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This volume is a collection of reports presented at the International NATO Advanced Research Workshop Conservation of the Biological Diversity as a Prerequisite for Sustainaible Development of the Black Sea Region. The seminar was held at Batumi - Kobuleti, Georgia, on the Black Sea during October 5 -12, 1996 with participants from the countries of the Black Sea Region -Georgia, Russia, the Ukraine, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, as well as Germany, Italy and the United States of America. The Black Sea Region is an essential and unique part of southern Europe because of its geographical, cultural and historical features. It is the cradle of European civilisation, together with Greece and Rome. For centuries it neighboured onto and interacted with the cultures of the northern and southern Mediterranean, the Christian and Moslim worlds, and was the route of conquerors and migrations of whole nations. Here are closely interwoven the cultures and customs of nations, economic and trade relations, the history of wars and civilised relations of neighbouring countries.
In this, the only book available to combine both theoretical and practical aspects of x-ray diffraction, the authors emphasize a "hands on" approach through experiments and examples based on actual laboratory data. Part I presents the basics of x-ray diffraction and explains its use in obtaining structural and chemical information. In Part II, eight experimental modules enable the students to gain an appreciation for what information can be obtained by x-ray diffraction and how to interpret it. Examples from all classes of materials -- metals, ceramics, semiconductors, and polymers -- are included. Diffraction patterns and Bragg angles are provided for students without diffractometers. 192 illustrations.
New developments in computer science, biology, mathematics and physics offer possibilities to obtain deeper understanding of growth and forms of organisms. It is now possible to carry out simulation experiments in which the growth process can be simulated in virtual computer objects. In this book, methods from fractal geometry are applied to model growth forms. As a case study, a type of growth process is used which can be found among various taxonomic classes of organisms such as sponges and corals. The growth of these organisms is simulated with 2D and 3D geometrical objects. The models presented in the book provide a rendering method for natural objects which is based on the actual growth process. The models can be used, for example, to understand the amazing variety of forms to be found in a coral reef. Models which mimic the growth of forms and the environmental influence on the growth process are also useful for ecologists. A combination of simulation models and the actual growth forms can be used to detect the effects of slow changes in the environment.
1.1. MISSION BACKGROUND The scientific objective of this magnetospheric physics mission was a detailed in vestigation of the Aurora Borealis, or 'Northern Lights'. The fields experiments (electric and magnetic) were constructed by the University of California at Berke ley (UCB), and Los Angeles (UCLA) respectively. The particles instruments were constructed by UCB and the University of New Hampshire in collaboration with Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory. The instrument data processing unit was provided by UCB. The spacecraft bus, telemetry, and launch services were provided by the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center SMEX office. The science principal investigator is Dr C. W. Carlson of UCB, and the program is managed by the SMEX office. The UCB design philosophy emphasizes the demonstration of design margins set by peer review. As a result, each boom system was extensively tested at a prototype level before the flight units were manufactured. Additionally, the design, assembly and testing of each boom mechanism was conducted by a single engineer solely responsible for its success.
While I was participating in the IUTAM Symposium on Structure of Turbulence and Drag Reduction in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1989, I was approached by Prof. Dr. Themistocles Dracos to give a course oflectures on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer during my sabbatical leave at Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zurich - Hoenggerberg in 1991. His reason for the suggestion was the growing interest in the environment and its dynamics created by flow in the Atmospheric Boundary Layer. I have been teaching boundary layer to undergraduate and graduate students for more than twenty five years, so I agreed to give a series of lectures on boundary layer of the atmosphere. From the start I thought very seriously about the problem and consulted all the published works in English on the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL). First consider the topography of the Earth which has oceans calm and turbulent, mountain ranges of height up to 9 km, lands of variable height with forests, food growing vegetable and deserts. The shape of the Earth is nearly spherical except at the north and south poles. Sun supplies the energy to drive circulation of air around the Earth's atmosphere which for all practical purposes occupies the region up to about 10 to 11 km. This brief scenerio of Earth's topography reveals the complexity of flow very close to the Earth's surface that is hardly flat except at the oceans' surface which consists of about 70% of the total Earth's surface.
