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Books > Social sciences > Education > Schools > Primary / junior schools
Arithmetic Ninja for Ages 10-11 is the essential photocopiable maths resource for every Year 6 classroom from Andrew Jennings, the creator of Vocabulary Ninja, Comprehension Ninja and Write Like a Ninja. Split into 38 weeks, this book features over 680 question cards and is fully aligned to the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum for mathematics. With activities for each day of the week plus a bonus challenge, this book is the perfect resource for daily maths practice and quick lesson starters. The exercises in this book get progressively harder each week, and are divided into three Ninja levels to ensure differentiation. There are answers at the back to help with marking and cutting lines on each page so the activities can easily be cut out and stuck in exercise books. Perfect for SATs preparation, the multiplication tables check and mental maths practice, this book is ideal for busy primary teachers who only want to visit the photocopier once a week. The resources are flexible and high-quality, and will ensure all pupils are maths Ninjas by the end of the year. For more must-have Ninja books by Andrew Jennings (@VocabularyNinja), check out Vocabulary Ninja, Comprehension Ninja, Write Like a Ninja and Times Tables Ninja.
The Handbook of Classroom Management, Third Edition, is an authoritative treatment of the latest science and development in the study of classroom management in schools. Evidence-based classroom management practices and programs are essential to enhancing students' academic, behavioral, social-emotional, and motivational outcomes across grade levels. This comprehensive volume collects scholarship and cutting-edge research for graduate students and faculty of psychology, teacher education, curriculum and instruction, special education, and beyond. The book has been thoroughly revised and expanded with updated coverage of foundational topics such as effective instruction, preventative strategies, positive behavior intervention and supports, family-school relationships, legal issues, and other related topics, while also giving new attention to social justice, students on the autism spectrum, and adaptations across urban, rural, and virtual contexts.
Men Teaching Children 3-11 provides a comprehensive exploration of work experiences of men who teach young children. The authors draw on their own research as well as international studies to provide realistic strategies to help to remove barriers in order to develop a more gender-balanced teacher workforce. Burn and Pratt-Adams, former primary school teachers who have both experienced these unfair gender practices, also trace the historical roots of the gender barriers that have now become embedded within the occupational culture. Throughout Men Teaching Children 3-11, the authors argue that primary school teachers should be judged by their teaching talents, rather than by the application of biased gender stereotypes; and that male and female teachers need to work together to remove these stereotypes from the occupation.
Big Gay Adventures in Education is a collection of true stories by 'out' teachers, and students of 'out' teachers, all about their experiences in schools. The book aims to empower LGBT+ teachers to be the role models they needed when they were in school and help all teachers and school leaders to promote LGBT+ visibility and inclusion. The contributors range from trainee teachers to experienced school leaders and leading figures from the community across the LGBT+ spectrum, as well as LGBT+ students whose lives were improved by having an openly LGBT+ teacher. Each story is accompanied by an editor's note reflecting on the contributor's experience and the practical implications for schools and teachers in supporting LGBT+ young people and ensuring they feel safe and included in their school communities. Compiled by the co-founder and director of LGBTed, the inspiring stories in this book are essential reading for LGBT+ teachers and allies. Let's be the role models we needed when we were at school and show our students that they can be successful and happy as an LGBT+ person.
Designed to help you embed a more active approach to learning and develop children's mathematical thinking skills within relevant contexts, the guides help ensure your classroom is a Curriculum for Excellence classroom by: Making it happen: Planning support and matching charts aligned to the finalized experiences and outcomes Sharing practice: CD-ROM shows video clips of good practice Developing thinking skills: New problem-solving activities. The Delivering the Curriculum for Excellence Guides are available as part of the Complete Reference Packs, or to buy separately.
* Provides practical strategies and approaches to help you run your existing learning activities in new and more effective ways * User-friendly, accessible layout with each strategy presented on a double page spread alongside illustrations * Includes guidance on how to implement the strategy and potential pitfalls. * Draws on examples from a wide range of education fields and applicable to different environments and age ranges.
*A step-by-step guide which leads teachers through the process of teaching children to read. *An accessibly written, research-based resource that teachers can pick up and get on with teaching. *Written by an experienced classroom teacher for teachers.
The perfect guide to help you embed metacognitive approaches to your teaching. What is metacognition and how can you use it in your teaching? Metacognition - being aware of our own ways of thinking - is popular in education, but it is not always obvious how it links to teaching practice and how to teach it explicitly. This book translates meaningful concepts from research literature not only into practical strategies to try in your classroom but also gives you the opportunity to reflect on metacognitive strategies that you already use. Key topics include: Metacognitive strategies in a range of subjects, including English and mathematics Dismantling metacognitive misconceptions How to use metacognition to improve test performance The importance of developing a growth mindset How to develop self-regulation in the classroom
This book helps middle school teachers by assembling, under a single cover, a comprehensive commentary on the readymade curriculum materials.
