Books > Medicine > Other branches of medicine > Accident & emergency medicine > General
Drs. John C. Perkins and Michael E. Winters have assembled an
expert team of authors on the topic of Sepsis in the Emergency
Department. Article topics include: Defining and Diagnosing Sepsis;
Appropriate Antibiotic Therapy; Severe Sepsis Resuscitation in
Resource Limited Settings; Source Control in Severe Sepsis;
Considerations in Special Populations with Severe Sepsis; Pediatric
Severe Sepsis Resuscitation; The New Usual Care; Prehospital Sepsis
Care; Endpoints of Sepsis Resuscitation; Pitfalls in the Diagnosis,
Treatment, and Disposition of Severe Sepsis; Biomarkers in Sepsis;
Vasopressors and Inotropes in Sepsis; and Sepsis Quality Measures
and Performance Improvement.
This issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics, edited by Drs. Robert
Vissers and Michael Gibbs, focuses on Pulmonary Emergencies.
Articles include: Approach to the Adult Patient with Acute
Dyspnea,Approach to the Pediatric Patient with Acute
Dyspnea,Advances in Pulmonary Imaging,Respiratory
Monitoring,Management of Acute Asthma and COPD,Diagnosis and
Treatment of Acute Pulmonary Embolus,Pulmonary Manifestations Of
Systemic Diseases,Pleural Disease,Management of Hemoptysis, and
This issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics, edited by Drs. Stephen
Borron and Ziad Kazzi focuses on emergencies arising from contact
with Hazardous Materials. Article topics include: Selected classes
and examples of dangerous industrial chemicals, weapons of mass
destruction, and their syndromic identification; Hospital
preparedness for chemical and radiological disasters; Personnel
protection and decontamination of adults and children; Resources
for toxicological information and assistance; Asphyxiants;
Corrosives and irritants; Organophosphates and carbamates;
Intentional and unintentional food, drug, and water contamination,
and more!
Drs. Stephen Bohan and Josh Kosowsky have assembled a panel of
expert authors for this edition on Cardivascular Emergencies.
Topics include: Ischemia, Heart Failure, Congenital Heart Disease,
Supreventricular Dysrhythmias, Atrial Fibrillation, Uncommon
Dysrhythmias, Electrophysiology, Pericardial Disease, and Cardiac
This brand-new book offers virtual hands-on experience to over 65
emergency procedures, allowing readers to rehearse them over again
in their mind-then perform them on demand correctly. Colour
drawings of each procedure that illuminate relevant anatomical
structures and their relationship to each new step paired with
full-colour photographs provide a realistic clinical view of the
identical anatomy. Plus, each step is accompanied by concise text,
allowing the illustrations and photographs to guide clinicians
effortlessly through the procedure. Presents step-by-step,
side-by-side full-color illustrated guidance. Uses a standard
chapter organization for quick reference. Offers a brief
description of each procedure. Features bulleted lists of clinical
indications, oft-overlooked contraindications, and potential
complications. Displays the essential equipment needed to perform
the procedure. And more.
Major Incident Medical Management and Support (MIMMS) is the
coursebook for the Advanced Life Support Group's internationally
taught training for health care professionals responding to major
incidents. The practical approach employed in MIMMS has proved an
invaluable aid to both civilian and military doctors, nurses and
paramedics working in disaster management worldwide. The third
edition has been fully revised to make MIMMS appropriate for the
21st century, with greater emphasis on human factors, a more
structured approach to medical management, and new chapters on: *
Hazardous materials * Incidents involving large numbers of children
* Management of a major incident with multiple burn casualties *
Mass gatherings * Natural disasters There are also revised
appendices covering responsibility for the dead, radio use, and
voice procedures, and what to do beyond the immediate situation.
Covering all eventualities in medical management during major
incidents, MIMMS provides a comprehensive and practical guide for
all who are involved in this aspect of emergency medicine.
In the last few decades, our increased knowledge of the mechanisms
involved in wound repair has stimulated the development of many new
dressings and wound management techniques. If these are to be used
in the most appropriate and cost-effective manner, practitioners
must have a good understanding of the properties and key functions
of the products concerned. This book has been produced to offer
specific guidance in this important area, containing chapters on
silver dressings, honey products, medical maggots and negative
pressure therapy in addition to more conventional products
including hydrocolloids, foam, films and fibrous dressings made
from alginate or CMC. Each chapter contains an account of the
historical development, structure and method of use of the
individual treatments, and all of this information is supplemented
by the results an extensive review of the clinical literature for
each product group. A final chapter offers some simple observations
on the principles of dressing selection by making reference to a
variety of different wound types. This section also illustrates how
the use of an incorrect treatment may cause significant problems to
the patient and their carers. The book contains 720 pages and 125
illustrations, many in full colour, making it perhaps the most
comprehensive source of reference of its type currently available.
