Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Financial law > General
Der anglo-amerikanische Einfluss auf die deutsche Rechtspraxis,
insbesondere im Bereich der Unternehmenskaufvertrage, ist in den
vergangenen beiden Dekaden stetig gewachsen. Die Durchfuhrung einer
Due Diligence ist geradezu selbstverstandlich, wobei die
erforderlichen Informationen lediglich das Management der
Zielgesellschaft selbst geben kann. Falls dieses zur Durchfuhrung
der Due Diligence nicht bereit ist, beruft es sich auf seine
Pflicht zur Geheimhaltung und dem entgegenstehenden
"Unternehmensinteresse". Die Autorin untersucht diesen Konflikt
nach den unterschiedlichen Regeln fur Aktiengesellschaft,
Gesellschaft mbH und KG sowie fur kapitalmarktaktive
Die Arbeit untersucht den aktuell bestehenden rechtlichen Rahmen
zur Anwendung des steuerlichen Nationalitatsprinzips und die
Bedeutung der Staatsangehoerigkeit im deutschen Steuerrecht. Dabei
stellt die Autorin die verfassungsrechtlichen, (allgemeinen)
voelkerrechtlichen, abkommensrechtlichen und europarechtlichen
Schranken der Anknupfung der Steuerpflicht an die
Staatsangehoerigkeit dar und diskutiert die zu erwartenden
Aufsichts- und Vollzugsdefizite bei der praktischen Umsetzung
dieser Anknupfung.
The recent financial crisis proved that pre-existing arrangements
for the governance of global markets were flawed. With reform
underway in the USA, the EU and elsewhere, Emilios Avgouleas
explores some of the questions associated with building an
effective governance system and analyses the evolution of existing
structures. By critiquing the soft law structures dominating
international financial regulation and examining the roles of
financial innovation and the neo-liberal policies in the expansion
of global financial markets, he offers a new epistemological
reading of the causes of the global financial crisis. Requisite
reforms leave serious gaps in cross-border supervision, in the
resolution of global financial institutions and in the monitoring
of risk originating in the shadow banking sector. To close these
gaps and safeguard the stability of the international financial
system, an evolutionary governance system is proposed that will
also enhance the welfare role of global financial markets.
Modern financial systems rely on robust infrastructures to support
efficient and resilient markets. Trading venues, clearinghouses,
securities depositories, and trade repositories are the building
blocks of the financial market architecture. Financial market
infrastructures (FMIs) have been central in the post-crisis reform
of global and domestic financial markets, with lawmakers closely
regulating FMIs in the aftermath of the financial crisis. This book
systematically analyses the current regulatory landscape of FMIs,
specifically in the areas of trading and post-trading services in
financial instruments. The legal regime for FMIs is complex due to
the many relevant regulations and implementing measures. The
comprehensive and cross-border approach of this book, covering both
the EU and the US regimes, supports lawyers in understanding the
law relevant to each step of a securities and financial
transaction. The dual perspective taken in the book, covering both
transactional and institutional aspects, deepens that understanding
further. The volume is organized in three main parts introduced by
a general discussion on the economic and legal evolution of FMIs.
Parts I and II address trading and post-trading infrastructures and
services in the securities and derivatives markets. Part III
explains contemporary issues and challenges observable across a
wide range of activities in both trading and post-trading services.
Financial Market Infrastructures fills a void in the literature on
FMIs, providing a comprehensive source of reference to the legal
and regulatory framework. Trading venues and post-trading services
in financial instruments are critical for the modern financial
markets, and their economic and systemic relevance is fully
analysed in this new work creating a valuable reference source for
legal practitioners and scholars working in financial regulation.
The ultimate goal of competition law is to promote competition and,
in most jurisdictions, to enhance consumer welfare. Competition
policy may be set aside due to special and exceptional
circumstances, such as a financial crisis that threatens the
stability of an economy. It is therefore important to have a clear
understanding of competition law and the exceptions to it. The key
issue that this book addresses is whether a financial crisis can
justify the adoption of a more lenient approach to established
legal standards as a result of the risks of the systemic crisis to
the entire market. It provides an analysis of exceptions to
competition law and policy, particularly in the context of a
financial crisis, explores the rationale of competition law in the
light of conflicting interests, and serves as a valuable practical
guide for policy makers as well as practitioners in the field.
This overview of a complex and often misunderstood subject takes
the reader through the issues that are faced throughout the life
cycle of a private equity investment, from the identification of an
opportunity, through the various stages of the transaction and the
lifetime of the investment, to the eventual exit by the investor.
The analysis of key documentation and legal issues covers company
law, employment law, pensions, taxation, debt funding and
competition law, taking into account recent legal developments such
as the Companies Act 2006, the recent emergence of private equity
in the UK and the challenges faced by the industry as a result of
the financial crisis.
Wirtschaftskriminalitat ist eine ernstzunehmende und oft noch
unterschatzte komplexe Bedrohung fur viele Unternehmen in der
globalisierten Wirtschaftswelt. Oft werden insbesondere die Risiken
aus der wachsenden Computerkriminalitat und der Wirtschaftsspionage
unterschatzt. Das Kompendium zeigt ausgehend von authentischen
Fallen aktuelle Begehensweisen ebenso auf, wie die typische
wirtschaftskriminelle Basismethodik, deren Kenntnis wichtig ist, um
die standig neu variierten Angriffsmethoden zu erkennen.
