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Books > Social sciences > Psychology > Psychological methodology
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This breakthrough volume details the psychological and interpersonal skills needed to meet the practical challenges of building, developing, adapting, training, and managing multicultural global teams. Its self-regulation approach offers cognitive keys to understanding and embracing difference and its associated complexities for successful global collaborations and lasting results. From this foundation, the book moves on to the various roles of leadership in facilitating team process, from establishing trust to defusing conflicts, reducing biases, and using feedback effectively. This synthesis of research and practice effectively blends real-world experience and the science of global team leadership to address the complex issues facing modern organizations. Core skills covered by the book: Structuring successful global virtual teams. Developing cross-cultural competencies through global teams. Managing active faultlines and conflicts in global teams. Coaching global teams and global team leaders. Utilizing feedback effectively across cultures. Meeting the global need for leaders through Guided Mindfulness. Leading Global Teams is mind-opening reading for students, scholars, and practitioners in industrial and organizational psychology, organizational behavior, work psychology, and applied psychology programs looking for the most current research and best practices regarding its timely subject.
Features: Provides an overview of methods for assessing the reliability of generating data Expands a statistic proposed by the author, already widely used in the social sciences Includes many easy to follow numerical examples to illustrate the measures Written to be useful to beginning and advanced researchers from many disciplines, notably linguistics, sociology, psychometric and educational research, and medical science.
Statistical Analysis of Contingency Tables is an invaluable tool for statistical inference in contingency tables. It covers effect size estimation, confidence intervals, and hypothesis tests for the binomial and the multinomial distributions, unpaired and paired 2x2 tables, rxc tables, ordered rx2 and 2xc tables, paired cxc tables, and stratified tables. For each type of table, key concepts are introduced, and a wide range of intervals and tests, including recent and unpublished methods and developments, are presented and evaluated. Topics such as diagnostic accuracy, inter-rater reliability, and missing data are also covered. The presentation is concise and easily accessible for readers with diverse professional backgrounds, with the mathematical details kept to a minimum. For more information, including a sample chapter and software, please visit the authors' website.
Survey Development: A Theory-Driven Mixed Methods Approach provides both an overview of standard methods and tools for developing and validating surveys and a conceptual basis for survey development. It advocates logical reasoning that combines theory related to construct validity with theory regarding design, and theory regarding survey response, item review, and identification of misfitting responses. The book has 14 chapters which are divided into four parts. Part A includes six chapters that deal with theory and methodology. Part B has five chapters and it gets into the process of constructing the survey. Part C comprises two chapters devoted to assessing the quality or psychometric properties (reliability and validity) of survey responses. Finally, the one chapter in Part D is an attempt to present a synopsis of what was covered in the previous chapters in regard to developing a survey with the Theory-Driven-Mixed-Methods (TDMM) framework for developing survey and conducting survey research. This provides a full process for survey development intended to yield results that can support validity. A mixed methods approach integrates both qualitative and quantitative data outcomes. Including detailed online resources, this book is suitable for graduate students who use or are responsible for interpretation of survey research and survey data as well as survey methodologists and practitioners who use surveys in their field.
This core textbook offers an introduction to the basics of statistics that is uniquely suited to behavioural science students. The book offers coverage anchored to real-world stories, a highly visual approach, helpful mathematical support, and useful step-by-step examples. The book focuses on emerging trends that are redefining contemporary behavioural statistics.This textbook helps you get to grips with a challenging subject in an enjoyable and engaging way. The book can also be purchased with the breakthrough online resource, LaunchPad, which offers innovative media content, curated and organised for easy assignability. LaunchPad's intuitive interface presents quizzing, flashcards, animations and much more to make learning actively engaging.
Gathering scholars from different disciplines, this book is the first on how to study emotions using sociological, historical, linguistic, anthropological, psychological, cultural, and mixed approaches. Bringing together the emerging lines of inquiry, it lays foundations for an overdue methodological debate. The volume offers entrancing short essays, richly illustrated with examples and anecdotes, that provide basic knowledge about how to pursue emotions in texts, interviews, observations, spoken language, visuals, historical documents, and surveys. The contributors are respectful of those being researched and are mindful of the effects of their own feelings on the conclusions. The book thus touches upon the ethics of research in vivid first person accounts. Methods are notoriously difficult to teach-this collection fills the gap between dry methods books and students' need to know more about the actual research practice.
