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I am very pleased that my book The Geomagnetic Field and Life is being published in English in the United States. Thanks to the initiative of Plenum Press, a publishing hause that is widely known in all countries, I have a great new opportunity to make direct contact with friends throughout the world. My book on the geomagnetic field can be regarded as an abstraction, whose purpose is to provide a better picture and understanding of the world araund us, its main driving forces, and factors, to help us to know ourselves, and to proceed further. The essence of the abstraction is that in treating the problern I have deliberately ignored the diverse effects of various extemal factors on living organisms and have confined myself to an analysis of the effect of the GMF. This approach allows me to go one step further-to draw various conclusions and propose theories that rnight bring us closer to a proper understanding of the true nature of the phenomena. Philosophers have long been aware that by such abstract thinking we can deterrnine the nature of phenomena more reliably, completely, and comprehensively, penetrate to the very core of the observed effects, and perceive the depth of their interrelations.
New technologies allow us to handle increasingly large datasets, while monitoring devices are becoming ever more sophisticated. This high-tech progress produces statistical units sampled over finer and finer grids. As the measurement points become closer, the data can be considered as observations varying over a continuum. This intrinsic continuous data (called functional data) can be found in various fields of science, including biomechanics, chemometrics, econometrics, environmetrics, geophysics, medicine, etc. The failure of standard multivariate statistics to analyze such functional data has led the statistical community to develop appropriate statistical methodologies, called Functional Data Analysis (FDA). Today, FDA is certainly one of the most motivating and popular statistical topics due to its impact on crucial societal issues (health, environment, etc). This is why the FDA statistical community is rapidly growing, as are the statistical developments . Therefore, it is necessary to organize regular meetings in order to provide a state-of-art review of the recent advances in this fascinating area. This book collects selected and extended papers presented at the second International Workshop of Functional and Operatorial Statistics (Santander, Spain, 16-18 June, 2011), in which many outstanding experts on FDA will present the most relevant advances in this pioneering statistical area. Undoubtedly, these proceedings will be an essential resource for academic researchers, master students, engineers, and practitioners not only in statistics but also in numerous related fields of application. "
Collected articles in this series are dedicated to the development and use of software for earth system modelling and aims at bridging the gap between IT solutions and climate science. The particular topic covered in this volume addresses the Grid software which has become an important enabling technology for several national climate community Grids that led to a new dimension of distributed data access and pre- and post-processing capabilities worldwide.
The field of Luminescence Dating has reached a level of maturity. Both research and applications from all fields of archaeological science, from archaeological materials to anthropology and geoarchaeology, now routinely employ luminescence dating. The advent of optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques and the potential for exploring a spectrum of grain aliquots enhanced the applicability, accuracy and the precision of luminescence dating. The present contribution reviews the physical basis, mechanisms and methodological aspects of luminescence dating; discusses advances in instrumentations and facilities, improvements in analytical procedures, and statistical treatment of data along with some examples of applications across continents, covering all periods (Middle Palaeolithic to Medieval) and both Old and New World archaeology. They also include interdisciplinary applications that contribute to palaeo-landscape reconstruction.
In this lay reader's introduction to the most spectacular and devastating of all geological events, Rolf Schick describes how earthquakes and volcanoes are related, and how they are an integral part of Earth's structure. Tracing the latest findings and theories in plate tectonics, he helps readers ask and answer the basic questions: What was it during the formation of Earth that led to these phenomena? Why do they occur in certain areas and not in others? How can we, within reason, protect ourselves from their devastation? And how far have we come, and how far can we go, in predicting when they will strike? For the reader who wants a concise and accessible guide to what makes the ground shake and explode, this is the perfect introduction.
This book introduces the overall concepts of research methods in
Remote Sensing. It also addresses the entire research framework,
ranging from ontology to documentation. As such, it covers the
theory while providing a solid basis for engaging in concrete
research activities. It is not intended as a textbook on remote
sensing; rather, it offers guidance to those conducting research by
examining philosophical and other issues that are generally not
covered by textbooks. Various stages of research are discussed in
detail, including illustrative discussions and helpful references.
