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This book represents an important new contribution to the literature that presents practical and comprehensive solutions to mining activities. Its timely content has been prepared by several experts from around the world and its practical format addresses the major environmental predictive techniques required for the extraction and processing of metal resources. Packed with reviews and case studies, it covers current methods used to forecast environmental effects of metal mining.
The book is an up-to-date and comprehensive description of the institutions involved in the aerospace field. It discusses the activities of the main space powers, the United Nations and other international organizations. Without listing figures and budgets, the author conveys a clear idea of the relative importance of those institutions. The novelty of this work is that, in bringing together national and international entities, it explains how those organizations interrelate and coordinate their programs. A complete picture emerges which is more than the sum of its parts. The field of aerospace, which depends heavily on government funding and direction, has been particularly effected by the shifting alliances and recent financial troubles of the space powers. In a book which is both comprehensive and simple to understand, d'Angelo has collected the many pieces of a complex institutional mosaic to draw a clear picture of the entire framework. In addition to being up-to-date, the book is also a novelty in the sense that it describes the work of both national and international entities and explains how those organizations interrelate and coordinate their programs. Without making a list of figures and budgets, d'Angelo gives a clear idea of the relative weight of the various government activities. From the discussion of those activities the reader gains an understanding of the current state of affairs as well as future trends.
This book is a continuous learning tool for experienced technical staff facing laser vibrometry technology for the first time. The book covers both theoretical aspects and practical applications of laser Doppler vibrometry, and is accompanied by a multimedia presentation that allows the audience to browse the content and come as close as possible to performing real experiments. After a brief introduction, Chapter 2 presents supporting theory, providing general information on light sources, light scattering and interference for a better understanding of the rest of the book. Chapter 3 examines the theory of laser vibrometers, explaining interferometers from an optical perspective and in terms of the related electronics. It also addresses options like tracking filters and different signal demodulation strategies, since these have a significant impact on the practical use of vibrometers. Chapter 4 explores the configurations that are encountered in today's instrumentation, with a focus on providing practical suggestions on the use of laser vibrometers. Lastly, Chapter 5 investigates metrology for vibration and shock measurements using laser interferometry, and analyses the uncertainty of laser vibrometers in depth.
Magnetized plasmas in the universe exhibit complex dynamical behavior over a huge range of scales. The fundamental mechanisms of energy transport, redistribution and conversion occur at multiple scales. The driving mechanisms often include energy accumulation, free-energy-excited relaxation processes, dissipation and self-organization. The plasma processes associated with energy conversion, transport and self-organization, such as magnetic reconnection, instabilities, linear and nonlinear waves, wave-particle interactions, dynamo processes, turbulence, heating, diffusion and convection represent fundamental physical effects. They demonstrate similar dynamical behavior in near-Earth space, on the Sun, in the heliosphere and in astrophysical environments. 'Multi-scale Dynamical Processes in Space and Astrophysical Plasmas' presents the proceedings of the International Astrophysics Forum Alpbach 2011. The contributions discuss the latest advances in the exploration of dynamical behavior in space plasmas environments, including comprehensive approaches to theoretical, experimental and numerical aspects. The book will appeal to researchers and students in the fields of physics, space and astrophysics, solar physics, geophysics and planetary science.
Neutron stars hold a central place in astrophysics, not only because they are made up of the most extreme states of the condensed matter, but also because they are, along with white dwarfs and black holes, one of the stable configurations that stars reach at the end of stellar evolution. Neutron stars posses the highest rotation rates and strongest magnetic fields among all stars. They radiate prolifically, in high energy electromagnetic radiation and in the radio band. This book is devoted to the selected lectures presented in the 6th NATO-ASI series entitled "The Electromagnetic Spectrum of Neutron Stars" in Marmaris, Turkey, on 7-18 June 2004. This ASI is devoted to the spectral properties of neutron stars. Spectral observations of neutron stars help us to understand the magnetospheric emission processes of isolated radio pulsars and the emission processes of accreting neutron stars. This volume includes spectral information from the neutron stars in broadest sense, namely neutrino and gravitational radiation along with the electromagnetic spectrum. We believe that this volume can serve as graduate level of text including the broad range of properties of neutron stars.
