Books > Health, Home & Family > Gardening > Specialized gardening methods
Fruit production is one of the most challenging areas of organic
growing, and those wanting to grow fruit organically have often
found it difficult to obtain the necessary technical information.
Essential reading for serious gardeners, smallholders, small-scale
organic growers and farmers wishing to diversify their crop range,
this book covers the organic cultivation of all of the most popular
pome and stone fruits, strawberries, cane and bush fruits. For each
fruit crop, advice and information is given on the latest suitable
varieties and rootstocks, growing systems, pruning and training,
crop care, harvesting, storage, pest and disease management.
Individual chapters cover organic principles and conversion, soil
fertility, crop nutrition, weed and habitat management, and
protected production. Also the market for organic fruit, retail
opportunities and other important outlets is analysed. A chapter by
Roy Cook is provided on the important subject of viticulture.
This inspirational book from Kew Gardens' tree expert is the
perfect guide to choosing and growing these essential garden
mainstays. With authoritative advice from Kew tree expert Tony
Kirkham and the Kew Gardens team, this is the ultimate companion to
growing and planting trees. In addition, there are twelve
tree-related projects to inspire every green-fingered gardener.
There is a place in every garden for a tree, but before buying it
is important to think about why and what you are planting and
where. Do you want to plant for privacy, as a single ornamental
specimen for seasonal interest or to attract wildlife? Such key
considerations are discussed by the Tony Kirkham, Head of the
Arboretum, Gardens & Horticultural Services at the Royal
Botanic Gardens, Kew. He also explains the practicalities of
growing a tree as well as describing and illustrating a wide range
of trees in detail, for every size of garden. The Kew Gardener's
Guide to Growing Trees is part of the Kew Gardener's Guide to
Growing series, a collection of books from Kew's top experts filled
with tips, projects and handy advice on a range of gardening
issues. Other titles include Growing Herbs, Growing House Plants,
Growing Vegetables, Growing Orchids and Growing Fruit.
Residences occupy a pivotal position in Japanese architecture. As
an extension of the residential space, the Japanese courtyard
garden is unique, featuring symbolic garden elements and designs
that date back to centuries. This book is a collection of more than
30 residential courtyard design works interpreted for the
modern-day home, sometimes extending beyond the traditional defines
of a Japanese courtyard. It not only selects a wealth of pictures,
which shows their visual beauty, but also provides technical
drawings to reflect the design in better detail. The Japanese
courtyard pursues the ultimate in being an area of calm, held in
nature's embrace, where one may reflect and rest in quietude to
contemplate the deeper meaning of life. And every rock arrangement,
tree placement, element/nature symbolised, and even scenery framed
is meticulously thought out to achieve this. This book seeks to
inspire residential and landscape designers to behold nature within
a home with fresh eyes and to let rest old methods as new
connections and perceptions are sought, in order to build a
different kind of residential space that draws on the essence of a
Japanese courtyard.
Wracked by guilt for breaking a childhood bond with her naturalist
father and fearful for the future of the planet in light of the
catastrophic impact of climate change, Annabel sets out on a
personal journey of redemption. She seeks to reconnect with nature
and wildlife in the one place she knows she can make a real
difference - her own, barren, neglected garden. Guided by her
eccentric, octogenarian neighbour, and with the ghost of her late
father never far from her thoughts, Annabel begins to rediscover
the therapeutic art of wildlife gardening. Her moving and often
very funny green odyssey travels from an idyllic nature-filled
childhood of hay meadows, hedgehogs and waxwings in the 1970s to
the present day where biodiversity loss is reaching crisis point.
The Guilty Gardener neatly blends quirky memoir with pertinent
observation of our natural world while showcasing the key to
successful wildlife gardening. Illustrated with exquisite line
drawings, it reminds us of the simple necessity and beauty of
nature and how rewilding can restore love, hope, even life itself.
"This book is a lovely demonstration of the importance of gardening
for wildlife and enjoying all the benefits this brings, both for
our natural world and also for our own wellbeing." Estelle Bailey,
CEO, Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust
This practical pocket guide includes 194 edible fruits, nuts and seeds,
flowers, greens and vegetables, herbs, roots, whole plants, fungi,
seaweeds and shellfish that you can forage in the UK and Europe.
Each species account includes accurate artworks and concise
descriptions outlining essential details to help you identify species
in the field, as well as information on where you can find species and
helpful tips on how to cook and bake with the food you forage.