Pa faltet raknas varje sekund. PHTLS: Akut prehospitalt
omhandertagande av traumapatienter, Nionde upplagan lar ut och
foerstarker principerna foer att snabbt utvardera en traumapatient
genom ett organiserat tillvagagangssatt. Livshotande problem
behandlas omedelbart vid identifiering och foerseningar av
transport till en lamplig destination minimeras. Kursen har
utvecklats av National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
(NAEMT) i samarbete med American College of Surgeons Committtee on
Trauma (ASC-COT). PHTLS, Nionde upplagan aterspeglar gallande,
evidensbaserad kunskap och praxis samt framjar kritisk tankande som
grunden foer att erbjuda kvalitetsvard. Att snabbt bedoema en
traumapatient foer att kunna satta in livraddande vard ar karnan i
den nionde upplagan av PHTLS. Det tar maximalt 2 minuter foer en
patient att foerbloeda. Inget annat ingripande av prehospitala
vardgivare ar viktigare an att stoppa en sadan niva av bloedning i
traumapatienter. Foer att aterspegla detta anvander PHTLS, Nionde
upplagan minnesregeln XABCDE vid patientutvardering foer att
placera bloedningar framst vid varje patientmoete. Vikten av XABCDE
(foerbloedning, fri luftvag, andning, blodcirkulation, bedoemning
av neurologi, exponering) underbyggs i varje kliniskt kapitel.
PHTLS, Nionde upplagan innehaller: * Aktuell information om
vatsketillfoersel och spinal immobilisering fran evidensbaserad
forskning och erfarna prehospitala vardgivare som tillampar PHTLS
principer och praxis pa faltet. * Uppdaterade
patienthanteringstekniker, inkluderat placering av tryckfoerband,
lage foer naldekompression, anvandning av backengoerdel, pediatrisk
vatsketillfoersel och pediatrisk luftvagshantering * Betoning pa
skador som gar att foerebygga, fran distraherad koerning till fall
hos aldre till vald i nara relationer * Fokus pa civila taktiska
hot och svar, fran fordon som massfoerstoerelsevapen till ett nytt
floedesdiagram foer fjarrbedoemningsmetodik. Dynamiska kursdelar
PHTLS, Nionde upplagans huvudlarobok ar traumavardens slutgiltiga
resurs som beskriver de medicinska belaggen bakom rekommenderade
principer och praxis i PHTLS-kursen. Som en utveckling av
PHTLS-programmet kommer huvudlaroboken att atfoeljas av den nya
PHTLS-kursboken som foerstarker och klarlagger nyckelkoncept fran
kursen, har en engagerande, interaktiv utformning och som skrivits
sa att det kanns som om du deltar i ett samtal istallet foer att
lyssna pa en lektion.
In this issue of Emergency Medicine Clinics, guest editors Drs.
Jeremy G. Berberian and Leen Albkaihed bring their considerable
expertise to the topic of Cardiovascular Emergencies. Top experts
in the field cover key topics such as approach to the pediatric
ECG; ACS in women; the aging heart; cardiogenic syncope; the
ischemic ECG; and more. Contains 14 relevant, practice-oriented
topics including evaluation and management of pacemaker
malfunction; medicolegal topics in emergency cardiology;
tachydysrhythmias; ED evaluation and management of patients with
LVAD; acute heart failure; cardiovascular pharmacology; and more.
Provides in-depth clinical reviews on cardiovascular emergencies,
offering actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the
latest information on this timely, focused topic under the
leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize
and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create
clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
In this issue of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinics of North
America, guest editors Drs. Henry Galan and Patricia Huguelet bring
their considerable expertise to the topic of Emergencies in
Obstetrics and Gynecology. This issue provides a comprehensive
overview of obstetric and gynecologic emergencies, with emphasis on
standards of practice and interdisciplinary collaboration. Expert
authors discuss how to arrive at a differential diagnosis and how
to prevent, manage, and treat an emergency. Contains 15
practice-oriented topics including hypertensive crisis in
pregnancy; sexual assault/domestic violence; evaluation and
management of heavy vaginal bleeding (non-cancerous); first
trimester miscarriage; simulation in Ob/Gyn emergencies; and more.
Provides in-depth clinical reviews on emergencies in obstetrics and
gynecology, offering actionable insights for clinical practice.
Presents the latest information on this timely, focused topic under
the leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors
synthesize and distill the latest research and practice guidelines
to create clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
In this issue of Magnetic Resonance Imaging Clinics, guest editors
Drs. John Conklin and Michael Lev bring their considerable
expertise to the topic of MR in the Emergency Room. Top experts in
the field cover key topics such as penile and scrotal trauma,
thoracic emergencies, biliary obstruction, GI/GU emergencies,
abdominal and pelvic emergencies in the pregnant patient, pediatric
emergencies, and more. Contains 14 relevant, practice-oriented
topics including acute stroke; intracranial trauma, hemorrhage, and
other non-stroke vascular emergencies; spinal emergencies; head and
neck emergencies; musculoskeletal trauma and infection; and more.
Provides in-depth clinical reviews on MR in the emergency room,
offering actionable insights for clinical practice. Presents the
latest information on this timely, focused topic under the
leadership of experienced editors in the field. Authors synthesize
and distill the latest research and practice guidelines to create
clinically significant, topic-based reviews.
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