Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Environmental medicine
Assessment of freshwater sediments can determine whether chemical
concentrations are sufficient to cause adverse effects on aquatic
organisms or organisms higher in the food chain, including humans.
This book presents methods for assessing sediments and includes an
integration of physical, chemical, and biological information. It
examines the elements of quality assurance and control programs,
considerations for the conduct of field surveys, screening-level
analyses, chemical analyses, toxicity tests for assessing
biological impacts, assessments of benthic invertebrate community
structure, surveys of fish tumors and abnormalities, and data
presentation and interpretation techniques.
The potential health hazards that might arise from the presence of
organic substances in water are a matter of increasing concern to
the water industry, environmentalists and the general public alike.
This comprehensive reference draws together and systematises the
vast body of information available on the occurrence and
determination of organic substances in natural waters. Organic
Compounds in Natural Waters provides a comprehensive description of
organic substances in waters. Methods are provided in broad
outline, with guidance on their applicability, their comparative
advantages and disadvantages, possible interferences, sensitivity
and detection levels. The book is an essential reference for
analytical chemists working in industry, water utilities,
government, non government organisations and regulatory agencies
and environmental/analytical consultants.
Leprosy (Hansen s disease) is an infectious disease caused by
Mycobacterium leprae. It is one of the most disabling disorders in
developing countries, with a peak incidence in the tropics and
subtropics. With globalization, leprosy is now increasingly
spreading to the western world. The impact of this infectious
disorder is relevant for the human community due to its
transmissible nature, and also important for the individual because
of its debilitating consequences. Leprosy is a multifaceted
systemic disease with variable presentation and clinical picture.
Its identification may therefore not be straightforward, especially
outside endemic areas. During its chronic course, leprosy is
characterized by acute phases during which there may be
exacerbation of symptoms and rapid progression of damage. When
leprosy affects the eyes, nerves, and kidneys, it can represent a
true medical emergency. The aim of this book is to make the reader
familiar with the characteristic signs of disease, including
abnormalities of the skin, nerves, eyes, hands, feet, testes, and
bone. Early identification of the disease is critical to prevent
patient disability and establish appropriate therapy. Emphasis will
be given to the current diagnostic tools to identify and quantify
the organ damage, including electrophysiology, ultrasonography,
magnetic resonance imaging, laboratory tests, and histopathology.
Specific topics such as leprosy and pregnancy, leprosy and HIV
infection, epidemiology, and leprosy control will also be covered.
Contents: Foreword [Nigel Corlett]. 1. Introduction. 2. Anthropometry. 3. Motor Behaviour. 4. Vision and Eyes. 5. Head and Neck. 6. Trunk. 7. Pelvis. 8. Leg and Foot. 9. Shoulder Girdle and Upper Arm 10. Forearm and Hand. 11. Postures, Movements, and other Factors. 12. Force Exertion. 13. Performance. 14. Digital Human Models for Ergonomic Design and Engineering. Index.
The seventh edition of this popular handbook provides a thorough
and up-to-date overview of the occupational safety and health field
and the issues safety professionals face today, and does so in an
accessible and engaging manner. An excellent introductory reference
for both students and professionals, Fundamentals of Occupational
Safety and Health provides practical information on technology,
management, and regulatory compliance issues, covering crucial
topics like organizing, staffing, directing, and evaluating
occupational safety programs and procedures. All major occupational
safety and health topics are addressed in this comprehensive
volume, including safety-related laws and regulations, hazardous
materials, workplace violence, the threat of terrorism, and OSHA's
recordkeeping standard. This new edition has been revised and
updated throughout to include new information on a variety of
topics. The book includes a handy directory of resources such as
safety and health associations, First Responder organizations, and
state and federal agencies. The latest edition of this go-to
reference work reflects the legal and cultural climate of safety
and health in an easily comprehensible and well-organized format,
giving readers a wealth of occupational safety and health
information right at their fingertips.
A Proactive Approach to Improving and Protecting the Environment
The accumulation of pharmaceuticals in the environment is a growing
concern, the magnitude of which has not been determined, yet cannot
be ignored. Touting the benefits of research and discovery as it
relates to a pharmaceutical presence in the environment,
Pharmaceutical Accumulation in the Environment: Prevention,
Control, Health Effects, and Economic Impact explores ways to
effectively minimize the harmful impact of environmental
contaminants. It considers current practice in the field, provides
a historical reference, and presents effective methods for
detecting and containing low levels of environmental contaminants.