Insbesondere wird praxisnah aufgezeigt, wie sich Unternehmen vor
allem durch wirksame Sensibilisierungs- und Kontrollmassnahmen
sowie eine effiziente Interne Revision vor Wirtschaftskriminalitat
in unterschiedlichen internen und externen Auspragungsformen
schutzen koennen.
"The richness, clarity and nuances of the structure and methodology
followed by the contributors make the book a very valuable tool for
students... seeking to obtain a general understanding of the market
and how it is regulated." - Ligia Catherine Arias Barrera, Banking
& Finance Law Review The fully updated edition of this
user-friendly textbook continues to systematise the European law
governing capital markets and examines the underlying concepts from
a broadly interdisciplinary perspective. The 3rd edition deals with
3 central developments: the project of the capital markets union;
sustainable finance; and the further digitalisation of financial
instruments and securities markets. The 1st chapter deals with the
foundations of capital markets law in Europe, the 2nd explains the
basics, and the 3rd examines the regime on market abuse. Chapter 4
explores the disclosure system and chapter 5 short-selling and
high-frequency trading. The role of intermediaries, such as
financial analysts, rating agencies, and proxy advisers, is
described in chapter 6. Chapter 7 explains compliance and corporate
governance in investment firms and chapter 8 illustrates the
regulation of benchmarks. Finally, chapter 9 deals with public
takeovers. Throughout the book emphasis is placed on legal
practice, and frequent reference is made to the key decisions of
supervisory authorities and courts. This is essential reading for
students involved in the study of capital markets law and financial
Companion website: www.oup.com/dewar Now in its third edition,
International Project Finance is the definitive guide to legal and
practical issues relating to international projects. The book
considers the application of English and New York law in
cross-border documentation and legal and practical matters
associated with running financing projects in civil law
jurisdictions. Different sources of funding are also examined, such
as banking and international bond documentation, and Islamic
financing practice, in particular the use of Murabaha financing
techniques and Sukuk (Islamic bond) market. This includes the legal
and documentation issues arising from the use of such financing
techniques and how they interact with each other from a legal and
contractual perspective. Equally significant, the book provides
analysis of project defaults and work-outs giving guidance on how
to manage projects when these circumstances arise. The book also
contains extensive coverage of dispute resolution in international
projects. New to this edition is a chapter on development finance
institutions covering the work of bodies such as the World Bank and
the African Development Bank. This chapter explains the key roles
played by these institutions in international project finance,
especially in emerging markets. It covers the key policy issues and
the impact of such policies on project finance documentation. As
well as addressing the basic principles which affect the
structuring and documentation of project financings, the book also
explains structural, legal and contractual differences between the
various sectors such as transportation, infrastructure/Public
Private Partnerships, conventional, renewable and nuclear power,
mining, and oil and gas. Telcommunications, including broadband,
are covered in more detail in a separate section for this edition
This book provides the context of international project finance
which underpins the understanding of legal analysis in this area.
It includes detailed guidance on practical issues such as the
identification and assessment of project risk, together with
relevant documentation such as risk matrices and checklists
covering both key project contracts and the major terms of a
project financing. With its focus on international projects and
emphasis on the practical application of the law, this book is an
essential reference work for all practitioners in the field.
International Project Finance 3e Digital Pack includes a copy of
the hardback and a digital version available on PC, Mac, Android
devices, iPad or iPhone for quick and easy access wherever you are.
Der anhaltende Strukturwandel in der Landwirtschaft hat
insbesondere in dem vergangenen Jahrzehnt zu einer VerAnderung des
agrarpolitischen Leitbildes gefA1/4hrt. Der bAuerliche
Familienbetrieb wird unter betriebswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten
seine Bedeutung zunehmend verlieren. Dagegen wird das leistungs-
und wettbewerbsfAhige Unternehmen im lAndlichen Raum in den
Mittelpunkt der zukA1/4nftigen Agrarpolitik von Nationalstaaten und
EuropAischer Gemeinschaft treten. Diese Entwicklung wird durch die
haushaltspolitischen ZwAnge sowie den handelspolitischen Druck im
Rahmen der WTO noch verstArkt. Vor diesem Hintergrund
A1/4berprA1/4ft der Autor, ob das nach wie vor zur Anwendung
kommende Agrarsonderrecht obsolet geworden oder aufgrund seiner
Aoebereinstimmung mit dem fA1/4r die Unternehmen der A1/4brigen
Wirtschaftsbereiche geltenden Recht durch diese zu ersetzen ist.
Lex Petrolea and International Investment Law: Law and Practice in
the Persian Gulf offers readers a detailed analysis of
jurisprudence on the settlement of upstream petroleum disputes
between host states in the Persian Gulf and foreign investors. Dr
Nima Mersadi Tabari considers the historical, political, and
socio-economic roots of the existing frameworks and levels of
protection offered to foreign investors. With particular focus on
petroleum-related disputes, he initially delivers a comprehensive
survey of the jurisprudence of international investment law and
investment treaty arbitration. Following on from this, in three
dedicated chapters, the author provides in-depth analysis of the
legal regimes governing the matter in the major producers of the
region: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. A key resource for all
professionals working on legal issues arising from foreign direct
investments in natural resources, this book draws a detailed
picture of the legal regime governing the upstream sector in the
most important geographical region for the international oil and
gas sector.