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Heterogeneous and Liquid Phase Processes - Laboratory Studies Related to Aerosols and Clouds (Paperback, Softcover reprint of... Heterogeneous and Liquid Phase Processes - Laboratory Studies Related to Aerosols and Clouds (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1996)
Peter Warneck; Contributions by P. Mirabel, G. a. Salmon, C. Vinckier, C. Zetzsch
R4,436 Discovery Miles 44 360 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The "European Experiment on the Transport and Transformation of Environmentally Relevant Trace Constituents over Europe" (EUROTRAC) was established in 1986 to tackle the scientific problem and combine the expertise, knowledge and resources in Europe, in order to apply them over a large region covering the greater part of the continent. EUROTRAC is a coordinated multidisciplinary scientific research project involving field measurements, laboratory studies, instrument development and development of comprehensive computer models for the simulation of the physical and chemical processes in the lower atmosphere.

Current Issues in Climate Research - Proceedings of the EC Climatology Programme Symposium, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2-5... Current Issues in Climate Research - Proceedings of the EC Climatology Programme Symposium, Sophia Antipolis, France, 2-5 October 1984 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1986)
Anver Ghazi, R. Fantechi
R1,563 Discovery Miles 15 630 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The CLimatoLogy Research Programme of the Commi ssion of the European Communities started in 1980 after a few years of preparation which foLLowed the concern caused by the European drought of 1976. It was mainLy a concern about European Land and water resources, which then as never before appeared threatened by cLimate vagaries. It was mainLy an economic concern which Led the Commmission to propose, and the CounciL to adopt, a five-year piLot research programme which in the meantime has proved to be both usefuL and successfuL. The best speciaLists in many interreLated fieLds were brought together for the first time to join into a unique cooperation effort in the area of European cLimatoLogicaL research. The programme aLso enjoyed the efficient and competent cooperation of an Advisory Committee for Programme Management (ACPM) which, being essentiaLLy composed of cLimatoLogists, proved to be a scientific body of high quaLity, whose work has been one of the factors for the success of the programme. The Advisory Committee shared with the Services of the Commission the responsibiLity of preparing a Review Symposium, thought to be the best means of coLLecting and presenting the resuLts of the research performed during 1980-1984. This voLume contains the proceedings of that Review Symposium of the EC CLimatoLogy Research Programme, organized by the Directorate GeneraL of Science, Research and DeveLopment jointLy with the Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Geodynamiques et Astronomiques (CERGA) at Sophia AntipoLis, France, 2-5 October 1984.

Geostatistics for Natural Resources Characterization - Part 1 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1984):... Geostatistics for Natural Resources Characterization - Part 1 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1984)
Georges Verly, Michel David, Andre G. Journel, Alain Marechal
R1,635 Discovery Miles 16 350 Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Weltkarten zur Klimakunde / World Maps of Climatology (English, German, Book, 3. Aufl. 1965): Ernst Rodenwaldt Weltkarten zur Klimakunde / World Maps of Climatology (English, German, Book, 3. Aufl. 1965)
Ernst Rodenwaldt; H E Landsberg, Horst Lippmann; Edited by Hans J Jusatz, K Paffen, …
R1,855 Discovery Miles 18 550 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Als im ersten Band des Welt-Seuchen-Atlas vor erst einmal in Ubersichtskarten auf die geookologischen 10 Jahren einige Klimakarten uber Temperaturverhalt- Probleme aufmerksam zu machen. nisse und Niederschlage in Europa erschienen, wurde von Die Herausgeber mochten mit den in dieser Ausgabe einigen Kritikern nicht verstanden, warum einem Atlas vorgelegten Weltkarten zur Klimakunde denjenigen Wis- uber die Verbreitung von Seuchen Karten mit klimatolo- senschaftlern, die den Welt-Seuchen-Atlas benutzen, die gischen Angaben beigegeben wurden. Offensichtlich schien Moglichkeit einer Erganzung der darin befindlichen der Gewinn an Korrelationen zu gering, die aus den An- Klimakarten fur Untersuchung weiterer Korrelationen gaben uber klimatische Verhaltnisse zu dem Auftreten geben, aber auch allen biologisch und klimatologisch von Seuchen in den gleichen Gebieten gezogen werden interessierten Fachkreisen ein Hilfsmittel fur weitere konnten. Im zweiten Band wurde die Reihe der Klima- geookologische Forschungen zur Verfugung stellen. karten fur den afrikanischen Kontinent durch karto- Die bisher veroffentlichten Klimakarten, die fur die graphische Darstellungen der Regenzeiten und der Trok- ersten 3 Bande des Welt-Seuchen-Atlas von Professor Dr.