The topics considered in this book cover a part of the research
methodologies explored in Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) and Doctor
of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs.The book s physical format has been
kept to a compact, handy minimum in order to maximize its
accessibility and readability for a broad range of researchers in
the field of remote sensing.
This book is of interest to mathematicians, geologists, engineers and, in general, researchers and post graduate students involved in spline function theory, surface fitting problems or variational methods. From reviews: The book is well organized, and the English is very good. I recommend the book to researchers in approximation theory, and to anyone interested in bivariate data fitting." (L.L. Schumaker, Mathematical Reviews, 2005).
This text forms part of material taught during a course in advanced
reservoir simulation at Delft University of Technology over the
past 10 years. The contents have also been presented at various
short courses for industrial and academic researchers interested in
background knowledge needed to perform research in the area of
closed-loop reservoir management, also known as smart fields,
related to e.g. model-based production optimization, data
assimilation (or history matching), model reduction, or upscaling
techniques. Each of these topics has connections to
system-theoretical concepts.
Proceedings of the Millennium NATO/CCMS International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and its Application, held May 15-19 in Boulder, Colorado. This volume is the latest in a series of proceedings dating back to 1971. The book addresses the problem of air pollution and reports the latest findings and developments in air pollution modeling, from a truly international list of contributors.
WOUIRG PARTY I: AlIALYSIS or POLLUTAIITS Chairman: A. LIBERTI (CNR - Roma, I) Summary by the Chairman 3 Detection of gaseous nitric acid by OH (A~X) - fluorescence gen- erated by ArF-laser irradiation Th. PAPENBROCK and F. STUHL 5 Preparation of standard atmospheres of nitrogen acid compounds: the N02 permeation tube I. ALLEGRINI, P. BUTTINI, V. DI PALO and M. POSSANZINI 15 Automated denuder systems J. SLANINA, A. M. VAN WENSVEEN, C. A. M. SCHOONEBEEK and P. I. VOORS 25 A battery-powered light-weight ozone analyzer for use in the troposphere and stratosphere S. SARAND, W. SPEUSER and U. SCHURATH 33 H202 in solid precipitation A. NEFTEL, A. SIGG and P. JACOB 45 Detection of nitrated and oxygenated polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAR) in suspended particulate matter sampled in urban areas and their relation with anthropogenic emission and photochemical smog formation A. CECINATO, E. BRANCALEONI, C. DI PALO, R. DRAISCI and P. CICCIOLI 58 Field intercomparison of sampling and analytical methods for S02 and S04 in ambient air K. NODOP and J. E. HANSSEN 69 Field measurements on the use of denuders for the evaluation of acid deposition Istituto sull'Inquinamento Atmosferico del C. N. R. , Mon- rotondo, Italy 79 -vii- Use of air - S02 mixtures for intercomparison of S02 monitors in the EEC M. PAYRI S SAT , H. RAU and G. SERRINI 103 Determination of polychlorinated dibenzo-P-dioxins and dibenzofurans in outdoor air P. KIRSCHMER and M.
In their approach to Earth dynamics the authors consider the
fundamentals of "Jacobi Dynamics" (1987, Reidel) for two reasons.
First, because satellite observations have proved that the Earth
does not stay in hydrostatic equilibrium, which is the physical
basis of today's treatment of geodynamics. And secondly, because
satellite data have revealed a relationship between gravitational
moments and the potential of the Earth's outer force field
(potential energy), which is the basis of "Jacobi Dynamics." This
has also enabled the authors to come back to the derivation of the
classical virial theorem and, after introducing the volumetric
forces and moments, to obtain a generalized virial theorem in the
form of Jacobi's equation. Thus a physical explanation and rigorous
solution was found for the famous Jacobi's equation, where the
measure of the matter interaction is the energy.
Climate, climate change, climate fluctuations and climatic trends are only a few of the terms used today, in not only conferences, scientific symposia and workshops, but also parliaments and in discussions throughout society. climatologists these terms may be well known; to the vast majority of people, however, they are new, and they require definition and explanation. The World Meteorological Organization inherited an interest and involvement in the studies of climate and climate change from its predecessor, the International Meteorological Organization (IMO), which was established in 1873. By 1929 the had set up a Commission for Climatology to deal with matters related to climate studies. When, in 1950, the World Meteorological Organization assumed the mantle of the it retained the commission which, among other responsibilities, had already recognized the need for the definition and explanation of terms used in climatology. It must also be said that much of what we now know about climate derives from the scientific and technical programmes - ordinated by and now, to a much greater extent, by In 1979, the First World Climate Conference made an assessment of the status of knowledge of climate and climate variability, and recommended the establishment of a World Climate Programme.