This volume provides an integrative review of the emerging and increasing use of network science techniques in cognitive psychology, first developed in mathematics, computer science, sociology, and physics. The first resource on network science for cognitive psychologists in a growing international market, Vitevitch and a team of expert contributors provide a comprehensive and accessible overview of this cutting-edge topic. This innovative guide draws on the three traditional pillars of cognitive psychological research-experimental, computational, and neuroscientific-and incorporates the latest findings from neuroimaging. The network perspective is applied to the fundamental domains of cognitive psychology including memory, language, problem-solving, and learning, as well as creativity and human intelligence, highlighting the insights to be gained through applying network science to a wide range of approaches and topics in cognitive psychology Network Science in Cognitive Psychology will be essential reading for all upper-level cognitive psychology students, psychological researchers interested in using network science in their work, and network scientists interested in investigating questions related to cognition. It will also be useful for early career researchers and students in methodology and related courses.
Although qualitative approaches to psychological research have a long history in the discipline, they have also been, and remain, marginalized from the canon of mainstream scientific psychology. At the current moment, however, there is growing recognition of the importance of qualitative methods and a movement toward a more inclusive and eclectic stance on psychological research. This volume reflects upon the historical and contemporary place of qualitative methods in psychology and considers future possibilities for further integration of these methods in the discipline. Scholars representing a wide-range of perspectives in qualitative and theoretical psychology reflect on the historical and contemporary positions of qualitative methods in psychology with an eye to the future of research and theory in the discipline. This book encourages a more critical and inclusive stance on research, recognizing both the limits and contributions that different methodological approaches can make to the project of psychological knowledge.
The author's research has been directed towards inference involving observables rather than parameters. In this book, he brings together his views on predictive or observable inference and its advantages over parametric inference. While the book discusses a variety of approaches to prediction including those based on parametric, nonparametric, and nonstochastic statistical models, it is devoted mainly to predictive applications of the Bayesian approach. It not only substitutes predictive analyses for parametric analyses, but it also presents predictive analyses that have no real parametric analogues. It demonstrates that predictive inference can be a critical component of even strict parametric inference when dealing with interim analyses. This approach to predictive inference will be of interest to statisticians, psychologists, econometricians, and sociologists.
Psychiatric clinicians should use rating scales and questionnaires often, for they not only facilitate targeted diagnoses and treatment; they also facilitate links to empirical literature and systematize the entire process of management. Clinically oriented and highly practical, the Handbook of Clinical Rating Scales and Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health is an ideal tool for the busy psychiatrist, clinical psychologist, family physician, or social worker. In this ground-breaking text, leading researchers provide reviews of the most commonly used outcome and screening measures for the major psychiatric diagnoses and treatment scenarios. The full range of psychiatric disorders are covered in brief but thorough chapters, each of which provides a concise review of measurement issues related to the relevant condition, along with recommendations on which dimensions to measure - and when. The Handbook also includes ready-to-photocopy versions of the most popular, valid, and reliable scales and checklists, along with scoring keys and links to websites containing on-line versions. Moreover, the Handbook describes well known, structured, diagnostic interviews and the specialized training requirements for each. It also includes details of popular psychological tests (such as neuropsychological, personality, and projective tests), along with practical guidelines on when to request psychological testing, how to discuss the case with the assessment consultant and how to integrate information from the final testing report into treatment. Focused and immensely useful, the Handbook of Clinical Rating Scales and Assessment in Psychiatry and Mental Health is an invaluable resource for all clinicians who care for patients with psychiatric disorders.
Museum Objects, Health and Healing provides an innovative and interdisciplinary study of the relationship between objects, health and healing. Shedding light on the primacy of the human need for relationships with objects, the book explores what kind of implications these relationships might have on the exhibition experience. Merging museum and object studies, as well as psychotherapy and the psychology of well-being, the authors present a new theory entitled Psychotherapeutic Object Dynamics, which provides a cross- disciplinary study of the relationship between objects, health and well-being. Drawing on primary research in museums, psychotherapeutic settings and professional practice throughout the US, Canada, Bosnia-Herzegovina and the UK, the book provides an overview of the theory's origins, the breadth of its practical applications on a global level, and a framework for further understanding the potency of objects in exhibitions and daily life. Museum Objects, Health and Healing will be essential reading for academics, researchers and postgraduate students interested in museum studies, material culture, mental health, psychotherapy, art therapies and anthropology. It should also be valuable reading for a wide range of practitioners, including curators, exhibition designers, psychologists, and psychotherapists.
This volume focuses on the abuse of statistical inference in scientific and statistical literature, as well as in a variety of other sources, presenting examples of misused statistics to show that many scientists and statisticians are unaware of, or unwilling to challenge the chaotic state of statistical practices.;The book: provides examples of ubiquitous statistical tests taken from the biomedical and behavioural sciences, economics and the statistical literature; discusses conflicting views of randomization, emphasizing certain aspects of induction and epistemology; reveals fallacious practices in statistical causal inference, stressing the misuse of regression models and time-series analysis as instant formulas to draw causal relationships; treats constructive uses of statistics, such as a modern version of Fisher's puzzle, Bayesian analysis, Shewhart control chart, descriptive statistics, chi-square test, nonlinear modeling, spectral estimation and Markov processes in quality control.