Deformation Analysis in Soft Ground Improvement (Paperback, 2011 ed.): Jin-chun Chai, John P. Carter Deformation Analysis in Soft Ground Improvement (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
Jin-chun Chai, John P. Carter
R2,919 Discovery Miles 29 190 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book deals with the behaviour of soft ground improved by some of the more common methods, including the installation of prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs), or the installation of soil-cement columns formed by deep mixing, or the preloading of soft ground by application of a vacuum pressure in addition to, or instead of, a surcharge loading. In particular, it describes the theories and the numerical modelling techniques that may be applied to these soft ground improvement schemes to estimate the immediate and time-dependent mechanical response of the in situ soil. Particular emphasis has been placed on methods that reliably predict ground deformations associated with ground improvement techniques.

The book commences with a brief description of the various ground improvement methods and then describes general techniques for modelling the behaviour of soft clay subsoils by the finite element method, as well as details of the methods for modelling soft soils improved by the installation of PVDs. It also includes chapters describing the theory of vacuum consolidation and methods for calculating vacuum pressure-induced ground deformation, as well as a theory which can be used to predict the response of soft ground improved by the installation of soil-cement columns. An important distinguishing feature of this book is the routine use of comparisons of predictions of the proposed models with the results of laboratory studies, and particularly field case studies, in order to validate the proposed methods of analysis. The field case histories are from soft soil sites at various locations around the world.

The book is directed towards students of geotechnical engineering as well as geotechnical practitioners. In the main it provides complete derivations of most of the important theoretical results, as the intention was to write a book that could be used as both a teaching text and a reference work for students and practitioners.

Audience The book is intended for geotechnical practitioners as well as for students."

Mechanics of Crustal Rocks (Paperback, 2012 ed.): Yves M. Leroy, Florian K. Lehner Mechanics of Crustal Rocks (Paperback, 2012 ed.)
Yves M. Leroy, Florian K. Lehner
R2,913 Discovery Miles 29 130 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

F.K. Lehner: A Review of the Linear Theory of Anisotropic Poroelastic Solids. - J.W. Rudnicki: Eshelby's Technique for Analyzing Inhomogeneities in Geomechanics. - Y. Gueguen, M. Kachanov: Effective Elastic Properties of Cracked and Porous Rocks - an Overview. - J.L. Raphanel: 3D Morphology Evolution of Solid-Fluid Interfaces by Pressure Solution. - Y.M. Leroy: An Introduction to the Finite-Element Method for Linear and Non-linear Static Problems.

The mechanical behaviour of the earth's upper crust enters into a great variety of questions in different areas of the geological and geophysical sciences as well as in the more applied geotechnical disciplines. This volume presents a selection of papers from a CISM course in Udine on this topic. While each of these chapters will make for a useful contribution in its own right, the present bundle also illustrates, by way of examples, the variety of theoretical concepts and tools that are currently brought to bear on earth deformation studies, ranging from reviews of poroelastic field theory to micro-mechanical and homogenization studies, chemomechanics and interfacial stability theory of soluble solids under stress, and finally to an introduction to the finite element method.

