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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > General

The Petroleum Resources of Indonesia (Paperback, 1982 ed.): Ooi Jin Bee The Petroleum Resources of Indonesia (Paperback, 1982 ed.)
Ooi Jin Bee
R1,519 Discovery Miles 15 190 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

THE quadrupling of oil prices within a few months in late 1973 and early 1974 brought to an abrupt end the era of inexpensive oil. Since then the continuing increases in the price of oil traded in the international market and the higher prices of imports of manu factured goods have seriously disrupted the foreign exchange balances of many developing countries and forced them to replan their development programmes. The impact of high oil prices is felt in every country, whether developed or developing, and has brought to world attention the fact that not only are petroleum resources in limited supply and exhaustible but also that substitutes cannot be found easily or quickly. In a world faced with the certainty of declining supplies of petroleum there is widespread interest and concern among all the oil producing countries to evaluate the extent of their petroleum resources and to examine more closely the problems of their development, rates of depletion and methods of conservation. The present work reviews some of the above issues and problems in relation to Indonesia, an OPEC member, and the major oil producing country in South-East Asia. More specifically, it seeks to provide the reader with an overview of the petroleum resources of the country their nature, extent, distribution as well as the problems of their development.

Transport and Diffusion in Turbulent Fields - Modeling and Measurement Techniques (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original... Transport and Diffusion in Turbulent Fields - Modeling and Measurement Techniques (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1993)
Hadassah Kaplan, Nathan Dinar, Avi Lacser, Yehudah Alexander
R1,597 Discovery Miles 15 970 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The 35th OHOLO Conference, which provided the basis for the present book covered a broad range of topics. Basic studies and newly developed methods in modeling atmospheric flows are discussed, besides analyses of concentration fluctuations in different atmospheric conditions, and techniques of data acquisition. The book gives an excellent state-of-the-art impression of the situation in turbulent diffusion and transport.

The Nature of Ball Lightning (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1971): Stanley Singer The Nature of Ball Lightning (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1971)
Stanley Singer
R1,503 Discovery Miles 15 030 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In 1837 a comprehensive discussion of lightning appeared in the Annual of the French Bureau des Longitudes with a section on ball lightning which provided for the first time a readily available source in the scientific literature of the basic properties of this curious natural phenomenon. The author, Francois Arago, was the dominant influence in the French Academy of Sciences in the nineteenth century, having become a member of that august body at the age of twenty-three. His attention alone doubtless served at that time to establish the validity of scientific interest in the problem. In addition his discussion covered some of the major questions associated with ball lightning in a nota bly clear-sighted, effective style. Later reconsideration of the same questions often provided no significant improvement over Arago's discussion. There followed a dauntless band of varying but always small number who attempted to account for an apparently simple natural occurrence, a ball of fire usually seen in thunderstorms, with the best knowledge that advancing science could provide. All attempts to deal with this phenomenon were in variably frustrated. The characteristics of ball lightning could be readily cataloged, but they firmly resisted both experimental reproduction and theo retical explanation. One may say that to this day there is no explanation accepted by a large number of scientists. Several investigators of great ability and considerable accomplishment in different fields of science, including Faraday, Kelvin, and Arrhenius, took note of the problem.

Monitoring of Gaseous Pollutants by Tunable Diode Lasers - Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Freiburg,... Monitoring of Gaseous Pollutants by Tunable Diode Lasers - Proceedings of the International Symposium held in Freiburg, Germany, 17-18 October 1991 organized by the Fraunhofer Institut fur Physikalische Messtechnik (Freiburg) under the auspices of The German Federal Minister of Research and Development The Commission of the European Communities (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1992)
R. Grisar, H. Boettner, M. Tacke, G. Restelli
R1,571 Discovery Miles 15 710 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The 3rd International Symposium on Monitoring of Gaseous Pollutants by Tunable Diode th Lasers, held at the Fraunhofer Institute in Freiburg on October 17th and 18 , continued a tradition, established by the two preceeding meetings held at the same location, in 1986 and 1988. The steadily increasing number of participants and contributions emphasizes the need for such a meeting, which is unique in Europe and appreciated abroad. This third symposium in particular, was specially marked by the presence of the former Eastern Block Countries, with a number of scientists, and contributions, from the USSR (stilI existing at the time of the meeting) and from East Berlin. The large number of contributions proposed, originally, as oral presentations, could not be fitted in the schedule of the two-day limit which the participants to the previous meetings had recommended. To take account of these contributions, poster sessions were held, combined with extended discussion time. This intensified personal interaction was much appreciated by the participants.

