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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Number theory
This book develops the theory of partitions. Simply put, the partitions of a number are the ways of writing that number as sums of positive integers. For example, the five partitions of 4 are 4: 3+1, 2+2, 2+1+1, and 1+1+1+1. Surprisingly, such a simple matter requires some deep mathematics for its study. This book considers the many theoretical aspects of this subject, which have in turn recently found applications to statistical mechanics, computer science and other branches of mathematics. With minimal prerequisites, this book is suitable for students as well as researchers in combinatorics, analysis, and number theory.
This is the first of two volumes providing an introduction to modern developments in the representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras, which have transformed the subject into a study of categories of modules. Thus, Dr. Benson's unique perspective in this book incorporates homological algebra and the theory of representations of finite-dimensional algebras. This volume is primarily concerned with the exposition of the necessary background material, and the heart of the discussion is a lengthy introduction to the (Auslander-Reiten) representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, in which the techniques of quivers with relations and almost-split sequences are discussed in some detail.
From the reviews: ..". The author succeeded in an excellent way to
describe the various points of view under which Class Field Theory
can be seen. ... In any case the author succeeded to write a very
readable book on these difficult themes." "Monatshefte fuer
Mathematik, 1994"
This book aims to be a concise introduction to topics in commutative algebra, with an emphasis on worked examples and applications. It combines elegant algebraic theory with applications to number theory, problems in classical Greek geometry, and the theory of finite fields which has important uses in other branches of science. Topics covered include rings and Euclidean rings, the four-squares theorem, fields and field extensions, finite cyclic groups and finite fields. The material covered in this book prepares the way for the further study of abstract algebra, but it could also form the basis of an entire course.
This volume presents an authoritative, up-to-date review of analytic number theory. It contains outstanding contributions from leading international figures in this field. Core topics discussed include the theory of zeta functions, spectral theory of automorphic forms, classical problems in additive number theory such as the Goldbach conjecture, and diophantine approximations and equations. This will be a valuable book for graduates and researchers working in number theory.
Now in paperback, this classic book is addressed to all lovers of number theory. On the one hand, it gives a comprehensive introduction to constructive algebraic number theory, and is therefore especially suited as a textbook for a course on that subject. On the other hand many parts go beyond an introduction and make the user familiar with recent research in the field. New methods which have been developed for experimental number theoreticians are included along with new and important results. Both computer scientists interested in higher arithmetic and those teaching algebraic number theory will find the book of value.
The last fifteen years have seen a flurry of exciting developments in Fourier restriction theory, leading to significant new applications in diverse fields. This timely text brings the reader from the classical results to state-of-the-art advances in multilinear restriction theory, the Bourgain-Guth induction on scales and the polynomial method. Also discussed in the second part are decoupling for curved manifolds and a wide variety of applications in geometric analysis, PDEs (Strichartz estimates on tori, local smoothing for the wave equation) and number theory (exponential sum estimates and the proof of the Main Conjecture for Vinogradov's Mean Value Theorem). More than 100 exercises in the text help reinforce these important but often difficult ideas, making it suitable for graduate students as well as specialists. Written by an author at the forefront of the modern theory, this book will be of interest to everybody working in harmonic analysis.
In this stimulating book, Elliott demonstrates a method and a motivating philosophy that combine to cohere a large part of analytic number theory, including the hitherto nebulous study of arithmetic functions. Besides its application, the book also illustrates a way of thinking mathematically: The author weaves historical background into the narrative, while variant proofs illustrate obstructions, false steps and the development of insight in a manner reminiscent of Euler. He demonstrates how to formulate theorems as well as how to construct their proofs. Elementary notions from functional analysis, Fourier analysis, functional equations, and stability in mechanics are controlled by a geometric view and synthesized to provide an arithmetical analogue of classical harmonic analysis that is powerful enough to establish arithmetic propositions previously beyond reach. Connections with other branches of analysis are illustrated by over 250 exercises, topically arranged.
