Promotions > Month of Love > Books > Cookery
Cooking Lekka takes the reader on a heartfelt journey through Cape Malay and Indian fusion cooking, largely inspired by Thameenah's popular cooking show "Ja Daddy Kan Lekka Eet".
Growing up in a richly multicultural family, Thameenah brings soulful recipes that connect generations and cultures, blending spices and flavours that speak to the vibrant heritage of South Africa.
From her early cooking days inspired by her mom's Indian roots to her love for Cape Malay flavours, each recipe in this book is crafted to be approachable and full of flavour, perfect for anyone looking to bring warmth and joy to the table.
Dive into the world of air frying with celebrity chef Herman Lensing
and discover why this versatile gadget is your new best friend in the
For his latest cookbook, Herman has selected his top 100 air fryer
recipes that will take your taste buds on an unforgettable adventure.
From mouthwatering breakfasts, sultry side dishes, succulent mains,
boujee baking and delectable desserts, his creative flair and culinary
genius shine through in every dish.
Starving for meals that are quick and easy to prepare? Look no further.
Whether you're a novice cook or a seasoned pro, this book is packed
with fun, flavour, and fabulousness.
Reuben Riffel
Discovery Miles 3 590
Save R136 (27%)
In Stock
Reuben Riffel shares his secrets on how to get to flavour quicker...
without the fuss.
I think every chef has a dream of how they’d cook for people in an
ideal world… for me my dream scenario is definitely cooking with fire.
There's a happiness that goes with cooking on a fire, a freedom and
festive feel to it, that is what I love about it.
This book is about flavours first, the simplicity of cooking over fire.
It’s not about how to braai, the technical stuff… rather just to share
my enjoyment of cooking, and to encourage you to play and experiment
with cooking over fire. You don’t have to be an expert braaimaster and
slave over hot coals for hours. I like to see a fire as an extension of
the kitchen, using the same spices and flavourings that I enjoy cooking
with inside, but cooking over a fire for the extra flavour and a touch
of smoke.
The recipes in this book are the tried and tested ones that got the
thumbs up from friends and family, and range from incredibly simple to
more creative. You’ll find different meats and seafoods, loads of
vegetables and salads… and a good helping of quick and easy snacks to
keep everyone happy kuiering by the fire while you cook the main event.
The Great Marula Menu is a delicious collaboration between
Amarula and passionate home cooks from across South Africa. A curation
of the best Amarula-inspired recipes shared by devoted Amarula fans,
the book is a true reflection of community and a shared love of great
flavours. With contributions from renowned culinary figures The Lazy
Makoti and J’Something, who bring their unique talents to the table,
The Great Marula Menu promises a cultural journey through diverse South
African home cooking.
From tasty lunches to moreish mains, scrumptious desserts and inspired
cocktails, each recipe contains either a splash or a generous pour of
this world-famous liqueur. But more than this, the book is a tribute to
the land where the marula trees grow. Gathered within these pages,
you’ll find a representation of this nation’s vibrant imagination – all
brought together in the spirit of generosity. It’s a delightful blend
of Amarula’s spirit, culinary expertise and the warmth of home cooking,
inviting everyone to savour the rich tapestry of South Africa’s food
Ja, die ketodieet is al lankal bekend; jy het daarvan gehoor maar
verstaan die konsep nie heeltemal nie en dink dis te duur. Of miskien
het jy dit getoets maar is oorweldig deur ’n oorvloed dikwels
teenstrydige inligting en het jy moed opgegee. Miskien volg jy dit
noukeurig maar het jy nuwe inspirasie nodig. Daar kom in elk geval
altyd nuwe inligting na vore. Ná die wegholsukses van sy eerste boek
twee jaar gelede, Living the Ultimate Keto Lifestyle, het
Hendrik Marais besluit dis tyd om die ketogeniese leefstyl aan selfs
meer mense bekend te stel, terwyl hy aanhangers terselfdertyd ’n
vereenvoudigde uiteensetting van die jongste neigings en ’n volledige
stel maklike en smaaklike resepte wou bied.
