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Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Communication studies > Information theory > Cybernetics & systems theory
This book offers a systematic and rigorous treatment of continuous-time Markov decision processes, covering both theory and possible applications to queueing systems, epidemiology, finance, and other fields. Unlike most books on the subject, much attention is paid to problems with functional constraints and the realizability of strategies. Three major methods of investigations are presented, based on dynamic programming, linear programming, and reduction to discrete-time problems. Although the main focus is on models with total (discounted or undiscounted) cost criteria, models with average cost criteria and with impulsive controls are also discussed in depth. The book is self-contained. A separate chapter is devoted to Markov pure jump processes and the appendices collect the requisite background on real analysis and applied probability. All the statements in the main text are proved in detail. Researchers and graduate students in applied probability, operational research, statistics and engineering will find this monograph interesting, useful and valuable.
This EMS volume, the first edition of which was published as Dynamical Systems II, EMS 2, sets out to familiarize the reader to the fundamental ideas and results of modern ergodic theory and its applications to dynamical systems and statistical mechanics. The exposition starts from the basic of the subject, introducing ergodicity, mixing and entropy. The ergodic theory of smooth dynamical systems is treated. Numerous examples are presented carefully along with the ideas underlying the most important results. Moreover, the book deals with the dynamical systems of statistical mechanics, and with various kinetic equations. For this second enlarged and revised edition, published as Mathematical Physics I, EMS 100, two new contributions on ergodic theory of flows on homogeneous manifolds and on methods of algebraic geometry in the theory of interval exchange transformations were added. This book is compulsory reading for all mathematicians working in this field, or wanting to learn about it.
This book collects the latest results and new trends in the application of mathematics to some problems in control theory, numerical simulation and differential equations. The work comprises the main results presented at a thematic minisymposium, part of the 9th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2019), held in Valencia, Spain, from 15 to 18 July 2019. The topics covered in the 6 peer-review contributions involve applications of numerical methods to real problems in oceanography and naval engineering, as well as relevant results on switching control techniques, which can have multiple applications in industrial complexes, electromechanical machines, biological systems, etc. Problems in control theory, as in most engineering problems, are modeled by differential equations, for which standard solving procedures may be insufficient. The book also includes recent geometric and analytical methods for the search of exact solutions for differential equations, which serve as essential tools for analyzing problems in many scientific disciplines.
This book is a novel tutorial for research-oriented study of vibration mechanics. The book begins with twelve open problems from six case studies of vibration mechanics in order to guide readers in studying the entire book. Then, the book surveys both theories and methods of linear vibrations in an elementary course from a new perspective of aesthetics of science so as to assist readers to upgrade their way of learning. The successive chapters offer a theoretical frame of linear vibrations and waves, covering the models of vibration systems, the vibration analysis of discrete systems, the natural vibrations of one-dimensional structures, the natural vibrations of symmetric structures, and the waves and vibrations of one-dimensional structures. The chapters help readers solve the twelve open problems step by step during the research-oriented study. The book tries to arouse the interest of graduate students and professionals, who have learnt an elementary course of vibration mechanics of two credits, to conduct the research-oriented study and achieve a helical upgrade understanding to vibration mechanics.
This fascinating book examines some of the characteristics of
technological/engineering models that are likely to be unfamiliar
to those who are interested primarily in the history and philosophy
of science and mathematics, and which differentiate technological
models from scientific and mathematical ones. Themes that are
highlighted include:
This book reflects the outcome of contribution by the plural community and of the interactions between disciplines. With the mass of data available through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in an unprecedented quantity since the Human History, it is now possible to access dimensions of knowledge that, though not hidden, could not be grasped in the same way in the past. The question of how this information can be used for the benefit of institutional and economic actors to foster the development of a territory. Tackling the issue from a resolutely interdisciplinary perspective, the authors explore the theories and methods of complex systems in order to discuss how they can contribute in these new circumstances to territorial intelligence and to the development practices in which it is embodied. This book illustrates how today's research explores the multiple facets of territorial systems in order to reproduce their richness. It invites readers to learn about the challenges, ideas, results and advances present in this domain.