This volume comprises the proceedings of the 1995 Cardiff symposium on sieve methods, exponential sums, and their applications in number theory. Included are contributions from many leading international figures in this area which encompasses the main branches of analytic number theory. In particular, many of the papers reflect the interaction between the different fields of sieve theory, Dirichlet series (including the Riemann Zeta-function), and exponential sums, whilst displaying the subtle interplay between the additive and multiplicative aspects of the subjects. The fundamental problems discussed include recent work on Waring's problem, primes in arithmetical progressions, Goldbach numbers in short intervals, the ABC conjecture, and the moments of the Riemann Zeta-function.
The Hardy-Littlewood method is a means of estimating the number of integer solutions of equations and was first applied to Waring's problem on representations of integers by sums of powers. This introduction to the method deals with its classical forms and outlines some of the more recent developments. Now in its second edition it has been fully updated; the author has made extensive revisions and added a new chapter to take account of major advances by Vaughan and Wooley. The reader is expected to be familiar with elementary number theory and postgraduate students should find it of great use as an advanced textbook. It will also be indispensable to all lecturers and research workers interested in number theory.
The contributions in this book are based on the lectures delivered at the Seminaire de theorie des nombres de Paris during the academic year 93-94. It is the fifteenth annual volume. This book covers the whole spectrum of number theory, and is composed of contributions from some of the best specialists worldwide. Together they constitute the latest developments in number theory that will be an invaluable resource for all workers in that area.
The theory of sets of multiples, a subject which lies at the intersection of analytic and probabilistic number theory, has seen much development since the publication of 'Sequences' by Halberstam and Roth nearly thirty years ago. The area is rich in problems, many of them still unsolved or arising from current work. The author sets out to give a coherent, essentially self-contained account of the existing theory and at the same time to bring the reader to the frontiers of research. One of the fascinations of the theory is the variety of methods applicable to it, which include Fourier analysis, group theory, high and ultra-low moments, probability and elementary inequalities, as well as several branches of number theory. This Tract is the first devoted to the subject, and will be of value to number theorists, whether they be research workers or graduate students.
The invention of ideals by Dedekind in the 1870s was well ahead of its time, and proved to be the genesis of what today we would call algebraic number theory. His memoir 'Sur la Theorie des Nombres Entiers Algebriques' first appeared in instalments in the 'Bulletin des sciences mathematiques' in 1877. This is a translation of that work by John Stillwell, who also adds a detailed introduction that gives the historical background as well as outlining the mathematical obstructions that Dedekind was striving to overcome. Dedekind's memoir gives a candid account of his development of an elegant theory as well as providing blow-by-blow comments as he wrestled with the many difficulties encountered en route. A must for all number theorists.
The number theoretic properties of curves of genus 2 are attracting increasing attention. This book provides new insights into this subject; much of the material here is entirely new, and none has appeared in book form before. Included is an explicit treatment of the Jacobian, which throws new light onto the geometry of the Kummer surface. The Mordell-Weil group can then be determined for many curves, and in many non-trivial cases all rational points can be found. The results exemplify the power of computer algebra in diophantine contexts, but computer expertise is not assumed in the main text. Number theorists, algebraic geometers and workers in related areas will find that this book offers unique insights into the arithmetic of curves of genus 2.
Cohomology of Drinfeld Modular Varieties aims to provide an introduction to both the subject of the title and the Langlands correspondence for function fields. These varieties are the analogs for function fields of Shimura varieties over number fields. This present volume is devoted to the geometry of these varieties and to the local harmonic analysis needed to compute their cohomology. To keep the presentation as accessible as possible, the author considers the simpler case of function rather than number fields; nevertheless, many important features can still be illustrated. It will be welcomed by workers in number theory and representation theory.
