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Books > Language & Literature > Literary & linguistic reference works > Creative writing & creative writing guides
From Banks's brewery's yeasty stink to groaty pudding to spicy curry, Sebastian Groes and R. M. Francis have assembled a new literary history of the smells and (childhood) memories that belong to the Black Country. This often overlooked region of the United Kingdom at the frontlines of post-industrial upheaval is a veritable treasure trove for studying the relationship between olfaction and place-specific memory. Smell, Memory, and Literature in the Black Country is an interdisciplinary exploration of the relationship between smell and memory in which the contributions consider both personal and communal memory. Drawing on psychology, neuroscience, memory studies, literary studies and philosophy, the critical essays reconsider psychogeography through cutting-edge sensory and philosophical engagements with physical space, smell, language and human behaviour. The creative contributions from writers including Liz Berry, Narinder Dhami, Anthony Cartwright, and Kerry Hadley-Pryce meditate on the senses, place, and identity. Not only does this book illustrate the rich cultural heritage of the Black Country, it will also appeal to those interested in place writing. The book is prefaced by Will Self.
Updated with new terms, examples, and exercises, and to reflect the 2016 MLA guidelines, the Second Edition of Essential Literary Terms defines more than 225 must-know literary terms in clear and concise prose, and offers an abundance of examples and exercises to enhance understanding. Master teacher Sharon Hamilton has drawn on decades of teaching experience at the college and AP (R) levels to design this book especially for introductory students.
Filme sind auf staatliche Filmfoerderung angewiesen. Die Autorin stellt in einem Rechtsvergleich die Filmfoerdersysteme in Deutschland und England einschliesslich der Foerderung auf UK-Ebene mit ihren unterschiedlichen Foerderinstrumenten gegenuber. Erstmalig wird das englische Filmfoerdersystem in seiner Gesamtheit dargestellt. Die Foerderungen werden auf eine Vereinbarkeit mit dem europaischen Beihilfenrecht untersucht, insbesondere das Tatbestandsmerkmal der staatlichen Mittel und die Rechtfertigungsgrunde. Die Autorin gibt als Resultate wertvolle Hinweise zur Korrektur von Foerdergesetzen und -richtlinien. Hervorgehoben wird das Film Tax Regime der britischen Steuererleichterungen, das sowohl Vorbild als auch Warnfunktion fur eine Weiterentwicklung des deutschen Filmfoerdersystems sein kann.
Build a Believable World How essential is setting to a story? How much description is too much? In what ways do details and setting tie into plot and character development? How can you use setting and description to add depth to your story? You can find all the answers you need in Write Great Fiction: Description & Setting by author and instructor Ron Rozelle. This nuts-and-bolts guide - complete with practical exercises at the end of each chapter - gives you all the tips and techniques you need to: Establish a realistic sense of time and place Use description and setting to drive your story Craft effective description and setting for different genres Skillfully master showing vs. telling With dozens of excerpts from some of today's most popular writers, Write Great Fiction: Description & Setting gives you all the information you need to create a sharp and believable world of people, places, events, and actions.
LATINAS EN LOS MARGENES aspira a contribuir a la comprension del genero de la autobiografia visual como medio de expresion y reivindicacion del yo que ofrece a las artistas de minorias la oportunidad de definirse a si mismas. A traves de narrativas personales, peliculas, fotografias, obras de arte y producciones digitales, estas obras exploran temas como la homofobia, la identidad politica, la soberania nativa, la maternidad, la identidad lesbiana y diferentes identidades culturales minoritarias. Las diferentes historias visuales analizan los diferentes matices de la identidad racial y sexual de mujeres que a menudo se perciben como forasteras dentro de su propio pais. Estos grupos marginados invitan a los lectores a desarrollar nuevas formas de dialogos, practicas y alianzas transculturales.
Lo que encontramos en esta publicacion es una aproximacion al cine de David Lynch desde el pensamiento cinematografico de Gilles Deleuze. La conjuncion de estos dos autores, en apariencia muy distantes, permite la creacion de un dialogo entre filosofia y creacion audiovisual que tiene el fin de reflexionar sobre la naturaleza propia de las imagenes cinematograficas. A traves de dos peliculas del director norteamericano, Carretera Perdida (1997) y Mulholland Drive (2001), se ponen en juego imagenes pensadas por Deleuze como la imagen-recuerdo, el "sueno implicado", la imagen-sueno o la imagen-cristal.
In this learned but practical book, Jen Webb shows how 'research practices can invigorate writing; creative practices can invigorate research; and - if properly organised and managed - creative writing can operate as a mode of knowledge generation, a way of exploring problems and answering questions that matter in our current context'. Researching creative writing enables writer-researchers to craft a toolkit that will help them produce better creative work and more rigorous research work.
