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Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Endocrinology > General
"Fertility Preservation in Males: Emerging Technologies and Clinical Applications" contains a selection of the valuable chapters and protocols of Seli and Agarwal s previously published hardcover text "Fertility Preservation: Emerging Technologies and Clinical Applications." Newly available in this convenient and affordable softcover format, this practical reference guide provides an update on options for fertility preservation in men, while also discussing important related epidemiologic, ethical, medico-legal, psychological, and social aspects. Using a format that combines concise scientific background with practical methodological information and easy-to-grasp algorithms, the chapters all conform to a uniform structure, including step by step protocol of laboratory procedures, key issues in commentary and a list of references. The result is a unique resource for reproductive endocrinologists, urologists, embryologists, reproductive scientists, and oncologists."
Since the first description of Philadelphia chromosome-negative chronic myeloproliferative disorders more than 100 years ago, the diagnosis and therapy of these conditions have been based primarily on clinical experience and judgement. Until recently very little was known about the molecular basis of these diseases. In order to spark research in this area basic scientists and clinicians from various parts of the world have contributed to this volume, the first of its kind to put together the current knowledge. The book deals with the new WHO classification of these disorders, novel aspects of diagnostic pathology, the search for disease-relevant genes utilizing molecular biology and proteomic techniques, the description of the roles of PVR-1 and VHL genes for polycythemias and the discovery of the gene mutation responsible for the idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome. A chapter on anagrelide, an important novel drug for the treatment of primary thrombocythemia, is included.
The purpose of these volumes is to provide a reference work for the methods of purifying many of the receptors we know about. This be comes increasingly important as full-length receptors are overexpressed in bacteria or in insect cell systems. A major problem for abundantly expressed proteins will be their purification. In addition to purification protocols, many other details can be found concerning an individual receptor that may not be available in standard texts or monographs. No book of this type is available as a compendium of purification procedures. Receptor Purification provides protocols for the purification of a wide variety of receptors. These include receptors that bind: neurotransmit ters, polypeptide hormones, steroid hormones, and ligands for related members of the steroid supergene family and others, including receptors involved in bacterial motion. The text of this information is substantial, so as to require its publication in two volumes. Consequently, a division was made by grouping receptors by the nature of their ligands. Thus, in Volume One there are contributions on serotonin receptors, adrenergic receptors, the purification of GTP-binding proteins, opioid receptors, neurotensin receptor, luteinizing hormone receptor, human chorionic gonadotropin receptor, follicle stimulating hormone receptor, thyro tropin receptor, prolactin receptor, epidermal growth factor receptor, platelet derived growth factor receptor, colony stimulating factor recep tor, insulin-like growth factor receptors, insulin receptor, fibronectin receptor, interferon receptor, and the cholecystokinin receptor.
Reproduction is the origination of new organisms from pre-existing ones. Among more than 35 separated forms of reproduction including several types of gamogony, parthenogenesis, agamogenesis, fission and division, and plas motomy, the bisexual mode of reproduction via fertilization provides genetic variability that allows species to adapt quickly to competitive and constantly changing environments. Several excellent reviews and books have been written in the past to analyse the mechanisms of fertilization in different eukaryotic species. During the last few years, however, renewed attention has been paid to examining the process of oocyte fertilization at the cellular/molecular level not only within a single species/group but also through different phylogenetic lineages. As a result of this effort, knowledge of the molecular pathways used by oocytes and spermatozoa at fertilization has increased, but still many ques tions remain to be answered. Being aware of the necessity of providing an inte grated view of the process of fertilization, this book has been entirely devoted to reviewing the process of oocyte fertilization at the cellular/molecular level in two different and separated groups of eukaryotic organisms: protozoa and metazoan animals. The book is organized into six sections dealing with oocyte fertilization in protozoa, invertebrates, teleost fishes, amphibians, birds and mammals. These sections are followed by a summary/concluding chapter that provides a com parative overview of the process of fertilization in these groups of eukaryotes."