Originally published in 1979, this title represents a summary of 17 years of research centring around the "Sensation Seeking Scale" (SSS) and the theory from which the test was derived. Now an integral part of personality testing, including adaptations for use with children, this reissue is a chance to see where it all began.
Identifying the sources and measuring the impact of haphazard variations are important in any number of research applications, from clinical trials and genetics to industrial design and psychometric testing. Only in very simple situations can such variations be represented effectively by independent, identically distributed random variables or by random sampling from a hypothetical infinite population. Components of Variance illuminates the complexities of the subject, setting forth its principles with focus on both the development of models for detailed analyses and the statistical techniques themselves. The authors first consider balanced and unbalanced situations, then move to the treatment of non-normal data, beginning with the Poisson and binomial models and followed by extensions to survival data and more general situations. In the final chapter, they discuss ways of extending and assessing various models, including the study of exceedances, the use of nonlinear representations, the study of transformations of the response variable, and the detailed examination of the distributional form of the underlying random variables. Careful signposting and numerous examples from genetic data analysis, clinical trial design, longitudinal data analysis, industrial design, and meta-analysis make this book accessible - and valuable - not only to statisticians but to all applied research scientists who use statistical methods.
Proposing Empirical Research: A Guide to the Fundamentals provides step-by-step instructions for students who will be writing their first research proposal in the social and behavioral sciences and using both quantitative and qualitative methods. The structure of the book enables students to work independently with confidence while writing the first drafts of their proposals. Each major section is divided into short topics and for each topic, students are asked to complete an exercise that leads them toward the goal of preparing a proposal. Numerous illustrative examples throughout the book make the recommendations for proposal writing come alive. In addition, the 10 model proposals provided at the end of the book illustrate proposal writing and provide material for classroom discussions. New to the Sixth Edition: Updates throughout to reflect research and learning in the digital/online environment, e.g., online surveys, digital organization tools, digital recruitment methods for research, and digital databases, records, and archives. Discussion of qualitative methods. Updated references, model proposals, end of chapter exercises etc. Proposing Empirical Research is ideal for use in research methods classes where students write a proposal as a term project, thesis/dissertation preparation classes, senior research seminars where proposing and conducting research is a culminating undergraduate activity, and any graduate-level seminar in which the instructor wants to incorporate a project that will engage students in critical thinking about the content area.
Taking philosophical principles as a point of departure, this book provides essential distinctions for thinking through the history and systems of Western psychology. The book is concisely designed to help readers navigate through the length and complexity found in history of psychology textbooks. From Plato to beyond Post-Modernism, the author examines the choices and commitments made by theorists and practitioners of psychology and discusses the philosophical thinking from which they stem. What kind of science is psychology? Is structure, function, or methodology foremost in determining psychology's subject matter? Psychology, as the behaviorist views it, is not the same as the psychoanalyst's view of it, or the existentialist's, so how may contemporary psychology philosophically-sustain both pluralism and incommensurability? This book will be of great value to students and scholars of the history of psychology.
This book focuses on the place sand purpose of emotions in the research process, and explores the appropriate boundaries. Designed to explore how to manage the emotional content of research, the text service as a supplemental to qualitative research method courses, and is an excellent reference for the professional as well.
Data Analysis of Asymmetric Structures provides a comprehensive presentation of a variety of models and theories for the analysis of asymmetry and its applications and provides a wealth of new approaches in every section. It meets both the practical and theoretical needs of research professionals across a wide range of disciplines and considers data analysis in fields such as psychology, sociology, social science, ecology, and marketing. In seven comprehensive chapters this guide details theories, methods, and models for the analysis of asymmetric structures in a variety of disciplines and presents future opportunities and challenges affecting research developments and business applications.
Since the development of the first intelligence test in the early 20th century, educational and psychological tests have become important measurement techniques to quantify human behavior. Focusing on this ubiquitous yet fruitful area of research, Statistical Test Theoryfor the Behavioral Sciences provides both a broad overview and a critical survey of assorted testing theories and models used in psychology, education, and other behavioral science fields. Following a logical progression from basic concepts to more advanced topics, the book first explains classical test theory, covering true score, measurement error, and reliability. It then presents generalizability theory, which provides a framework to deal with various aspects of test scores. In addition, the authors discuss the concept of validity in testing, offering a strategy for evidence-based validity. In the two chapters devoted to item response theory (IRT), the book explores item response models, such as the Rasch model, and applications, including computerized adaptive testing (CAT). The last chapter looks at some methods used to equate tests. Equipped with the essential material found in this book, advanced undergraduate and graduate students in the behavioral sciences as well as researchers involved in measurement and testing will gain valuable insight into the research methodologies and statistical data analyses of behavioral testing.
