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These notes, based on lectures delivered in Saint Flour, provide an easy introduction to the authors' 2007 Springer monograph "Random Fields and Geometry." While not as exhaustive as the full monograph, they are also less exhausting, while still covering the basic material, typically at a more intuitive and less technical level. They also cover some more recent material relating to random algebraic topology and statistical applications. The notes include an introduction to the general theory of Gaussian random fields, treating classical topics such as continuity and boundedness. This is followed by a quick review of geometry, both integral and Riemannian, with an emphasis on tube formulae, to provide the reader with the material needed to understand and use the Gaussian kinematic formula, the main result of the notes. This is followed by chapters on topological inference and random algebraic topology, both of which provide applications of the main results.
Reprint from GAFA, Vol. 5 (1995), No. 2. Enlarged by a short biography of Mikhail Gromov and a list of publications. In the last decades of the XX century tremendous progress has been achieved in geometry. The discovery of deep interrelations between geometry and other fields including algebra, analysis and topology has pushed it into the mainstream of modern mathematics. This Special Issue of Geometric And Functional Analysis (GAFA) in honour of Mikhail Gromov contains 14 papers which give a wide panorama of recent fundamental developments in modern geometry and its related subjects. CONTRIBUTORS: J. Bourgain, J. Cheeger, J. Cogdell, A. Connes, Y. Eliashberg, H. Hofer, F. Lalonde, W. Luo, G. Margulis, D. McDuff, H. Moscovici, G. Mostow, S. Novikov, G. Perelman, I. Piatetski-Shapiro, G. Pisier, X. Rong, Z. Rudnick, D. Salamon, P. Sarnak, R. Schoen, M. Shubin, K. Wysocki, and E. Zehnder. The book is a collection of important results and an enduring source of new ideas for researchers and students in a broad spectrum of directions related to all aspects of Geometry and its applications to Functional Analysis, PDE, Analytic Number Theory and Physics.
In recent years, many students have been introduced to topology in high school mathematics. Having met the Mobius band, the seven bridges of Konigsberg, Euler's polyhedron formula, and knots, the student is led to expect that these picturesque ideas will come to full flower in university topology courses. What a disappointment "undergraduate topology" proves to be! In most institutions it is either a service course for analysts, on abstract spaces, or else an introduction to homological algebra in which the only geometric activity is the completion of commutative diagrams. Pictures are kept to a minimum, and at the end the student still does nr~ understand the simplest topological facts, such as the rcason why knots exist. In my opinion, a well-balanced introduction to topology should stress its intuitive geometric aspect, while admitting the legitimate interest that analysts and algebraists have in the subject. At any rate, this is the aim of the present book. In support of this view, I have followed the historical development where practicable, since it clearly shows the influence of geometric thought at all stages. This is not to claim that topology received its main impetus from geometric recreations like the seven bridges; rather, it resulted from the l'isualization of problems from other parts of mathematics-complex analysis (Riemann), mechanics (Poincare), and group theory (Dehn). It is these connec tions to other parts of mathematics which make topology an important as well as a beautiful subject.
This book consists essentially of a collection of papers that were contributed to a national meeting held in Houston, Texas, in 1983. The papers contained herein cover a wide range of electro- chemical engineering topics and should serve as useful starting points in the design of electrochemical cells. The editor would like to thank the authors for their contribu- tions and patience and the typists, Mrs. Susan 'Firth and Mrs. Jeri Saulsbury, for their efforts. Also, the editor would like to thank Mr. T. Nguyen and Ms. M. A. Nictrolson for their help in preparing the index of this book. R. E. White v CONTENTS Design and Development of Electrochemical Chlor-Alkali Cells * * * * * * * * * 1 S. N. Chatterjee A Simple Model of a Diaphragm - Type Chlorine Cell 25 R. E. White, J. S. Beckerdite, and J. Van Zee Design Principles for Chlorine Membrane Cells 61 K. H. Simmrock Hydroxyl Ion Migration, Chemical Reactions, Water Transport and Other Effects as Optimizing Parameters in Cross-, Co- and Countercurrently Operated Membrane Cells for the Chlor/Alkali Electrolysis . *******. **** 89 K. H. Simmrock Hydraulic Modelling as an Aid to Electrochemical Cell Design. 115 I. Wardle Calculating Mechanical Component Voltage Drops in 123 Electrochemical Cells * * * * I. Wardle Electrolysis Cell Design for Ion Exchange Membrane Chlor-Alkali Process * * * * * * * * * * * * 135 M. Seko, A. Yomiyama, and S.