The author's introduction offers practical advice on foraging safely
and legally and outlines how to prepare and preserve your foraged
foods, including making mead and jam, drying herbs, storing mushrooms
for later use and how to safely prepare foraged shellfish. The helpful
fold-out poster shows common edible species grouped by season and by
The healthier your plants, the happier you'll feel! A Beginner's
Guide to House Plants teaches you how to bring your indoor spaces
alive with lovely and easy-to-maintain plants -- and how to keep
them healthy. It provides detailed instructions on how you can
unleash the power of plants to energize and relax you, and how to
promote well-being by greening your environment. In this book
you'll find hundreds of useful tips, including: How to select the
right plants for your spaces and lifestyle Practical advice on
purchasing, potting and styling your plants How to care for many
different types of plants--from succulents and ferns to exotics A
mini field guide to over 60 popular plants you should know about
And so much more! Cultivating house plants can be both creative and
fun! Plant expert Ryusuke Sakaino provides tips on how to use
colors, textures, patterns and shapes to create a lush living
space, with one plant or many. His gorgeous photos will inspire you
to add greenery to every room in your home and office. No longer
just a pandemic hobby, plants deserve to be a permanent part of
your lifestyle!
Of the 25,000 known species of bee worldwide, only seven species
are honeybees. Bees and plants have a sophisticated and delicate
symbiosis. In recent years, the shrinking of green spaces has
endangered the honeybee. Now Planting for Honeybees shows you how
you can help these delightful pollinators to flourish by creating a
garden as a habitat for them. No matter how small or large your
space - from a window ledge in the city to a country garden - Sarah
Wyndham Lewis offers practical advice on which plants to grow, and
when and where to plant them. Charmingly illustrated with delicate
drawings, this a jewel of a guide to treasure.
Offering a broad perspective on how to make the best of the
precious resource of water in your garden, this book reveals how
conserving water in your garden does not necessarily restrict the
gardener to dry gravel beds, but can also involve lawns, leafy
crops, and flowery borders. Topics covered include the natural
science of water-efficient gardening, choosing a style and design,
water-efficient plants, and techniques to save on water.
The perfect book for any gardener looking to get back in touch with their wild side.
The rewilding of public spaces and farmland is vitally important to conservation, but how can we support native species and provide rich habitats on our own doorsteps?
In this practical, beautifully illustrated guide horticulturalist and Gardener's World presenter Frances Tophill shows you how to plan and maintain a beautiful garden that will attract bees and birds as well as a throng of unsung garden heroes. Whether you have a small balcony or a large open space, discover the joys of welcoming natural ecosystems back into your garden - along with a host of new visitors.
The essential elements of a dry Japanese garden are few: rocks,
gravel, moss. Simultaneously a sensual matrix, a symbolic form and
a memory theatre, these gardens exhibit beautiful miniaturization
and precise craftsmanship. However, their apparent minimalism
belies a deeper complexity. In Zen Landscapes, Allen S. Weiss takes
readers on a journey through these exquisite sites, explaining how
Japanese gardens must be approached according to the play of scale,
surroundings and seasons, as well as in relation to other arts,
thus revealing them as living landscapes rather than abstract
designs. These gardens are inspired by the Zen aesthetics of the
tea ceremony, manifested in poetry, painting, calligraphy,
architecture, cuisine and ceramics. Japanese art favours suggestion
and allusion, valuing the threshold between the distinct and the
inchoate, between figuration and abstraction, and Weiss argues that
ceramics play a crucial role here, relating as much to the
site-specificity of landscape as to the ritualized codes of the tea
ceremony and the everyday gestures of the culinary table. With more
than 100 stunning colour photographs, Zen Landscapes is the first
in-depth study in the West to examine the correspondences between
gardens and ceramics. A fascinating look at landscape art and its
relation to the customs and craftsmanship of the Japanese arts, it
will appeal to readers interested in landscape design and Japan's
art and culture.
Agrarian Landscapes in Transition researches human interaction with
the earth. With hundreds of acres of agricultural land going out of
production every day, the introduction, spread, and abandonment of
agriculture represents the most pervasive alteration of the Earth's
environment for several thousand years. What happens when humans
impose their spatial and temporal signatures on ecological regimes,
and how does this manipulation affect the earth and nature's desire
for equilibrium?
