Books > Social sciences > Psychology > Psychological methodology > General
Zu Recht geht die Autorin dieses Buches von der Feststellung aus,
daB es an um fassend und systematisch angelegten Schriften iiber
qualitative Marktforschung man gelt. Mit ihrem eigenen,
beachtenswerten Beitrag versucht Frau Dr. Kepper diese Lucke zu
schliefien. Es kommt ihr darauf an, die besonderen Merkmale der
qual ita tiven (im Vergleich zur quantitativen) Marktforschung klar
zu kennzeichnen, die viel faltigen Einsatzmoglichkeiten zur
Unterstiitzung von Marketing-Entscheidungen auf zuzeigen, aber auch
kritisch auf Kriterien zur Beurteilung der Methodengiite einzuge
hen. Nicht zuletzt will die Verfasserin verdeutlichen, dafi
qualitative Marktfor schungsansatze nicht nur eine "Vorstufe" in
Erhebungsprojekten sind, sondern ihren eigenstandigen Stellenwert
zur Gewinnung von Marktkenntnissen besitzen. Als Hauptmerkmale der
qualitativen Marktforschung werden hervorgehoben: - Die 0 f fen h e
i t im Sinne des Verzichts auf eine vorweg getroffene theore tische
Festlegung, so dafi der Forscher und seine Untersuchungskonzeption
ohne Einengungen auf die Gewinnung von Hypothesen ausgerichtet
sind. - Die K 0 m m u n i kat i v ita t, was bedeutet, dafi die
Erhebungsarbeiten nicht starren Fragenstandards folgen, sondern
situativ auf die jeweiligen Auskunftspersonen und deren
kommunikative Fiihigkeiten eingehen. - Die T y pis i e run g, womit
die Verfasserin zum Ausdruck bringen will, daB bei qualitativen
Studien nicht das Streben nach statistisch reprasentativen Daten im
Vordergrund steht, sondern der Versuch einer verstehenden Zuordnung
der Untersu chungseinheiten zu aussagefiihigen Kategorien. Das 3.
Kapitel ("Qualitative Marktforschungsmethoden") enthait eine
ausfiihrliche Erlauterung von Untersuchungsverfahren, die diesen
Begriffsmerkmalen entsprechen."
How do inventions take shape? How did the inventors of the sewing
needle, the hammer, or the wheel find their ideas? Are these
creations the result of random events, or are hidden principles at
work? Using everyday objects most of us take for granted--from
forks and Velcro to safety pins and doorknobs--noted cognitive
psychologist Robert Weber takes a fascinating look at how our world
of inventions came into being, and how the mind's problem-solving
abilities gave them the forms they have.
As an archaeologist studies shards of pottery for clues about an
ancient culture, Weber examines the many forms of inventions, from
stone knives to genetically engineered mice, and finds a rich
record of the work of many minds over time--a record of human
creativity and problem-solving handed down through the centuries.
He offers various methods for analyzing what mental paths might
have been taken by these inventive minds. In the test for design,
for example, he ponders how an item would work if various
components were shuffled or constructed differently, revealing how
the optimal shape of the invention was discovered. He challenges
the reader to engage in thought experiments to explore how the
horse-drawn cart, the waterscrew, or the fork might have taken
shape over many years, through the efforts of successive inventors
and adapters. In stripping these simple artifacts to the bone,
Weber finds a hidden intelligence at work in everyday objects as
well as recurrent heuristics (basic principles or rules of thumb)
that are common among many of our most successful
inventions--heuristics powerful enough to generate endless new
ideas. Weber ranges across the work of Archimedes, Leonardo da
Vinci, the Wright brothers, as well as grade-school children who
have won national awards for their inventions, revealing that the
same principles are at work in the discoveries of all of them.
Basic principles of invention, he writes, govern how we think,
solve, and manipulate ideas, whether mechanical or mental, real or
Weber's playful, original, and insightful look at the inventions
around us reveals a hidden intelligence in everything from screws
to tea bags to synthesizers--an intelligence based on principles of
creativity and problem-solving. His fascinating account sheds light
on how the mind hones its most original thoughts and products, and
provides a field guide for how we can tap into our own creativity.
