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Hierdie keur bevat van Adam Small se gewildste – en gee ook aandag aan sy minder bekende – gedigte. Die doel van hiedie versameling is om sy bydrae tot Suid-Afrikaanse letterkunde, en Kaaps, te vereer. Die klem word geplaas op die tersaaklikheid en veelsydigheid van sy stem. Adam Small se eerste bundel het in 1957 verskyn en dekades later gee sy woorde steeds ’n stem aan die gemarginaliseerdes en die werkende stand. Die maan is swart is saamgestel deur Ronelda S Kamfer.
Die derde uitgawe van Skryf Afrikaans van A tot Z (SAAZ3) is bygewerk volgens die elfde Afrikaanse Woordelys en Spelreëls (2017). Dié stylgids:
SAAZ3 is vir alle teksversorgers asook ander taalgebruikers wat effektief in Afrikaans wil kommunikeer.
A revolutionary system to get 1 per cent better every day. People think when you want to change your life, you need to think big. But world-renowned habits expert James Clear has discovered another way. He knows that real change comes from the compound effect of hundreds of small decisions – doing two push-ups a day, waking up five minutes early, or holding a single short phone call. He calls them atomic habits. In this ground-breaking book, Clears reveals exactly how these minuscule changes can grow into such life-altering outcomes. He uncovers a handful of simple life hacks (the forgotten art of Habit Stacking, the unexpected power of the Two Minute Rule, or the trick to entering the Goldilocks Zone), and delves into cutting-edge psychology and neuroscience to explain why they matter. Along the way, he tells inspiring stories of Olympic gold medalists, leading CEOs, and distinguished scientists who have used the science of tiny habits to stay productive, motivated, and happy. These small changes will have a revolutionary effect on your career, your relationships, and your life.
Die laaste voerings van oudpolisiespeurder Carl Bester se lewe torring los, en hy sluit aan by die Kaapse tak van Mercurius, ’n CIA-steunpilaar. Intussen word ’n Saoediese joernalis in ’n konsulaat in Istanbul vermoor, met ’n SA joernalis as onwillige ooggetuie. Gevolge van dié joernalis se besluite kring uit na Kaapstad, waar Carl opdrag kry om die saak te hanteer. Saoediese agente en ’n siellose mesmoordenaar is maar twee van die monster se vele tentakels wat Carl een-een moet afkap.
A concepts-based South African text that assumes a basic knowledge of financial accounting, and then helps readers understand and apply the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS Standards). It also references the IFRS for SMEs Standard, which is applicable to small and medium-sized enterprises. The pedagogy of the book supports the development of crucial strategies and sound financial reporting knowledge, providing an excellent balance between theory, practice and strategy. It is suitable for second and third-year courses in financial accounting on the Chartered Accountant or General Accountant stream at universities as well as universities of technology.
Athenia Sibindi (UNISA) joins Besley and Brigham on Corporate Finance: A South African Perspective. This new edition is based on the student-feedback driven CFIN3 title, and maintains its visually appealing, succinct content. Corporate Finance: A South African Perspective is designed specifically for South African students. Throughout the book, content has been made as clear as possible by being rewritten in UK English with Africanisation. This text is designed to help you understand the complex world of corporate finance, and guides you through the theory and practice of working within the South African corporate financial environment.
Liora word groot op ’n volstruisplaas in Algerië, naby die Sahara. Sy is omring deur mense wat lief is vir haar, Maman en haar tante, oom Moshe, en haar pa, wanneer hy in die rondte is. Van kleins af bring sy tyd deur in haar tante se pluimery, ’n magiese omgewing waar volstruisvere omskep word in kostuums vir die filmbedryf en die verhoë van Parys. Maar Liora loop haar telkens in grense vas wat sy moet oor. En in Algerië broei onrus. Eers verhuis sy na die oorloggeteisterde Algiers waar sy leer om dokter te word, maar dan word sy gedwing om inderhaas landuit te vlug, Parys toe. Jare later kom Liora, steeds verwonderd oor die skoonheid van volstruisvere, in die Klein-Karoo aan om oom Moshe te besoek. Hier ontmoet sy Candice, ook behep met volstruisvere, ’n priester, ’n kunstenares en ander Kannalanders. Haar lewe word opnuut omgedop, en weer eens lê daar ’n grens voor haar – en sy moet besluit of sy dit sal oorsteek.
