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ESSENTIALS OF STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES, 10th Edition delivers straightforward instruction, hands-on learning tools and real-world examples to help you go beyond memorizing formulas to truly understanding the hows and whys of statistics. Giving extra focus to the topics students typically struggle with most, the authors take time to fully explain statistical concepts. Integrated applications reinforce concepts, offering further support to ensure that even those with a weak background in mathematics can fully grasp statistics. The authors also illustrate how an understanding of statistical procedures will help you comprehend published findings -- ultimately leading you to become a savvy consumer of information.
What is the relationship between logistics and supply chain management? What factors need to be taken into account when designing a supply chain? How do you forecast your supply chain requirements? What inventory concepts do you need to know? Business Logistics Management fifth edition covers concepts and theories relating to the movement of goods, and the coordination of the supply chain. Features:
A guide to writing good dissertations. The approach is both practical and sensible. The entire dissertation process is broken down into manageable pieces. What to do, when to do it, the sense behind doing it, and how to do it efficiently are explained in a clear and easily understood way. Checklists and online support are included:
This title is meant to convey the emphasis which is now placed on the valuable contents of the safe (the information) rather than just on the safe in which those contents are stored (the computer). It should also convey to potential readers the impact of information communication technologies on the law, the increasing importance of telecommunications law and legal aspects of electronic commerce and the convergence between these fields and IT law.
The Law of Business Structures provides a comprehensive but simplified treatment of the different types of business structures in South African law. Partnerships, business trusts, close corporations and companies, whether large or small, whether profit-making or non-profit-making, are discussed. This includes modern corporate governance best practices and even an updated analysis of insider trading and market manipulation. The proposed new Companies Amendment Bill of 2021, which was published when this new edition was nearing completion, is also discussed wherever relevant. In the nine years since the publication of the first edition of The Law of Business Structures, there has been extensive judicial development of many provisions of the Companies Act 71 of 2008. This second edition has been updated to include a discussion and analysis of the leading cases on the subject. Much of the material on this subject, particularly company law, has been updated. The prime, original aim of keeping complex theoretical analysis and debate to a minimum has been retained. A highlight of this book is that legal doctrines and principles are expounded in a lucid and coherent way and stated, wherever possible, in simple terms.
A workbook on the process of writing research and the journey a dissertation researcher has to take. Underlying themes are scholarship, thinking and writing. Aimed at students completing Master's degrees, doctoral candidates and also supervisors of research.
The 5th edition of the classic STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS by Aslam Kassamali teaches students the basic principles of structural analysis using the classical approach. The chapters are presented in a logical order, moving from an introduction of the topic to an analysis of statically determinate beams, trusses and rigid frames, to the analysis of statistically indeterminate structures. The text includes solved problems to help illustrate the fundamental concepts. Access to interactive software for analyzing plane framed structures is available for download via the text's companion website.
International marketing combines foundational marketing theory and practice and illustrates the latest advances in international trade agreements and legislation with specific reference to the Southern African region. The text combines foundational international marketing theory with practical experience. International marketing is the only South African-based textbook written by a team of South African academics and practitioners.
South African Constitutional Law in Context (2nd Edition) offers a comprehensive, clear, and concise introduction to the study of South African constitutional law. Situated within a framework of historical, political, social and economic context, the text invites readers to discover the meaning, operation and effects of the South African Constitution, and to understand its critical importance and potential. The text balances an accurate description of the most authoritative interpretation of the constitutional text with a critical and enquiring approach, providing depth and diversity of perspective, and engaging readers in an interactive, topical and stimulating manner. The second edition is developed to ensure greater accessibility, clarity and depth of understanding. The work engages with the many developments, debates and issues that have emerged within the recent period, including discourse and debates relating to the merits of constitutional supremacy, transformative constitutionali sm, and constitutional protection of private property.
The Corporate Governance Handbook best practices is not intended to replace good corporate legislation but to supplement legislation such as the Companies Act. The Companies Act is statutory law whereas corporate governance best practices including govern
TEACHERS DISCOVERING COMPUTERS: INTEGRATING TECHNOLOGY IN A CHANGING WORLD, EIGHTH EDITION introduces future educators to technology and digital media in order to help them successfully teach the current generation of digital students.
Hiedie handboek is gebaseer op die opvoedkundige vereistes van die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut van Geoktrooieerde Rekenmeesters vir toelating tot ATB (Aanvanlike Toets van Bevoegdheid (of in Engels “Initial Test of Competence” (ITC)) van die Kwalifiserende Eksamen van die SAIGR. Dit bevat wysigings aan standpunte en wetgewing tot en met Junie 2018.
Now in its third edition, Woods and West's The Psychology of Work and Organizations provides students with a complete introduction to how psychology can help us to better understand the world of work and to change it for the better. Work psychology has the potential to help people be more productive and prosperous in their jobs, to derive joy from work, flourish rather than languish as a result of their work lives, and to ensure the effectiveness and adaptability of work organizations. Ensuring organizations support environmental concerns, enable positive approaches to equality, diversity and inclusion, and achieve the benefits of new technologies are key themes of this new edition. The authors address these issues with an engaging, optimistic and very accessible approach.
