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Books > Local Author Showcase > Fiction - adults > Crime
A cold case for Captain Benny Griessel and Vaughn Cupido of the Hawks elite police unit - not what they were looking for. And a difficult case, too. The body of Johnson Johnson, ex-cop, has been found beside a railway line. He appears to have jumped from South Africa's - perhaps the world's - most luxurious train, and two suspicious characters seen with him have disappeared into thin air. The regular police have already failed to make progress and others are intent on muddying the waters. Meanwhile in Bordeaux, Daniel Darret is settled in a new life on a different continent. A quiet life. But his skills as an international hit-man are required one more time, and Daniel is given no choice in the matter. He must hunt again - his prey the corrupt president of his homeland. Three strands of the same story become entwined in a ferocious race against time - for the Hawks to work out what lies behind the death of Johnson, for Daniel to evade the relentless Russian agents tracking him, for Benny Griessel to survive long enough to take another huge step in his efforts to piece together again the life he nearly destroyed - and finally ask Alexa Bernard to marry him. The Last Hunt shows one of the great crime writers operating at the peak of his powers. (Released as Prooi in Afrikaans)
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When she answers a call from an old friend, Dr Erin Taylor is catapulted into the drama of decades past. In 1996, three university students united to investigate the assault of a fellow student, Rina. But Erin and ‘The Furies’, as they called themselves, unwittingly triggered a time bomb. Two decades later, at a reunion lunch, Rina does not arrive. Within hours, Erin is missing as well, fighting for her life. Past actions and present decisions — her choices will draw blood.
Wanneer Harry Grimbeek asemskep tussen sy gevaarlike omswerwinge deur Afrika, kom kuier hy by sy geliefde ma in Johannesburg. Gusta is veral na aan sy hart ná sy pa haar vir ’n jonger pop gelos het. Gelukkig weet Harry sy is veilig daar bo in haar luukse penthouse in Ponte Towers, wat sy deel met ’n erfstuk van groot sentimentele waarde: Jong vrou en boek, geskilder in die veertienhonderds deur die Vlaamse meester Petrus Christus. Teen die tyd dat Harry in OosAfrika opgespoor word, is sy ma al dae lank dood. Het haar eensame lewe inderdaad vir Gusta tot selfdood gedryf, soos gespekuleer word? En wat het van haar kosbare skildery geword wat uit haar woonplek verdwyn het? Van die oomblik dat hy in sy ma se penthouse instap, kry Harry die reuk van ’n groot gekonkel. En die skuldiges sal aan die pen ry, die hele lot van hulle! Nie eens daai parmantige Ella Neser gaan hom keer nie. Nog ’n hoogtepunt in Chris Karsten se oeuvre. ’n Vermeende moord, ’n vermeende ontvoering . . .
Een van Deon Meyer se mees geliefde boeke is nou weer beskikbaar! “My naam is Bennie Griessel en ek is ’n alkoholis.” Om sy lewe terug te kry, moet speurder-inspekteur Bennie Griessel eers vir Artemis keer: die vigilante wat die doodstraf teruggebring het, wat besig is om misdaad teen kinders met ’n lang lem en ’n skrikwekkende meedoënloosheid te wreek. En met die media wat skree, die politici wat druk toepas, ’n span onbeholpe jong speurders en verskeie kollegas wat hom in die rug steek, stel Bennie Griessel ’n lokval. Maar hy het nie rekening gehou met die liefde van ’n sekswerker vir haar kind, die haat van die Sangrenegra-dwelmkartel en sy eie smagting na die helende kragte van die bottel nie.
Een van Deon Meyer se mees geliefde boeke is nou ook te sien as die TV-reeks Devil’s Peak. “My naam is Bennie Griessel en ek is ’n alkoholis.” Om sy lewe terug te kry, moet speurder-inspekteur Bennie Griessel eers vir Artemis keer: die vigilante wat die doodstraf teruggebring het, wat besig is om misdaad teen kinders met ’n lang lem en ’n skrikwekkende meedoënloosheid te wreek.En met die media wat skree, die politici wat druk toepas, ’n span onbeholpe jong speurders en verskeie kollegas wat hom in die rug steek, stel Bennie Griessel ’n lokval. Maar hy het nie rekening gehou met die liefde van ’n sekswerker vir haar kind, die haat van die Sangrenegra-dwelmkartel en sy eie smagting na die helende kragte van die bottel nie.
Sopwith Jones goes undercover for the Australian Federal Police, who have, with the help of the British, intercepted communications between a Colombian cocaine cartel, a mysterious South African intermediary known only as ‘Mafuta’ and the end-user in Australia, the self-styled Crocodile Dundee. Will Sopwith penetrate the murky and dangerous world of cocaine smugglers but, more importantly, survive it? From Barranquilla in Colombia, East London in South Africa, Darwin in Australia and a final showdown in the Kologha Indigenous Forest near Stutterheim with the dangerous Brickie Shaw, it’s all action for dashing Sopwith Jones, special investigator for the firm of Maartens and Associates.