Oxygen Transport to Tissue IX (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1987): Haim I. Bicher, Duane F. Bruley Oxygen Transport to Tissue IX (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1987)
Haim I. Bicher, Duane F. Bruley
R1,606 Discovery Miles 16 060 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

These papers stem from the ISOTT Meeting held at Churchill College, Cambridge, from July 27th to 30th, 1986. Although the sun did not shine so brightly as during the Cambridge meeting in 1977, the communications and discussions were as lively and informative and some heat, as well as light, was generated in the presentation of differing views. The meeting was conducted in a generally informal way which allowed maximum time for discussion but the relatively unstructured nature of the debates made them unsuitable for publication. The amount of editing necessary meant that the printed version of the exchanges would bear little resemblance to the original, hence their omission. All the papers presented here have been scrutinized and retyped in a standard format. However, the diverse interests of ISOTT's members, reflected in the wide spectrum of the material submitted, made total editorial uniformity an unrealistic goal. Complete consistency in the use of symbols, abbreviations and units seemed less important than speed of publication.

Current Trends in Geomathematics (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1988): Daniel Merriam Current Trends in Geomathematics (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1988)
Daniel Merriam
R1,583 Discovery Miles 15 830 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Since founding at the 23rd International Geological Congress in Prague in 1968, the International Association for Mathematical Geology has organized sessions in conjunction with the Congress. The 27th IGC in Moscow was no exception and the IAMG again held sessions and assisted the Congress in organizing Section 20 -Mathematical Geology and Geological Information ( D. F. Merriam, D. A. Rodionov, and R. Sinding-Larsen, conveners). All together 128 abstracts were published in the technical proceedings. Several of the papers were published prior to the Congress, others were not available, and others deemed not appropriate for publication in this volume. This collection then contains those papers aVailable and representative of the sessions. The collection is truly international with contributions from Canada, China, France, Poland, the UK, USA, and USSR. They are representative of the state-of-the-art as of the early 1980s in a variety of fields. The application of geomathematics/geostatistics to geological problems has been hastened by the availability of computers. These papers reflect that orientation -most of the results would not have been possible without the use of computers. Most of the approaches utilize techniques readily aVailable and adapted to solving geological problems -simulation, image analysis, decision theory, fuzzy sets, etc. However, one area, that of geostatistiques which includes Kriging, has been designed especially for use by earth scientists of the French school to solve geological problems.

Korea - A Geomedical Monograph of the REPUBLIC OF KOREA (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1980): Eckart Dege Korea - A Geomedical Monograph of the REPUBLIC OF KOREA (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1980)
Eckart Dege; Chin-Thack Soh
R1,540 Discovery Miles 15 400 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

For over 30 years I have been engaged as a parasitolo nitz, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, was arranged in the pres gist in research on endemic diseases in our land. However, ence of Professor Jusatz. lt was indeed a great honor for I have been somewhat dissatisfied within my heart of me, but I also felt a very heavy responsibility; how to set hearts from the point of view of a medical person. Most of up the scheme, how to collect the materials, how to di gest, analyze and compile them in accordance with the us, myself included, handle disease sectionally, not com prehensively. Clinicians pay more attention to finding ef original goals. I frankly confess to realizing how limited fective drugs, medical scientists concentrate more effort my knowledge was at the same time. Poor editing would on clarifying pathologic etiology, and public health work result in dishonor not only to myself, but to my country ers are more concerned with environmental sanitation. as well. Now at this juncture, the point of editing, I am filled Thus, most of us generally neglect to search out the with deep emotion. In spite of limited time and knowl causal relation of a certain disease. For a disease to be established various factors must be involved: agent, ecolo edge, this manuscript will be prepared for edition at all gy, hosts, carriers, transmitters, habits, geographic and events.

Resonances in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity (Paperback, 2002 ed.): A. P. Nickolaenko, M. Hayakawa Resonances in the Earth-Ionosphere Cavity (Paperback, 2002 ed.)
A. P. Nickolaenko, M. Hayakawa
R6,488 Discovery Miles 64 880 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book on electromagnetic resonance phenomena describes a general approach to physical problems, ways to solve them, and properties of the solutions obtained. Attention is given to the discussion and interpretation of formal and experimental data and their links to global atmospheric conditions such as the dynamics of global thunderstorm activity, variations of the effective height of the lower ionosphere, etc.