Peter Bond describes the development and evolution of space stations, with particular emphasis on the International Space Station, beginning with the revolution that began in 1970, when Salyut 1, the world's first space station was sent into orbit by the Soviet Union. Defeated in the race to the Moon, the Soviets redirected their efforts towards the conquest of near-Earth space. In the next three decades, their increasingly large and sophisticated structures rewrote the history books as cosmonauts continued to push back all space endurance records. Only the U.S. Skylab, a technological cul-de-sac based on surplus Apollo hardware, interrupted this era of Soviet domination. By the mid-1990's, Russian physician Valeri Poliakov had lived continuously for 14 months on board the Mir space station, long enough to travel to Mars and back. The book explains how the human exploitation of low-Earth orbit is about to change. With Mir no longer in existence, all eyes are on the next generation, the International Space Station (ISS).
Human civilization has evolved to the point at which we can consider tapping space resources and expanding beyond Earth's atmosphere. The Introduction surveys possible motivations for large-scale human emigration to space. Since our early ancestors began to move out of Africa, humans have constantly expanded their range. Today, the pattern of human settlement extends from pole to pole. Humans regularly visit the upper troposphere and ocean floor and technology has enabled a few to even reside above the atmosphere in space stations. For the next few millennia at least (barring breakthroughs), the human frontier will include the solar system and the nearest stars. Will it better to settle the Moon, Mars, or a nearby asteroid and what environments can we expect to find in the vicinity of nearby stars are questions that need to be answered if mankind is to migrate into space.
This book puts the focus on serving human listeners in the sound field synthesis although the approach can be also exploited in other applications such as underwater acoustics or ultrasonics. The author derives a fundamental formulation based on standard integral equations and the single-layer potential approach is identified as a useful tool in order to derive a general solution. He also proposes extensions to the single-layer potential approach which allow for a derivation of explicit solutions for circular, planar, and linear distributions of secondary sources. Based on above described formulation it is shown that the two established analytical approaches of Wave Field Synthesis and Near-field Compensated Higher Order Ambisonics constitute specific solutions to the general problem which are covered by the single-layer potential solution and its extensions.
This book provides an overview of recent research highlights in the main areas of application of magnetic reconnection (MR), including planetary, solar and magnetospheric physics and astrophysics. It describes how research on magnetic reconnection, especially concerning the Earth's magnetosphere, has grown extensively due to dedicated observations from major satellite missions such as Cluster, Double Star and Themis. The accumulated observations from these missions are being supplemented by many theoretical and modelling efforts, for which large scale computer facilities are successfully being used, and the theoretical advances are also covered in detail. Opening with an introductory discussion of some fundamental issues related to magnetic reconnection, subsequent chapters address topics including collisionless magnetic reconnection, MHD structures in 3D reconnection, energy conversion processes, fast reconnection mediated by plasmoids, rapid reconnection and magnetic field topology. Further chapters consider specific areas of application such as magnetospheric dayside and tail reconnection, comparative reconnection in planetary systems and reconnection in astrophysical systems. The book offers insight into discussions about fundamental concepts and key aspects of MR, access to the full set of applications of MR as presently known in space physics and in astrophysics, and an introduction to a new related area of study dealing with the annihilation of quantum magnetic fluxes and its implications in the study on neutron star activity. The book is aimed primarily at students entering the field, but will also serve as a useful reference text for established scientists and senior researchers.