Ecological Systems of the Geobiosphere - 1 Ecological Principles in Global Perspective (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the... Ecological Systems of the Geobiosphere - 1 Ecological Principles in Global Perspective (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1985)
Heinrich Walter; Translated by Sheila Gruber; Siegmar-W. Breckle
R1,540 Discovery Miles 15 400 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Des Menschen Werk auf Erden kann vergehen, Doch Leben stets im Wandel wird bestehen. Heinrich Walter The importance of ecology for the fate of mankind is receiving ever wider recognition. A syncretic-holistic approach to ecology was recently given unexpected support by the well-known atomic physicist and pupil of Heisenberg, Fritjov Capra. In his book The Turning Point, published in 1982 in the U.S.A., Capra comments critically, from the viewpoint of the latest findings of subatomic physics, on the mechanical-analytical ap proach which still predominates in the biological sciences, and adds some philosophical reflections. The following quotations are important ecolo gically and may be of interest to biologists in general: "It is now becoming apparent that overemphasis on the scientific method and on rational, analytic thinking has led to attitudes that are profoundly anti-ecological. In truth, the understanding of ecosystems is hindered by the very nature of the rational mind. Rational thinking is linear, whereas ecological awareness arises from an intuition of non-linear systems .... The Cartesian view of the universe as a mechanical system provided a 'scientific' sanction for the manipulation and exploitation of nature that has become typical of Western culture .... The problem is that scientists, encouraged by their success in treating living organisms as machines, tend to believe that they are nothing but machines .... Modern physics can show the other sciences that scientific thinking does not necessarily have to be reductionist and mechanistic, that holistic and ecological views are also scientifically sound ...."

Ice Core Studies of Global Biogeochemical Cycles (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995): Robert J. Delmas Ice Core Studies of Global Biogeochemical Cycles (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1995)
Robert J. Delmas
R2,947 Discovery Miles 29 470 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The analysis of polar ice cores has proven to be very instructive about past environmental conditions on the time scale of several climatic cycles, and recent drilling operations have provided information of great value for global change issues.
The book presents the most recent data extracted from Greenland ice cores and surface experiments and compares them with former Antarctic results. It contains background articles, original contributions and group reports of interest to scientists, climatologists, atmospheric chemists, and glaciologists involved in global change research.

The Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Natural and Contaminant Substances (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st... The Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Natural and Contaminant Substances (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1990)
Mary-Scott Kaiser; Edited by Anthony H. Knap
R1,556 Discovery Miles 15 560 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on The Long-Range Atmospheric Transport of Natural and Contaminant Substances from Continent to Ocean and Continent to Continent, St. Georges, Bermuda, January 10-17, 1988

Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002): Syun-Ichi Akasofu Exploring the Secrets of the Aurora (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002)
Syun-Ichi Akasofu
R1,535 Discovery Miles 15 350 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Prominent progress in science is inevitably associated with controversies. Thus, young researchers, in particular, have to learn how to persevere during the period of controversy and struggle for acceptance. Unfortunately, the skills needed are not taught in textbooks or monographs, which mostly describe the consensus of contemporary experts.
This book, which is based on my own experiences as a scientist, describes the history of the progress made in auroral science and magnetospheric physics by providing examples of ideas, controversies, struggles, acceptance, and success in some instances.
Although no general methodology (if any exists) is mentioned, I hope that the reader will learn about the history of progress in auroral science and examples (right or wrong) of dealing with the controversies.