Husband and wife Archie and Francine Hughes are heroes in their hometown of Philadelphia. Archie is a football star, while Francine is a Grammy-winning singer. So everyone is in a state of shock when news breaks about the seemingly perfect couple. One spouse is murdered. The other is Suspect Number One. Even before the case hits the courtroom, it's the hottest ticket in town. For the defence: Cooper Lamb, private investigator to the stars. For the prosecution: Veena Lion, an attorney so bright she's got to wear shades. Between them, they know every secret in the Hughes household. Together, they prove how two wrongs can make a right.
For all keto lifestyle followers, this 52-week planner is the ultimate guide to planning your meals and tracking your progress! It guides you on your keto diet pathway, with or without intermittent fasting, in an easy and fun way right from starting a keto diet, and throughout maintaining the lifestyle. Using a practical, visual and affirming approach, this stand-alone journal offers blank, customisable templates to help you plan your meals and track your progress as you embark on your keto journey. As both a journal and planner, this book does not include any recipes or meal plans, and so it is also the perfect companion to author Hendrik Marais’ Living the Ultimate Keto Lifestyle: A South African Guide & Cookbook.
This stunning depiction of geology in Namibia combines searingly beautiful photography with clear explanations of how the varied landscapes formed. Arranged chronologically (starting 13.8 billion years ago), the chapters each deal with a particular event or process that has resulted in the formation under discussion. These include the early beginnings of the Earth, meteorites, canyons and limestone caves, vast desert landscapes, moonscapes and bizarrely-shaped rocks, and Namibia’s astonishing underwater lakes and reservoirs. Picture-driven, with accessible text, this book features all the highlights of Namibian landscapes and landforms. A treat for travellers real and virtual – those on the road as well as those in armchairs.
This is not your average cookbook;
building on the success of the foodies platform; we’ve taken it up a
notch by celebrating Mzansi’s favourite flavours and people.
The traditional image of a political assassin is a lone wolf with a
gun, aimed squarely at the head of those they wish to kill. But while
there has been enormous speculation on what lay behind notorious
individual political assassinations – from Gaius Julius Caesar to John
F. Kennedy – the phenomenon itself has scarcely been examined as a
special category of political violence, one not motivated by personal
gain or vengeance.
In Junie 2070 skenk die 27-jarige Jenesis Baron geboorte aan ’n tweeling in haar woonstel in Xin Xianggang, voorheen bekend as Bloemfontein. Maar swangerskap sonder ’n genetiese toestemmingspermit van die owerhede is taboe, en die pasgeborenes word deur generaal Ben Wagner uitgesnuffel en aan die MediBot oorhandig, ’n robot wat ontwerp is om ongewenste lewens te beëindig. Genadedood noem hulle dit. Want, sê die regering, daar is nie genoeg kos, water en blyplek vir almal nie. Jenesis is hartgebroke. Met haar hele hart smag sy daarna om vir Adam te vertel van die twee seuntjies wat nes hý lyk. Maar Adam is weg. Haar halsstarrige siening oor die huidige bewind en haar onvermoë om in te sien dat slegs die elite in die slimstede floreer, het hom verdryf. Vir haar bestaan gewone burgers nie, diegene wat na die buitewyke van die oorloggeteisterde ou stede uitgewerp word om van honger te sterf. Moederland bied ’n fassinerende blik op die toekoms. ’n Puik nagevorsde, aksiebelaaide riller.