Richter het 'n verlede, maar dis die hede wat hy ontglip. In die krake van dinge beweeg hy, systap hy die gesagte en die laspostenare, al die bakhand tentakels van die unitêre staat, Uiopa. Toe hy mis trap, moet hy vlug. Saam met Margaret reis hy deur 'n nagmerrielandskap 'n bisarre avontuur in. Helikopters, duikbote, kindersoldate, ongediertes, mensvreters… Wit leuen wemel van onwerklikhede, afdraaipaaie, en verrassings.
Toe Ami hoor dat ’n man voor haar gim geskiet is, weet sy daar is
moeilikheid. Hoekom is die Valke op die misdaadtoneel? Was dit ’n
sluipmoord? En wat is dit wat die speurder optel en in sy sak druk?
Voor Ami hierdie raaisels kan oplos, kruis haar pad met dié van ’n
Duitse joernalis wat bewerings van ’n ontstellende voorval in Mosambiek
ondersoek. Is daar werklik ’n verband tussen die twee stories?
’n Reeksmoordenaar maai bekendes op ’n streep af.
Hoe kleiner die plek, hoe groter sy geheime
Twee gewese speurders word koelbloedig langs 'n plaasdam afgemaai. En Kassie en Rooi moet die moordsaak oorneem by 'n uitgedunde Paarlse speurspan wat al 'n week lank daarmee kleitrap. Met die ooglopendste aspekte van die ondersoek reeds afgehandel, voel dit vir Kassie of hulle 'n saak erf waarvan die karkas klaar skoon gevreet is. Kassie bevraagteken egter die Paarliete se afleiding dat diefstal die motief vir die moorde was. Wanneer hy en Rooi ander moontlikhede ondersoek, begin dinge doller as kopaf raak. Geraamtes uit die verlede, 'n oud-lid van die Brixtonse Moord en Roof-eenheid, 'n leier van 'n eens berugte tronkbende, en 'n swendelaar wat die grootste maatskappy-gekonkel sedert Steinhoff orkestreer, sorg vir talle vrae waarvan die Spookeenheid-speurders probeer sin maak. En sit daar dalk iemand anders agter die man wat die sneller getrek het? Om sake vir Kassie te vererger, beleef hy 'n yslike persoonlike krisis wat hy nie weet hóé om te hanteer of op te los nie.
Durban men’s hostels are a relic of the apartheid government used as settlements formery for migrant workers. Over the years they have morphed into dangerous territory where killing, extortion and allied crimes thrive. A local research paper by the Germany-based Global Initiative Against Organised Crime suggests that between March 2014 and January 2019, more than 120 people died as a result of violence perpetrated by hitmen based at Glebelands Hostel in Umlazi, a former ‘township’ in south Durban. The killings have bled beyond the hostel, throughout KZN and even into neighbouring provinces. This is a staggering statistic for a community of around 22 000 people living in a housing complex that covers less than two square kilometres. The paper further reveals that one of Durban’s largest hostel complexes, Glebelands consists of 71 blocks. Accommodation varies from large, very old, dilapidated blocks, to the much smaller, newer family units. Crime is well-embedded here and it is often reported as fact that police and politicians alike also benefit with contract killers and the abundance of hitmen often hired from the bloody hostel. Hitmen are groomed from an early age especially by those in the taxi industry. Blood, Blades and Bullets follows the story of Mazwi Nxumalo, a naïve school dropout teenager from rural Nongoma who is unwittingly recruited into the dark world of Glebelands hostel hitmen. Coming from a poverty-stricken family, the odds are stacked against him. He is also running away from a mysterious man and his goons that he busted executing a man in a local forest. After getting in tune with the ways of the Durban taxi ranks and industry, he is soon trained in shooting, surprisingly by rogue cop friends of his handler, Zenzele. He returns one more time to Nongoma where, in a rage, kills his friend, former schoolmate and striking partner in the local football team after learning he had impregnated his high school sweetheart. Angry at his protégé and fearing that he would soon be out of control, Zenzele decides it’s time for the traditional cleansing and strengthening ceremony, ukuthwala. Mazwi emerges almost invincible from this ritual and rite of passage to become an unstoppable but flawed killing machine. As the bodies pile up, including of those cops investigating his crimes, so is his irrepressible obsession with his doctored bullets and one woman whom his handlers believe will be his Achilles heel.
Journalist and public relations maven Lucy Khambule is flying high in her life and career. Her book on convicted serial killer Napoleon Dingiswayo is a bestseller, Lucy is in demand for talks and interviews, and her company is involved in early stage organising for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Then comes the terrifying news that Dingiswayo has escaped from C-Max – or has he, as shortly thereafter Detective Morapedi confirms to Lucy that the charred remains found in a prison pipe shaft, along with a suicide note, are those of Dingiswayo. An official statement from Correctional Services further confirms this. But who is the person stalking her on Facebook? What should Lucy and Detective Morapedi make of the violent and disturbing ‘copycat’ killings happening in eSwatini and the hushed rumours that are swirling around the annual Reed Dance? As Lucy and her events management team work on the historical FIFA World Cup Preliminary Draw at the Durban International Convention Centre, events unfold at breakneck speed. Is this the work of an exconvict on a deadly mission or are there other dangers lurking on Lucy’s path? Who can she trust and how can she stay safe?
