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Books > Computing & IT > Social & legal aspects of computing > Impact of computing & IT on society
An examination of the social impact of the Internet, this volume explores political, social, technical, legal, and economic controversies in a manner accessible to the general reader. Today more than one billion people worldwide use the Internet for communication, shopping, business, and research. But in the last five years they have lost over $10 billion to malicious computer attacks alone. Is there a way to keep the benefits and avoid the problems? The Internet and Society: A Reference Handbook explores both the positive aspects of the Internet and its darker side. Topically organized, it chronicles the background and history of the Internet, with a focus on the 1960s and beyond. Through analysis of the latest research in sociology, political science, economics, law, and computer science, it examines problems, varieties of cybercrime, controversies, and solutions related to the Internet's phenomenal growth. It also illuminates the likely directions of the Internet's future and the ongoing challenges it presents to societies around the globe. A glossary of key terms, such as algorithm, ARPAnet, Hyper Text Markup Language, identity theft, Internet protocol, malicious mode, and Moore's law, helps readers find their bearings in the high-tech world of the Internet Bibliographical sketches of 20 key personalities-both positive and negative-in Internet history bring this high-tech story to life
The development of information and communication technologies enables dynamic social interaction through computer-mediated communication. Interpersonal Relations and Social Patterns in Communication Technologies: Discourse Norms, Language Structures and Cultural Variables describes the growing proliferation of CMC applications and the need for new perspectives, methods and tools for research and practice. This reference work explores the conceptual foundations of computer-mediated interaction, language action and discourse features in various CMC contexts. Uncovering the fundamental components of CMC and looking at interdisciplinary perspectives through a variety of research methods, this book is ideal for researchers, academics, and practitioners interested in information and communication technologies in respect to online social interactions and discourse.
Modern society has been transformed by the digital convergence towards a future where technologies embed themselves into the fabric of everyday life. This ongoing merging of social and technological infrastructures provides and necessitates new possibilities to renovate past notions, models and methods of information systems development that accommodates humans as actors within the infrastructure. This shift introduces new possibilities for information systems designers to fulfil more and more everyday functions, and to enhance their value and worth to the user. Reframing Humans in Information Systems Development aims to reframe the phenomenon of human-centered development of information systems by connecting scientific constructs produced within the field of information systems which has recently provided a plethora of multidisciplinary user views, without explicitly defining clear constructs that serve the IS field in particular. IS researchers, practitioners and students would benefit from Reframing Humans in Information Systems Development as the book provides a comprehensive view to various human-centered development methods and approaches. The representatives of the fields of Human-Computer Interaction and Computer Supported Collaborative Work will also find this book an excellent resource. A theoretical handbook and collection of practical experiences, are included along with critical discussions of the utilization methods in ISD and their implications with some interconnecting commentary viewpoints.
The advancement of technologies in the 20th century has radically transformed the interconnectedness of humans, science, and technology within an evolving society. Evolving Issues Surrounding Technoethics and Society in the Digital Age serves as an interdisciplinary base of scholarly contributions on the subject of technoethics, a field that deals with current and future problems that arise at the intersection of science, technological innovation, and human life and society. This premier reference work leverages ethical analysis, risk analysis, technology evaluation, and the combination of ethical and technological analyses within a variety of real life decision-making contexts, appealing to scholars and technology experts working in new areas of technology research where social and ethical issues emerge.
As democracy encounters increasing difficulties, many citizens are turning to the domain of alternative politics and, in doing so, making considerable use of the Web and other new communication technologies. Clearly this is having significant impact, and new modes of political participation and even political cultures are emerging. In this volume, Peter Dahlgren analyses various factors that shape such Web-facilitated participation, including features of the Web itself as well as broader societal realities.