Keto Lifestyle: Maklik is presies dit: ’n Gids vir die
implementering van ’n ketogeniese dieet en periodieke vas – met
maaltydplanne wat eenvoudig is om te volg – wat sinvol asook begroting-
en beurtkragvriendelik is, en met al die truuks om tyd te bespaar. Jy
sal mal wees oor die geurige resepte en selfs maniere vind om jou
vriende te onthaal met spyskaarte wat by hierdie leefstyl inpas. Maar
daar’s soveel meer: inligting oor voedingswaarde, en raad oor oefening
en maniere om jou motivering te handhaaf.
Yes, the keto diet has been around for a while; you’ve heard about it
but don’t fully understand the concept and think it’s too expensive. Or
perhaps you tried it but were overwhelmed with a deluge of often
conflicting information, so you gave up. Possibly, you are following it
faithfully but need new inspiration. Besides, there’s always new
information coming to the fore. Following on the runaway success of his
first book two years ago, Living the Ultimate Keto Lifestyle, Hendrik
Marais has decided that it’s time to introduce the ketogenic lifestyle
to even more people, while offering devotees a simplified breakdown of
the latest trends, and a completely new set of easy and delicious
Keto Lifestyle: Simple is exactly that – a guide to implementing
a ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting – with meal plans that are
simple to follow – that makes sense, is both budget- and
loadshedding-friendly, and with all the tricks to save you time. You’ll
love the tasty recipes and even find ways to entertain your friends
with menus that fall within this lifestyle. But there is so much more:
nutritional information, advice on exercise and ways to maintain your
Verken die wêreld van lugbraaiers met celeb-sjef Herman Lensing en
ontdek hoekom dié veelsydige toestel jou nuwe beste vriend is.
Welcome to Chrissy's kitchen . . . Introducing the food that makes her tick. Order now for food you simply can't resist.
After two years of parenthood, falling in love with different flavours, and relearning the healing power of comfort food, this book is like Chrissy's new edible diary: recipes for quick-snap meals; recipes for lighter, brighter healthier-ish living; and recipes that, well, are gonna put you to bed, holding your belly.
Chrissy's is a life of . . .
· CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS. The ultimate quick and easy comfort food. A creamy one-pot wonder: tender chicken breast and doughy delicious dumplings.
· GARLIC HONEY PRAWNS. A 15-minute meal that's worthy of any Chinese restaurant, made with soy sauce, honey and orange, served with fluffy white rice.
· BANANA BREAD. Yes. This is THE banana bread that launched a million tweets and a hundred thousand Instagram tags . . . Delicious.
Most will satisfy your cravings but all will leave you hungry for more.
This book is an all-encompassing guide to everything Jan Braai
currently knows about braaing. It is a celebration of this wonderful
South African tradition, in which 15–20 million South Africans
participate each year on 24 September on National Braai Day. To
celebrate the 20th anniversary of this cultural event, Jan Braai has
put together more than 200 recipes that can be cooked over and enjoyed
alongside a wood fire.
Divided into 20 chapters, the book includes recipes for traditional
favourites such as classic potjies, steaks, burgers and ribs, to less
conventional dishes prepared on the braai, including pasta, pizza,
salads and desserts. Every dish is delectable and the accompanying
photography will have your mouth watering, and your family and friends
clamouring for a get-together around the braai fire while you put your
braai skills to the test. Jan Braai’s clear instructions and
no-nonsense attitude to the art of braai will ensure that even newbie
braaiers will easily pull off these recipes.
There is something for everyone in this book. Readily available
ingredients mean it’s a breeze to put the meals together, as most items
are probably on hand already, or can be sourced with minimal effort or
a quick trip to the supermarket.
Also available in Afrikaans, as
Soos vinkel en koljander, dís Najma Abrahams (Tietie) en Azba Fanie
(Nanna). Dié twee TikTok-tuiskokke se hande staan vir niks verkeerd óf
stil nie, veral nie vir die kospotte nie. Hul resepte is hartskos –
niks fensie bestanddele nie, net geurige regte, egte huiskos met ’n
Kaaps-Maleise twist.