Schumann resonance is related to worldwide thunderstorm activity, and simultaneously, to global properties of the lower ionosphere. Transverse resonance is predominantly a local phenomenon containing information on the local height and conductivity of the lower ionosphere and on nearby thunderstorm activity.

Transient events in ELF-VLF radio propagation are also treated. These are natural pulsed radio signals and/or abrupt changes of manmade VLF radio signals. The transients associated with cloud-to-ionosphere discharges (red sprites, blue jets, trolls) are discussed, and clarification of the underlying physical ideas and their practical applications to pioneer results achieved in the field recently are emphasised.

IUTAM Symposium on Physicochemical and Electromechanical, Interactions in Porous Media (Paperback, 2005): Jacques Huyghe, Peter... IUTAM Symposium on Physicochemical and Electromechanical, Interactions in Porous Media (Paperback, 2005)
Jacques Huyghe, Peter A. C. Raats, Stephen C. Cowin
R4,472 Discovery Miles 44 720 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

In the last decades, new experimental and numerical techniques have taken many advanced features of porous media mechanics down to practical engineering applications. This happened in areas that sometimes were not even suspected to be open to engineering ideas at all. The challenge that often faces engineers in the field of geomechanics, biomechanics, rheology and materials science is the translation of ideas existing in one field to solutions in the other. The purpose of the IUTAM symposium from which this proceedings volume has been compiled was to dive deep into the mechanics of those porous media that involve mechanics and chemistry, mechanics and electromagnetism, mechanics and thermal fluctuations of mechanics and biology. The different sections have purposely not been formed according to field interest, but on the basis of the physics involved.

Full Seismic Waveform Modelling and Inversion (Paperback, 2011 ed.): Andreas Fichtner Full Seismic Waveform Modelling and Inversion (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
Andreas Fichtner
R4,461 Discovery Miles 44 610 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Recent progress in numerical methods and computer science allows us today to simulate the propagation of seismic waves through realistically heterogeneous Earth models with unprecedented accuracy. Full waveform tomography is a tomographic technique that takes advantage of numerical solutions of the elastic wave equation. The accuracy of the numerical solutions and the exploitation of complete waveform information result in tomographic images that are both more realistic and better resolved. This book develops and describes state of the art methodologies covering all aspects of full waveform tomography including methods for the numerical solution of the elastic wave equation, the adjoint method, the design of objective functionals and optimisation schemes. It provides a variety of case studies on all scales from local to global based on a large number of examples involving real data. It is a comprehensive reference on full waveform tomography for advanced students, researchers and professionals.

Principles of Mathematical Geology (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1992): A.B. Vistelius Principles of Mathematical Geology (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1992)
A.B. Vistelius
R1,609 Discovery Miles 16 090 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Preface to the English edition xiii Basic notations xv Introduction xvii amPl'ER 1. Mathenatical Geology and the Developnent of Geological Sciences 1 1. 1 Introduction 1 1. 2 Developnent of geology and the change of paradigms 2 1. 3 Organization of the mediun and typical structures 8 1. 4 statement of the problem: the role of models in the search for solutions 14 1. 5 Mathematical geology and its developnent 19 References 23 amPTER II. Probability Space and Randan Variables 29 11. 1 Introduction 29 11. 2 Discrete space of elementary events 29 11. 2. 1 Probability space 30 II. 2 * 2 Randan variabl es 33 11. 3 Kolroogorov's axian; The Lebesgue integral 35 II. 3. 1 Probability space and randan variables 36 I 1. 3. 2 The Lebesgue integral 40 II. 3. 3 Nunerical characteristics of raman variables 44 II. 4 ~les of distributions of randan variables 46 II. 4. 1 Discrete distributions 46 II. 4. 2 Absolutely continuous distributions 51 II. 5 Vector randan variables 58 II. 5. 1 Product of probability spaces 58 II. 5. 2 Distribution of vector randan variables 60 II. 5. 3 Olaracteristics of vector randan variables 65 11. 5. 4 Exanples of distributions of vector raman variabl es 69 II . 5. 5 Conditional distributions with respect to randan variables 81 II. 6 Transfomations of randan variables 90 11. 6. 1 Linear transfomations 91 II. 6. 2 Sane non-linear transfomations 95 11. 6.

Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Agricultural Production Systems (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st... Effects of Climate Change and Variability on Agricultural Production Systems (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002)
Otto C. Doering III, J C. Randolph, Jane Southworth, Rebecca A. Pfeifer
R2,927 Discovery Miles 29 270 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Effects of Climate Change and Viarability on the Agricultural Production Systems provides an integrated assessment of global climate change's impact on agriculture at the farm level, in the context of farm level adaptation decisions. Ten agricultural areas in the Upper Midwest region - the heart of the United States' corn belt - were subjected to climate change and changing climate variability scenarios through simulations of future climate using results from general circulation models. Crop growth models, calibrated to the study sites, were used to simulate yields under varying climate conditions. Farm level production and economic analyses were performed to determine what adaptation strategies might be best utilized to maintain production and profitability for producers under conditions of global climate change and changing climate variability. Similar integrated analyses from Australia and Argentina provide comparisons from different regions.

Surface-Based Remote Sensing of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (Paperback, 2011 ed.): Stefan Emeis Surface-Based Remote Sensing of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (Paperback, 2011 ed.)
Stefan Emeis
R2,895 Discovery Miles 28 950 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The book presents a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) research. It focuses on experimental ABL research, while most of the books on ABL discuss it from a theoretical or fluid dynamics point of view. Experimental ABL research has been made so far by surface-based in-situ experimentation (tower measurements up to a few hundred meters, surface energy balance measurements, short aircraft experiments, short experiments with tethered balloons, constant-level balloons, evaluation of radiosonde data). Surface flux measurements are also discussed in the book. Although the surface fluxes are one of the main driving factors for the daily variation of the ABL, an ABL description is only complete if its vertical structure is analyzed and determined. Satellite information is available covering large areas, but it has only limited temporal resolution and lacks sufficient vertical resolution. Therefore, surface-based remote sensing is a large challenge to enlarge the database for ABL studies, as it offers nearly continuous and vertically highly resolved information for specific sites of interest. Considerable progress has been made in the recent years in studying of ground-based remote sensing of the ABL. The book discusses such new subjects as micro-rain radars and the use of ceilometers for ABL profiling, modern small wind lidars for wind energy applications, ABL flux profile measurements, RASS techniques, and mixing-layer height determination.

Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Why and How to Control? - Proceedings of an International Symposium, Maastricht, The Netherlands,... Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases: Why and How to Control? - Proceedings of an International Symposium, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 13-15 December 1993 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1994)
J.Van Ham, L. J. H. M. Janssen, Rob J. Swart
R5,803 Discovery Miles 58 030 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The background This volume contains the proceedings of the first International symposium on "Non-C0 Greenhouse Gases: Why and How to 2 Control?" held in Maastricht, The Netherlands from 13-15 Decem ber 1993. Of the known greenhouse gases, political attention to date has been primarily focused on carbon dioxide (C0 ) and the 2 CFCs - the latter because of their interaction with stratospheric ozone. The other greenhouse gases, notably methane (CH ), nitrous 4 oxide (N 0), HCFCs, HFCs and tropospheric ozone and its precur 2 sors nitrogen oxides (NO), carbon monoxide (CO) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), may appear collectively to be of equal importance for global warming but have attracted less attention. Nevertheless, a comprehensive approach to climate change respon se, taking into account all sources and sinks of all greenhouse gases, is explicitly allowed in the Framework Convention on Clima te Change. The Netherlands' policy on climate already addresses all greenhouse gases. In order to stimulate the development of international climate policy on this subject, the Dutch Ministry of Housing, Physical Planning and Environment supported the initative of organizing an international symposium on the science and policy of the non-C0 greenhouse gases. An important rationale behind 2 this initative was recognizing that for the non-C0 greenhouse 2 gases, abatement options are available that do not only address other environmental problems but that also do not require the major structural changes in society that an effective CO policy 2 may."

