Books > Arts & Architecture > Art forms, treatments & subjects
Scottish architect Charles Rennie Mackintosh is renowned for his
architectural achievements on a public and domestic scale, interior
design, and furniture design. This book reviews his work in
context, and considers how his ideas can be interpreted. His
handling of colour, use of materials, and graphic approach to form
are explored, and photographs show original designs and plans.
Inspired by nature, fired by the ideals of the Arts and Crafts
movement, rooted in the vernacular traditions of his native region,
Mackintosh's genius was to forge an entirely new style for a new
age. Radical but intensely personal, his architecture, interiors
and furnishings retain all their essential vigour nearly a century
after they were first conceived. In this compelling study Elizabeth
Wilhide considers Mackintosh's sensitive handling of colour, robust
use of materials and graphic approach to form. The abundance of
photographs of original schemes still in existence provide direct
inspiration. His items of furniture are icons of early modern
design and suppliers and listed for those currently in production.
Die skrywer gee aanwysings vir alles van stempel- en stensilwerk
tot verskeie reliefdrukwerkmetodes, insluitend lino-,
tekstuurplaat- en kallograafdrukwerk, asook vier soorte
skermdrukwerk. Hierbenewens is daar projekte met son- en sianotipe
drukwerk en kan jy leer hoe om roes en plantmateriaal vir
"eko"-tipe afdrukke te gebruik . Daar is 'n unieke benadering tot
oordragmetodes en gewysigde afdrukke wat hierdie druktegnieke baie
toeganklik maak. Verreweg die grootste en opwindendste deel van die
boek is die oor mono-afdrukke en monotipe afdrukke, met die klem op
gela-afdrukke. Angie Franke gebruik haar gelatienbasis-drukkussings
(die resep is ingesluit), asook Gelli Plate-drukkussings en
klei-afdrukke om monodrukwerktegnieke op vele verskillende maniere
aan te bied. Hiermee saam gebruik sy ander prosesse in die boek om
'n fassinerende eindproduk te skep: laag-op-laag ryklik
gekombineerde kleurafdrukke wat met stempel-, stensil-, maskeer- en
tekstuurplaat-toerusting geskep word. Die aanwysings is maklik om
te volg en die manjifieke foto's sal 'n ieder en 'n elk inspireer
om afdrukmakery op die proef te stel.
Continuing its distinguished tradition of focusing on central
political, sociological, and cultural issues of Jewish life in the
last century, Volume XXVI of the annual Studies in Contemporary
Jewry examines the visual revolution that has overtaken Jewish
cultural life in the twentieth century onwards, with special
attention given to the evolution of Jewish museums. Bringing
together leading curators and scholars, Visualizing and Exhibiting
Jewish Space and History treats various forms of Jewish
representation in museums in Europe and the United States before
the Second World War and inquires into the nature and proliferation
of Jewish museums following the Holocaust and the fall of Communism
in Western and Eastern Europe. In addition, a pair of essays
dedicated to six exhibitions that took place in Israel in 2008 to
mark six decades of Israeli art raises significant issues on the
relationship between art and gender, and art and politics. An
introductory essay highlights the dramatic transformation in the
appreciation of the visual in Jewish culture. The scope of the
symposium offers one of the first scholarly attempts to treat this
theme in several countries.
Also featured in this volume are a provocative essay on the nature
of antisemitism in twentieth-century English society; review essays
on Jewish fundamentalism and recent works on the subject of the
Holocaust in occupied Soviet territories; and reviews of new titles
in Jewish Studies..
Resin jewellery is very easy to make and the technique is
incredibly versatile. Popular craft author Sara Naumann shows you
how to make beautiful pieces of jewellery for men and women, using
simple techniques and inexpensive materials. Great fun and quick to
make, you can add paper, fabric, photographs, shells, dried
flowers, nail polish and more to the resin, producing
professional-looking and stylish pieces that are totally unique.
There are more than 50 projects to inspire you to create your own
resin jewellery for yourself, or as gifts for family and friends.
Ideal for beginners and more experienced crafters, prepare to
become addicted!
“Dis ontspannende terapie om vrylik te krabbel en in te kleur.” So
se Marleen Visser, die kunstenaar. “My krabbels is spontane,
verbeeldingryke lyntekeninge, persepsies en drome van die
alledaagse lewe. Laat jou innerlike kind die klein stories binne-in
ontdek en verken. Laat die kreatiewe reis jou inspireer en jou hart
en gedagtes na wonderlike, nuwe plekke meevoer.”