Libyen / Libya - Eine Geographisch-Medizinische Landeskunde / A Geomedical Monograph (English, German, Paperback, Softcover... Libyen / Libya - Eine Geographisch-Medizinische Landeskunde / A Geomedical Monograph (English, German, Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1967)
Helmuth Kanter; Translated by J.A. Hellen, I. F. Hellen
R1,937 Discovery Miles 19 370 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In dem Jahrzehnt von 1952 bis 1961 ist in der Geo- ben einen statischen Charakter, sie lassen sich nicht zur Be- medizinischen Forschungsstelle der Heidelberger Aka- antwortung der Fragestellungen der Geomedizin verwen- demie der Wissenschaften in Heidelberg der Welt-Seuchen- den, die eine Erklarung der regionalen Unterschiede und Atlas bearbeitet worden. Zum ersten Male wurde der eine Prognose der weiteren Gefahrung zum Ziele haben. Versuch gemacht, mit Hilfe der medizinischen Karto- Krankheiten haben nicht nur eine Geschichte, sondern graphie Korrelationen zwischen dem Vorkommen von ihr Vorkommen und ihre Verbreitung auf der Erde Infektionskrankheiten, der Verbreitung ihrer Ubertrager ist auch raumlich differenziert. Eine Geographie der Krankheiten ist daher wissenschaftstheoretisch ebenso und Geofaktoren, die eine seuchenhafte Ausbreitung her- vorrufen oder fordern, in Weltkarten und Kontinentkar- gerechtfertigt wie eine Geschichte der Medizin als ein ten sichtbar zu machen. Dieses Kartenwerk sollte eine besonderes Teilgebiet der medizinischen Wissenschaft. Information uber den Stand der Seuchenverbreitung in Eine ganze Reihe von Krankheiten tragen sogar geo- graphische Herkunftsbezeichnungen, wie z. B. Indische der Welt bis zur Mitte unseres Jahrhunderts geben, dem Unterricht dienen und zur weiteren geomedizinischen Cholera, Asiatische Grippe, Mittelmeerfieber, Felsenge- Forschung anregen. Bei vielen Seuchen mussten aber erst birgsfieber u. a.

Differential Equations Theory, Numerics and Applications - Proceedings of the ICDE '96 held in Bandung Indonesia... Differential Equations Theory, Numerics and Applications - Proceedings of the ICDE '96 held in Bandung Indonesia (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1997)
E. van Groesen, E. Soewono
R2,964 Discovery Miles 29 640 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The International Conference on Differential Equations, theor*y, nu- merics and applications(ICDE'96-Bandung) was held successfully at the West Aula of Institut TeknoIogi Bandung on September 29 - October 2, 1996, hosted by the Center of Mathematics and the Department of Mathe- matics ITB. This was the first international conference on differential equa- tions in the region and attended by participants from 12 countries: Aus- tralia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, France, IndonE'sia, Malaysia, Netherlands, Philippine, Thailand, Singapore, USA and Vietnam. We would like to express our gratitude to the following organizations and institution: Directorate General of Higher Education of Indonesia (through Center Grant Project), Institut Teknologi Bandung, UNESCO (through Participating Programme and ROSTSEA Programme), European Economic Community(through the Joint Research Project between the Faculty of Ap- plied Mathematics, Universiteit Twente and the Department of Mathemat- ics, Institut Teknologi Bandung), South East Asian Mathematical Society (SEAMS), French Embassy in Jakarta and local sponsors for their generolls support which have made this conference possible.

Atmospheric Thermodynamics (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1973): J.V. Iribarne Atmospheric Thermodynamics (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1973)
J.V. Iribarne
R2,919 Discovery Miles 29 190 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The thermodynamics of the atmosphere is the subject of several chapters in most textbooks on dynamic meteorology, but there is no work in English to give the subject a specific and more extensive treatment. In writing the present textbook, we have tried to fill this rather remarkable gap in the literature related to atmospheric sciences. Our aim has been to provide students of meteorology with a book that can playa role similar to the textbooks on chemical thermodynamics for the chemists. This implies a previous knowledge of general thermodynamics, such as students acquire in general physics courses; therefore, although the basic principles are reviewed (in the first four chapters), they are only briefly discussed, and emphasis is laid on those topics that will be useful in later chapters, through their application to atmospheric problems. No attempt has been made to introduce the thermodynamics of irreversible processes; on the other hand, consideration of heterogeneous and open homogeneous systems permits a rigorous formulation of the thermodynamic functions of clouds (exclusive of any consideration of microphysical effets) and a better understanding of the approx imations usually implicit in practical applications."