This volume contains the proceedings of IFIPTM 2010, the 4th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference on Trust Management, held in Morioka, Iwate, Japan during June 16-18, 2010. IFIPTM 2010 provided a truly global platform for the reporting of research, development, policy, and practice in the interdependent arrears of privacy, se- rity, and trust. Building on the traditions inherited from the highly succe- ful iTrust conference series, the IFIPTM 2007 conference in Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada, the IFIPTM 2008 conference in Trondheim, Norway, and the IFIPTM 2009 conference at Purdue University in Indiana, USA, IFIPTM 2010 focused on trust, privacy and security from multidisciplinary persp- tives. The conference is an arena for discussion on relevant problems from both research and practice in the areas of academia, business, and government. IFIPTM 2010 was an open IFIP conference. The program of the conference featured both theoretical research papers and reports of real-world case studies. IFIPTM 2010 received 61 submissions from 25 di?erent countries: Japan (10), UK (6), USA (6), Canada (5), Germany (5), China (3), Denmark (2), India (2), Italy (2), Luxembourg (2), The Netherlands (2), Switzerland (2), Taiwan (2), Austria, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Israel, Korea, Malaysia, Norway, Singapore, Spain, Turkey. The Program Committee selected 18 full papers for presentation and inclusion in the proceedings. In addition, the program and the proceedings include two invited papers by academic experts in the ?elds of trust management, privacy and security, namely, Toshio Yamagishi and Pamela Briggs
1 2 D. Avison andS. Conger Wewerehonoredtobeaskedtoopenthe5thConferenceoftheItalianChapterof theAssociationforInformationSystems(ItAIS)inPariswhichtookplaceovertwo daysinDecember2008. Thegoalofthechapteristopromotetheexchangeof ideas,experiences,andknowledgeamongscholarsandprofessionalsengagedin thedevelopment,management,anduseofinformationandcommunicationss- temsandtechnology. Thisconferencewasoneofaround30conferences,consortia andworkshopsthattookplaceimmediatelybeforetheInternationalConferencein InformationSystems(ICIS2008). AsPresidentoftheAISandtheVice-PresidentAISforChaptersandSpecial InterestGroups,wewereparticularlydelightedtoparticipateastheItalianChapter oftheAIShasprovensosuccessful. Howeverwewerenotreadyfortheexcellent attendance and outstanding presentations that are re?ected in this volume that represents the best of the conference. Further, the conference highlighted both researchandpractice. Toooften,conferencesinISdonotevidencetheimpactof research on practice. The conference chairs, Alessandro D'Atri and Domenico ' Sacca,alongwiththeorganizingandprogramcommittees,deserveourgratitude forthesuccessoftheeventandtheexcellenceofthisvolume. TheconferencetracksthatincludedE-ServicesinPublicandPrivateSectors, Governance,MetricsandEconomicsofIT,InformationandKnowledgeMana- ment,ISDevelopmentandDesignMethodologies,ISTheoryandResearchMe- odologies,LegalandethicalaspectsofIS,NewthemesandfrontiersinISStudies, Organizational change and Impact of IT, Human Computer Interaction and the StrategicroleofIS,notonlyprovideacrosssectionofItalianresearchinISbut researchinISmoregenerally. Itiscommonthatourresearchinformsourcla- rooms,andifthisconferenceisanyevidence,ItalianITprogramsshould?ourish. ItisimportantfortheAISthatregionalandcountrygroupsarefosteredandgrow asthishelpstoensurethatthedisciplinedevelopsnewideasandisin?uencedby diverseresearchandscholarshipcontributions. TheItalianchapterisamodelfor 1 PresidentoftheAIS2008-2009,ESSECBusinessSchool,France,avi-son@essec. fr 2 AISVicePresidentSIGsandChapters2007-2010,UniversityofDallas,USA,sconger@aol. com v vi Foreword chaptersuccessandwehopetheItalianchaptercanhelpleadthewayindeveloping regionalgroupsaswell. Inexaminingthisvolume,thereadermightaskwhether thereissomethingdifferentaboutItalianresearchand,moregenerally,research fromtheMediterraneanarea(thereisafourthMediterraneanConferenceinInf- mationSystems(MCIS)inAthensinOctober2009). Thisvolumeofpapersisa goodplacetostartansweringthatquestion. Contents Introduction...1 