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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Topology > General
General equilibrium In this book we try to cope with the challenging task of reviewing the so called general equilibrium model and of discussing one specific aspect of the approach underlying it, namely, market completeness. With the denomination "general equilibrium" (from now on in short GE) we shall mainly refer to two different things. On one hand, in particular when using the expression "GE approach", we shall refer to a long established methodolog ical tradition in building and developing economic models, which includes, as of today, an enormous amount of contributions, ranging in number by several 1 thousands * On the other hand, in particular when using the expression "stan dard differentiable GE model", we refer to a very specific version of economic model of exchange and production, to be presented in Chapters 8 and 9, and to be modified in Chapters 10 to 15. Such a version is certainly formulated within the GE approach, but it is generated by making several quite restrictive 2 assumptions * Even to list and review very shortly all the collective work which can be ascribed to the GE approach would be a formidable task for several coauthors in a lifetime perspective. The book instead intends to address just a single issue. Before providing an illustration of its main topic, we feel the obligation to say a word on the controversial character of GE. First of all, we should say that we identify the GE approach as being based 3 on three principles .
This book is about an investigation of recent developments in the field of sympletic and contact structures on four- and three-dimensional manifolds from a topologist 's point of view. In it, two main issues are addressed: what kind of sympletic and contact structures we can construct via surgery theory and what kind of sympletic and contact structures are not allowed via gauge theory and the newly invented Heegaard-Floer theory.
Tensor Analysis and Nonlinear Tensor Functions embraces the basic fields of tensor calculus: tensor algebra, tensor analysis, tensor description of curves and surfaces, tensor integral calculus, the basis of tensor calculus in Riemannian spaces and affinely connected spaces, - which are used in mechanics and electrodynamics of continua, crystallophysics, quantum chemistry etc. The book suggests a new approach to definition of a tensor in space R3, which allows us to show a geometric representation of a tensor and operations on tensors. Based on this approach, the author gives a mathematically rigorous definition of a tensor as an individual object in arbitrary linear, Riemannian and other spaces for the first time. It is the first book to present a systematized theory of tensor invariants, a theory of nonlinear anisotropic tensor functions and a theory of indifferent tensors describing the physical properties of continua. The book will be useful for students and postgraduates of mathematical, mechanical engineering and physical departments of universities and also for investigators and academic scientists working in continuum mechanics, solid physics, general relativity, crystallophysics, quantum chemistry of solids and material science.
This reference work deals with important topics in general topology and their role in functional analysis and axiomatic set theory, for graduate students and researchers working in topology, functional analysis, set theory and probability theory. It provides a guide to recent research findings, with three contributions by Arhangel'skii and Choban.
During the past 25 years, set theory has developed in several interesting directions. The most outstanding results cover the application of sophisticated techniques to problems in analysis, topology, infinitary combinatorics and other areas of mathematics. This book contains a selection of contributions, some of which are expository in nature, embracing various aspects of the latest developments. Amongst topics treated are forcing axioms and their applications, combinatorial principles used to construct models, and a variety of other set theoretical tools including inner models, partitions and trees. Audience: This book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers in foundational problems of mathematics.
This book is about the interplay between algebraic topology and the theory of infinite discrete groups. It is a hugely important contribution to the field of topological and geometric group theory, and is bound to become a standard reference in the field. To keep the length reasonable and the focus clear, the author assumes the reader knows or can easily learn the necessary algebra, but wants to see the topology done in detail. The central subject of the book is the theory of ends. Here the author adopts a new algebraic approach which is geometric in spirit.
Graphs drawn on two-dimensional surfaces have always attracted researchers by their beauty and by the variety of difficult questions to which they give rise. The theory of such embedded graphs, which long seemed rather isolated, has witnessed the appearance of entirely unexpected new applications in recent decades, ranging from Galois theory to quantum gravity models, and has become a kind of a focus of a vast field of research. The book provides an accessible introduction to this new domain, including such topics as coverings of Riemann surfaces, the Galois group action on embedded graphs (Grothendieck's theory of "dessins d'enfants"), the matrix integral method, moduli spaces of curves, the topology of meromorphic functions, and combinatorial aspects of Vassiliev's knot invariants and, in an appendix by Don Zagier, the use of finite group representation theory. The presentation is concrete throughout, with numerous figures, examples (including computer calculations) and exercises, and should appeal to both graduate students and researchers.