This book offers a step-by-step guide to implementing a play-based curriculum in Year 1 while fully achieving the National Curriculum objectives. The authors explore the key barriers and common pitfalls that often arise around this crucial transition, and show teachers how to successfully lead children from the Reception stage through Year 1 and to the subject-based teaching beyond. Providing practical advice and guidance for busy teachers, the authors clearly and concisely illustrate their methods with theory, personal stories and colourful photographs from transitional stories they have been a part of. Let Me Be Five shows teachers how to plan the curriculum in a way that builds on children's experiences in the Early Years Foundation Stage and gives them meaningful contexts for learning. Including real-life case studies and views from parents and teachers, this book will give you the knowledge and confidence to plan a play-based curriculum, based on children's interests and developmental needs that will enable every learner to thrive.
This fully revised and updated eighth edition of Peter Westwood's book offers practical advice and strategies for meeting the challenge of inclusive teaching. Based on the latest international research from the field, it offers practical advice on both new and well-tried evidence-based approaches and strategies for teaching students with a wide range of difficulties. As well as covering special educational needs, learning difficulties, and disabilities in detail, chapters also explore topics such as self-management and autonomy, managing behaviour, and social skills. The book offers sound pedagogical practices and strategies for adapting curriculum content, designing teaching materials, differentiating instruction for mixed-ability classes, and implementing inclusive assessment of learning. Key features of this new edition include: Additional information on linking all aspects of teaching to a Response-to-Intervention Model A focus on the increasing importance of digital technology in supporting the learning of students with special educational needs and disabilities Up-to-date resource lists for each chapter, for those who wish to pursue a particular topic in greater depth Reflecting cutting-edge international research and teaching practices, this is an invaluable resource for practising and trainee teachers, teaching assistants, and other educational professionals looking to support students with special educational needs and disabilities.
The first comprehensive history of American public school librarianship. "Can I get a library pass?" Over the past 120 years, millions of American K-12 public school students have asked that question. Still, we know little about the history of public school libraries, which over the decades were pulled together and managed by hundreds of thousands of school librarians. In American Public School Librarianship, Wayne A. Wiegand recounts the unseen history of both school libraries and their librarians. Why, Wiegand asks, did school librarianship turn out the way it did? And what can its history tell us about limitations and opportunities in the coming decades of the twenty-first century? Addressing issues of race, social class, gender, and sexual orientation (among others) as they affected American public school librarianship throughout its history, Wiegand explores how libraries were transformed by the Great Depression, the civil rights era, Lyndon Johnson's Great Society programs, and more recent legislation like No Child Left Behind, Common Core, and the Every Student Succeeds Act. Wiegand touches on censorship, the impact of school segregation on school libraries, disparities in funding that fall along lines of race and class, the development of school librarianship as a profession, the history of organizations like the American Association for School Librarians, and how emerging technologies affected school librarianship. Wiegand clarifies the historical role of the school librarian as an opponent of censorship and defender of intellectual freedom. He also analyzes the politics of a female-dominated school library profession, identifies and evaluates the profession's major players and their battles (often against patriarchy), and challenges the priorities of librarianship's current agendas, particularly regarding the role of "reading" in the everyday lives of children and young adults. Filling a huge void in the history of education, American Public School Librarianship provides essential background information to members of the nation's school library and educational communities who are charged with supervising and managing America's 80,000 public school libraries.
Addressing underlying issues in science education and teacher training, which contribute to continued underrepresentation of racial and ethnic minority students in STEM and STEAM subjects and careers, this timely volume illustrates how a critical postmodern science pedagogy (CPSP) can be used effectively to raise awareness of diversity issues amongst preservice teachers. Using a case study design consisting of class observations, interviews, content analysis, questionnaires, and instructional interventions in preservice teacher training, the volume bridges science and multicultural education and investigates how curricular development and teacher preparation can be used to ensure that science education itself promotes diversity within STEM, and throughout education. Chapters also examine the intersections of science education and science literacy for both students and teachers and, in doing so, promote the importance of positive and accurate representation of diversity within science and research discourse. The book attempts to raise awareness regarding the need for meaningful curricular reform that creates real opportunities to address historical and scientific misinformation, while increasing diversity and inclusion in schools and society. This important text will be of interest to postgraduate students, researchers, scholars, and preservice teachers in the fields of science and mathematics education, STEM, multicultural education, teacher education, urban education, and the sociology of education.