Collected articles in this series are dedicated to the development and use of software for earth system modelling and aims at bridging the gap between IT solutions and climate science. The particular topic covered in this volume addresses the usefulness of coupling infrastructures and data management, strategies and tools for pre- and post-processing, and coupling software and strategies in regional and global coupled climate models. This first part in the series of 6 books sets the scene for the following volumes.
This book contains papers presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference on mineral matter in fuels held on November 2-7, 1997 in Kona, Hawaii. The conference is one of a continuing series that was initiated by the CEGB Mar- wood Engineering Laboratories in 1963. The conference was to be eventually organised by the Engineering Foundation as the need for multi-disciplinary work related to c- trolling ash effects in combustors became apparent. The conference covers both the science and the applications. The papers also present case histories, particularly for current fuel technologies, developments in advanced technologies for power generation and mathematical modelling of these processes. Developments since 1963 have been slow, but steady, due to the complexity of the chemical and physical processes involved. However, the research presented here displays great improvement in our understanding of the mechanisms by which mineral matter will influence fuel use. Steve Benson from EERC presented a review and current status of issues related to ash deposition in coal combustion and gasification. The application of new analytical tools, which have been detailed in the previous conferences, is presented. These include CCSEM, as well as new techniques for char- terising sintering of ash, such as TMA, image analysis, X-ray diffraction crystallography and thermal analysis. The new analytical techniques were extended to encompass widely differing fuels such as biomass. Ole H Larsen from ELSAM Denmark presented a review of these advanced techniques.
This book is primarily concerned with the space planning of restaurants and, since their basic elements are much the same throughout the civilised world, is directed at an international readership. Although concentrating on the average restaurants, we also look at the wider commercial range-banquet ~ooms, cafeterias, fast food establishments, drug stores, sandwich bars and cafes-as well as private dining rooms, outdoor and in-transit situations. Where a particular environment is not specifically singled out, its elements can be deduced by comparison to similar spaces. At a detailed planning level, the design of dining spaces is not a well investigated and documented field. The present work attempts to fill this gap and address the designer's need for hard facts, dimensions, and sound spatial guidelines. The author of this book firmly believes that given rigorous scrutiny of all relevant data almost any design problem can be solved; and that the process of arriving at a solution (or recommendation) can and should be explicable in unequivocal terms.
The book comprises innovative research presented at the 14th Conference of the Association of Geographic Information Laboratories in Europe (AGILE), held in 2011 in Utrecht, The Netherlands. The scientific papers cover a large variety of fundamental research topics as well as applied research in Geoinformation Science including measuring spatiotemporal phenomena, quality and semantics, spatiotemporal analysis, modeling and decision support as well as spatial information infrastructures. The book is aimed at researchers, practitioners and students who work in various fields and disciplines related to Geoinformation Science and technology.
Air pollution remains a major environmental issue despite many years of study and much legislative control. In rec nt times, pollution on a global scale has become of particular concern. The gradually changing con centration of trace gases in the global troposphere due to man's activity is becomming a matter of serious concern. No scientist would dare to pre dict in detail the consequences of this gradual change due to its immense complexity involving social and economic factors and near countless chemical and phjsical cycles in our biosphere. In this chain of processes, the transport of pollution is an important factor, but only a factor. Therefore, I would like to emphasize that the mOdelling of atmospheric transport is becoming more and more an activity which fits into larger frameworks and can no longer be exercised as a single step, which bridges the gap between emissions and policy measures. This is also reflected in the topics and papers which were presented at this conference. The topics were: - emission invetories for and source treatment in air pollution dispersion models; - modelling of accidental releases; - regional and global scale dispersion mOdelling; including boundary layer-free troposphere exchange processes and subgrid scale parameter isations; - model verification and policy implications; - new developments in dispersion modelling and theory. 56 papers were presented in these sections. While many posters were dis cussed in a special session."
