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This book presents an accessible introduction to the fundamentals of financial accounting for South African students. It covers the basic concepts underlying financial statements and the terminology and methods that allow students to interpret, analyse and evaluate financial statements. This edition aligns with international financial reporting standards to provide students with an up-to-date and appropriate foundation to financial accounting.
Loved by many students across South Africa, the new edition of Psychology Themes and Variations offers a superb thematic organisation together with practical applications and South African examples that assist in seeing beyond research to big-picture concepts. The text surveys psychology's broad range of content with three aims: to illuminate the process of research and its relationship to application; to show both the unity and diversity of psychology's subject matter; and to help students master the basic concepts and principles of psychology with as little struggle as possible.
This publication covers accounting standards, interpretations and updates issued by the IASB. It is aimed at both the undergraduate and postgraduate student, practising accountants, financial analysts, credit providers and the wider business community. Each chapter includes practical examples, with journal entries where appropriate, that demonstrate the more important principles.
The ongoing international harmonisation and improvements projects have seen a proliferation of revised and re-revised standards, interpretations and exposure drafts. This edition has been updated for all relevant standards.
This textbook is suitable as the main study reference for Financial Management courses, or the financial management-part of Management Accounting courses, ranging from second-year undergraduate courses (registered at NQF6, level six of the National Qualifications Framework) up to and including postgraduate courses (at NQF8). The more advanced sections of this book are clearly labelled as such.
This book has been compiled to assist students at tertiary institutions in South Africa with their studies in auditing.
Professional Chef Level 1 Diploma, 2nd edition follows on from the extremely well received 1st edition and ensures learners have the foundation of theoretical and practical knowledge they need to start a successful career. This edition provides clear mapping to Level 1 VRQ units on the revised QCF while maintaining a clear, easy to follow style and the popular pedagogical features such as `Chefs Tips', Health & Safety and `Quality Points'. Building on the previous edition, this textbook boasts updated images and recipes, expanded information on careers and the catering industry, extended glossary and much more! For the complete blended learning solution this book can be used alongside Professional Chef Online which is designed to support students and tutors and make theory interactive and engaging. This solution offers a host of resources including quizzes, online games, a searchable eBook, bonus recipes, an interactive food map of the British Isles, and over 140 video master chef classes!
Nursing care remains at the cutting edge of science as innovations in patient care continuously evolve. However, fundamental and general skills are still necessary to develop the clinical reasoning skills a nurse requires in order to provide safe, high-quality care to patients and communities. All chapters include updated information where appropriate. New topics include the latest methods in infection control, information on electronic patient records, the ethical use of social media and a review of nutritional information.
In the third volume of this series, Media Studies, the emphasis is on media content and media audiences. Media content and media audiences (or users) are covered from methodological and theoretical perspectives. For the revised reprint of this volume, a new introduction has been included to highlight the relevance of the current content and to contextualise within it the content of Volume 4 Social (New) Media and Mediated Communication Today (2017). Part 1 of the book deals with: quantitative content analysis; communication and media semiotics; media, language and discourse; media and visual literacy; visual text analysis; textual analysis: narrative and argument; narrative analysis; film theory and criticism Part 2 deals with: media audience theory (dealing with the uses and gratification theory, reception theory and ethnography); questionnaire surveys in media research; field research in media studies; measuring media audiences; psychoanalysis and television as an illustration of an applied theoretical approach in media audience research.
Introduction to Business Management is a market-leading textbook which is used widely at both universities and universities of technology. It is an introductory level text which provides a contextual framework of the business environment and topical themes before delving into the management functions in more detail. It also offers a broad overview of the main principles of the business functions, namely operations management, human resource management, marketing management, financial management and purchasing and supply chain management. The new edition takes into account the changed business environment, including the advances in technology, the impact of Covid, the changing nature of work, the emphasis on sustainable development, and updated legislation. In particular, the chapters on entrepreneurship, the business environment, planning, leading, human resource management, and purchasing and supply management have been updated to reflect the current business world.
Family Law in South Africa, second edition, offers a clear and accessible introduction to the principles of family law in South Africa. The second edition is thoroughly updated and revised to reflect developments within the recent period, and includes a new chapter relating to surrogacy, IVF, and other forms of non-natural reproduction. This revised edition introduces a more integral and expanded synthesis of common law and African customary law, throughout, and includes a new chapter that discusses customary law rights, responsibilities and ritual pertaining to children. Where relevant, aspects of legal ethics, social justice, problem solving, and comparative law are foregrounded, at the appropriate level, and critical, reflective and skills-based development is supported by the text’s unique pedagogical design.
