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Books > Professional & Technical > Biochemical engineering > General
This book focuses on the chemistry of marine polymers, waterborne polymers, and water-resistant polymers, as well as the special applications of these materials. After the chemistry of marine polymers and their types are discussed, the uses of these polymers are detailed, as well as various analytical and characterization testing methods. The book also emphasizes the polymers that are most environmentally-friendly along with their origin and industrial applications. The polymers from these 3 types serve a variety of industries including medical equipment and devices, outdoor coatings and corrosion protection, food packaging, saltwater and freshwater marine purposes such as marine ropes, boat coatings, pipeline protection, and marine well application, to name just a few.
Contemporary Chemical Process Engineers face complex design and research problems. Temperature-dependent physical properties and non-Newtonian flow behavior of substances in a process cannot be predicted by numerical mathematics. Scaling-up equipment for processing can often only be done with partial similarity methods. Standard textbooks often neglect topics like dimensional analysis, theory of similarity and scale-up. This book fills this gap! It is aimed both at university students and the process engineer. It presents dimensional analysis very comprehensively with illustrative examples of mechanical, thermal and chemical processes.
This book deals with the theory of macroscopic systems. Traditionally this theory has been fragmented over a number of disciplines like thermodynamics, physical transport phenomena, sometimes referred to as non-equilibrium or irreversible thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, chemical reaction engineering and heat and power engineering. This fragmentation, the different approaches followed in presenting theory, e.g. the inductive approach as opposed to the postulational approach in textbooks on thermodynamics, many alternative representations of equations and differences in notation make it cumbersome to discern a single coherent theory of macroscopic systems. The idea of this book is to present the theory of macroscopic systems as a unified theory with equations strictly developed from a single set of principles and concepts. The book is an attempt to bridge gaps between the various disciplines. It can serve as a textbook, refresher or reference book to students of an advanced level in various disciplines, to scientists and to practising engineers working in design and development. It provides rigorous equations and their possible simplifications for use in computer models for scale-up or optimisation. Topics like exergy analysis and multi component diffusion are included. The principles and concepts in the theory of macroscopic systems com prise in addition to the mole and mass balances over a system, the balance equations for the fundamental extensive properties momentum, energy and entropy as well as the phenomenological laws on asymptotic phase behaviour and molecular transport."
This book contains a series of exercises and problems posed in the subject of green metrics. Essentially it is a "how to" book on evaluating the material efficiency, environmental impact, safety-hazard impact, and energy efficiency of any kind of chemical reaction or synthesis plan. Only the essential green metrics in each of these categories are used. The introduction highlights the hierarchy of metrics used throughout the book, explains the structure of how the book is arranged, how the problems are posed, and how the reader is to use the book. Examples refer to themes according to the headings given in the table of contents and are arranged in a hierarchical order. Key Features: The topics cover fundamentals in chemistry and the chemical industry in a blended fashion A unique text covering the fundamentals of green metrics from materials efficiency and environmental and safety-hazard impact, to new green technologies and more The book will be useful in a range of chemistry courses, from early undergraduate to advanced graduate courses, whether based in lectures, tutorials or laboratory experiments Using an extensive glossary of terms used in green metrics, each chapter has a specified theme where the relevant metrics definitions pertaining to that theme will be given with one or two illustrative worked examples Supplemental web-based downloadable material including extra problems, full solutions, Excel files, ChemDraw files, templates, and exercises
This book is a manual for designing and operating a basic quality management program; a practical discussion of what is needed and how to fulfill those needs on a practical basis. It will be helpful to chemical engineers, plant laboratory managers and those interested in quality management.
This book, intended for advanced graduate students of metallurgy, explains what happens in the critical period between extractive metallurgy and solidification and subsequent processing. An important point the book stresses is that the principles are the same in the treatment of various different metals. Someone concerned with the purification of one metal may learn from results and experiences gained on other metals and alloys. The specifics of metals such as iron and steel, aluminium, and copper are discussed in examples and in problems at the end of each chapter. The book is self-contained and covers the basic thermodynamics and fluid mechanics required.