Groenboontjiebredie, tamatiekos, split pea-sop en selfs die vergete
sagobredie, blomkoolbredie, panfrikkadel, Nando’s-hoender, broodpoeding
en dhaltjies eerlik gemaak, sonder fieterjasies – dit is mos die
onopgesmukte huiskos waarna elkeen verlang. Die kerries is natuurlik
ook daar – suikerboon-, hoender-, dhal- en mincekerrie, breyani, noem
maar op. Snoek-in-die-oond, kerrievis en seekos-paella (times are
tough, ’n mens moet maar ’n paar maande of so spaar daarvoor, sê die
twee siezas) bring die see in jou kospotte. Vir “broke week” is daar
sakpas-randrekkers soos dhanya-soesys, eierkerrie en
spaghetti-en-sardyne. Tietie se peperminttert en lemon meringue is uit
’n ander wêreld en Nanna se braised skaapnek sal enige onthaaltafel
laat kreun van smaakgenot. Mavrou, Tietie se lamsvleis-weergawe van dié
tradisionele gereg wat in die Kaaps-Maleise kultuur by troues voorgesit
word, is ’n tydlose treffer.
En moenie van die happies en lekkernye vergeet nie – dis nou die “soet
en sout” waarmee Mzansi se mense grootgeword en die lewe om elke hoek
en draai gevier het. Watertand-verleidings soos bollas, flapjacks,
skons, snowballs, patatkoekies, sweetcorn fritters en vele meer.
Samoesas en roti’s kry variasies in geure en kleure om van te droom.
(Só sê Tietie: Roti is baie versatile – eet dit met kerrie, masala
steak of selfs as ’n poeding. Dis tog te lekker met strawberries,
strawberry jam en cream.)
Nou ja, as jy nie so ’n tuiskombuis geken het nie, is jy waarskynlik
reeds daaraan voorgestel op Tietie en Nanna se kookprogram, Tietie en
Nanna kook op VIA, kanaal 147 op DStv, of in hul stories en kwinkslae
op Instagram en TikTok.
Met Tietie en Nanna se onfeilbare resepte, perfek beproef, kan elkeen
weer huiskos, soos ons ma’s, oumas en tantes dit gemaak het, in hul eie
kombuise opdis.
Bibby’s – More Good Food embraces approachable food made with thoughtful consideration. Devoid of intimidating complexities, the recipes are for the most part appealingly simple, versatile and straightforward. Many of the recipes are plant-centric without being exclusively vegetarian. Expect an abundance of textural contrast and funky flavour enhancers.
The book is divided into nine vibrantly fresh chapters, influenced largely by Middle Eastern and Mediterranean flavours. The author advises on what constitutes a well-stocked pantry and how to maximize its potential to the fullest. The busyness of weekdays is balanced with slower weekends, when a few gentler hours in the kitchen are just what’s needed. The doors are thrown open to hospitality, marrying food and creative tablescapes, setting the tone for intimate at-home gatherings. Meticulously crafted menus ensure a seamless transition from start to finish, with classy cocktails, traditional breads, resplendent mains and swoon-worthy desserts.
All the recipes are beautifully styled and photographed by the author herself. If you’re after food less ordinary, this is the book for you.
Topverkoperskrywer Louisa Holst weet wat die lugbraaiermark wil hê en het weer plaaslike geure na vore gebring!
Resepte sluit in springbokkie-kaaskoek, brandewyn-en-coke-hoendervlerkies, snoek- en appelkoosfilo-samosas, en 'n visvinger-Gatsby vir die honger kinders wat hulle self kan opslaan. Peri-peri-hoenderpastei, gammon (ja – dit kan in die lugbraaier gedoen word), gebraaide lam, karringmelkbeskuit, pavlova en mini-vrugtekoeke is nog meer van die watertand geregte in die boek.
With this great new book, The South African Air Fryer Cookbook 2, you can delight friends and family at breakfast, lunch, supper or any special occasion with delicious takes on classic South African dishes.
Best-selling author Louisa Holst knows what the air-fryer market wants and has brought local flavours to the fore once again! Recipes include springbokkie cheesecake, brandy-and-coke chicken wings, snoek and apricot filo samosas, and a fish-finger Gatsby for the hungry kids that they can whip up themselves. Chicken peri-peri pie, gammon (yes – it can be done in the air fryer), roast lamb, buttermilk
rusks, pavlova and mini fruit cakes are yet more of the mouthwatering dishes in the book.
