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Books > Social sciences > Education > Careers guidance > General
This book provides students and graduates with a concise guide to work experience, placements and internships. It explores the full range of opportunities in key graduate sectors and offers support for each stage of the journey, from finding appropriate opportunities and applying for posts to developing a strategy and making the most of a placement. This is an indispensable resource for anyone applying for placements, internships and graduate jobs. It will also be a valuable resource for careers advisors and staff on employability, personal development and career planning modules.
Auf der Basis des bundesweit durchgefuhrten BMBF-Projekts UEFA wird mit diesem Band eine erste umfassende Vergleichsstudie zur beruflichen Einmundung und Platzierung von Erzieherinnen und Kindheitspadagoginnen vorgelegt. Die zahlreichen, in den Fachdiskurs eingeordneten Befunde bilden eine wertvolle Informationsgrundlage fur all diejenigen, die mit der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Erzieherinnen und/oder Kindheitspadagoginnen sowie mit beruflicher UEbergangsforschung befasst sind oder sich dafur interessieren.
Foreword by Colonel Dame Kelly Holmes. Regardless of one's plans for the future, many people's careers are founded on a series of chance encounters, experiences and serendipity. School, college, university, jobs, family, sports, hobbies, friends, relationships - these are all fertile grounds for career-related conversations and explorations.What if we teachers, guides, mentors, parents and peers started to notice these seemingly unconnected happenings and, indeed, started to engineer and encourage them to happen? Using the mantra 'every adult is a careers teacher', The Ladder will inspire teachers to explicitly link their subject area to students' futures, both in school and outside its walls, and support them in doing so. Bernie draws upon his 30-year career in education and business development to bring clarity, focus and ideas to educators as to how they can best start students on their own ladders to success. Ultimately, in writing this book, Bernie's aim is to bring young people's futures to life with some personal skills reflection and forward planning designed to help them as they embark on their fulfilling futures - regardless of their upbringing, academic achievements or ethnic background.
Help students access their true potential with TECHNICAL WRITING FOR SUCCESS, Fourth Edition! This engaging and practical approach to workplace writing helps you guide students in the process of thinking, listening, researching, planning, composing, revising, and editing documents for use in business, science, hi-tech, and other demanding fields. Packed with active learning features from Cengage, this text makes it easy to show the importance of regular writing practice as students produce their own proposal content, manual instructions, informative briefs, lab reports, news releases, and other documents they won't see in general communications courses. Sample documents, critical thinking questions, expanded content on oral presentations, and insightful writing advice on style and voice add to this inclusive text-empowering you empower tomorrow's best technical writers.
In diesem Buch werden die langfristigen Verlaufe - 1960 bis 2013 - der Examensnoten fur zentrale Facher und viele Hochschulen dargestellt und die Ursachen fur ihre Nicht-Vergleichbarkeit analysiert. Im Fokus stehen die Bestimmung nicht-leistungsbedingter Einflusse sowie die Erklarung von 'grade inflation', also die Ursachen fur eine Verbesserung der Noten ohne eine gleichwertige Verbesserung der Prufungsleistungen.
Der Band beschaftigt sich mit den Folgen sozialstruktureller Veranderungen fur die Strukturen und Akteure in der Aus- und Weiterbildung. Welche Auswirkungen haben der demografische Wandel, zunehmende Akademisierungstendenzen, der Wechsel von der Produktions- zur Dienstleistungsgesellschaft und die Digitalisierung auf das Verhaltnis von Aus- und Weiterbildung sowie von allgemeiner und beruflicher Bildung? Wie verandern sich Berufsbiografien unter den Bedingungen des sozialstrukturellen Wandels? Inwiefern entstehen neue Lernbedarfe und wie sind Bildungsangebote zu gestalten, um diese Bedarfe zu decken? Die Autorinnen und Autoren bearbeiten diese Fragestellungen aus den Perspektiven der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspadagogik sowie der Erwachsenbildung.