To demystify creative work without reducing it to simplistic formulas, Doris Wallace and Howard Gruber, one of the world's foremost authorities on creativity, have produced a unique book exploring the creative process in the arts and sciences. The book's original`evolving systems approach' treats creativity as purposeful work and integrates cognitive, emotional, aesthetic, and motivational aspects of the creative process. Twelve revealing case studies explore the work of such diverse people as William Wordsworth, Albert Einstein, Jean Piaget, Anais Nin, and Charles Darwin. The case study approach is discussed in relation to other methods such as biography, autobiography, and psychobiology/ Emphasis is given to the uniqueness of each creative person; the social nature of creative work is also treated without losing the sense of the individual. A final chapter considers the relationship between creativity and morality in the nuclear age. In addition to developmental psychologists and cognitive scientists, this study offers fascinating insights for all readers interested in the history of ideas, scientific discovery, artistic discovery, artistic innovation, and the interplay of intuition, inspiration, and purposeful work.
This book explores the interplay between physiological and psychological states in light of increasing evidence that they exert subtle, long-term influences not only on mood, but also perception, judgement, and cognitive processes in general; these, in turn, affect behaviour. Drawing on his own data from subjective assessments of mood and research by others, the author addresses questions such as what determines a person's mood and its changes; what is the relationship between mood and sugar snacking, smoking, coffee drinking, late-night worry, depression, and insomnia; what effect do exercise, time of day, nutrition, and sleep have on mood. This book will be of interest to researchers in personality, clinical, and physiological psychology and to laypersons interested in the topic.
This wide-ranging volume presents an in-depth picture of adolescent
sexuality and behavior. As perhaps the most vital period in human
development, adolescence is a time of complex, often difficult
interactions between diverse influences. Here, nineteen scientists
representing ten disciplines explore the biological, psychological,
and cultural factors involved in the onset of puberty and its
associated emotional changes. Patterns of adolescent sexual
behavior are viewed in cross-cultural perspective, psychiatric
disorders are considered, and trends in adolescent sexual activity,
contraception, and pregnancy are described. Key legal and social
dilemmas are also explored. This is the third volume in a
groundbreaking series from the Kinsey Institute, which has as its
aim the study of topics relating to sex, gender, and reproduction
that require an interdisciplinary approach. Previous volumes in the
series include Homosexuality/Heterosexuality and
Die Gesundheit der Beschaftigten zu sichern, ist die zentrale
Aufgabe des betrieb- lichen Arbeitsschutzes. Dazu mussen Verfahren
entwickelt werden, die im Sinne einer prognostischen Vorgehensweise
Gefahrdungen ermitteln und bewerten. Diese Forderung war seit
Jahren vordringliches Anliegen von Herrn Prof. Hart- mut Thiemecke.
Seine UEberlegungen und Anregungen haben in wesentlichem Masse zur
Erstellung dieser Arbeit beigetragen. Das hier vorgestellte
Verfahren zur Sicherheitsanalyse stellt den Anhang meiner vom
Fachbereich 2 der Gesamthochschule Kassel genehmigten Dissertation
dar. Mein besonderer Dank gilt daher Herrn Prof. Dr. Ekkehart
Frieling fur die Be- treuung dieser Arbeit sowie Herrn Prof. Dr.
Hans Martin fur die UEbernahme des Korreferates. Bedanken moechte
ich mich vor allem bei meinem Kollegen Wilfried Jungkind- Butz fur
die Zusammenarbeit wahrend des gemeinsamen Studiums und fur die
vielen Diskussionen und inhaltlichen Anregungen bei der Bearbeitung
verschie- dener Forschungsprojekte am Institut fur
Arbeitswissenschaft und Didaktik des Maschinenbaus der Universitat
Hannover. Gedankt sei weiterhin allen Kolleginnen und Kollegen, die
die Erstellung dieser Arbeit unterstutzt haben. Hannover, im
Februar 1989 Joerg Nohl Inhaltsverzeichnis Teil I: Hinweise zum
Einsatz 1 Einleitung 3 2 Ziele und Begriffe der Sicherheitsanalyse
5 3 Schritte der Sicherheitsanalyse 10 3.1 Schwerpunktermittlung .
