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Books > Professional & Technical > Biochemical engineering
Increasing population and industrialization are the key pollutant contributors in water bodies. The wastes generated by industries are highly hazardous for humans and the ecosystem and require a comprehensive and effective treatment before being discharged into water bodies. Over the years, many up gradations have been introduced in traditional water treatment methods which were expensive and ineffective especially for removal of toxic pollutants. Phycoremediation has been gaining attention due to its mutual benefit in wastewater treatment and for valuable algae biomass production. Wastewater, especially sewage and industrial effluents, is rich in pathogenic organisms, organic and inorganic compounds and heavy metals that adversely affect human and aquatic life. Microalgae use these inorganic compounds and heavy metals for their growth. In addition, they also reduce pathogenic organisms and release oxygen to be used by bacteria for decomposition of organic compounds in a secondary treatment. In this book, the potential of microalgae in wastewater treatment, their benefits, strategies, and challenges are discussed. The increasing need of finding innovative, low-cost, low-energy, sustainable and eco-friendly solutions for wastewater treatment makes the publication of a book on phycoremediation timely and appropriate. Features: (1) Deals with the most emerging aspects of algal research with special reference to phycoremediation. (2) Studies in depth diversity, mutations, genomics and metagenomics study (3) An eco-physiology, culturing, microalgae for food and feed, biofuel production, harvesting of microalgae, separation and purification of biochemicals.
Upcoming applications of genetic engineering in farm animals include higher yields, leaner meat, or disease resistance. The proceedings cover an analysis of the state of the art of the technology and its applications, an introduction to the specific application zoopharming (a method to produce biopharmaceuticals in transgenic livestock), including an analysis of the market for biopharmaceuticals. In addition an assessment of ethical aspects of livestock biotechnology and considerations regarding animal welfare implications are covered. The study is addressed to science, industry and politics.
There is hardly a technical library in the world in which the volumes of the Chemical Formulary (Volumes 1-34) do not occupy a prominent place. It does not duplicate any of the formulas included in previous volumes, but lists a wide array of modern and salable products from all branches of the chemical industries. An excellent reference for formulation problems. - CONTENTS - I. Introduction - II. Adhesives - III. Beverages and Foods - IV. Cosmetics - V. Coatings - VI. Detergents - VII. Drugs - VIII. Polishes - IX. Elastomers, Polymers and Resins - X. Miscellaneous - Appendix - Trademark Chemicals - Trademark Chemicals Suppliers - Index - PREFACE - Chemistry, as taught in our schools and colleges, concerns chiefly synthesis, analysis, and engineering-and properly so. It is part of the right foundation for the education of the chemist. Many a chemist entering an Industry soon finds that most of the products manufactured by his concern are not synthetic or definite complex compounds, but are mixtures, blends, or highly complex compounds of which he knows little or nothing. The literature in this field, if any, may be meager, scattered, or obsolete. Even chemists with years of experience In one or more Industries spend conslderable time and effort in acquainting themselves with any new field which they may enter. Consulting chemists similarly have to solve problems brought to them from industries foreign to them. There was a definite need for an up-to-date compilation of formulae for chemical compounding and treatment. Since the fields to be covered are many and varied, an editorial board of chemists and engineers engaged in many industries was formed. Many publications, laboratories, manufacturing firms, and Individuals have been consulted to obtain the latest and best information. It is felt that the formulas given in this volume will save chemists and allied workers much time and effort.
Advanced composite materials have been a major research focus for the past forty years. As a reinforcement for conventional materials including glass, ceramics and polymers, carbon has proved to be the most successful. Carbon gives these materials flexibility so that they may be produced in bulk form with a wide variety of properties. Whereas carbon/carbon composites are the most effective materials in extreme temperature conditions. Application ranges from brakes to missile nose cones. Carbon Reinforcements and Carbon/Carbon Composites gives the present state on this subject in comprehensive form, as well as projections for other "High Tech" materials and their application.
The last two decades have seen a phenomenal growth of the field of genetic or biochemical engineering and have witnessed the development and ultimately marketing of a variety of products-typically through the manipulation and growth of different types of microorganisms, followed by the recovery and purification of the associated products. The engineers and biotechnologists who are involved in the full-scale process design of such facilities must be familiar with the variety of unit operations and equipment and the applicable regulatory requirements. This book describes current commercial practice and will be useful to those engineers working in this field in the design, construction and operation of pharmaceutical and biotechnology plants. It will be of help to the chemical or pharmaceutical engineer who is developing a plant design and who faces issues such as: Should the process be batch or continuous or a combination of batch and continuous? How should the optimum process design be developed? Should one employ a new revolutionary separation which could be potentially difficult to validate or use accepted technology which involves less risk? Should the process be run with ingredients formulated from water for injection, deionized water, or even filtered tap water? Should any of the separations be run in cold rooms or in glycol jacketed lines to minimize microbial growth where sterilization is not possible? Should the process equipment and lines be designed to be sterilized in-place, cleaned-in-place, or should every piece be broken down, cleaned and autoclaved after every turn?"