Deposition of Atmospheric Pollutants - Proceedings of a Colloquium held at Oberursel/Taunus, West Germany, 9-11 November 1981... Deposition of Atmospheric Pollutants - Proceedings of a Colloquium held at Oberursel/Taunus, West Germany, 9-11 November 1981 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1982)
H.W. Georgii, J. Pankrath
R1,572 Discovery Miles 15 720 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The problern of "acid precipitation" has been recognized with growing concern in many industrialized countries. The incorporation of pollutants into cloud and rain elements and their transfer to the ground by "wet deposition" are dominant mechanisms leading to a self~cleansing of the tro- posphere but, on the other hand, to hazards to the soil, vegetation and forests. The influence of orographic and meteorological parameters and of the regional distribution of precipitation on the deposition of pollutants are insuffi- ciently known factors. During previous years, several projects and analyses have been initiated to improve our knowledge on the dry and wet deposition of pollutants and on the mechanisms of transport of gaseaus and particulate components from the atmosphere to the ground. Research activities have been supported in different fields and it appeared not only useful but necessary to bring the different research-groups tagether to endorse the communication and cooperation between scientists in the related fields. A symposiumwas arranged in Oberurself Taunus in November 1981 to discuss the results of experimen- tal and theoretical work in the field of deposition and to gain a better understanding of each other's methods, experience and Observations. The proceedings presented in this volume permit a fair sur- vey of the present-day knowledge and will be a useful tool for all working in this field. The meeting would not have been possible without the finan- cial support of the German Environmental Agency {Umwelt- bundesamt) .

Mathematics in Geology (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1988): John Ferguson Mathematics in Geology (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1988)
John Ferguson
R1,540 Discovery Miles 15 400 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

1. 1 Solution of geological problems-are mathematical methods necessary? A question which is often asked is whether it is necessary for geologists to know and to use mathematics in the practise of their science. There is no simple answer to this question, and it is true that many geologists have had successful careers without ever needing to get involved in anything other than simple mathematics, and all the indications are that this is likely to continue into the future. However, in many branches of the subject the trend has been towards using a numerical approach for the solution of suitable problems. The extent to which this occurs depends on the nature of the area being studied; thus, in structural geology, which is con cerned in its simplest aspects with the geometrical relationships between various features, there are many problems which are easily solved. More recently the use of analytical methods has allowed the solution of more-difficult problems. In another area, geochemistry, two things have happened. On the theoretical side there has been a greater integration with physical chemistry, which itself is a highly mathematical subject; and on the practical side there is the need to analyse and interpret the vast quantities of data which modem instrumentation produces. Within geology the application of numerical methods has been given various names, so we have numerical geology, geo mathematics, geostatistics and geosimulation."

Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications (Hardcover): Richard J. Blakely Potential Theory in Gravity and Magnetic Applications (Hardcover)
Richard J. Blakely
R3,925 Discovery Miles 39 250 Ships in 12 - 17 working days

This text bridges the gap between the classic texts on potential theory and modern books on applied geophysics. It opens with an introduction to potential theory, emphasising those aspects particularly important to earth scientists, such as Laplace's equation, Newtonian potential, magnetic and electrostatic fields, and conduction of heat. The theory is then applied to the interpretation of gravity and magnetic anomalies, drawing on examples from modern geophysical literature. Topics explored include regional and global fields, forward modeling, inverse methods, depth-to-source estimation, ideal bodies, analytical continuation, and spectral analysis. The book includes numerous exercises and a variety of computer subroutines written in FORTRAN. Graduate students and researchers in geophysics will find this book essential.

Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere - Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium 2000 Garmisch-Partenkirchen,... Transport and Chemical Transformation in the Troposphere - Proceedings of EUROTRAC Symposium 2000 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 27-31 March 2000 Eurotrac-2 International Scientific Secretariat GSF-National Research Center for Environment and Health Munich, Germany (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2001)
Pauline M. Midgley, Markus J. Reuther, Marilee Williams
R4,442 Discovery Miles 44 420 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The sixth EUROTRAC Symposium was held in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, th st Gennany from 27 - 31 March 2000. Some 375 scientists from 28 different countries (from the USA to Uzbekistan) gathered together and contributed to a lively week. Symposium 2000 was the second Symposium of the second phase, EUROTRAC- 2 which is EUREKA environmental project number 1489, and also the ftrst one organised by the new team at the International Scientiftc Secretariat (ISS). We stayed with the tried and tested EUROTRAC format, giving ample time for poster sessions as well as side meetings and workshops. The invited talks, over 35 in all, contributed breadth and depth. The Symposium had the focal points of "Shaping the Future" and "Scientiftc Research and Environmental Policy". The "Highlights from the Subprojects" were well represented by a series of talks and of course by the ca 300 posters. Guest poster contributions added to the spectrum of scientiftc coverage. An innovation for 2000 is the publication of these Proceedings in a book containing the extended abstracts of the lectures and a companion CD-ROM with the extended abstracts of the posters as well as the lectures. The availability of the Proceedings on a CD will enable us to distribute them more widely.

IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical and Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Porous Materials - Proceedings of the IUTAM... IUTAM Symposium on Theoretical and Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Porous Materials - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, September 5-10, 1999 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002)
Wolfgang Ehlers
R4,488 Discovery Miles 44 880 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

During the last decades, continuum mechanics of porous materials has achieved great attention, since it allows for the consideration of the volumetrically coupled behaviour of the solid matrix deformation and the pore-fluid flow. Naturally, applications of porous media models range from civil and environmental engineering, where, e. g. , geote- nical problems like the consolidation problem are of great interest, via mechanical engineering, where, e. g. , the description of sinter materials or polymeric and metallic foams is a typical problem, to chemical and biomechanical engineering, where, e. g. , the complex structure of l- ing tissues is studied. Although these applications are principally very different, they basically fall into the category of multiphase materials, which can be described, on the macroscale, within the framework of the well-founded Theory of Porous Media (TPM). With the increasing power of computer hardware together with the rapidly decreasing computational costs, numerical solutions of complex coupled problems became possible and have been seriously investigated. However, since the quality of the numerical solutions strongly depends on the quality of the underlying physical model together with the experimental and mathematical possibilities to successfully determine realistic material parameters, a successful treatment of porous materials requires a joint consideration of continuum mechanics, experimental mechanics and numerical methods. In addition, micromechanical - vestigations and homogenization techniques are very helpful to increase the phenomenological understanding of such media.

Democratic Ideals and the Politicization of Nature - The Roving Life of a Feral Citizen (Paperback, 1st ed. 2013): N. Garside Democratic Ideals and the Politicization of Nature - The Roving Life of a Feral Citizen (Paperback, 1st ed. 2013)
N. Garside
R2,892 Discovery Miles 28 920 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Democratic Ideals and the Politization of Nature introduces the feral citizen as a response to a perceived need to revitalize the disruptive, critical, and exploratory nature of democratic culture. By learning from the traditions of aimless walking and by embracing a consciously feral method of political engagement, radically-democratic citizens can prompt political moments that create conditions where the primacy of the political can be performed, realized and defended. Ultimately, this book seeks not to solve the problems and paradoxes of democracy but to assist in unleashing and celebrating them. Garside concludes that using the methodology of feral citizenship inspired by environmentalism and democratic articulation to reprioritize the political within the green public sphere, citizens can reclaim necessary (and welcome) tensions between representations of nature and political citizenship.