Die erste Auflage des vorliegenden Buches entstand 1977 aus dem
Bedurfnis nach einem modemen Lehrbuch, das Studierenden und
Wirtschaftspraktikern eine geschlossene, alle wesentliche Aspekte
der Marktforschung umfassende Darstel lung bietet. Es sollte in die
Lage versetzen, konkrete AufgabensteIlungen zu erarbeiten und
erfolgreich zu losen. Deshalb wurde auf eine gute Systematik und
auf klare Formulierungen besonderer Wert gelegt und auch versucht,
unter Verzicht auf Nebensachliches gleichsam das zentrale,
gesicherte Wissen darzule gen. Aufgrund der vielfach attestierten
besonderen Eignung zu Lehr-und Lernzwecken ist das Buch inzwischen
zu einem Standardwerk der Marktforschung geworden. Bei der
vorliegenden vierten Auflage wurde die bewahrte Grundkonzeption
beibehalten, der Inhalt zum grossen Teil jedoch neu bearbeitet.
Eine Reihe von Kapiteln wurde dabei hinzugefugt oder stark
erweitert, um dem aktuellen Stand der Forschung Rechnung zu tragen.
Die Arbeit ist in vier grosse Abschnitte gegliedert: Teil 1 enthalt
grundlegende Ausfuhrungen uber Bedeutung, Struktur und Steue rung
der Informationsprozesse im Absatzbereich sowie die massgebendsten
Gesichtspunkte zur Planung und Durchfuhrung der
Informationsgewinnung. Teil 2 umfasst die Methoden der
Marktforschung. Im einzelnen werden die zahlreichen traditionellen
und modemen Erhebungsinstrumente vorgestellt und ihre Anlage und
Wirkungsweise erlautert. Gegenuber den vorhergehenden Auflagen
wurden hier eine Reihe von inhaltlichen Erganzungen vorgenommen
sowie eine verbesserte Systematik gewahlt."
Der hier vorgelegte erste Band eines Handbuches zur
Evaluierungsforschung wendet sich vor aHem an diejenigen, die sich
mit Fragen der Entwicklung und Nutzung von Evaluierung und
Evaluierungsforschung professionell, sei es in Politik, Verwaltung
oder Forschung, befassen. Daruber hinaus solI es denjenigen, die
haufig, wenn auch nur indirekt von Evaluierungen betroffen sind,
ein Verstandnis der Aufgaben und Methoden der Evaluierungsforschung
vermitteln, nicht zuletzt urn sie auch hand- lungsfahiger und
bewuBter in der Einschatzung der unterschiedlichen Moglichkeiten
und Grenzen einer Evaluierung zu machen. Ferner ist es auch an all
diejenigen ge- richtet, die sich in Fortbildung und Studium mit
Evaluierungsfragen befassen. Fiir diese ermoglicht dieses Handbuch,
einen Uberblick iiber Wachstum und Entwick- lung der vielfaltigen
Ansatze von Evaluierung zu gewinnen. Dann aber und vor allem wendet
es sich auch an all diejenigen, die sich intensiv mit Fragen der
Rationalisie- rung staatlicher Aufgaben oder der Rolle des Staates
in der marktwirtschaftlichen Ordnung befassen und zogern, fUr ihre
FragesteHungen das technische Arsenal der Evaluierungsforschung,
sei es in Politik, Verwaltungspraxis, Program management und in der
Forschung zu nutzen. Das Handbuch selbst blickt auf eine
wechselvolle Geschichte zuruck. Ein dan- kenswerterweise von der
VW-Stiftung gefOrderter, lebhafter und intensiver Gedan-
kenaustausch zwischen in der Mehrzahl deutschen und amerikanischen
Verwal- tungspraktikem und Evaluierungsforschem im Juni 1979 in
Berlin (s. Levine, Solomon, Hellstem, Wollmann, eds.