This book is the provisional result of more than 10 years of continued discussion with friends and colleagues from neighbouring disciplines. Although only a small minority ofthe millions of GIS users on this planet are geographers, it seems that somehow, geographers are a kind ofnatural contact persons for historians, archae- ologists, economists, social scientists or others who are looking for appropriate ways ofworking with spatial data. We received constant encouragements and many valuable suggestions from our colleagues. Particularly we wish to thank the members ofthe GIS Study Group of the German Association of Geography (AK GIS) as well as the participants of a workshop in June 2000 on "Mapping Europe's historic boundaries and borders" which was generously sponsored by the European Science Foundation. Among the individuals we owe special appreciation are Humphrey Southall and Ian Gregory (The Great Britain Historical GIS Programme, University ofPortsmouth), Michael Goerke (European University Institute, Florence), Konrad Pierau (Center for His- torical Social Research, University of Cologne), Bernhard Holfter (Forderverein Historische Grundkarte, Leipzig) and Stephan Riediger (Department of History, University of Mannheim).
The Sixth Conference on Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics (UWB SP6), chaired by Eric Mokole of the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and hosted by the NRL and the United States Naval Academy (USNA), was held at the USNA in Annapolis Maryland (USA) from 3-7 June 2002. UWB SP6 was part of the AMEREM 2002 Symposium, chaired by Terence Wieting of the NRL. AMEREM 2002 continued the series of international conferences that were held in: Brooklyn New York at the Polytechnic University in 1992 and 1994; Albuquerque New Mexico in 1996 as part of AMEREM '96; Tel-Aviv Israel in 1998 as part of EUROEM '98; and Edinburgh Scotland in 2000 as part of EUROEM 2000. The next conference (UWB SP7) will be held from 12-16 July 2004 at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg Germany (EUROEM 2004) and will be chaired by Frank Sabath. The purpose of these meetings is: to focus on advanced technologies for the generation, radiation, and detection of ultrawideband (UWB) short-pulse signals, taking into account their propagation about, scattering from, and coupling to targets and media of interest; to report on developments in supporting mathematical and numerical methods; and to describe current and potential future applications of the technology. The session topics of UWB-SP6 included electromagnetic theory, scattering, UWB antennas, UWB systems, ground penetrating radar (GPR), pulsed,. power generation, time-domain computational electromagnetics, UWB compatibility, target detection and discrimination, propagation through dispersive media, and wavelet and multi-resolution techniques.
Earth system science is traditionally split into various disciplines (Geology, Physics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Biology etc.) and several sub-disciplines. Overall, the diversity of expertise provides a solid base for interdisciplinary research. However, gaining holistic insights into the Earth system requires the integration of observations, paleoclimate data, analysis tools and modeling. These different approaches of Earth system science are rooted in various disciplines that cut across a broad range of timescales. It is, therefore, necessary to link these disciplines at a relatively early stage in PhD programs. The linking of 'data and modeling', as it is the special emphasis in our graduate school, enables graduate students from a variety of disciplines to cooperate and exchange views on the common theme of Earth system science, which leads to a better understanding of processes within a global context.
The three parts of this volume - Technical Refinement; Technical Innovation; and Project Management and Risk Minimisation - reflect the areas of opportunity for improved cost effective techniques for exploration and production of oil and gas in the North Sea and worldwide. The book is indispensable for engineers and scientists interested in the latest advances in technology and resource management that will reduce costs and continue to enhance the safe exploration of oil and gas resources. This volume comprises a selection of contributions presented at the International Conference Subsea International '93, held 28--29 April 1993 in Aberdeen, U.K.