Life writing is people-centered nonfiction writing. Not just autobiographical or biographical, life writing encompasses a broad range of personal-experience narratives. Life writing can be serious or humorous or both. It can include any kind of subject matter because people are always at the heart of any endeavor. Fred D. White, Ph.D., author of four textbooks on writing, walks the reader through the life writing process from research to composition to revision to marketing.
This book will help students in choosing a topic for their thesis that they can investigate and turn into a short paper or a long dissertation. The book looks at questions like the following. What should feed into their choice of a supervisor? How should they compile and organise their bibliography and set about writing the introduction? What are some tips for writing paragraphs and entire chapters and producing conclusions? What are ways of providing references, using helpful (or at least correct) punctuation, avoiding common mistakes in spelling, and improving their level of writing? When difficulties arise-for instance, with their supervisor-how might they cope with and resolve such difficulties? This book is a guide. It aims to offer straightforward suggestions about doing research, putting the results into a convincing form, and dealing with difficulties that inevitably arise. The overall objective of this book is to provide students and their supervisors with some down-to-earth proposals about things to do and things to avoid when preparing and producing a long essay or a thesis. This book is the result of many years of teaching and supervising students.
Die derzeit ublichen territorialen Lizenzierungspraktiken der Filmindustrie fuhren im Online-Bereich zur Zersplitterung des europaischen Binnenmarktes, indem sie die grenzuberschreitende Nutzung von Video-on-Demand-Diensten einschranken. Der Autor zeigt auf, wie dieses Regulierungsproblem von der VO (EU) 2017/1128 zur grenzuberschreitenden Portabilitat von Online-Inhaltediensten im Binnenmarkt partiell geloest wird. Dabei widmet er sich zunachst der Frage, wie die Vorgaben dieser Verordnung zu handhaben sind, um einen angemessenen Ausgleich zwischen den Interessen aller beteiligten Akteure zu gewahrleisten. Anschliessend bettet er die Verordnung in einen vertragsrechtlichen Rahmen ein, der sowohl nationale als auch unionsrechtliche Vorgaben berucksichtigt.
El llamado auge de la visibilidad transgenero no ha sido ajeno a Latinoamerica, ejemplo de ello es el aclamado filme Una mujer fantastica (2017) galardonado con prestigiosos premios en la region y fuera de ella. El presente libro explora dicha visibilidad en la prensa y el cine de Colombia y Venezuela a traves de una metodologia interdisciplinar, interseccional y decolonial. En el, se exploran los estereotipos y estrategias discursivas que la prensa de ambos paises utiliza para construir discursivamente la imagen de las mujeres trans. Ademas, se sostiene que las producciones audiovisuales proponen formas alternativas de representacion, pues en ellas la subjetividad trans es representada de manera compleja donde convergen aspectos sociohistoricos, politicos y economicos.
WINNER - NATIONAL BOOK AWARD FOR FICTION 2021 AN ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY 'MUST READ' A TODAY SHOW BOOK CLUB PICK * * * * * Discover this astonishing work of fiction from award-winning, NEW YORK TIMES bestselling author Jason Mott. 'Powerful, timely and provocative' ABI DARE, author of GIRL WITH A LOUDING VOICE 'Jason Mott truly has written one hell of a book.' CANDICE CARTY-WILLIAMS, author of QUEENIE This is a true story. An author goes on a book tour for his new bestseller which, as people keep telling him, is one hell of a book. This is a coming-of-age story. One morning, he meets The Kid: a young Black boy who looks just like the one he keeps seeing on the news. And The Kid wants him to tell his story. This is a sad story. It's the story of a boy who spent most of his life trying to hide. And it may not be that different from the story of our author. This is a love story. But to find out why, you'll have to read this for yourself.
In Film und Literatur gibt es durch kanonisierte UEberwachungserzahlungen eine Vielzahl von Narrativen der UEberwachung, die in das Alltagswissen ubergegangen sind und die kulturellen Verhandlungen und Vorstellungen von Privatheit und Autonomie pragen. Doch auch in einer Vielzahl von anderen Medien und Diskursen lassen sich Narrative der UEberwachung finden, wie etwa im Computerspiel, in der Werbung, in Dokumentationen oder der Aktionskunst, und nicht zuletzt in der Wissenschaft selbst. Der Band widmet sich Modellierungen von UEberwachung und geht Entwicklungen von Erzahlungen und Diskursen anhand von verschiedenen Beispielen nach. Die interdisziplinaren Perspektiven nehmen dabei auch das Verhaltnis der UEberwachungsnarrative zu Sicherheits-, Privatheits- und Digitalisierungsthemen in den Blick.
The quirky inspiration of the 642 series takes flight in this collection of fiction-writing prompts that will make anyone want to grab a pen and write what happens next.
