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Climate change poses important challenges to research and policy. Within three decades, an issue that was initially confined to the attention of a few scientists became the topic of large-scale research programmes, national and European policies and an international Convention. While significant uncertainties remain on the timing and scale of the changes to be expected and of their impacts, an appreci ation emerged of the high ecological, economic, political and social stakes involved and lead to governmental, business and citizens' initiatives. After focusing on the understanding of climate processes and the possible impacts of climate change on ecosystems, European research - and international research more generally - started addressing also the social, economic and policy causes of and responses to climate change. In the meantime, local, national and European measures started being developed to mitigate carbon dioxide emissions, a European target was agreed to achieve the stabilization of carbon dioxide by 2000 at the levels of 1990, the Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) was adopted and was followed by its Kyoto Protocol.
Lowering the Cost of Emission Reduction by Dr Michael Ridley investigates a novel way to reduce the cost of carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide emission reduction. This book asks whether allowing countries to substitute emission reduction undertaken abroad in lieu of emission reduction at home will reduce the cost of emission reduction and allow more rapid and acute falls in pollution. Analysing US Department of Energy data on US emission reduction projects undertaken in Eastern Europe and Central America, this book explains differences in the cost of emission reduction by method and by country. The book sets out the conditions that would allow a joint implementation system to evolve into a full-blown tradable permits system. Political and practical objections to joint implementation are aired and addressed. This book is targeted at the environmental policy community, government officials, academics, the NGO community, economists and financiers, members of large corporations and museum educators everywhere.
The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) was founded in 1992 as a "Blue List" research institute, with the Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology and the Ministry for Science, Research and Culture of the federal state of Brandenburg each provid ing half ofthe funding. PIK currently has a staff of 100 (1997), including about 75 scientists and guest scientists, as well as a number of students and temporary assistants. Further expansion is taking place at the institute site in the "Albert Einstein" Science Park in Potsdam. The interdisciplinary nature of climate impact research, especially the interface between the natural scientific and socioeconomic dimensions of environmental research, is reflected at PIK in the close cooperation with partner institutes at national and international level. The flexible frame work created for the institute enables new problems and issues to be taken up as they arise. As a center of scientific innovation, PIK also coordinates international activities in the fields of climate impact research and Earth System analysis. The institute houses project offices for the IGBP international research programs, for example. Simulations of Global Change are performed on PIK's supercomputer using models and data drawn from various disciplines. The parallel compu ter (an IBM-SP2) boasts 20 gigaflops of computing power, making it one of the most powerful research computers in Germany. The Workshop on Cost-Benefit Analyses of Climate Change was jointly organized by PIK and the Wuppertal Institute for Energy, Climate, and Environment (WI)."
The ffiM Japan International Symposium Energy and Environment - Global Warming was held in the Keidanren Guesthouse at the foot of Mt. Fuji, from October 21 to 24, 1990. The symposium was conducted in the context of ffiM Japan's longstanding commitment to good corporate citizenship. On this beautiful planet with its inter-dependent waters, lands and atmo sphere, we consider that the problems relating to the global environment are the most serious that the human race will face in the near future. The symposium provided an opportunity for forty scientists and researchers, from a wide variety of international backgrounds, to address matters relating to the global environment in an international forum. Eighteen papers were presented followed by panel and group discussions, on which the concluding remarks and recommendations are based. We chose three types of papers to target different aspects of the condition of the global environment: the natural science component; the socio-economic component; and the energy component which links these two. On the first day the symposium began with a plenary speech by Dr. J. Kondo followed by three keynote speeches, each with a particular focus. The following day, six speakers offered papers relating to the previous day's keynote speeches."