“Dis ontspannende terapie om vrylik te krabbel en in te kleur.” So
se Marleen Visser, die kunstenaar. “My krabbels is spontane,
verbeeldingryke lyntekeninge, persepsies en drome van die
alledaagse lewe. Laat jou innerlike kind die klein stories binne-in
ontdek en verken. Laat die kreatiewe reis jou inspireer en jou hart
en gedagtes na wonderlike, nuwe plekke meevoer.”
Painted Caves, a beautifully illustrated introduction to the oldest
art of Western Europe, charts the historical background to the
acceptance of a Palaeolithic age for the very ancient paintings
found in caves. Offering an up-to-date overview of the geographical
distribution of the sites found in southern France and the Iberian
Peninsula, and examples known in Britain, Italy, Romania, and
Russia, Lawson's expert study is not restricted to the art in
caves, but places this art alongside the engravings and sculptures
found both on portable objects and on rock faces in the open air.
Written from an archaeological perspective, the volume stresses how
the individual images cannot be considered in isolation, but should
rather be related to their location and other evidence that might
provide clues to their significance. Although many scholars have
put forward ideas as to the meaning and function of the art, Lawson
discusses some of the substantive theories and offers glimpses of
his own experience in the field and enduring fascination for the
Christmas Carols are one of the most visible parts of Christianity,
instantly recognisable to church-goers and others alike. Over the
years many fine new musical settings have emerged, but the words
remain the same. Kevin Carey has been inspired to create a second
anthology of new and vibrant lyric poetry that will delight those
eager to renew their Christmas Spirit. This book is a perfect
stocking-filler, containing over 50 poems that guide us through
from Advent to Christmas and Epiphany. Scattered throughout the
text are illustrations by Kevin Sheehan. KEVIN CAREY is the
Chairman of RNIB, the UK's leading blindness charity, and a Reader
in his parish church. He has been a Member of General Synod, and is
a chorister, theologian, novelist, and classical music critic.
In this fully revised and expanded book, Nicholas Beer examines the
sight-size portrait method, in which the artist stands back at a
distance to view the picture and sitter side-by-side and to scale.
Nick demonstrates the technique in a series of projects that
culminate in portrait painting. There are also sections on the
history of sight-size, early treatises on portraiture, and the
'philosophy' of seeing. This new edition also includes a 'starts
and studies' section, which looks at a series of unfinished
paintings in detail to analyse the thought processes and techniques
of great artists.
Sandy Griffiths deel eietydse, oorspronklike idees vir 'n
verskeidenheid piouter-juwele. Daar is oorbelle, armbande,
borsspelde en hangers te kies en te keur. Maak hulle vir jouself of
as 'n seer gewaardeerde geskenk. 20 projekte, meestal met foto's
van variasies; diagramme vir al die ontwerpe ingesluit; maklik om
te maak, steeds stylvol en elegant.
Handwerkmetaal het eindelose versierpotensiaal. Dit is buigsaam en
kan om bykans enige oppervlak gevou of daarop geplak word. Hierdie
boek fokus op gekleurde handwerkmetaal - hoe dit versier kan word
met bosseleerwerk, uitsnywerk, die byvoeg of wegneem van kleur,
3D-ontwerpe wat ingevul word en vele meer - en hoe jy daarmee
unieke items vir jou tuiste kan skep. Leer meer oor metaal en items
waarop dit aangebring kan word, hoe om die nodige gereedskap te
gebruik, en hoe om verskeie tegnieke toe te pas wat almal gebruik
kan word om die meer as 50 dekoratiewe of funksionele items te
skep. Die oorspronklike projekte is spesifiek ontwerp en geskep om
die groot verskeidenheid tegnieke en toepassings te demonstreer,
soos: Die oordra en natrek van ontwerpe; Hoe om met eenvoudige
handgereedskap tekstuur te skep; Die gebruik van bosseleerapparaat
soos die cuttlebug om tekstuur, patrone en uitsnywerk te skep;
Afrondingstegnieke soos skuurwerk, veroudering en verf; Herwinning
en hergebruik; Wenke en raad om prosesse te vereenvoudig. Daar is
projekte vir alle vaardigheidsvlakke, van beginners tot gesoute
handwerkers, en maklike items wat blitsvinnig gemaak kan word tot
meesterstukke wat langer sal neem om te voltooi. Manjifieke foto's
van die voltooide items sal jou inspireer en jy kan danksy die
stap-vir-stap foto's en aanwysings sommer dadelik aan die werk
This title offers easy-to-follow instructions for knotted bracelets
with embroidery floss. These colourful bracelets are fun for kids
and teens.