In 2001 we wrote the book Graves' Disease: A Practical Guide (McFarland), which described the causes, diagnosis, treatment and disease course of Graves' disease and other hyperthyroid disorders, such as toxic multinodular goiter, thyroiditis, resistance to thyroid hormone, and hyperthyroidism caused by medications and genetic mutations. The present work continues the above but focuses on subsequent advances in disease pathology, including discoveries regarding the genetic, immune system, and environmental factors that lead to hyperthyroid disorders; new guidelines for conventional treatment; and alternative and complementary medical therapies are included. Additional sections describe special circumstances such as hyperthyroidism in pregnancy and in children, and transient hyperthyroidism in the newborn.
Embryoimplantationisaremarkableandcomplexprocess. Approachesde- velopedfromthefieldsofcellanddevelopmentalbiology,immunology, andmolecularbiologyhavegreatlyenhancedourabilitytostudythe sharedaswellasuniquefeaturesofembryo-uterineinteractions. Impres- siveandcriticalgroundworkhasbeenlaidbyalargeanddedicatedarray ofendocrinologists,reproductivebiologists,andanatomists. Thesestudies havesetthestagetoutilizesensitiveandsophisticatedtechniquestode- tectandmodulateproteinandgeneexpression. Justasthesymbiosisofmother andfetusiscriticalforthemaintenanceofpregnancy,soisthesynergyamong investigatorsfrommanydisciplines,bothinbasicandclinicalarenas,keyto unravelingthemysteriesofimplantationandplacentation. Alargegroupof contributorsinthisfieldhadtheopportunitytomeetanddiscussthestateof thisartwiththesupportofSeronoSymposiaUSA,Inc. Whileitisneverpos- sibletobringtogethereveryonewhohasplayedanimportantrole,itwas, nonetheless,bothexcitingandgratifyingtohavesomanycolleaguestogether forthisevent. Inthechaptersthatfollow,thehighlightsofthismeetingarepresented assummarizedbytheindividualpresentersofsevendifferentsessions. The topichasbeenconsideredfromthebroadsocialandethicalimplications ofmoderninvitrofertilizationandassistedreproductivetechnologiesto detailedmolecularcontrolsovereventsthatoccurduringembryonicdevel- opment,uterinepreparationforimplantation,andplacentalorganogenesis. Thesechaptersdemonstratethesignificantandrapidprogressbeingmade inthisfieldofbiologyandmedicine. Atthesametime,theyshowthat muchmoreneedstobedonetounderstandandfullyappreciatethispro- cess. Lessonslearnedfromthiseffortcanbeexpectedtocontinuetopro- videinsightsintoother,relatedfields. Ofthemanycontributorstoour understandingoftheprocessofimplantation,nonehavehadalargerim- pactthanourcolleague,AllenEnders. Dr. Endershasplayedaparamount roleindevelopingthebasicunderstandingofthecellbiologicalprocesses vii VIII Preface underlyingimplantationandplacentationinmanyspecies,includinghu- mans. Hecontinuestocontributeandguidethoughtintheseareas. The participantsofthissymposiumrecognizedDr. Enders'impressivecontribu- tionsbyholdingthiseventinhishonor. DANIELD. CARSON * Contents Preface vii Contributors xiii PartI. Development and Future ofHuman In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Implantation I. ImplantationintheHumanasViewedbyCanonLaw, CivilLaw,andNaturalReason 3 HOWARDW. JONES, JR. , RICHARDA. MCCORMICK, AND SUSAN L. CROCKIN 2. TheImpactofMaternalAgeandOvarianAge onImplantationEfficiency...12 STEVEN SPANDORFER AND ZEV ROSENWAKS Part II. CellularAspects ofImplantation 3. VascularInvasionDuringImplantationandPlacentation 23 ALLEN C. ENDERS AND THOMASN. BLANKENSHIP 4. OxygenRegulatesHumanCytotrophoblastProliferation, Differentiation,andInvasion:Implicationsfor EndovascularInvasioninNormalPregnancy andPreeclampsia 39 OLGA GENBACEV,YAN ZHOU, MICHAEL T. McMASTER, JOHNW. LUDLOW, CAROLINEH. DAMSKY, AND SUSAN1. FISHER 5. Embryo-MaternalInteractionsafterDiapause inaMarsupial 54 MARILYNB. RENFREE AND GEOFFREY SHAW IX x Contents 6. CellularInteractionsandtheCysteineProteinases intheProcessofMouseImplantation 67 BRUCE BABIARZ, SUZANNE AFONSO, ANDLINDA ROMAGNANO Part III. HormonalRegulation 7. NovelSteroid-RegulatedMarkersofImplantation 83 INDRANIC. BAGCHI 8. MolecularSignalinginImplantation 92 SANJOYK. DAS, BIBHASHC. PARIA, AND SUDHANSU K. DEY 9. IdentificationofProgesterone-RegulatedGenes intheUterus 107 CINDEER. FUNK, BERTW. O'MALLEY, AND FRANCESCO1. DEMAYO PartIV. MolecularMarkersofReceptivity 10. MucinsProvideaBarriertoEmbryoImplantation 123 MARYM. DESOUZA, GULNARA. SURVEYOR, XINHUI ZHOU, JoANNE JULIAN, ANDDANIELD. CARSON II. PotentialInvolvementofTrophinin,Bystin, andTastininEmbryoImplantation 132 MICHIKON. FUKUDA, DAITA NADANO,NAO SUZUKJ, AND JUN NAKAYAMA 12. OsteopontininHumanEndometrium: ARoleinEndometrialReceptivityand EmbryoImplantation? 