Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services > Pharmacy / dispensing
Critical Care Pharmacotherapeutics Presents Information On The
Fundamentals Of Critical Care Practice From A Pharmacist'S Point Of
View. This Accessible Text Is An Excellent Introduction To Critical
Care Pharmacy. Pharmacy Students, Residents, And New Pharmacists
Will Learn About The Medications Used And Approaches To
Pharmaceutical Care For The Critically Ill Patient. This Text Is
Also A Helpful Reference For Students During An ICU Advanced
Practice Experience Or For A Pharmacy Resident During An ICU
Chitosan is the deacetylated form of chitin. Generally, the
substance becomes soluble in dilute acids when the degree of
deacetylation is more than 50%. The solubility of chitosan in
dilute acids is often needed to be modified when specific drug
release properties have to be tailored into the dosage form. The
available toxicological data on chitosan and its modified forms
appears to indicate its safety for oral use because high doses have
been found to be tolerated well in rodents and rabbits. However,
its local action as a haemostatic together with its ability to
activate macrophages and cause cytokine release may require a
careful assessment of its safety for parenteral use. This book
offers the dynamics of chitosan's detailed composition.
Fully updated for its second edition, Pass the PSA is written
specifically for the Prescribing Safety Assessment (PSA) exam, with
one chapter dedicated to each PSA exam section.This latest edition:
Introduces a simple, memorable and failsafe approach to prescribing
(the 'PReSCRIBER' mnemonic) Specifies the universal basic
principles of prescribing for all sections Examines each section's
question structure and how to approach it questions (structured
identically to the exam) that conclude each chapter Covers all
scenarios suggested for questioning in the PSA blueprint Highlights
common traps throughout Contains two mock exams Includes
finals-level sections on data interpretation and management
This work focuses on seclusion and the violent mentally ill. It also addresses: human rights issues and institutional constraints; the history of seclusion and seclusion abuse; the views of patients and staff; public concern; and current approaches to mental health care.;The aim of the text is to explode myths and replace these with a logical, systematic and research based approach to practice. The authors do not call for a complete ban on seclusion but advocate better research, policies and approaches to this subject.
Pharmacology is a strange subject. Sudden overexposure to this
subject creates a chaos and produces long lasting disinterest. That
is the reason why pharmacology is always blamed as a subject for
'memory exercise'. Memory is an essential tool in learning
pharmacology. But unfortunately human brain has limited number of
neurons. They definitely are not sufficient if one decides to
depend only on memory. The primary motive behind writing this book
is to reduce contribution of memory while learning pharmacology.
Conceptual clarity creates interest and interesting things are
easily remembered.
Here are the writers that inspired the likes of Jerry and Esther
Hicks, Michael J. Losier, and Rhonda Byrne. Long before The Secret
and The Law of Attraction were written these fifteen authors were
writing about the Law of Attraction and the power of positive
thinking. Their words ring as true today as when they were first
written. These are the giants of the New Thought movement upon
whose shoulders the current crop of self help writers stand. With
this book you will get fifteen masterful perspectives on The Law of
Attraction and the power of positive thinking to manifest the
things that you want in your life. Included here are Genevieve
Behrend, Elizabeth Towne, Prentice Mulford, William Walker
Atkinson, Earnest Holmes, Wallace D. Wattles, James Allen, Ralph
Waldo Trine, Orison Swett Marden, Thomas Troward, Joseph Murphy,
Charles F. Haanel, Robert Collier, Theron Q. Dumont, and Napoleon
Wien - medizinisch. Auch von dieser Seite kann Wien betra- tet
werden. Spuren finden sich in dieser Stadt fast uberall, war sie
doch - medizinhistorisch betrachtet - noch vor gar nicht allzu
langer Zeit das "Mekka der Medizin". 15 Spaziergange durch das alte
medizinische Wien sind - schrieben. Naturlich konzentrieren sich
die Touren um die - nere Stadt und den neunten Bezirk, denn hier
war das mitt- alterliche Wien und am Alsergrund entstand das
Allgemeine Krankenhaus. Einige Touren fuhren jedoch auch aus der
Stadt hinaus und zeigen Wien von versteckteren Blickwinkeln. L- gen
sie doch abseits der ausgetretenen touristischen Pfade und
entwickeln so einen ganz eigenen Reiz. Die Orientierung im Buch -
und hoffentlich auch in Wien - fallt leicht. Hat man sich fur eine
Tour entschieden, halt man sich an den UEbersichtsplan. Da der
Mensch nicht nur von - dizin allein lebt, gibt es zusatzlich noch
kunsthistorische No- zen und eine Liste guter Gast- und
Kaffeehauser. So lassen sich die gewonnenen Eindrucke sogar
"wiengerecht" verdauen. Den Museen ohne fixe OEffnungszeiten, sie
enthalten Spezi- sammlungen, die es so nur in Wien gibt, ist eine
eigene Mu- umstour gewidmet. Viel Spass beim touren durch ein
anderes Wien, sowohl fur jene, die die Stadt zum ersten Mal
erkunden als auch fur jene, die sie als "ihre Stadt" bezeichnen.