1. 1 Preface Many phenomena from physics, biology, chemistry and economics are modeled by di?erential equations with parameters. When a nonlinear equation is est- lished, its behavior/dynamics should be understood. In general, it is impossible to ?nd a complete dynamics of a nonlinear di?erential equation. Hence at least, either periodic or irregular/chaotic solutions are tried to be shown. So a pr- erty of a desired solution of a nonlinear equation is given as a parameterized boundary value problem. Consequently, the task is transformed to a solvability of an abstract nonlinear equation with parameters on a certain functional space. When a family of solutions of the abstract equation is known for some para- ters, the persistence or bifurcations of solutions from that family is studied as parameters are changing. There are several approaches to handle such nonl- ear bifurcation problems. One of them is a topological degree method, which is rather powerful in cases when nonlinearities are not enough smooth. The aim of this book is to present several original bifurcation results achieved by the author using the topological degree theory. The scope of the results is rather broad from showing periodic and chaotic behavior of non-smooth mechanical systems through the existence of traveling waves for ordinary di?erential eq- tions on in?nite lattices up to study periodic oscillations of undamped abstract waveequationsonHilbertspaceswithapplicationstononlinearbeamandstring partial di?erential equations. 1.
Based on a course given to talented high-school students at Ohio University in 1988, this book is essentially an advanced undergraduate textbook about the mathematics of fractal geometry. It nicely bridges the gap between traditional books on topology/analysis and more specialized treatises on fractal geometry. The book treats such topics as metric spaces, measure theory, dimension theory, and even some algebraic topology. It takes into account developments in the subject matter since 1990. Sections are clear and focused. The book contains plenty of examples, exercises, and good illustrations of fractals, including 16 color plates.
This book collects survey papers in the fields of entropy, search and complexity, summarizing the latest developments in their respective areas. More than half of the papers belong to search theory which lies on the borderline of mathematics and computer science, information theory and combinatorics, respectively. The book will be useful to experienced researchers as well as young scientists and students both in mathematics and computer science.
Many nonlinear problems in physics, engineering, biology and social sciences can be reduced to finding critical points of functionals. While minimax and Morse theories provide answers to many situations and problems on the existence of multiple critical points of a functional, they often cannot provide much-needed additional properties of these critical points. Sign-changing critical point theory has emerged as a new area of rich research on critical points of a differentiable functional with important applications to nonlinear elliptic PDEs. This book is intended for advanced graduate students and researchers involved in sign-changing critical point theory, PDEs, global analysis, and nonlinear functional analysis.
An introduction to the theory of orbifolds from a modern perspective, combining techniques from geometry, algebraic topology and algebraic geometry. One of the main motivations, and a major source of examples, is string theory, where orbifolds play an important role. The subject is first developed following the classical description analogous to manifold theory, after which the book branches out to include the useful description of orbifolds provided by groupoids, as well as many examples in the context of algebraic geometry. Classical invariants such as de Rham cohomology and bundle theory are developed, a careful study of orbifold morphisms is provided, and the topic of orbifold K-theory is covered. The heart of this book, however, is a detailed description of the Chen-Ruan cohomology, which introduces a new product for orbifolds and has had significant impact in recent years. The final chapter includes explicit computations for a number of interesting examples.
Quite simply, this book offers the most comprehensive survey to date of the theory of semiparallel submanifolds. It begins with the necessary background material, detailing symmetric and semisymmetric Riemannian manifolds, smooth manifolds in space forms, and parallel submanifolds. The book then introduces semiparallel submanifolds and gives some characterizations for their class as well as several subclasses. The coverage moves on to discuss the concept of main symmetric orbit and presents all known results concerning umbilic-like main symmetric orbits. With more than 40 published papers under his belt on the subject, Lumiste provides readers with the most authoritative treatment.
One service mathematics has rendered the human race. It has put common sense back where it belongs. It has put common sense back where it belongs, on the topmost shelf next to the dusty canister labelled discarded nonsense. Eric TBell Every picture tells a story. Advenisement for for Sloan's backache and kidney oils, 1907 The book you have in your hands as you are reading this, is a text on3-dimensional topology. It can serve as a pretty comprehensive text book on the subject. On the other hand, it frequently gets to the frontiers of current research in the topic. If pressed, I would initially classify it as a monograph, but, thanks to the over three hundred illustrations of the geometrical ideas involved, as a rather accessible one, and hence suitable for advanced classes. The style is somewhat informal; more or less like orally presented lectures, and the illustrations more than make up for all the visual aids and handwaving one has at one's command during an actual presentation.