Recent years have been characterized by the increasing amountofpublications in the field ofso-called ill-posed problems. This is easilyunderstandable because we observe the rapid progress of a relatively young branch ofmathematics, ofwhich the first results date back to about 30 years ago. By now, impressive results have been achieved both in the theory ofsolving ill-posed problems and in the applicationsofalgorithms using modem computers. To mention just one field, one can name the computer tomography which could not possibly have been developed without modem tools for solving ill-posed problems. When writing this book, the authors tried to define the place and role of ill posed problems in modem mathematics. In a few words, we define the theory of ill-posed problems as the theory of approximating functions with approximately given arguments in functional spaces. The difference between well-posed and ill posed problems is concerned with the fact that the latter are associated with discontinuous functions. This approach is followed by the authors throughout the whole book. We hope that the theoretical results will be of interest to researchers working in approximation theory and functional analysis. As for particular algorithms for solving ill-posed problems, the authors paid general attention to the principles ofconstructing such algorithms as the methods for approximating discontinuous functions with approximately specified arguments. In this way it proved possible to define the limits of applicability of regularization techniques."
Protecting the Ozone Layer: Lessons, Models, and Prospects Since the mid-1980s, the international community has adopted several significant instruments designed to reverse the degradation of the life support systems of the planet. None of these international agreements have been as successful as the 1987 Montreal Protocol in creating the incentives and mechanisms for protecting the ozone layer. Through the efforts of industry, government and public interest groups, national commitments and achievements have progressed further and faster than expected, while the list of controlled chemicals has expanded. Now in its second decade, the Protocol enters a crucial phase of its implementation. Protecting the Ozone Layer: Lessons, Models, and Prospects presents a wealth of information about the scientific, legal-political, and technological hurdles that we will have to overcome if humanity is to reverse its self-destructive course. The technology section in particular should appeal to industries affected by ozone layer protection as well as those affected by climate protection, since this is the first ozone publication featuring insights by the companies that spearheaded the major technological breakthroughs. Every initiative to improve the environmental performance of industry has been accompanied by pronouncements of economic devastation, from acid rain to auto emissions standards, from auto mileage improvements to the protection of the ozone layer. Each new initiative brought claims from industry that this situation was different, yet none of their predictions have come true. At a time when industry fights efforts to protect the environment, the ozone experience shows both how technical breakthroughs have enabled environmental protection policies to work in the past and how they will work again in the future. Protecting the Ozone Layer: Lessons, Models, and Prospects is the product of a Colloquium that was organized in September 1997 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Montreal Protocol. Contributions have been gathered from researchers and practitioners in the field, including some of the very same scientists whose work awakened the international community to the seriousness of the danger that humanity now faces. Other contributors include the scholars and diplomats who wrote and negotiated the text of the Protocol and its amendments, and the key figures who have been influential in convincing industry to support the process.
This volume constitutes the Proceedings of the IUT AM Symposium on Mechanics of Granular and Porous Materials, held in Cambridge from 15th to 17th July 1996. The objectives were: 1. To review existing experimental results and practical phenomena on the flow and compaction of particulate media; 2. To review the current state of constitutive models, and their implementation for predicting the macroscopic response. 3. Identification of the shortcomings of existing models and procedures in understanding practical phenomena. The Symposium brought together the research communities of solid mechanics, materials science, geomechanics, chemical engineering and mathematics to review current knowledge of the flow and compaction of granular and porous media. The meeting emphasised the development and use of constitutive laws to model practical processes such as mixing, drainage and drying, compaction of metal and ceramic powders and soils, and instabilities associated with these processes. A common theme was to develop constitutive models from an understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms of deformation and fracture. It was particularly rewarding to find that the separate research communities came together during the meeting and came to a consensus as to the main mechanisms of deformation and failure of particulate and porous solids.
Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions with Electrons is a comprehensive collection of refereed papers describing the latest developments in dissociative recombination research. The papers are written by the leading researchers in the field. The topics covered include the use of microwave afterglows, merged beams and storage rings to measure rate coefficients and to identify the products and their yields. The molecules studied range in size from the smallest, H2+, to bovine insulin ions. The theoretical papers cover the important role of Rydberg states and the use of wave packets and quantum defect theory to deduce cross sections, rate constants and quantum yields. Several theoretical and experimental papers address the controversial topic of H3+ dissociative recombination and its importance in the interstellar medium. Dissociative recombination studies of other molecular ions in the interstellar medium and in cometary and planetary atmospheres are covered. Ionization is an important competitive process to dissociative recombination and its competition with predissociation and its role in the reverse process of the association of neutral species is presented. Dissociative attachment, in which an electron attaches to a neutral molecule, has many similarities to dissociative recombination. The topics covered include the accurate calculation of electron affinities, attachment to molecules, clusters, and to species absorbed on solid surfaces and electron scattering by a molecular anion.