It also offers practical suggestions for mobilizing private and
public resources. Discusses Health Impacts and Risks to Humans and
Other Living Species The contributors of this work consider
important environmental contaminants that include pharmaceuticals,
personal care products, and special products, such as contrast
agents and illicit drugs. This book describes current health impact
concerns, methods for assessing risk, and lessening the negative
impact on health through research and analysis. It examines the
costs of wastewater treatment, and considers ways to potentially
reduce the effect of environmental contaminants in treated water
and in the soil. It looks at what may be done about contaminated
soil and landfills, addresses the costs of contaminant elimination,
and suggests ways to get rid of contaminants sensibly and
consistently. It also includes case histories and chapters authored
by specialists who are experts in their fields. Developed as a
reference for professionals and senior undergraduate and graduate
students in environmental science/ecotoxicology, the text proposes
advancements and applications that can help control pharmaceutical
accumulation and improve the environment. It serves as a resource
for those in the pharmaceutical industries, personal care product
industries, and related areas; scientists and researchers in
related areas; as well as environmental protection agencies,
physicians, and medical personnel.
Winner of the 2011 BMA book awards: medicine category In the five
decades since its first publication, Hunter's Diseases of
Occupations has remained the pre-eminent text on diseases caused by
work, universally recognized as the most authoritative source of
information in the field. It is an important guide for doctors in
all disciplines who may encounter occupational diseases in their
practice, covering topics as diverse as work and stress,
asbsetos-related disease, working at high altitude and major
chemical incidents, many of which are highly topical. The Tenth
Edition of Hunter's Diseases of Occupations has been fully revised
and updated, presenting all practitioners considering an
occupational cause for a patient's condition with comprehensive
coverage of work-related diseases as they present in modern and
developing industralised societies. It draws on the wide-ranging
and in-depth clinical knowledge and experience, and acadmic
excellence, of top experts in the field.
A comprehensive reference handbook on the important aspects of
trace elements in the land environment. Each chapter addresses a
particular element and gives a general introduction to their role
in the environment, where they come from, and their biogeochemical
cycles. In addition to a complete updating of each of the element
chapters, this new edition has new chapters devoted to aluminum and
iron, soil contamination, remediation and trace elements in aquatic
ecosystems. In short, an essential resource for environmental
scientists and chemists, regulators and policy makers.
At the present time there are renewed global efforts to control the
major tropical infections and to stem the tide of malnutrition, the
two serious, often intertwined, problems that contribute to much of
the morbidity and mortality in under- privileged populations. Many
international organizations have joined hands with national
governments and with the private sector to search for new
approaches to problems that beset much of the developing world,
including countries in the tropical region. This volume continues
the tradition of the previous publication in the Series. A variety
of fare is offered to readers: explanations of the activities and
achievements of the UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Re-
search and Training in Tropical Diseases; and studies of infant
mortality, schistosomiasis, trypanosomiasis, helminths, lactase
deficiency, oral rehydration therapy, functional consequences of
iron deficiency, and fertility control. Au- thoritative
state-of-the-art reviews provide a critical analysis of recent
data. I hope the Series will continue to prove useful to all those
working in the tropics and to those in the industrialized countries
whose awareness of physical health problems of the Third World is
relatively limited. R. K. Chandra St. John's, Newfoundland VlI
Contents Chapter 1. The Special Programme for Research and Training
in Tropical Diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DAVID S.
ROWE 1. Origins, Objectives, and Diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. The Modus Operandi of the
Programme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2. 1.
Scientific Working Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . 3 2. 2. Research Strengthening Group. . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2. 3. The Scientific and
Technical Advisory Committee. . . . . . . . . 7 2. 4. Joint
Coordinating Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . .
This book explores environmental and human risk problems caused
by contamination, from the perspective of real world applications
with quantitative procedures. It includes risk methods for
environmental problems where data are sparse or fuzzy, and
incorporates political, social and economic considerations in
determining directions of remediation solutions for environmental
contaminant problems. It highlights the impact of contaminants on
human health sometimes fatal - and the anthropogenic exacerbation
of natural processes.
This volume provides detailed, ready-to-use protocols for air
monitoring methods, developed to monitor concentrations of
occupational toxicants at the workplace, while they can also be
used for environmental monitoring. All the methods are reliable,
reproducible, adhere to quality assurance standards and cover all
the required steps from sampling to the interpretation of results.
This includes data on precision, accuracy, and detection limit,
calibration procedures as well as potential sources of systematic
errors. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of each
method are clearly outlined.
First published in 1980, "Disabled" examines the practical
difficulties faced by people with a range of disabilities, and
offers a range of practical solutions.
From the psychological challenges faced by those with disabilities,
to special needs for housing, communications, travel, to diet and
nutrition, health care, sport, legal aid and educational
opportunities, Lewis Forbes' offers an invaluable primer of
disabled experience.
"Disabled" remains a useful practical guide and reference to a host
of long-term and everyday challenges.
"Fundamentals of Health at Work" provides students and training
professionals with comprehensive grounding in the theory and
practice of workplace health.
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