AlessandroD'1 2 D. Avison andS. Conger Wewerehonoredtobeaskedtoopenthe5thConferenceoftheItalianChapterof theAssociationforInformationSystems(ItAIS)inPariswhichtookplaceovertwo daysinDecember2008. Thegoalofthechapteristopromotetheexchangeof ideas,experiences,andknowledgeamongscholarsandprofessionalsengagedin thedevelopment,management,anduseofinformationandcommunicationss- temsandtechnology. Thisconferencewasoneofaround30conferences,consortia andworkshopsthattookplaceimmediatelybeforetheInternationalConferencein InformationSystems(ICIS2008). AsPresidentoftheAISandtheVice-PresidentAISforChaptersandSpecial InterestGroups,wewereparticularlydelightedtoparticipateastheItalianChapter oftheAIShasprovensosuccessful. Howeverwewerenotreadyfortheexcellent attendance and outstanding presentations that are re?ected in this volume that represents the best of the conference. Further, the conference highlighted both researchandpractice. Toooften,conferencesinISdonotevidencetheimpactof research on practice. The conference chairs, Alessandro D'Atri and Domenico ' Sacca,alongwiththeorganizingandprogramcommittees,deserveourgratitude forthesuccessoftheeventandtheexcellenceofthisvolume. TheconferencetracksthatincludedE-ServicesinPublicandPrivateSectors, Governance,MetricsandEconomicsofIT,InformationandKnowledgeMana- ment,ISDevelopmentandDesignMethodologies,ISTheoryandResearchMe- odologies,LegalandethicalaspectsofIS,NewthemesandfrontiersinISStudies, Organizational change and Impact of IT, Human Computer Interaction and the StrategicroleofIS,notonlyprovideacrosssectionofItalianresearchinISbut researchinISmoregenerally. Itiscommonthatourresearchinformsourcla- rooms,andifthisconferenceisanyevidence,ItalianITprogramsshould?ourish. ItisimportantfortheAISthatregionalandcountrygroupsarefosteredandgrow asthishelpstoensurethatthedisciplinedevelopsnewideasandisin?uencedby diverseresearchandscholarshipcontributions. TheItalianchapterisamodelfor 1 PresidentoftheAIS2008-2009,ESSECBusinessSchool,France,avi-son@essec. fr 2 AISVicePresidentSIGsandChapters2007-2010,UniversityofDallas,USA,sconger@aol. com v vi Foreword chaptersuccessandwehopetheItalianchaptercanhelpleadthewayindeveloping regionalgroupsaswell. Inexaminingthisvolume,thereadermightaskwhether thereissomethingdifferentaboutItalianresearchand,moregenerally,research fromtheMediterraneanarea(thereisafourthMediterraneanConferenceinInf- mationSystems(MCIS)inAthensinOctober2009). Thisvolumeofpapersisa goodplacetostartansweringthatquestion. Contents Introduction...1 AlessandroD'AtriandDomenicoSacca' PartI E-ServicesinPublicandPrivateSectors InformationTechnology,MarketingandOrganizationalFactor inCorporatee-banking:AQualitativeResearch ...7 DanielaPettinao TheRoleofCustomerInvolvementinLibraryE?services ...15 AdaScupolaandHanneWesthNicolajsen TechnologyasaToolofTransformation:e-Cities andtheRuleofLaw ...23 JohnM. EgerandAndreaMaggipinto UserRealitiesandtheFutureofe-governmentServices ...31 KonstadinosKutsikosandGerasimosKontos TheUseofWebServicesforInclusiveDecisionProcess: TowardstheEnhancementofe-Democracy ...39 FrancescaCabiddu TheChallengesofe-governmentEvaluation ...49 MaddalenaSorrentino IntegrationofDifferentOrganizationsandStakeholders inE-servicesDesignandImplementation:theCase oftheSpiderCard ...5 7 MariaChiaraDiGuardoandIoneZuccarello vii viii Contents B2GElectronicInvoicingasEnforcedHighImpact Service:OpenIssues...65 PietroLucaAgostiniandRaffaellaNaggi NetworkOutcomeasTriggerfortheEvolutionofaDesign Network:CoordinationProcessesBetweenActors andObjects...73 FrancescoBoliciandFrancescoVirili GovernanceandOrganizationalAspectsofanExperimental GroupwareintheItalianPublicAdministrationtoSupport Multi-InstitutionalPartnerships...81 NunzioCasalinoandMauroDraoli BusinessProcessModellingWithintheCycleofContinuous Improvement ...91 LindaPacicco,AurelioRavarini,andFedericoPigni InformationExtractionfromMultimediaDocuments fore-GovernmentApplications...101 F. Amato,A. Mazzeo,V. Moscato,andA. Picariello PartII Governance,MetricsandEconomicsofIT OperationsStrategyofSmallSoftwareFirmsUsingOpen SourceSoftware...111 BernhardGlatt,AlbertoSillitti,andGiancarloSucci ITValueinPublicAdministrations:AModelProposal