141 CHRISTOS COUTIFARJS,AKINYINKA OMIGBODUN, PIOTR ZIOLKIEWICZ, AND JOHN HOYER PartV. TrophoblastFactors 13. TheRabbitasaModelforImplantation: InVivoandInVitroStudies 151 LORENH. HOFFMAN,D. RACHEL BREINAN, AND GARETHL. BLAEUER 14. RegulationofTrophoblastEndocrineFunction: ThePlacentaDoesItsOwnThingTranscriptionally...161 JEROMEF. STRAUSSIII ANDLEE-CHUANKAo Contents XI 15. TranscriptionFactorsRegulatingtheDifferentiation oftheTrophoblastCellLineage 167 IANC. SCOTTANDJAMESC.
The aim of this symposium was to provide basic and clinical investigators with the latest information on the biology of wound healing and tissue repair. Written and edited by eminent experts in the field, the papers cover the general concepts of wound healing; the role of nutrients; endogenous growth factors; clinical applications of growth hormone and IGF-1 therapy; and clinical applications of peptide growth factors.
Inhibin, activin, and follistatin were originally discovered as hormonal fac- tors a decade ago. Subsequent studies revealed that they are widely distrib- uted anatomically and have multiple biological functions in a wide range of cells and tissues. Since the last Symposium three years ago, there has been remarkable progress toward defining activin's roles in controlling hormone secretion, cell differentiation and proliferation, mesoderm induction in em- bryos, nerve cell survival, and promotion of bone growth. Furthermore, the characterization of activin receptors as serine and threonine kinases and the identification of intracellular mediators such as the Smads have provided key elements for the eventual understanding of signaling mechanisms for activin and the other members of the TGF-beta superfamily. The unknown in this integrative field, however, remains far greater than the known. For ex- ample, we are just beginning to exploit the recently improved activin, inhibin, and follistatin two-site assays for the evaluation of the physiological and pathophysiological functions of these proteins. Also, we have only a rudi- mentary understanding of the mechanisms by which inhibin blocks activin, and many steps in the pathways linking the formation of ligand-receptor(s) complexes to transcriptional regulation are unclear. The aim of the Third Symposium was to bring together scientists from diverse fields to share technical and conceptual developments. The program was framed with the intention to include a wide range of timely research topics.
The field of human artificial reproductive technology (ART) is continually advancing and has witnessed significant changes since the inception of Louise Brown in 1978. Though Louise Brown herself was conceived after the trans fer of a blastocyst, there remain significant confusion and debate regarding the stage at which the human embryo conceived in the laboratory should be replaced in the mother. Developments in culture media formulations, leading to the introduction of sequential media, have brought the role of the blasto cyst in human ART back into the spotlight. It was due to this resurgence of interest in the niche of extended culture in human infertility treatment that the symposium on "ART and the Human Blastocyst" was held. of this meeting within this volume bring to the forefront The proceedings the main issues raised with the transfer of embryos at the blastocyst stage. It is evident from the chapters that follow that ART needs to be perceived as a continuum of procedures, each one dependent on the preceding one, and all equally as important as each other. That is to say, the development of a com petent embryo is ultimately dependent on the quality of the gametes from which it was derived. With regard to the oocyte, this then places the emphasis on the physician to use a stimulation protocol that both produces quality oocytes and does not impair endometrial function. Maintenance of gamete and embryo quality is the laboratory's role.