IUTAM Symposium on Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Princeton, NJ,... IUTAM Symposium on Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow - Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium held in Princeton, NJ, U.S.A., 11-13 September 2002 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2004)
Alexander J. Smits
R5,722 Discovery Miles 57 220 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This volume presents selected papers from the IUTAM Symposium on Reynolds Number Scaling in Turbulent Flow, convened in Princeton, NJ, USA, September I1-13, 2002. The behavior ofturbulence at high Reynolds number is interesting from a fundamental point of view, in that most theories of turbulence make very specific predictions in the limit of infinite Reynolds number. From a more practical point of view, there exist many applications that involve turbulent flow where the Reynolds numbers are extremely large. For example, large vehicles such as submarines and commercial transports operate at Reynolds 9 numbers based on length ofthe order oft0 , and industrial pipe flows cover a 7 very wide range of Reynolds numbers up to 10 * Many very important applications of high Reynolds number flow pertain to atmospheric and other geophysical flows where extremely high Reynolds numbers are the rule rather than the exception, and the understanding of climate changes and the prediction of destructive weather effects hinges to some extent on our appreciation ofhigh-Reynolds number turbulence behavior. The important effects of Reynolds number on turbulence has received a great deal of recent attention. The objective of the Symposium was to bring together many of the world's experts in this area to appraise the new experimental results, discuss new scaling laws and turbulence models, and to enhance our mutual understanding of turbulence.

Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 6 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2003): Eric L. Mokole,... Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 6 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2003)
Eric L. Mokole, Mark Kragalott, Karl R. Gerlach
R5,798 Discovery Miles 57 980 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The Sixth Conference on Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics (UWB SP6), chaired by Eric Mokole of the United States Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and hosted by the NRL and the United States Naval Academy (USNA), was held at the USNA in Annapolis Maryland (USA) from 3-7 June 2002. UWB SP6 was part of the AMEREM 2002 Symposium, chaired by Terence Wieting of the NRL. AMEREM 2002 continued the series of international conferences that were held in: Brooklyn New York at the Polytechnic University in 1992 and 1994; Albuquerque New Mexico in 1996 as part of AMEREM '96; Tel-Aviv Israel in 1998 as part of EUROEM '98; and Edinburgh Scotland in 2000 as part of EUROEM 2000. The next conference (UWB SP7) will be held from 12-16 July 2004 at Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg Germany (EUROEM 2004) and will be chaired by Frank Sabath. The purpose of these meetings is: to focus on advanced technologies for the generation, radiation, and detection of ultrawideband (UWB) short-pulse signals, taking into account their propagation about, scattering from, and coupling to targets and media of interest; to report on developments in supporting mathematical and numerical methods; and to describe current and potential future applications of the technology. The session topics of UWB-SP6 included electromagnetic theory, scattering, UWB antennas, UWB systems, ground penetrating radar (GPR), pulsed,. power generation, time-domain computational electromagnetics, UWB compatibility, target detection and discrimination, propagation through dispersive media, and wavelet and multi-resolution techniques.

Global Warming - The Research Challenges - A Report of Japan's Global Warming Initiative (Paperback, Softcover reprint of... Global Warming - The Research Challenges - A Report of Japan's Global Warming Initiative (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2004)
Atsunobu Ichikawa
R2,891 Discovery Miles 28 910 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Of interest to both researchers and policy makers
Suitable for course use

Mapping Different Geographies (Paperback, 2010 ed.): Karel Kriz, William Cartwright, Lorenz Hurni Mapping Different Geographies (Paperback, 2010 ed.)
Karel Kriz, William Cartwright, Lorenz Hurni
R4,433 Discovery Miles 44 330 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

This book is the outcome of the work of contributors who participated in the wo- shop "Mapping Different Geographies (MDG)" in February 2010, held in Puchberg am Schneeberg, Austria. This meeting brought together cartographers, artists and geoscientists who research and practice in applications that focus on enhancing o- to-one communication or develop and evaluate methodologies that provide inno- tive methods for sharing information. The main intention of the workshop was to investigate how 'different' geographies are being mapped and the possibilities for developing new theories and techniques for information design and transfer based on place or location. So as to communicate these concepts it was important to appreciate the many contrasting meanings of 'mapping' that were held by workshop participants. Also, the many (and varied) viewpoints of what different geographies are, were ela- rated upon and discussed. Therefore, as the focus on space and time was embedded within everyone's felds of investigation, this was addressed during the workshop. This resulted in very engaging discourse, which, in some cases, exposed the restrictions that certain approaches need to consider. For participants, this proved to be most useful, as this allowed them to appreciate the limits and restrictions of their own approach to understanding and representing different geographies. As well, the workshop also was most helpful as a vehicle for demonstrating the common ground of interest held by the very diverse areas of endeavour that the workshop participants work within.

Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1993): E.V. Thrane,... Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1993)
E.V. Thrane, Tom A. Blix, David C. Fritts
R1,584 Discovery Miles 15 840 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coupling Processes in the Lower and Middle atmosphere held in Loen, Norway in May 1992 was, in the estimation of apparently all participants, an enormous success. The 18 invited speakers included many of the leaders in the field and resulted in the attendance of a large number of contributing speakers and observers. The subject of the workshop was itself very timely, given the increasing awareness within the international community of the sensitivity of the atmosphere to coupling between adjacent layers, different latitudes, and various scales of motion. It was also very beneficial to bring together researchers with different approaches to the same or similar problems. For example, experimentalists benefitted from the inputs of modelers and theoreticians concerning the needs of current models and the most pressing problems and unknowns. Likewise, theoreticians were challenged to apply themselves to realistic problems and saw their theories tested against geophysical data. These discussions led to meaningful exchanges of ideas and challenges to or displacement of conventional wisdom in some areas. Indeed, possibly the greatest benefit of the workshop was the exposure of many participants to other areas of research or approaches to problems relevant to their own work. Workshop topics were confined to dynamical coupling processes in order to examine progress in a relatively focussed area. Nevertheless, the results presented spanned spatial scales from molecular to global and temporal scales from seconds to decades.

Linking People, Place, and Policy - A GIScience Approach (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002): Stephen... Linking People, Place, and Policy - A GIScience Approach (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002)
Stephen J. Walsh, Kelley A. Crews-Meyer
R2,946 Discovery Miles 29 460 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Linking People, Place, and Policy: A GIScience Approach describes a breadth of research associated with the study of human-environment interactions, with particular emphasis on land use and land cover dynamics. This book examines the social, biophysical, and geographical drivers of land use and land cover patterns and their dynamics, which are interpreted within a policy-relevant context. Concepts, tools, and techniques within Geographic Information Science serve as the unifying methodological framework in which landscapes in Thailand, Ecuador, Kenya, Cambodia, China, Brazil, Nepal, and the United States are examined through analyses conducted using quantitative, qualitative, and image-based techniques.

Linking People, Place, and Policy: A GIScience Approach addresses a need for a comprehensive and rigorous treatment of GIScience for research and study within the context of human-environment interactions. The human dimensions research community, land use and land cover change programs, and human and landscape ecology communities, among others, are collectively viewing the landscape within a spatially-explicit perspective, where people are viewed as agents of landscape change that shape and are shaped by the landscape, and where landscape form and function are assessed within a space-time context. This book articulates some of these challenges and opportunities.

Forestry Pesticide Aerial Spraying - Spray Droplet Generation, Dispersion, and Deposition (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the... Forestry Pesticide Aerial Spraying - Spray Droplet Generation, Dispersion, and Deposition (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1997)
J.J. Picot, D.D. Kristmanson
R2,912 Discovery Miles 29 120 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Introduced to the technical aspects of forestry aerial spraying in the mid-1970's, we were immediately impressed by the complexity of the process of delivering pesticide to foliage. At that time, there was a vigorous public debate in New Brunswick about the ecological and public h~alth impacts of the annual spray program for the control of defoliation of spruce and fir trees by the spruce budworm. The forest industry is important to the province and changes to the established procedures of budworm control could have major economic implications. A rational debate required reliable information about the mechanics of the spraying process. There was a need to supply missing information as to required pesticide application rates, atomizer performance, off-target drift and deposit, and the effects of weather and aircraft operating factors. We were invited to initiate a research program in this domain by New Brunswick forest management officials, and what follows in this book is a logical and quantitative description of the overall process based on our own research and that of others over the intervening years. After a short introduction to aerial spraying, we begin (Chapter 2) by describing forest stands in terms of their interaction with suspended atmospheric particulate material carried along by the wind and susceptible to deposition on foliage. We introduce foliage simulators and their use in measuring the deposit of sprayed pesticide on foliage, the "biological interface" between pest and pesticide.

