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Books > Professional & Technical > Energy technology & engineering > Electrical engineering
Understanding the recent developments in renewable energy is crucial for a range of fields in today's society. As environmental awareness and the need for a more sustainable future continues to grow, the uses of renewable energy, particularly in areas such as smart grid, must be considered and studied thoroughly to be implemented successfully and move society toward a more sustainable future. Optimal Planning of Smart Grid With Renewable Energy Resources offers a detailed guide to the new problems and opportunities for sustainable growth in engineering by focusing on modeling diverse problems occurring in science and engineering as well as novel effective theoretical methods and robust optimization theories, which can be used to analyze and solve multiple types of problems. Covering topics such as electric drives and energy systems, this publication is ideal for researchers, academicians, industry professionals, engineers, scholars, instructors, and students.
This book provides a complete guide to the design, procurement,
installation and testing procedures for local area networks (LANs)
using both copper and optical fibre cable technology.
International, European and American LAN and premises cabling
standards are explained and compared including the latest Category
5, Category 6 and Category 7 proposals. The latest standards in
testing, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) compliance and fire
safety are also covered in detail.
This book is focused on an emerging area, i.e. combination of IoT and semantic technologies, which should enable breaking the silos of local and/or domain-specific IoT deployments. Taking into account the way that IoT ecosystems are realized, several challenges can be identified. Among them of definite importance are (this list is, obviously, not exhaustive): (i) How to provide common representation and/or shared understanding of data that will enable analysis across (systematically growing) ecosystems? (ii) How to build ecosystems based on data flows? (iii) How to track data provenance? (iv) How to ensure/manage trust? (v) How to search for things/data within ecosystems? (vi) How to store data and assure its quality? Semantic technologies are often considered among the possible ways of addressing these (and other, related) questions. More precisely, in academic research and in industrial practice, semantic technologies materialize in the following contexts (this list is, also, not exhaustive, but indicates the breadth of scope of semantic technology usability): (i) representation of artefacts in IoT ecosystems and IoT networks, (ii) providing interoperability between heterogeneous IoT artefacts, (ii) representation of provenance information, enabling provenance tracking, trust establishment, and quality assessment, (iv) semantic search, enabling flexible access to data originating in different places across the ecosystem, (v) flexible storage of heterogeneous data. Finally, Semantic Web, Web of Things, and Linked Open Data are architectural paradigms, with which the aforementioned solutions are to be integrated, to provide production-ready deployments.
An important new resource for the international utility market Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS) technology is fast becoming a mainstay of modern electrical power systems. Thyristor-based controllers such as Static Var Compensator (SVC) and Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) constitute the key components of FACTS technology that have wide application potential around the world, especially in the restructured power system environment. By integrating material from several publications in the available literature, this comprehensive reference book makes an elaborate presentation on:
Thyristor-based FACTS Controllers for Electrical Transmission Systems offers an in-depth discussion of both theoretical concepts and practical applications, enhanced by examples and case studies of control design and system performance. Filling the need for a comprehensive text in this area, the book will prove to be an important resource for academics, students, and practicing engineers involved in FACTS technology.
In the last decade, signi?cant changes have occurred in the ?eld of vehicle motion planning, and for UAVs in particular. UAV motion planning is especially dif?cult due to several complexities not considered by earlier planning strategies: the - creased importance of differential constraints, atmospheric turbulence which makes it impossible to follow a pre-computed plan precisely, uncertainty in the vehicle state, and limited knowledge about the environment due to limited sensor capabilities. These differences have motivated the increased use of feedback and other control engineering techniques for motion planning. The lack of exact algorithms for these problems and dif?culty inherent in characterizing approximation algorithms makes it impractical to determine algorithm time complexity, completeness, and even soundness. This gap has not yet been addressed by statistical characterization of experimental performance of algorithms and benchmarking. Because of this overall lack of knowledge, it is dif?cult to design a guidance system, let alone choose the algorithm. Throughout this paper we keep in mind some of the general characteristics and requirements pertaining to UAVs. A UAV is typically modeled as having velocity and acceleration constraints (and potentially the higher-order differential constraints associated with the equations of motion), and the objective is to guide the vehicle towards a goal through an obstacle ?eld. A UAV guidance problem is typically characterized by a three-dimensional problem space, limited information about the environment, on-board sensors with limited range, speed and acceleration constraints, and uncertainty in vehicle state and sensor data.