This monograph provides an introduction to the theory of topologies defined on the closed subsets of a metric space, and on the closed convex subsets of a normed linear space as well. A unifying theme is the relationship between topology and set convergence on the one hand, and set functionals on the other. The text includes for the first time anywhere an exposition of three topologies that over the past ten years have become fundamental tools in optimization, one-sided analysis, convex analysis, and the theory of multifunctions: the Wijsman topology, the Attouch--Wets topology, and the slice topology. Particular attention is given to topologies on lower semicontinuous functions, especially lower semicontinuous convex functions, as associated with their epigraphs. The interplay between convex duality and topology is carefully considered and a chapter on set-valued functions is included. The book contains over 350 exercises and is suitable as a graduate text. This book is of interest to those working in general topology, set-valued analysis, geometric functional analysis, optimization, convex analysis and mathematical economics.
The emergence of topological quantum ?eld theory has been one of the most important breakthroughs which have occurred in the context of ma- ematical physics in the last century, a century characterizedbyindependent developments of the main ideas in both disciplines, physics and mathematics, which has concluded with two decades of strong interaction between them, where physics, as in previous centuries, has acted as a source of new mat- matics. Topological quantum ?eld theories constitute the core of these p- nomena, although the main drivingforce behind it has been the enormous e?ort made in theoretical particle physics to understand string theory as a theory able to unify the four fundamental interactions observed in nature. These theories set up a new realm where both disciplines pro't from each other. Although the most striking results have appeared on the mathema- calside, theoreticalphysicshasclearlyalsobene?tted, sincethecorresponding developments have helped better to understand aspects of the fundamentals of ?eld and string theor
Our motivation for gathering the material for this book over aperiod of seven years has been to unify and simplify ideas wh ich appeared in a sizable number of re search articles during the past two decades. More specifically, it has been our aim to provide the categorical foundations for extensive work that was published on the epimorphism- and cowellpoweredness problem, predominantly for categories of topological spaces. In doing so we found the categorical not ion of closure operators interesting enough to be studied for its own sake, as it unifies and describes other significant mathematical notions and since it leads to a never-ending stream of ex amples and applications in all areas of mathematics. These are somewhat arbitrarily restricted to topology, algebra and (a small part of) discrete mathematics in this book, although other areas, such as functional analysis, would provide an equally rich and interesting supply of examples. We also had to restrict the themes in our theoretical exposition. In spite of the fact that closure operators generalize the uni versal closure operations of abelian category theory and of topos- and sheaf theory, we chose to mention these aspects only en passant, in favour of the presentation of new results more closely related to our original intentions. We also needed to refrain from studying topological concepts, such as compactness, in the setting of an arbitrary closure-equipped category, although this topic appears prominently in the published literature involving closure operators."
Classicalexamples of moreand more oscillatingreal-valued functions on a domain N ?of R are the functions u (x)=sin(nx)with x=(x ,...,x ) or the so-called n 1 1 n n+1 Rademacherfunctionson]0,1[,u (x)=r (x) = sgn(sin(2 ?x))(seelater3.1.4). n n They may appear as the gradients?v of minimizing sequences (v ) in some n n n?N variationalproblems. Intheseexamples,thefunctionu convergesinsomesenseto n ameasure on ? xR, called Young measure. In Functional Analysis formulation, this is the narrow convergence to of the image of the Lebesgue measure on ? by ? ? (?,u (?)). In the disintegrated form ( ) ,the parametrized measure n ? ??? ? captures the possible scattering of the u around ?. n Curiously if (X ) is a sequence of random variables deriving from indep- n n?N dent ones, the n-th one may appear more and more far from the k ?rst ones as 2 if it was oscillating (think of orthonormal vectors in L which converge weakly to 0). More precisely when the laws L(X ) narrowly converge to some probability n measure , it often happens that for any k and any A in the algebra generated by X ,...,X , the conditional law L(X|A) still converges to (see Chapter 9) 1 k n which means 1 ??? C (R) ?(X (?))dP(?)?? ?d b n P(A) A R or equivalently, ? denoting the image of P by ? ? (?,X (?)), n X n (1l ??)d? ?? (1l ??)d[P? ].