The second of the 1989 conferences in the Shell Conference Series, held from 10 to 12 December in the Netherlands and organized by Koninklijke/Shell-Laboratorium, Amsterdam, was on "Computational Fluid Dynamics for Petrochemical Process Equip ment". The objective was to generate a shared perspective on the subject with respect to its role in the design of equipment involving complex flows. The conference was attended by scientists from four Shell laboratories and experts from universities in the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany and The Netherlands. R. V. A. Oliemans, G. Ooms and T. M. M. Verheggen formed the organizing committee. Complexities in fluid flow may arise from equipment geometry and/or the fluids themselves, which can be mUlti-component, single-phase or multiphase. Pressure and temperature gradients and any reactivity of components in the flow stream can be additional factors. Four themes were addressed: turbulent reacting and non-reacting flow, dispersed multiphase flow, separated two-phase flow and fluid flow simulation tools. The capabilities and limitations of a sequence of turbulence flow models, from the relatively simple k-GBP model to direct numerical simulation and large eddy turbulence flow models, were considered for a range of petrochemical process equipment. Flow stability aspects and the potential of cellular automata for the simulation of industrial flows also received attention. The papers published in this special issue of Applied Scientific Research provide a fair representation of the Computational Fluid Dynamics topics discussed in the context of their application to petrochemical process equipment.
Towards the Balance and Management of the Carbon Budget of the Biosphere The current state of misunderstanding of the global C cycle and our failure to resolve an issue that has been debated for 100 years (Jones and Henderson-Sellers, 1990) speaks loudly about the limitations of modem science when faced with the complexity of the biosphere. Efforts to understand and balance the global C budget have gone through several phases. First was a holistic view of the C budget as part of efforts to understand the geochemistry of the Earth (e. g. , Clarke, 1908). Next, came a period of data collection and sythesis which focused on the diversity of sectors of the biosphere. This phase culminated in the early 1970's with the realization that humans were greatly impacting the global C cycle as measured at the Mauna Loa Observatory (Keeling et al. , 1973). New syntheses of the global C budget emerged at this time (Woodwell and Pacan, 1973; Bolin et al. , 1979). The next phase was one of controversy and intense focus on particular sectors of the biosphere. The controversy rested on discrepancies about the role of the terrestrial biota in the global C cycle and the failure to account for sufficient C sinks to absorb all the C emitted by land-use change in the tropics (Woodwell et al. , 1978, 1983; Houghton et al. , 1983).
Five years of research carried out by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Services' Northern Global Change Program, contributing to our understanding of the effects of multiples stresses on forest ecosystems over multiple spatial and temporal scales. At the physiological level, reports explore changes in growth and biomass, species composition, and wildlife habitat; at the landscape scale, the abundance distribution, and dynamics of species, populations, and communities are addressed. Chapters include studies of nutrient depletion, climate and atmospheric deposition, carbon and nitrogen cycling, insect and disease outbreaks, biotic feedbacks with the atmosphere, interacting effects of multiple stresses, and modeling the regional effects of global change. The book provides sound ecological information for policymakers and land-use planners as well as for researchers in ecology, forestry, atmospheric science, soil science and biogeochemistry.
The editors intend that this book conveys the remarkable variety and fundamental importance of the late Helmut E. Landsberg's many contributions to the science of climatology and its practice over a very productive 55-year career. We thank the distinguished authors for their contributions. We also thank Corinne Preston and Charlene Mann for their invaluable word-processing assistance and preparation of camera-ready copy. Finally, we thank Joshua Holland for permission to reproduce his portrait of Landsberg, and Jeanne Moody for preparation of the index. F. Baer N. L. Canfield J. M. Mitchell Editors vii CONTRmUTORS Ferdinand Baer, Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA Norman L. Canfield, Department of Meteorology, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA Dennis M. Driscoll, Department of Meteorology, Texas A & M University, College Station, Texas, USA William H. Haggard, Climatological Consulting Corporation, Asheville, North Carolina, USA David M. Ludlum, Founding Editor, Weatherwise, Princeton, New Jersey, USA Thomas F. Malone, St. Joseph College, West Hartford, Connecticut, USA J. Murray Mitchell, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (retired), McLean, Virginia, USA Timothy R. Oke, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada Joseph Smagorinsky, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (retired), Princeton, New Jersey, USA Hessam Taba, World Meteorological Organization (retired), Geneva, Switzerland Morley Thomas, Atmospheric Environment Service (retired), Downsview, Ontario, Canada. IX OVERVIEW Ferdinand Baer Helmut E.