Gaining public attention due, in part, to their potential application as energy storage devices in cars, Lithium-ion batteries have encountered widespread demand, however, the understanding of lithium-ion technology has often lagged behind production. This book defines the most commonly encountered challenges from the perspective of a high-end lithium-ion manufacturer with two decades of experience with lithium-ion batteries and over six decades of experience with batteries of other chemistries. Authors with years of experience in the applied science and engineering of lithium-ion batteries gather to share their view on where lithium-ion technology stands now, what are the main challenges, and their possible solutions. The book contains real-life examples of how a subtle change in cell components can have a considerable effect on cell's performance. Examples are supported with approachable basic science commentaries. Providing a unique combination of practical know-how with an in-depth perspective, this book will appeal to graduate students, young faculty members, or others interested in the current research and development trends in lithium-ion technology.
Gain an understanding of the inspection of large synchronous
machines, generators, condensers, and motors! This text describes
each component of the machine, operational functions, typical
design features, and tell-tale signs that indicate each mode of
failure. Compact with photos, graphs, commonly-used inspection
forms, along with extensive references for each topic, INSPECTION
OF LARGE SYNCHRONOUS MACHINES is an excellent tool for operators,
inspectors, and student engineers.
This book is a collection of best selected high-quality research papers presented at the International Conference on Advances in Energy Management (ICAEM 2019) organized by the Department of Electrical Engineering, Jodhpur Institute of Engineering & Technology (JIET), Jodhpur, India, during 20-21 December 2019. The book discusses intelligent energy management technologies which are cost effective compared to the high cost of fossil fuels. This book also explains why these systems have beneficial impact on environmental, economic and political issues of the world. The book is immensely useful for research scholars, academicians, R&D institutions, practicing engineers and managers from industry.
Russia's place in the world as a powerful regional actor can no longer be denied; the question that remains concerns what this means in terms of foreign policy and domestic stability for the actors involved in the situation, as Russia comes to grips with its newfound sources of might.
Power transfer for large systems depends on high system voltages.
The basics of high voltage laboratory techniques and phenomena,
together with the principles governing the design of high voltage
insulation, are covered in this book for students, utility
engineers, designers and operators of high voltage equipment.
High voltage testing of some of the electrical equipments e.g. insulators, cables, transformers as per standard specifications has been explained. Various methods of non-destructive testing which yield information regarding life expectancy and long term stability or otherwise of the insulating materials have been discussed. The book takes a view of various types of transients in power systems and suggests classical and more modern statistical methods of co-ordinating the insulation requirements of the system. Key Features: * Electric Stress Estimation and Control using various techniques. * Mechanism of breakdown of gases, liquids and solid insulating materials. * Application of insulating materials for different electrical equipments. * Generation of high a.c., d.c. and impulse voltages and currents for testing of electrical equipments. * Various techniques and circuits for measurements of high voltages. * Testing procedures for testing of insulators, cables transformers, circuit breakers etc. * High Voltage Schering Bridge and partial discharge measurement techniques for assessing life expectancy of equipments. * Insulation coordination and over-voltage protection. * Photo plates to give a physical feel of various equipment in a high voltage laboratory. * Large number of solved examples, practice problems and multiple choice questions.
Advanced Array Systems, Applications and RF Technologies adopts a
holistic view of arrays used in radar, electronic warfare,
communications, remote sensing and radioastronomy. Radio frequency
(RF) and intermediate frequency (IF) signal processing is assuming
a fundamental importance, owing to its increasing ability to
multiply a system's capabilities in a cost-effective manner. This
book comprehensively covers the important front-end RF subsystems
of active phased arrays, so offering array designers new and
exciting opportunities in signal processing.