A fusion system over a p-group S is a category whose objects form the set of all subgroups of S, whose morphisms are certain injective group homomorphisms, and which satisfies axioms first formulated by Puig that are modelled on conjugacy relations in finite groups. The definition was originally motivated by representation theory, but fusion systems also have applications to local group theory and to homotopy theory. The connection with homotopy theory arises through classifying spaces which can be associated to fusion systems and which have many of the nice properties of p-completed classifying spaces of finite groups. Beginning with a detailed exposition of the foundational material, the authors then proceed to discuss the role of fusion systems in local finite group theory, homotopy theory and modular representation theory. The book serves as a basic reference and as an introduction to the field, particularly for students and other young mathematicians.
This account of the History of General Topology has grown out of the special session on this topic at the American Mathematical Society meeting in San Anto- nio, Texas, 1993. It was there that the idea grew to publish a book on the historical development of General Topology. Moreover it was felt that it was important to undertake this project while topologists who knew some of the early researchers were still active. Since the first paper by Frechet, "Generalisation d'un theoreme de Weier- strass", C.R.Acad. Sci. 139, 1904, 848-849, and Hausdorff's classic book, "GrundZiige der Mengenlehre", Leipzig, 1914, there have been numerous devel- opments in a multitude of directions and there have been many interactions with a great number of other mathematical fields. We have tried to cover as many of these as possible. Most contributions concern either individual topologists, specific schools, specific periods, specific topics or a combination of these.
The present volume contains the proceedings of the workshop on "Minimax Theory and Applications" that was held during the week 30 September - 6 October 1996 at the "G. Stampacchia" International School of Mathematics of the "E. Majorana" Centre for Scientific Cul ture in Erice (Italy) . The main theme of the workshop was minimax theory in its most classical meaning. That is to say, given a real-valued function f on a product space X x Y, one tries to find conditions that ensure the validity of the equality sup inf f(x, y) = inf sup f(x, y). yEY xEX xEX yEY This is not an appropriate place to enter into the technical details of the proofs of minimax theorems, or into the history of the contribu tions to the solution of this basic problem in the last 7 decades. But we do want to stress its intrinsic interest and point out that, in spite of its extremely simple formulation, it conceals a great wealth of ideas. This is clearly shown by the large variety of methods and tools that have been used to study it. The applications of minimax theory are also extremely interesting. In fact, the need for the ability to "switch quantifiers" arises in a seemingly boundless range of different situations. So, the good quality of a minimax theorem can also be judged by its applicability. We hope that this volume will offer a rather complete account of the state of the art of the subject."
Each undergraduate course of algebra begins with basic notions and results concerning groups, rings, modules and linear algebra. That is, it begins with simple notions and simple results. Our intention was to provide a collection of exercises which cover only the easy part of ring theory, what we have named the "Basics of Ring Theory." This seems to be the part each student or beginner in ring theory (or even algebra) should know - but surely trying to solve as many of these exercises as possible independently. As difficult (or impossible) as this may seem, we have made every effort to avoid modules, lattices and field extensions in this collection and to remain in the ring area as much as possible. A brief look at the bibliography obviously shows that we don't claim much originality (one could name this the folklore of ring theory) for the statements of the exercises we have chosen (but this was a difficult task: indeed, the 28 titles contain approximatively 15.000 problems and our collection contains only 346). The real value of our book is the part which contains all the solutions of these exercises. We have tried to draw up these solutions as detailed as possible, so that each beginner can progress without skilled help. The book is divided in two parts each consisting of seventeen chapters, the first part containing the exercises and the second part the solutions.
This account of the History of General Topology has grown out of the special session on this topic at the American Mathematical Society meeting in San Anto- nio, Texas, 1993. It was there that the idea grew to publish a book on the historical development of General Topology. Moreover it was felt that it was important to undertake this project while topologists who knew some of the early researchers were still active. Since the first paper by Frechet, "Generalisation d'un theoreme de Weier- strass", C.R. Acad. Sci. 139, 1904, 848-849, and Hausdorff's classic book, "Grundziige der Mengenlehre", Leipzig, 1914, there have been numerous de- velopments in a multitude of directions and there have been many interactions with a great number of other mathematical fields. We have tried to cover as many of these as possible. Most contributions concern either individual topologists, specific schools, specific periods, specific topics or a combination of these.