fore-Procurement ...121 AlessioMariaBracciniandTommasoFederici ValueAssessmentofEnterpriseContentManagement Systems:AProcess-OrientedApproach ...131 J. vomBrocke,A. Simons,C. Sonnenberg,P. L. Agostini,andA. Zardini AMaintenanceMetricModelforOpenSourceGovernance ...1 39 PasqualeArdimento,GiovanniBruno,DaniloCaivano,andMartaCimitile KeyPerformanceIndicatorstoRelateKnowledge GovernancewithKnowledgeProcess ...147 P. Ardimento,M. T. Baldassarre,M. Cimitile,andG. Mastelloni Contents ix MeasuringDataQualityWhenApplyingDataSwappingand Perturbation...157 G. CanforaandC. A. Visaggio VirtualEnterpriseTransactions:ACostModel ...165 A. D'1 2 D. Avison andS. Conger Wewerehonoredtobeaskedtoopenthe5thConferenceoftheItalianChapterof theAssociationforInformationSystems(ItAIS)inPariswhichtookplaceovertwo daysinDecember2008. Thegoalofthechapteristopromotetheexchangeof ideas,experiences,andknowledgeamongscholarsandprofessionalsengagedin thedevelopment,management,anduseofinformationandcommunicationss- temsandtechnology. Thisconferencewasoneofaround30conferences,consortia andworkshopsthattookplaceimmediatelybeforetheInternationalConferencein InformationSystems(ICIS2008). AsPresidentoftheAISandtheVice-PresidentAISforChaptersandSpecial InterestGroups,wewereparticularlydelightedtoparticipateastheItalianChapter oftheAIShasprovensosuccessful. Howeverwewerenotreadyfortheexcellent attendance and outstanding presentations that are re?ected in this volume that represents the best of the conference. Further, the conference highlighted both researchandpractice. Toooften,conferencesinISdonotevidencetheimpactof research on practice. The conference chairs, Alessandro D'Atri and Domenico ' Sacca,alongwiththeorganizingandprogramcommittees,deserveourgratitude forthesuccessoftheeventandtheexcellenceofthisvolume. TheconferencetracksthatincludedE-ServicesinPublicandPrivateSectors, Governance,MetricsandEconomicsofIT,InformationandKnowledgeMana- ment,ISDevelopmentandDesignMethodologies,ISTheoryandResearchMe- odologies,LegalandethicalaspectsofIS,NewthemesandfrontiersinISStudies, Organizational change and Impact of IT, Human Computer Interaction and the StrategicroleofIS,notonlyprovideacrosssectionofItalianresearchinISbut researchinISmoregenerally. Itiscommonthatourresearchinformsourcla- rooms,andifthisconferenceisanyevidence,ItalianITprogramsshould?ourish. ItisimportantfortheAISthatregionalandcountrygroupsarefosteredandgrow asthishelpstoensurethatthedisciplinedevelopsnewideasandisin?uencedby diverseresearchandscholarshipcontributions. TheItalianchapterisamodelfor 1 PresidentoftheAIS2008-2009,ESSECBusinessSchool,France,avi-son@essec. fr 2 AISVicePresidentSIGsandChapters2007-2010,UniversityofDallas,USA,sconger@aol. com v vi Foreword chaptersuccessandwehopetheItalianchaptercanhelpleadthewayindeveloping regionalgroupsaswell. Inexaminingthisvolume,thereadermightaskwhether thereissomethingdifferentaboutItalianresearchand,moregenerally,research fromtheMediterraneanarea(thereisafourthMediterraneanConferenceinInf- mationSystems(MCIS)inAthensinOctober2009). Thisvolumeofpapersisa goodplacetostartansweringthatquestion. Contents Introduction...1 AlessandroD'AtriandDomenicoSacca' PartI E-ServicesinPublicandPrivateSectors InformationTechnology,MarketingandOrganizationalFactor inCorporatee-banking:AQualitativeResearch ...7 DanielaPettinao TheRoleofCustomerInvolvementinLibraryE?services ...15 AdaScupolaandHanneWesthNicolajsen TechnologyasaToolofTransformation:e-Cities andtheRuleofLaw ...23 JohnM. EgerandAndreaMaggipinto UserRealitiesandtheFutureofe-governmentServices ...31 KonstadinosKutsikosandGerasimosKontos TheUseofWebServicesforInclusiveDecisionProcess: TowardstheEnhancementofe-Democracy ...39 FrancescaCabiddu TheChallengesofe-governmentEvaluation ...49 MaddalenaSorrentino IntegrationofDifferentOrganizationsandStakeholders inE-servicesDesignandImplementation:theCase oftheSpiderCard ...5 7 MariaChiaraDiGuardoandIoneZuccarello vii viii Contents B2GElectronicInvoicingasEnforcedHighImpact Service:OpenIssues...65 PietroLucaAgostiniandRaffaellaNaggi NetworkOutcomeasTriggerfortheEvolutionofaDesign Network:CoordinationProcessesBetweenActors andObjects...73 FrancescoBoliciandFrancescoVirili