An important aim behind the restructuring of Germany's and Europe's
electricity systems is to reduce the environmental burden,
especially with respect to greenhouse gas emissions, of the current
systems. Emissions must be brought down to a level that is
sustainable in the long run and consistent with greenhouse gas
emission reduction goals. Meeting these goals will require a system
(as best as current knowledge suggests) that will be able to cope
simultaneously with the fundamental demands for economic
efficiency, environmental sustainability and supply security.
Making use of existing scenarios, this study sketches such a
system. It focuses in particular on auxiliary systems such as
energy storage methods and network extensions.
This book is not only an essential read for every professional
working with antique radio and gramophone equipment, but also
dealers, collectors and valve technology enthusiasts the world
This volume contains selected presentations of the "EUROMECH Colloquium 412 on LES of complex transitional and turbulent flows" held at the Munich University of Technology from 4 to 6 October 2000. The articles focus on new developments in the field of large-eddy simulation of complex flows and are related to the topics: modelling and analysis of subgrid scales, numerical issues in LES cartesian grids for complex geometries, curvilinear and non-structured grids for complex geometries. DES and RANS-LES coupling, aircraft wake vortices, combustion and magnetohydrodynamics. Progress has been made not only in understanding and modelling the dynamics of unresolved scales, but also in designing means that prevent the contamination of LES predictions by discretization errors. Progress is reported as well on the use of cartesian and curvilinear coordinates to compute flow in and around complex geometries and in the field of LES with unstructured grids. A chapter is dedicated to the detached-eddy simulation technique and its recent achievements and to the promising technique of coupling RANS and LES solutions in order to push the resolution-based Reynolds number limit of wall-resolving LES to higher values. Complexity due to physical mechanisms links the last two chapters. It is shown that LES constitutes the tool to analyse the physics of aircraft wake vortices during landing and takeoff. Its thorough understanding is a prerequisite for reliable predictions of the distance between consecutive landing airplanes. Subgrid combustion modelling for LES of single and two-phase reacting flows is demonstrated to have the potential to deal with finite-rate kinetics in high Reynolds numberflows of full-scale gas turbine engines. Fluctuating magnetic fields are more reliably predicted by LES when tensor-diffusivity rather than gradient-diffusion models are used. An encouraging result in the context of turbulence control by magnetic fields.
This book explains the fundamental concepts of information theory, so as to help students better understand modern communication technologies. It was especially written for electrical and communication engineers working on communication subjects. The book especially focuses on the understandability of the topics, and accordingly uses simple and detailed mathematics, together with a wealth of solved examples. The book consists of four chapters, the first of which explains the entropy and mutual information concept for discrete random variables. Chapter 2 introduces the concepts of entropy and mutual information for continuous random variables, along with the channel capacity. In turn, Chapter 3 is devoted to the typical sequences and data compression. One of Shannon's most important discoveries is the channel coding theorem, and it is critical for electrical and communication engineers to fully comprehend the theorem. As such, Chapter 4 solely focuses on it. To gain the most from the book, readers should have a fundamental grasp of probability and random variables; otherwise, they will find it nearly impossible to understand the topics discussed.
The interstate integration of power grids provides multiple advantages concerning operation security, integration of renewable energy as well as energy trading. Due to these facts grid interconnections, such as ENTSO-E in Continental Europe, expand continually since its establishment. Due to the increasing scale and distance of interconnected power systems as well as an increasing number of countries involved with increasing complexity of operation, comprehensive R&D and innovations are urgently required to assure reliable and efficient operation of power systems. In this book new tools and methods are presented for monitoring, control and protection of large scale power systems. These tools and methods consider Smart Grid technologies based on wide area data exchange in combination with modern measurement devices, such as PMUs and advanced network controllers such as FACTS and HVDC systems. Within this topic the impact and reliability of different communication technologies play a key role. The material of this book is based on final results from the international research project ICOEUR Intelligent Coordination of Operation and Emergency Control of EU and Russian Power Grids, supported by the European Commission and the Russian Federal Agency of Science and Innovation. This book provides a great value for professional power system engineers as well as for students interested in topics related to large scale power system monitoring, control, protection and operation."