Rocco de Witt se argitekspraktyk in Kaapstad doen goed, hy is verloof aan 'n pragtige vrou en hy woon in 'n droomhuis. Maar nou staan oudmakker Gert Malan voor sy deur . . . en die geweld van destyds kom opnuut Rocco se lewe binne. Sy bestaan ontaard in 'n nagmerrie - tot die onvermydelike konfrontasie wat op hom wag, daar op die plasie Nadraai.
Ella Neser en Lou Pepler werk weer saam as private ondersoekers. Maar
die dag voor Ella op pad is Brugge toe, daag ’n familielid van Lou se
eks op en smeek hulle om hulp. Liesbet se broer en sy neef is wynboere
wat in Hongarye op ’n wynlandgoed naby Boedapest werk. Maar nou het
hulle verdwyn. Lou moet tog dringend die twee jong boere in een stuk
’n Onskuldige man word in sy motorhuis met ’n jaggeweer doodgeskiet. ’n
Jong vrou se lyk hang aan ’n boomtak diep in die Magaliesberg.
Die vyf Delportsusters woon saam in een huis. Wanneer die oudste
doodgeskiet word, is daar dus minstens vier verdagtes. Maar mettertyd
kom dit aan die lig dat die slagoffer allermins geliefd was.
Moord-en-roofspeurder Adriaan Kruger moet al sy vernuf inspan om die
skuldige te probeer ontmasker.
Bekende sakeman Peet Hoffman word laatnag in sy studeerkamer
Nicci de Wee is weer op die spoor van ’n nuwe booswig … en hierdie keer
is dit persoonlik. Een van haar eie spanlede, Stella, word vermis. Het
sy bloot op die ingewing van die oomblik weggegaan omdat sy ’n
blaaskans van alles en almal nodig gehad het, of is sy ontvoer? Nicci
kan nie die gevoel afskud dat Stella die nuutste slagoffer van die
diaboliese krimineel is wat talentvolle jong vroue in openbare plekke
teiken en hulle oënskynlik in die niet laat verdwyn nie.
‘Outside, in the road, behind what looks like some hastily erected barricades, I see a crowd. Television cameras. Lights. Paparazzi. Press photographers. They’ve materialised out of nowhere. What looks like over a hundred locals and tourists are peering into every car leaving this area. Crowding against the car doors, pushing cameras up against the windows. Jostling. Screaming. Shouting. In all my anxiety, hard- nosed journalist that I’m not, during the hours spent shifting around in the plastic seat in the waiting room I had somehow not understood the enormity of this story.’ As deputy editor of the glamorous FILLE magazine in London, Lisa Lassiter had almost passed up the chance of a weekend on a billionaire’s yacht off the coast of Mykonos. But her best friend Claudia Hemmingway, on her way to becoming one of the hottest movie stars on the planet, could be very persuasive when she wanted something. Not only would they get there by private jet, she’d told Lisa, they would also get to rub shoulders with VIP guests – not least a famous Hollywood film producer. It would be a weekend of fun, sunshine, champagne and partying. And it was all of those things. Until it wasn’t. Lisa has spent ten years trying to get past that weekend. If she has learnt anything, it is that unfinished business and secrets always work their way to the surface. Moving on is one thing; forgetting is another, and forgiving ... well, where to start?
Almal in Jurassic Park op die Kaapse Vlakte ken vir Anwaar ‘Ahnie’ Brandt vandat hy ’n ekstra in die film GangStar was. Maar die baas van die Butcher Boys soek nog meer roem. Nou maak die gang hulle eie movies met hul selfone – movies wat die vrees in mense se oë vasvang. Ahnie se ma, Mary, kyk anderpad en sê sy weet van niks. Sy het mos nog ’n baksteenfoon, sy like nie van tegnologie nie. Nicole Lamb en Derick Delcarme is in matriek en verlief, maar toe Nicole swanger raak, moet Derick die skool verlaat om ’n werk te soek. Hy het geen ander keuse as om by die UML-gang aan te sluit nie, want daar kan hy darem geld maak. Rolanda Fischer wil ’n lewe van weelde soos ’n Cape Kardashian hê en as sy nie ’n celebrity op sosiale media kan word nie, gaan sy vir haar ’n ryk man kry. Maar sy hou ook van ’n bad boy . . . In Kinnes deur Chase Rhys word moeilike waarhede met deernis en humor oopgeskryf.
Victor Zulu has to take control of the family-owned club in which both his father and brother were killed. Will he be next? He’ll have to watch his back with gangsters coveting the club as a place to push drugs. Meanwhile, his brother’s best friend, Fana, wants to buy the club from the Zulus – but with what money? And then there’s Busie, his brother’s widow whom Victor secretly loves, but even she seems to have secrets. A thrilling tale of mystery and suspense, danger and daring.
Maks Ntaka has a target on his back. |
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