Die lugbraaier is ’n veelsydige kombuistoestel wat toenemend gewild raak. Baie mense gebruik lugbraaiers net om voorafbereide kos soos krummellaaghoender of bevrore vis en aartappelskyfies gaar te maak, maar dit kan ook vir talle uithalergeregte, selfs gebak, ingespan word.
Die boek fokus op ou bekende gunstelinge soos malvapoeding, bobotie, appelkoos-snoek met soetpatats, melktert en boerewors met chakalaka, om net ’n paar te noem.
Alles word in die lugbraaier gaargemaak.
The air fryer is a versatile kitchen gadget that has grown in popularity over the last few years. Essentially it is a small countertop convection oven that cooks food quickly and efficiently. While many people only use their air fryers to cook pre-prepared food like crumbed chicken, or frozen fish or chips, it can actually be used to prepare many tasty dishes, even for baking!
In The South African Air Fryer Cookbook, we focus on all things local, with favourites such as malva pudding, bobotie, apricot snoek with sweet potato, milk tart, and boerewors with chakalaka, all prepared in the air fryer.
You’re sure to find your most cherished South African dish in this fabulous collection of recipes.
Food and memory are inextricably linked; flavours and dishes evoke
emotion, rooted in nostalgia or specific experiences. The Hungry Table
embodies this idea. For Fatima Saib, food exists as a backdrop to her
childhood memories, intertwined with her precious relationship with her
late father. Derived from this culinary inspiration, the book expertly
weaves story and memory through a journey of over 90 contemporary
recipes, most with a nod to the author’s South African-Indian heritage.
With this in mind, the book is divided into five chapters, each one
tapping into a feeling. The Basics offers an array of chutneys, sauces,
pickles and flavour-enhancers to round off any dish. Togetherness is an
ode to food that is best shared among friends and family, like hot
honey fried chicken and fragrantly layered biryanis. Comfort covers
those recipes that warm the body and soul from the inside out, like
dhal and rasmalai. From Fast, expect deliciously quick-and-easy dishes
like chilli crunch toasted cheese or yoghurt and cardamom potato curry.
And for those slower days, when time is best used to explore and enjoy,
look to Relaxed, for dishes like parathas, sticky BBQ lamb ribs or
creamy cabbage and corn bake.
The Hungry Table ignites the senses, telling a story of time and place,
reminding readers to slow down and enjoy food and the way it makes us
feel. It is an invitation into the kitchen, to enjoy the catharsis of
cooking and the dishes that result, and, perhaps most importantly, to
be nourished by the memories created in the process.
Yotam Ottolenghi, Helen Goh
Discovery Miles 6 650
Save R180 (21%)
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
This is comfort food, Ottolenghi-style.
In his much-anticipated new book, Yotam Ottolenghi brings his
inspiring, flavour-forward approach to comfort cooking, delivering new
classics that taste of home.
A bowl of pasta becomes Caramelised Onion Orecchiette with Hazelnuts
& Crispy Sage, a warming soup is Cheesy Bread Soup with Savoy
Cabbage & Cavolo Nero, and a plate of mash is transformed into
Garlicky Aligot Potato with Leeks & Thyme.
Weaving memories of childhood and travel with over 100 irresistible
recipes, Ottolenghi COMFORT is a celebration of food and home – of the
connections we make as we cook, and pass on from generation to
In five knockout chapters covering Midweek Meals, Weekend Wins, Trusty
Traybakes, Cupboard Love and Perfect Puds, Jamie has produced a
cookbook that will fit seamlessly into your life.
Simply Jamie exists to inspire you to get cooking – it’s full of
delicious, achievable recipes you’ll love to make. Whatever your needs,
you can trust that these tried and tested recipes will slot right into
the rhythms of your week – from 20-minute-to-table dishes and
no-time-to-shop cupboard rescues to weekend wins that create smart
leftover ideas, meaning mealtimes are a doddle in the days that follow.
Recipes include:
- Jarred Pepper Pasta
- Roasted Veg with Camembert Fondue
- Batch-It-Up Bolognese
- Gochujang Chicken Noodle Traybake
- 8 Cool Ways with Salmon
- Smash Burger
- Spicy Paneer & Veg Squash Bake
- Tin Raid Fishcakes
- Hot & Crispy Ice Cream Parcel
- Epic Sticky Toffee Pudding
This is a book about inspiration and bringing joy back into the kitchen.