"How to Teach Story Writing at Key Stage 1" is a practical manual
for teachers, to be used directly in the classroom. The book begins
with a series of language games, designed to warm up creativity and
strengthen the imagination. This is followed by a series of
creative story workshops, based on the writer's own experience both
as a teacher and poet running workshops in schools. These workshops
focus on growing the roots of story writing through story telling
and reading, and begin with the importance of learning a few
well-known tales. There are ideas for drama, role-play and art, and
a few model stories are provided for story telling. Other workshops
explore simple ideas for creating new stories, based around simple
familiar patterns. The book also offers advice on how to organize
an effective workshop for younger children, and demonstrates how to
teach story writing in a dynamic, creative and imaginative way in
relationship with the KS1 national literacy framework.
This book outlines an approach to teaching and learning in physical education that prioritises meaningful experiences for pupils, using case studies to illustrate how practitioners have implemented this approach across international contexts. Prioritising the idea of meaningfulness positions movement as a primary way to enrich the quality of young people's lives, shifting the focus of physical education programs to better suit the needs of contemporary young learners and resist the utilitarian health-oriented views of physical education that currently predominate in many schools and policy documents. The book draws on the philosophy of physical education to articulate the main rationale for prioritising meaningful experiences, before identifying potential and desired outcomes for participants. It highlights the distinct characteristics of meaningful physical education and its content, and outlines teaching and learning principles and strategies, supported by pedagogical cases that show what meaningful physical education can look like in school-based teaching and in higher education-based teacher education. With an emphasis on good pedagogical practice, this is essential reading for all pre-service and in-service physical education teachers or coaches working in youth sport.
Descriptosaurus: Myths & Legends builds on the vocabulary and descriptive phrases introduced in the original bestselling Descriptosaurus and, within the context of myths and legends, develops the structure and use of the words and phrases to promote colourful cinematic writing. This essential guide will enable children to take their writing to the next level, combine their descriptions of setting and character and show how the two interact. Children can then experiment with heroes, gods and supernatural beings to create a legendary story. This new system also provides a contextualised alternative to grammar textbooks and will assist children in acquiring, understanding and applying the grammar they will need to improve their writing, both creative and technical.
The issue of behaviour has, and always will be, a main dilemma facing schools. Encouraging positive relationships whilst preventing disruption, and motivating students to learn, raises concerns for any teacher. This fully updated second edition of Teaching without Disruption in the Primary School offers a comprehensive and constructive approach to developing effective behaviour management. Packed full of tasks, case studies, and research-based guidance, this extremely practical book reflects high quality behaviour management training and is crucially informed by empirical evidence on exactly what works in classrooms and schools. Containing two brand new chapters - one on the importance of theory in developing effective behaviour management, and the other detailing a toolkit for constructing effective classroom management plans - the book presents a model for developing: effective behaviour management at the individual pupil, classroom and whole school level professional social skills, assertiveness and coping strategies understanding of how teachers' thinking and behaviour can unwittingly affect pupil behaviour a roadmap for establishing and maintaining authority pupils' self-control and social competence using a cognitive-behavioural approach an appreciation of the value of adopting a research-based approach to behaviour management. Roland Chaplain has used this programme to successfully teach behaviour management techniques to thousands of PGCE trainees at the University of Cambridge, UK. Underpinned by contemporary educational, psychological and neuroscientific research, this book offers a progressively focused behaviour management model which will appeal to all teachers and teacher trainees, as well as to those who train them.
Closing the Attainment Gap in Schools explores the experience and history of teachers who have a determined, no-nonsense approach to providing an excellent standard of education to all young people from differing backgrounds. Using professional conversations, voices are given to schools and teachers striving successfully to address this important issue through evidence-based practices. Linked with the Ad Astra Primary Partnership, what these teachers do with their schoolchildren will resonate with all schools in any location. From Superstar Assemblies to encourage their dreams and aspirations; to Munch 'n Mingle sessions to encourage healthy eating; to Marvellous Me software to encourage the use of open-ended questions and parent-child conversations at home; and through to the use of skilled specialists to develop their handwriting skills, this book: explores the rich complexity of teacher learning; contains numerous case studies and examples of success; reflects upon and considers evidence-based pedagogy, practical wisdom, teacher-research, self-improving school systems and social justice; proposes a rich array of approaches and suggests ways forward. Offering first-hand, invaluable and practical advice this wide-ranging book will encourage and enable any teacher to develop their own practical wisdom and a 'can do' approach whilst never shying away from the very real issues within education.
