Books > Humanities > Philosophy > Topics in philosophy
In WHY POLITICAL LIBERALISM?, Paul Weithman offers a fresh,
rigorous, and compelling interpretation of John Rawls's reasons for
taking his so-called "political turn". Weithman takes Rawls at his
word that justice as fairness was recast as a form of political
liberalism because of an inconsistency Rawls found in his early
treatment of social stability. He argues that the inconsistency is
best seen by identifying the threats to stability with which the
early Rawls was concerned. One of those threats, often overlooked
by Rawls's readers, is the threat that the justice of a
well-ordered society would be undermined by a generalized
prisoner's dilemma. Showing how the Rawls of "A Theory of Justice"
tried to avert that threat shows that the much-neglected third part
of that book is of considerably greater philosophical interest, and
has considerably more unity of focus, than is generally
appreciated. Weithman painstakingly reconstructs Rawls's attempts
to show that a just society would be stable, and just as carefully
shows why Rawls came to think those arguments were inconsistent
with other parts of his theory. Weithman then shows that the
changes Rawls introduced into his view between "Theory of Justice"
and "Political Liberalism" result from his attempt to remove the
inconsistency and show that the hazard of the generalized
prisoner's dilemma can be averted after all. Recovering Rawls's two
treatments of stability helps to answer contested questions about
the role of the original position and the foundations of justice as
fairness. The result is a powerful and unified reading of Rawls's
work that explains his political turn and shows his enduring
engagement with some of the deepest concerns of human life.
"Weithman has written a masterful work of Rawls scholarship. This
book will deepen our understanding of how and why Rawls
restructured his theory, and illuminate this fascinating transition
in the history of political philosophy." Leif Wenar, Chair of
Ethics, Kings College London "Weithman's reconstruction of Rawls's
arguments is masterful, convincing and in many ways revelatory.
Readers will find that the text provides compelling answers to a
lot of puzzling questions about Rawls's project that have lingered
for some time. Perhaps most importantly, Weithman gives the best
explanation to date of exactly why Rawls felt compelled to revise
his theory as he did." Colin Bird, Department of Politics,
University of Virginia
What can philosophy reveal about painting and how might it deepen
our understanding of this enduring art form? Philosophy of Painting
investigates the complex relationship between the painted surface
and the depicted subject, opening up current debates to address
questions concerning the historicality of art. Embracing
contemporary painting, it examines topics such as the post-medium
condition and the digital divide, and the work of artists such as
Lynette Yiadom-Boakye, Amy Sillman and Katharina Grosse.
Illustrated with 24 colour plates and highly readable throughout,
Philosophy of Painting provides a philosophically rigorous defence
of the relevance of painting in the 21st century, making an
original contribution to the major ideas informing painting as an
art. Here is a clear and coherent account of the contemporary
significance of painting and the pressures and possibilities that
distinguish it from other art forms.
Whereas rational choice theory has enjoyed considerable success in
economics and political science, due to its emphasis on individual
behavior sociologists have long doubted its capacity to account for
non-market social outcomes. Whereas they have conceded that
rational choice theory may be an appropriate tool to understand
strictly economic phenomena - that is, the kinds of social
interactions that occur in the gesellschaft- many sociologists have
contended that the theory is wholly unsuitable for the analysis of
the kinds of social interactions in the gemeinschaft - such as
those occurring in families, in social groups of all kinds, and in
society at large. In a variety of non-technical chapters, Rational
Choice Sociology shows that a sociological version of rational
choice theory indeed can make valuable contributions to the
analysis of a wide variety of non-market outcomes, including those
concerning social norms, family dynamics, crime, rebellion, state
formation and social order. 'Michael Hechter is one of the major
proponents of rational actor theory in the social sciences. The
book is a useful collection of some of the major articles that
cover important issues that are of general interest - in particular
collective action and social order. The book shows the wide range
of application of the theory and, hopefully, will contribute to
further increase its recognition as an important tool to explain
social phenomena.' - Karl-Dieter Opp, University of Leipzig,
Germany and University of Washington, US 'An early pioneer of
sociological rational choice, Michael Hechter has made seminal
contributions to rational choice theory over a career spanning
nearly 50 years. This book brings those contributions together in a
single volume. Although the chapters address a range of substantive
topics--fertility decisions, the value of children, collective
action, the genesis of mutiny, and state formation--at its core is
a deep concern with a fundamental question for social science: How
is social order, solidarity, and control possible in human
societies? This book provides a compelling answer from a rational
choice perspective.' - Ross L. Matsueda, University of Washington,
Almost 100 years have passed since Carl Schmitt gave his
controversial definition of the sovereign as the one who decides on
the exception in his by now classic Political Theology (1922).