Die Neuauflage halt am bewahrten und anerkannten Konzept der Vorauflage fest: ein Grundlagenwerk zum Einsatz in der universitaren Lehre, aber vor allem ein Nachschlagewerk fur den Beruf zum tieferen Verstandnis der verfahrenstechnischen Zusammenhange. Gegenuber der Vorauflage wurde das Werk allerdings erheblich erweitert sowie durch aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse und ein Kapitel zur konzeptuellen Prozessentwicklung erganzt. Die Grundverfahren werden auf der Basis der Thermodynamik, der Warme- und Stoffubertragung und der Fluiddynamik ubergreifend dargestellt. Damit erhalt der Praktiker erste Informationen uber die Auswahl, die Auslegung und den Betrieb von Apparaten. Nach einer komprimierten Darstellung wichtiger Grundlagen werden u.a. das Destillieren, die Rektifikation, die Absorption, die Kristallisation und die Adsorption behandelt. Es wird aufgezeigt, wie sich grundlagenorientierte Berechnungsansatze fur fluiddynamische und kinetische Vorgange in bekannten und neuen Apparaten finden lassen."
Jeder produzierende Betrieb steht trotz bereits in der Produktion vorgenommener Umweltschutzmassnahmen vor dem Problem Abluft, Abgase und Abwasser behandeln zu mussen. Die Behandlung von Abwassern ist Thema von Band 4. Die verschiedensten Moeglichkeiten der Abluft-/Abgasbehandlung werden in Band 3 vorgestellt. Zunachst wird beschrieben, wie eine Emissionsanalyse technischer Anlagen durchgefuhrt werden sollte. Danach folgen die Verfahren zur Minderung staubfoermiger Schadstoffemissionen. Die weiteren Kapitel geben die technischen Moeglichkeiten zur Minderung gasfoermiger Schadstoffemissionen, und der abschliessende Beitrag behandelt (praventive) Moeglichkeiten zur Minderung von Schadstoffemissionen als Folge von Explosionen. Fur Ingenieure und Naturwissenschaftler
Die etwa 100 wichtigsten Begriffe der Warmeubertragung werden
erlautert und in Beispielen erklart. Die wichtigsten
Berechnungsformeln werden aufgefuhrt, die wichtigsten Definitionen
A response to increasingly stringent regulation of pollution and toxicity levels in industrial waste discharge, Micellar Enhanced Ultrafiltration: Fundamentals & Applications offers the most complete book available on the benefits and use of micellar-enhanced ultrafiltration (MEUF) to achieve continuous removal of organic and inorganic pollutants. An Unparalleled Book That Addresses Both Academic and Industrial Points of View Several membrane-based techniques, such as microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis, are currently used in a wide range of applications throughout the textile, pulp and paper, sugar, chemical, pharmaceutical, biomedical, biotechnological, and food industries. However, although reverse osmosis is an effective means of removing contaminants, this book explains why MEUF is a better substitute, as it less expensive, less energy-intensive, and more efficient and practical for a wider range of applications. Topics covered include: Effects of pollution in water and its consequences Various treatment processes and membrane technologies Fundamentals of ultrafiltration Outline of various membrane modules and modeling approaches Principles of colloid chemistry Theories of micelle formation Stability and dynamics of micelles Phenomena of counterion binding Solubilization of organic pollutants Selection criteria for surfactants Various flux enhancement techniques Recovery of precious metals This book conveys how, with proper selection of surfactant and membrane, MEUF can be used to efficiently remove almost all metal ions (heavy metals, lanthanides, radioa
This textbook introduces readers in an accessible and engaging way to the nuts and bolts of protein expression and engineering. Various case studies illustrate each step from the early sequence searches in online databases over plasmid design and molecular cloning techniques to protein purification and characterization. Furthermore, readers are provided with practical tips to successfully pursue a career as a protein engineer. With protein engineering being a fundamental technique in almost all molecular biology labs, the book targets advanced undergraduates and graduate students working in molecular biology, biotechnology and related scientific fields.
The author describes the history of industrial safety and the emergence of process safety as an engineering discipline in the 20th century. The book sheds light on the difference between: employers and workers.
The Reviews in Computational Chemistry series brings together leading authorities in the field to teach the newcomer and update the expert on topics centered on molecular modeling, such as computer-assisted molecular design (CAMD), quantum chemistry, molecular mechanics and dynamics, and quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSAR). This volume, like those prior to it, features chapters by experts in various fields of computational chemistry. Topics in Volume 29 include: * Noncovalent Interactions in Density-Functional Theory * Long-Range Inter-Particle Interactions: Insights from Molecular Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) Theory * Efficient Transition-State Modeling using Molecular Mechanics Force Fields for the Everyday Chemist * Machine Learning in Materials Science: Recent Progress and Emerging Applications * Discovering New Materials via a priori Crystal Structure Prediction * Introduction to Maximally Localized Wannier Functions * Methods for a Rapid and Automated Description of Proteins: Protein Structure, Protein Similarity, and Protein Folding
Handbook of Smart Photocatalytic Materials: Environment, Energy, Emerging Applications and Sustainability provides an intriguing and useful guide to catalysis and materials. The handbook covers applications of smart photocatalytic materials for energy environmental protection and emerging fields. Also covered is the safety risk of Smart Photocatalytic Materials, commercialization, their fate and transportation in the environment, and sustainability. This volume provides a valuable roadmap, outlining common principles behind their use. Every chapter of this volume presents state-of-the-art knowledge on sustainable practices of smart photocatalytic materials (SPMs), including concepts of theory and practice. This handbook is a valued reference for both the academic and industrial researchers looking for recent developments in the field.