Maria Richter betrachtet in ihrer empirischen Studie den Berufsorientierungsprozess von HauptschulerInnen und analysiert, ob diesbezuglich Unterschiede zwischen Jugendlichen verschiedener ethnischer Herkunft bestehen. Besonders in den Fokus ruckt die Autorin den Einfluss der Eltern und Peers. Ihre Analysen zeigen, dass vorhandene Defizite bei Jugendlichen mit Migrationshintergrund vor allem auf geringere Kenntnisse der Eltern uber das deutsche Ausbildungssystem sowie eine fehlende Integration in den Arbeitsmarkt zuruckgefuhrt werden koennen. Zudem weisen die Ergebnisse auf institutionelle Kompositionseffekte hin, d. h., die Zusammensetzung der Schulerschaft einer Schulklasse ist relevant. Insbesondere Jugendliche mit Migrationshintergrund profitieren von den berufsrelevanten Kenntnissen ihrer MitschulerInnen. Maria Richter liefert damit neue Erkenntnisse zum Berufsorientierungsprozess von HaupschulerInnen.
In einer einfachen und praxisorientierten Darstellung ohne theoretischen Ballast bietet dieses Buch einen umfassenden Einblick in alle Bereiche des kaufmannischen Denkens. Insbesondere dem IT-Berufler in der Ausbildung, aber auch in der beruflichen Praxis, vermittelt es mit seinen zahlreichen Praxisbeispielen aus der IT-Branche den notwendigen betriebswirtschaftlichen Hintergrund und die Management-Denkweise fur ein erfolgreiches wirtschaftliches Handeln in der Marktwirtschaft. Das Buch eignet sich auch bestens fur Bachelor- und FH-Studierende zum Einstieg in die Betriebswirtschaftslehre.
Mit der Modellierung von Strukturgleichungsmodellen analysiert Stefanie Morgenroth erstmals die komplexen Zusammenhange zwischen Ressourcen, Stressbewaltigungsstrategien und verschiedenen Formen der Lehrerkooperation. Mit der qualitativen Methode der empirisch begrundeten Typenbildung deckt die Autorin erganzend auf, wie sich Autonomie als Bedingungsressource von Lehrerkooperation genauer beschreiben lasst. Auf Basis eines sequentiellen triangulativen Designs ermoeglicht die Analyse der Bedeutung und des Umgangs mit Belastungen fur die Ausubung intensiver Lehrerkooperation damit wertvolle Einblicke in die Erfolgsfaktoren der praktischen Anwendung.
There's never been a better time to create the career you love. This
book shows you how.
Each fall, thousands of eager freshmen descend on college and university campuses expecting the best education imaginable: inspiring classes taught by top-ranked professors, academic advisors who will guide them to a prestigious job or graduate school, and an environment where learning flourishes outside the classroom as much as it does in lecture halls. Unfortunately, most of these freshmen soon learn that academic life is not what they imagined. Classes are taught by overworked graduate students and adjuncts rather than seasoned faculty members, undergrads receive minimal attention from advisors or administrators, and potentially valuable campus resources remain outside their grasp. Andrew Roberts' "Thinking Student's Guide to College" helps
students take charge of their university experience by providing a
blueprint they can follow to achieve their educational
goals--whether at public or private schools, large research
universities or small liberal arts colleges. An inside look penned
by a professor at Northwestern University, this book offers
concrete tips on choosing a college, selecting classes, deciding on
a major, interacting with faculty, and applying to graduate school.
Here, Roberts exposes the secrets of the ivory tower to reveal what
motivates professors, where to find loopholes in university
bureaucracy, and most importantly, how to get a personalized
education. Based on interviews with faculty and cutting-edge
educational research, "The Thinking Student's Guide to College "is
a necessary handbook for students striving to excel academically,
creatively, and personally during their undergraduate years.
Duale Studiengange haben sich in Deutschland etabliert und sind weiterhin auf Expansionskurs. Keine 'Abi-Messe', auf der dieser Weg nicht an pointierter Stelle beworben wird. Die Moeglichkeit, zwei Abschlusse, einen beruflichen und einen akademischen, gleichzeitig zu erlangen, ist fur viele studienberechtigte Jugendliche sehr attraktiv. Der hohe Praxisbezug und die guten Karrierechancen sind die vorrangigen Motive fur Schulabganger, sich fur diese Studienform, die ein hohes Mass an Disziplin und Selbstorganisation von ihnen verlangt, zu entscheiden. Der steigenden Nachfrage steht zwischenzeitlich ein relativ breit gefachertes Angebot an den Hochschulen gegenuber. Vorrangig Fachhochschulen, aber auch einige Universitaten, haben die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt und oeffnen sich der Kooperation mit Betrieben, Kammern und Berufskollegs zur Implementation neuer dualer Studiengange.