For many, modern functional analysis dates back to Banach's book [Ba32]. Here, such powerful results as the Hahn-Banach theorem, the open-mapping theorem and the uniform boundedness principle were developed in the setting of complete normed and complete metrizable spaces. When analysts realized the power and applicability of these methods, they sought to generalize the concept of a metric space and to broaden the scope of these theorems. Topological methods had been generally available since the appearance of Hausdorff's book in 1914. So it is surprising that it took so long to recognize that they could provide the means for this generalization. Indeed, the theory of topo- logical vector spaces was developed systematically only after 1950 by a great many different people, induding Bourbaki, Dieudonne, Grothendieck, Kothe, Mackey, Schwartz and Treves. The resulting body of work produced a whole new area of mathematics and generalized Banach's results. One of the great successes here was the development of the theory of distributions. While the not ion of a convergent sequence is very old, that of a convergent fil- ter dates back only to Cartan [Ca]. And while sequential convergence structures date back to Frechet [Fr], filter convergence structures are much more recent: [Ch], [Ko] and [Fi]. Initially, convergence spaces and convergence vector spaces were used by [Ko], [Wl], [Ba], [Ke64], [Ke65], [Ke74], [FB] and in particular [Bz] for topology and analysis.
Als mehrbandiges Nachschlagewerk ist das Springer-Handbuch der Mathematik in erster Linie fur wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken, akademische Institutionen und Firmen sowie interessierte Individualkunden in Forschung und Lehregedacht. Es erganzt das einbandige themenumfassende Springer-Taschenbuch der Mathematik (ehemaliger Titel Teubner-Taschenbuch der Mathematik), das sich in seiner begrenzten Stoffauswahl besonders an Studierende richtet.Teil IV des Springer-Handbuchs enthalt die folgenden Zusatzkapitel zum Springer-Taschenbuch: Hohere Analysis, Lineare sowie Nichtlineare Funktionalanalysis und ihre Anwendungen, Dynamische Systeme, Nichtlineare partielle Differentialgleichungen, Mannigfaltigkeiten, Riemannsche Geometrie und allgemeine Relativitatstheorie, Liegruppen, Liealgebren und Elementarteilchen, Topologie, Krummung und Analysis.
In the summer of 1991 the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of the Universite de Montreal was fortunate to host the NATO Advanced Study Institute "Algebras and Orders" as its 30th Seminaire de mathematiques superieures (SMS), a summer school with a long tradition and well-established reputation. This book contains the contributions of the invited speakers. Universal algebra- which established itself only in the 1930's- grew from traditional algebra (e.g., groups, modules, rings and lattices) and logic (e.g., propositional calculus, model theory and the theory of relations). It started by extending results from these fields but by now it is a well-established and dynamic discipline in its own right. One of the objectives of the ASI was to cover a broad spectrum of topics in this field, and to put in evidence the natural links to, and interactions with, boolean algebra, lattice theory, topology, graphs, relations, automata, theoretical computer science and (partial) orders. The theory of orders is a relatively young and vigorous discipline sharing certain topics as well as many researchers and meetings with universal algebra and lattice theory. W. Taylor surveyed the abstract clone theory which formalizes the process of compos ing operations (i.e., the formation of term operations) of an algebra as a special category with countably many objects, and leading naturally to the interpretation and equivalence of varieties."
This book examines an abstract mathematical theory, placing special emphasis on results applicable to formal logic. If a theory is especially abstract, it may find a natural home within several of the more familiar branches of mathematics. This is the case with the theory of closure spaces. It might be considered part of topology, lattice theory, universal algebra or, no doubt, one of several other branches of mathematics as well. In our development we have treated it, conceptually and methodologically, as part of topology, partly because we first thought ofthe basic structure involved (closure space), as a generalization of Frechet's concept V-space. V-spaces have been used in some developments of general topology as a generalization of topological space. Indeed, when in the early '50s, one of us started thinking about closure spaces, we thought ofit as the generalization of Frechet V space which comes from not requiring the null set to be CLOSURE SPACES ANDLOGIC XlI closed(as it is in V-spaces). This generalization has an extreme advantage in connection with application to logic, since the most important closure notion in logic, deductive closure, in most cases does not generate a V-space, since the closure of the null set typically consists of the "logical truths" of the logic being examined."