This fifth issue in the Industry and Health Care series takes a
quick turn through unpredictable and only partially charted waters.
The series as a whole has set out to explore the role of industry
as a potential agent of change in the health care system, and to
map the courses that may lead toward control of costs. One that
looks possible is the effort now being made to infuse some
competition into the health care industry through organized systems
of care, known as HMOs. Health maintenance organizations,
especially the fee-for-service variety known as IPAs (individual
practice associations), have been a particular inter est of the
Center for Industry and Health Care, where a national data base 'on
IP A performance is being established with the aid of the Robert
Wood Johnson Foundation. The Center's identity with HMOs, combined
with its focus on industry and health care, has afforded us unusual
access to nascent corporate thinking on the pros and cons of HMO
sponsorship. We are grateful for these opportunities, and for the
insights industry people have shared with us. This series draws
heavily on that experience."
Drug Design and Development outlines the processes involved in the
design and development of new drugs and emphasises the significance
of these processes to the practice of pharmacy. The book highlights
why it is important that all practicing pharmacists, including
those working in hospitals or high street stores, have a solid
understanding of the process of the design and development of the
drugs they interact with. It adopts an integrated approach,
formulated to complement courses which are designed in line with
the General Pharmaceutical Council's new curriculum requirements.
Furthermore, this is the only integrated textbook to consider both
drug design and development within one volume. Throughout the book,
the journey of the drug, from discovery to market, is presented in
an integrated fashion, emphasising the interconnection of all the
processes involved.
Originaltext mit ausfuhrlichem Kommentar von Christoph Friedrich
Die zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts aus Arzneipflanzen isolierten
Alkaloide waren hochwirksame Stoffe und zugleich Modelle fur die
Entwicklung synthetischer Arzneistoffe. Morphin, 1804/05 von
Friedrich Wilhelm Serturner (1783-1841) als erstes Alkaloid
entdeckt, ist ein starkes Schmerzmittel (Analgetikum). Seine
Entdeckungsgeschichte kann anhand der hier abgedruckten und
erlauterten Veroeffentlichungen Serturners minutioes nachverfolgt
werden. Morphin zeigte als Wirkstoff des Opiums (principium
somniferum) eine schlafbringende Wirkung) und Serturner stellte
fest, dass es sich bei diesem Stoff um eine Pflanzenbase (Alkaloid)
handelt. Heroische Selbstversuche zeigten, dass bereits mit
geringsten Mengen eine grosse Wirkung erzeugt werden kann. Das Buch
schildert Leben und Werk Serturners. Er gilt als einer der
bedeutendsten Apotheker des 18./19. Jahrhunderts, der mit seiner
Morphin-Entdeckung ein neues Forschungsgebiet begrundete und den
Weg in die moderne Arzneimittelforschung wies.
I have been privileged to witness and participate in the great
growth of knowledge on chemical carcinogenesis and mutagenesis
since 1939 when I entered graduate school in biochemistry at the
University of Wisconsin Madison. I immediately started to work with
the carcinogenic aminoazo dyes un der the direction of Professor
CARL BAUMANN. In 1942 I joined a fellow graduate student, ELIZABE1H
CAVERT, in marriage and we soon commenced a joyous part nership in
research on chemical carcinogenesis at the McArdle Laboratory for
Cancer Research in the University of Wisconsin Medical School in
Madison. This collaboration lasted 45 years. I am very grateful
that this volume is dedi cated to the memory of Elizabeth. The
important and varied topics that are reviewed here attest to the
continued growth of the fields of chemical car cinogenesis and
mutagenesis, including their recent and fruitful union with viral
oncology. I feel very optimistic about the application of knowledge
in these fields to the eventual solution of numerous problems,
including the detection and estimation of the risks to humans of
environmental chemical carcinogens and re lated factors."