Die Publikation beschaftigt sich mit den Lehrerbildungsstrukturen in England und Deutschland und deren Wandel unter bildungspolitischen Reforminitiativen. Trotz Parallelen in Reformdiskursen und -instrumenten, hinsichtlich der praktischen Fokussierungen und Wirkungen von Reforminitiativen existieren deutliche Differenzen. Die Beitrage deuten dabei darauf, dass die Durchsetzung bildungspolitischer Steuerungsmassnahmen bis in die Mikroebene von Lehrerausbildung und Lehrprofession letztlich scheinbar stringenter in den marktorientierten Strukturen Englands gelingt als in den stark staatlich-reglementierten Strukturen Deutschlands. Governance in Initial Teacher Education: Perspectives on England and Germany This publication examines institutional structures in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in England and Germany and changes to these prompted by political reform. Although there are parallels in the discourses concerning reforms to ITE in both countries, the focus and the outcomes of the reforms differ. The contributions to the book indicate that the micro-level implementation of educational governance measures appears to be more stringent in the English market-oriented structure than in the strongly state-regulated structure of the German Federal State."
"This new edition of How to Succeed in Academics provides up-to-date mentoring on all aspects of a successful academic career, particularly a career in the sciences. Linda L. McCabe and Edward R. B. McCabe bring decades of expertise and experience to such topics as marketing your ideas through posters, talks, manuscripts, and grant proposals; developing strategies for applying, interviewing, and negotiating for training programs and jobs; establishing professional networks and seeking leadership opportunities; improving your teaching, speaking, and writing skills; and setting goals and creating schedules to achieve them." -- Publisher's description.
Der Games-Markt in Deutschland zahlt ca. 26 Millionen Spielerinnen und Spieler. Obwohl in Deutschland somit fast jede dritte Person spielt und mittlerweile fast die Halfte der Spieler weiblich ist, ist die Games-Industrie stark mannerdominiert. Wie jedoch wurden Frauen, die in der Computerspiel-Industrie Karriere machen oder gemacht haben, selbst ihren Beruf beschreiben? Bisher ist wenig uber ihre Biografien, Karrieren, Einstellungen und Ansichten zur Branche bekannt. Um Antworten auf diese Fragen zu finden, wurden Experteninterviews mit Frauen gefuhrt, die in der Games-Industrie arbeiten. Ziel der Experteninterviews war es, Entwicklungspfade sowie Chancen und Herausforderungen fur Frauen in der Games-Branche aus verschiedenen Perspektiven zu beleuchten, um ein umfassendes Verstandnis fur die einzelnen Facetten zu erlangen."
Written by three career experts, An Intelligent Career is a playbook for the modern knowledge worker, providing a complete guide that will allow workers to take a composite, dynamic view of a life's work in the 21st century. "Knowledge work" is fundamental in today's economy. It is the basis for long-term success in the global economy and it drives the collective brainpower through which goods and services are delivered. And today, knowledge work requires much more than a college degree: it means understanding the changing nature of work and employment, and the processes through which knowledge is generated, transferred, and applied. It means understanding new career possibilities, more dynamic work arrangements, and the growing demand for knowledge work around the globe. It means navigating work life with an authenticity that replaces any straightforward loyalty to a single employer, and instead calls for better understanding of the self, collaborators, clients, and customers. Now in paperback, An Intelligent Career provides clear guidance on how to take charge of your own destiny, seek continuous learning, collaborate with others, recognize and act on fresh opportunities, determine when it is time to move on, and much more.
This training program for teachers and carers assesses ASD students' strengths and abilities, fears and challenges and helps them acquire the skills necessary for a smooth transition from school to employment. The authors give guidance on developing life skills for employability and independent living, for example, hygiene, time and money management, communication skills, decision-making and setting and achieving realistic goals. They also clearly define the role of parents, job coaches and employers and stress that students are empowered by appropriate support from collaborative, informed teams. The career program enables students to find out about and explore career options, know how and where to search for a job and how to understand job advertisements. The sections on career preparation include strategies for writing resumes, filling in application forms, compiling career portfolios and conduct at interviews. The authors also cover topics such as punctuality and appropriate behavior in the workplace itself. This practical teaching resource is packed with lesson plans, implementation procedures, interactive activities and photocopiable worksheets, and the course can be taught over one year or three years.