Este libro aborda la produccion cultural en Espana y Latinoamerica en los anos noventa del siglo XX, desde una variedad de perspectivas historicas y metodologicas. Este es un periodo decisivo para discernir la configuracion socio-historica contemporanea dado que el mundo en que vivimos es, en gran parte, heredero de los cambios que se produjeron durante esta decada.El volumen se divide en tres partes. La primera, "Flujos transnacionales de produccion, representacion y consumo", explora una serie de conexiones entre el audiovisual europeo y el latinoamericano; la segunda, "Cine comercial, independiente y documental: teoria y praxis", estudia diferentes aspectos del panorama cinematografico espanol; la tercera, "Television, musica y cultura popular", aborda cambios sustanciales en diversos ambi-tos culturales en Espana y Brasil, y analiza una serie de artefactos contemporaneos que reevaluan los anos noventa
Narrative designers and game designers are critical to the development of digital and analog games. This book provides a detailed look at the work writers and designers perform every day on game development projects. It includes practical advice on how to break into the game industry as a writer or game designer. Readers can use the templates and detailed instructions provided here to create lively portfolios that will help open the door to jobs in the game industry. Key features of this book: * An intimate look at the workings of AAA game development from someone who has spent decades embedded on teams at well-known companies. * An insider's look at the game industry, including advice on breaking into the industry. * Detailed instructions for creating a portfolio to demonstrate narrative design and game design skills to prospective employers. * Lessons and exercises to help students develop narrative design and game design skills. * A how-to guide for college instructors teaching classes in narrative design and game design. Detailed assignments and syllabi are included. Author Bio: Michael Breault is a 35-year industry veteran who has contributed his writing and game design skills to over 130 published games. He currently teaches narrative design and game design courses at Webster University in St. Louis. The courses he creates and teaches are based on the tasks narrative designers and game designers undertake every day while developing games. These classes provide his students with a real-world view of the work they will be doing as writers and designers in the game industry.
Off the Page examines the business and craft of screenwriting in the era of media convergence. Bernardi and Hoxter use the recent history of screenwriting labor coupled with close analysis of the screenwriting para-industry-from "how to write a winning script" books to screenwriting software-to explore the state of screenwriting throughout the US media industries. They address the conglomerate studios making tentpole movies, expanded television, Indiewood, independent animation, microbudget scripting, the video games industry, and online content creation. This book is designed to be used by students and writers who want to understand what studios want and why they want it, but also how scripting is developing in the convergent media, beneath and beyond the Hollywood tent-pole. By addressing specific genres old and new, across a wide range of media, this essential volume sets the standard for anyone in the expanded screenwriting industry and the scholars that study it.
Teaching Creative Writing is designed to showcase practical approaches developed by practitioners in the ever-growing community of writers in higher education. Aimed at enabling those who teach the subject to review, borrow, and adapt ideas, the emphasis throughout is on diversity. Contributions from an international team of writers cover a variety of forms and genres and include traditional and innovative components of creative writing courses.
This ultimate insider's guide reveals the secrets that none dare admit, told by a show biz veteran who's proven that you can sell your script if you can save the cat!
Este es el primer libro dedicado en su integridad a las adaptaciones cinematograficas de la comedia aurea. Con el, el Siglodorismo salda una deuda contraida con un patrimonio filmico que hasta fechas muy recientes habia despertado el interes solo de unos pocos. Desde una perspectiva interdisciplinar, la autora analiza diez peliculas y ofrece un recorrido a traves de la historia del cine que permite entender como, durante los ultimos cien anos, lectores de distintas ideologias y naciones se han aproximado al teatro barroco y lo han reescrito a voluntad. Los resultados invitan a reflexionar no solo sobre el poder que poseen las pantallas para dar a conocer (o bien condenar al olvido) un espectaculo que en su dia fue de masas, sino tambien sobre la actitud que deben tomar los especialistas hacia esta clase de producciones.
Die Untersuchung bietet die erste Bestandsaufnahme eines bemerkenswerten Phanomens des politischen Gegenwartstheaters: In den Spielzeiten 2012/13 bis 2017/18 wurden 25 Theatertexte uraufgefuhrt, die sich mit der Verbrechensserie der Terrorgruppe 'Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund' (NSU) befassen. Sie reagieren damit auf Leerstellen der politischen, gesellschaftlichen sowie juristischen Aufarbeitung des NSU. Die Studie untersucht ausgewahlte prototypische Theatertexte von Elfriede Jelinek bis Nuran David Calis und deren Inszenierungen. Der Fokus auf Zeugenschaft als Analyseperspektive verbindet Fragen der Darstellung, wie jene von Angehoerigen der Opfer oder von TaterInnenfiguren, mit Fragen der Rezeption von TheaterzuschauerInnen. |
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