This book is devoted to some results from the classical Point Set Theory and their applications to certain problems in mathematical analysis of the real line. Notice that various topics from this theory are presented in several books and surveys. From among the most important works devoted to Point Set Theory, let us first of all mention the excellent book by Oxtoby [83] in which a deep analogy between measure and category is discussed in detail. Further, an interesting general approach to problems concerning measure and category is developed in the well-known monograph by Morgan [79] where a fundamental concept of a category base is introduced and investigated. We also wish to mention that the monograph by Cichon, W";glorz and the author [19] has recently been published. In that book, certain classes of subsets of the real line are studied and various cardinal valued functions (characteristics) closely connected with those classes are investigated. Obviously, the IT-ideal of all Lebesgue measure zero subsets of the real line and the IT-ideal of all first category subsets of the same line are extensively studied in [19], and several relatively new results concerning this topic are presented. Finally, it is reasonable to notice here that some special sets of points, the so-called singular spaces, are considered in the classi
Author is well-known and established book author (all Serge Lang books are now published by Springer); Presents a brief introduction to the subject; All manifolds are assumed finite dimensional in order not to frighten some readers; Complete proofs are given; Use of manifolds cuts across disciplines and includes physics, engineering and economics
In 1961 Smale established the generalized Poincare Conjecture in dimensions greater than or equal to 5 [129] and proceeded to prove the h-cobordism theorem [130]. This result inaugurated a major effort to classify all possible smooth and topological structures on manifolds of dimension at least 5. By the mid 1970's the main outlines of this theory were complete, and explicit answers (especially concerning simply connected manifolds) as well as general qualitative results had been obtained. As an example of such a qualitative result, a closed, simply connected manifold of dimension 2: 5 is determined up to finitely many diffeomorphism possibilities by its homotopy type and its Pontrjagin classes. There are similar results for self-diffeomorphisms, which, at least in the simply connected case, say that the group of self-diffeomorphisms of a closed manifold M of dimension at least 5 is commensurate with an arithmetic subgroup of the linear algebraic group of all automorphisms of its so-called rational minimal model which preserve the Pontrjagin classes [131]. Once the high dimensional theory was in good shape, attention shifted to the remaining, and seemingly exceptional, dimensions 3 and 4. The theory behind the results for manifolds of dimension at least 5 does not carryover to manifolds of these low dimensions, essentially because there is no longer enough room to maneuver. Thus new ideas are necessary to study manifolds of these "low" dimensions.
In recent years, the fixed point theory of Lipschitzian-type mappings has rapidly grown into an important field of study in both pure and applied mathematics. It has become one of the most essential tools in nonlinear functional analysis. This self-contained book provides the first systematic presentation of Lipschitzian-type mappings in metric and Banach spaces. The first chapter covers some basic properties of metric and Banach spaces. Geometric considerations of underlying spaces play a prominent role in developing and understanding the theory. The next two chapters provide background in terms of convexity, smoothness and geometric coefficients of Banach spaces including duality mappings and metric projection mappings. This is followed by results on existence of fixed points, approximation of fixed points by iterative methods and strong convergence theorems. The final chapter explores several applicable problems arising in related fields. This book can be used as a textbook and as a reference for graduate students, researchers and applied mathematicians working in nonlinear functional analysis, operator theory, approximations by iteration theory, convexity and related geometric topics, and best approximation theory.
Preface to the English Edition The present monograph is a revised and enlarged alternative of the author's monograph 19] which was devoted to the development of a unified approach to studying differential inclusions, whose values of the right hand sides are compact, not necessarily convex subsets of a Banach space. This approach relies on ideas and methods of modem functional analysis, general topology, the theory of multi-valued mappings and continuous selectors. Although the basic content of the previous monograph has been remained the same this monograph has been partly re-organized and the author's recent results have been added. The contents of the present book are divided into five Chapters and an Appendix. The first Chapter of the J>ook has been left without changes and deals with multi-valued differential equations generated by a differential inclusion. The second Chapter has been significantly revised and extended. Here the au thor's recent results concerning extreme continuous selectors of multi-functions with decomposable values, multi-valued selectors ofmulti-functions generated by a differential inclusion, the existence of solutions of a differential inclusion, whose right hand side has different properties of semicontinuity at different points, have been included. Some of these results made it possible to simplify schemes for proofs concerning the existence of solutions of differential inclu sions with semicontinuous right hand side a.nd to obtain new results. In this Chapter the existence of solutions of different types are considered."
A description of the global properties of simply-connected spaces that are non-positively curved in the sense of A. D. Alexandrov, and the structure of groups which act on such spaces by isometries. The theory of these objects is developed in a manner accessible to anyone familiar with the rudiments of topology and group theory: non-trivial theorems are proved by concatenating elementary geometric arguments, and many examples are given. Part I provides an introduction to the geometry of geodesic spaces, while Part II develops the basic theory of spaces with upper curvature bounds. More specialized topics, such as complexes of groups, are covered in Part III.