Die Qualitatsanforderungen des aufgeklarten Verbrauchers an die von ihm verzehrten Lebensmittel steigen standig. Die Lebensmittelindustrie kommt diesen Anspruchen ihrer Kunden durch immer ausgefeiltere technologische Herstellungs- und Konservierungstechniken entgegen, die daraufhin ausgelegt sind, den Verderb von Lebensmitteln zu verhindern, Aussehen, Geschmack und Nahrwert aber zu erhalten. Ohne tiefes Verstandnis der Kinetik chemischer Veranderungen in Lebensmitteln ware der erfolgreiche Einsatz dieser neuen Techniken nicht denkbar. Das Buch vermittelt Praktikern und fortgeschrittenen Studenten das Wissen hierzu."
Structure and morphology determine the properties of polymeric materials. This atlas provides, with over 2,000 high-quality micrographs, a comprehensive overview of the structural/morphological diversity of all classes of plastics. All microscopic techniques from light microscopy through scanning and transmission electron microscopy to atomic force microscopy are covered. Another focus is on the changes in plastics morphology occurring under mechanical stress, i.e. the deformation and fracture structures. The extensive visual material will help professionals in research and application fields to determine structure-property correlations of polymeric materials and also improve training and teaching in universities.
Biocatalysts are increasingly used by chemists engaged in fine chemical synthesis within both industry and academia. Today, there exists a huge choice of high-tech enzymes and whole cell biocatalysts, which add enormously to the repertoire of synthetic possibilities. Practical Methods for Biocatalysis and Biotransformations 2 is a "how-to" guide that focuses on the practical applications of enzymes and strains of microorganisms that are readily obtained or derived from culture collections. The sources of starting materials and reagents, hints, tips and safety advice (where appropriate) are given to ensure, as far as possible, that the procedures are reproducible. Comparisons to alternative methodology are given and relevant references to the primary literature are cited. This second volume which can be used on its own or in combination with the first volume - concentrates on new applications and new enzyme families reported since the first volume. Contents include: * introduction to recent developments and future needs in biocatalysts and synthetic biology in industry * reductive amination * enoate reductases for reduction of electron deficient alkenes * industrial carbonyl reduction * regio- and stereo- selective hydroxylation * oxidation of alcohols * selective oxidation * industrial hydrolases and related enzymes * transferases for alkylation, glycosylation and phosphorylation * C-C bond formation and decarboxylation * halogenation/dehalogenation/heteroatom oxidation * tandem and sequential multi-enzymatic syntheses Practical Methods for Biocatalysis and Biotransformations 2 is an essential collection of biocatalytic methods for chemical synthesis which will find a place on the bookshelves of synthetic organic chemists, pharmaceutical chemists, and process R&D chemists in industry and academia.
The #1 Process Safety Guide, Now Extensively Updated for Current Industrial Processes, Systems, and Practices Process safety has seen a dramatic consolidation of concepts in the past few years. Chemical Process Safety, Fourth Edition, provides students and working engineers with the understanding necessary to apply these new concepts to safely design and operate any process. Long the definitive guide in the field, this edition fully reflects major recent advances in process safety technology and practice. Readers will find extensive new and updated coverage of relief sizing, hazards identification, risk assessment, and many other topics. Several chapters have been completely rewritten, and all are substantially modified. This textbook includes 50 new problems and solutions (mostly in SI units), and 25 new case histories. Safety culture Preventive and mitigative safeguards The CCPS 20 elements of Risk Based Process Safety (RBPS) Toxicology, industrial hygiene, and source models Hazardous material dispersion Fires, explosions, and concepts for preventing them Chemical reactivity Reliefs and relief sizing Hazards identification and evaluation Risk analysis and assessment, including Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) Safety strategies, procedures, designs, case histories, and lessons learned Crowl and Louvar link key academic concepts to modern industrial practice, making this guide invaluable for all engineering students and for all working engineers. Register your product for convenient access to downloads, updates, and/or corrections as they become available. See inside book for details.