The first part of the conference explores two major environmental concerns that arise from fuel use: (1) the prospect that the globe will become warmer as a result of emissions of carbon dioxide, and (2) the effect upon health of the fine particles emitted as combustion products. The conference focused on the fact that there was lack of data direct enough to enable us to predict an entirely satisfactory result, and that makes policy options particularly difficult. With regard to (1) above, in the second half of the 20th century there were major increases in anthropogenic C02 emissions, and it is generally agreed that these were responsible for an increase in C02 concentrations. But the relationship between global temperature and CO2 concentrations remains murky. The principal problem is that water vapor is a more important greenhouse gas than C02 and that the concentrations of water vapor vary widely in time and space. The approach to this problem is probably, but not certainly, a positive feedback effect: as temperature increases so does the water vapor leading to further temperature increases. Scientists associated with the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) tend to believe the general features of the models. Other scientists are often less convinced.
The Sixth Trieste Conference on Chemical Evolution for the first time has also been a Euroconference. This year we focused on "First Steps in the Origin of Life in the Universe". (Both this Centre and the ICGEB have been sponsors since we first started planning the series with Professors Abdus Salam and Cyril Ponnamperuma. ) The conference had the following 11 sponsors: The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, The European Commission, The SETI Institute, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, Italy, The International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste, The European Space Agency (ESA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Universite Paris 12, The ICTP Public Information Office, La Fondazione Internazionale Trieste per il Progresso e la Liberta della Scienza, and II Laboratorio dell'Immaginario Scientifico. of our Over 90 participants allowed us to make a truly comprehensive review subject. In 82 presentations we had contributions from experts in questions related to the origin, evolution, distribution and destiny of life in the universe, topics that are known together as the science ofastrobiology. The publication ofthese proceedings was largely due to a generous grant form the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Rome, Italy. The general topic of the conference concerned the origin, evolution, distribution and destiny of life in the Universe, a subject referred to as astrobiology and also as exobiology. In this report we prefer the synonym Astrobiology. Advances in Turbulence VII contains an overview of the state of turbulence research with some bias towards work done in Europe. It represents an almost complete collection of the invited and contributed papers delivered at the Seventh European Turbulence Conference, sponsored by EUROMECH and ERCOFTAC and organized by the Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur. New high-Reynolds number experiments combined with new techniques of imaging, non-intrusive probing, processing and simulation provide high-quality data which put significant constraints on possible theories. For the first time, it has been shown, for a class of passive scalar problems, why dimensional analysis sometimes gives the wrong answers and how anomalous intermittency corrections can be calculated from first principles. The volume is thus geared towards specialists in the area of flow turbulence who could not attend the conference as well as anybody interested in this rapidly moving field.
The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle atmosphere held in Loen, Norway in May 1992 was, in the estimation of apparently all participants, an enormous success. The 18 invited speakers included many of the leaders in the field and resulted in the attendance of a large number of contributing speakers and observers. The subject of the workshop was itself very timely, given the increasing awareness within the international community of the sensitivity of the atmosphere to coupling between adjacent layers, different latitudes, and various scales of motion. It was also very beneficial to bring together researchers with different approaches to the same or similar problems. For example, experimentalists benefitted from the inputs of modelers and theoreticians concerning the needs of current models and the most pressing problems and unknowns. Likewise, theoreticians were challenged to apply themselves to realistic problems and saw their theories tested against geophysical data. These discussions led to meaningful exchanges of ideas and challenges to or displacement of conventional wisdom in some areas. Indeed, possibly the greatest benefit of the workshop was the exposure of many participants to other areas of research or approaches to problems relevant to their own work. Workshop topics were confined to dynamical coupling processes in order to examine progress in a relatively focussed area. Nevertheless, the results presented spanned spatial scales from molecular to global and temporal scales from seconds to decades.