When Love Kills is the tale of hip hop star, AKA. whose life unravelled when he embarked on a relationship with 21 year-old Anele Tembe. When she "fell" to her death from the 10th storey of the Pepper Club in April, 2021, after a long night of heated arguing, details would emerge that they'd been caught up in a whirlwind of toxic obsession, alleged substance abuse and violence. Less then two years later AKA was assassinated in what looked like a hit to avenge her death. This is their tragic story.
As a young Reuters correspondent, Fred Bridgland revealed the secret invasion in 1975 of post-independence Angola by apartheid South Africa’s armed forces in support of UNITA rebel leader, Jonas Savimbi. At the time, Bidgland befriended Tito Chingunji, a guerrilla officer, before he became UNITA foreign secretary, who persuaded Bridgland to walk hundreds of kilometres across Angola to watch UNITA’s fighters go into combat. Later Chingunji and Bridgland worked together on a sympathetic biography of the charismatic Savimbi – then the great hope of the ‘free West’. However, after the book’s publication, Chingunji told Bridgland how he and his family were under constant threat of death from Savimbi. Bridgland started to uncover atrocities that revealed Savimbi not as the champion of his people, but as a murderous tyrant. Chingunji had risked his life to help Bridgland tell the true story of what was going on behind the scenes. When his friend went missing, Bridgland journeyed into the Angolan jungle to plead his friend’s case and he, himself, was put before a kangaroo court by an enraged Savimbi. This is a personal account of the bond that developed between a guerrilla fighter and a journalist, and the terrifying challenges they faced as they revealed Savimbi’s true colours.
A mother of small children trusts her 'gut feelings' and it saves her
Want to drop a few kilos, stay sharp and get your health on track? By simply not eating breakfast and lunch on Mondays and Tuesdays and supercharging your dinner meals, you will become a super-faster. Super-Fasting allows for super wellbeing, from effortless weight loss to enhanced immune and brain function. Become a super-faster and unlock the biology of super ageing to live a long, healthy life. The low-carb, HEALTHY-fat Monday–Tuesday fasting plan, from the bestselling authors of What the Fat? The follow-up to the bestseller What the Fat?, What the Fast! is the ultimate guide to how Monday and Tuesday will change your life. What the Fat? has become the bestselling Low-Carb, Healthy-Fat bible with over 30,000 copies sold to date in New Zealand and with editions in the United States, Australia, Canada, South Africa, China and Taiwan.
An Introduction To Scholarship offers a practical, skills-based approach to developing the basic academic and critical thinking skills required to succeed in the tertiary environment. Features:
New to this 2nd Edition:
Financial Management: Turning Theory into Practice is an accessible and principles-based financial management textbook for second-and-third-year students, as well as students enrolled in Honours courses. The book shows that the financial decisions made by financial managers do not rely solely on economic models, but also on stakeholder behaviour and management practices. These aspects are highlighted in both the theoretical and practical aspects of the book in an understandable format. By referring to a financial management cycle focused on creating value, the authors illuminate the connections between the activities undertaken by these managers-an emphasise the impact of their decisions on the business.
Business is a cut-throat environment. Even with an excellent idea or brilliant marketing plan, there is no guarantee of success. Besides having innovative ideas and the willpower to succeed, you need sound management and business skills, and you need to know how to apply the best business practices, whether you are an entrepreneur or professional manager. A business is fundamentally a cash-oriented process. This means that its ideas, image or products, no matter how remarkable, are still not as important as the ability to earn an income to stay afloat and have a reliable and accessible cash flow. A manager must be able to keep track of all income, expenses, assets the business owns and the cash flow. Poor fiscal management and inadequate accounting practices produce weak or incorrect information, preventing management from making well informed decisions or adapting adequately to changes in the environment. Basic Financial Management is written to answer the question: What does ANY manager or entrepreneur need to know to guarantee sound financial management?