Many advances have been made in the field of thermoregulation in the past few years. These include our understanding of Fever, which is now considered not simply a rise in deep body temperature foHowing infection, but just one aspect, though perhaps the most easily measured, of the Acute Phase of the Immune Response. Classification and identification of the Cytokines and the availability of recombinant material has greatly aided this research. Similarly, our understanding of the Hypothalamo-Pituitary Adrenal Axis has altered our way of thinking about temperature regulation. Of importance are the problems associated with adverse climatic conditions and survival, and the problems encountered by the neonate and the hibernator. At the biochemical level, our knowledge of the control of heat production and the role of brown adipose tissue is rapidly advancing. All these issues and many others were discussed at a Symposium 'Thermal Physiology 1993' held in Aberdeen, Scotland in August 1993 under the auspices of the Thermal Physiology Commission of the International Union of Physiological Sciences. Six main aspects of the subject of temperature regulation are included in this book, namely, Fever (including the Acute Phase of the Immune Response and Thermoregulatory Peptides), Neurophysiology of Thermoregulation, Neonatal Thermoregulation, Mechanisms of Heat Production, Ecological and Behavioural Thermoregulation, and Emerging Themes in Thermoregulation.
Following 50 years of glucocorticoid use in a clinical setting, an international body of expert scientists and physicians presents the most expansive survey of glucocorticoid pharmacology to date. This work traces the history of glucocorticoid biology from the seminal description of glucocorticoid insufficiency by Thomas Addison in the mid-19th century, up to current advances in elucidating the molecular basis of glucocorticoid action. Important discoveries are presented, as well as milestones in drug development, a survey of current clinical practice, and prospects for novel glucocorticoid-based therapeutics. Scientists and clinicians will appreciate the scope of this work, which is of special interest to workers in the fields of endocrinology, inflammation and autoimmune disease.
Physiological, pharmacological and molecular biological data generated over the past three decades have demonstrated the existence of two major families of extracellular receptors, the P1, a family of four G-protein coupled receptors and the P2, a family of at least 12 receptors responsive to purine (ATP, ADP) and pyrimidine (UTP) nucleotides through which adenosine and ATP can function as extracellular messengers. The present two-part volume represents an integrated compendium of invited chapters by leading researchers in the area focusing on advances in the understanding of purinergic and pyrimidinergic signaling systems, their role(s) in tissue function and pathophysiology and advances in developing potential new medications based on the modulation of P1 and P2 receptor signaling processes. The volumes will thus provide the reader with a topical, comprehensive and integrated overview of this important area.
"Theoretically, one should obtain essentially the same clinical picture from failure of an end-organ to respond to a hormone as from a decreased production or absence of said hormone. " With these words, Fuller Albright began his now classic paper describing a novel disease, pseudo hypoparathyroidism (PHP), and a novel concept, hormone resis- tance as a cause of disease. Soon, other hormone resistance disorders such as nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) were recognized, and the concept was extended to resistance to other substances such as calcium ions in familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (FHH). Later, diseases characterized by excess rather than deficient hormone action such as McCune-Albright syndrome (MAS) and familial male precocious puberty (FMPP) were recognized to be caused by autonomous endocrine hyperfunction. Although many i!!vestigators provided careful and detailed descriptions of the clinical features of these and other related endocrine disorders, an understanding of pathogenesis proved elusive for many years. In just the past few years, we have gone from clinical description to a molecular understanding of these interesting disorders. This remarkable progress reflects a synthe- sis of three distinct, but now overlapping, areas of biomedical research: the aforemen- tioned recognition and careful clinical description of specific diseases, the elucidation of the basic mechanisms of signal transduction, and the application of the powerful tools of molecular biology and genetics. Fundamental studies on the mechanisms of hormone action by Rodbell and colleagues at NIH culminated in the discovery of a major signal transduction pathway involving heterotrimeric G proteins.