Why do the Japanese play rugby? How did Einstein help create Eskom? Who is the richest man in history? Johan Fourie explores these questions and many more in this revised and expanded second edition of his bestseller Our Long Walk to Economic Freedom – an entertaining, accessible economic history spanning everything from the human migration out of Africa 100 000 years ago to the present. This enriching journey through an African-centred history reveals the roots and reasons for prosperity. Why does one group flourish, but another continues to struggle? Do we have better lives than our ancestors? Fourie shows in his unique and engaging style why the builders of societies – rather than the burglars – ultimately win.
Planning and Control Techniques incorporating PMBOK 6ed, APM BoK 6ed and the latest planning software. Project management systems approach for managing a range of projects – including industry 4.0 artificial intelligence (AI) projects. Project Management Techniques (Third College Edition) has been written for the experienced project manager responsible for producing the project’s deliverables on time, within budget and to the required quality as outlined in the project charter. At this level, the project manager needs to know how to develop and manage a planning and control system that integrates all the team members, resources, contractors, suppliers, stakeholders and components of the project. This book will help the project manager develop decision-making skills to trade-off conflicting parameters and individual plans to enable the project to converge on an optimum project plan, build-method and execution strategy. Reporting to the project sponsor or programme manager, the project manager is appointed as the project’s single point of responsibility and authorized to use company resources as outlined in the project charter. The new edition of 'Project Management Techniques' (Third College Edition) is aligned to:
The questions in this book are based on the Income Tax Act 1962, the Tax Administration Act 2011, the Value-Added Tax Act 1991, the Estate Duty Act 1955 and the Transfer Duty Act 1949, incorporating amendments up to and including the Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill [B26 €“ 2020].
The book is divided into two volumes. Volume 1 deals with the concepts, principles and procedures of financial accounting. Volume 2 (suitable for NQF level 6) deals with accounting for partnerships, close corporations, branches and manufacturing entities.
Administrative Justice in South Africa 2e offers a clear, comprehensive and applied explanation of the principles and framework of administrative justice in South Africa. The text addresses both judicial and non-judicial means for control and enforcement, as well as procedural aspects of administrative law. Practical in its approach, the text provides valuable focus on the application of principles in case law, problem-solving methodology and specific procedural aspects of administrative justice. The second edition includes a new, unique chapter that considers the implications of administrative justice for the creation of administrative mandates, as opposed to mere control of administrative action once taken, thus employing administrative justice in a more proactive manner. The text offers a clear pedagogical framework that develops independent, critical and reflective engagement with the subject matter. A strong conceptual and enquiring approach enriches knowledge and engages re aders in an interactive, topical and challenging manner. Additional, high-value educational resources support learning and teaching, further assisting students to develop the academic skills required to master their studies.
Is South Africa's democracy consolidating or is it part of the third wave of democratic reversals? Do you understand the structure and functions of the various spheres of the South African government and the importance of the 1996 Constitution? What role did women play in the South African journey to democracy? What are the socio-economic contexts of political life in South Africa? Why were civil society, the independent media and the Public Protector so important for South African society during the nine years of state capture? How has the political landscape changed in South Africa following the 2019 national elections? South African Politics: An Introduction 2e provides an overview of political and socio-economic developments in South Africa, spanning from apartheid and the liberation history, the negotiated transition to the process of democratisation, to the recent state capture and the 2019 national elections. Written by respected country-expert academics using accessible language, the book focuses on political institutions, socio-economic contexts, and political culture, all within the framework of democratic development.
Significantly revised and updated, this second edition of "Management for Engineers, Scientists and Technologists" is vital reading for all students of any of these subjects hoping to make it in the real world. Increasingly, students of engineering, science and technology subjects are finding that their success depends as much on general management skills and understanding operational systems as on their technical expertise. This book offers students that all- important firm foundation in management training. "Management for Engineers, Scientists and Technologists" offers a practical and accessible introduction to management and provides a comprehensive guide to the management tools used in managing people and other resources. Part 1 includes a series of chapters on management applications and concepts, starting with basic issues such as 'What is a business?' and 'What is management?', continuing through management of quality, materials and new product development and concluding with examples of successful companies who provide good models of management. Part 2 considers human resource management and communications, introduces tools and techniques for managing machines and materials, examines financial management, describes the procedures and tools of project management, analyses the supply system and the processes of inventory control, studies business planning and marketing, and concludes with a new chapter on the management of SMEs. The authors' significant experience in both teaching and industry provides valuable lessons in business management, and allows them to provide case studies with real insight.
The specific purpose this book is to combine in one volume the provisions of the Income Tax Act 58 of 1962, as it applies to individuals and businesses for the year of assessment ending 28 Feb. It is written for undergraduate students using simple language and the relevant sections of the Act are provided and explained in simple terms.
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