Charlie Mackesy's beloved The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse has been adapted into an animated short film, coming to BBC One and iPlayer this Christmas. This beautifully made hardback celebrates the work of over 100 animators across two years of production - with Charlie's distinctive illustrations brought to life in full colour with hand-drawn traditional animation and accompanying hand-written script.
175 quick and easy recipes for all the satisfying, feel-good foods you crave right in your favorite appliance—the air fryer! The foods you love made quick and easy in the air fryer! In The “I Love My Air Fryer” Comfort Food Recipe Book, you’ll discover 175 recipes and photos for delicious and satisfying dishes sure to bring a smile to your face. You’ll find savory snacks like cheesy bacon fries and crunch homemade potato chips, sweet treats like chewy chocolate chip brownies and creamy cheesecake, plus hearty main dishes like salsa chicken casserole and stuffed pork chops so good you’ll want a second serving. With the air fryer’s speedy cooking time and oil free cooking methods, you can enjoy these mouth-watering recipes anytime with no hassle or guilt! The “I Love My Air Fryer” Comfort Food Recipes has tasty, quick, and easy recipes for all the meals you crave.
South Africa's financial markets are consistently praised as the most advanced in Africa, while its financial regulatory system, particularly at stock exchange level, has been judged on more than one occasion to be the best in the world. Regulatory excellence was no doubt an important factor in the unusual resilience displayed by the financial sector during the global financial crisis of 2007/8. However, South African regulatory authorities, not wanting to be complacent, are continuing to follow international good-practice initiatives to enhance the resilience and integrity of the financial system. Market practitioners, too, are striving to keep up to date with financial and technical innovation, globalisation, increased competition and the blurring of traditional boundaries between financial institutions and financial products and services. Understanding South African financial markets provides a comprehensive overview of the various aspects of South African financial markets and the institutions that operate within them. Understanding South African financial markets has been compiled by practitioners from the financial markets and experienced faculty members in economics and financial management. Each chapter starts with study objectives relevant to the material covered. Jargon that may be unfamiliar is explained in lay terms, and both international and local market practices and norms are discussed where relevant. Understanding South African financial markets is an introductory text that should serve as a useful reference and guide for commerce students, public servants and members of the business fraternity alike. Karin van Wyk is the CEO of the South African Institute of Financial Markets, a professional body for the financial markets recognised by SAQA. SAIFM conducts examinations for the financial markets and the JSE Ltd. She holds a BA (Law) and an LLB from the University of Pretoria, and a BCom (Economics and Business Economics) from Unisa. She also holds a Diploma in Financial Markets from the University of Johannesburg.
Today, more than ever before, South Africa’s business climate is confronted with various challenges as a result of external environmental forces as well as internal nuances within the southern African context. The environment is characterised by change, turbulence and competitiveness, and therefore strategy is of the utmost importance for any organisation to survive and thrive. Many people’s lives and jobs are affected by strategic decisions and far too often, top management develops a strategy that is neither communicated to, nor fully understood by, other levels of management and employees, and may not even be relevant to the continued existence of the organisation. Strategic management explains the principles and application of the strategic management process, vital to sustaining the success of every organisation. Real southern African case studies are included to support these principles and applications. This is the fourth edition of Strategic management, the first specifically southern African textbook on this subject. It emphasises the important role of corporate governance, with specific reference to the King IV Report. Appropriate southern African examples and case studies are used to illustrate the latest trends, particularly the history, development and strategy of Shoprite Checkers, which is used as a cohesion case study throughout this textbook. Key terms, summary questions and answers, relevant websites and recommended reading lists are also provided. Strategic management: southern African concepts and cases will be invaluable not only to students of business management but also to organisations, from corporate companies with management training programmes to small business ventures struggling to hold their ground in a competitive environment.
Corporate Citizenship covers the various theoretical and philosophical frameworks relating to corporate citizenship. The title provides students with a broad range of examples, cases and situations that encourage students to apply the knowledge in a critical manner. |
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