Not everyone who experiments with substance use or risky behavior
becomes addicted, and many who are addicted have been able to
recover. This authoritative book, now revised and updated, has
given tens of thousands of professionals and students a
state-of-the-art framework for understanding the journey both into
and out of addiction. From Carlo C. DiClemente, codeveloper of the
transtheoretical model (TTM), the book identifies the stages and
processes involved in initiating, modifying, maintaining, or
stopping any pattern of behavior. Grounded in extensive research,
and illustrated with vivid case examples, the book shows how using
the TTM can help overcome obstacles to change and make treatment
and prevention more effective. New to This Edition *Incorporates 15
years of research advances, contemporary prevention and treatment
approaches, and the ongoing development of the TTM. *Chapter on
current developments in intervention research. *Expanded
discussions of neuroscience; self-regulation; behavioral economics;
self-help, mutual help, and spirituality; motivational issues;
"process addictions" (gambling and sex addiction); and more.
*Deeper coverage of risk and protective factors across adolescent
and young adult development.
Developed to bridge the content covered in psychology survey
courses and more advanced undergraduate psychology curriculum,
Psychology as a Science and a Profession helps students better
understand psychological science and the variety of potential
careers available to them within the field. Throughout the text,
students are empowered to find relevant research articles in
scientific journals, recognize their predictable structure, and
comprehend the main points of a study. They learn how to evaluate
scientific claims made in the media and other non-scientific
outlets. In exploring these various facets of psychological
science, students gain a greater understanding of the discipline
and can better determine if a career in psychology is for them. The
book is organized into three sections. Unit I defines psychology
and psychologists' roles, presents the rationale for studying the
discipline, shares best practices to help students succeed in their
psychological studies, and provides an overview of careers in
psychology and other related areas. The chapters in Unit II begin
with an overview of scientific principles, next address strategies
for success in finding, reading, and writing psychological science,
and conclude with ethics in psychology. The final unit addresses
principles of research as applied to psychology. Psychology as a
Science and a Profession is an ideal textbook for courses and
programs in psychology, especially those emphasizing research
Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times is written from the
perspective that the scholarly lives of academics are changing,
constantly in flux, and increasingly bound to the demands of the
market - a context in which the university has increasingly morphed
into a business enterprise, one that treats students as consumers
to be marketed to, education as something to be purchased, and
research as something to be capitalized on for financial gain. The
effects of this market-orientation of scholarly life, especially on
those in the social sciences and humanities, are ones that demand
serious examination. At the same time, qualitative inquiry itself
is changing and evolving within and against the rhythms of this
'new normal'. This volume engages with these emerging debates in
qualitative research over new materialism, 'data', public policy,
research ethics, public scholarship, and the corporate university
in the neoliberal age. World-renowned contributors from the United
States, United Kingdom, Spain, Norway, Australia, and New Zealand
present a global perspective on these issues, framed within a
landscape of higher education marked if not marred by efficiency
metrics, accountability, external funding, and university rankings.
Qualitative Inquiry in Neoliberal Times is a must-read for faculty
and students alike interested in the changing dynamics of their
profession, whether theoretically, methodologically, or
structurally and materially. This title is sponsored by the
International Association of Qualitative Inquiry, a major new
international organization that sponsors an annual congress.
IBM SPSS Statistics 26 Step by Step: A Simple Guide and Reference,
sixteenth edition, takes a straightforward, step-by-step approach
that makes SPSS software clear to beginners and experienced
researchers alike. Extensive use of four-color screen shots, clear
writing, and step-by-step boxes guide readers through the program.
Output for each procedure is explained and illustrated, and every
output term is defined. Exercises at the end of each chapter
support students by providing additional opportunities to practice
using SPSS. This book covers the basics of statistical analysis and
addresses more advanced topics such as multi-dimensional scaling,
factor analysis, discriminant analysis, measures of internal
consistency, MANOVA (between- and within-subjects), cluster
analysis, Log-linear models, logistic regression and a chapter
describing residuals. Back matter includes a description of data
files used in exercises, an exhaustive glossary, suggestions for
further reading and a comprehensive index. IMB SPSS Statistics 26
Step by Step is distributed in 85 countries, has been an academic
best seller through most of the earlier editions, and has proved
invaluable aid to thousands of researchers and students. New to
this edition: Screenshots, explanations, and step-by-step boxes
have been fully updated to reflect SPSS 26 How to handle missing
data has been revised and expanded and now includes a detailed
explanation of how to create regression equations to replace
missing data More explicit coverage of how to report APA style
statistics; this primarily shows up in the Output sections of
Chapters 6 through 16, though changes have been made throughout the