Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Financial law > General
Wirtschaftskriminalitat ist eine ernstzunehmende und oft noch
unterschatzte komplexe Bedrohung fur viele Unternehmen in der
globalisierten Wirtschaftswelt. Oft werden insbesondere die Risiken
aus der wachsenden Computerkriminalitat und der Wirtschaftsspionage
unterschatzt. Das Kompendium zeigt ausgehend von authentischen
Fallen aktuelle Begehensweisen ebenso auf, wie die typische
wirtschaftskriminelle Basismethodik, deren Kenntnis wichtig ist, um
die standig neu variierten Angriffsmethoden zu erkennen.
Insbesondere wird praxisnah aufgezeigt, wie sich Unternehmen vor
allem durch wirksame Sensibilisierungs- und Kontrollmassnahmen
sowie eine effiziente Interne Revision vor Wirtschaftskriminalitat
in unterschiedlichen internen und externen Auspragungsformen
schutzen koennen.
Lex Petrolea and International Investment Law: Law and Practice in
the Persian Gulf offers readers a detailed analysis of
jurisprudence on the settlement of upstream petroleum disputes
between host states in the Persian Gulf and foreign investors. Dr
Nima Mersadi Tabari considers the historical, political, and
socio-economic roots of the existing frameworks and levels of
protection offered to foreign investors. With particular focus on
petroleum-related disputes, he initially delivers a comprehensive
survey of the jurisprudence of international investment law and
investment treaty arbitration. Following on from this, in three
dedicated chapters, the author provides in-depth analysis of the
legal regimes governing the matter in the major producers of the
region: Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran. A key resource for all
professionals working on legal issues arising from foreign direct
investments in natural resources, this book draws a detailed
picture of the legal regime governing the upstream sector in the
most important geographical region for the international oil and
gas sector.
Der anhaltende Strukturwandel in der Landwirtschaft hat
insbesondere in dem vergangenen Jahrzehnt zu einer VerAnderung des
agrarpolitischen Leitbildes gefA1/4hrt. Der bAuerliche
Familienbetrieb wird unter betriebswirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten
seine Bedeutung zunehmend verlieren. Dagegen wird das leistungs-
und wettbewerbsfAhige Unternehmen im lAndlichen Raum in den
Mittelpunkt der zukA1/4nftigen Agrarpolitik von Nationalstaaten und
EuropAischer Gemeinschaft treten. Diese Entwicklung wird durch die
haushaltspolitischen ZwAnge sowie den handelspolitischen Druck im
Rahmen der WTO noch verstArkt. Vor diesem Hintergrund
A1/4berprA1/4ft der Autor, ob das nach wie vor zur Anwendung
kommende Agrarsonderrecht obsolet geworden oder aufgrund seiner
Aoebereinstimmung mit dem fA1/4r die Unternehmen der A1/4brigen
Wirtschaftsbereiche geltenden Recht durch diese zu ersetzen ist.
Regulation and Deregulation is a revised version of papers
presented at the Oxford Law Colloquium held at St John's College,
Oxford, in March 1998. The Colloquium, organised by the Norton Rose
M5 Group and the Faculty of Law of the University of Oxford,
provided a meeting place for discussion between practitioners and
academics interested in regulation. This book makes available to a
wider audience the fruits of those discussions. Current themes in
the debate about how best to regulate are explored, concentrating
in particular on the regulation of utilities and of the banking and
financial services industry. Regulation and deregulation are of
considerable, and increasing, importance in Britain and the wider
world. This stimulating book will be welcomed by practising and
academic lawyers in the regulations field, especially those
concerned with the books particular areas of focus.
This book explains how the self regulatory system for U.S.
securities firms works with three tiers of supervision. Overseeing
the whole system is the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
which directly supervises the self-regulatory organizations such as
the New York Stock Exchange and the National Association of
Securities Dealers. In turn, these self-regulatory organizations
oversee the broker-dealers who conduct the daily business of buying
and selling securities. The system relies heavily on the firms'
internal supervisory systems to prevent violations of securities
laws, since they are in the best position to track their own
internal activities. Firms may be fined, or subject to even more
stringent penalties, if their supervisory systems fail. This book
is an in-depth examination of how this regulatory system works, the
types of regulatory problems with which broker-dealer firms must
deal, why some firms have more problems than others, and what the
experience with the system suggests about ways of improving self
regulatory systems generally.
Fully updated by a team of expert practitioners, this third edition
of European Securities Law continues to provide a comprehensive
source of knowledge, and practical know-how, about the regulation
and operation of the securities markets in Europe. The opening of
the work provides the reader with a critical overview of the
European legislative process and regulatory framework in the
context of public and private capital-raising activities (equity
and debt), trading activities, takeovers of publicly traded
companies, and the associated liabilities. The implications of the
recent EU Prospectus Regulation and the EU Market Abuse Regulation
are discussed, as well as the Transparency Directive, the Takeover
Directive and the MiFID regimes. Particular considerations for
non-EU issuers are also considered, including the position of the
UK following Brexit. Part II examines the practicalities of
planning and conducting the most common types of transactions under
the applicable regulation, highlighting the ways in which key
issues, concerns and uncertainties are dealt with by experienced
professionals. Key elements of the processes of selected EU Member
States are discussed throughout, and a useful chart outlines the
process involved in passporting a prospectus into different EU
Member States. Part II also features a chapter new to this edition,
covering the ongoing development of the high yield bond market in
Europe. In Part III, a country-by-country analysis covers specific
issues that arise in eleven of the most significant EU Member
States (and the United Kingdom) exploring matters of national
legislation as well as interpretation and implementation of EU
legislation by those EU Member States. The UK chapter considers the
implications of Brexit for market players in the United Kingdom and
Europe. This work is an essential resource for all lawyers advising
on securities transactions and financial and securities laws,
whether for clients based in Europe or for non-EU issuers in
A team of scholars with backgrounds in criminology, sociology,
economics, business, government regulation, and law examine the
historical, social, and cultural causes of the 2008 economic
crisis. Essays probe the workings of the toxic subprime loan
industry, the role of external auditors, the consequences of Wall
Street deregulation, the manipulations of alpha hedge fund
managers, and the "Ponzi-like" culture of contemporary capitalism.
They unravel modern finance's complex schematics and highlight
their susceptibility to corruption, fraud, and outright
racketeering. They examine the involvement of enablers, including
accountants, lawyers, credit rating agencies, and regulatory
workers, who failed to protect the public interest and enforce
existing checks and balances. While the United States was "ground
zero" of the meltdown, the financial crimes of other countries
intensified the disaster. Internationally-focused essays consider
bad practices in China and the European property markets and draw
attention to the far-reaching consequences of transnational money
laundering and tax evasion schemes. By approaching the 2008 crisis
from the perspective of white collar criminology, contributors
build a more general understanding of the collapse and crystallize
the multiple human and institutional factors preventing capture of
even the worst offenders.