This innovative monograph explores a new mathematical formalism in higher-order temporal logic for proving properties about the behavior of systems. Developed by the authors, the goal of this novel approach is to explain what occurs when multiple, distinct system components interact by using a category-theoretic description of behavior types based on sheaves. The authors demonstrate how to analyze the behaviors of elements in continuous and discrete dynamical systems so that each can be translated and compared to one another. Their temporal logic is also flexible enough that it can serve as a framework for other logics that work with similar models. The book begins with a discussion of behavior types, interval domains, and translation invariance, which serves as the groundwork for temporal type theory. From there, the authors lay out the logical preliminaries they need for their temporal modalities and explain the soundness of those logical semantics. These results are then applied to hybrid dynamical systems, differential equations, and labeled transition systems. A case study involving aircraft separation within the National Airspace System is provided to illustrate temporal type theory in action. Researchers in computer science, logic, and mathematics interested in topos-theoretic and category-theory-friendly approaches to system behavior will find this monograph to be an important resource. It can also serve as a supplemental text for a specialized graduate topics course.
As internet technologies continue to advance, new types and methods of data and security breaches threaten national security. These potential breaches allow for information theft and can provide footholds for terrorist and criminal organizations. Developments in Information Security and Cybernetic Wars is an essential research publication that covers cyberwarfare and terrorism globally through a wide range of security-related areas. Featuring topics such as crisis management, information security, and governance, this book is geared toward practitioners, academicians, government officials, military professionals, and industry professionals.
In this short monograph Newton-like and other similar numerical methods with applications to solving multivariate equations are developed, which involve Caputo type fractional mixed partial derivatives and multivariate fractional Riemann-Liouville integral operators. These are studied for the first time in the literature. The chapters are self-contained and can be read independently. An extensive list of references is given per chapter. The book's results are expected to find applications in many areas of applied mathematics, stochastics, computer science and engineering. As such this short monograph is suitable for researchers, graduate students, to be used in graduate classes and seminars of the above subjects, also to be in all science and engineering libraries.
This book develops analytical methods for studying the dynamical chaos, synchronization, and dynamics of structures in various models of coupled rotators. Rotators and their systems are defined in a cylindrical phase space, and, unlike oscillators, which are defined in Rn, they have a wider "range" of motion: There are vibrational and rotational types for cyclic variables, as well as their combinations (rotational-vibrational) if the number of cyclic variables is more than one. The specificity of rotator phase space poses serious challenges in terms of selecting methods for studying the dynamics of related systems. The book chiefly focuses on developing a modified form of the method of averaging, which can be used to study the dynamics of rotators. In general, the book uses the "language" of the qualitative theory of differential equations, point mappings, and the theory of bifurcations, which helps authors to obtain new results on dynamical chaos in systems with few degrees of freedom. In addition, a special section is devoted to the study and classification of dynamic structures that can occur in systems with a large number of interconnected objects, i.e. in lattices of rotators and/or oscillators. Given its scope and format, the book can be used both in lectures and courses on nonlinear dynamics, and in specialized courses on the development and operation of relevant systems that can be represented by a large number of various practical systems: interconnected grids of various mechanical systems, various types of networks including not only mechanical but also biological systems, etc.
Why is it that many large public projects run out of control in terms of scope, budget and time? How can it be explained that urban regeneration programs are highly successful in one neighborhood but fail to deliver in an adjacent neighborhood? Why is it that public policies can return unexpected and sometimes even unwanted outcomes, despite meticulous planning? Why is public decision-making such a complex affair? The world is an erratic place, full of surprises, some of which are wanted and others are unwanted. Public decision-making in this world is like punching clouds: considerable energy is put into the punching but the cloud goes its own way, despite the punches. Recent ideas and insights from the complexity sciences improve our understanding of the intricate nature of public decision-making. This book offers a bridge between the study of public decision-making in the domain of Public Administration on the one hand, and the complexity sciences on the other hand. It is aimed at (doctoral) students and scholars in Public Administration who are curious about how the complexity sciences can inform the analysis and understanding of public decision-making. The book introduces important concepts such as systems, non-linear dynamics, self-organization and coevolution, and discusses their relevance to public decision-making. It also proposes a case-based research method for researching this complexity. Lasse Gerrits, Ph.D. is associate professor in Public Administration at the Erasmus University Rotterdam (the Netherlands) and member of the research group Governance of Complex Systems.
