorems. Two appendices cover the necessary background in homological algebra and the analytic theory of Dirichlet L-series, including the Cebotarev density theorem. Based on several advanced courses given by the author, this textbook has been written for graduate students. Including complete proofs and numerous exercises, the book will also appeal to more experienced mathematicians, either as a text to learn the subject or as a reference.
Diophantine geometry has been studied by number theorists for thousands of years, since the time of Pythagoras, and has continued to be a rich area of ideas such as Fermat's Last Theorem, and most recently the ABC conjecture. This monograph is a bridge between the classical theory and modern approach via arithmetic geometry. The authors provide a clear path through the subject for graduate students and researchers. They have re-examined many results and much of the literature, and give a thorough account of several topics at a level not seen before in book form. The treatment is largely self-contained, with proofs given in full detail. Many results appear here for the first time. The book concludes with a comprehensive bibliography. It is destined to be a definitive reference on modern diophantine geometry, bringing a new standard of rigor and elegance to the field.
Random matrix theory is an area of mathematics first developed by physicists interested in the energy levels of atomic nuclei, but it can also be used to describe some exotic phenomena in the number theory of elliptic curves. The purpose of this book is to illustrate this interplay of number theory and random matrices. It begins with an introduction to elliptic curves and the fundamentals of modelling by a family of random matrices, and moves on to highlight the latest research. There are expositions of current research on ranks of elliptic curves, statistical properties of families of elliptic curves and their associated L-functions and the emerging uses of random matrix theory in this field. Most of the material here had its origin in a Clay Mathematics Institute workshop on this topic at the Newton Institute in Cambridge and together these contributions provide a unique in-depth treatment of the subject.
Die Kryptologie, eine jahrtausendealte "Geheimwissenschaft," gewinnt zusehends praktische Bedeutung fur den Schutz von Kommunikationswegen, Datenbanken und Software. Neben ihre Nutzung in rechnergestutzten offentlichen Nachrichtensystemen ("public keys") treten mehr und mehr rechnerinterne Anwendungen, wie Zugriffsberechtigungen und der Quellenschutz von Software. - Der erste Teil des Buches behandelt die Geheimschriften und ihren Gebrauch - die Kryptographie. Dabei wird auch auf das aktuelle Thema "Kryptographie und Grundrechte des Burgers" eingegangen. Im zweiten Teil wird das Vorgehen zum unbefugten Entziffern einer Geheimschrift - die Kryptanalyse - besprochen, wobei insbesondere Hinweise zur Beurteilung der Verfahrenssicherheit gegeben werden. Mit der vorliegenden dritten Auflage wurde das Werk auf den neuesten Stand gebracht. - Das Buch setzt nur mathematische Grundkenntnisse voraus. Mit einer Fulle spannender, lustiger und bisweilen anzuglicher Geschichten aus der historischen Kryptologie gewurzt, ist es auch fur Laien reizvoll zu lesen." |
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