Geoinformation Metadata in INSPIRE and SDI - Understanding. Editing. Publishing (Paperback, 2011 ed.): Leszek Litwin, Maciej... Geoinformation Metadata in INSPIRE and SDI - Understanding. Editing. Publishing (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
Leszek Litwin, Maciej Rossa
R2,892 Discovery Miles 28 920 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The book is a new comprehensive textbook about creating and publishing geoinformation metadata. It is a compendium of knowledge about geoinformation metadata in INSPIRE Directive and Spatial Information Infrastructures. It contains the knowledge necessary to understand prior to the creation of geoinformation metadata. Metadata - "data about data" - describe the layers of spatial data (data series, services) responding to the questions: what?, why?, when?, who?, how? and where? Geoinformation metadata allows for exact search of the spatial data according to given criteria, regardless of where this data is located. On 15 May 2007 the EU Directive 2007/2/EC came into force establishing Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe - INSPIRE. The proper functioning of the infrastructure for spatial information would not be possible without the metadata.

Nuclear Radiation in Geophysics / Kernstrahlung in der Geophysik (English, German, Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original... Nuclear Radiation in Geophysics / Kernstrahlung in der Geophysik (English, German, Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1962)
Hans Israel; Introduction by R.D. Evans; Edited by Adolf Krebs
R1,754 Discovery Miles 17 540 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Die Radioaktivitat von Boden, Wasser und Luft ist ein klassisches Forschungs- gebiet der Geophysik, aus dessen Ergebnissen diese von jeher reichen Nutzen zieht: Fragen nach der Warmebilanz des Erdinnern, nach dem Alter der Erde und dem der Gesteine haben erst von hier aus eine befriedigende Losung gefunden; H ydro- logie und Balneologie verdanken der Radioaktivitat entscheidende Bereicherung; im Rahmen der Prospektion und Bodenforschung hat sie ihren Platz; in der Physik der Atmosphare bietet sie die wesentliche Grundlage zum Verstandnis der atmospharisch-elektrischen Erscheinungen; dem Meteorologen gibt sie neue Moglichkeiten zur Bearbeitung atmospharischer Austausch- und Transport- probleme. Die Moglichkeit der Injektion gewaltiger Mengen radioaktiven Materials in die Atmosphare und das Auftreten kunstlich-radioaktiver Elemente im geo- physikalischen Bereich als Folge von Spaltprozessen oder Wirkungen der kos- mischen Strahlung haben dieser engen Verbindung zwischen Radioaktivitat und Geophysik neue Impulse verliehen. Die im letzten J ahrzehnt gewonnenen neuen Erkenntnisse und Fortschritte ubertreffen bei weitem die in den rund 50 Jahren "klassischer" Periode erworbenen Einsichten und haben dazu neue Probleme, Aufgaben und Moglichkeiten aufgezeigt.

Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations - A Rational Asymptotic Modelling Point of View (Paperback, 2012 ed.): Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian Navier-Stokes-Fourier Equations - A Rational Asymptotic Modelling Point of View (Paperback, 2012 ed.)
Radyadour Kh. Zeytounian
R4,441 Discovery Miles 44 410 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This research monograph deals with a modeling theory of the system of Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations for a Newtonian fluid governing a compressible viscous and heat conducting flows. The main objective is threefold. First , to 'deconstruct' this Navier-Stokes-Fourier system in order to unify the puzzle of the various partial simplified approximate models used in Newtonian Classical Fluid Dynamics and this, first facet, have obviously a challenging approach and a very important pedagogic impact on the university education. The second facet of the main objective is to outline a rational consistent asymptotic/mathematical theory of the of fluid flows modeling on the basis of a typical Navier-Stokes-Fourier initial and boundary value problem. The third facet is devoted to an illustration of our rational asymptotic/mathematical modeling theory for various technological and geophysical stiff problems from: aerodynamics, thermal and thermocapillary convections and also meteofluid dynamics.

Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XII (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1998): Sven-Erik Gryning,... Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application XII (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1998)
Sven-Erik Gryning, Nadine Chaumerliac
R5,909 Discovery Miles 59 090 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In 1969 the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) cstablishcd thc Committee on Challenges of Modern Society (CCMS). The subject of air pollution was from the thc very beginning one of the priority problems umier deliberation within the tJ-amcwork of various pi- lot studies undertaken by this committee. The organization of a yearly conference dealing with air pollution modelling and its application has become one of the main activities within thc pilot study rclating to air pollution. Pleasc see the listing on the next page for completed NATO/CCMS Pilot Studies and the International Technical Meetings (ITM) on Air Pollution Modelling and Its Application. This volume contains the papers at the 22ND lTM, being held in Clermont-Ferrand, France during June 2 -6,1997. It was attended by 152 participants representing 33 countries. This lTM wasjointly organized by the Ris0 National Laboratory of Denmark (pilot country): the Laboratoire Associe de Meteorologic Physique, associated with the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, the Universite Blaise Pascal. and the Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand, France (host country). We wish to express our gratitude to the sponsors that made this conference possible. In addition to tinancial support from NATO/CCMS, the conference received contributions from Centre National de Recherche Scientitique, Observatoire de Physique du Globe de Clermont-Ferrand, Universite Blaise Pascal, Electricite de France, lnstitut Francais du Pe- trole, Conscil Regional d'Auvergne, Conseil General du Puy de DC1I11e, Mairie de Clermont- Ferrand, SATCAR Semaine des arts techniques et culture de l'automobile et de la route.

An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering (Paperback, 1994 ed.): Orlando B. Andersland, B. Ladanyi An Introduction to Frozen Ground Engineering (Paperback, 1994 ed.)
Orlando B. Andersland, B. Ladanyi
R3,018 Discovery Miles 30 180 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Frozen Ground Engineering first introduces the reader to the frozen environment and the behavior of frozen soil as an engineering material. In subsequent chapters this information is used in the analysis and design of ground support systems, foundations, and embankments. These and other topics make this book suitable for use by civil engineering students in a one-semester course on frozen ground engineering at the senior or first-year-graduate level. Students are assumed to have a working knowledge of undergraduate mechanics (statics and mechanics of materials) and geotechnical engineering (usual two-course sequence). A knowledge of basic geology would be helpful but is not essential. This book will also be useful to advanced students in other disciplines and to engineers who desire an introduction to frozen ground engineering or references to selected technical publications in the field. BACKGROUND Frozen ground engineering has developed rapidly in the past several decades under the pressure of necessity. As practical problems involving frozen soils broadened in scope, the inadequacy of earlier methods for coping became increasingly apparent. The application of ground freezing to geotechnical projects throughout the world continues to grow as significant advances have been made in ground freezing technology. Freezing is a useful and versatile technique for temporary earth support, groundwater control in difficult soil or rock strata, and the formation of subsurface containment barriers suitable for use in groundwater remediation projects.

Combating Water Scarcity in Southern Africa - Case Studies from Namibia (Paperback, 2014 ed.): Msangi Josephine Phillip Combating Water Scarcity in Southern Africa - Case Studies from Namibia (Paperback, 2014 ed.)
Msangi Josephine Phillip
R1,491 Discovery Miles 14 910 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book offers a close examination of water scarcity as a developmental challenge facing member nations of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the interventions that have been implemented to combat the situation and the challenges still outstanding. The first chapter paints the backdrop of the water scarcity problem, reviewing historical approaches from the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro to the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) to the United Nations Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development (2012), and recapping principles and agreements reached during and after these conferences. Chapter two examines the Southern Africa region's efforts to combat water scarcity including principles, policies and strategies and the responsibility of each member to implement them. Written by the editor, J.P. Msangi, the chapter describes Namibia's efforts to ensure management of scarce water. Beyond enacting management and pollution control regulations and raising public awareness, Namibia encourages research to ensure attainment of the requirements of both the SADC Protocol and its own water scarcity management laws. The next three chapters offer Namibia-based case studies on impacts of pollution on water treatment; on the effects of anthropogenic activities on water quality and on the effects of water transfers from dams upstream of Von Bach dam. The final chapter provides detailed summaries of the issues discussed in the book, highlighting conclusions and offering recommendations. Combating Water Scarcity in Southern Africa synthesizes issues pertinent to the SADC countries as well as to other regions, and offers research that up to now has not been conducted in Namibia.

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