To a large extent, our lives on this earth depend on systems that operate auto matically. Manysuchsystems can be found in nature and others are man made. These systems can be biological, electrical, mechanical, chemical, or ecological, to namejust a few categories. Our human body is full ofsystems whose conti nued automatic operation is vital for our existence. On a daily basis we come in contact with man made systems whose automatic operation ensures increa sed productivity, promotes economic development and improves the quality of life. A primary component that is responsible for the automatic operation of a system is a device or mechanism called the controller. In man made systems one must first design and then implement such a controller either as a piece of hardware or as software code in a computer. The safe and efficient automatic operation of such systems is testimony to the success of control theorists and practitioners over the years. This book presents new methods {or controller design. The process ofdeveloping a controller or control strategy can be dramatically improved if one can generate an appropriate dynamic model for the system under consideration. Robust control design deals with the question of how to develop such controllers for system models with uncertainty. In many cases dynamic models can be expressed in terms oflinear, time invariant differential equations or transfer functions."
This textbook helps graduate level student to understand easily the linearization of nonlinear control system. Differential geometry is essential to understand the linearization problems of the control nonlinear systems. In this book, the basics of differential geometry needed in linearization are explained on the Euclidean space instead of the manifold for students who are not accustomed to differential geometry. Many Lie algebra formulas, used often in linearization, are also provided with proof. The conditions in the linearization problems are complicated to check because the Lie bracket calculation of vector fields by hand needs much concentration and time. This book provides MATLAB programs for most of the theorems. The book also includes end-of-chapter problems and other pedagogical aids to help understanding and self study.
The main theme of this book is recent progress in structure-preserving algorithms for solving initial value problems of oscillatory differential equations arising in a variety of research areas, such as astronomy, theoretical physics, electronics, quantum mechanics and engineering. It systematically describes the latest advances in the development of structure-preserving integrators for oscillatory differential equations, such as structure-preserving exponential integrators, functionally fitted energy-preserving integrators, exponential Fourier collocation methods, trigonometric collocation methods, and symmetric and arbitrarily high-order time-stepping methods. Most of the material presented here is drawn from the recent literature. Theoretical analysis of the newly developed schemes shows their advantages in the context of structure preservation. All the new methods introduced in this book are proven to be highly effective compared with the well-known codes in the scientific literature. This book also addresses challenging problems at the forefront of modern numerical analysis and presents a wide range of modern tools and techniques.
This book aims to extend existing works on consensus of multi-agent systems systematically. The agents to be considered range from double integrators to generic linear systems. The primary goal is to explicitly characterize how agent parameters, which reflect both self-dynamics and inner coupling of each agent, and switching network topologies jointly influence the collective behaviors. A series of necessary and/or sufficient conditions for exponential consensus are derived. The contents of this book are as follows. Chapter 1 provides the background and briefly reviews the advances of consensus of multi-agent systems. Chapter 2 addresses the consensus problem of double integrators over directed switching network topologies. It is proven that exponential consensus can be secured under very mild conditions incorporating the damping gain and network topology. Chapter 3 considers generic linear systems with undirected switching network topologies. Necessary and sufficient conditions on agent parameters and connectivity of the communication graph for exponential consensus are provided. Chapter 4 furthers the study of consensus for multiple generic linear systems by considering directed switching network topologies. How agent parameters and joint connectivity work together for reaching consensus is characterized from an algebraic and geometric view. Chapter 5 extends the design and analysis methodology to containment control problem, where there exist multiple leaders. A novel analysis framework from the perspective of state transition matrix is developed. This framework relates containment to consensus and overcomes the difficulty of construction of a containment error. This book serves as a reference to the main research issues and results on consensus of multi-agent systems. Some prerequisites for reading this book include linear system theory, matrix theory, mathematics, and so on.