The second edition of Applied Hydrodynamics in Petroleum Exploration is a concise guide to the properties of fluids and their practical applications in petroleum and gas exploration. This book is a complete, self-contained discussion of hydrodynamics for geologists and geophysicists actively searching for accumulations of oil and gas.Review from the First Edition: "...this book is a good primer and should be read and digested by every exploration geologist." J. Sedimentary Petrology
over to nominal operations and began making our groundbreaking science observations. Remarkably, the IBEX project was able to do all this work including developing an entirely new launch capability, building and ying a unique and highly specialized spacecraft and instrument suite, and maintaining full funding for our Education and Public Outreach and Phase E science activities, while still under-running our original cost cap (as modi ed by NASA-directed changes), by roughly three-quarters of a million dollars. This book comprises a set of papers that describe the IBEX science, instruments, and mission and put these in the context of the existing knowledge of the interstellar interaction at the time of the launch. The book sets the stage for research that will be based on data from the IBEX mission. We sincerely hope that future researchers, authors and students will use this information to help in their studies. Chapter 1 [McComas et al. ] provides an overview of the entire IBEX program including the IBEX science, hardware, and mission. Chapter 2 describes the IBEX spacecraft and ight system [Scherrer et al. ]. Chapters 3-4 provide the details of the IBEX-Hi instrument [Funsten et al. ] and background monitor that is built into it [Allegrini et al. ], while Chapters 5-7 describe the IBEX-Lo instrument [Fuselier et al. ], how IBEX-Lo can measure the interstellar neutrals directly entering the heliosphere [Moebius et al.
Interesting and often unexpected achievements of the mechanics of space flight throw a new light onto several classical problems. The book 's emphasis is on analysis carried out on the level of graphs and drawings, and sometimes numbers, revealing the beauty of the research process leading to the results.
The present book Essential Spaceflight Dynamics and Magnetospherics
describes, in the first instance, some of the key aspects of
celestial mechanics and spaceflight dynamics. It begins with
classical two and three body problems illustrative of the aesthetic
aspects of applying analytical methods of investigation to
celestial mechanics. Then, osculating orbital elements are
introduced as well as analysis techniques sufficient to evaluate
the influence of various disturbing forces on spacecraft. Next a
theory of manoeuvres is outlined and the methodology of making
interplanetary trajectory corrections. Ideas involving various
approaches to orbital element determinations using measured data
are also considered. The forces applied to a spacecraft can result
in the development of torques that influence attitude motion and
the effects of the most important of these are described in terms
of equilibrium positions, periodic motions, steady-state and
transient motions. Also considered is the problem of attitude
control of a spacecraft using active and/or passive methods of
orientation and stabilization. In addition, a more advanced
treatment of the development of attitude control systems is
A collection of wiring diagrams for vintage marine motors produced from 1956-1989.
Over the past 60 years, artificial intelligence has grown from an academic field of research to a ubiquitous array of tools used in everyday technology. Despite its many recent successes, certain meaningful facets of computational intelligence have yet to be thoroughly explored, such as a wide array of complex mental tasks that humans carry out easily, yet are difficult for computers to mimic. A prime example of a domain in which human intelligence thrives, but machine understanding is still fairly limited, is music. Over recent decades, many researchers have used computational tools to perform tasks like genre identification, music summarization, music database querying, and melodic segmentation. While these are all useful algorithmic solutions, we are still a long way from constructing complete music agents able to mimic (at least partially) the complexity with which humans approach music. One key aspect that hasn't been sufficiently studied is that of sequential decision-making in musical intelligence. Addressing this gap, the book focuses on two aspects of musical intelligence: music recommendation and multi-agent interaction in the context of music. Though motivated primarily by music-related tasks, and focusing largely on people's musical preferences, the work presented in this book also establishes that insights from music-specific case studies can also be applicable in other concrete social domains, such as content recommendation.Showing the generality of insights from musical data in other contexts provides evidence for the utility of music domains as testbeds for the development of general artificial intelligence techniques.Ultimately, this thesis demonstrates the overall value of taking a sequential decision-making approach in settings previously unexplored from this perspective.
