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When Katy's pony, Amber, is diagnosed with a fractured splint bone
and a cracked cannon bone, Katy feels as though the worst has
happened. In reality the worst is yet to come. A decline in
condition along with being attacked by several life threatening
illnesses leads to Amber's future hanging in the balance. Katy is
faced with a decision to either let her go or fight for her. "Why
has this happened to you?" I asked her desperate for some sort of
answer. Her small head was bowed low and her bottom lip trembled.
This wasn't her; it didn't feel as though she was still alive. Her
body was here but her mind and spirit were gone. How could I
possibly make this decision? The facts and my head said to put her
down, but right now the facts weren't good enough and my heart felt
that she deserved more. Katy has the best possible support team
behind her to fight for Amber's life. This then begs the question
can they do it? Will Amber live?
This is the first history of sport in Ireland, locating the history
of sport within Irish political, social, and cultural history, and
within the global history of sport. Sport and Ireland demonstrates
that there are aspects of Ireland's sporting history that are
uniquely Irish and are defined by the peculiarities of life on a
small island on the edge of Europe. What is equally apparent,
though, is that the Irish sporting world is unique only in part;
much of the history of Irish sport is a shared history with that of
other societies. Drawing on an unparalleled range of sources -
government archives, sporting institutions, private collections,
and more than sixty local, national, and international newspapers -
this volume offers a unique insight into the history of the British
Empire in Ireland and examines the impact that political partition
has had on the organization of sport there. Paul Rouse assesses the
relationship between sport and national identity, how sport
influences policy-making in modern states, and the ways in which
sport has been colonized by the media and has colonized it in turn.
Each chapter of Sport and Ireland contains new research on the
place of sport in Irish life: the playing of hurling matches in
London in the eighteenth century, the growth of cricket to become
the most important sport in early Victorian Ireland, and the
enlistment of thousands of members of the Gaelic Athletic
Association as soldiers in the British Army during the Great War.
Rouse draws out the significance of animals to the Irish sporting
tradition, from the role of horse and dogs in racing and hunting,
to the cocks, bulls, and bears that were involved in fighting and
Enjoy the thrill of hunting anytime you want with this collection
of stories by Hank Huntington. As a young boy, Hank hunted with his
father and later with college friends. As retirement approached, he
began keeping a record of his adventures at
www.OutdoorsWithHank.com, which has been read by thousands of
people. Whether it is hunting big game in the mountains of the
West, listening to the call of the mallard hen as she circles a
decoy spread or sneaking up on deer, bears, turkeys, ducks,
pheasants, wild hogs, and elk and caribou, these tales have
excitement for hunters from all walks of life. In addition to
actual kills, Hank shares the research, planning, and commitment he
engaged in to successfully hunt big and small game. For anyone
wanting to hunt big, four-legged creatures-from elk and buffalo in
United States of America to caribou in northern Canada-this is the
definitive guide.
Welcome to your 12 Week Challenge Success Journal. The purpose of
this journal is to help you keep track of how you are going in your
journey towards your goals. It will also help you to keep a record
of your daily goals, long term goals, what you achieved and what
things you didn't. We know from research that those individuals who
monitor and keep track of their goals and write them down daily
will be more likely to achieve their goals. For this journal to
serve you best, you need to be prepared to complete your journal
each day and you must be prepared to be honest. If you are working
with a personal trainer or nutritionist, the journal will be a
fantastic tool for them to see how you are going and what you have
achieved in terms of exercise and your food intake as well as your
own mental thoughts.
This book presents a kaleidoscopic view of the multidisciplinary
field of research developed within Brazilian social sciences to
study football as a major cultural and social phenomenon in the
country. As a contributed volume, it brings together chapters
authored by researchers from different disciplines, such as
sociology, anthropology, political science, history, geography,
economy, communication studies and physical education, who
contributed to make Brazilian football a multifaceted object of
study for the human and social sciences. The book is divided in
four parts. The first two parts are dedicated to the "classic"
areas, in which the best known research lines are concentrated:
part one focuses on politics and history, while part two is
dedicated to sociology and anthropology. The third part brings
together studies from other four different areas: communication
studies, geography, economy and physical education. The fourth part
is organized not by disciplines, but around transversal themes,
such as gender, violence, fans and racism. The varied approaches
and different interpretations brought together in this book seek to
provide an overview of the fertile academic debate that has
stimulated the renewal of scientific research on football in
Brazil, which makes Football and Social Sciences in Brazil a useful
resource for researchers from different disciplines within the
human and social sciences interested in the study of football as
major cultural and social phenomenon all over the world.
Many of the players I play with have made the comment, "I don't
know how you do it." I am going to try to explain what I have done
"to do it." Our nation is facing a health crisis, and I believe
athletics and physical conditioning are an important part of the
I am seventy-seven years old and have been an athlete for almost
all of those years. I am in excellent condition. I do not
experience many aches and pains. I am still able to compete with
much younger athletes. My overall health is excellent. I enjoy
life. I love to compete. I believe all of these attributes are
directly related to my athletics and physical conditioning. I have
had to continually upgrade my game and my training.
My life has been greatly enhanced. I do not feel much different
now mentally than I did when I was a young man. The gifts I have
received through athletics and physical conditioning have not only
helped me attain and enjoy good health; they have also helped me
through some very difficult periods in my life as well. I will try
to relate how my wife and I were helped in dealing with some of
those experiences.
As the years have gone by, I have become increasingly aware that
having good health is far more important than having money or
owning nice things. Everything else pales into obscurity when
compared with your health.
This book will be of value to men and women who are interested
in their health and well-being over the course of their lives.
HARDCOVER WITH DUST JACKET. This the second volume of the Pencak
Silat Pertempuran training manuals. Contains many forms, ground
fighting, knife, machete, and gun training. Also, contains a short
glossary of indonesian pencak silat terms. Jurus, Monyet, Harimau,
Golok, pisau, and Clurit.
Place is integral to tourism. In tourism, almost all issues can
ultimately be traced back to human-place interactions and
human-place relationships. Sense of place, also referred to as
place attachment, topophilia, and community sentiment, has received
significant attention in tourism studies because it both
contributes to, and is affected by, tourism. This book, written by
notable authors in the field, examines sense of place and place
attachment in terms of a typology of sense of place/place
attachment that includes genealogical/historical,
narrative/cultural, economic, ideological, cosmological, and
dynamic elements. Dimensions of place attachment such as place
identity, place dependence, and affective attachment are discussed
as well as place marketing, place making, and destination
management. Complete with a range of illustrative international
cases and examples ranging from Santa Claus to the importance of
place in indigenous and traditional cultures, this book represents
a substantial addition to knowledge on the inseparable relationship
between tourism and place and will be of great interest to all
upper-level students and researchers of Tourism.
Fired Up For Gold follows Ameia Wilson, a high school junior who
aspires to be a track and field state champion. Born and raised in
Danville, Illinois-a small city that has a heart of gold despite
the ever-growing poverty and criminal activity-she contributes to
the Danville High School Vikings track team, led by her idol B.J.
Luke ("Coach"), former DHS '72 football player and Hall of Fame
coach, and his childhood friend Debi Hosch ("Coach Hosch"), former
DHS '74 cheerleader and teacher. As a returning All-American,
expectations are set high for Ameia as she faces off against
rivals, and attempts to be a good leader for the team. As the
season progresses, she learns important lessons and finds out that
she has more potential than she thought. Most importantly, she must
constantly battle against her greatest challenge yet: herself.