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Books > Medicine > General issues > Public health & preventive medicine > Personal & public health
This book is a comprehensive source for technical information regarding ultra- oletgermicidalirradiation(UVGI)anditsapplicationtoairandsurfacedisinf- tion for the control of pathogens and allergens. The primary focus is on airborne microbesandsurfacecontaminationapplications.Water-basedapplicationsarenot addressedhereexceptincidentallyastheyrelatetoairandsurfacemicrobes,since manyadequatetextsonwater-basedUVdisinfectionareavailable.Allaspectsof UVGIsystems,includingdesignmethods,modeling,safety,installation,guidelines, anddisinfectiontheoryareaddressedinsuf?cientdetailthatnoadditionalsources needbeconsulted.Itishopedbytheauthorthatprovidingthisinformationinone singlevolumewillsimplifythedesignandinstallationofUVGIsystems,helpgu- anteeeffectiveperformanceofnewsystems,andfacilitatetheiruseonawidescale forthepurposeofimprovinghumanhealthandcontrollingepidemicdisease.This book is organized to provide systematic coverage of all essential issues and will serveequallywellasbothatextbookandahandbookforgeneralreference. Any readers who ?nd technical errors or omissions in this book may to send themtomeatdrkowalski@aerobiologicalengineering.com.Erratawillbepostedat http://www.aerobiologicalengineering. com/UVGI/errata.htm. All other corresp- [email protected]. vii Acknowledgements I gratefully acknowledge all those who assisted me in the research, preparation, andreviewofthechaptersinthisbook,includingWilliamBahn?eth,SteveMartin, Chuck Dunn, Jim Freihaut, Dave Witham, Ed Nardell, Richard Vincent, Mark Hernandez, Ana Nedeljkovic-Davidovic, Clive Beggs, Renzhou Chen, Normand Brais, Katja Auer, Warren Lynn, Mike Sasges, Bill Carey, Tatiana Koutchma, Forrest Fencl, Russ Briggs, Josephine Lau, Carlos Gomes, Fahmi Yigit, Herbert Silderhuis, Joe Ritorto, Merrill Ritter, Brad Hollander, Scott Prahl, Karl Linden, WilliamBalch,AtanuSengupta,M.D.Lechner,KetanSharma,DonaldMilton,and especially Mary Clancy all the members of the IUVA Air Treatment Group who supported the UV Guidelines project, and also Linda Gowman, Jim Bolton and everyone in the International Ultraviolet Association who sponsored the UV Air TreatmentGroup.AspecialthanksgoestoAliDemirciandRaymondSchaeferfor theircontributionstothechapteronPulsedUVSystems.Iespeciallythankmyp- ents,StanleyJ.KowalskiandMarylaKowalski,andmysisterVictoriaChorpenning fortheirunwavering supportandencouragement duringthesepastfewyearsasI recoveredmyhealthandreturnedtoresearch.
1 Lebensmitteluberwachung.- 1.1. Reasons for initiating the work.- 1.1 Geschichtliches.- 1.2 Grundlagen des heutigen Lebensmittelrechts.- 1.3 Grundsatze der UEberwachung.- 1.4 Zustandigkeiten und Organisation der Lebensmitteluberwachung in den einzelnen Bundeslandern.- 1.5 Durchfuhrung der UEberwachung.- 1.5.1 Sorgfaltspflicht der Hersteller.- 1.5.2 Amtliche UEberwachung.- 1.5.3 UEberwachungsbeamte.- 1.5.4 Zusammenarbeit der an der UEberwachung beteiligten Personen.- 1.6 Betriebskontrolle.- 1.7 Entnahme von Proben.- 1.7.1 Zahl und Auswahl der Proben.- 1.7.2 Planprobe.- 1.7.3 Verdachtsprobe.- 1.7.4 Beschwerdeprobe.- 1.7.5 Vergleichsprobe.- 1.7.6 Gegenprobe.- 1.7.7 Proben fur Monitoring-Programme.- 1.8 Untersuchung und Gutachten.- 1.8.1 Organisation und Ausstattung der Laboratorien.- 1.8.2 Untersuchungen.- 1.8.3 Untersuchungen unter Berucksichtigung der europaischen Normen EN 45001 bis 45003 und der guten Laborpraxis.