Researchers in the natural sciences are faced with problems that require a novel approach to improve the quality of forecasts of processes that are sensitive to environmental conditions. Nonlinearity of a system may significantly complicate the predictability of future states: a small variation of parameters can dramatically change the dynamics, while sensitive dependence of the initial state may severely limit the predictability horizon. Uncertainties also play a role. This volume addresses such problems by using tools from chaos theory and systems theory, adapted for the analysis of problems in the environmental sciences. Sensitive dependence on the initial state (chaos) and the parameters are analyzed using methods such as Lyapunov exponents and Monte Carlo simulation. Uncertainty in the structure and the values of parameters of a model is studied in relation to processes that depend on the environmental conditions. These methods also apply to biology and economics. For research workers at universities and (semi)governmental institutes for the environment, agriculture, ecology, meteorology and water management, and theoretical economists.
Funding Science: An Immense Challenge The real challenge in science should be hypothesis formation, experimental design and conducting the actual research under rigorous control and experimental condi of tions with the best available equipment/infrastructure. However, in many parts the world, the real challenge in science is trying to obtain some minimal amount of funding to initiate research. Every country in the world is challenged with an im mense number of interconnected environmental and health problems. Examples in clude biologically and chemically contaminated water and soil, air pollution, waste and sewage treatment, a multitude of infectious diseases in humans, animals and plants, global change, population growth, alternate energy sources, deforestation, floods, crop production and so on. Solutions to these national and international problems require training and re search to ensure the best available people and knowledge are available to man age and/or solve these problems. This can only be accomplished if the research community has the funding to conduct priority research and apply the knowledge globally. The challenge in science should be discovering the unknown and col laborative research/training of new scientists. Too often the challenge is how to conduct research without proper support. Many scientists are likely of the opinion that it is not their jobs/careers that is stressful, but the inability to do their research properly, that is stressful. Good research in a knowledge based economy requires proper funding.
Our Sun is the nearest star and thus an ideal laboratory to study dynamic processes which are related to solar terrestrial physics. The topics addressed in this book cover solar MHD and generation of acoustic waves, as well as physical parameters that are suited to describing solar activity and could serve as proxies for space weather forecasting. The influence of solar activity (radiation and solar wind) on telecommunication systems, satellite missions etc. is also discussed. In short, contribution reports are given on various topics in solar physics. The book covers solar physics from the photosphere to space weather influences. The intended level of readership is aimed at students working in this or related fields, professionals, and astronomers who wish to acquire some basic knowledge in the field of solar terrestrial relations, which is provided in the review articles.
In recent years an increasing number of studies have been published reporting observations of adapted behaviour and shifting species ranges of plant and animal species due to recent climate warming. Are these `fingerprints' of climate change? An international conference was organised to bring together scientists from different continents with different expertise but sharing the same issue of climate change impact studies. Ecologists, zoologists, and botanists exchanged and discussed the findings from their individual field of research. The present book is an international collection of biological signs of recent climate warming, neither based only on computer models nor on prediction for the future, but mainly on actually occurring changes in the biosphere such as adapted behaviour or shifts in the ranges of species. `Fingerprints' of Climate Change presents ecological evidence that organisms are responding to recent global warming. The observed changes may foreshadow the types of impacts likely to become more frequent and widespread with continued warming.