You Can't Be What You Can't See presents a rare longitudinal account of the benefits of a high-quality, out-of-school program on the life trajectories of hundreds of poor, African American youth who grew up in Chicago's notorious Cabrini-Green housing project in the 1980s and early '90s. The result of a five-year research project by Stanford scholar Milbrey W. McLaughlin, the book documents what happened to more than 700 Cabrini-Green youth two decades after they attended the Community Youth Creative Learning Experience (CYCLE), a comprehensive after-school program offering tutoring, enrichment, scholarships, summer camps, and more. Through data collection, and in-depth interviews with participants and staff, she finds that almost all had graduated high school and escaped poverty, and so had their children. McLaughlin describes the design principles as well as the core features of the program that participants say were key to their success: mentoring, exposure to activities and resources beyond their neighborhood, and a culture of belonging in which staff committed to "never give up on a kid." The recollections and accomplishments of CYCLE alums, McLaughlin argues, challenge current assumptions about the enduring effects of poverty and highlight the power of opportunity "to imagine and take a different path." You Can't Be What You Can't See offers lessons for policy makers, educators, community activists, funders, and others interested in learning what makes a youth organization effective for low-income, marginalized children.
This book is for anyone and everyone looking to 'win' in corporate or personal life. However, this book will be very useful for management students trying to make their careers in the corporate world and managers/executives willing to climb the ladder of hierarchy to be effective senior managers.
Are you stuck in a career rut? Are your former peers progressing ahead of you? Are you doing all the hard work but getting none of the rewards? Are you wondering what everyone else seems to know that you don't? Asking for a promotion ranks high on the list of life's most anxiety-inducing activities. Putting yourself out there to higher-ups can be intimidating, and competition can be fierce, especially in the current economic climate. And, of course, what if they say no? But it's also one of the most important things you can do for your career. If you want to move forward in your company or field, promotions are part of the game and they won't just be handed to you - you have to work - and ask - for them. Ready to take that next step? Penguin Experts Series: Get Promoted will give you everything you need to know before the big conversation.
"The first year out was one of the hardest years of my life." -Curt The years after college can be some of the most uncertain, unstable times of life. Recent graduates grieve the loss of community, question their place in the world and struggle to find meaningful work. It can be shocking to discover that college did not fully prepare you for the challenges you now face. "It's much rougher than I thought. I thought things would just play out, and they didn't. I don't have friends, I don't have a job and I hang out with my parents every night." -Kate But you are not alone. For more than a decade, Erica Young Reitz has specialized in helping college seniors and recent graduates navigate the transition to postcollege life. Drawing on best practices and research on senior preparedness, she offers practical tools for a life of faithfulness and flourishing during a critical, transitional time. This practical guide addresses the top issues graduates face: making decisions, finding friends, managing money, discerning your calling and much more. Discover how you can thrive beyond your undergraduate years. If you feel lost in transition, here are resources to help you flourish as a Christ-follower in a complex world.
This is the most important moment in your career. Branding guru Catherine Kaputa will show you how to get it right. In today's job market, competition is fierce. After college many graduates fall back to earth with a bump and struggle to launch a career in their chosen field. But what if you changed the way you thought about applications? What if, instead of getting bogged down in the search process, you approached your resume like a marketer launching an exciting new brand? Marketing guru and brand strategist Catherine Kaputa is an expert in personal branding and knows exactly how to make an application sizzle. Drawing on her years of experience, insightful case-studies of recent graduates, and fascinating insider details from companies like Nike, Volvo, and Google, Kaputa will help you to navigate the career landscape as she shares her strategy for standing out from other applicants, in even the most competitive industries. Graduate to a Great Career will give you the tools you need to survive and show you how to thrive by creating 'Brand You'.
Don't let a psychometric test - or your nerves - stand between you and your dream job. Many interviews and assessment centres include psychometric testing as part of the hiring process, and fears about tests are all too common and undermine confidence and performance on the day. But practice makes perfect - and with over 1,000 exercises from all the major types of test, Ultimate Psychometric Tests is the ideal tool to help you get to grips with: -verbal and numerical reasoning -personality questionnaires -non-verbal and diagrammatic reasoning -spatial recognition and visual estimation -situational awareness -quantities and conversion tests With each test supported by detailed answers and explanations, Ultimate Psychometric Tests will boost your confidence and your performance on the day, to help you land your next dream job. About the Ultimate series... The Ultimate series contains practical advice on essential job search skills to give you the best chance of getting the job you want. Taking you all the way from starting your job search to completing an interview, it includes guidance on CV or resume and cover letter writing, practice questions for passing aptitude, psychometric and IQ tests, and reliable advice for interviewing. |
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