Green chemistry promotes improved syntheses as an intellectual endeavour that can have a great impact both on preserving and utilizing our planet's finite resources and the quality of human life. This masterful accomplishment provides an evaluation of environmental impact metrics according to life cycle assessment analysis based on the Mackay compartment environmental model and Guinee environmental impact potentials formalism. Assumptions, limitations, and dealing with missing data are addressed. Best literature resources for finding key toxicological parameters are provided and applied to individual reactions as well as entire synthesis plans, in order to target molecules of interest. Key Features: Provides an evaluation of environmental impact metrics according to life cycle assessment analysis Summarises safety-hazard metrics according to the same model as life cycle assessment including occupational exposure limits, risk phrases, flammability, and other physical parameters The book will be useful in a range of chemistry courses, from undergraduate to advanced graduate courses, whether based in lectures, tutorials or laboratory experiments
This book concerns advanced materials for electrochemical technologies. Firstly, the focus concerns fuel cell devices in which state of the art materials for anodes in both fuel cells and biological fuel cells were carefully discussed. After that, novel sensors and biosensors were deeply described. Finally, the wastewater treatment using advanced oxidation processes was pointed out, taking into account anodes and/or cathodes evidencing materials and processes. Briefly, energy, bio-applications and environmental approaches were discussed using electrochemistry as the main tool.
This book provides the background needed to understand not only the wide field of polymer processing, but also the emerging technologies associated with the plastics industry in the 21st Century. It combines practical engineering concepts with modeling of realistic polymer processes. Divided into three sections, it provides the reader with a solid knowledge base in polymer materials, polymer processing, and modeling. Understanding Polymer Processing is intended for the person who is entering the plastics manufacturing industry and as a textbook for students taking an introductory course in polymer processing. It also serves as a guide to the practicing engineer when choosing a process, determining important parameters and factors during the early stages of process design, and when optimizing such a process. Practical examples illustrating basic concepts are presented throughout the book. New in the second edition is a chapter on additive manufacturing, together with associated examples, as well as improvements and corrections throughout the book. With the purchase of this book, you also receive a free personal access code to download the eBook.
The field of Chemical Engineering and its link to computer science is in constant evolution and new engineers have a variety of tools at their disposal to tackle their everyday problems. Introduction to Software for Chemical Engineers, Second Edition provides a quick guide to the use of various computer packages for chemical engineering applications. It covers a range of software applications from Excel and general mathematical packages such as MATLAB and MathCAD to process simulators, CHEMCAD and ASPEN, equation-based modeling languages, gProms, optimization software such as GAMS and AIMS, and specialized software like CFD or DEM codes. The different packages are introduced and applied to solve typical problems in fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, mass and energy balances, unit operations, reactor engineering, process and equipment design and control. This new edition offers a wider view of packages including open source software such as R, Python and Julia. It also includes complete examples in ASPEN Plus, adds ANSYS Fluent to CFD codes, Lingo to the optimization packages, and discusses Engineering Equation Solver. It offers a global idea of the capabilities of the software used in the chemical engineering field and provides examples for solving real-world problems. Written by leading experts, this book is a must-have reference for chemical engineers looking to grow in their careers through the use of new and improving computer software. Its user-friendly approach to simulation and optimization as well as its example-based presentation of the software, makes it a perfect teaching tool for both undergraduate and master levels.
The study of dielectric properties of biological systems and their components is important not only for fundamental scientific knowledge but also for its applications in medicine, biology, and biotechnology. The associated technique - known as dielectric spectroscopy - has enabled researchers to quickly and accurately acquire time- or frequency-spectra of permittivity and conductivity and permitted the derivation and testing of realistic electrical models for cells and organelles. This text covers the theoretical basis and practical aspects of the study of dielectric properties of biological systems, such as water, electrolyte and polyelectrolytes, solutions of biological macromolecules, cells suspensions and cellular systems. The authors' combined efforts provide a comprehensive and cohesive book that takes advantage of the expertise of multiple scientists involved in cutting-edge research in the specific sub-fields of bio-dielectric spectroscopy while maintaining its self-consistency through numerous discussions. The first six chapters cover theoretical, methodological and experimental aspects of relaxation and dispersion in biological dielectrics at molecular, cellular and cellular aggregate level. Applications are presented in the following chapters which are organized in the order of increased complexity, beginning with pure water, amino acids and proteins, continuing with vesicles and simple cells such as erythrocytes, and then with more complex, organelle-containing cells and cellular aggregates. Due to its broad coverage, the text could be used as a reference book by researchers, and as a textbook for upper-level undergraduate classes and graduate classes in (bio) physics, medical physics, quantitative biology, and engineering. |
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