The decomposition of the space L2(G(Q)\G(A)), where G is a reductive group defined over Q and A is the ring of adeles of Q, is a deep problem at the intersection of number and group theory. Langlands reduced this decomposition to that of the (smaller) spaces of cuspidal automorphic forms for certain subgroups of G. This book describes this proof in detail. The starting point is the theory of automorphic forms, which can also serve as a first step towards understanding the Arthur-Selberg trace formula. To make the book reasonably self-contained, the authors also provide essential background in subjects such as: automorphic forms; Eisenstein series; Eisenstein pseudo-series, and their properties. It is thus also an introduction, suitable for graduate students, to the theory of automorphic forms, the first written using contemporary terminology. It will be welcomed by number theorists, representation theorists and all whose work involves the Langlands program.
This volume has grown out of lectures given by Professor Pfister over many years. The emphasis here is placed on results about quadratic forms that give rise to interconnections between number theory, algebra, algebraic geometry and topology. Topics discussed include Hilbert's 17th problem, the Tsen-Lang theory of quasi algebraically closed fields, the level of topological spaces and systems of quadratic forms over arbitrary fields. Whenever possible proofs are short and elegant, and the author's aim was to make this book as self-contained as possible. This is a gem of a book bringing together thirty years' worth of results that are certain to interest anyone whose research touches on quadratic forms.
This graduate-level text provides coverage for a one-semester
course in algebraic number theory. It explores the general theory
of factorization of ideals in Dedekind domains as well as the
number field case. Detailed calculations illustrate the use of
Kummer's theorem on lifting of prime ideals in extension
From the reviews: "L.R. Shafarevich showed me the first edition [ ] and said that this book will be from now on the book about class field theory. In fact it is by far the most complete treatment of the main theorems of algebraic number theory, including function fields over finite constant fields, that appeared in book form." Zentralblatt MATH
The second edition of this undergraduate textbook is now available in paperback. Covering up-to-date as well as established material, it is the only textbook which deals with all the main areas of number theory, taught in the third year of a mathematics course. Each chapter ends with a collection of problems, and hints and sketch solutions are provided at the end of the book, together with useful tables.
This is the fourteenth annual volume arising from the Seminaire de Theorie des Nombres de Paris. As with previous volumes the whole spectrum of number theory is discussed, with many contributions from some of the world's leading figures. The very latest research developments are covered and much of the work presented here will not be found elsewhere. Also included are surveys that will serve to guide the reader through the extensive published literature. This will be a necessary addition to the libraries of all workers in number theory.
There is now a large body of theory concerning algebraic varieties over finite fields, and many conjectures exist in this area that are of great interest to researchers in number theory and algebraic geometry. This book is concerned with the arithmetic of diagonal hypersurfaces over finite fields, with special focus on the Tate conjecture and the Lichtenbaum-Milne formula for the central value of the L-function. It combines theoretical and numerical work, and includes tables of Picard numbers. Although this book is aimed at experts, the authors have included some background material to help non-specialists gain access to the results.
This is a modern introduction to the analytic techniques used in the investigation of zeta-function. Riemann introduced this function in connection with his study of prime numbers, and from this has developed the subject of analytic number theory. Since then, many other classes of "zeta-function" have been introduced and they are now some of the most intensively studied objects in number theory. Professor Patterson has emphasized central ideas of broad application, avoiding technical results and the customary function-theoretic approach.
The theme of this book is the characterization of certain multiplicative and additive arithmetical functions by combining methods from number theory with some simple ideas from functional and harmonic analysis. The authors achieve this goal by considering convolutions of arithmetical functions, elementary mean-value theorems, and properties of related multiplicative functions. They also prove the mean-value theorems of Wirsing and Halasz and study the pointwise convergence of the Ramanujan expansion. Finally, some applications to power series with multiplicative coefficients are included, along with exercises and an extensive bibliography.
Many classical and modern results and quadratic forms are brought together in this book. The treatment is self-contained and of a totally elementary nature requiring only a basic knowledge of rings, fields, polynomials, and matrices, such that the works of Pfister, Hilbert, Hurwitz and others are easily accessible to non-experts and undergraduates alike. The author deals with many different approaches to the study of squares; from the classical works of the late 19th century, to areas of current research. Anyone with an interest in algebra or number theory will find this a most fascinating volume. |
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