- 1.8.4 Gutachten.- 1.9 Massnahmen der UEberwachung.- 1.9.1 Freiwillige Massnahmen der Betroffenen.- 1.9.2 Anordnungen.- 1.9.3 Beschlagnahme, Sicherstellung.- 1.9.4 Warnung und Information der OEffentlichkeit.- 1.10 Literatur.- 2 Industrielle Qualitatssicherung.- 2.1 Was ist Qualitat?.- 2.2 Die Erwartung des Kunden.- 2.3 Qualitatssicherung.- 2.3.1 Historie der Qualitatssicherung.- 2.3.2 Praventives Qualitatsmanagement.- 2.3.3 Aufbau einer Qualitatssicherungsabteilung.- 2.4 Die Instrumente der Qualitatssicherung.- 2.4.1 Qualitatspolitik.- 2.4.2 Briefing und Umsetzung.- 2.4.3 Lebensmittelrechtliche Aspekte.- 2.4.4 Rohwaren-und Packmittelspezifikation.- 2.4.5 Lieferantenaudit.- 2.4.6 Kontrollierte Erzeugung.- 2.4.7 Rohwareneingang.- 2.4.8 Bau-und Anlagendesign.- 2.4.9 Rezeptur-und Herstellanweisung.- 2.4.10 HACCP.- 2.4.11 Quality Monitoring.- 2.4.12 Good Laboratory Practice.- 2.4.13 Good Manufacturing Practice.- 2.4.14 Fertigwarenspezifikation.- 2.4.15 Lager-und Versandanweisungen.- 2.4.16 Loskennzeichnung.- 2.4.17 Warenruckrufsystem und Krisenmanagement.- 2.4.18 Dokumentationssystem und Archivierung.- 2.4.19 UEbergeordnete QS-Massnahmen.- 2.4.20 Qualitatskosten.- 2.4.21 Industrial Organisation und Controlling.- 2.5 Personalqualifikation.- 2.6 Zertifizierung von QS-Systemen.- 2.7 Amtliche Lebensmitteluberwachung.- 2.8 Total Quality Management.- 2.9 Literatur.- 3 Lebensmittelrecht und EG.- 3.1 Einfuhrung.- 3.1.1 Die Europaische Gemeinschaft und ihre Rechtsordnung.- 3.1.2 Die Organe der Europaischen Gemeinschaft.- 3.2 EWG-Vertrag und Einheitliche Europaische Akte - Bestimmungen, die fur das Lebensmittelrecht von Bedeutung sind.- 3.3 Rechtssetzung in der Europaischen Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft.- 3.3.1 Rechtssetzungsmassnahmen.- 3.3.2 Rechtssetzungsverfahren.- 3.4 EG-Lebensmittelrecht und fur den Verbraucherschutz bedeutsame Regelungen im EG-Agrarrecht.- 3.4.1 EWG-Verordnungen.- 3.4.2 EWG-Richtlinien.- Horizontale EWG-Richtlinien.- Vertikale EWG-Richtlinien.- 3.4.3 Entscheidungen des Europaischen Gerichtshofes.- 3.4.4 Neuer Ansatz der Kommission im gemeinschaftlichen Lebensmittelrecht.- 3.5 Ausschusse der Kommission und ihre Aufgaben.- 3.5.1 Wissenschaftlicher Lebensmittelausschuss.- 3.5.2 Beratender Lebensmittelausschuss.- 3.5.3 Weitere Ausschusse bei der Kommission mit Bedeutung fur den Lebensmittelbereich.- 3.6 Prinzipien der Lebensmitteluberwachung in der EG.- 3.7 Literatur.- 4 Lebensmittelbedarfsgegenstande.- 4.1 Warengruppen.- 4.2 Beurteilungsgrundlagen.- 4.2.1 Deutsche Rechtsvorschriften.- 4.2.2 Richtlinien der EG.- 4.2.3 Standardisierung von Prufverfahren.- 4.2.4 Empfehlungen des Bundesgesundheitsamtes.- 4.3 Warenkunde.- 4.3.1 Metalle.- Aluminium.- Nichtrostende Stahle.- Zinn.- Sonstige Werkstoffe aus Metall.- 4.3.2 Silikatische Materialien.- Glas.- Keramik.- Email.- UEbergang von Inhaltsstoffen.- 4.3.3 Papier, Karton und Pappe.- Definitionen.- Papierherstellung.- 4.3.4 Kautschuk und Elas
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Since its inception in 1945, this serial has provided critical and integrating articles written by research specialists who integrate industrial, analytical, and technological aspects of biochemistry, organic chemistry, and instrumentation methodology in the study of carbohydrates. The articles provide a definitive interpretation of the current status and future trends in carbohydrate chemistry and biochemistry.