"Oxalate Metabolism in Relation to Urinary Stone" is the third
monograph to appear in the "Bloomsbury Series". Edited by Alan
Rose, the book describes the current clinical and biochemical
features of oxalate metabolism. Its content and direction fulfil
the goals of the Series emphasising the strong links between basic
science and clinical medicine. London Jack Tinker 30 March 1988
Preface The first oxalate workshop was held in London in 1979 and
the proceedings published privately by the Wellcome Foundation. At
that time the importance of urinary oxalate as a risk factor more
important for calcium oxalate stone formation than urinary calcium
had been recognized. Nevertheless measurements of urinary oxalate
still left a lot to be desired and in particular the non-enzymatic
conversion of ascorbate to oxalate had not been rediscovered so
that many measurements must have been wrong. Plasma oxalate was
still difficult or impossible to measure by any reasonable,
accessible methods and consequently there was still much argument
and speculation about the handling of oxalate by the kidneys. A lot
of work has been performed in the last eight years on oxalate
metabolism and it therefore seemed to the organisers to be a good
time to hold a second oxalate workshop.
This unique text helps students and healthcare professionals master
the fundamentals of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Written
by distinguished international experts, it provides readers with an
introduction to the basic principles underlying the establishment
and individualization of dosage regimens and their optimal use in
drug therapy. Up-to-date examples featuring currently prescribed
drugs illustrate how pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics relate
to contemporary drug therapy. Study problems at the end of each
chapter help students and professionals gain a firm grasp of the
material covered within the text.
Dosage calculation can be very challenging and intimidating for
students, however, veteran author, Anna Curren breaks down this
subject using the dimensional analysis method which reduces all
calculations into a single, easy-to-solve equation. This takes the
fear-factor out of manual math altogether. Many students have raved
about how previous editions of this text helped them through their
medical math course and succeed in clinical practice. The Sixth
Edition of Dimensional Analysis for Meds: Refocusing on Essential
Metric Calculations has been streamlined to present only the
essential information. The first chapter begins with an overview of
the metric system; as Curren states, 98% of all calculations
involve metric measures. The text is structured to feature content
in small instructional steps followed by assessments to reinforce
what has been learned. In an effort to prevent annual hospital drug
dose errors, the latest drug dosage abbreviations and metric
notations are included giving nurses the knowledge they need to
safely care for their patients. Every new copy includes access to
Navigate Premier to unlock the eBook, videos, student practice
activities and assessments, a full suite of instructor resources,
and learning analytics reporting tools.
Pharmacists are on the frontlines of public health. Their
public-facing roles uniquely position them to identify and address
emerging disease challenges, discrepancies in health literacy, and
barriers to treatment in the communities they serve. In today's
interconnected world, the clients consulting a neighborhood
pharmacist are just as likely to hail from across an ocean as they
are from around the corner. Fittingly, Introduction to Public
Health in Pharmacy, Second Edition takes an approach that is both
global and local. Macro-level examinations of health care systems
and funding mechanisms around the world and advice for culturally
competent, client-centered communication regarding nutrition and
proper self-administration of medications encapsulate pharmacists'
dual roles as guardians of global public health and providers of
personalized care. Written in accordance with the latest guidelines
from the Center for the Advancement of Pharmacy Education,
Introduction to Public Health in Pharmacy, Second Edition offers an
accessible introduction for pharmacy students and a comprehensive
refresher for pharmacists already in practice.
The Oxford Handbook of Dialysis is a comprehensive and practical
guide to all aspects of dialysis, the management of patients with
end stage kidney disease, and all its complications. The fourth
edition has been completely updated, and covers all aspects of
dialysis from haemodialysis techniques and haemodiafitration, to
the medical, nursing and psychosocial aspects of managing patients
with end stage kidney failure. Renal transplantation, plasma
exchange, palliative care, and drug dosing are discussed, along
with end of life care, and complications of chronic kdney disease.
This handbook is packed with practical guidance and management,
presented in a compact and easy to use format. The Oxford Handbook
of Dialysis is aimed at all health care professionals dealing with
dialysis patients from nephrologists to dieticians, as well as
pharmacists, nurses, and surgeons. There are specific chapters on
nursing patients on haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis, and
detailed nutrition and drug prescribing chapters. The fourth
edition includes new sections on renal replacement therapies in
acute kidney injury, home dialysis, new peritoneal dialysis fluids,
new drugs including new epoietins and phosphate binders, updated
sections on nocturnal dialysis, dialysis monitoring, encapsulating
peritoneal sclerosis, and sleep disorders. Easy to read, practical,
and focussed, this handbook should have a home in every renal unit,
dialysis centre, renal ward, and be close to hand for every
nephrologist, renal trainee, or renal nurse.