GovernanceandOrganizationalAspectsofanExperimental GroupwareintheItalianPublicAdministrationtoSupport Multi-InstitutionalPartnerships...81 NunzioCasalinoandMauroDraoli BusinessProcessModellingWithintheCycleofContinuous Improvement ...91 LindaPacicco,AurelioRavarini,andFedericoPigni InformationExtractionfromMultimediaDocuments fore-GovernmentApplications...101 F. Amato,A. Mazzeo,V. Moscato,andA. Picariello PartII Governance,MetricsandEconomicsofIT OperationsStrategyofSmallSoftwareFirmsUsingOpen SourceSoftware...111 BernhardGlatt,AlbertoSillitti,andGiancarloSucci ITValueinPublicAdministrations:AModelProposal fore-Procurement ...121 AlessioMariaBracciniandTommasoFederici ValueAssessmentofEnterpriseContentManagement Systems:AProcess-OrientedApproach ...131 J. vomBrocke,A. Simons,C. Sonnenberg,P. L. Agostini,andA. Zardini AMaintenanceMetricModelforOpenSourceGovernance ...1 39 PasqualeArdimento,GiovanniBruno,DaniloCaivano,andMartaCimitile KeyPerformanceIndicatorstoRelateKnowledge GovernancewithKnowledgeProcess ...147 P. Ardimento,M. T. Baldassarre,M. Cimitile,andG. Mastelloni Contents ix MeasuringDataQualityWhenApplyingDataSwappingand Perturbation...157 G. CanforaandC. A. Visaggio VirtualEnterpriseTransactions:ACostModel ...165 A. D'AtriandDomenicoSacca' PartI E-ServicesinPublicandPrivateSectors InformationTechnology,MarketingandOrganizationalFactor inCorporatee-banking:AQualitativeResearch ...7 DanielaPettinao TheRoleofCustomerInvolvementinLibraryE?services ...15 AdaScupolaandHanneWesthNicolajsen TechnologyasaToolofTransformation:e-Cities andtheRuleofLaw ...23 JohnM. EgerandAndreaMaggipinto UserRealitiesandtheFutureofe-governmentServices ...31 KonstadinosKutsikosandGerasimosKontos TheUseofWebServicesforInclusiveDecisionProcess: TowardstheEnhancementofe-Democracy ...39 FrancescaCabiddu TheChallengesofe-governmentEvaluation ...49 MaddalenaSorrentino IntegrationofDifferentOrganizationsandStakeholders inE-servicesDesignandImplementation:theCase oftheSpiderCard ...5 7 MariaChiaraDiGuardoandIoneZuccarello vii viii Contents B2GElectronicInvoicingasEnforcedHighImpact Service:OpenIssues...65 PietroLucaAgostiniandRaffaellaNaggi NetworkOutcomeasTriggerfortheEvolutionofaDesign Network:CoordinationProcessesBetweenActors andObjects...73 FrancescoBoliciandFrancescoVirili GovernanceandOrganizationalAspectsofanExperimental GroupwareintheItalianPublicAdministrationtoSupport Multi-InstitutionalPartnerships...81 NunzioCasalinoandMauroDraoli BusinessProcessModellingWithintheCycleofContinuous Improvement ...91 LindaPacicco,AurelioRavarini,andFedericoPigni InformationExtractionfromMultimediaDocuments fore-GovernmentApplications...101 F. Amato,A. Mazzeo,V. Moscato,andA. Picariello PartII Governance,MetricsandEconomicsofIT OperationsStrategyofSmallSoftwareFirmsUsingOpen SourceSoftware...111 BernhardGlatt,AlbertoSillitti,andGiancarloSucci ITValueinPublicAdministrations:AModelProposal fore-Procurement ...121 AlessioMariaBracciniandTommasoFederici ValueAssessmentofEnterpriseContentManagement Systems:AProcess-OrientedApproach ...131 J. vomBrocke,A. Simons,C. Sonnenberg,P. L. Agostini,andA. Zardini AMaintenanceMetricModelforOpenSourceGovernance ...1 39 PasqualeArdimento,GiovanniBruno,DaniloCaivano,andMartaCimitile KeyPerformanceIndicatorstoRelateKnowledge GovernancewithKnowledgeProcess ...147 P. Ardimento,M. T. Baldassarre,M. Cimitile,andG. Mastelloni Contents ix MeasuringDataQualityWhenApplyingDataSwappingand Perturbation...157 G. CanforaandC. A. Visaggio VirtualEnterpriseTransactions:ACostModel ...165 A. D'AtriandA. Motro PartIII InformationandKnowledgeManagement EffectiveStorageofSemanticWebData...177 RobertoDeVirgilio,PierluigiDelNostro,GiorgioGianforme, StefanoPaolozzi,andRiccardoTorlone AReferenceArchitectureforSemanticKnowledge Coordination ...185 S. Castano,A. Ferrara,andS. Montanelli Service-BasedNetworkedCollaboration...195 DevisBianchini,ValeriaDeAntonellis,andMicheleMelchiori HowtoExploitDataMiningWithoutBecomingAwareofit ...203 N. Ciaramella,andA. Albano AMethodologicalApproachtoEnableCooperative ProcessDesignThroughWebServices...211 D. Bianchini,C. Cappiello,V. DeAntonellis,andB. Pernici TowardanEffectiveandEf?cientQueryProcessing intheNeP4BProject ...