Get up close to the beauty and detail of nature through the artwork
of award-winning UK artist, Julia Trickey. See how ordinary and
sometimes overlooked subjects, such as leaves and fading flowers,
can be centre stage and come to life in this beautiful showcase of
some of Julia's best-loved botanical watercolours. Having been a
tutor of botanical art for many years, teaching as far afield as
Moscow and New York, Julia loves to help others explore the
potential of watercolour and to discover the keys to a good
botanical portrait. In this book she shares some of these insights
as well as the motivation behind her favourite projects, together
with some of the processes and watercolour techniques involved.
Take inspiration from these glowing, contemporary watercolours in a
book that is both beautiful and useful.
Decoupage, een van die gewildste handwerksoorte wat onlangs weer sy
verskyning gemaak het, is ideaal om bykans enigiets te versier: van
klein kissies tot groot meubelstukke. Dit skop af met materiaal en
toerusting, die voorbereiding van basisse, kies van servette,
papier en lap, snytegnieke en hoe om die regte produk vir jou
projek te kies en bespreek dan meer as 50 aanvallige projekte met
duidelike stap-vir-stap-aanwysings en lieflike foto's van die
eindproduk. Met die huidige fokus op herwinning is decoupage 'n
prettige en maklike manier om enigiets 'n nuwe baadjie te gee omdat
dit op so 'n groot verskeidenheid oppervlakke kan werk - van glas
en plastiek tot lap en hout. Danksy die beskikbaarheid van soveel
doelspesifieke produkte kan jy die tradisionele en nuwe tegnieke
kombineer in 'n legio moontlikhede. Die boek is geskik vir
beginners, en 'n sekere bron van inspirasie vir meer gevorderede
handwerkers. Die projekte wissel van plekmatjies en blikke, tot
groter projekte soos stoele, 'n bedkopstuk en 'n fotomuur.
The new edition of Jenny Keal's popular book Painting with Pastels
is an inspiring and creative introduction to painting in this
medium. Focusing on soft (chalk) pastels, this clear,
simple-to-understand book encourages you to explore the materials
and methods needed to get started with pastels. Jenny begins by
introducing you to a variety of techniques and looks at sketchbooks
and photographs as a way of gathering source material. There are
then five stunning step-by-step projects for the reader to choose
from, covering a range of subjects from flowers to landscapes and
coastal scenes. Here you will learn about creating atmosphere,
colour, tone, composition and perspective, and before you realise
it you will have all the skills you need to create your own
beautiful pastel paintings. Size: 216 mm x 292 mm Format:
Paperback, 112pp ISBN-13: 978-1782216216 Publisher: Search Press
This book is a highly practical step-by-step guide to working with
gouache. Not only does this book teach and inspire novice painters,
but it also introduces more experienced artists to the advantages
of using this much overlooked, but wonderful, medium. Gouache is
water-based, quick-drying and can be painted light over dark as
well as dark over light. Ideal for the beginner, it can be used
thinly in a watercolour style, or more thickly as with oils or
acrylics. This guide covers all the materials and tools required
and has a comprehensive techniques section that includes overlaying
colours, colour blending and troubleshooting. Experienced author
Jeremy Ford takes you through three simple, step-by-step projects,
each showcasing a unique style of painting with gouache. Numerous
finished paintings are included to demonstrate the range of
subjects, styles and techniques that you can achieve. While
offering practical examples, this book encourages you to develop
your own style of painting using this exciting medium. Size: 216 mm
x 280 mm Format: Paperback, 144pp ISBN-13: 9781782214540 Publisher:
Search Press
This excellent guide is designed to help artists get started with
the four popular writing styles of Foundational (Round Hand)
Italic, Gothic and Uncial. This 30-page booklet is an introduction
to basic techniques, with explanations of calligraphy terms and
shows you how to write the four different alphabets.William
Mitchell Calligraphy Ltd. have been designing and manufacturing
exceptional writing tools for almost 200 years. This British based
firm is known for its famous calligraphy, drawing and mapping pen
nibs made of high-quality, durable steel.