Insightful, good-humored essays on the possibilities of alien life and the uses of space exploration, based on an astrobiologist's everyday conversations with his fellow humans-taxi drivers, to be precise. If you've ever sat in the back seat of a taxi, you know that cabbies like to talk. Sports or politics, your job or theirs, taxi drivers are fine conversationalists on just about any topic. And when the passenger is astrobiologist Charles Cockell, that topic is usually space and what, if anything, lives out there. Inspired by conversations with drivers all over the world, Taxi from Another Planet tackles the questions that everyday people have about the cosmos and our place in it. Will we understand aliens? What if there isn't life out in the universe? Is Mars our Plan B? And why is the government spending tax dollars on space programs anyway? Each essay in this genial collection takes questions like these as a starting point on the way to a range of insightful, even poignant, observations. Cockell delves into debates over the inevitability of life and looks to both human history and scientific knowledge to consider what first contact will be like and what we can expect from spacefaring societies. He also offers a forceful argument for the sympathies between space exploration and environmentalism. A shrewd and entertaining foray into the most fundamental mysteries, Taxi from Another Planet brings together the wisdom of scientific experts and their fellow citizens of Earth, the better to understand how life might unfold elsewhere.
The Mars Science Laboratory is the latest and most advanced NASA roving vehicle to explore the surface of Mars. The Curiosity rover has landed in Gale crater and will explore this region assessing conditions on the surface that might be hospitable to life and paving the way for later even more sophisticated exploration of the surface. This book describes the mission, its exploration and scientific objectives, studies leading to the design of the mission and the instruments that accomplish the objectives of the mission. This book is aimed at all those engaged in Martian studies as well as those interested in the origin of life in other environments. It will be a valuable reference for anyone who uses data from the Mars Science Laboratory. Previously published in Space Science Reviews journal, Vol. 170/1-4, 2012.
This book deals with methods of measurement and evaluation of environmental noise based on an auditory neural and brain-oriented model. The model consists of the autocorrelation function (ACF) and the interaural cross-correlation function (IACF) mechanisms for signals arriving at the two ear entrances. Even when the sound pressure level of a noise is only about 35 dBA, people may feel annoyed due to the aspects of sound quality. These aspects can be formulated by the factors extracted from the ACF and IACF. Several examples of measuring environmental noise-from outdoor noise such as that of aircraft, traffic, and trains, and indoor noise such as caused by floor impact, toilets, and air-conditioning-are demonstrated. According to the noise measurement and evaluation, applications for sound design are discussed. This book provides an excellent resource for students, researchers, and practitioners in a wide range of fields, such as the automotive, railway, and electronics industries, and soundscape, architecture, and acoustics.
The biennial conferences of the Society for Underwater Technology have achieved an excellent reputation for the quality of their presentations, which cover topics of the most acute current interest, as well as those at the forefront of review and development. The 1994 conference on Subsea Control and Data Acquisition formed no exception, since it covers subjects at the cutting edge of modern technology. It is a matter of increasing concern that products are becoming overspecified, resulting in excessive costs and longer development schedules, while not conferring an equivalent benefit in reliability of the finished product. Subsea Control and Data Acquisition is vital reading for all subsea control system designers, manufacturers and operators, equipment consultants, application engineers, academics in the subsea engineering field, and all subsea engineers.
A noted space expert explains the current revolution in spaceflight, where it leads, and why we need it.A new space race has begun. But the rivals in this case are not superpowers but competing entrepreneurs. These daring pioneers are creating a revolution in spaceflight that promises to transform the near future. Astronautical engineer Robert Zubrin spells out the potential of these new developments in an engrossing narrative that is visionary yet grounded by a deep understanding of the practical challenges.Fueled by the combined expertise of the old aerospace industry and the talents of Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, spaceflight is becoming cheaper. The new generation of space explorers has already achieved a major breakthrough by creating reusable rockets. Zubrin foresees more rapid innovation, including global travel from any point on Earth to another in an hour or less; orbital hotels; moon bases with incredible space observatories; human settlements on Mars, the asteroids, and the moons of the outer planets; and then, breaking all limits, pushing onward to the stars.Zubrin shows how projects that sound like science fiction can actually become reality. But beyond the how, he makes an even more compelling case for why we need to do this--to increase our knowledge of the universe, to make unforeseen discoveries on new frontiers, to harness the natural resources of other planets, to safeguard Earth from stray asteroids, to ensure the future of humanity by expanding beyond its home base, and to protect us from being catastrophically set against each other by the false belief that there isn't enough for all. |
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