Flexible Incentives for the Adoption of Environmental Technologies in Agriculture identifies and structures more flexible economic incentives for the achievement of environmental goals in agriculture. It provides a conceptual framework and presents case studies that analyze how flexible incentives can address environmental problems that are caused by agricultural production. The book brings together economists, agency personnel and political economists for the purpose of exploring how new cutting-edge economic tools could be developed and applied to environmental problems. The goal of the book is to complement and to expand the economic theory of environmental regulation and technology adoption with new research findings. The key theme of this book is the important role technology takes when addressing environmental problems. New technologies and technical development are broadly defined to include economic instruments, innovative ways to communicate environmental information, new economic institutions, and education. This book is designed for public and private policymakers, government analysts, teachers, researchers and students who specialize in the fields of natural resources, agricultural economics and environmental regulation. It provides a fresh perspective on what types of incentives may be used to lead us to the desired environmental outcomes and offers new ideas about the types of economic instruments that may achieve these outcomes.
This book offers a comprehensive review on biomass resources, examples of biorefineries and corresponding products. The first part of this book covers topics such as different biorefinery resources from agriculture, wood processing residues and transport logistics of plant biomass. In the second part, expert contributors present biorefinery concepts of different biomass feedstocks, including vegetable-oils, sugarcane, starch, lignocellulose and microalgae. Readers will find here a summary of the syngas utilization and the bio-oil characterization and potential use as an alternative renewable fuel and source for chemical feedstocks. Particular attention is also given to the anaerobic digestion-based and Organosolv biorefineries. The last part of the book examines relevant products and components such as alcohols, hydrocarbons, bioplastics and lignin, and offers a sustainability evaluation of biorefineries.
This title is Volume 2 of a 2 Volume set. - Contents - PART 1. - COMPOUNDED WAXES - 1. GENERAL - Compatibility - Hardness - Melting Point - Penetration - Refractive Index - Solubility in Oil - Viscosity - 2. PARAFFIN WAX COMPOUNDS - 3. ETHYL CELLULOSE AND WAX MIXTURES - Compounding Ethyl Cellulose with Incompatible Substances - Methods of Preparing Mixtures of Waxes with Ethyl Cellulose - 4. COMPOSITIONS WITH RESINS AND RUBBER - Resin Wax Compositions - Compatibility of Varnish Resins with Waxes - Cumarone-Indene Resins and Wax Compositions - Methacrylate Resin Hot-Melt Blends - Microcrystalline Wax-Resin Blends - Wax-Rubber Compositions - 5. COMMERCIAL WAX ADDITIVES - PART 2 - WAX TECHNOLOGY - 6. TESTS AND TECHNIQUES - The Melting' Points of Waxes - Odor and Taste - Emulsions - Fluorescence of Waxes - Solubility of Waxes - Commercial Wax Solutions - Surface Tension of Waxes - Specific Gravity - Specific Heat of Petroleum Waxes - To Alter Properties of Paraffin Wax - Simple Tests - Identification of Mixed Waxes - Separation and Comparison of Properties - Detecting Wax Additives - Evaluation of Waxes for Paperboard - Determinations of Properties - Testing for Quality Control - Opacifying Waxes - Coloring Waxes - 7. INDUSTRIAL USES OF WAXES - Adhesives - Candles - Coatings - Cosmetics - Electrical Applications - Inks - Leather Goods - Paper Products - Pharmaceutical Preparations - Photomechanics - Plastics - Polishes - Pyrotechnics - Rubber - Textile Processing - Abbreviations - Alphabetic Listing of Trademark Products - Index -
Fungi playa major role in the sustainability of the biosphere, and mycorrhizal fungi are essential for the growth of many of our woods and forests. The applications of fungi in agriculture, industry and biotechnology remain of paramount importance, as does their use as a source of drugs and to help clean up our environment. This volume contains key papers from the conference 'From Ethnomycology to Fungal Biotechnology: Exploiting Fungi from Natural Resources for Novel Products'. This was the first international scientific conference covering the transfer of traditional remedies and processes in ethnomycology to modern fungal biotechnology. The conference was held at Simla, Himachal Pradesh, India from 15 to 16 December 1997. The key subject areas addressed in the conference were the issues of exploring and exploiting fungal diversity for novel leads to new antibiotics, enzymes, medicines and a range of other leads for wood preservation, biological control, agricultural biotechnology and the uses of fungi in the food industry. The conference programme included key-note presentations followed by poster sessions and general discussion. The book is broadly based, covering five main areas: Ethnomycology, Fungal Biotechnology, Biological Control, Mycorrhizal Fungi and Fungal Pests. There is no doubt that in the past fungi have played a key role in ethnomycological remedies and that in the future they will continue to attract the interest of a wide range of disciplines ranging from environmental conservation, agriculture and the food industry to wood preservation and aerobiological studies.