A comprehensive collection of new work examining the relationship between educational measurement concepts and the assessment of student learning in classrooms. Adapts existing concepts in measurement and information theory to fit the specific context of classroom learning and assessment. Serves as a companion volume to the work and goals of the NCME's Classroom Assessment Task Force, which is working to advance classroom assessment research within the field of educational measurement.
The comprehensive reference for informative WISC-V assessment Essentials of WISC-V Assessmentprovides step-by-step guidance for administering, scoring, and interpreting the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-V). Packed with practical tips for more accurate assessment, this informative guide includes numerous case studies that illustrate a range of real-world issues. Special attention is devoted to the assessment of individuals who have significant learning difficulties, such as learning disabilities, and who speak English as a second language. The WISC-V is a valuable assessment tool, but it must be administered and scored appropriately to gain meaning from score interpretation. This book gives you an in-depth understanding of the WISC-V assessment and interpretive process to assist practitioners in: * Conducting efficient and informative WISC-V assessments * Utilizing WISC-V in cross-battery and neuropsychological assessment * Applying WISC-V in the identification of specific learning disabilities * Utilizing WISC-V in nondiscriminatory assessment of English language learners * Writing theory-based WISC-V reports * Linking WISC-V findings to interventions based on individual performance As the world's most widely-used intelligence test for children, the WISC-V is useful in diagnosing intellectual disabilities and specific learning disabilities, as well as in identifying giftedness. In this volume, sample reports demonstrate how WISC-V assessment results may be linked to interventions, accommodations, modifications, and compensatory strategies that facilitate positive outcomes for children. Essentials of WISC-V Assessment is the all-in-one practical resource for both students and practitioners. The book can be used on its own or with companion software (purchased separately) that provides a user-friendly tool for producing psychometrically and theoretically defensible interpretations of WISC-V performance, and may be used to develop interventions based on each child's strengths and weaknesses.
How do parenting styles differ globally? How do different, international, parenting practices impact on children's development? Can we bring together and hybridise different international parenting styles? Intercultural Parenting explores the relationship between family, culture and parenting by reviewing established and evolving Western and Eastern parenting styles and their impact on children's development. Authoritarian, authoritative, permissive and neglecting approaches, as well as newer techniques such as helicopter parenting, are compared with filial, tiger and training approaches, and mixed parenting styles. Practical application sections show how cultural understanding can help demonstrate how professionals might use the information and ideas in their clinical work, whilst parental questionnaires encourage self-assessment and reflection. Dr. Foo Koong Hean brings together the traditional and evolving approaches to the art of parenting practices and also showcases relatively neglected research on Eastern parenting practices. This book is important reading for childcare professionals such as health visitors, early years' teachers and those in mental health, as well as students in family studies and developmental psychology.
What impact can various research methods have on consumer psychology? How can they help us understand the workings of the consumer mind? And how can the field of consumer psychology best utilize these methods? In the Handbook of Research Methods in Consumer Psychology, leading consumer psychologists summarize key aspects of the research process and explain how different methods enrich understanding of how consumers process information to form judgments and opinions and to make consumption-related decisions. Kardes, Herr, and Schwarz provide an in-depth analysis of the scientific research methods needed to understand consumption-related judgments and decisions. The book is split into five parts, demonstrating the breadth of the volume: classic approaches, contemporary approaches, online research methods, data analysis, and philosophy of science. A variety of leading researchers give insight into a wide range of topics, reflecting both long-standing debate and more recent developments in the field to encourage discussion and the advancement of consumer research. The Handbook of Research Methods in Consumer Psychology is essential reading for researchers, students, and professionals interested in consumer psychology and behavior.
Nowadays, event history analysis can draw on a well-established set of statistical tools for the description and causal analysis of event history data. The second edition of Event History Analysis with Stata provides an updated introduction to event history modeling, along with many instructive Stata examples. Using the latest Stata software, each of these practical examples develops a research question, refers to useful substantive background information, gives a short exposition of the underlying statistical concepts, describes the organization of the input data and the application of the statistical Stata procedures, and assists the reader in performing a substantive interpretation of the obtained results. Emphasising the strengths and limitations of event history model techniques in each field of application, this book demonstrates that event history models provide a useful approach with which to uncover causal relationships or to map out a system of causal relations. It demonstrates how long-term processes can be studied and how changing context information on the micro, meso, and macro levels can be integrated easily into a dynamic analysis of longitudinal data. Event History Analysis with Stata is an invaluable resource for both novice students and researchers who need an introductory textbook and experienced researchers (from sociology, economics, political science, pedagogy, psychology, or demography) who are looking for a practical handbook for their research. |
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