This sequel to the bestselling Princesses, Dragons and Helicopter Stories reveals the positive impact the storytelling and story acting curriculum of Vivian Gussin Paley has on young children's literacy, communication and confidence. Telling the story of three years of classroom-based research with children aged two to seven, it shows the Helicopter Stories approach in action, capturing the children's development as storytellers and their delight at having their stories listened to, scribed and acted out. In each chapter Trisha Lee's passion for children's unique voices shines through as she shares and reflects on the children's stories, paying each of them the same respect as would normally be bestowed on adult writers. Exploring the importance of story in children's lives, the book: Examines the cognitive and developmental impact of implementing a Helicopter Stories approach over an extended time period Analyses the stories told by children using the story structure of the Hero's Journey, and the seven basic plot types Explores how and why stories connect with us including children's innate ability to empathise with the hero from a very young age Includes rich case studies of children at different ages and developmental stages including those with additional needs Offering a fascinating insight into how Helicopter Stories work in practice and addressing the frequently asked questions about the benefits of using this approach, The Growth of a Storyteller is valuable reading for anyone interested in storytelling and story acting with their children.
-Showcases practical ways PreK-12 teachers can implement sustainable projects and practices in their classrooms and schools, from beginner projects (recycling, composting, gardens) to school-wide initiatives (energy audits, building community partnerships). -Includes real-world case studies from the US and elsewhere, including action photos and detailed walkthroughs of green schools in action. -Focuses on low- or no-budget projects for teachers, as well as those that foster the development of critical thinking skills, promote project-based learning, and consider the environment as a learning tool. -Includes additional resources for teachers and schools to further embed sustainability in their programs and curriculum.
- Designed for educators to learn from other practitioners about engaging in Lesson Study - Offers specific case studies of US educator learning through Lesson Study - Provides practitioners with resources for Lesson Study as well as planning daily lessons.
THE SENSATIONAL SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER A heart-warming and hilarious look at life in the classroom from the teachers who host the most popular UK education podcast, Two Mr Ps in a Pod(Cast). Have you ever wondered what really happens during the day when your precious little angels are at school? In this book, The Two Mr Ps will take you on a side-splittingly funny journey through the weird and wonderful world of primary schools. It will also explore the pressures of modern-day teaching, revealing exactly what it takes to wrangle a chaotic classroom (or seven) on a weekly basis. From the absolute characters found in the staffroom to school-trip mishaps and everything else inbetween, Put A Wet Paper Towel on It is a must-read for teachers and parents alike. So sit up straight, four legs on your chair, fingers on lips and get ready to take a trip down memory lane. And remember - when in doubt, just put a wet paper towel on it.
Big Ideas in Outdoor Primary Science takes a fresh approach to learning science in outdoor contexts. It combines new thinking in science teaching using big ideas, with our growing need to look after our planet, and encourages children to learn from what scientists have to say about issues which will impact their lives today and in the future. The book offers primary teachers the subject and pedagogical knowledge, as well as the confidence they need, to integrate the seeds of big ideas into their curriculum. To this end, it provides models of good practice which exemplify how primary-aged children can work towards understanding some of science's big ideas and engage with important issues related to wildlife conservation. The easy-to-use book covers topics such as: Interdependence Adaptation Inheritance Following in Darwin's footsteps Protecting ecosystems Full of ideas for outside learning, this book is a comprehensive, valuable and essential resource for all teachers of primary science.
Despite American education's recent mania for standardized tests, testing misses what really matters about learning: the desire to learn in the first place. Curiosity is vital, but it remains a surprisingly understudied characteristic. The Hungry Mind is a deeply researched, highly readable exploration of what curiosity is, how it can be measured, how it develops in childhood, and how it can be fostered in school. Children naturally possess an active interest in knowing more about the world around them. But what begins as a robust trait becomes more fragile over time, and is shaped by experiences with parents, teachers, peers, and the learning environment. Susan Engel highlights the centrality of language and question-asking as crucial tools for expressing curiosity. She also uncovers overlooked forms of curiosity, such as gossip-an important way children satisfy their interest in other people. Although curiosity leads to knowledge, it can stir up trouble, and schools too often have an incentive to squelch it in favor of compliance and discipline. Balanced against the interventions of hands-on instructors and hovering parents, Engel stresses the importance of time spent alone, which gives children a chance to tinker, collect, read about the things that interest them, and explore their own thoughts. In addition to providing a theoretical framework for the psychology of curiosity, The Hungry Mind offers educators practical ways to put curiosity at the center of the classroom and encourage children's natural eagerness to learn. |
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