Systems Metabolic Engineering is changing the way microbial cell
factories are designed and optimized for industrial
The Springer Handbook of Enzymes provides concise data on some 5,000 enzymes sufficiently well characterized - and here is the second, updated edition. Their application in analytical, synthetic and biotechnology processes as well as in food industry, and for medicinal treatments is added. Data sheets are arranged in their EC-Number sequence. The new edition reflects considerable progress in enzymology: the total material has more than doubled, and the complete 2nd edition consists of 39 volumes plus Synonym Index. Starting in 2009, all newly classified enzymes are treated in Supplement Volumes.
The aim of this book is to present the current state of the art of extracting natural products with near-critical solvents and to view the possibilities of further extensions of the technique. Relevant background theory is given but does not dominate the book. Carbon dioxide is the near-critical solvent used in most recent applications and inevitably receives prominence. In addition to general descriptions and reviews, the book contains three chapters by indus trial practitioners who describe in detail the operation of their processes and discuss the market for their products. Sections on the design of the pressure vessels and pumps required in these processes and on the acquisition of the data required for design are included. The costing of the processes is also discussed. There is good scope for combining a near-critical extraction step with other process steps in which the properties of near-critical solvents are utilised, for example as a reaction or crystallisation medium and a chapter is devoted to these important aspects. It is hoped that the work will be found to contain a great deal of specific information of use to those already familiar with this field. However the style of presentation and content is such that it will also be useful as an introduction. In particular it will be helpful to those wondering if this form of separation method has anything to offer for them, whether they are engineers, chemists or managers in industry, or in academic or research institutions."
The debate over genetic manipulation and its use in plant improvement and protection has led to an increased demand for developing methods for detecting and characterizing genetic manipulation in plants and plant products such as seeds and foods. This book is unique in presenting all relevant methods together in one volume: those for using and determining markers retained in genetically manipulated products as well as methods for eliminating marker genes and procedures for characterizing chromosomal aberrations in genetically manipulated plants.
All important aspects of thermophilic moulds such as systematics, ecology, physiology and biochemistry, production of extracellular and intracellular enzymes, their role in spoilage of stores products and solid and liquid waste management, and general and molecular genetics have been dealt with comprehensively by experts in this book which covers progress in the field over the last 30 years since the seminal book Thermophilic Fungi published by Cooney and Emerson in 1964. The experts have reviewed extensive literature on all aspects of thermophilic moulds in a very comprehensive manner. This book will be useful for graduates as well as post-graduate students of life sciences, mycology, microbiology and biotechnology, and as a reference book for researchers.
The topics chosen for this volume were selected because they are some of the current development or technological issues facing drug development project teams. They regard the practical considerations for assessment of selected special development populations. For example, they include characterization of drug disposition in pregnant subjects, for measuring arrhythmic potential, for analysis tumor growth modeling, and for disease progression modeling. Practical considerations for metabolite safety testing, transporter assessments, Phase 0 testing, and development and execution of drug interaction programs reflect current regulatory topics meant to address enhancement of both safety assessment and early decision-making during new candidate selection. Important technologies like whole body autoradiography, digital imaging and dried blood spot sample collection methods are introduced, as both have begun to take a more visible role in pharmacokinetic departments throughout the industry.