It is now possible to determine concentrations of trace constituents and pollutants in the lower atmosphere from space, a development which heralds a new era for tropospheric chemistry. The authors describe how to develop and validate methods for determining tropospheric trace constituents from satellite data, to encourage the use of these data by atmospheric chemists, and to explore the undoubted synergism which will develop between satellite and ground-based measurements, and will eventually give rise to a permanent observation system for the troposphere. The book comprises several comprehensive overviews, prepared by acknowledged experts in the field, together with a series of individual reports from investigators whose work represents the cutting edge of the subject. A variety of results, giving global distributions of several species and their modelling are reported. Most results stem from ESA satellite data, but there is also an account of the North American work in this field which has mainly concentrated on global distributions of ozone. It is fair to say that the field, as it develops, will revolutionize the way in which atmospheric chemistry is done. This timely book provides a good introduction for anyone with an interest in the future of the troposphere.
Climate change has been addressed since last decade based on the influence of human activities like production of industrial effluents, land use changes and other activities due to development of the society. These are very important issues no doubt but the activities due to the influence of extraterrestrial phenomena have not been given its due importance. An attempt is being made here to understand the influence of extraterrestrial activities as one of the important factors of climate change has been attempted here. The influence of Sun and distant stars on the environment of the earth has been studied during the cyclic changes in the Sun as well as episodic changes in the environment due to the effect of other celestial objects in between Sun-Earth environment. The study has been carried out based on the changes within the Sun as well as changes during the solar eclipse. During these extra terrestrial changes it has been observed that the earth changes in its atmosphere as well as geosphere, which may have local effect but the increase of these local effect in large scale may contribute to the climate change. Solar radiation drives atmospheric circulation. Since solar radiation represents almost all the energy available to the Earth, accounting for solar radiation and how it interacts with the atmosphere and the Earth's surface is fundamental to understanding the Earth's energy budget.
1.1. MISSION BACKGROUND The scientific objective of this magnetospheric physics mission was a detailed in vestigation of the Aurora Borealis, or 'Northern Lights'. The fields experiments (electric and magnetic) were constructed by the University of California at Berke ley (UCB), and Los Angeles (UCLA) respectively. The particles instruments were constructed by UCB and the University of New Hampshire in collaboration with Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory. The instrument data processing unit was provided by UCB. The spacecraft bus, telemetry, and launch services were provided by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center SMEX office. The science principal investigator is Dr C. W. Carlson of UCB, and the program is managed by the SMEX office. The UCB design philosophy emphasizes the demonstration of design margins set by peer review. As a result, each boom system was extensively tested at a prototype level before the flight units were manufactured. Additionally, the design, assembly and testing of each boom mechanism was conducted by a single engineer solely responsible for its success.
As we are moving ahead into the 21st century, our hunger for cost effective and environmentally friendly energy continues to grow. The Energy Information Administration of US has forecasted that only in the first two decades of the 21st century, our energy demand will increase by 60% compared to the levels at the end of the 20th century. Fossil fuels have been traditionally the major primary energy sources worldwide, and their role is expected to continue growing for the forecasted period, due to their inherent cost competitiveness compared to non-fossil fuel energy sources. However, the current fossil energy scenario is undergoing significant transformations, especially to accommodate increasingly stringent environmental challenges of contaminants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides or mercury, while still providing affordable energy. Furthermore, traditional fossil fuel utilization is inherently plagued with greenhouse gas emissions from combustion, especially carbon dioxide from stationary sources as well as from mobile sources. Should worldwide government policies dictate a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, such as proposed by the Kyoto Protocol and the implementation of carbon taxes, fossil fuels would lose their significant competitive appeal in favor of nuclear energy and renewable energy sources. However, the current non-fossil fuel energy share of the worldwide energy market is merely below 15%, and therefore, it is more likely that fossil fuel energy producers would adapt to the new requirements by developing and implementing emission control technologies, and emission trades among other strategies."