Studies were conducted at six Long Term Ecological Research sites
within the US, including New England, the Appalachian Mountains,
Colorado, Michigan, Kansas, and Arizona. While each site has its
own unique agricultural history, patterns emerge that help make
sense of how our actions have affected the earth, and how the earth
pushes back. The book addresses how human activities influence the
spatial and temporal structures of agrarian landscapes, and how
this varies over time and across biogeographic regions. It also
looks at the ecological and environmental consequences of the
resulting structural changes, the human responses to these changes,
and how these responses drive further changes in agrarian
The time frames studied include the ecology of the earth before
human interaction, pre-European human interaction during the rise
and fall of agricultural land use, and finally the biological and
cultural response to the abandonment of farming, due to complete
abandonment or a land-use change such as urbanization.
Written by commercial-scale grower Mel Thomas, "Cannabis
Cultivation" divulges the expertise, tips, and insight he learned
at the helm of one of the world's largest marijuana growing
operations. Ideal for beginners and anyone interested in learning
more about growing marijuana indoors, the book is free of technical
jargon and boring theory, and its step-by-step directions enable
anyone to grow and harvest the highest quality marijuana using
simple techniques and inexpensive, everyday gardening tools. All of
the important factors that influence growth rate, yield, and
potency are covered, including lighting, planting mediums, pH,
nutrients, water systems, air, and temperature. With extra focus on
small gardens and security, this is the perfect book for the home
grower and medical growers.
Landscape designer Owen Wormser explains how to replace the
deadscape we call lawn with low-maintenance, eco-friendly meadows.
In this second edition of his award-winning book, he includes
photos of meadows in progress plus more ways to cultivate your own
organic meadow. This how-to book on growing your own wildflowers
and native grasses is also about sustainability, regeneration, and
beauty. In a world where lawns have wreaked havoc on our natural
ecosystems, meadows offer a compelling solution. It is garden
landscaping that is beautiful, all year round. Meadows establish
wildlife and pollinator habitats, are low-maintenance and low-cost,
have a built-in resilience that helps them weather climate
extremes, and can draw down and store far more carbon dioxide than
any manicured lawn. Wormser describes how to plant an organic
meadow garden or traditional meadow, that's right for your site.
His book includes guidance on: Preparing your site Designing your
meadow Planting without using synthetic chemicals Growing 21
starter native grasses and wildflowers, including butterfly weed,
smooth blue aster, purple coneflower, wild bergamot, blue grama
grass, switchgrass, and many more Building support in neighborhoods
where a tidy lawn is the standard. He also shares 28 color photos
that highlight the multitude of ways you can cultivate your own
organic meadow. To illuminate the many joys of meadow-building,
Wormser draws on his own stories, including how growing up off the
grid in northern Maine, with no electricity or plumbing, prepared
him for his work.
Discover how to grow it yourself! Growing your own vegetables is a
rewarding venture that's both affordable and delicious, but a
novice gardener might not know where to begin. This is your no-fuss
guide to vegetable gardening. Do you want to learn how to start and
sustain your own vegetable garden throughout the year? This
vegetable gardening book for beginners will help you choose and
care for more than 40 different varieties, all specially selected
for successful growing. From vegetable garden must-haves to
less-common crops like edamame beans, this is a one-stop guide to
growing vegetables that are easy to grow! Discover detailed
information on how to sow, plant, feed, water, protect and harvest
your vegetables. You don't have to be a horticulture expert to get
started, this indispensable reference book will take you through
every single step! It includes: - Tips on how to care for more than
40 different vegetable varieties - Packed with practical,
jargon-free know-how and simple gardening techniques -
Easy-to-follow format to help grow your gardening knowledge Let It
Grow! Gorgeous, full-colour photography provides plenty of
inspiration and ideas for your patch! Expert tips and step-by-step
instructions on every page help make sure that you care for your
vegetables in the right way in order for them to grow. Grow Easy
Veg covers everything you need to know about growing herbs and
vegetables, while expert tips help you troubleshoot as you go. It's
the perfect book for first-time gardeners! Complete the Series:
Make your green-fingered dreams a reality with the Grow series from
DK. Learn how to brighten up even the trickiest areas in Grow
Containers, or discover how to garden more sustainably in Grow
Eco-Gardening. Alternatively, there are more titles to explore such
as Grow Pruning & Training and Grow Houseplants.