This is not your average cookbook;
building on the success of the foodies platform; we’ve taken it up a
notch by celebrating Mzansi’s favourite flavours and people.
This book is jam-packed with Foodies of SA’s 2023 & 2024 100
tastiest and most watched TikTok recipes, made by 100 of the most
entertaining Food-Tokers that South Africa has to offer.
These recipes have not just captured the hearts and stomachs of South
Africa, they have smashed the social media scene with over 100 million
views! Each view, like, comment, and share is a story of connection, a
moment of communal “mmm” that resonates through kitchens across the
But what makes this familiar yellow kitchen companion so unique? Each
page comes alive with a QR code that takes you on a virtual journey
into kitchens across South Africa.
We live in a country with a melting pot of rich flavours, cultures, and
personalities, this book is dedicated to uniting us through food -
allowing us to experience familiar Foodies Favourites with a new
perspective, through the eyes of our fellow South Africans.
In the spirit of giving back, 100% of
the royalties from this book will be donated to Bokamosa Education
Trust and Breadline Africa, supporting initiatives that enhance lives
and empower our communities.
From the authors of the bestseller and winner as the best vegan
cookbook in the world at the 2023 Gourmand World Cookbook Awards,
There’s a Vegan on my Verandah, comes a dazzling new plantbased
cookbook: Earthling Food with an Afrikaans version, Skepselkos which is
also available.
Home cooks, Isabella Niehaus and Louis Jansen van Vuuren again join
forces in creating an extraordinary publication of vegan recipes. The
uniqueness of the book is that they are joined by ten food loving
friends. These include renowned chefs and local culinary heroes. These
conversations between the authors and their friends bring a
behind-the-scenes look at the inspiration and creativity that drives
South Africa’s plant-based food scene.
Readers will be inspired by the stories and the recipes, offering an
appreciation for the artistry and innovation that goes into plant-based
With Earthling Food/Skepselkos, Isabella and Louis invite you to embark
on a culinary adventure like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned chef
or a novice in the kitchen, there’s something for everyone in this
enchanting cookbook.
Earthling Food/Skepselkos is more than just a cookbook – it’s a journey
of fl avor, culture, and creativity that will leave a lasting
impression and a desire to explore the green terrain.
Embark on a culinary journey with Elmarie Berry that blends the vibrant
flavours of South Africa with the rich heritage of Middle Eastern
cuisine, guided by the cherished recipes of her Lebanese Granny. In
this cookbook, tradition meets innovation as generations collide around
the dining table, creating unforgettable moments with every dish.
With a focus on easy yet flavourful recipes, this cookbook is your
go-to guide for effortless entertaining – from casual gatherings to
special celebrations, each recipe is designed to impress without the
fuss, ensuring that every meal becomes a cherished memory.
Featuring stunning photography and styling, this book not only
tantalises the tastebuds, but also inspires you to create unforgettable
dining experiences. Whether it’s a laidback alfresco meal or a grand
family affair, allow The Table to be your trusted companion in crafting
special moments around the table.
Foolproof recipes for over 150 easy dinners
Global bestselling home cook, Nagi Maehashi, is back to solve the
perennial problem of what’s for dinner tonight … and every night.
RecipeTin Eats: TONIGHT includes more than 150 brand-new, foolproof,
flavour-packed recipes, 800 variations on those recipes and 3000
possible combinations that match formulas (including Nagi’s
world-famous Charlie sauce) with different ingredients.
You’ll find crave-worthy crowd-pleasers – try slow-baked Italian
meatballs in a rich tomato sauce with bubbling melted cheese or
fall-apart Asian chicken cooked in a sticky-sweet soy glaze.
20-minute dinners; pantry staple dinners; high-impact guest-impressing;
and turn-to Sunday suppers – the Vietnamese pulled pork is a festival
of flavour – while the sweet chapter delivers on the promise of maximum
Every recipe has a stunning photo and link to a how-to video .
RecipeTin Eats: TONIGHT is a standout cookbook for every home kitchen,
for every level of cooking ability, for every budget, for every set of
taste buds - and for every single night of the week.
The much awaited debut cookery book from Radhi Devlukia-Shetty.