Protecting the Ozone Layer: Lessons, Models, and Prospects Since the mid-1980s, the international community has adopted several significant instruments designed to reverse the degradation of the life support systems of the planet. None of these international agreements have been as successful as the 1987 Montreal Protocol in creating the incentives and mechanisms for protecting the ozone layer. Through the efforts of industry, government and public interest groups, national commitments and achievements have progressed further and faster than expected, while the list of controlled chemicals has expanded. Now in its second decade, the Protocol enters a crucial phase of its implementation. Protecting the Ozone Layer: Lessons, Models, and Prospects presents a wealth of information about the scientific, legal-political, and technological hurdles that we will have to overcome if humanity is to reverse its self-destructive course. The technology section in particular should appeal to industries affected by ozone layer protection as well as those affected by climate protection, since this is the first ozone publication featuring insights by the companies that spearheaded the major technological breakthroughs. Every initiative to improve the environmental performance of industry has been accompanied by pronouncements of economic devastation, from acid rain to auto emissions standards, from auto mileage improvements to the protection of the ozone layer. Each new initiative brought claims from industry that this situation was different, yet none of their predictions have come true. At a time when industry fights efforts to protect the environment, the ozone experience shows both how technical breakthroughs have enabled environmental protection policies to work in the past and how they will work again in the future. Protecting the Ozone Layer: Lessons, Models, and Prospects is the product of a Colloquium that was organized in September 1997 to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Montreal Protocol. Contributions have been gathered from researchers and practitioners in the field, including some of the very same scientists whose work awakened the international community to the seriousness of the danger that humanity now faces. Other contributors include the scholars and diplomats who wrote and negotiated the text of the Protocol and its amendments, and the key figures who have been influential in convincing industry to support the process.
This volume constitutes the Proceedings of the IUT AM Symposium on Mechanics of Granular and Porous Materials, held in Cambridge from 15th to 17th July 1996. The objectives were: 1. To review existing experimental results and practical phenomena on the flow and compaction of particulate media; 2. To review the current state of constitutive models, and their implementation for predicting the macroscopic response. 3. Identification of the shortcomings of existing models and procedures in understanding practical phenomena. The Symposium brought together the research communities of solid mechanics, materials science, geomechanics, chemical engineering and mathematics to review current knowledge of the flow and compaction of granular and porous media. The meeting emphasised the development and use of constitutive laws to model practical processes such as mixing, drainage and drying, compaction of metal and ceramic powders and soils, and instabilities associated with these processes. A common theme was to develop constitutive models from an understanding of the underlying physical mechanisms of deformation and fracture. It was particularly rewarding to find that the separate research communities came together during the meeting and came to a consensus as to the main mechanisms of deformation and failure of particulate and porous solids.
Dissociative Recombination of Molecular Ions with Electrons is a comprehensive collection of refereed papers describing the latest developments in dissociative recombination research. The papers are written by the leading researchers in the field. The topics covered include the use of microwave afterglows, merged beams and storage rings to measure rate coefficients and to identify the products and their yields. The molecules studied range in size from the smallest, H2+, to bovine insulin ions. The theoretical papers cover the important role of Rydberg states and the use of wave packets and quantum defect theory to deduce cross sections, rate constants and quantum yields. Several theoretical and experimental papers address the controversial topic of H3+ dissociative recombination and its importance in the interstellar medium. Dissociative recombination studies of other molecular ions in the interstellar medium and in cometary and planetary atmospheres are covered. Ionization is an important competitive process to dissociative recombination and its competition with predissociation and its role in the reverse process of the association of neutral species is presented. Dissociative attachment, in which an electron attaches to a neutral molecule, has many similarities to dissociative recombination. The topics covered include the accurate calculation of electron affinities, attachment to molecules, clusters, and to species absorbed on solid surfaces and electron scattering by a molecular anion.
This book presents the history, phenomena, and relevance of the stratosphere. Beginning with the discovery of the stratosphere itself, the book explores various unexpected phenomena observed in the stratosphere, such as the ozone hole in 1984 and the influence of the 11-year solar cycle in 1987. It describes the interrelations of stratospheric phenomena and its effects on the variability of the climate system, as well as examines various human impacts on the system such as the decrease in the ozone layer. |
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