The scope of the field of biotechnological processes is very wide, covering such processes as fermentations for production of high-valued specialist chemicals (e.g. pharmaceuticals), high-volume production of foods and feeds (e.g. yoghurt, cheese, beer), as well as biological waste treatment, handling solid (composting), liquid (activated sludge) and gaseous wastes (biofilters). Compared to other engineering disciplines, the introduction of modern optimization and control strategies is lagging behind. Two main reasons can be identified. First, the living organisms (or part thereof) that are central to these processes make the mathematical modeling of the processes a difficult task, and, since models are central to the development of control systems, the on-line control problem is also complex. The other difficulty stems from the absence, in most cases, of cheap and reliable instrumentation suited to real-time monitoring. In this book a number of advanced techniques is introduced to deal with these problems. In the first part modern on-line hardware sensors are discussed in detail (FIA, viable biomass measurement, membrane inlet mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, microcalorimetry). In the second part, novel model-based process diagnosis and control techniques are dealt with, including advances in bioprocess modeling and identification, data processing, software sensor design, and on-line control algorithms. The book is directed at engineers, researchers, and students in the field of process control and systems theory as applied to industrial biotechnological processes, as well as at bioengineers who have some background in control engineering and wish to increase their understanding ofhow advanced control theory applies to biological processes.
The current book describes the chemical and physical behaviour of polymers and biopolymers that form highly associating structures in equilibrium solution. It summons the established results known of polymer complexes in solution, taking into account also the recent developments in biotechnology concerning this topic, in technological applications of polymer-protein interactions, in fluorescence and scattering techniques for the study of intra- and interpolymer association and in the study of ionomers in solution. The book covers the whole range from synthesis and fundamental aspects to applications and technology of associated polymers.
This groundbreaking book is the first comparative analysis of the relative strengths of global bioregions. Growth Cultures investigates the rapidly growing phenomena of biotechnology and sets this study within a knowledge economy context. Philip Cooke proposes a new knowledge-focused theoretical framework, 'the New Global Bioeconomy', against which to test empirical characteristics of biotechnology. In this timely volume, Cooke unifies concepts from the sociology of science, economic sociology and evolutionary economic geography to focus on the problems and prospects for policy agencies worldwide trying to build 'biotechnology clusters'. He develops a superior policy approach of thinking in terms of platforms that integrate proximities and pipelines, which will be of significant interest for the scientific and technological communities as well as economic development policy communities. Growth Cultures will make fascinating reading for students, policy makers and researchers across management and business studies, innovation and knowledge studies, sociology, science and technology policy, applied economics, development studies and regional science.
At the dawn of the 21st century, biotechnology is emerging as a key enabling technology for sustainable environmental protection and stewardship. Biotechnology for the Environment: Strategy and Fundamentals captures the dynamism of environmental biotechnology as it addresses the molecular functioning of microorganisms as cleanup agents, their communal interactions in natural and polluted ecosystems, and the foundations of practical bioremediation processes. Chapters on biological pollution control in the chemical industry, biodegradation of persistent molecules (halogenated compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polychlorinated biphenyls, pesticides, detergents, etc.), microbial diversity with impact on global change, bioaugmentation strategies, and sensors for ecotoxicological monitoring, will be of value to environmental scientists, engineers, and decision-makers involved in the development, evaluation, or implementation of biological treatment systems. For information on Soil Remediation, see Focus on Biotechnology volume 3B, and for information on Waste Water and Waste Gas Handling, see Focus on Biotechnology volume 3C.
"This monograph contains recent studies in eco-informatics, promising ideas " "and new challenges in information management for supporting sustainability in" "companies and other organization. The scope of this book includes sets of" "solutions which show different stakeholders viewpoints on sustainability. ""In individual chapters, authors discuss the role which Environmental" "Information Systems (EIS) play in the environmental conscious functioning of" "enterprise. New models, methods and tools supporting sustainability are" "presented. Emphasis is placed on the innovative approach to eco-friendly" "organization and coordination of transport, logistics processes and operations" "management. The information management and decision making in" "manufacturing and service organizations is highlighted." "The scope of this monograph also encompasses topics related to the modeling" "and monitoring of climate change."" "
Since its first systematic application during the 1970s, bioremediation, or the exploitation of a biological system's degradative potential to combat toxic pollutants such as heavy metals, polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), cyanides, and radioactive material, has proven itself over time, and the many advances in molecular techniques have only amplified its utility. In Bioremediation: Methods and Protocols, experts in the field explore imaginative and ambitious multidisciplinary techniques that will enable more predictable removal of pollutants from a variety of environments. The easy-to-follow volume addresses some of the broader issues such as the effect of the environment in determining the availability and fate of organic and inorganic compounds and how choices around the most appropriate bioremediation process can be arrived at, as well as detailed complementary techniques that support the effective deployment and monitoring of a bioremediation approach. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls. Authoritative and cutting-edge, Bioremediation: Methods and Protocols offers researchers a series of invaluable techniques certain to enhance their work with environmental contamination." |
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