What is Public Administration? How does Public Management operate? Who are the key role-players? What are the principles, and how are these applied practically in the developmental context of South Africa? Addressing the broad topics that form the foundations of Public Administration and Management in South Africa, this text introduces and critically explores all foundational and functional aspects of the development, theories, principles, concepts, approaches and structure of public administration. Key topic areas are accessed in dedicated chapters to provide a solid grounding in the discipline. Students are orientated in the theoretical foundations of public administration and the practical implementation of public management in developmental South Africa, across local, provincial and national government spheres. Covering the role and function of core aspects of public administration and management, topics addressed include: public decision-making; service delivery and policy implementation; leadership and control; human resources management; public financial management; and ethics in the public sector. An expertly designed pedagogical framework supports and develops important academic skills such as critical thinking, practical application and data interpretation. Presented in a real, applied and visual manner, this engaging text is the essential introduction for all students of BAdmin, BA, BSocSci or BCom degrees in public administration and public management.
Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications, South African Edition provides a contemporary view of the role and importance of marketing communications. Emerging topics such as the enormous popularity of social media outlets, online and digital practices, viral communications, and personal selling - along with all of their effects on traditional marketing - are also discussed in this edition.
Using teaching scenarios this book highlights the complex journey a novice teacher has to undertake to become a competent practitioner in the face of the daily intricacies and messiness of teaching. Scenarios expose teacher education students to the realities of the classroom. This expanded second edition explores the multiple roles of the teacher and can be used to good effect to train students to become engaged and excellent teachers.
The intermediate phase is a critically important period in schooling, when most learners make the transition from learning in their home language to using English as the language of learning and teaching. Learners and teachers find it a daunting time. There are language and literacy challenges in learning English as a subject, in addition to the linguistic complexities of classrooms in urban areas. Recent research has indicated that many intermediate phase learners are also still not fluent readers. Teaching English: As A First Additional Language In The Intermediate And Senior Phase will support teachers in overcoming these classroom challenges. The book starts by exploring who the Intermediate and Senior Phase learner is – physically, socially, emotionally and cognitively – and then focuses on the skills of reading and viewing, writing, and speaking and listening. In addition, the text:
Teaching English: As A First Additional Language In The Intermediate And Senior Phase is suitable for preservice teachers completing a BEd or a PGCE. In-service teachers will also find it useful.
This criminal law casebook contains excerpts from the most important South African judgments on criminal law. Some shorter judgments are printed in full. Each case is preceded by a brief summary of the facts in the law followed by a note explaining the importance of the judgment. Afrikaans judgments are translated into English. The book also contains an introduction explaining the meanings of important concepts and expressions found in judgments. This is of great value to students who are inexperienced in reading judgments. The four previous editions of this casebook have proven to be an ideal and necessary aid in the study of criminal law.
Performance management is, by its very nature, a contentious and emotionally charged topic. Because the lines between management and appraisal are often blurred, performance management tends to get cast in a harsh and negative light, creating anxiety and distrust that defeats the object. Performance management: A contemporary South African perspective examines the practice of performance management in the modern South African workplace and how to balance the positive with its more challenging negative facets. Performance management: A contemporary South African perspective explores various aspects of performance management systems and processes. It highlights best practice and innovative ideas for implementation that will enable managers, employees and teams to achieve success and improve results. Examples and real-life scenarios provide practical guidelines and applications. Contents include the following:
Performance management: A contemporary South African perspective is aimed at senior undergraduate as well as postgraduate students at further and higher education institutions within South Africa. It will also serve as a valuable resource to human resource practitioners and managers.
Labour Relations in South Africa provides a thorough, engaging introduction to the science and practice of labour relations in South Africa. The fifth edition presents a more critical and reflective approach, engaging with the various issues, shifts, and seismic events which have impacted this dynamic field in recent years. The text's view is expanded to encompass a multi-faceted perspective, relating to business science, law, economics, and sociology, and to focus more specifically on the context and dynamics of a developing country.
In the developed world, which is a mature market, many businesses are finding that opportunities for growth have declined. As a result, they are seeking growth opportunities in developing economies. Africa is an emerging market, with some countries outpacing developed nations in economic growth. It has the fastest growing population and an exploding middle class with more disposable income. The continent is open for business and has become an investment destination of choice. Marketing in Africa covers the key aspects of marketing in non-traditional markets and explains important marketing concepts. The book is about understanding the lucrative African markets, including informal markets, and how to market to them.
This book is a custom publication and consists of material and extracts from the following Oxford University Press SA titles: Introduction to Business Management and Principles of Business Management.
This book consists of three parts.
Part One: Legislation Legislation includes the Companies Act No. 71 of 2008, Close Corporations Act No. 69 of 1984, Auditing Profession Act No. 26 of 2005 and Public Finance Management Act No.1 of 1999.
The world of integrated marketing communication (IMC) has changed dramatically over the last 10 years, due in large part to the expansion and advances in digital media technology. These changes have affected clients, consumers and advertisers alike. Marketing Communication: An integrated approach 2nd edition deals with the past, present and future of IMC and the impact this has had on the pace and demands of effective persuasive communication in the current digital age. It is also the first IMC textbook to cover in detail alternative communication strategies and how their unconventional and disruptive tactics have been integrated into our daily lives. Self-study questions per chapter have also been included in this edition. |
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