The home is a key aspect of society and the widespread use of computers and other information appliances is transforming the way in which we live, work and communicate in the information age. The importance of this subject has never been greater with the encroachment of information technology into every corner of the home and social spheres. Many more homes in the developed world will have access to information and information technology in the near future, forming an information society. This book seeks to answer the questions surrounding this move to a wired society', such as: How is the new technology actually used? What are the effects on society as a whole? How will it affect human relationships? Who will gain and who will lose? What technology is there to support everyday life? What services do people really want? How do we study aspects of this phenomenon? A/LISTA Home Informatics and Telematics brings together papers from researchers around the world who are looking at this challenging problem domain. There are contributions on the technical computing areas associated with the home, the HCI of household technology, and theoretical studies on the sociological, psychological and methodological aspects of information technology in everyday life. Also included are studies on the use of computers and the Internet at home, along with fundamental research on the social nature of human communication. This volume contains selected proceedings from the International Conference on Home Informatics and Telematics (HOIT 2000), IT at Home: Virtual Influences on Everyday Life', which was sponsored by the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) and held in Wolverhampton, United Kingdom, June 28-30, 2000.
Internet is starting to permeate politics much as it has previously revolutionised education, business or the arts. Thus, there is a growing interest in areas of e-government and, more recently, e-democracy. However, most attempts in this field have just envisioned standard political approaches facilitated by technology, like e-voting or e-debating. Alternatively, we could devise a more transforming strategy based on deploying web based group decision support tools and promote their use for public policy decision making. This book delineates how this approach could be implemented. It addresses foundations, basic methodologies, potential implementation and applications, together with a thorough discussion of the many challenging issues. This innovative text will be of interest to students, researchers and practitioners in the fields of e-government, e-democracy and e-participation and research in decision analysis, negotiation analysis and group decision support.
As democracy encounters increasing difficulties, many citizens are turning to the domain of alternative politics, and in so doing, making considerable use of the Web and other new communication technologies. Clearly this is having significant impact, and we see that new modes of political participation and even political cultures are emerging. Yet, we would be foolish to expect some simple 'techno-fix' for democracy; its problems are more complex than that. This volume analyses various factors that shape such Web-facilitated participation, including features of the Web itself as well as broader societal realities. Avoiding simplistic optimism or pessimism, the discussion highlights the tensions and force-fields that impact on participation. The presentation also addresses several key topics in regard to citizens' engagement, such as civic subjectivity, web intellectuals, and cosmopolitanism. While anchored in an extensive literature and wide theoretical vistas, the book is written in a clear and accessible style.
In many international settings, regional economies are declining resulting in lowered opportunities for these communities. This result attacks the very fabric of cohesion and purpose for these regional societies, and increases social, health, economic and sustainability problems. Community informatics research, education and practice is an emerging area in many countries, which seeks to address these issues. The primary objective of Using Community Informatics to Transform Regions is to provide leaders, policy developers, researchers, students and community workers with successful strategies and principles of Community Informatics to transform regions. This book embraces an integrative cross-sectoral approach in the use of Community Informatics to increase both social and cultural capital as a means to increased sustainability for regional communities.
This timely interdisciplinary work on current developments in ICT and privacy/data protection, coincides as it does with the rethinking of the Data Protection Directive, the contentious debates on data sharing with the USA (SWIFT, PNR) and the judicial and political resistance against data retention. The authors of the contributions focus on particular and pertinent issues from the perspective of their different disciplines which range from the legal through sociology, surveillance studies and technology assessment, to computer sciences. Such issues include cutting-edge developments in the field of cloud computing, ambient intelligence and PETs; data retention, PNR-agreements, property in personal data and the right to personal identity; electronic road tolling, HIV-related information, criminal records and teenager's online conduct, to name but a few.
"Online Matchmaking "examines the joys, fears, and disappointments of hooking up with people in cyberspace. Unlike most other books that exist in this field, this collection includes studies by experts from a variety of disciplines, including Communications, Cultural studies, English, Health, Journalism, Psychology, Rhetoric, and Sociology. "Online Matchmaking" could be used as a primary or secondary resource for any subject that focuses on cyber-relationships.