Design automation of electronic and hybrid systems is a steadily growing field of interest and a permanent challenge for researchers in Electronics, Computer Engineering and Computer Science. System Design Automation presents some recent results in design automation of different types of electronic and mechatronic systems. It deals with various topics of design automation, ranging from high level digital system synthesis, through analogue and heterogeneous system analysis and design, up to system modeling and simulation. Design automation is treated from the aspects of its theoretical fundamentals, its basic approach and its methods and tools. Several application cases are presented in detail. The book consists of three chapters: High-Level System Synthesis (Digital Hardware/Software Systems). Here embedded systems, distributed systems and processor arrays as well as hardware-software codesign are treated. Also three special application cases are discussed in detail; Analog and Heterogeneous System Design (System Approach and Methodology). This chapter copes with the analysis and design of hybrid systems comprised of analog and digital, electronic and mechanical components; System Simulation and Evaluation (Methods and Tools). In this chapter object-oriented Modelling, analog system simulation including fault-simulation, parameter optimization and system validation are regarded. The contents of the book are based on material presented at the Workshop System Design Automation (SDA 2000) organised by the Sonderforschungsbereich 358 of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft at TU Dresden.
Perturbation Methods in Science and Engineering provides the fundamental and advanced topics in perturbation methods in science and engineering, from an application viewpoint. This book bridges the gap between theory and applications, in new as well as classical problems. The engineers and graduate students who read this book will be able to apply their knowledge to a wide range of applications in different engineering disciplines. The book begins with a clear description on limits of mathematics in providing exact solutions and goes on to show how pioneers attempted to search for approximate solutions of unsolvable problems. Through examination of special applications and highlighting many different aspects of science, this text provides an excellent insight into perturbation methods without restricting itself to a particular method. This book is ideal for graduate students in engineering, mathematics, and physical sciences, as well as researchers in dynamic systems.
"Fault-Tolerant Process Control" focuses on the development of general, yet practical, methods for the design of advanced fault-tolerant control systems; these ensure an efficient fault detection and a timely response to enhance fault recovery, prevent faults from propagating or developing into total failures, and reduce the risk of safety hazards. To this end, methods are presented for the design of advanced fault-tolerant control systems for chemical processes which explicitly deal with actuator/controller failures and sensor faults and data losses. Specifically, the book puts forward: .A framework for detection, isolation and diagnosis of actuator and sensor faults for nonlinear systems; . Controller reconfiguration and safe-parking-based fault-handling methodologies; . Integrated-data- and model-based fault-detection and isolation and fault-tolerant control methods; . Methods for handling sensor faults and data losses; and . Methods for monitoring the performance of low-level PID loops. The methodologies proposed employ nonlinear systems analysis, Lyapunov techniques, optimization, statistical methods and hybrid systems theory and are predicated upon the idea of integrating fault-detection, local feedback control, and supervisory control. The applicability and performance of the methods are demonstrated through a number of chemical process examples. "Fault-Tolerant Process Control" is a valuable resource for academic researchers, industrial practitioners as well as graduate students pursuing research in this area."
This book is dedicated to the analysis and modelling of fractional behaviours that mainly result from physical stochastic phenomena (diffusion, adsorption or aggregation, etc.) of a population (ions, molecules, people, etc.) in a constrained environment and that can be found in numerous areas. It breaks with the usual approaches based on fractional models since it proposes to use unusual models which have the advantage of overcoming some of the limitations of fractional models. This book is dedicated to postgraduated students and to researchers in the field or those who wish to learn with a fresh perspective. After a review of fractional models and their limitations, it proposes and demonstrates the interest of four other modelling tools to capture fractional behaviours: new kernels in integral operators, Volterra equations, nonlinear models and partial differential equations with spatially variable coefficients. Several applications on real data and devices illustrate their efficiency.