The chapters in this section place the problems of vegetation and climate interactions in semi-arid regions into the context which recur throughout the book. First, Verstraete and Schwartz review desertification as a process of global change evaluating both the human and climatic factors. The theme of human impact and land management is discussed further by Roberts whose review focuses on semi-arid land-use planning. In the third and final chapter in this section we return to the meteorological theme. Nicholls reviews the effects of El Nino/Southern Oscillation on Australian vegetation stressing, in particular, the interaction between plants and their climatic environment. Vegetatio 91: 3-13, 1991. 3 A. Henderson-Sellers and A. J. Pitman (eds). Vegetation and climate interactions in semi-arid regions. (c) 1991 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Desertification and global change 2 M. M. Verstraete! & S. A. Schwartz ! Institute for Remote Sensing Applications, CEC Joint Research Centre, Ispra Establishment, TP 440, 1-21020 Ispra (Varese), Italy; 2 Department of Atmospheric, Oceanic and Space Sciences, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI48109-2143, USA Accepted 24. 8. 1990 Abstract Arid and semiarid regions cover one third of the continental areas on Earth. These regions are very sensitive to a variety of physical, chemical and biological degradation processes collectively called desertification.
"Models are often the only way of interpreting measurements to in vestigate long-range transport, and this is the reason for the emphasis on them in many research programs". B. E. A. Fisher: "A review of the processes and models of long-range transport of air pollutants", Atmospheric Environment, 17(1983), p. 1865. Mathematical models are (potentially, at least) powerful means in the efforts to study transboundary transport of air pollutants, source-receptor relationships and efficient ways of reducing the air pollution to acceptable levels. A mathematical model is a complicated matter, the development of which is based on the use of (i) various mechanisms describing mathematically the physical and chemical properties of the studied phenomena, (ii) different mathematical tools (first and foremost, partial differenti al equations), (iii) various numerical methods, (iv) computers (especially, high-speed computers), (v) statistical approaches, (vi) fast and efficient visualization and animation techniques, (vii) fast methods for manipulation with huge sets of data (input data, intermediate data and output data).
Comets are always very impressive phenomena. Their appearances at regular, but mostly irregular, times excite people who see them. Astronomers have the obvious advantage of being able to see more of comets, and to study them. Their enthusiasm is reflected in the 50 papers in this book, written by more than 90 experts. The reviews in this book clearly describe a landmark in the history of cometary studies. Knowledge gathered up to and including Comet Halley are presented in two volumes. The first volume is about general aspects of observing and studying comets, where they originate and how their evolution develops. The second volume goes into the details of what a comet is: the nucleus, the coma, cometary dust, plasmas and magnetic fields. The book ends with a reflection by Fred Whipple about Comets in the Post-Halley Era. The book discusses all aspects of comets and is therefore suitable for use in graduate level courses. All astronomers and geophysicists interested in comets will find very useful and well-presented information in this book.
A major environmental concern is the increasing burden on all scales of photo-oxidants, acidifying substances and potential nutrients in the troposphere. These lead to episodes of summer smog, and appreciable damage to eco-systems both on land and at sea. Underlying the environmental effects is the complex scientific problem of linking the man-made and biological emissions to the myriad chemical reactions that transform the pollutants as they are transported to and deposited in the surroundings and also pristine areas remote from the sources. The project, the scientific results of which are described in this book, was set up to study the problem in an inter-disciplinary way by co-ordinating the work of more than 150 research groups in some 20 countries.