It explores the cultural origins and psychological aspects of body identity disorders. It discusses the influence of contemporary virtual and cyberspace imagery on self-image. Draws on author's professional experience largely dedicated to exploring disorders where in body identity is the chosen field for communication and exchange. It re-examines such illnesses as anorexia, bulimia, body dysmorphic disorder, and others.
This book presents major hydrological, physicochemical and biological processes determining the formation of hydro-physical properties and chemical composition of terrestrial surface water. Generalized hydro-physical, hydro-chemical and hydro-biological parameters affecting surface water quality, in particular in the Ukraine, are provided. Furthermore, a general description of the anthropogenic factors affecting the process of forming natural water's properties is presented. This volume is of interest to ecologists, and scientists, lecturers and students in higher educational institutions investigating patterns of formation of water properties and working on the development of methodologies to model and assess surface water quality, and water quality classifications.
Handbook of Food Fortification and Health: From Concepts to Public Health Applications Volume 1 represents a multidisciplinary approach to food fortification. This book aims to disseminate important material pertaining to the fortification of foods from strategic initiatives to public health applications. Optimal nutritional intake is an essential component of health and wellbeing. Unfortunately situations arise on a local or national scale when nutrient supply or intake is deemed to be suboptimal. As a consequence, ill health occurs affecting individual organs or causing premature death. In terms of public health, malnutrition due to micronutrient deficiency can be quite profound imposing economic and social burdens on individuals and whole communities. This comprehensive text examines the broad spectrum of food fortification in all its manifestations. Coverage includes sections on definitions of fortifications, fortified foods, beverages and nutrients, fortifications with micronutrients, biofortification, impact on individuals, public health concepts and issues, and selective methods and food chemistry. Handbook of Food Fortification and Health: From Concepts to Public Health Applications Volume 1 is an indispensable text designed for nutritionists, dietitians, clinicians and health related professionals.
Despite its safety and efficacy, emergency contraception (EC) continues to spark political controversy worldwide. In this edited volume, authors explore how emergency contraception has been received, interpreted, and politicized, through the in-depth examination of the journey of EC in 16 individual countries.
Birds have colonized almost every terrestrial habitat on the planet
- from the poles to the tropics, and from deserts to high mountain
tops. Ecological and Environmental Physiology of Birds focuses on
our current understanding of the unique physiological
characteristics of birds that are of particular interest to
ornithologists, but also have a wider biological relevance.
"Kroll-Smith and Floyd have, with both clarity and sensitivity,
provided considerable insight into an important arena of
contemporary experience." "Elegantly written. . . . the book is built around the
narratives of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) sufferers
themselves. . . . Due to its relevant subject matter, its
interdisciplinary approach, its readability, and its interesting
theoretical arguments, "Bodies in Protest" should be appealing to a
wide audience." "This engagingly written and thought-provoking book provides one
of the first sustained sociological analyses of a baffling,
controversial, and spectacular medical condition." Gulf War Syndrome: Is It a Real Disease? asks a recent headline in the "New York Times," This question--are certain diseases real?--lies at the heart of a simmering controversy in the United States, a debate that has raged, in different contexts, for centuries. In the early nineteenth century, the air of European cities, polluted by open sewers and industrial waste, was generally thought to be the source of infection and disease. Thus the term miasma--literally deathlike air--came into popular use, only to be later dismissed as medically unsound by Louis Pasteur. While controversy has long swirled in the United States around such illnesses as chronic fatigue syndrome and Epstein-Barr virus, no disorder has been more aggressively contested than environmental illness, a disease whose symptoms are distinguished by an extreme, debilitating reaction to a seemingly ordinary environment. The environmentally ill range from those who have adverse reactionsto strong perfumes or colognes to others who are so sensitive to chemicals of any kind that they must retreat entirely from the modern world. "Bodies in Protest" does not seek to answer the question of whether or not chemical sensitivity is physiological or psychological, rather, it reveals how ordinary people borrow the expert language of medicine to construct lay accounts of their misery. The environmentally ill are not only explaining their bodies to themselves, however, they are also influencing public policies and laws to accommodate the existence of these mysterious illnesses. They have created literally a new body that professional medicine refuses to acknowledge and one that is becoming a popular model for rethinking conventional boundaries between the safe and the dangerous. Having interviewed dozens of the environmentally ill, the authors here recount how these people come to acknowledge and define their disease, and themselves, in a suddenly unlivable world that often stigmatizes them as psychologically unstable. "Bodies in Protest" is the dramatic story of human bodies that no longer behave in a manner modern medicine can predict and control.