Urban Air Quality: Measurement, Modelling and Management - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Urban Air... Urban Air Quality: Measurement, Modelling and Management - Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Urban Air Quality: Measurement, Modelling and Management Held at the Computer Science School of the Technical University of Madrid 3-5 March 1999 (Paperback, 2000 ed.)
Ranjeet S. Sokhi, Roberto San Jose, Nicolas Moussiopoulos, Ruwim Berkowicz
R4,501 Discovery Miles 45 010 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Since the first international conference on urban air quality, held at the University ofHertfordshire in 1996, significant advances have taken place in the field of urban air pollution. In addition to the scientific advances in the measurement, modelling and management of urban air quality, significant progress has been achieved in relation to the establishment of major frameworks to ensure a more effective mechanism for international collaboration. Two such frameworks are SATURN (Studying Atmospheric Pollution in Urban Areas) and TRAPOS (Optimisation of Modelling Methods for Traffic Pollution in Streets). In response to such advances, the second international conference was held at the Technical University of Madrid in March 1999 with active participation of SATURN and TRAPOS investigators. The organisation of the conference was headed by the Institute of Physics in collaboration with the Technical University of Madrid and the University of Hertfordshire. The support of IUAPPA and AWMA ensured a truly worldwide promotion and participation. The meeting attracted 140 scientists from 26 different countries establishing it as a major forum for exchanging and discussing the latest research fmdings in this field.

Image 2.0 - Integrated Modeling of Global Climate Change (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1994): J. Alcamo Image 2.0 - Integrated Modeling of Global Climate Change (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1994)
J. Alcamo
R1,558 Discovery Miles 15 580 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Only a few laboratories in the world have taken the bold step to attempt the integration of sub-models of the climate system, the global biogeochemical cycles and the human/societal components. This volume reports such a major undertaking and it is an important step towards an integrated approach to global change science. The IMAGE 2 model is important in demonstrating our current ability to model the complex global system.

Optical Properties of Low Dimensional Silicon Structures (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1993): B.... Optical Properties of Low Dimensional Silicon Structures (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1993)
B. Bensahel, Leigh T. Canham, Stephano Ossicini
R4,431 Discovery Miles 44 310 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

The workshop on "Optical Properties of Low Dimensional Silicon sL Structures" was held in Meylan, France on March, I yd, 1993. The workshop took place inside the facilities of France Telecom- CNET. Around 45 leading scientists working on this rapidly moving field were in attendance. Principal support was provided by the Advanced Research Workshop Program of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). French Delegation a l'Armement and CNET gave also a small financial grant, the organisational part being undertaken by the SEE and CNET. There is currently intense research activity worldwide devoted to the optical properties of low dimensional silicon structures. This follow the recent discovery of efficient visible photoluminescence (PL) from highly porous silicon. This workshop was intended to bring together all the leading European scientists and laboratories in order to reveal the state of the art and to open new research fields on this subject. A large number of invited talks took place (12) together with regular contribution (20). The speakers were asked to leave nearly 1/3 of the time to the discussion with the audience, and that promoted both formal and informal discussions between the participants.

Urban Air Quality - Recent Advances - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Urban Air Quality - Measurement,... Urban Air Quality - Recent Advances - Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Urban Air Quality - Measurement, Modeling and Management Loutraki, Greece, 19-23 March 2001 (Paperback, Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2002)
Ranjeet S. Sokhi, John G. Bartzis
R1,693 Discovery Miles 16 930 Ships in 10 - 15 working days

Funding Science: An Immense Challenge The real challenge in science should be hypothesis formation, experimental design and conducting the actual research under rigorous control and experimental condi of tions with the best available equipment/infrastructure. However, in many parts the world, the real challenge in science is trying to obtain some minimal amount of funding to initiate research. Every country in the world is challenged with an im mense number of interconnected environmental and health problems. Examples in clude biologically and chemically contaminated water and soil, air pollution, waste and sewage treatment, a multitude of infectious diseases in humans, animals and plants, global change, population growth, alternate energy sources, deforestation, floods, crop production and so on. Solutions to these national and international problems require training and re search to ensure the best available people and knowledge are available to man age and/or solve these problems. This can only be accomplished if the research community has the funding to conduct priority research and apply the knowledge globally. The challenge in science should be discovering the unknown and col laborative research/training of new scientists. Too often the challenge is how to conduct research without proper support. Many scientists are likely of the opinion that it is not their jobs/careers that is stressful, but the inability to do their research properly, that is stressful. Good research in a knowledge based economy requires proper funding.

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