Natural swimming pools rely on the correct balance of living plants
and micro-organisms to clean and purify the water. They are easy
and less costly to maintain than chemical pools. Chlorine and other
common pool chemicals that are hazardous to human health are not
used. Natural pools are safe places for children to play and birds
to drink, and are a dramatic example of ecological design,
combining the natural and man-made worlds while creating beauty.
These pools offer enjoyment not only in the warm months, but during
winter, when they can be used for ice skating. Often the focal
point of a garden, a natural swimming pool blends into the
environment, flowing into the surroundings with plants and rocks.
It reflects the changing seasons and enhances the environment
naturally. This book is a necessary resource for people who
consider a natural swimming pool. It shows how the natural system
works to provide environmental, health, and safety benefits.
Drawings, diagrams, and charts help explain their planning, design,
biology, materials, construction, planting, and maintenance. Over
300 beautiful color photographs of natural pools will inspire your
own water garden, where you can swim in harmony with nature.
Using seasonal checklists and Charles Dowding's expert no-dig
advice, this month-by-month journal helps you plan bumper harvests
the no-dig way. From tomatoes to basil, carrots to coriander,
Charles Dowding, the UK's leading no-dig guru shows you how to grow
a year's worth of healthy, organic crops while preserving the
soil's integrity in this complete and comprehensive guide. Follow
simple steps to find success, growing more than 35 vegetables and
herbs in a range of easy and accessible projects suited to all
kinds of spaces and environments. Start a no-dig vegetable plot on
virgin or dug ground, improve the soil and become an expert mulcher
and weeder, as well as learning the techniques for intercropping,
companion planting, seed viability and crop succession. This
easy-to-follow step-by-step guide by one of Britain's top gardeners
is illustrated with photos to help you learn how to plan a
vegetable garden, construct a raised bed, sow seed indoors and
outdoors in spring, grow on young crops, protect plants from the
weather and pests through the season and, finally, celebrate the
joy of harvesting. Organised monthly from January to December, this
journal is full of key dates for sowing, staking, harvesting and
storing, as well as time-saving monthly checklists to help ensure a
successful no-dig harvest.
Add a touch of green to your office, bookshelf, coffee table or
dorm room with these adorable mini ecosystems! A Beginner's Guide
to Terrariums shows you how to create your own glass container
gardens with easy-to-understand instructions and over 230 inspiring
lifestyle photos. With this guide you'll learn all the basics,
including how to: Decorate using a variety of plants Combine
plants, rocks and other objects to achieve just the right look
Choose the right container for your plants Care for a variety of
plants, including low-maintenance ones like succulents, air plants
and mosses This book includes 52 projects that teach you how to
create a wide variety of terrariums--from open-air containers, like
bowls, to jars and hanging decorations. No matter how you choose to
display them, terrariums are a whimsical, easy and inexpensive
addition to your home.
A permaculture expert and popular YouTube Homesteader shares the
skills and the delights of becoming a part of your own food story
in this inspiring, accessible, and beautiful invitation to a more
abundant, healthy, and connected life. Have you ever wanted to
experiment with growing your own food but didn't think you had the
space, the time, or the knowledge? Justin Rhodes thought the same
thing--until after years battling systemic illness and struggling
to provide the kind of wholesome food he wanted for his family, he
bought a seed packet at the grocery store and was hooked! Justin
discovered the miraculous potential and empowerment of working with
nature to grow food for his family, and since that discovery, he
has shared his self-taught skills with hundreds of thousands of
growers via his popular YouTube channel and website. Whether you're
looking for greater food security, better health, tastier food, to
save or earn money, connect with your food source, this book is for
you. If you're looking for a different kind of life--a life focused
on health and wellness--take a look down the road less traveled.
Looking for every opportunity to pass his hard-earned knowledge
onto others, Justin Rhodes created this inspiring and practical
invitation to growing your own food and experiencing a more
connected, sustainable lifestyle, no matter where you live or how
much space you have. Filled with beautiful and inspiring
photographs from the Rhodes' homestead and chock full of resources,
including gardening plans, everything you need to know about
raising chickens, tips for how to get your kids involved, and even
recipes for how to serve up your home-grown goodness, The Rooted
Life provides you with the inspiration, the encouragement, and the
practical wisdom that you need to begin the journey to a more
rooted life.