Despite the extraordinary advances in digital and communication technology over recent years, we know very little about the way these complex systems affect everyday work and interaction. This book seeks to explore these issues through a series of video-based field studies. It begins by discussing the introduction of basic information systems in general medical practice and ends with an exploration of interpersonal communication in advanced media spaces; in the process also looking at news production, the control room of London Underground and computer aided design in architectural practice. Social interaction forms a particular focus of these studies as they explore the way individuals use various tools and technologies and coordinate their actions and activities with each other. The authors also show how video-based field studies of work and interaction can inform the design, development and deployment of new technology, in this valuable new resource for academics, researchers and practitioners.
This book is appropriate for any standalone Computers and Society or Computer Ethics course offered by a computer science, business, or philosophy department, as well as special modules in any advanced CS course. In an era where information technology changes constantly, a thoughtful response to these rapid changes requires a basic understanding of IT history, an awareness of current issues, and a familiarity with ethics. Ethics for the Information Age is unique in its balanced coverage of ethical theories used to analyze problems encountered by computer professionals in today's environment. By presenting provocative issues such as social networking, government surveillance, and intellectual property from all points of view, this market-leading text challenges students to think critically and draw their own conclusions, which ultimately prepares them to become responsible, ethical users of future technologies. Teaching and Learning Experience This program presents a better teaching and learning experience-for you and your students.It will help: *Encourage Critical Thinking: A balanced, impartial approach to ethical issues avoids biased arguments, encouraging students to consider and analyze issues for themselves. *Keep Your Course Current and Relevant: A thoughtful response to information technology requires an awareness of current information-technology-related issues. *Support Learning: Resources are available to expand on the topics presented in the text.
The value of an organization is given not just by its tangible assets but also by the knowledge embodied in its employees and in its internal and external structures. While explicit knowledge can be shared as information and is easy to handle, this tacit knowledge has been neglected by effectiveness-oriented management techniques but is crucial for both the operational efficiency and the core competencies of an organization. This book provides a survey of the use of information technology for knowledge management, and its chapters present specific research on how technologies such as computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW), workflow, and groupware can support the creation and sharing of knowledge in organizations.
In recent years, popular media have inundated audiences with sensationalised headlines recounting data breaches, new forms of surveillance and other dangers of our digital age. Despite their regularity, such accounts treat each case as unprecedented and unique. This book proposes a radical rethinking of the history, present and future of our relations with the digital, spatial technologies that increasingly mediate our everyday lives. From smartphones to surveillance cameras, to navigational satellites, these new technologies offer visions of integrated, smooth and efficient societies, even as they directly conflict with the ways users experience them. Recognising the potential for both control and liberation, the authors argue against both acquiescence to and rejection of these technologies. Through intentional use of the very systems that monitor them, activists from Charlottesville to Hong Kong are subverting, resisting and repurposing geographic technologies. Using examples as varied as writings on the first telephones to the experiences of a feminist collective for migrant women in Spain, the authors present a revolution of everyday technologies. In the face of the seemingly inevitable dominance of corporate interests, these technologies allow us to create new spaces of affinity, and a new politics of change.
This book provides a wide and deep perspective on the ethical issues raised by pervasive information and communication technology (PICT) - small, powerful, and often inexpensive Internet-connected computing devices and systems. It describes complex and unfamiliar technologies and their implications, including the transformative potential of augmented reality, the power of location-linked information, and the uses of "big data," and explains potential threats, including privacy invaded, security violated, and independence compromised, often through widespread and lucrative manipulation. PICT is changing how we live, providing entertainment, useful tools, and life-saving systems. But the very smartphones that connect us to each other and to unlimited knowledge also provide a stream of data to systems that can be used for targeted advertising or police surveillance. Paradoxically, PICT expands our personal horizons while weaving a web that may ensnare whole communities. Chapters describe particular cases of PICT gone wrong, but also highlight its general utility. Every chapter includes ethical analysis and guidance, both specific and general. Topics are as focused as the Stuxnet worm and as broad as the innumerable ways new technologies are transforming medical care. Written for a broad audience and suitable for classes in emerging technologies, the book is an example of anticipatory ethics - "ethical analysis aimed at influencing the development of new technologies" (Deborah Johnson 2010). The growth of PICT is outpacing the development of regulations and laws to protect individuals, organizations, and nations from unintended harm and malicious havoc. This book alerts users to some of the hazards of PICT; encourages designers, developers, and merchants of PICT to take seriously their ethical responsibilities - if only to "do no harm" - before their products go public; and introduces citizens and policy makers to challenges and opportunities that must not be ignored.