This ground-breaking textbook engages readers in conversation about responding to the effects of diversity within formal criminal justice systems in Westernized nation-states. Moving past a binary concept of diversity that involves only race and gender, this book elaborates upon a wide variety of other forms of diversity, including sexuality, disability, mental health, gendered identity, refugees, the young and the ageing, and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) peoples, with an awareness of how intersecting identities make some people more vulnerable than others. With reported statistics providing only a snapshot of the incongruent experiences of diverse minorities in contact with criminal justice systems, there is a clear need for nuanced training and accessible information regarding diversity in criminal justice. The book examines diversity in terms of both criminal justice agents and justice-involved individuals such as people in prison, those convicted of crimes, the victimized, and the community. This volume brings together a group of international scholars to articulate on each of the identified populations, examining the effect of culture and diversity on criminal justice outcomes and outlining how those diverse perspectives can improve criminal justice service delivery overall. Incorporating case studies, reflections, and activity questions, this book is a valuable resource for courses in criminology, criminal justice, corrections, and law enforcement, and is ideal for any program focusing on multiculturalism and diversity in criminal justice. Scholars, researchers, and professionals will also benefit from the analysis.
The Carotenoids book series provides an introduction to the fundamental chemistry, detailed accounts of the basic methods used in carotenoid research, and critical discussions of the biochemistry, functions and applications of carotenoids. Part 1 discusses the fundamental properties on which the biological functions and effects of carotenoids depend. Part 2 describes important natural functions of carotenoids in all kinds of living organisms.
Britton shows therapists and counselors how to move their practices fully into sex coaching or simply integrate sex coaching techniques for encouraging sexual self-understanding, growth, and pleasure into their existing therapeutic work. Based in the empirical science of sexology and adapted for practitioners looking to enrich their work and enlarge their client base, The Art of Sex Coaching covers what professionals need to know in order to participate in this exciting new field of coaching.
This volume is directed toward researchers and health professionals with an interest in the interstices of social networks and health. It consists of original papers that address critical themes in health-related social network research and disease prevention. The sections discuss the dynamics of social networks and their role in providing social support under varying conditions and contexts; how social network theory and research contribute to disease prevention and control; methodological issues that affect recall and agreement when conducting social network studies; how social networks structure and facilitate or discourage health risk; and the role of network ties in disease prevention. The volume concludes by examining the influence of social support in health promotion, symptom identification and disease management.
How can we accept that we ought to stop smoking, follow a diet, exercise, or take medications? The goal of this book is to describe the mechanisms of patients' adherence to long-term therapies, whose improvement, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), would be more beneficial than any biomedical progress. For example, approximately half of the patients do not regularly follow medical prescriptions, resulting in deleterious effects on people's health and a strong impact on health expenditure. This book describes how our beliefs, desires, and emotions intervene in our choices concerning our health, by referring to concepts developed within the framework of the philosophy of mind. In particular, it tries to explain how we can choose between an immediate pleasure and a remote reward-preserving our health and our life. We postulate that such an "intertemporal" choice can be directed by a "principle of foresight" which leads us to give priority to the future. Just like patients' non-adherence to prescribed medications, doctors often don't always do what they should: They are non-adherent to good practice guidelines. We propose that what was recently de-scribed as "clinical inertia" could also represent a case of myopia: From time to time doctors fail to consider the long-term interests of their patient. Both patients' non-adherence and doctors' clinical inertia represent major barriers to the efficiency of care. However, it is also necessary to respect patients' autonomy. The analysis of relationship between mind and care which is provided in this book sheds new light on the nature of the therapeutic alliance between doctor and patient, solving the dilemma between the ethical principles of beneficence and autonomy. |
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