This IMA Volume in Mathematics and its Applications FRACTALS IN MULTIMEDIA is a result of a very successful three-day minisymposium on the same title. The event was an integral part of the IMA annual program on Mathemat ics in Multimedia, 2000-2001. We would like to thank Michael F. Barnsley (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne), Di etmar Saupe (Institut fUr Informatik, UniversiUit Leipzig), and Edward R. Vrscay (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Waterloo) for their excellent work as organizers of the meeting and for editing the proceedings. We take this opportunity to thank the National Science Foundation for their support of the IMA. Series Editors Douglas N. Arnold, Director of the IMA Fadil Santosa, Deputy Director of the IMA v PREFACE This volume grew out of a meeting on Fractals in Multimedia held at the IMA in January 2001. The meeting was an exciting and intense one, focused on fractal image compression, analysis, and synthesis, iterated function systems and fractals in education. The central concerns of the meeting were to establish within these areas where we are now and to develop a vision for the future."
In this book a general topological construction of extension is proposed for problems of attainability in topological spaces under perturbation of a system of constraints. This construction is realized in a special class of generalized elements defined as finitely additive measures. A version of the method of programmed iterations is constructed. This version realizes multi-valued control quasistrategies, which guarantees the solution of the control problem that consists in guidance to a given set under observation of phase constraints. Audience: The book will be of interest to researchers, and graduate students in the field of optimal control, mathematical systems theory, measure and integration, functional analysis, and general topology.
The book covers topics in the theory of algebraic transformation groups and algebraic varieties which are very much at the frontier of mathematical research.
Two top experts in topology, O.Ya. Viro and D.B. Fuchs, give an up-to-date account of research in central areas of topology and the theory of Lie groups. They cover homotopy, homology and cohomology as well as the theory of manifolds, Lie groups, Grassmanians and low-dimensional manifolds. Their book will be used by graduate students and researchers in mathematics and mathematical physics.
In this monograph, questions of extensions and relaxations are consid ered. These questions arise in many applied problems in connection with the operation of perturbations. In some cases, the operation of "small" per turbations generates "small" deviations of basis indexes; a corresponding stability takes place. In other cases, small perturbations generate spas modic change of a result and of solutions defining this result. These cases correspond to unstable problems. The effect of an unstability can arise in extremal problems or in other related problems. In this connection, we note the known problem of constructing the attainability domain in con trol theory. Of course, extremal problems and those of attainability (in abstract control theory) are connected. We exploit this connection here (see Chapter 5). However, basic attention is paid to the problem of the attainability of elements of a topological space under vanishing perturba tions of restrictions. The stability property is frequently missing; the world of unstable problems is of interest for us. We construct regularizing proce dures. However, in many cases, it is possible to establish a certain property similar to partial stability. We call this property asymptotic nonsensitivity or roughness under the perturbation of some restrictions. The given prop erty means the following: in the corresponding problem, it is the same if constraints are weakened in some "directions" or not. On this basis, it is possible to construct a certain classification of constraints, selecting "di rections of roughness" and "precision directions.""
The theory and applications of infinite dimensional dynamical systems have attracted the attention of scientists for quite some time. Dynamical issues arise in equations which attempt to model phenomena that change with time, and the infinite dimensional aspects occur when forces that describe the motion depend on spatial variables. This book may serve as an entree for scholars beginning their journey into the world of dynamical systems, especially infinite dimensional spaces. The main approach involves the theory of evolutionary equations. It begins with a brief essay on the evolution of evolutionary equations and introduces the origins of the basic elements of dynamical systems, flow and semiflow.
From the reviews of the 1st edition: "This book provides a comprehensive and detailed account of different topics in algorithmic 3-dimensional topology, culminating with the recognition procedure for Haken manifolds and including the up-to-date results in computer enumeration of 3-manifolds. Originating from lecture notes of various courses given by the author over a decade, the book is intended to combine the pedagogical approach of a graduate textbook (without exercises) with the completeness and reliability of a research monograph... All the material, with few exceptions, is presented from the peculiar point of view of special polyhedra and special spines of 3-manifolds. This choice contributes to keep the level of the exposition really elementary. In conclusion, the reviewer subscribes to the quotation from the back cover: "the book fills a gap in the existing literature and will become a standard reference for algorithmic 3-dimensional topology both for graduate students and researchers." Zentralblatt fur Mathematik 2004 For this 2nd edition, new results, new proofs, and commentaries for a better orientation of the reader have been added. In particular, in Chapter 7 several new sections concerning applications of the computer program "3-Manifold Recognizer" have been included. " |
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