This book focuses on the development and implementation of cloud-based, complex software that allows parallelism, fast processing, and real-time connectivity. Software engineering (SE) is the design, development, testing, and implementation of software applications, and this discipline is as well developed as the practice is well established whereas the Cloud Software Engineering (CSE) is the design, development, testing, and continuous delivery of service-oriented software systems and applications (Software as a Service Paradigm). However, with the emergence of the highly attractive cloud computing (CC) paradigm, the tools and techniques for SE are changing. CC provides the latest software development environments and the necessary platforms relatively easily and inexpensively. It also allows the provision of software applications equally easily and on a pay-as-you-go basis. Business requirements for the use of software are also changing and there is a need for applications in big data analytics, parallel computing, AI, natural language processing, and biometrics, etc. These require huge amounts of computing power and sophisticated data management mechanisms, as well as device connectivity for Internet of Things (IoT) environments. In terms of hardware, software, communication, and storage, CC is highly attractive for developing complex software that is rapidly becoming essential for all sectors of life, including commerce, health, education, and transportation. The book fills a gap in the SE literature by providing scientific contributions from researchers and practitioners, focusing on frameworks, methodologies, applications, benefits and inherent challenges/barriers to engineering software using the CC paradigm.
"Recent Trends in the Condition Monitoring of Transformers" reflects the current interest in replacing traditional techniques used in power transformer condition monitoring with non-invasive measures such as polarization/depolarization current measurement, recovery voltage measurement, frequency domain spectroscopy and frequency response analysis. The book stresses the importance of scrutinizing the condition of transformer insulation which may fail under present day conditions of intensive use with the resulting degradation of dielectric properties causing functional failure of the transformer. The text shows the reader how to overcome the key challenges facing today s maintenance policies, namely: The selection of appropriate techniques for dealing with each type of failure process accounting for the needs of plant owners, plant users and wider society; and Cost-efficiency and durability of effect. Many of the failure-management methods presented rely on the fact that most failures give warning when they are imminent. These potential failures give rise to identifiable physical conditions and the novel approaches described detect them so that action can be taken to avoid degeneration into full-blown functional failure. This on-condition maintenance means that equipment can be left in service as long as a specified set of performance standards continue to be met, avoiding the costly downtime imposed by routine and perhaps unnecessary maintenance but without risking equally expensive failure. "Recent Trends in the Condition Monitoring of Transformers" will be of considerable interest to both academic researchers in power systems and to engineers working in the power generation and distribution industry showing how new and more efficient methods of fault diagnosis and condition management can increase transformer efficiency and cut costs."
This book provides different engineering, management, economic solutions and methodologies regarding sustainable aviation, giving readers a great sense of how sustainable aviation works at the "systems" level. The aviation industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and can make a positive contribution to sustainability. This book presents environmental policies and their application to the aviation industry and evaluates solutions provided to address pollution. Chapters discuss novel technologies that the aviation industry can apply to reduce its environmental impact and become more energy efficient.
This book introduces an innovative and high-efficiency technology for mechanical energy harvesting. The book covers the history and development of triboelectric nanogenerators, basic structures, working principles, performance characterization, and potential applications. It is divided into three parts: Part A illustrates the fundamental working modes of triboelectric nanogenerators with their prototype structures and theoretical analysis; Part B and Part C introduce two categories of applications, namely self-powered systems and self-powered active sensors. The book will be an ideal guide to scientists and engineers beginning to study triboelectric nanogenerators or wishing to deepen their knowledge of the field. Readers will be able to place the technical details about this technology in context, and acquire the necessary skills to reproduce the experimental setups for fabrication and measurement.
High-speed, power-efficient analog integrated circuits can be used as standalone devices or to interface modern digital signal processors and micro-controllers in various applications, including multimedia, communication, instrumentation, and control systems. New architectures and low device geometry of complementary metaloxidesemiconductor (CMOS) technologies have accelerated the movement toward system on a chip design, which merges analog circuits with digital, and radio-frequency components. |
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