This book focuses on fault diagnosis for linear discrete time-varying (LDTV) systems and its applications in modern engineering processes, with more weighting placed on the development of theory and methodologies. A comprehensive and systematic study on fault diagnosis for LDTV systems is provided, covering H -optimization-based fault diagnosis, H -filtering-based fault diagnosis, parity space-based fault diagnosis, Krein space technique-aided fault detection and fault estimation, and their typical applications in linear/nonlinear processes such as satellite attitude control systems and INS/GPS systems. This book benefits researchers, engineers, and graduate students in the fields of control engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, instrumentation science, and optoelectronic engineering.
This book describes the research progress of the control design about strict-feedback nonlinear systems. A novel gain control design method is proposed, which greatly simplifies the construction procedure of controller for strict-feedback nonlinear systems. The control design problem of strict-feedback nonlinear systems is converted into the determination problem of gain parameters or the construction of dynamic gain equations. Therefore, the tedious iterative design procedure is effectively avoided. This book can be used as a reference for researchers in the field of control theory and engineers seeking advanced methods in practical control applications.Â
This book explores event-based estimation problems. It shows how several stochastic approaches are developed to maintain estimation performance when sensors perform their updates at slower rates only when needed. The self-contained presentation makes this book suitable for readers with no more than a basic knowledge of probability analysis, matrix algebra and linear systems. The introduction and literature review provide information, while the main content deals with estimation problems from four distinct angles in a stochastic setting, using numerous illustrative examples and comparisons. The text elucidates both theoretical developments and their applications, and is rounded out by a review of open problems. This book is a valuable resource for researchers and students who wish to expand their knowledge and work in the area of event-triggered systems. At the same time, engineers and practitioners in industrial process control will benefit from the event-triggering technique that reduces communication costs and improves energy efficiency in wireless automation applications.
This book highlights recent research on interval methods for solving nonlinear constraint satisfaction, optimization and similar problems. Further, it presents a comprehensive survey of applications in various branches of robotics, artificial intelligence systems, economics, control theory, dynamical systems theory, and others. Three appendices, on the notation, representation of numbers used as intervals' endpoints, and sample implementations of the interval data type in several programming languages, round out the coverage.
Iterative Learning Control (ILC) differs from most existing control methods in the sense that, it exploits every possibility to incorporate past control informa tion, such as tracking errors and control input signals, into the construction of the present control action. There are two phases in Iterative Learning Control: first the long term memory components are used to store past control infor mation, then the stored control information is fused in a certain manner so as to ensure that the system meets control specifications such as convergence, robustness, etc. It is worth pointing out that, those control specifications may not be easily satisfied by other control methods as they require more prior knowledge of the process in the stage of the controller design. ILC requires much less information of the system variations to yield the desired dynamic be haviors. Due to its simplicity and effectiveness, ILC has received considerable attention and applications in many areas for the past one and half decades. Most contributions have been focused on developing new ILC algorithms with property analysis. Since 1992, the research in ILC has progressed by leaps and bounds. On one hand, substantial work has been conducted and reported in the core area of developing and analyzing new ILC algorithms. On the other hand, researchers have realized that integration of ILC with other control techniques may give rise to better controllers that exhibit desired performance which is impossible by any individual approach."
This book presents collaborative research presented by experts in the field of nonlinear science provides the reader with contemporary, cutting-edge, research works that bridge the gap between theory and device realizations of nonlinear phenomena. The conference provides a unique forum for applications of nonlinear systems while solving practical problems in science and engineering. Topics include: chaos gates, social networks, communication, sensors, lasers, molecular motors, biomedical anomalies, and stochastic resonance. This book provides a comprehensive report of the various research projects presented at the International Conference on Applications in Nonlinear Dynamics (ICAND 2018) held in Maui, Hawaii, 2018. It can be a valuable tool for scientists and engineering interested in connecting ideas and methods in nonlinear dynamics with actual design, fabrication and implementation of engineering applications or devices. |
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