279 4. 2. Basic formulation 280 4. 3. Variations on the theme 285 4. 4. C. S. Parameters 286 5. CONCLUSIONS 289 REFERENCES 290 CHAPTER 12 FINITE ELEMENT METHODS FOR FILLS AND EMBANKMENT DAMS D. J. NAYLOR 1. INTRODUCTION 291 2. NUMBER OF LAYERS - ACTUAL AND ANALYTICAL 292 3. DEFORMATION IN A RISING FILL 292 4. BASIC FINITE ELEMENT PROCEDURE 292 5. INTERPRETATION OF FINITE ELEMENT DIS PLACEMENTS - 1D CASE 294 6. NEW LAYER STIFFNESS REDUCTION 296 7. MODELLING COMPACTION 300 8. FINITE ELEMENT EFFECTIVE STRESS TECHNIQUES 302 8. 1. Undrained effective stress analysis 302 8. 2. Known pore pressure change analysis 305 9. FIRST FILLING AND OPERATION - GENERAL 306 10. LOADING DUE TO IMPOUNDING 308 10. 1. upstream membrane dam 308 10. 2. Internal membrane dam 308 10. 3. Zoned embankment dams 312 11. ANALYSIS OF FIRST FILLING AND OPERATION 312 11. 1. First filling 312 11. 2. Steady seepage condition 314 11. 3. Finite element considerations 314 12. COLLAPSE SETTLEMENT 314 xili 12. 1. Nobari and Duncan's method 317 12. 2. Generalisation of Nobari and Duncan's method 319 12. 3. One-dimensional example 320 323 13. APPLICATIONS 13. 1. carsington dam 323 13. 2. Beliche dam 325 13. 3. Monasavu dam 330 REFERENCES 335 APPENDIX: DERIVATION OF EQUIVALENT LAYER STIFFNESS 332 CHAPTER 13 CONCRETE FACE ROCKFILL DAMS NELSON L. DE S. PINTO 1. INTRODUCTION 341 2. CURRENT DESIGN PRACTICE 343 2. 1. Evolution 343 2. 2. Embankment 344 2. 2. 1."
Since the late 1960s the Indonesian state of East Kalimantan has witnessed a marked increase in the impact of human activities chiefly commercial logging and agricultural exploitation. Located on the island of Borneo, East Kalimantan also was subjected to prolonged droughts and extensive wildfires in 1982-83 and 1997-98 that were linked to the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon. The changes in the rainforest ecosystem in East Kalimantan during this 15-year cycle of severe ENSO events are the subject of this book. With an eye toward development of rehabilitation techniques for sustainable forest management, the authors examine possible interactive effects of drought, fire, and human impacts on the flora and fauna of the area.
countries accelerating to reach a consensus on the role that atmospheric emissions and acidic precipitation play in the environment, publication of this series is timely. The editors thank the contributors to this volume for their efforts in describing a wide array of atmospheric topics, all of which are important to an understanding of the acidic precipitation issue. Oak Ridge, Tennessee Steven E Lindberg Riverside, California Albert L. Page Orono, Maine Stephen A. Norton Contents Series Preface .................................................... v Preface... ....... ...... ..... ... .. ............................... .. vii Contributors ..................................................... xiii Sources of Acids, Bases, and Their Precursors in the Atmosphere . . . 1 Roger L. Tanner I. Introduction and Definitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. Sources of Acids ............................................... 3 III. Sources of Acid-Neutralizing Substances (Bases) ................... 9 IV. Distribution of Atmospheric Acids and Bases ...................... 10 V. Gas-Aerosol Equilibria and Boundary Layer Mixing ................ 14 VI. Summary of Significant Acid-Formation Pathways.............. . .. . 15 References ................................*................... 17 Aerosol Sulfur Association with Aluminum in Eastern North America: Evidence for Solubilization of Atmospheric Trace Metals before Deposition ......... . . . . . . . . . . 21 . . .