The auroral emissions in the upper atmosphere of the polar regions of the Earth are evidence of the capture of energetic particles from the Sun, streaming by the Earth as the solar wind. These auroral emissions, then, are a window to outer space, and can provide us with valuable information about electrodynamic coupling processes between the solar wind and the Earth's ionosphere and upper atmosphere. Studying the physics of these phenomena extends our understanding of our plasma universe. Ground-based remote-sensing techniques, able to monitor continuously the variations in the signatures of aurorae, in combination with in-situ satellite and rocket measurements, promise to advance dramatically our understanding of the physical processes taking place at the interface of the atmospheres of the Earth and the Sun. Decoding their complexity brings us closer to reliable prediction of communication environments, especially at high latitudes. This understanding, in turn, will help us resolve problems of communication and navigation across polar regions. Aurorae have been the object of wonder and scientific curiosity for centuries. Only recently, however, have we been able to detect, with sensitive instrumentation, noontime aurorae, and persistent aurorae deep within the polar cap. This book is the first to provide a morphological and theoretical framework for understanding these dayside and polar cap aurorae. The book also communicates the excitement of discovery, as it details the nature of these newly revealed auroral displays. It is a fascinating voyage of exploration, one appropriate for students of nature, wherever and whoever they may be.
This book has evolved by processes of selection and expansion from its predecessor, Practical Scanning Electron Microscopy (PSEM), published by Plenum Press in 1975. The interaction of the authors with students at the Short Course on Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis held annually at Lehigh University has helped greatly in developing this textbook. The material has been chosen to provide a student with a general introduction to the techniques of scanning electron microscopy and x-ray microanalysis suitable for application in such fields as biology, geology, solid state physics, and materials science. Following the format of PSEM, this book gives the student a basic knowledge of (1) the user-controlled functions of the electron optics of the scanning electron microscope and electron microprobe, (2) the characteristics of electron-beam-sample inter actions, (3) image formation and interpretation, (4) x-ray spectrometry, and (5) quantitative x-ray microanalysis. Each of these topics has been updated and in most cases expanded over the material presented in PSEM in order to give the reader sufficient coverage to understand these topics and apply the information in the laboratory. Throughout the text, we have attempted to emphasize practical aspects of the techniques, describing those instru ment parameters which the microscopist can and must manipulate to obtain optimum information from the specimen. Certain areas in particular have been expanded in response to their increasing importance in the SEM field. Thus energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometry, which has undergone a tremendous surge in growth, is treated in substantial detail.
Sampling consists of selection, acquisition, and quantification of a part of the population. While selection and acquisition apply to physical sampling units of the population, quantification pertains only to the variable of interest, which is a particular characteristic of the sampling units. A sampling procedure is expected to provide a sample that is representative with respect to some specified criteria. Composite sampling, under idealized conditions, incurs no loss of information for estimating the population means. But an important limitation to the method has been the loss of information on individual sample values, such as, the extremely large value. In many of the situations where individual sample values are of interest or concern, composite sampling methods can be suitably modified to retrieve the information on individual sample values that may be lost due to compositing. This book presents statistical solutions to issues that arise in the context of applications of composite sampling.
For the English edition the book was revised by the authors, taking into account a number of suggestions of the readers of the German edition. Some of the most important publications in the field of iron ore reduction, which appeared since 1967, have been used to bring the manuscript as far as possible up to date. The kind assistance of Dr. K. BOHNENKAMP of the Max-Planck-Institut fUr Eisenforschung, Dusseldorf, was much appreciated in this respect. Ohapters 2.9 and 2.10, dealing with the reduction of molten oxide slags by solid carbon and with the contribution of the water-gas reaction to iron ore reduction, have been added for the English edition. Ohapter 2.9 has been completely revised with the kind assistance of Dr. H. J. GRABKE, Stuttgart. Dipl.-Ing. J. LODDE contributed to this edition by revising the bibliography. Owing to the rapid development of the blast furnace it was necessary to revise Ohapter 5 considerably. In this field many valuable suggestions have been made by Dipl.-Ing. G. LANGE and Dipl.-Ing. P. HEINRICH. Furthermore, Ohapters3 and 4 have been thoroughly revised by Dr.-Ing. E. FORSTER and Dr.-Ing. U. SCHIERLOH. Last, but not least, we have to thank our translators for their excellent work.