Describes the ability of a series of endocrine-derived compounds, i.e. CHRH, LHRH, somatostatin, anti-androgens, and aromatase inhibitors to exert a direct anti-neoplastic activity or to potentiate the activity of traditional chemotherapeutic agents on neuroendocrine and solid tumors. In addition, a new class of potent GH-releasers, GSHs/Ghrelin, endowed with important endocrine and extra-endcocrine action, is presented. Therefore, in addition to traditional chemotherapy, characterized by high toxicity and non-selective action on tumoral cells, the reader can find a new approach with more selective, less cytotoxic endocrine derived compounds.
Calcium metabolism is regulated by three specific hormones: parathor- mone, calciferol metabolites, and calcitonin. Cyclic AMP also plays an important part in calcium regulation, and its concentration in urine can be taken as a measure of parathyroid function. Methods for quantitative measurement of, e.g. calcium-regulating hormones and vitamin D metabolites as well as of cAMP are absolutely necessary for safe differential diagnosis of diseases of the parathyroid like hypo- and hyperparathyroidism. In this monograph all presently available methods are summarized as to whether they can already be obtained as test kits or are still being tested. Radioimmunoassays for the various peptide fragments such as 53-84, 44-68, 28-48, and 1-34 are described, as are immunochemiluminescence methods and adenylate cyclase bioassays. The same is true for the vitamin D metabolites, where the various assays for calcidiol and calcitriol such as HPLC, protein-binding assay with second antibody separation, and double antibody RIA are dex scribed. Finally, determination of calcitonin and cAMP is discussed in detail. This is a practically and clinically oriented monograph for working in the fields of internal medicine, endocrinology, and laboratory medicine.
"When a thing ceases to be a subject of controversy, it ceases to be a subject of interest. " WILLIAM HAZLITT (1778-1830) This is the fourth volume in a series which we started in 1997. In 1976, Varco and Delaney edited a "surgical bestseller" entitled Controversy in Surgery. This was fol lowed by a second volume in 1985. The immense success of these books among both surgical trainees and experienced surgeons, and their wide international ap peal, supported the editors' notion that a view of controversy is integral to teach ing. However, despite major advances in surgical science and practice, no other similar publication has since been put together with the objective of addressing major controversies in surgery. The aim of this series is to address such deficiency by covering the most crucial current controversies in general, vascular and trauma surgery. Since almost everything is controversial in surgery, we will be able to tackle different issues almost each year. The editors have selected a nationally/internationally recognized authority for each topic. Most books available today are either "North American: ' "British-Com monwealth" or "British-European: ' contributing to the constant transatlantic rival ry. Our series specifically aims to bridge this "culture gap" and includes North American, British, European, and other authors while maintaining a cohesive structure. This will hopefully also broaden the appeal of such a book across both sides of the Atlantic and beyond."
Stephen P. Ethier and a panel of leading investigators comprehensively analyze the cellular, molecular, and endocrine factors in the development of cancers of the breast, prostate, endometrium, and ovary. Concentrating on defining the most important unresolved issues in the field, the authors review how steroid hormones function to regulate normal mammary gland homeostasis in humans, with particular emphasis on the roles of estrogen, progesterone, and growth factors. Comprehensive and up-to-date, Endocrine Oncology offers both basic and clinical researchers not only the latest molecular and cellular findings on endocrine cancers, but also a powerful critical analysis that will prove invaluable to all endocrinologists and oncologists working in the area today.
Carole Mendelson has assembled a panel of leading investigators to critically review the various classes of endocrine, paracrine, and neuroendocrine factors that play a role in the regulation of lung development and surfactant production. Special attention is accorded the actions of glucocorticoids in lung development and the synthesis of surfactant glycerophospholipids and proteins. Also extensively treated are the roles of cell-cell interactions and the elaboration of various growth factors and bioactive peptides in pulmonary cell differentiation, gene expression, and pathophysiology. State-of-the-art and comprehensive, Endocrinology of the Lung constitutes a powerful new standard guide that illuminates the complex endocrinology of the lung for all those actively investigating hormone action in pulmonary biology and medicine today.