A passionate self-taught cook and nutritionist, Radhi Devlukia-Shetty’s JoyFull is abundant and inviting. With over 125 plant-based recipes, it is designed to balance health and satisfaction; her wideranging dishes bring vibrant flavours to every meal of the day and rely on accessible ingredients.
This beautiful collection includes:
- Morning Nibbles: Loaded Toast Four Ways, French Toast Casserole, Veggie Frittata Muffins
- Grounding Grains: Rainbow Grain Bowl, One Pot Lemony Spaghetti, Mexican Lasagna
- LBPs (Lentils, Beans & Pulses): Creamy Red Lentil Daal; Baked Falafel Pita; Sweet Potato,
Cauliflower and Cashew Curry
- Bread is Life: Pull Apart Cheesy Bread, Spicy Bean Burgers, Tandoori Tacos, Pizza Quesadilla
- Salads: Butterbean and Tomato, Chilled Soba Noodle, Mum’s Old School Potato Salad,
- Sun to Moon Soups: Cheesy Broccoli, Beet and Dill, Cannellini Bean and Tomato
Hero Veg: Sweet and Sour Broccolini, Crispy Sunchokes, Bombay Potatoes
- Drinks: Masala Chai, Strawberry Mint Lemonade, Tahini Matcha Latte
- Sweet Treats: Chocolate Mud Pie, Oatmeal Cookies, Pecan Upside Down Cake
And because food alone cannot sustain us completely, Radhi shares her daily wellness practices: her revitalizing morning skincare routine,ancient rituals to nourish and strengthen your hair, meditations and prayers for staying present, and breathwork that will carry you through each phase the day.
As a student of Ayurveda, Radhi shares its transformative principles in a way that's easy for anyone to incorporate into their life. She offers mindful practices around cooking and explains how, as we connect to our food and understand our body, we can improve our health. Whether satisfying comfort food or a gentle bowl of grains and veggies, each dish – and ritual – in JoyFull is intended to bring harmony to you and your body.
Written with generosity and kindness, Radhi takes you on a journey towards a JoyFull life.
Tuiskokke Isabella Niehaus en Louis Jansen van Vuuren span weer saam om
uitsonderlike publikasie van vegan geregte saam te stel.
Nadat hulle die Gourmand World Cookbook Awards in 2023 gewen het met
Daar’s Vegan op my Verandah as die beste vegan kookboek in die wêreld
kom hulle nou met splinternuwe plantgebaseerde kosboek, Skepselkos wat
ook in Engels beskikbaar is as Earthling Food.
Met hierdie unieke boek is dit nie net die twee glanssjefs wat hul
kragte saamspan nie, maar hulle word ook bygestaan deur tien vriende
wat almal bekende sjefs en kundiges op kosgebied is. Hierdie gesprekke
tussen die skrywers en hul vriende skep besondere agter-die-skerms
situasie wat kyk na die inspirasie en kreatiwiteit agter Suid-Afrika se
plantgebaseerde koservaring.
Lesers sal geïnspireer word deur die stories en resepte wat
waardering skep vir plantgebaseerde kos. Die resepte is toeganklik met
alledaagse bestanddele wat maklik beskikbaar is. Met
Skepselkos/Earthling Food nooi Isabella en Louis jou uit om op
uitsonderlike kulinêre avontuur te gaan. Hierdie boek bied iets vir
almal, of jy nou ervare sjef of nuweling in die kombuis is. Dit is
meer as net kookboek – dit neem jou op reis van geur, kultuur en
kreatiwiteit wat blywende indruk sal laat en jou ook sal inspireer om
met plantgebaseerde disse te eksperimenteer.
Quick and easy one-pot meals
Award -winning author Louisa Holst is back with another brilliant
concept: A collection of simple and delicious dishes that are
cooked on the stovetop using only one pot or pan.
In ONE POT, Louisa serves up nutritious weeknight winners that are big
on flavour and on your table in under an hour. You save time, effort
and money, with the added bonus of less washing up.
ONE POT is for anyone looking for quick-and-easy family supper
solutions using economical, local ingredients.
The book is ideal for busy people, families and young adults, as well
as for weeknight meals and camping trips and has everything from
cooking tips, soups, stir-fries, pasta and rice dishes, to batch
cooking and sweet treats.
By the author of the super selling series: The South African Air Fryer