Japan and the Internet Revolution challenges the portrait of Japan as a technologically slow-moving nation, lacking in creativity and entrepreneurial spirit. Overcoming the substantial barriers erected by the Japanese government to the introduction of the Internet, promoters and entrepreneurs managed to create a flexible and dynamic Internet society. From a slow start, Japan has emerged as the global leader in the mobile Internet, the host of arguably the strongest nation-specific web-presence in the world, and a country determined to remain near the forefront of the digital revolution.
Many Asian countries are achieving remarkable success in closing what researchers call the digital divide between developing and developed nations, while others continue to struggle. This collection of essays sheds light on the various ways in which the Internet has been seen in Asia. As we continue to debate new paradigms of research and development in the digital era, where innovations and convergences are the norm, this book fills an urgent need, revealing how the technological revolution has spread, and is spreading, throughout diverse nations. Chapters on the United States and Japan offer a sort of yardstick by which to measure and compare the diffusion and the impact of the Internet in other Asian countries, including China, Korea, Taiwan, and Singapore. Appealing to readers interested in the development of the Asian region, technological innovation, and international communication, "Cyberpath to Development in Asia" offers an acute study of how a global phenomenon continues to manifest itself in a crucial part of the globe.
This book makes an important contribution to the study of political communication. Its chapters provide a detailed analysis of forms of media talk associated with contemporary political elections. The approach is derived from the study of broadcast media talk, which extends here to political communication on the Internet. Key topics include: changing forms of political interview, televised political debates (held in the UK for the first time in 2010), the use of multimedia in promotional discourse, and uses of the Internet to engage with voters (an approach used successfully in the Obama presidential campaigns of 2008 and 2012). In addition to chapters from the UK and USA, there are also contributions from Greece, Spain, Sweden and Austria. Accordingly this book breaks new ground, not only in its coverage of the way politics is communicated to citizens, but also its recognition that in the modern world political culture is increasingly globalised, requiring an international critical perspective.
The American Statistical Association (ASA) and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) have longstanding ethical practice standards that are explicitly intended to be utilized by all who use statistical practices or computing, or both. Since statistics and computing are critical in any data-centered activity, these practice standards are essential to instruction in the uses of statistical practices or computing across disciplines. Ethical Reasoning for a Data-Centered World is aimed at any undergraduate or graduate students utilizing data. Whether the career goal is research, teaching, business, government, or a combination, this book presents a method for understanding and prioritizing ethical statistics, computing, and data science - featuring the ASA and ACM practice standards. To facilitate engagement, integration with prior learning, and authenticity, the material is organized around seven tasks: Planning/Designing; Data collection; Analysis; Interpretation; Reporting; Documenting; and Engaging in Team Work. This book is a companion volume to Ethical Practice of Statistics and Data Science, also published by Ethics International Press (2022). These are the first and only books to be based on, and to provide guidance to, the American Statistical Association (ASA) and Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) ethical guideline documents.
Ethical Practice of Statistics and Data Science is intended to prepare people to fully assume their responsibilities to practice statistics and data science ethically. Aimed at early career professionals, practitioners, and mentors or supervisors of practitioners, the book supports the ethical practice of statistics and data science, with an emphasis on how to earn the designation of, and recognize, "the ethical practitioner". The book features 47 case studies, each mapped to the Data Science Ethics Checklist (DSEC); Data Ethics Framework (DEFW); the American Statistical Association (ASA) Ethical Guidelines for Statistical Practice; and the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) Code of Ethics. It is necessary reading for students enrolled in any data intensive program, including undergraduate or graduate degrees in (bio-)statistics, business/analytics, or data science. Managers, leaders, supervisors, and mentors who lead data-intensive teams in government, industry, or academia would also benefit greatly from this book. This is a companion volume to Ethical Reasoning For A Data-Centered World, also published by Ethics International Press (2022). These are the first and only books to be based on, and to provide guidance to, the ASA and ACM Ethical Guidelines/Code of Ethics.
This book provides critical commentary on key issues around virtual reality, using media technology as a tool to challenge perspectives for learning and understanding cultural diversities. With a focus on empathy, embodiment and ethics, the book interrogates the use of immersive technologies for formal and informal educational contexts. Taking a critical approach to discourses around emerging technology and learning, the book presents the idea that a new literacy is emerging and an emphasis on media and technology is needed in the context of education to explore and experience cultural diversities. Employing a personal reflexive narrative, the chapters highlight key issues through research and interviews with leading practitioners in the field. Understanding Virtual Reality will be of great interest to academics and students interested in the effects of immersive realities on the education experience, and to anyone keen on exploring the paradigm shift from entertainment to education. |
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