"Neuropeptides and Stress" presents a comprehensive survey by leading pioneers in the field of the knowledge and concepts implicating neuropeptides in the regulations of responses to stress. Topics covered include: recent advances on the regulation and modulation of the behavioral, endocrine, autonomic, gastrointestinal, immune and analgesic responses to stress by neuropeptides. Neuroanatomical and biological data are considered. Special emphasis is given to corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and opioid peptides.
A growing majority of women in the western hemisphere have been delaying initiation of childbearing to later in life. Consequently, more than ever before, women in their late 30s to early 40s are attempting their first pregnancy. Since the incidence of most cancers increases with age, delayed childbearing results in more female cancer survivors interested in fertility preservation." Fertility Preservation in Females: Emerging Technologies and Clinical Applications" contains a selection of the valuable chapters and protocols of Seli and Agarwal s previously published hardcover text "Fertility Preservation: Emerging Technologies and Clinical Applications." Newly available in this convenient and affordable softcover format, this unique and practical reference guide for reproductive endocrinologists, gynecologists, embryologists, reproductive scientists, and oncologists provides strategies for fertility preservation in women, using a format that combines concise scientific background with practical methodological information and easy-to-grasp algorithms."
In a state-of-the-art synthesis of basic science and clinical practice, Roy Smith and a distinguished panel of researchers and clinicians review GH regulation and its action at the molecular level, and describe the basis for GH deficiency and the use of GH as therapy in a variety of clinical situations. The clinical presentation moves beyond the treatment of GH-deficient children to include the genetics of GH-deficiency, GH-deficiency in adults, osteoporosis, Syndrome X, sleep quality, GH in AIDS patients, GHRH in clinical studies. Timely and innovative, Human Growth Hormone: Research and Clinical Practice will benefit both basic and clinical researchers, as well as those clinical endocrinologists who want to use growth hormone not only in treating children, but also in treating adult disorders, including those associated with metabolic disease.
The present volume is the results of 6 years' work by our team, during which time 2300 CT scans of the pituitary region were carried out. This was made possible by the close collaboration between physicians and technicians in our neuroradiological department, as well as by numerous corresponding physi cians. We wish to express our gratitude for their confidence and our sincere thanks to our colleagues at Besan90n, Dijon, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier, and Strasbourg. Furthermore, we especially wish to thank the patients who willingly accepted the difficult requirements of these studies. We are grateful to the technicians at the Neuroradiology Department of the Centre Hospitalier et U niversitaire de Besan90n, who have perfected the methodology so as to meet the ever increasing imperatives for precise anatomical mapping of the pituitary gland and the surrounding region; without their efforts, this book would never have been possible. Finally, we wish to express our thanks to the medical photographer of our group, as well as the secretarial staff for their contribution to the successful production of this work. We thank Labora toires Guerbet and General Electric for their excellent assistance, and Springer Verlag for their care and competence in the production of this book. In writing Computed Tomography of the Pituitary Gland, we have sought to develop morphological study of the pituitary gland to a degree of reliability comparable to that of laboratory findings in endocrine disorders.
The European Workshop on Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology of the Testis was organized for the first time at Geilo, Norway, 8-11 April 1980. Since then, these meetings have been held in Holland, France, Italy, England, Sweden/Finland (Aland), Germany, and Bel- gium. This year the circle has been closed: The 9th European Testis Workshop is back in the Norwegian mountains where it all started. The Scientific Committee of the First European Testis Workshop included Dr. H.J. van der Molen (Rotterdam), Dr. V. Hansson (Oslo), Dr. B. Cooke (London), Dr. V. Monesi (Rome), Dr. E.M. Ritzen (Stockholm), and Dr. J.M. Saez (Paris). Since then, two of the founders have left the Scientific Committee. Dr. Monesi died suddenly on 29 December 1979, 3 1/2 months before the first workshop took place. Thus, in spite of being one of the founders, he never experienced a Eu- ropean Testis Workshop. Dr. Mario Stefanini, from the same research institute in Rome, replaced Dr. Monesi on the Scientific Committee. Another founder of this workshop series, Dr. H.J. van der Molen (Rot- terdam), is one of the pioneers in research on molecular endocrinology of the testis in Europe. He left the Scientific Committee due to a change in his scientific career and was replaced by Dr. F.F.G. Rom- merts, whose lectures on "Testomania" have been a characteristic fea- ture of these meetings.