This book is the latest volume in the series entitled " Data and Knowledge in a Changing World ", published by the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) of the International Council of Scientific Unions (Icsu). This series was established to collect together, from many diverse fields, the wealth of information pertaining t.o the intelligent exploitation of data in the conduct of science and technology. This volume is the first in a two-volume series that will discuss techniques for the analysis of natural dynamic systems, and their applications to a variety of geophysical problems. The present volume lays out the theoretical foun dations for these techniques. The second volume will use these techniques in applications to fields such as seismology, geodynamics, geoelectricity, ge omagnetism, aeromagnetics, topography and bathymetry. The book consists of two parts, which describe two complementary ap proaches to the analysis of natural systems. The first, written by A. Gvishi ani, deals with dynamic pattern recognition. It lays out the mathematical VI Foreword theory and the formalized algorithms that. forms the basis for the classifi cation of vector objects and the use of this classification in the study of dynamical systems, with particular emphasis on the prediction of system behavior in space and time. It discusses the construction of classification schemes, and the evaluation of their stability and reliability.
This book provides information about microbial mats, from early fossils to modern mats located in marine and terrestrial environments. Microbial mats layered biofilms containing different types of cells are most complex systems in which representatives of various groups of organisms are found together. Among them are cyanobacteria and eukaryotic phototrophs, aerobic heterotrophic and chemoautotrophic bacteria, protozoa, anoxygenic photosynthetic bacteria, and other types of microorganisms. These mats are perfect models for biogeochemical processes, such as the cycles of chemical elements, in which a variety of microorganisms cooperate and interact in complex ways. They are often found under extreme conditions and their study contributes to our understanding of extremophilic life. Moreover, microbial mats are models for Precambrian stromatolites; the study of modern microbial mats may provide information on the processes that may have occurred on Earth when prokaryotic life began to spread."
Following the discovery of large petroleum reserves in northern
Alaska, the US Department of Energy implemented an integrated field
and modeling study to help define potential impacts of
energy-related disturbances on tundra ecosystems. This volume
presents major findings from this study. A broad range of basic and
applied research topics are examined, ranging from ecosystem
physiology and biogeochemistry to landscape models that quantify
the impact of road-building on tundra hydrology and ecosystem
Performance-based Earthquake Engineering has emerged before the turn of the century as the most important development in the field of Earthquake Engineering during the last three decades. It has since then started penetrating codes and standards on seismic assessment and retrofitting and making headway towards seismic design standards for new structures as well. The US have been a leader in Performance-based Earthquake Engineering, but also Europe is a major contributor. Two Workshops on Performance-based Earthquake Engineering, held in Bled (Slovenia) in 1997 and 2004 are considered as milestones. The ACES Workshop in Corfu (Greece) of July 2009 builds on them, attracting as contributors world-leaders in Performance-based Earthquake Engineering from North America, Europe and the Pacific rim (Japan, New Zealand, Taiwan, China). It covers the entire scope of Performance-based Earthquake Engineering: Ground motions for performance-based earthquake engineering; Methodologies for Performance-based seismic design and retrofitting; Implementation of Performance-based seismic design and retrofitting; and Advanced seismic testing for performance-based earthquake engineering. Audience: This volume will be of interest to scientists and advanced practitioners in structural earthquake engineering, geotechnical earthquake engineering, engineering seismology, and experimental dynamics.
As a boy I loved to build model airplanes, not the snap-together plastic models of today, but the old-fashioned Spads and Sopwith Camels made of balsa wood and tissue paper. I dreamed of EDDIE RICKENBACKER and dogfights with the Red Baron as I sat there sniffing airplane glue. Mother thought I would never grow up to make an honest living, and mothers are never wrong. Thirty years later I sit in a research laboratory surrounded by crystal models and dream of what it would be like to be 1 A tall, to rearrange atoms with pick and shovel, and make funny things happen inside. Professor VON HIPPEL calls it "Molecular Engineering," the building of materials and devices to order: We begin to design materials with prescribed properties, to under stand the molecular causes of their failings, to build into them safe guards against such failure, and to arrive at true yardsticks of ultimate performance. No longer shackled to presently available materials, we are free to dream and find answers to unprecedented challenges. It is this revolutionary situation which makes scientists and engineers true allies in a great adventure of the human mind 1]. This book is about structure-property relationships, more especially applications of crystal chemistry to engineering problems. Faced with the task of finding new materials, the crystallographer uses ionic radii, crystal fields, anisotropic atomic groupings, and symmetry arguments as criteria in the materials selection process." |
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