A much-needed, precise and practical treatment of a key topic in the energy industry and beyond, Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs is an invaluable reference for those in both industry and academia Authored by renowned experts in the field, this book covers the understanding, evaluation, and effects of fractures in reservoirs. It offers a comprehensive yet practical discussion and description of natural fractures, their origins, characteristics, and effects on hydrocarbon reservoirs. It starts by introducing the reader to basic definitions and classifications of fractures and fractured reservoirs. It then provides an outline for fractured-reservoir characterization and analysis, and goes on to introduce the way fractures impact operational activities. Well organized and clearly illustrated throughout, Applied Concepts in Fractured Reservoirs starts with a section on understanding natural fractures. It looks at the different types, their dimensions, and the mechanics of fracturing rock in extension and shear. The next section provides information on measuring and analyzing fractures in reservoirs. It covers: logging core for fractures; taking, measuring, and analyzing fracture data; new core vs. archived core; CT scans; comparing fracture data from outcrops, core, and logs; and more. The last part examines the effects of natural fractures on reservoirs, including: the permeability behavior of individual fractures and fracture systems; fracture volumetrics; effects of fractures on drilling and coring; and the interaction between natural and hydraulic fractures. Teaches readers to understand and evaluate fractures Compiles and synthesizes various concepts and descriptions scattered in literature and synthesizes them with unpublished oil-field observations and data, along with the authors' own experience Bridges some of the gaps between reservoir engineers and geologists Provides an invaluable reference for geologists and engineers who need to understand naturally fractured reservoirs in order to efficiently extract hydrocarbons Illustrated in full color throughout Companion volume to the Atlas of Natural and Induced Fractures in Core
To better understand the various processes and interactions that govern the Earth system and to determine whether recent human-induced changes could ultimately de-stabilise its dynamics, both natural system variability and the consequences of human activities have to be observed and quantified. In this context, the European Space Agency (ESA) published in 2006 the document "The Changing Earth: New Scientific Challenges for ESA's Living Planet Programme" as the main driver of ESA's new Earth Observation (EO) science strategy. The document outlines 25 major scientific challenges covering all the different aspects of the Earth system, where EO technology and ESA missions may provide a key contribution. In this framework, and aiming at enhancing the ESA scientific support towards the achievement of "The Challenges", the Agency has launched in 2008 a new initiative - the Changing Earth Science Network - to support young scientists to undertake leading-edge research activities contributing to achieve the 25 scientific challenges of the LPP by maximising the use of ESA data. The initiative is implemented through a number of research projects proposed and led by early-stage scientists at post-doctoral level for a period of two years which are summarized in this SpringerBrief. These projects undertake innovative research activities furthering into the most pressing issues of the Earth system, while exploiting ESA missions data with special attention to the ESA data archives and the new Earth Explorer missions.
Year by year the Earth sciences grow more diverse, with an inevitable increase in the degree to which rampant specialization isolates the practitioners of an ever larger number of subfields. An increasing emphasis on sophisticated mathematics, physics and chemistry as well as the use of advanced technology have set up barriers often impenetrable to the uninitiated. Ironically, the potential value of many specialities for other, often non-contiguous ones has also increased. What is at the present time quiet, unseen work in a remote corner of our discipline, may tomorrow enhance, even revitalize some entirely different area. The rising flood of research reports has drastically cut the time we have available for free reading. The enormous proliferation of journals expressly aimed at small, select audiences has raised the threshold of access to a large part of the literature so much that many of us are unable to cross it. This, most would agree, is not only unfortunate but downright dangerous, limiting by sheer bulk of paper or difficulty of compre hension, the flow of information across the Earth sciences because, after all it is just one earth that we all study, and cross fertilization is the key to progress. If one knows where to obtain much needed data or inspiration, no effort is too great. It is when we remain unaware of its existence (perhaps even in the office next door) that stagnation soon sets in. |
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