Thyroid function tests are utilized by essentially all medical practitioners, across every clinical setting, in patients from newborns to the elderly. They are the most frequently measured endocrine tests. The sensitive thyrotropin (TSH) assay reflects thyroid hormone feedback to the pituitary, and is diagnostic of both thyroid h- mone excess as well as deficiency. The log-linear relationship between serum TSH and thyroxine concentrations means that small changes in serum thyroxine are amplified by changes in serum TSH. The availability of the sensitive TSH assay in essentially all clinical laboratories has improved and simplified the assessment of thyroid function for the diagnosis of thyroid disease and to monitor treatment. Serum free thyroxine and thyrotropin concentrations, as well as other thyroid tests, can be measured utilizing an automated immunoassay platform that provides rapid and accurate results. This simplified approach to thyroid assessment, often requ- ing only a serum TSH measurement, and rapid availability of the thyroid function tests results, has expanded the scope of thyroid testing and clinicians ordering and interpretingth yroid tests. There remain, however, many challenges in selecting the appropriate thyroid function test to order, the correct interpretation of results, and applying these results to the diagnosis and management of thyroid diseases. It is especially important to be aware of limitations of thyroid function tests, as well as special clinical c- cumstances that can influence thyroid function measurements. The serum TSH concentration, for example, may not accurately reflect thyroid status in many si- ations including after prolonged hyperthyroidism when serum TSH remains s- pressed for months, in the presence of hypothalamic or pituitary disease, or due to a number of interfering medications. The serum free thyroxine, measured by the analog method, is not accurate with high or low serum binding proteins and d- ing pregnancy. Hospitalized patients often have thyroid function test abnormalities that are transient and return to normal after recovery from the acute illness. Iodine excessand deficiency candramatically influence thyroid function tests. Significant insights have been gained into the regulation of thyroid hormone synthesis and especially the role of thyroid hormone metabolism in supplying t- sues locally with an adequate supply of thyroid hormone. In a number of instances, these factors influence the selection and interpretation of thyroid function tests. Polymorphisms, common sequence variations, in genes of components that regulate thyroid function and thyroid hormone action may also contribute to variability in thyroid function tests in a population. v vi Preface This volume draws on an outstanding international panel of experts in thyroid function tests and thyroid function assessment. They represent clinicians, clinical researchers, and basic science researchers, all with a focus on some aspect of the assessment of thyroid function. The chapters all provide a clinical perspective, but are informed by themost recent scientific advancements. The first section of the book (Chaps. 1-3) presents the most recent advances in thyroid physiology, a review of genetic influences on thyroid function tests, and a discussion on the influence of iodine on thyroid function. In Chap. 1, Drs. Huang and de Castro Neves describe thyroid hormone metabolism, emphasizing the key role of thyroid hormone activation and inactivation in thyroid hormone action. Dr. Visser is a world leader in studies of thyroid metabolism and genetic influences on thyroid function. In Chap. 2, Dr. Visser and his colleagues, Drs. van der Deure, Medici, and Peeters, provide a clear view of this important and r- idly expanding field. The population variation in the TSH "set point" (relationship between serum TSH and thyroxine in an individual), for example, is thought to be genetically determined, and influences the evaluation of thyroid function and thyroid function targets for treatment of thyroid disease. Dr. Zimmerman, an int- nationally recognized expert in iodine, and his colleague, Dr. Andersson, provide in Chap. 3 an in-depth treatment of the most significant influence on thyroid function throughout the world-iodine intake. The influence of iodine deficiency and excess on individual thyroid function is discussed, as well as the population effects on t- roid diseases and especially fetal and neonatalde velopment. The basics of thyroid function measurements, approaches, limitations, and cl- ical applications are described for the major categories of thyroid function tests (Chaps. 