This book is dedicated to the theory of continuous selections of multi valued mappings, a classical area of mathematics (as far as the formulation of its fundamental problems and methods of solutions are concerned) as well as 'J-n area which has been intensively developing in recent decades and has found various applications in general topology, theory of absolute retracts and infinite-dimensional manifolds, geometric topology, fixed-point theory, functional and convex analysis, game theory, mathematical economics, and other branches of modern mathematics. The fundamental results in this the ory were laid down in the mid 1950's by E. Michael. The book consists of (relatively independent) three parts - Part A: Theory, Part B: Results, and Part C: Applications. (We shall refer to these parts simply by their names). The target audience for the first part are students of mathematics (in their senior year or in their first year of graduate school) who wish to get familiar with the foundations of this theory. The goal of the second part is to give a comprehensive survey of the existing results on continuous selections of multivalued mappings. It is intended for specialists in this area as well as for those who have mastered the material of the first part of the book. In the third part we present important examples of applications of continuous selections. We have chosen examples which are sufficiently interesting and have played in some sense key role in the corresponding areas of mathematics."
This book is written in a pedagogical style intelligible for graduate students. It reviews recent progress in black-hole and wormhole theory and in mathematical cosmology within the framework of Einstein's field equations and beyond, including quantum effects. This collection of essays, written by leading scientists of long standing reputation, should become an indispensable source for future research.
This book is a course in general topology, intended for students in the first year of the second cycle (in other words, students in their third univer sity year). The course was taught during the first semester of the 1979-80 academic year (three hours a week of lecture, four hours a week of guided work). Topology is the study of the notions of limit and continuity and thus is, in principle, very ancient. However, we shall limit ourselves to the origins of the theory since the nineteenth century. One of the sources of topology is the effort to clarify the theory of real-valued functions of a real variable: uniform continuity, uniform convergence, equicontinuity, Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem (this work is historically inseparable from the attempts to define with precision what the real numbers are). Cauchy was one of the pioneers in this direction, but the errors that slip into his work prove how hard it was to isolate the right concepts. Cantor came along a bit later; his researches into trigonometric series led him to study in detail sets of points of R (whence the concepts of open set and closed set in R, which in his work are intermingled with much subtler concepts). The foregoing alone does not justify the very general framework in which this course is set. The fact is that the concepts mentioned above have shown themselves to be useful for objects other than the real numbers."
Fixed point theory in probabilistic metric spaces can be considered as a part of Probabilistic Analysis, which is a very dynamic area of mathematical research. A primary aim of this monograph is to stimulate interest among scientists and students in this fascinating field. The text is self-contained for a reader with a modest knowledge of the metric fixed point theory. Several themes run through this book. The first is the theory of triangular norms (t-norms), which is closely related to fixed point theory in probabilistic metric spaces. Its recent development has had a strong influence upon the fixed point theory in probabilistic metric spaces. In Chapter 1 some basic properties of t-norms are presented and several special classes of t-norms are investigated. Chapter 2 is an overview of some basic definitions and examples from the theory of probabilistic metric spaces. Chapters 3, 4, and 5 deal with some single-valued and multi-valued probabilistic versions of the Banach contraction principle. In Chapter 6, some basic results in locally convex topological vector spaces are used and applied to fixed point theory in vector spaces. Audience: The book will be of value to graduate students, researchers, and applied mathematicians working in nonlinear analysis and probabilistic metric spaces.
From the 28th of February through the 3rd of March, 2001, the Department of Math ematics of the University of Florida hosted a conference on the many aspects of the field of Ordered Algebraic Structures. Officially, the title was "Conference on Lattice Ordered Groups and I-Rings," but its subject matter evolved beyond the limitations one might associate with such a label. This volume is officially the proceedings of that conference, although, likewise, it is more accurate to view it as a complement to that event. The conference was the fourth in wh at has turned into aseries of similar conferences, on Ordered Algebraic Structures, held in consecutive years. The first, held at the University of Florida in Spring, 1998, was a modest and informal affair. The fifth is in the final planning stages at this writing, for March 7-9, 2002, at Vanderbilt University. And although these events remain modest and reasonably informal, their scope has broadened, as they have succeeded in attracting mathematicians from other, related fields, as weIl as from more distant lands."
The aim of this book is a detailed study of topological effects related to continuity of the dependence of solutions on initial values and parameters. This allows us to develop cheaply a theory which deals easily with equations having singularities and with equations with multivalued right hand sides (differential inclusions). An explicit description of corresponding topological structures expands the theory in the case of equations with continuous right hand sides also. In reality, this is a new science where Ordinary Differential Equations, General Topology, Integration theory and Functional Analysis meet. In what concerns equations with discontinuities and differential inclu sions, we do not restrict the consideration to the Cauchy problem, but we show how to develop an advanced theory whose volume is commensurable with the volume of the existing theory of Ordinary Differential Equations. The level of the account rises in the book step by step from second year student to working scientist." |
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