Written at a time of crisis, the book sought to establish the
institution of sovereignty, not from within a well-functioning
governing machine of the state in a situation of normality, but
rather as the minimal condition of state order in the moment of
governmental breakdown. The book appeared anachronistic already at
its publication. Schmitt went against Max Weber's popular thesis
defining secularization as a disenchantment of the world
characterizing modern societies, and instead suggested that the
concepts of modern politics mirrored a metaphysics originating in
Christianity and the church. Nevertheless, the concept of political
theology has in recent years seen a revival as a field of research
in philosophy as well as political theory, as studies in the
theological sub-currents of politics, economics and sociality
Oxford Studies in Metaphysics is the forum for the best new work in
this flourishing field. OSM offers a broad view of the subject,
featuring not only the traditionally central topics such as
existence, identity, modality, time, and causation, but also the
rich clusters of metaphysical questions in neighbouring fields,
such as philosophy of mind and philosophy of science. Besides
independent essays, volumes will often contain a critical essay on
a recent book, or a symposium that allows participants to respond
to one another's criticisms and questions. Anyone who wants to know
what's happening in metaphysics can start here.
Adam Smith's theory on morals provides the philosophical bedrock
for his future works on economics, including his most famous book
The Wealth of Nations. Published in 1759, this work sees Smith
follow the lead of his tutor and mentor Francis Hutcheson. He
divides his ethical examinations into four broad categories: ethics
and virtue; private rights and natural liberties; rights of the
family; and state and individual rights. Although lesser known
compared to Adam Smith's later works, The Theory of Moral
Sentiments is an influential work of philosophy in its own right,
with the greatest effect being upon its author.
The second edition of this popular text, updated throughout and now
including Covid-19 and the 2020 presidential election and
aftermath, introduces students to the research into conspiracy
theories and the people who propagate and believe them. In doing
so, Uscinski and Enders address the psychological, sociological,
and political sources of conspiracy theorizing. They rigorously
analyze the most current arguments and evidence while providing
numerous real-world examples so students can contextualize the
current debates. Each chapter addresses important current
questions, provides conceptual tools, defines important terms, and
introduces the appropriate methods of analysis.
Allan Beever lays the foundation for a timely philosophical and
empirical study of the nature of law with a detailed examination of
the structure of evolving law through declaratory speech acts. This
engaging book demonstrates both how law itself is achieved and also
its ability to generate rights, duties, obligations, permissions
and powers. Structured into three distinct parts - the philosophy
of law and jurisprudence, the structure of the social word and the
ontology of law, and the reconstruction of the philosophy of law -
the author provides insight into law as a human institution and
reveals that central debates are often based on misunderstandings
of interpretation and intentionality. Inspired by the philosophy of
John Searle alongside other well-respected legal theorists, the
author also analyses both sides of the mainstream jurisprudential
divide in its current state, in particular the theory of legal
positivism. Examining all aspects of law and answering the
important question of 'What is Law?', this book will be an
invaluable resource for academics and advanced students in law
schools and philosophy departments.
This visionary book seeks to uncover the main barriers to achieving
greater social justice in existing twenty-first century capitalism.
Developing a comprehensive consequentialist theory of justice
applied to today's global situation, Mike Berry adopts the thesis
that, in order to move towards a more just world, the weaknesses of
liberal democracy must be overcome through reconstructing robust,
resilient social democracies. Arguing for the necessary
interrelation of justice and democracy, the book presents a
detailed analysis of the development of and threats to western
democracy in the current phase of global capitalism. Chapters offer
a progressive case for a reconstructed social democracy, rather
than piecemeal reform of existing liberal democratic regimes. Berry
examines how the oligarchic trajectory of capitalism must be
stymied through radical institutional change and continual
monitoring. The book concludes that this is a continuing political
project, calling for new modes of mobilisation and the ecological
emergence of new values and world views. Introducing the critical
role of uncertainty and the relevance of real time to the question
of progress defined as increasing justice, this book will be
critical reading for scholars and students of political philosophy,
political economy and public policy. It will also be beneficial for
progressive policy makers and advisers questioning existing policy
platforms and settings.
Utilizing the ethos of human rights, this insightful book captures
the development of the moral imagination of these rights through
history, culture, politics, and society. Moving beyond the focus on
legal protections, it draws attention to the foundation and
understanding of rights from theoretical, philosophical, political,
psychological, and spiritual perspectives. The book surveys the
changing ethos of human rights in the modern world and traces its
recent histories and process of change, delineating the ethical,
moral, and intellectual shifts in the field. Chapters incorporate
and contribute to the debates around the ethics of care,
considering some of the more challenging philosophical and
practical questions. It highlights how human rights thinkers have
sought to translate the ideals that are embodied in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights into action and practice.
Interdisciplinary in nature, this book will be critical reading for
scholars and students of human rights, international relations, and
philosophy. Its focus on potential answers, approaches, and
practices to further the cause of human rights will also be useful
for activists, NGOs, and policy makers in these fields.