4-7). The authors of these chapters are innovators in the field, strongly id- tified with the origination or significant refinement of the core tests utilized in t- roid assessment. In Chap. 4, Dr. Hershman describes the measurement of TSH, the clinical application and utilization. This remains the cornerstone of thyroid testing, but must be interpreted with an understanding of the dynamics of thyroid regulation. An active controversy in thyroid measurement involves the appropriate use of serum thyroxine measurements and especially the value of the analog free thyroxine me- urement, the most commonly used thyroxine assay. In Chap. 5, Dr. Stockigt p- vides a detailed assessment of thyroxine and triiodothyronine measurements and a clear message for their use and limitations. The most common etiology of thyroid disease is autoimmune, and the appropriate use of thyroid autoantibody measu- ments remains confusing to many clinicians. In Chap. 6, Dr. Weetman and his c- league, Dr. Ajjan, clearly describe the range of thyroid autoantibody tests and how they should be utilized clinically. Thyroglobulin measurement is the key tumor marker to follow thyroid cancer patients and Dr. Spencer and her colleague, Ivana Petrovic, describe the essential features of this measurement in Chap. 7. It is ess- tial that clinicians using thyroglobulin measurements to monitor thyroid cancer are aware of the performance of the assay being used and the factors that can interfere with the measurement. Application of thyroid function testing to the key clinical settings is discussed by expert clinicians and clinical researchers in Chaps.8-13. The appropriate selec- Preface vii tion of thyroid function tests in the diagnosis and monitoring of thyroid disease in the ambulatory setting is discussed by Drs. Farwell and Leung in Chap. 8. This is the most common setting for thyroid function test measurement and a rational approach is described. Specific issues of thyroid function in infants and children are discussed in Chap. 9 by Drs. LaFranchi and Balogh. Screening for thyroid disease among newborns has been a highly effective approach to prevent mental retar- tion. The assessment of thyroid function in newborns, especially premature infants, is challenging as are the interpretation of thyroid function tests in infancy through childhood. Illness has a significant impact on thyroid function tests and assessment in this group is described by Drs. LoPresti and Patil in Chap. 10. A logical approach to these patients is provided as are ways to identify those patients with thyroid disease that need to be treated. Assessment of thyroid function in pregnancy is ch- lenging and is being increasing recognized as a crucial time to normalize maternal thyroid status. Adverse outcome for mother and her child can result from thyroid hormone deficiency or excess. In Chap.11, Drs. Lazarus, Soldin, and Evans ca- fully describe the use and limitations of thyroid tests in pregnancy and provide an approach to testing and monitoring thyroid function. The incidence of autoimmune thyroid disease increases significantly with age and in Chap. 12 Dr. Samuels p- vides a clear approach to the assessment of thyroid status in the elderly and interp- tation of thyroid studies. The influence of drugs on thyroid function testing remains a major clinical issue with recognition of an ever increasing list of medications that influence thyroid function and thyroid testing. In Chap. 13, Drs. Pearce and An- thakrishnan comprehensively describe these medications with a special emphasis on their mechanism of action and on iodine-containing medications. I am most grateful to my colleagues for their enthusiasm and willingness to p- vide such outstanding contributions to this book. The editorial team at Springer is excellent and has been highly supportive and effective. My special thanks to E- tor Laura Walsh, Associate Editor Dianne Wuori, Editorial Assistant Stacy Lazar, Senior Production Editor Jenny Wolkowicki and Crest Premedia Solutions for final production.
The media now regularly feature breakthroughs on the influence of prenatal hormones on the brain and behavior, for instance the link to financial performance or risk management. Based on these findings and their own experiments, the authors present the Hormonal Quotient (HQ) as a scientific, holistic and reliable career management and personal development tool for professionals. Eight HQ profiles and their corresponding typical business skills and preferences are presented and enable the reader to benchmark their HQ with peers, design an ideal career plan, build a winning team in business and find the perfect work-life balance. A complimentary website allows readers to easily measure their HQ online. By the author of "The Right Sensory Mix," Berry-AMA Book Prize Finalist 2011 - one of the four best marketing books in 2011 according to the American Marketing Association Foundation. The Berry-AMA Book Prize is awarded annually be the American Marketing Association Foundation (AMAF) and recognizes books whose innovative ideas have had significant impact on marketing and related fields. |
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Endocrine Hypertension - From Basic…
Joseph M. Pappachan, Cornelius James Fernandez
Discovery Miles 33 510